Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 2010 Michele Vallisneri, Will Farr, Evan Ochsner, 2014 A. Klein
3 *
4 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7 * (at your option) any later version.
8 *
9 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 * GNU General Public License for more details.
13 *
14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 * along with with program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
16 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
17 * MA 02110-1301 USA
18 */
20 #include <lal/LALAdaptiveRungeKuttaIntegrator.h>
22 #define XLAL_BEGINGSL \
23  { \
24  gsl_error_handler_t *saveGSLErrorHandler_; \
25  saveGSLErrorHandler_ = gsl_set_error_handler_off();
27 #define XLAL_ENDGSL \
28  gsl_set_error_handler( saveGSLErrorHandler_ ); \
29  }
31 LALAdaptiveRungeKuttaIntegrator *XLALAdaptiveRungeKutta4Init(int dim, int (*dydt) (double t, const double y[], double dydt[], void *params), /* These are XLAL functions! */
32  int (*stop) (double t, const double y[], double dydt[], void *params), double eps_abs, double eps_rel)
33 {
36  /* allocate our custom integrator structure */
39  }
41  /* allocate the GSL ODE components */
42  XLAL_CALLGSL(integrator->step = gsl_odeiv_step_alloc(gsl_odeiv_step_rkf45, dim));
43  //XLAL_CALLGSL(integrator->step = gsl_odeiv_step_alloc(gsl_odeiv_step_rk8pd, dim));
44  XLAL_CALLGSL(integrator->control = gsl_odeiv_control_y_new(eps_abs, eps_rel));
45  XLAL_CALLGSL(integrator->evolve = gsl_odeiv_evolve_alloc(dim));
47  /* allocate the GSL system (functions, etc.) */
48  integrator->sys = (gsl_odeiv_system *) LALCalloc(1, sizeof(gsl_odeiv_system));
50  /* if something failed to be allocated, bail out */
51  if (!(integrator->step) || !(integrator->control) || !(integrator->evolve) || !(integrator->sys)) {
52  XLALAdaptiveRungeKuttaFree(integrator);
54  }
56  integrator->dydt = dydt;
57  integrator->stop = stop;
59  integrator->sys->function = dydt;
60  integrator->sys->jacobian = NULL;
61  integrator->sys->dimension = dim;
62  integrator->sys->params = NULL;
64  integrator->retries = 6;
65  integrator->stopontestonly = 0;
67  return integrator;
68 }
70 LALAdaptiveRungeKuttaIntegrator *XLALAdaptiveRungeKutta4InitEighthOrderInstead(int dim, int (*dydt) (double t, const double y[], double dydt[], void *params), /* These are XLAL functions! */
71  int (*stop) (double t, const double y[], double dydt[], void *params), double eps_abs, double eps_rel)
72 {
75  /* allocate our custom integrator structure */
78  }
80  /* allocate the GSL ODE components */
81  XLAL_CALLGSL(integrator->step = gsl_odeiv_step_alloc(gsl_odeiv_step_rk8pd, dim));
82  XLAL_CALLGSL(integrator->control = gsl_odeiv_control_y_new(eps_abs, eps_rel));
83  XLAL_CALLGSL(integrator->evolve = gsl_odeiv_evolve_alloc(dim));
85  /* allocate the GSL system (functions, etc.) */
86  integrator->sys = (gsl_odeiv_system *) LALCalloc(1, sizeof(gsl_odeiv_system));
88  /* if something failed to be allocated, bail out */
89  if (!(integrator->step) || !(integrator->control) || !(integrator->evolve) || !(integrator->sys)) {
90  XLALAdaptiveRungeKuttaFree(integrator);
92  }
94  integrator->dydt = dydt;
95  integrator->stop = stop;
97  integrator->sys->function = dydt;
98  integrator->sys->jacobian = NULL;
99  integrator->sys->dimension = dim;
100  integrator->sys->params = NULL;
102  integrator->retries = 6;
103  integrator->stopontestonly = 0;
105  return integrator;
106 }
109 {
110  if (!integrator)
111  return;
113  if (integrator->evolve)
114  XLAL_CALLGSL(gsl_odeiv_evolve_free(integrator->evolve));
115  if (integrator->control)
116  XLAL_CALLGSL(gsl_odeiv_control_free(integrator->control));
117  if (integrator->step)
118  XLAL_CALLGSL(gsl_odeiv_step_free(integrator->step));
120  LALFree(integrator->sys);
121  LALFree(integrator);
123  return;
124 }
126 /* Local function to store interpolated step in output array */
127 static int storeStateInOutput(REAL8Array ** output, REAL8 t, REAL8 * y, size_t dim, int *outputlen, int count)
128 {
129  REAL8Array *out = *output;
130  int len = *outputlen;
131  size_t i;
133  if (count > len) {
134  /* Resize array! Have to make a new array, and copy over. */
135  REAL8Array *new = XLALCreateREAL8ArrayL(2, dim + 1, 2 * len);
137  if (!new) {
138  return XLAL_ENOMEM;
139  }
141  for (i = 0; i < dim + 1; i++) {
142  memcpy(&(new->data[2 * i * len]), &(out->data[i * len]), len * sizeof(REAL8));
143  }
146  out = new;
147  len *= 2;
148  }
150  /* Store the current step. */
151  out->data[count - 1] = t;
152  for (i = 1; i < dim + 1; i++) {
153  out->data[i * len + count - 1] = y[i - 1];
154  }
156  *output = out;
157  *outputlen = len;
158  return GSL_SUCCESS;
159 }
161 /* Local function to shrink output array to proper size before it's returned */
162 static int shrinkOutput(REAL8Array ** output, int *outputlen, int count, size_t dim)
163 {
164  REAL8Array *out = *output;
165  int len = *outputlen;
167  REAL8Array *new = XLALCreateREAL8ArrayL(2, dim + 1, count);
169  if (!new) {
170  return XLAL_ENOMEM;
171  }
173  size_t i;
174  for (i = 0; i < dim + 1; i++) {
175  memcpy(&(new->data[i * count]), &(out->data[i * len]), count * sizeof(REAL8));
176  }
178  *output = new;
179  *outputlen = count;
183  return GSL_SUCCESS;
184 }
186 /* Copied from GSL rkf45.c */
187 typedef struct {
188  double *k1;
189  double *k2;
190  double *k3;
191  double *k4;
192  double *k5;
193  double *k6;
194  double *y0;
195  double *ytmp;
196 } rkf45_state_t;
198 /**
199  * Fourth-order Runge-Kutta ODE integrator using Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg (RKF45)
200  * steps with adaptive step size control. Intended for use in various
201  * waveform generation routines such as SpinTaylorT4 and various EOB models.
202  *
203  * The method is described in
204  *
205  * Abramowitz & Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Tenth Printing,
206  * National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC, 1972
207  * (available online at )
208  *
209  * This function also includes "on-the-fly" interpolation of the
210  * differential equations at regular intervals in-between integration
211  * steps. This "on-the-fly" interpolation method is derived and
212  * described in the Mathematica notebook "RKF_with_interpolation.nb";
213  * see
214  *
215  *
216  * This method is functionally equivalent to XLALAdaptiveRungeKutta4,
217  * but is nearly always faster due to the improved interpolation.
