Data Acquistion and Authentication

There are multiple possible pathways to specify what data should be analyzed. There are two broad categories of data that can be analyzed: a noise realization can be generated or data from a frame file can be analyzed.

Noise simulation

For simulated data, the user should specify either the gaussian-noise or zero-noise arguments. In the former case, the data will be generated from a Gaussian distribution with the specified PSDs (see below). The specific noise realization can be controlled using the generation-seed option. For the latter, the data are assumed to contain no noise, while this is a valid realization of the noise, it is not representative of typical noise. For this case, the PSDs to be used can also be specified, although they don’t influence the data.

Frame reading

When working with real data or more realistically simulated data, the data are read from frame files. These can be in any format that can be read using There are four methods that can be used to read data from frame files that proceed in the following order:

  • queried from the gravitational-wave open science center (GWOSC), to use this method, the channel-dict option should be set to, e.g., {"H1": "GWOSC"}. This is the recommended method for most analyses of real data.

  • explicitly passed using the data-dict option, in this case the data are read using and the channel-dict option should match a channel contained in the frame file.

  • found using gwdatafind.find_urls when bilby_pipe is run. This method uses the channel-dict, frame-type-dict, data-find-url, and data-find-urltype options. Unless the channel being used is non-standard, e.g., contains glitch-subtracted data, the frame-type-dict, data-find-url, and data-find-urltype can be usually left as their default values. When using this method, the transfer-files option should be set to True to make sure frames are properly copied to the working directory by HTCondor.

  • using gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries.get during the data generation job. This method uses the channel-dict option and is the legacy method for finding data. If data reading from the above methods fails this will be used as the fallback option. It is not recommended to use this method unless the data are not available using the other methods.


The gaussian-noise and zero-noise options supersede any option to read data from frame files.

PSD reading/generation

In addition to the data containing the signal, the data options also determine how the noise PSDs are specified. When using the gaussian-noise or zero-noise options, the PSDs are either specified using the psd-dict option or using the default PSD for each specified detector. When analysing time-domain data from frame files, the PSDs can be specified using the psd-dict option, or generated from data before the analysis segment read in the same way as above. If a PSD file is specified through the psd-dict for any interferometer it must be specified for all interferometers. To avoid forgetting to specify the PSD in one detector, if the default fallback option is desired for one detector, the psd-dict option can be set to None, e.g., if psd-dict={'H1': '/PATH/TO/PSD/filename.txt', 'L1': None} is passed, /PATH/TO/PSD/filename.txt will be used for LIGO Hanford and the fallback method will be used for LIGO Livingston.


Data finding is done using the scitokens method. We recommend that users consult this page for additional instructions. In order to read proprietary frame files, the user must have a valid scitoken for the detector the data comes from. The first time submitting a job via HTCondor using scitoken authentication, the user should run condor_vault_storer -v "igwn" and follow the prompts to configure the credentials. After this, it should be sufficient to create a kerberos token using kinit. More fine grained control over the generated token can be done by defining the HTGETTOKENOPTS environment variable. This is especially useful when using robot authentication using the --role and --credkey options.

When do I need to authenticate?

  • If the data are being read from a proprietary frame file stored on e.g., CVMFS.

  • If another file (e.g., PSD, ROQ basis) being used is in a proprietary location.

  • If data are queried using gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries.get.