H5FileIOLowLevel.c File Reference


LALH5DatasetXLALH5TableAlloc (LALH5File UNUSED *file, const char UNUSED *name, size_t UNUSED ncols, const char UNUSED **cols, const LALTYPECODE UNUSED *types, const size_t UNUSED *offsets, size_t UNUSED rowsz)
 Allocates a LALH5Dataset dataset to hold a table. More...
int XLALH5TableAppend (LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset, const size_t UNUSED *offsets, const size_t UNUSED *colsz, size_t UNUSED nrows, size_t UNUSED rowsz, const void UNUSED *data)
 Appends rows of data to a LALH5Dataset dataset holding a table. More...
int XLALH5TableRead (void UNUSED *data, const LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset, const size_t UNUSED *offsets, const size_t UNUSED *colsz, size_t UNUSED rowsz)
 Reads table data from a LALH5Dataset. More...
int XLALH5TableReadRows (void UNUSED *data, const LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset, const size_t UNUSED *offsets, const size_t UNUSED *colsz, size_t UNUSED row0, size_t UNUSED nrows, size_t UNUSED rowsz)
 Reads certain rows of table data from a LALH5Dataset. More...
int XLALH5TableReadColumns (void UNUSED *data, const LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset, const char UNUSED *cols, const size_t UNUSED *offsets, const size_t UNUSED *colsz, size_t UNUSED row0, size_t UNUSED nrows, size_t UNUSED rowsz)
 Reads certain columns of table data from a LALH5Dataset. More...
size_t XLALH5TableQueryNRows (const LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset)
 Gets the number of rows in a LALH5Dataset containing table data. More...
size_t XLALH5TableQueryNColumns (const LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset)
 Gets the number of columns in a LALH5Dataset containing table data. More...
size_t XLALH5TableQueryRowSize (const LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset)
 Gets the number of bytes in a row in a LALH5Dataset containing table data. More...
int XLALH5TableQueryColumnName (char UNUSED *name, size_t UNUSED size, const LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset, int UNUSED pos)
 Gets the name of a column in a LALH5Dataset containing table data. More...
size_t XLALH5TableQueryColumnSize (const LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset, int UNUSED pos)
 Gets the size in bytes of a column in a LALH5Dataset containing table data. More...
LALTYPECODE XLALH5TableQueryColumnType (const LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset, int UNUSED pos)
 Gets the type of data stored in a column in a LALH5Dataset containing table data. More...
size_t XLALH5TableQueryColumnOffset (const LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset, int UNUSED pos)
 Gets the offset of the data in a column in a LALH5Dataset containing table data. More...
File/Group Routines
void XLALH5FileClose (LALH5File UNUSED *file)
 Closes a LALH5File. More...
LALH5FileXLALH5FileOpen (const char UNUSED *path, const char UNUSED *mode)
 Opens a LALH5File. More...
LALH5FileXLALH5GroupOpen (LALH5File UNUSED *file, const char UNUSED *name)
 Opens a group in a LALH5File. More...
int XLALH5FileCheckGroupExists (const LALH5File UNUSED *file, const char UNUSED *name)
 Checks for existence of a group in a LALH5File. More...
int XLALH5FileCheckDatasetExists (const LALH5File UNUSED *file, const char UNUSED *name)
 Checks for existence of a dataset in a LALH5File. More...
int XLALH5CheckGroupExists (LALH5File UNUSED *file, const char UNUSED *name)
 DEPRECATED: Checks for existence of a Group in a LALH5File object LALH5File. More...
size_t XLALH5FileQueryNGroups (const LALH5File UNUSED *file)
 Gets the number of groups contained in a LALH5File. More...
int XLALH5FileQueryGroupName (char UNUSED *name, size_t UNUSED size, const LALH5File UNUSED *file, int UNUSED pos)
 Gets the name of a group contained in a LALH5File. More...
size_t XLALH5FileQueryNDatasets (const LALH5File UNUSED *file)
 Gets the number of datasets contained in a LALH5File. More...
int XLALH5FileQueryDatasetName (char UNUSED *name, size_t UNUSED size, const LALH5File UNUSED *file, int UNUSED pos)
 Gets the name of a dataset contained in a LALH5File. More...
int XLALH5FileGetDatasetNames (LALH5File UNUSED *file, char UNUSED ***names, UINT4 UNUSED *N)
 DEPRECATED: Gets dataset names from a LALH5File. More...
Dataset Routines
void XLALH5DatasetFree (LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset)
 Frees a LALH5Dataset. More...
LALH5DatasetXLALH5DatasetAlloc (LALH5File UNUSED *file, const char UNUSED *name, LALTYPECODE UNUSED dtype, UINT4Vector UNUSED *dimLength)
 Allocates a multi-dimensional LALH5Dataset. More...
LALH5DatasetXLALH5DatasetAlloc1D (LALH5File UNUSED *file, const char UNUSED *name, LALTYPECODE UNUSED dtype, size_t UNUSED length)
 Allocates a 1-dimensional LALH5Dataset. More...