218  */
219 int XLALAdaptiveRungeKutta4Hermite(LALAdaptiveRungeKuttaIntegrator * integrator, /**< struct holding dydt, stopping test, stepper, etc. */
220  void *params, /**< params struct used to compute dydt and stopping test */
221  REAL8 * yinit, /**< pass in initial values of all variables - overwritten to final values */
222  REAL8 tinit, /**< integration start time */
223  REAL8 tend_in, /**< maximum integration time */
224  REAL8 deltat, /**< step size for evenly sampled output */
225  REAL8Array ** yout /**< array holding the evenly sampled output */
226  )
227 {
228  int errnum = 0;
229  int status;
230  size_t dim, retries, i;
231  int outputlen = 0, count = 0;
233  REAL8Array *output = NULL;
235  REAL8 t, tintp, h;
237  REAL8 *ytemp = NULL;
239  REAL8 tend = tend_in;
243  /* If want to stop only on test, then tend = +/-infinity; otherwise
244  * tend_in */
245  if (integrator->stopontestonly) {
246  if (tend < tinit)
247  tend = -1.0 / 0.0;
248  else
249  tend = 1.0 / 0.0;
250  }
252  dim = integrator->sys->dimension;
254  outputlen = ((int)(tend_in - tinit) / deltat);
255  //if (outputlen < 0) outputlen = -outputlen;
256  if (outputlen < 0) {
258  ("XLAL Error - %s: (tend_in - tinit) and deltat must have the same sign\ntend_in: %f, tinit: %f, deltat: %f\n",
259  __func__, tend_in, tinit, deltat);
260  errnum = XLAL_EINVAL;
261  goto bail_out;
262  }
263  outputlen += 2;
265  output = XLALCreateREAL8ArrayL(2, (dim + 1), outputlen);
267  if (!output) {
268  errnum = XLAL_ENOMEM;
269  goto bail_out;
270  }
272  ytemp = XLALCalloc(dim, sizeof(REAL8));
274  if (!ytemp) {
275  errnum = XLAL_ENOMEM;
276  goto bail_out;
277  }
279  /* Setup. */
280  integrator->sys->params = params;
281  integrator->returncode = 0;
282  retries = integrator->retries;
283  t = tinit;
284  tintp = tinit;
285  h = deltat;
287  /* Copy over first step. */
288  output->data[0] = tinit;
289  for (i = 1; i <= dim; i++)
290  output->data[i * outputlen] = yinit[i - 1];
291  count = 1;
293  /* We are starting a fresh integration; clear GSL step and evolve
294  * objects. */
295  gsl_odeiv_step_reset(integrator->step);
296  gsl_odeiv_evolve_reset(integrator->evolve);
298  /* Enter evolution loop. NOTE: we *always* take at least one
299  * step. */
300  while (1) {
301  REAL8 told = t;
303  status =
304  gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply(integrator->evolve, integrator->control, integrator->step, integrator->sys, &t, tend, &h,
305  yinit);
307  /* Check for failure, retry if haven't retried too many times
308  * already. */
309  if (status != GSL_SUCCESS) {
310  if (retries--) {
311  /* Retries to spare; reduce h, try again. */
312  h /= 10.0;
313  continue;
314  } else {
315  /* Out of retries, bail with status code. */
316  integrator->returncode = status;
317  break;
318  }
319  } else {
320  /* Successful step, reset retry counter. */
321  retries = integrator->retries;
322  }
324  /* Now interpolate until we would go past the current integrator time, t.
325  * Note we square to get an absolute value, because we may be
326  * integrating t in the positive or negative direction */
327  while ((tintp + deltat) * (tintp + deltat) < t * t) {
328  tintp += deltat;
330  /* tintp = told + (t-told)*theta, 0 <= theta <= 1. We have to
331  * compute h = (t-told) because the integrator returns a
332  * suggested next h, not the actual stepsize taken. */
333  REAL8 hUsed = t - told;
334  REAL8 theta = (tintp - told) / hUsed;
336  /* These are the interpolating coefficients for y(t + h*theta) =
337  * ynew + i1*h*k1 + i5*h*k5 + i6*h*k6 + O(h^4). */
338  REAL8 i0 = 1.0 + theta * theta * (3.0 - 4.0 * theta);
339  REAL8 i1 = -theta * (theta - 1.0);
340  REAL8 i6 = -4.0 * theta * theta * (theta - 1.0);
341  REAL8 iend = theta * theta * (4.0 * theta - 3.0);
343  /* Grab the k's from the integrator state. */
344  rkf45_state_t *rkfState = integrator->step->state;
345  REAL8 *k1 = rkfState->k1;
346  REAL8 *k6 = rkfState->k6;
347  REAL8 *y0 = rkfState->y0;
349  for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
350  ytemp[i] = i0 * y0[i] + iend * yinit[i] + hUsed * i1 * k1[i] + hUsed * i6 * k6[i];
351  }
353  /* Store the interpolated value in the output array. */
354  count++;
355  if ((status = storeStateInOutput(&output, tintp, ytemp, dim, &outputlen, count)) == XLAL_ENOMEM) {
356  errnum = XLAL_ENOMEM;
357  goto bail_out;
358  }
359  }
361  /* Now that we have recorded the last interpolated step that we
362  * could, check for termination criteria. */
363  if (!integrator->stopontestonly && t >= tend)
364  break;
366  /* If there is a stopping function in integrator, call it with the
367  * last value of y and dydt from the integrator. */
368  if (integrator->stop) {
369  if ((status = integrator->stop(t, yinit, integrator->evolve->dydt_out, params)) != GSL_SUCCESS) {
370  integrator->returncode = status;
371  break;
372  }
373  }
374  }
376  /* Now that the interpolation is done, shrink the output array down
377  * to exactly count samples. */
378  shrinkOutput(&output, &outputlen, count, dim);
380  /* Store the final *interpolated* sample in yinit. */
381  for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
382  yinit[i] = output->data[(i + 2) * outputlen - 1];
383  }
385  bail_out:
389  /* If we have an error, then we should free allocated memory, and
390  * then return. */
391  XLALFree(ytemp);
393  if (errnum) {
394  if (output)
396  *yout = NULL;
397  XLAL_ERROR(errnum);
398  }
400  *yout = output;
401  return outputlen;
402 }
404 /**
405  * Fourth-order Runge-Kutta ODE integrator using Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg (RKF45)
406  * steps with adaptive step size control. Version that only outputs the final
407  * state of the integration, intended for use for spin evolution in
408  * lalsimulation/lib/LALSimInspiralSpinTaylor.c, based on
409  * XLALAdaptiveRungeKutta4Hermite. Specifically, this assumes that the criterion
410  * used to set the end of the evolution (and included in the integrator's stopping
411  * condition) is given by deltat*y[1] < deltat*y1_final, where y is the vector of
412  * variables.
