The version page

The version page displays the version information for each of the files provided to pesummary as well as the packages installed in the environment in which the summarypages executable was run.

For this case, the environment was a virtualenv and all packages installed via pypi. For this case, the package table is 2 columns – the first column displaying the package name, and the second column giving the version. At the bottom of the package table, we see that we can export this table to a requirements.txt file, allowing for the user to create the exact same environment.

If the environment was actually a conda environment, the package table would be 4 columns – the first column showing the package name, the second giving the package version, third showing the channel from which it was installed from, and finally the fourth showing the build string. For this case, the table may be exported as a conda yml file, allowing for the user to easily recreate the exact same conda environment.

This allows for complete reproducability.