LALH5DatasetXLALH5DatasetAllocStringData (LALH5File UNUSED *file, const char UNUSED *name, size_t UNUSED length)
 Allocates a variable-length string LALH5Dataset. More...
int XLALH5DatasetWrite (LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset, void UNUSED *data)
 Writes data to a LALH5Dataset. More...
LALH5DatasetXLALH5DatasetRead (LALH5File UNUSED *file, const char UNUSED *name)
 Reads a LALH5Dataset. More...
int XLALH5DatasetCheckStringData (LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset)
 Checks if a LALH5Dataset contains variable length string data. More...
size_t XLALH5DatasetQueryNPoints (LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset)
 Gets the number of points in a LALH5Dataset. More...
size_t XLALH5DatasetQueryNBytes (LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset)
 Gets the number of bytes in a LALH5Dataset. More...
LALTYPECODE XLALH5DatasetQueryType (LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset)
 Gets the type of data in a LALH5Dataset. More...
int XLALH5DatasetQueryNDim (LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset)
 Gets the number of dimensions of the dataspace in a LALH5Dataset. More...
UINT4VectorXLALH5DatasetQueryDims (LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset)
 Gets the dimensions of the dataspace in a LALH5Dataset. More...
int XLALH5DatasetQueryData (void UNUSED *data, LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset)
 Gets the data contained in a LALH5Dataset. More...
Attribute Routines

These routines allow for reading or writing attributes to LALH5File or LALH5Dataset objects. To use these, the pointer to the object should be cast to a LALH5Generic type as in the following example.

LALH5File *file = XLALH5FileOpen("example.h5", "r");
LALH5Dataset *dset = XLALH5DatasetRead(file, "example_dataset");
size_t num_file_attrs;
size_t num_dset_attrs;
num_dset_attrs = XLALH5AttributeQueryN((LALH5Generic)dset);
LALH5Dataset * XLALH5DatasetRead(LALH5File *file, const char *name)
struct tagLALH5File LALH5File
Incomplete type for a HDF5 file.
Definition: H5FileIO.h:93
size_t XLALH5AttributeQueryN(const LALH5Generic object)
struct tagLALH5Dataset LALH5Dataset
Incomplete type for a HDF5 dataset.
Definition: H5FileIO.h:102
LALH5File * XLALH5FileOpen(const char *path, const char *mode)
Incomplete type for a pointer to an HDF5 file or group or dataset.
Definition: H5FileIO.h:110
size_t XLALH5AttributeCheckExists (const LALH5Generic UNUSED object, const char UNUSED *name)
 Checks for existence of an attribute associated with a LALH5File or LALH5Dataset. More...
size_t XLALH5AttributeQueryN (const LALH5Generic UNUSED object)
 Gets the number of attributes associated with a LALH5File or LALH5Dataset. More...
int XLALH5AttributeQueryName (char UNUSED *name, size_t UNUSED size, const LALH5Generic UNUSED object, int UNUSED pos)
 Gets the name of an attribute associated with a LALH5File or LALH5Dataset. More...
int XLALH5AttributeAddScalar (LALH5Generic UNUSED object, const char UNUSED *key, const void UNUSED *value, LALTYPECODE UNUSED dtype)
 Adds a scalar attribute to a LALH5File or LALH5Dataset. More...
int XLALH5AttributeAddString (LALH5Generic UNUSED object, const char UNUSED *key, const char UNUSED *value)
 Adds a string attribute to a LALH5File or LALH5Dataset. More...
int XLALH5AttributeAddLIGOTimeGPS (LALH5Generic UNUSED object, const char UNUSED *key, const LIGOTimeGPS UNUSED *value)
 Adds a LIGOTimeGPS attribute to a LALH5File or LALH5Dataset. More...
int XLALH5AttributeAddEnumArray1D (LALH5Generic UNUSED object, const char UNUSED *enumnames[], const int UNUSED enumvals[], size_t UNUSED nenum, const char UNUSED *key, const int UNUSED value[], size_t UNUSED length)
 Adds a 1d enum array attribute to a LALH5File or LALH5Dataset. More...
LALTYPECODE XLALH5AttributeQueryScalarType (const LALH5Generic UNUSED object, const char UNUSED *key)
 Gets the datatype of an attribute in a LALH5File or LALH5Dataset. More...
int XLALH5AttributeQueryScalarValue (void UNUSED *value, const LALH5Generic UNUSED object, const char UNUSED *key)
 Gets the value of a scalar attribute in a LALH5File or LALH5Dataset. More...
int XLALH5AttributeQueryStringValue (char UNUSED *value, size_t UNUSED size, const LALH5Generic UNUSED object, const char UNUSED *key)
 Gets the value of a string attribute in a LALH5File or LALH5Dataset. More...