413  *
414  * The method is described in
415  *
416  * Abramowitz & Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Tenth Printing,
417  * National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC, 1972
418  * (available online at )
419  *
420  * This function also includes "on-the-fly" interpolation of the
421  * differential equations at regular intervals in-between integration
422  * steps. This "on-the-fly" interpolation method is derived and
423  * described in the Mathematica notebook "RKF_with_interpolation.nb";
424  * see
425  *
426  */
427 int XLALAdaptiveRungeKutta4HermiteOnlyFinal(LALAdaptiveRungeKuttaIntegrator * integrator, /**< struct holding dydt, stopping test, stepper, etc. */
428  void *params, /**< params struct used to compute dydt and stopping test */
429  REAL8 * yinit, /**< pass in initial values of all variables - overwritten to final values */
430  REAL8 tinit, /**< integration start time */
431  REAL8 tend_in, /**< maximum integration time */
432  REAL8 y1_final, /**< final value of y[1] */
433  REAL8 deltat /**< step size for integration */
434  )
435 {
436  int errnum = 0;
437  int status;
438  size_t dim, retries, i;
440  REAL8 t, tintp, h;
442  REAL8 *ytemp = NULL;
444  REAL8 tend = tend_in;
448  /* If want to stop only on test, then tend = +/-infinity; otherwise
449  * tend_in */
450  if (integrator->stopontestonly) {
451  if (tend < tinit)
452  tend = -1.0 / 0.0;
453  else
454  tend = 1.0 / 0.0;
455  }
457  dim = integrator->sys->dimension;
459  if ((tend < tinit && deltat > 0) || (tend > tinit && deltat < 0)) {
461  ("XLAL Error - %s: (tend_in - tinit) and deltat must have the same sign\ntend_in: %f, tinit: %f, deltat: %f\n",
462  __func__, tend_in, tinit, deltat);
463  errnum = XLAL_EINVAL;
464  goto bail_out;
465  }
467  ytemp = XLALCalloc(dim, sizeof(REAL8));
469  if (!ytemp) {
470  errnum = XLAL_ENOMEM;
471  goto bail_out;
472  }
474  /* Initialize ytemp[1] with the initial value of yinit[1] so that the initial check below is satisfied even if we are integrating backwards */
475  ytemp[1] = yinit[1];
477  /* Setup. */
478  integrator->sys->params = params;
479  integrator->returncode = 0;
480  retries = integrator->retries;
481  t = tinit;
482  tintp = tinit;
483  h = deltat;
485  /* We are starting a fresh integration; clear GSL step and evolve
486  * objects. */
487  gsl_odeiv_step_reset(integrator->step);
488  gsl_odeiv_evolve_reset(integrator->evolve);
490  /* Enter evolution loop. NOTE: we *always* take at least one
491  * step. */
492  while (1) {
493  REAL8 told = t;
495  status =
496  gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply(integrator->evolve, integrator->control, integrator->step, integrator->sys, &t, tend, &h,
497  yinit);
499  /* Check for failure, retry if haven't retried too many times
500  * already. */
501  if (status != GSL_SUCCESS) {
502  if (retries--) {
503  /* Retries to spare; reduce h, try again. */
504  h /= 10.0;
505  continue;
506  } else {
507  /* Out of retries, bail with status code. */
508  integrator->returncode = status;
509  break;
510  }
511  } else {
512  /* Successful step, reset retry counter. */
513  retries = integrator->retries;
514  }
516  /* If we're at the final timestep, interpolate to get the output at the desired final value, y1_final.
517  * Note we square to get an absolute value, because we may be
518  * integrating t in the positive or negative direction
519  * We multiply yinit, ytemp[1], and y1_final by deltat so that this check works when integrating forward or backward */
520  if (deltat*yinit[1] >= deltat*y1_final) {
521  tintp = told;
523  REAL8 hUsed = t - told;
525  while (deltat*ytemp[1] < deltat*y1_final) {
526  tintp += deltat;
528  /* tintp = told + (t-told)*theta, 0 <= theta <= 1. We have to
529  * compute h = (t-told) because the integrator returns a
530  * suggested next h, not the actual stepsize taken. */
531  REAL8 theta = (tintp - told) / hUsed;
533  /* These are the interpolating coefficients for y(t + h*theta) =
534  * ynew + i1*h*k1 + i5*h*k5 + i6*h*k6 + O(h^4). */
535  REAL8 i0 = 1.0 + theta * theta * (3.0 - 4.0 * theta);
536  REAL8 i1 = -theta * (theta - 1.0);
537  REAL8 i6 = -4.0 * theta * theta * (theta - 1.0);
538  REAL8 iend = theta * theta * (4.0 * theta - 3.0);
540  /* Grab the k's from the integrator state. */
541  rkf45_state_t *rkfState = integrator->step->state;
542  REAL8 *k1 = rkfState->k1;
543  REAL8 *k6 = rkfState->k6;
544  REAL8 *y0 = rkfState->y0;
546  for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
547  ytemp[i] = i0 * y0[i] + iend * yinit[i] + hUsed * i1 * k1[i] + hUsed * i6 * k6[i];
548  }
549  }
550  }
552  /* Now check for termination criteria. */
553  if (!integrator->stopontestonly && t >= tend)
554  break;
556  /* If there is a stopping function in integrator, call it with the
557  * last value of y and dydt from the integrator. */
558  if (integrator->stop) {
559  if ((status = integrator->stop(t, yinit, integrator->evolve->dydt_out, params)) != GSL_SUCCESS) {
560  integrator->returncode = status;
561  break;
562  }
563  }
564  }
566  /* Store the final *interpolated* sample before the stopping criterion in yinit. */
567  for (i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
568  yinit[i] = ytemp[i];
569  }
572  bail_out:
576  /* If we have an error, then we should free allocated memory, and
577  * then return. */
578  XLALFree(ytemp);
580  if (errnum) {
581  XLAL_ERROR(errnum);
582  }
584  return 1;
585 }
588  void * params, REAL8 * yinit, REAL8 tinit, REAL8 tend, REAL8 deltat_or_h0, REAL8 min_deltat_or_h0,
589  REAL8Array ** t_and_y_out, INT4 EOBversion)
590 {
592  int errnum = 0;
593  int status; /* used throughout */
595  /* needed for the integration */
596  size_t dim, outputlength=0, bufferlength, retries;
597  REAL8 t, tnew, h0, h0old;
598  REAL8Array *buffers = NULL;
599  REAL8 *temp = NULL, *y, *y0, *dydt_in, *dydt_in0, *dydt_out, *yerr; /* aliases */
601  /* note: for speed, this replaces the single CALLGSL wrapper applied before each GSL call */
604  /* allocate the buffers!
605  * note: REAL8Array has a field dimLength (UINT4Vector) with dimensions, and a field data that points to a single memory block;
606  * dimLength itself has fields length and data */
607  dim = integrator->sys->dimension;
608  bufferlength = (int)((tend - tinit) / deltat_or_h0) + 2; /* allow for the initial value and possibly a final semi-step */
610  UINT4 dimn;/* Variable for different loop indices below */
611  if(EOBversion==2) dimn = dim + 1;
612  else dimn = dim + 4;//v3opt: Include three derivatives
614  buffers = XLALCreateREAL8ArrayL(2, dimn/*dim + 1*/, bufferlength); /* 2-dimensional array, ((dim+1)) x bufferlength */
616  temp = LALCalloc(6 * dim, sizeof(REAL8));
618  if (!buffers || !temp) {
619  errnum = XLAL_ENOMEM;
620  goto bail_out;
621  }
623  y = temp;
624  y0 = temp + dim;
625  dydt_in = temp + 2 * dim;
626  dydt_in0 = temp + 3 * dim;
627  dydt_out = temp + 4 * dim;
628  yerr = temp + 5 * dim; /* aliases */
630  /* set up to get started */
631  integrator->sys->params = params;
633  integrator->returncode = 0;
635  retries = integrator->retries;
637  t = tinit;
638  h0 = deltat_or_h0;
639  h0old = h0; /* initialized so that it will not trigger the check h0<h0old at the first step */
640  memcpy(y, yinit, dim * sizeof(REAL8));
642  /* store the first data point */
643  buffers->data[0] = t;
644  for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= dim; i++)
645  buffers->data[i * bufferlength] = y[i - 1];
647  /* compute derivatives at the initial time (dydt_in), bail out if impossible */
648  if ((status = integrator->dydt(t, y, dydt_in, params)) != GSL_SUCCESS) {
649  integrator->returncode = status;
650  errnum = XLAL_EFAILED;
651  goto bail_out;
652  }
654  if(EOBversion==3){
655  for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) //OPTV3: include the initial derivatives
656  buffers->data[(dim+i)*bufferlength] = dydt_in[i-1];
657  }
659  UINT4 loop;/*variable for different loop indices below. */
660  if(EOBversion==2) loop = dim;
661  else loop = dim + 3;
663  while (1) {
665  if (!integrator->stopontestonly && t >= tend) {
666  break;
667  }
669  if (integrator->stop) {
670  if ((status = integrator->stop(t, y, dydt_in, params)) != GSL_SUCCESS) {
671  integrator->returncode = status;
672  break;
673  }
674  }
676  /* ready to try stepping! */
677  try_step:
679  /* if we would be stepping beyond the final time, stop there instead... */
680  if (!integrator->stopontestonly && t + h0 > tend)
681  h0 = tend - t;
683  memcpy(y0, y, dim * sizeof(REAL8)); /* save y to y0, dydt_in to dydt_in0 */
684  memcpy(dydt_in0, dydt_in, dim * sizeof(REAL8));
686  /* call the GSL stepper function */
687  status = gsl_odeiv_step_apply(integrator->step, t, h0, y, yerr, dydt_in, dydt_out, integrator->sys);
688  /* note: If the user-supplied functions defined in the system dydt return a status other than GSL_SUCCESS,
689  * the step will be aborted. In this case, the elements of y will be restored to their pre-step values,
690  * and the error code from the user-supplied function will be returned. */
692  /* did the stepper report a derivative-evaluation error? */
693  if (status != GSL_SUCCESS) {
694  if (retries--) {
695  h0 = h0 / 10.0; /* if we have singularity retries left, reduce the timestep and try again */
696  goto try_step;
697  } else {
698  integrator->returncode = status;
699  break; /* otherwise exit the loop */
700  }
701  } else {
702  retries = integrator->retries; /* we stepped successfully, reset the singularity retries */
703  }
705  tnew = t + h0;
707  /* call the GSL error-checking function */
708  status = gsl_odeiv_control_hadjust(integrator->control, integrator->step, y, yerr, dydt_out, &h0);
710  /* Enforce a minimal allowed time step */
711  /* To ignore this type of constraint, set min_deltat_or_h0 = 0 */
712  if (h0 < min_deltat_or_h0) h0 = min_deltat_or_h0;
714  /* did the error-checker reduce the stepsize?
715  * note: previously, was using status == GSL_ODEIV_HADJ_DEC
716  * other possible return codes are GSL_ODEIV_HADJ_INC if it was increased,
717  * GSL_ODEIV_HADJ_NIL if it was unchanged
718  * since we introduced a minimal step size we simply compare to the saved value of h0 */
719  /* if (status == GSL_ODEIV_HADJ_DEC) { */
720  if (h0 < h0old) {
721  h0old = h0;
722  memcpy(y, y0, dim * sizeof(REAL8)); /* if so, undo the step, and try again */
723  memcpy(dydt_in, dydt_in0, dim * sizeof(REAL8));
724  goto try_step;
725  }
727  /* update the current time and input derivatives, save the time step */
728  t = tnew;
729  h0old = h0;
730  memcpy(dydt_in, dydt_out, dim * sizeof(REAL8));
731  outputlength++;
733  /* check if interpolation buffers need to be extended */
734  if (outputlength >= bufferlength) {
735  REAL8Array *rebuffers;
737  /* sadly, we cannot use ResizeREAL8Array, because it would only work if we extended the first array dimension,
738  * so we need to copy everything over and switch the buffers. Oh well. */
739  if (!(rebuffers = XLALCreateREAL8ArrayL(2, dimn, 2 * bufferlength))) {
740  errnum = XLAL_ENOMEM; /* ouch, that hurt */
741  goto bail_out;
742  } else {
743  for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= loop /* dim */; i++)
744  memcpy(&rebuffers->data[i * 2 * bufferlength], &buffers->data[i * bufferlength], outputlength * sizeof(REAL8));
745  XLALDestroyREAL8Array(buffers);
746  buffers = rebuffers;
747  bufferlength *= 2;
748  }
749  }
751  /* copy time and state into output buffers */
752  buffers->data[outputlength] = t;
753  for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= loop; i++)
754  buffers->data[i * bufferlength + outputlength] = y[i - 1]; /* y does not have time */
755  if(EOBversion==3){
756  for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
757  buffers->data[(dim+i) * bufferlength + outputlength] = dydt_out[i - 1]; //OPTV3: Include 3 derivatives
758  }
759  }
761  /* copy the final state into yinit */
763  memcpy(yinit, y, dim * sizeof(REAL8));
765  /* if we have completed at least one step, allocate the GSL interpolation object and the output array */
766  if (outputlength == 0)
767  goto bail_out;
769  if(EOBversion==3){
770  outputlength++;
771  (*t_and_y_out) = XLALCreateREAL8ArrayL(2,(dim + 4),outputlength);//OPTV3: Include derivatives
772  }else{
773  (*t_and_y_out) = XLALCreateREAL8ArrayL(2,(dim + 3),outputlength); //OPTV3: Include derivatives
774  }
776  if (!(*t_and_y_out)) {
777  errnum = XLAL_ENOMEM; /* ouch again, ran out of memory */
778  if (*t_and_y_out)
779  XLALDestroyREAL8Array(*t_and_y_out);
780  outputlength = 0;
781  goto bail_out;
782  }
784  for(UINT8 j=0;j<outputlength;j++) {
785  (*t_and_y_out)->data[j] = buffers->data[j];
786  for(UINT8 i=1;i<=loop;i++) {
787  (*t_and_y_out)->data[i*outputlength + j] = buffers->data[i*bufferlength + j];
788  }
789  }
790  /* deallocate stuff and return */
791  bail_out:
795  if (buffers)
796  XLALDestroyREAL8Array(buffers); /* let's be careful, although all these checks may not be needed */
797  if (temp)
798  LALFree(temp);
800  if (errnum)
801  XLAL_ERROR(errnum);
803  return outputlength;
804 }
807  void * params, REAL8 * yinit, REAL8 tinit, REAL8 tend, REAL8 deltat,
808  REAL8Array ** sparse_output, REAL8Array ** dense_output)
809 {
810  /* Error-checking variables used throughout */
811  int errnum = 0;
812  int status;
814  /* Integration and interpolation variables */
815  size_t dim = integrator->sys->dimension;
816  UINT4 sparse_outputlength = 0;
817  UINT4 dense_outputlength = 1;
818  size_t sparse_bufferlength, dense_bufferlength, retries;
819  REAL8 t = tinit;
820  REAL8 tnew;
821  REAL8 h0 = deltat;
822  REAL8Array *sparse_buffers = NULL;
823  REAL8Array *dense_buffers = NULL;
824  REAL8 *temp = NULL, *y, *y0, *dydt_in, *dydt_in0, *dydt_out, *yerr;
825  REAL8 interp_t = tinit + h0;
827  /* For speed, this replaces the single CALLGSL wrapper applied before each GSL call */
830  /* Allocate buffers!