LIGOTimeGPSXLALH5AttributeQueryLIGOTimeGPSValue (LIGOTimeGPS UNUSED *value, const LALH5Generic UNUSED object, const char UNUSED *key)
 Gets the value of a LIGOTimeGPS attribute in a LALH5File or LALH5Dataset. More...
size_t XLALH5AttributeQueryEnumArray1DLength (const LALH5Generic UNUSED object, const char UNUSED *key)
 Gets the length of a 1D enum array attribute in a LALH5File or LALH5Dataset. More...
int XLALH5AttributeQueryEnumArray1DValue (int UNUSED value[], const LALH5Generic UNUSED object, const char UNUSED *key)
 Gets the values in a 1D enum array attribute in a LALH5File or LALH5Dataset. More...
size_t XLALH5AttributeQueryNEnum (const LALH5Generic UNUSED object, const char UNUSED *key)
 Gets the number of constants in an enum type associated with an attribute in a LALH5File or LALH5Dataset. More...
int XLALH5AttributeQueryEnumName (char UNUSED *name, size_t UNUSED size, const LALH5Generic UNUSED object, const char UNUSED *key, int UNUSED pos)
 Gets the name of a constants in an enum type associated with an attribute in a LALH5File or LALH5Dataset. More...
int XLALH5AttributeQueryEnumValue (const LALH5Generic UNUSED object, const char UNUSED *key, int UNUSED pos)
 Gets the value of a constants in an enum type associated with an attribute in a LALH5File or LALH5Dataset. More...
File Attribute Routines
Use the general Attribute Routines instead.
int XLALH5FileAddScalarAttribute (LALH5File UNUSED *file, const char UNUSED *key, const void UNUSED *value, LALTYPECODE UNUSED dtype)
 DEPRECATED: Adds a scalar attribute to a LALH5File. More...
int XLALH5FileGetAttributeNames (LALH5File UNUSED *file, char UNUSED ***names, UINT4 UNUSED *N)
 DEPRECATED: Gets attribute names from a LALH5File. More...
int XLALH5FileAddStringAttribute (LALH5File UNUSED *file, const char UNUSED *key, const char UNUSED *value)
 DEPRECATED: Adds a string attribute to a LALH5File. More...
int XLALH5FileAddLIGOTimeGPSAttribute (LALH5File UNUSED *file, const char UNUSED *key, const LIGOTimeGPS UNUSED *value)
 DEPRECATED: Adds a LIGOTimeGPS attribute to a LALH5File. More...
LALTYPECODE XLALH5FileQueryScalarAttributeType (LALH5File UNUSED *file, const char UNUSED *key)
 DEPRECATED: Gets the datatype of an attribute in a LALH5File. More...
int XLALH5FileQueryScalarAttributeValue (void UNUSED *value, LALH5File UNUSED *file, const char UNUSED *key)
 DEPRECATED: Gets the value of a scalar attribute in a LALH5File. More...
int XLALH5FileQueryStringAttributeValue (char UNUSED *value, size_t UNUSED size, LALH5File UNUSED *file, const char UNUSED *key)
 DEPRECATED: Gets the value of a string attribute in a LALH5File. More...
LIGOTimeGPSXLALH5FileQueryLIGOTimeGPSAttributeValue (LIGOTimeGPS UNUSED *value, LALH5File UNUSED *file, const char UNUSED *key)
 DEPRECATED: Gets the value of a LIGOTimeGPS attribute in a LALH5File. More...
Dataset Attribute Routines
Use the general Attribute Routines instead.
int XLALH5DatasetAddScalarAttribute (LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset, const char UNUSED *key, const void UNUSED *value, LALTYPECODE UNUSED dtype)
 DEPRECATED: Adds a scalar attribute to a LALH5Dataset. More...
int XLALH5DatasetAddStringAttribute (LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset, const char UNUSED *key, const char UNUSED *value)
 DEPRECATED: Adds a string attribute to a LALH5Dataset. More...
int XLALH5DatasetAddLIGOTimeGPSAttribute (LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset, const char UNUSED *key, const LIGOTimeGPS UNUSED *value)
 DEPRECATED: Adds a LIGOTimeGPS attribute to a LALH5Dataset. More...
LALTYPECODE XLALH5DatasetQueryScalarAttributeType (LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset, const char UNUSED *key)
 DEPRECATED: Gets the datatype of an attribute in a LALH5Dataset. More...
int XLALH5DatasetQueryScalarAttributeValue (void UNUSED *value, LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset, const char UNUSED *key)
 DEPRECATED: Gets the value of a scalar attribute in a LALH5Dataset. More...
int XLALH5DatasetQueryStringAttributeValue (char UNUSED *value, size_t UNUSED size, LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset, const char UNUSED *key)
 DEPRECATED: Gets the value of a string attribute in a LALH5Dataset. More...
LIGOTimeGPSXLALH5DatasetQueryLIGOTimeGPSAttributeValue (LIGOTimeGPS UNUSED *value, LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset, const char UNUSED *key)
 DEPRECATED: Gets the value of a LIGOTimeGPS attribute in a LALH5Dataset. More...

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