831  * Note: REAL8Array has a field dimLength (UINT4Vector) with dimensions, and a field data that points to a single memory block;
832  * dimLength itself has fields length and data */
833  sparse_bufferlength = (int)((tend - tinit) / h0) + 2; /* allow for the initial value and possibly a final semi-step */
834  dense_bufferlength = (int)((tend - tinit) / h0) + 2;
836  const UINT4 dimn = dim + 1;/* Time is not included in input dimesions, but is included in ouput arrays. */
838  sparse_buffers = XLALCreateREAL8ArrayL(2, dimn, sparse_bufferlength);
839  dense_buffers = XLALCreateREAL8ArrayL(2, dimn, dense_bufferlength);
840  temp = LALCalloc(6 * dim, sizeof(REAL8));
842  if (!sparse_buffers || !dense_buffers || !temp) {
843  errnum = XLAL_ENOMEM;
844  goto bail_out;
845  }
847  /* Aliases */
848  y = temp;
849  y0 = temp + dim;
850  dydt_in = temp + 2 * dim;
851  dydt_in0 = temp + 3 * dim;
852  dydt_out = temp + 4 * dim;
853  yerr = temp + 5 * dim;
855  /* Integrator set up */
856  integrator->sys->params = params;
857  integrator->returncode = 0;
858  retries = integrator->retries;
860  memcpy(y, yinit, dim * sizeof(REAL8));
862  /* Store the first data point. */
863  sparse_buffers->data[0] = t;
864  dense_buffers->data[0] = t;
865  for (UINT4 i = 1; i <= dim; i++){
866  UINT4 iminus1 = i - 1;
867  sparse_buffers->data[i * sparse_bufferlength] = y[iminus1];
868  dense_buffers->data[i * dense_bufferlength] = y[iminus1];
869  }
871  /* Compute derivatives at the initial time (dydt_in); bail out if impossible. */
872  if ((status = integrator->dydt(t, y, dydt_in, params)) != GSL_SUCCESS) {
873  integrator->returncode = status;
874  errnum = XLAL_EFAILED;
875  goto bail_out;
876  }
878  while (1) {
880  if (!integrator->stopontestonly && t >= tend) {
881  break;
882  }
884  if (integrator->stop) {
885  if ((status = integrator->stop(t, y, dydt_in, params)) != GSL_SUCCESS) {
886  integrator->returncode = status;
887  break;
888  }
889  }
891  /* Try stepping! */
892  try_step:
894  /* If we would be stepping beyond the final time, stop there instead. */
895  if (!integrator->stopontestonly && t + h0 > tend)
896  h0 = tend - t;
898  /* Save y to y0 and dydt_in to dydt_in0. */
899  memcpy(y0, y, dim * sizeof(REAL8));
900  memcpy(dydt_in0, dydt_in, dim * sizeof(REAL8));
902  /* Call the GSL stepper function. */
903  status = gsl_odeiv_step_apply(integrator->step, t, h0, y, yerr, dydt_in, dydt_out, integrator->sys);
904  /* Note: If the user-supplied functions defined in the system dydt return a status other than GSL_SUCCESS,
905  * the step will be aborted. In this case, the elements of y will be restored to their pre-step values,
906  * and the error code from the user-supplied function will be returned. */
908  /* Did the stepper report a derivative-evaluation error? */
909  if (status != GSL_SUCCESS) {
910  if (retries--) {
911  /* If we have singularity retries left, reduce the timestep and try again... */
912  h0 = h0 / 10.0;
913  goto try_step;
914  } else {
915  integrator->returncode = status;
916  /* ...otherwise exit the loop. */
917  break;
918  }
919  } else {
920  /* We stepped successfully; reset the singularity retries. */
921  retries = integrator->retries;
922  }
924  tnew = t + h0;
926  /* Call the GSL error-checking function. */
927  status = gsl_odeiv_control_hadjust(integrator->control, integrator->step, y, yerr, dydt_out, &h0);
929  /* Did the error-checker reduce the stepsize?
930  * Note: other possible return codes are GSL_ODEIV_HADJ_INC if it was increased;
931  * GSL_ODEIV_HADJ_NIL if it was unchanged. */
932  if (status == GSL_ODEIV_HADJ_DEC) {
933  /* If so, undo the step, and try again */
934  memcpy(y, y0, dim * sizeof(REAL8));
935  memcpy(dydt_in, dydt_in0, dim * sizeof(REAL8));
936  goto try_step;
937  }
939  if (2*dense_outputlength >= dense_bufferlength) {
940  REAL8Array *rebuffers;
942  /* Sadly, we cannot use ResizeREAL8Array because it would only work if we extended the first array dimension;
943  * thus we copy everything and switch the buffers. */
944  if (!(rebuffers = XLALCreateREAL8ArrayL(2, dimn, 2 * dense_bufferlength))) {
945  errnum = XLAL_ENOMEM;
946  goto bail_out;
947  } else {
948  for (UINT4 k = 0; k <= dim; k++)
949  memcpy(&rebuffers->data[k * 2 * dense_bufferlength], &dense_buffers->data[k * dense_bufferlength], dense_outputlength * sizeof(REAL8));
950  XLALDestroyREAL8Array(dense_buffers);
951  dense_buffers = rebuffers;
952  dense_bufferlength *= 2;
953  }
954  }
956  {
957  const REAL8 interp_t_old = interp_t;
958  const UINT4 dense_outputlength_old = dense_outputlength;
959  while (interp_t < tnew) {
960  dense_buffers->data[dense_outputlength] = interp_t;
961  dense_outputlength++;
962  interp_t = tinit + dense_outputlength*deltat;
963  }
964  interp_t = interp_t_old;
965  dense_outputlength = dense_outputlength_old;
966  }
968  {
969  const REAL8 h = tnew - t;
970  const REAL8 h_inv = 1.0/h;
972  for (UINT4 i = 0; i < dim; i++) {
973  REAL8 interp_t_old = interp_t;
974  UINT4 dense_outputlength_old = dense_outputlength;
975  REAL8 y0i = y0[i];
976  REAL8 yi = y[i];
978  while (interp_t < tnew) {
979  const REAL8 theta = (interp_t - t)*h_inv;
980  dense_buffers->data[(i+1)*dense_bufferlength + dense_outputlength] =
981  (1.0 - theta)*y0i + theta*yi + theta*(theta-1.0)*( (1.0 - 2.0*theta)*(yi - y0i) + h*( (theta-1.0)*dydt_in[i] + theta*dydt_out[i]));
982  dense_outputlength++;
983  interp_t = tinit + dense_outputlength*deltat;
984  }
986  if(i<(dim-1)){
987  interp_t = interp_t_old;
988  dense_outputlength = dense_outputlength_old;
989  }
990  }
991  }
993  /* Update the current time and input derivatives. */
994  t = tnew;
995  memcpy(dydt_in, dydt_out, dim * sizeof(REAL8));
996  sparse_outputlength++;
998  /* Check if interpolation buffers need to be extended. */
999  if (sparse_outputlength >= sparse_bufferlength) {
1000  REAL8Array *rebuffers;
1002  /* Sadly, we cannot use ResizeREAL8Array because it would only work if we extended the first array dimension;
1003  * thus we copy everything and switch the buffers. */
1004  if (!(rebuffers = XLALCreateREAL8ArrayL(2, dimn, 2 * sparse_bufferlength))) {
1005  errnum = XLAL_ENOMEM;
1006  goto bail_out;
1007  } else {
1008  for (UINT4 i = 0; i <= dim; i++)
1009  memcpy(&rebuffers->data[i * 2 * sparse_bufferlength], &sparse_buffers->data[i * sparse_bufferlength], sparse_outputlength * sizeof(REAL8));
1010  XLALDestroyREAL8Array(sparse_buffers);
1011  sparse_buffers = rebuffers;
1012  sparse_bufferlength *= 2;
1013  }
1014  }
1016  /* Copy time and state into buffers. */
1017  sparse_buffers->data[sparse_outputlength] = t;
1018  for (UINT4 i = 1; i <= dim; i++)
1019  sparse_buffers->data[i * sparse_bufferlength + sparse_outputlength] = y[i - 1];
1020  }
1022  if (sparse_outputlength == 0 || dense_outputlength == 1)
1023  goto bail_out;
1025  sparse_outputlength++;
1027  (*sparse_output) = XLALCreateREAL8ArrayL(2, dim+1, sparse_outputlength);
1028  (*dense_output) = XLALCreateREAL8ArrayL(2, dim+1, dense_outputlength);
1030  if (!(*sparse_output) || !(*dense_output)) {
1031  errnum = XLAL_ENOMEM; /* ouch again, ran out of memory */
1032  if (*sparse_output){
1033  XLALDestroyREAL8Array(*sparse_output);
1034  sparse_outputlength = 0;
1035  }
1036  if (*dense_output){
1037  XLALDestroyREAL8Array(*dense_output);
1038  dense_outputlength = 0;
1039  }
1040  goto bail_out;
1041  }
1043  for(UINT4 j = 0; j < sparse_outputlength; j++) {
1044  (*sparse_output)->data[j] = sparse_buffers->data[j];
1045  for(UINT4 i = 1; i <= dim; i++) {
1046  (*sparse_output)->data[i * sparse_outputlength + j] = sparse_buffers->data[i * sparse_bufferlength + j];
1047  }
1048  }
1050  for(UINT4 j = 0; j < dense_outputlength; j++) {
1051  (*dense_output)->data[j] = dense_buffers->data[j];
1052  for(UINT4 i = 1; i <= dim; i++) {
1053  (*dense_output)->data[i * dense_outputlength + j] = dense_buffers->data[i * dense_bufferlength + j];
1054  }
1055  }
1057  /* Deallocate memory and return sparse_outputlength. */
1058  bail_out:
1062  if (sparse_buffers)
1063  XLALDestroyREAL8Array(sparse_buffers);
1064  if (dense_buffers)
1065  XLALDestroyREAL8Array(dense_buffers);
1066  if (temp)
1067  LALFree(temp);
1068  if (errnum)
1069  XLAL_ERROR(errnum);
1071  return sparse_outputlength;
1072 }
1075  void *params, REAL8 * yinit, REAL8 tinit, REAL8 tend, REAL8 deltat, REAL8Array ** yout)
1076 {
1077  int errnum = 0;
1078  int status; /* used throughout */
1080  /* needed for the integration */
1081  size_t dim, bufferlength, cnt, retries;
1082  REAL8 t, tnew, h0;
1083  REAL8Array *buffers = NULL;
1084  REAL8 *temp = NULL, *y, *y0, *dydt_in, *dydt_in0, *dydt_out, *yerr; /* aliases */
1086  /* needed for the final interpolation */
1087  gsl_spline *interp = NULL;
1088  gsl_interp_accel *accel = NULL;
1089  int outputlen = 0;
1090  REAL8Array *output = NULL;
1091  REAL8 *times, *vector; /* aliases */
1093  /* note: for speed, this replaces the single CALLGSL wrapper applied before each GSL call */
1096  /* allocate the buffers!
1097  * note: REAL8Array has a field dimLength (UINT4Vector) with dimensions, and a field data that points to a single memory block;
1098  * dimLength itself has fields length and data */
1099  dim = integrator->sys->dimension;
1100  bufferlength = (int)((tend - tinit) / deltat) + 2; /* allow for the initial value and possibly a final semi-step */
1101  buffers = XLALCreateREAL8ArrayL(2, dim + 1, bufferlength); /* 2-dimensional array, (dim+1) x bufferlength */
1102  temp = LALCalloc(6 * dim, sizeof(REAL8));
1104  if (!buffers || !temp) {
1105  errnum = XLAL_ENOMEM;
1106  goto bail_out;
1107  }
1109  y = temp;
1110  y0 = temp + dim;
1111  dydt_in = temp + 2 * dim;
1112  dydt_in0 = temp + 3 * dim;
1113  dydt_out = temp + 4 * dim;
1114  yerr = temp + 5 * dim; /* aliases */
1116  /* set up to get started */
1117  integrator->sys->params = params;
1119  integrator->returncode = 0;
1121  cnt = 0;
1122  retries = integrator->retries;
1124  t = tinit;
1125  h0 = deltat;
1126  memcpy(y, yinit, dim * sizeof(REAL8));
1128  /* store the first data point */
1129  buffers->data[0] = t;
1130  for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= dim; i++)
1131  buffers->data[i * bufferlength] = y[i - 1];
1133  /* compute derivatives at the initial time (dydt_in), bail out if impossible */
1134  if ((status = integrator->dydt(t, y, dydt_in, params)) != GSL_SUCCESS) {
1135  integrator->returncode = status;
1136  errnum = XLAL_EFAILED;
1137  goto bail_out;
1138  }
1140  while (1) {
1142  if (!integrator->stopontestonly && t >= tend) {
1143  break;
1144  }
1146  if (integrator->stop) {
1147  if ((status = integrator->stop(t, y, dydt_in, params)) != GSL_SUCCESS) {
1148  integrator->returncode = status;
1149  break;
1150  }
1151  }
1153  /* ready to try stepping! */
1154  try_step:
1156  /* if we would be stepping beyond the final time, stop there instead... */
1157  if (!integrator->stopontestonly && t + h0 > tend)
1158  h0 = tend - t;
1160  memcpy(y0, y, dim * sizeof(REAL8)); /* save y to y0, dydt_in to dydt_in0 */
1161  memcpy(dydt_in0, dydt_in, dim * sizeof(REAL8));
1163  /* call the GSL stepper function */
1164  status = gsl_odeiv_step_apply(integrator->step, t, h0, y, yerr, dydt_in, dydt_out, integrator->sys);
1165  /* note: If the user-supplied functions defined in the system dydt return a status other than GSL_SUCCESS,
1166  * the step will be aborted. In this case, the elements of y will be restored to their pre-step values,
1167  * and the error code from the user-supplied function will be returned. */
1169  /* did the stepper report a derivative-evaluation error? */
1170  if (status != GSL_SUCCESS) {
1171  if (retries--) {
1172  h0 = h0 / 10.0; /* if we have singularity retries left, reduce the timestep and try again */
1173  goto try_step;
1174  } else {
1175  integrator->returncode = status;
1176  break; /* otherwise exit the loop */
1177  }
1178  } else {
1179  retries = integrator->retries; /* we stepped successfully, reset the singularity retries */
1180  }
1182  tnew = t + h0;
1184  /* call the GSL error-checking function */
1185  status = gsl_odeiv_control_hadjust(integrator->control, integrator->step, y, yerr, dydt_out, &h0);
1187  /* did the error-checker reduce the stepsize?
1188  * note: other possible return codes are GSL_ODEIV_HADJ_INC if it was increased,
1189  * GSL_ODEIV_HADJ_NIL if it was unchanged */
1190  if (status == GSL_ODEIV_HADJ_DEC) {
1191  memcpy(y, y0, dim * sizeof(REAL8)); /* if so, undo the step, and try again */
1192  memcpy(dydt_in, dydt_in0, dim * sizeof(REAL8));
1193  goto try_step;
1194  }
1196  /* update the current time and input derivatives */
1197  t = tnew;
1198  memcpy(dydt_in, dydt_out, dim * sizeof(REAL8));
1199  cnt++;
1201  /* check if interpolation buffers need to be extended */
1202  if (cnt >= bufferlength) {
1203  REAL8Array *rebuffers;
1205  /* sadly, we cannot use ResizeREAL8Array, because it would only work if we extended the first array dimension,
1206  * so we need to copy everything over and switch the buffers. Oh well. */
1207  if (!(rebuffers = XLALCreateREAL8ArrayL(2, dim + 1, 2 * bufferlength))) {
1208  errnum = XLAL_ENOMEM; /* ouch, that hurt */
1209  goto bail_out;
1210  } else {
1211  for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= dim; i++)
1212  memcpy(&rebuffers->data[i * 2 * bufferlength], &buffers->data[i * bufferlength], cnt * sizeof(REAL8));
1213  XLALDestroyREAL8Array(buffers);
1214  buffers = rebuffers;
1215  bufferlength *= 2;
1216  }
1217  }
1219  /* copy time and state into interpolation buffers */
1220  buffers->data[cnt] = t;
1221  for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= dim; i++)
1222  buffers->data[i * bufferlength + cnt] = y[i - 1]; /* y does not have time */
1223  }
1225  /* copy the final state into yinit */
1227  memcpy(yinit, y, dim * sizeof(REAL8));
1229  /* if we have completed at least one step, allocate the GSL interpolation object and the output array */
1230  if (cnt == 0)
1231  goto bail_out;
1233  interp = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, cnt + 1);
1234  accel = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
1236  outputlen = (int)(t / deltat) + 1;
1237  output = XLALCreateREAL8ArrayL(2, dim + 1, outputlen);
1239  if (!interp || !accel || !output) {
1240  errnum = XLAL_ENOMEM; /* ouch again, ran out of memory */
1241  if (output)
1243  outputlen = 0;
1244  goto bail_out;
1245  }
1247  /* make an array of times */
1248  times = output->data;
1249  for (int j = 0; j < outputlen; j++)
1250  times[j] = tinit + deltat * j;
1252  /* interpolate! */
1253  for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= dim; i++) {
1254  gsl_spline_init(interp, &buffers->data[0], &buffers->data[bufferlength * i], cnt + 1);
1256  vector = output->data + outputlen * i;
1257  for (int j = 0; j < outputlen; j++) {
1258  gsl_spline_eval_e(interp, times[j], accel, &(vector[j]));
1259  }
1260  }
1262  /* deallocate stuff and return */
1263  bail_out:
1267  if (buffers)
1268  XLALDestroyREAL8Array(buffers); /* let's be careful, although all these checks may not be needed */
1269  if (temp)
1270  LALFree(temp);
1272  if (interp)
1273  XLAL_CALLGSL(gsl_spline_free(interp));
1274  if (accel)
1275  XLAL_CALLGSL(gsl_interp_accel_free(accel));
1277  if (errnum)
1278  XLAL_ERROR(errnum);
1280  *yout = output;
1281  return outputlen;
1282 }
1284 /**
1285  * Fourth-order Runge-Kutta ODE integrator using Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg (RKF45)
1286  * steps with adaptive step size control. Intended for use in Fourier domain
1287  * waveform generation routines based on SpinTaylorTN models.
1288  *
1289  * The method is described in
1290  *
1291  * Abramowitz & Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Tenth Printing,
1292  * National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC, 1972
1293  * (available online at )
1294  *
1295  * This method is equivalent to XLALAdaptiveRungeKutta4 and
1296  * XLALAdaptiveRungeKutta4Hermite, but does not includes any interpolation.
1297  *
1298  */
1299 int XLALAdaptiveRungeKutta4IrregularIntervals(LALAdaptiveRungeKuttaIntegrator * integrator, /**< struct holding dydt, stopping test, stepper, etc. */
1300  void *params, /**< params struct used to compute dydt and stopping test */
1301  REAL8 * yinit, /**< pass in initial values of all variables - overwritten to final values */
1302  REAL8 tinit, /**< integration start time */
1303  REAL8 tend_in, /**< maximum integration time */
1304  REAL8Array ** yout /**< array holding the unevenly sampled output */
1305  )
1306 {
1307  UINT4 MaxRK4Steps = 1000000;
1308  int errnum = 0;
1309  int status; /* used throughout */
1310  unsigned int i;
1312  // if we integrate forward in time, we start at i=0, and if we integrate backwards, we start at i=MaxRK4Steps-1
1313  unsigned int iStart, iCurrent;
1314  int di;
1316  REAL8 tend = tend_in;
1318  /* needed for the integration */
1319  size_t dim, bufferlength, cnt, retries;
1320  REAL8 t, tnew, h0;
1321  REAL8Array *buffers = NULL;
1322  REAL8 *temp = NULL, *y, *y0, *dydt_in, *dydt_in0, *dydt_out, *yerr; /* aliases */
1324  int outputlen = 0;
1325  REAL8Array *output = NULL;
1327  /* note: for speed, this replaces the single CALLGSL wrapper applied before each GSL call */
1330  /* allocate the buffers!
1331  * note: REAL8Array has a field dimLength (UINT4Vector) with dimensions, and a field data that points to a single memory block;
1332  * dimLength itself has fields length and data */
1333  dim = integrator->sys->dimension;
1334  bufferlength = MaxRK4Steps;
1335  buffers = XLALCreateREAL8ArrayL(2, dim + 2, bufferlength); /* 2-dimensional array, (dim+2) x bufferlength */
1336  temp = LALCalloc(6 * dim, sizeof(REAL8));
1338  if (!buffers || !temp) {
1339  errnum = XLAL_ENOMEM;
1340  goto bail_out;
1341  }
1343  y = temp;
1344  y0 = temp + dim;
1345  dydt_in = temp + 2 * dim;
1346  dydt_in0 = temp + 3 * dim;
1347  dydt_out = temp + 4 * dim;
1348  yerr = temp + 5 * dim; /* aliases */
1350  /* set up to get started */
1351  integrator->sys->params = params;
1353  integrator->returncode = 0;
1355  cnt = 0;
1356  retries = integrator->retries;
1358  t = tinit;
1359  if (tend > tinit) {
1360  h0 = 1.;
1361  } else {
1362  h0 = -1.;
1363  }
1364  memcpy(y, yinit, dim * sizeof(REAL8));
1366  // current index starts at iStart, and increases in steps of di. We've reached the memory limit if cnt == bufferlength.
1367  if (h0 > 0.) {
1368  iStart = 0;
1369  di = 1;
1370  } else {
1371  iStart = MaxRK4Steps - 1;
1372  di = -1;
1373  }
1375  iCurrent = iStart;
1377  /* store the first data point */
1378  buffers->data[iCurrent] = t;
1379  for (i = 1; i <= dim; i++)
1380  buffers->data[i * bufferlength + iCurrent] = y[i - 1];
1382  /* compute derivatives at the initial time (dydt_in), bail out if impossible */
1383  if ((status = integrator->dydt(t, y, dydt_in, params)) != GSL_SUCCESS) {
1384  integrator->returncode = status;
1385  errnum = XLAL_EFAILED;
1386  goto bail_out;
1387  }
1389  buffers->data[i * bufferlength + iCurrent] = dydt_in[1]; /* add domega/dt. here i=dim+1 */
1391  while (1) {
1393  if (!integrator->stopontestonly && t >= tend) {
1394  break;
1395  }
1397  if (integrator->stop) {
1398  if ((status = integrator->stop(t, y, dydt_in, params)) != GSL_SUCCESS) {
1399  integrator->returncode = status;
1400  break;
1401  }
1402  }
1404  /* ready to try stepping! */
1405  try_step:
1407  /* if we would be stepping beyond the final time, stop there instead... */
1408  if (!integrator->stopontestonly && t + h0 > tend)
1409  h0 = tend - t;
1411  memcpy(y0, y, dim * sizeof(REAL8)); /* save y to y0, dydt_in to dydt_in0 */
1412  memcpy(dydt_in0, dydt_in, dim * sizeof(REAL8));
1414  /* call the GSL stepper function */
1415  status = gsl_odeiv_step_apply(integrator->step, t, h0, y, yerr, dydt_in, dydt_out, integrator->sys);
1416  /* note: If the user-supplied functions defined in the system dydt return a status other than GSL_SUCCESS,
1417  * the step will be aborted. In this case, the elements of y will be restored to their pre-step values,
1418  * and the error code from the user-supplied function will be returned. */
1420  /* did the stepper report a derivative-evaluation error? */
1421  if (status != GSL_SUCCESS) {
1422  if (retries--) {
1423  h0 = h0 / 10.0; /* if we have singularity retries left, reduce the timestep and try again */
1424  goto try_step;
1425  } else {
1426  integrator->returncode = status;
1427  break; /* otherwise exit the loop */
1428  }
1429  } else {
1430  retries = integrator->retries; /* we stepped successfully, reset the singularity retries */
1431  }
1433  tnew = t + h0;
1435  /* call the GSL error-checking function */
1436  status = gsl_odeiv_control_hadjust(integrator->control, integrator->step, y, yerr, dydt_out, &h0);
1438  /* did the error-checker reduce the stepsize?
1439  * note: other possible return codes are GSL_ODEIV_HADJ_INC if it was increased, GSL_ODEIV_HADJ_NIL if it was unchanged */
1440  if (status == GSL_ODEIV_HADJ_DEC) {
1441  memcpy(y, y0, dim * sizeof(REAL8)); /* if so, undo the step, and try again */
1442  memcpy(dydt_in, dydt_in0, dim * sizeof(REAL8));
1443  goto try_step;
1444  }
1446  /* update the current time and input derivatives */
1447  t = tnew;
1448  memcpy(dydt_in, dydt_out, dim * sizeof(REAL8));
1449  cnt++;
1450  iCurrent += di;
1452  /* check if interpolation buffers need to be extended */
1453  if (cnt >= bufferlength) {
1454  REAL8Array *rebuffers;
1456  /* sadly, we cannot use ResizeREAL8Array, because it would only work if we extended the first array dimension,
1457  * so we need to copy everything over and switch the buffers. Oh well. */
1458  if (!(rebuffers = XLALCreateREAL8ArrayL(2, dim + 1, 2 * bufferlength))) {
1459  errnum = XLAL_ENOMEM; /* ouch, that hurt */
1460  goto bail_out;
1461  } else {
1462  for (i = 0; i <= dim; i++)
1463  memcpy(&rebuffers->data[i * 2 * bufferlength], &buffers->data[i * bufferlength], cnt * sizeof(REAL8));
1464  XLALDestroyREAL8Array(buffers);
1465  buffers = rebuffers;
1466  bufferlength *= 2;
1467  if (di < 0) {
1468  iCurrent += bufferlength;
1469  }
1470  }
1471  }
1473  /* copy time and state into interpolation buffers */
1474  buffers->data[iCurrent] = t;
1475  for (i = 1; i <= dim; i++)
1476  buffers->data[i * bufferlength + iCurrent] = y[i - 1]; /* y does not have time */
1478  buffers->data[i * bufferlength + iCurrent] = dydt_in[1]; /* add domega/dt. here i=dim+1 */
1479  }
1481  /* copy the final state into yinit */
1483  memcpy(yinit, y, dim * sizeof(REAL8));
1485  /* if we have completed at least one step, allocate the output array */
1486  if (cnt == 0)
1487  goto bail_out;
1489  outputlen = cnt + 1;
1490  output = XLALCreateREAL8ArrayL(2, dim + 2, outputlen);
1492  // depending on the direction of integration, we copy starting from 0 or from the current index
1493  if (di > 0) {
1494  iStart = 0;
1495  } else {
1496  iStart = iCurrent;
1497  }
1499  if (!output) {
1500  errnum = XLAL_ENOMEM; /* ouch again, ran out of memory */
1501  if (output)
1503  outputlen = 0;
1504  goto bail_out;
1505  }
1507  for (i = 0; i <= dim + 1; i++) {
1508  memcpy(&(output->data[i * outputlen]), &(buffers->data[i * bufferlength + iStart]), outputlen * sizeof(REAL8));
1509  }
1511  /* deallocate stuff and return */
1512  bail_out:
1516  if (buffers)
1517  XLALDestroyREAL8Array(buffers); /* let's be careful, although all these checks may not be needed */
1518  if (temp)
1519  LALFree(temp);
1521  if (errnum)
1522  XLAL_ERROR(errnum);
1524  *yout = output;
1525  return outputlen;
1526 }
static int storeStateInOutput(REAL8Array **output, REAL8 t, REAL8 *y, size_t dim, int *outputlen, int count)
static int shrinkOutput(REAL8Array **output, int *outputlen, int count, size_t dim)
static const UINT8 k1
Definition: LALCityHash.c:142
#define LALCalloc(m, n)
Definition: LALMalloc.h:94
#define LALFree(p)
Definition: LALMalloc.h:96
int XLALPrintError(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: XLALError.c:68
#define XLAL_CALLGSL(statement)
Definition: XLALGSL.h:33
REAL8Array * XLALCreateREAL8ArrayL(UINT4,...)
void XLALDestroyREAL8Array(REAL8Array *)
int XLALAdaptiveRungeKutta4(LALAdaptiveRungeKuttaIntegrator *integrator, void *params, REAL8 *yinit, REAL8 tinit, REAL8 tend, REAL8 deltat, REAL8Array **yout)
void XLALAdaptiveRungeKuttaFree(LALAdaptiveRungeKuttaIntegrator *integrator)
int XLALAdaptiveRungeKutta4IrregularIntervals(LALAdaptiveRungeKuttaIntegrator *integrator, void *params, REAL8 *yinit, REAL8 tinit, REAL8 tend_in, REAL8Array **yout)
Fourth-order Runge-Kutta ODE integrator using Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg (RKF45) steps with adaptive step s...
LALAdaptiveRungeKuttaIntegrator * XLALAdaptiveRungeKutta4InitEighthOrderInstead(int dim, int(*dydt)(double t, const double y[], double dydt[], void *params), int(*stop)(double t, const double y[], double dydt[], void *params), double eps_abs, double eps_rel)
Eighth-order Runge-Kutta ODE integrator using Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg steps with adaptive step size cont...
int XLALAdaptiveRungeKutta4NoInterpolate(LALAdaptiveRungeKuttaIntegrator *integrator, void *params, REAL8 *yinit, REAL8 tinit, REAL8 tend, REAL8 deltat_or_h0, REAL8 min_deltat_or_h0, REAL8Array **t_and_y_out, INT4 EOBversion)
Fourth-order Runge-Kutta ODE integrator using Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg steps with adaptive step size cont...
int XLALAdaptiveRungeKuttaDenseandSparseOutput(LALAdaptiveRungeKuttaIntegrator *integrator, void *params, REAL8 *yinit, REAL8 tinit, REAL8 tend, REAL8 deltat, REAL8Array **sparse_output, REAL8Array **dense_output)
int XLALAdaptiveRungeKutta4HermiteOnlyFinal(LALAdaptiveRungeKuttaIntegrator *integrator, void *params, REAL8 *yinit, REAL8 tinit, REAL8 tend_in, REAL8 y1_final, REAL8 deltat)
Fourth-order Runge-Kutta ODE integrator using Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg (RKF45) steps with adaptive step s...
int XLALAdaptiveRungeKutta4Hermite(LALAdaptiveRungeKuttaIntegrator *integrator, void *params, REAL8 *yinit, REAL8 tinit, REAL8 tend_in, REAL8 deltat, REAL8Array **yout)
Fourth-order Runge-Kutta ODE integrator using Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg (RKF45) steps with adaptive step s...
LALAdaptiveRungeKuttaIntegrator * XLALAdaptiveRungeKutta4Init(int dim, int(*dydt)(double t, const double y[], double dydt[], void *params), int(*stop)(double t, const double y[], double dydt[], void *params), double eps_abs, double eps_rel)
uint64_t UINT8
Eight-byte unsigned integer; on some platforms this is equivalent to unsigned long int instead.
double REAL8
Double precision real floating-point number (8 bytes).
uint32_t UINT4
Four-byte unsigned integer.
int32_t INT4
Four-byte signed integer.
#define XLALCalloc(m, n)
Definition: LALMalloc.h:45
#define XLALFree(p)
Definition: LALMalloc.h:47
#define XLAL_ERROR_NULL(...)
Macro to invoke a failure from a XLAL routine returning a pointer.
Definition: XLALError.h:713
#define XLAL_ERROR(...)
Macro to invoke a failure from a XLAL routine returning an integer.
Definition: XLALError.h:700
Memory allocation error.
Definition: XLALError.h:407
Invalid argument.
Definition: XLALError.h:409
Generic failure.
Definition: XLALError.h:418
int(* stop)(double t, const double y[], double dydt[], void *params)
int(* dydt)(double t, const double y[], double dydt[], void *params)
Multidimentional array of REAL8, see DATATYPE-Array types for more details.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:226
REAL8 * data
Pointer to the data array.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:228
void output(int gps_sec, int output_type)
Definition: tconvert.c:440