25#include <lal/LALAtomicDatatypes.h>
49typedef enum tagLALTYPECODE {
73typedef struct tagCHARVector {
82typedef struct tagLALStringVector {
91typedef struct tagINT2Vector {
100typedef struct tagUINT2Vector {
109typedef struct tagINT4Vector {
118typedef struct tagUINT4Vector {
127typedef struct tagINT8Vector {
136typedef struct tagUINT8Vector {
145typedef struct tagREAL4Vector {
154typedef struct tagREAL8Vector {
163typedef struct tagCOMPLEX8Vector {
172typedef struct tagCOMPLEX16Vector {
184typedef struct tagINT2Array {
190typedef struct tagUINT2Array {
196typedef struct tagINT4Array {
202typedef struct tagUINT4Array {
208typedef struct tagINT8Array {
214typedef struct tagUINT8Array {
220typedef struct tagREAL4Array {
226typedef struct tagREAL8Array {
232typedef struct tagCOMPLEX8Array {
238typedef struct tagCOMPLEX16Array {
261typedef struct tagCHARVectorSequence {
271typedef struct tagINT2VectorSequence {
281typedef struct tagUINT2VectorSequence {
291typedef struct tagINT4VectorSequence {
301typedef struct tagUINT4VectorSequence {
311typedef struct tagINT8VectorSequence {
321typedef struct tagUINT8VectorSequence {
331typedef struct tagREAL4VectorSequence {
341typedef struct tagREAL8VectorSequence {
351typedef struct tagCOMPLEX8VectorSequence {
361typedef struct tagCOMPLEX16VectorSequence {
373typedef struct tagINT2ArraySequence {
381typedef struct tagUINT2ArraySequence {
389typedef struct tagINT4ArraySequence {
397typedef struct tagUINT4ArraySequence {
405typedef struct tagINT8ArraySequence {
413typedef struct tagUINT8ArraySequence {
421typedef struct tagREAL4ArraySequence {
429typedef struct tagREAL8ArraySequence {
437typedef struct tagCOMPLEX8ArraySequence {
445typedef struct tagCOMPLEX16ArraySequence {
458typedef struct tagLIGOTimeGPS {
464#define LIGOTIMEGPSZERO { 0, 0 }
496SWIGLAL(IMMUTABLE_MEMBERS(tagLALUnit, powerOfTen, unitNumerator, unitDenominatorMinusOne));
498typedef struct tagLALUnit {
511typedef struct tagINT2TimeSeries {
521typedef struct tagUINT2TimeSeries {
530typedef struct tagINT4TimeSeries {
540typedef struct tagUINT4TimeSeries {
550typedef struct tagINT8TimeSeries {
560typedef struct tagUINT8TimeSeries {
570typedef struct tagREAL4TimeSeries {
580typedef struct tagREAL8TimeSeries {
590typedef struct tagCOMPLEX8TimeSeries {
600typedef struct tagCOMPLEX16TimeSeries {
613typedef struct tagINT2TimeVectorSeries {
623typedef struct tagUINT2TimeVectorSeries {
633typedef struct tagINT4TimeVectorSeries {
643typedef struct tagUINT4TimeVectorSeries {
653typedef struct tagINT8TimeVectorSeries {
663typedef struct tagUINT8TimeVectorSeries {
673typedef struct tagREAL4TimeVectorSeries {
683typedef struct tagREAL8TimeVectorSeries {
693typedef struct tagCOMPLEX8TimeVectorSeries {
703typedef struct tagCOMPLEX16TimeVectorSeries {
716typedef struct tagINT2TimeArraySeries {
726typedef struct tagUINT2TimeArraySeries {
736typedef struct tagINT4TimeArraySeries {
746typedef struct tagUINT4TimeArraySeries {
756typedef struct tagINT8TimeArraySeries {
766typedef struct tagUINT8TimeArraySeries {
776typedef struct tagREAL4TimeArraySeries {
786typedef struct tagREAL8TimeArraySeries {
796typedef struct tagCOMPLEX8TimeArraySeries {
806typedef struct tagCOMPLEX16TimeArraySeries {
819typedef struct tagINT2FrequencySeries {
829typedef struct tagUINT2FrequencySeries {
839typedef struct tagINT4FrequencySeries {
849typedef struct tagUINT4FrequencySeries {
859typedef struct tagINT8FrequencySeries {
869typedef struct tagUINT8FrequencySeries {
879typedef struct tagREAL4FrequencySeries {
889typedef struct tagREAL8FrequencySeries {
899typedef struct tagCOMPLEX8FrequencySeries {
909typedef struct tagCOMPLEX16FrequencySeries {
921typedef struct tagCOMPLEX8ZPGFilter {
930typedef struct tagCOMPLEX16ZPGFilter {
947typedef struct tagLALStatus {
961#elif defined(__cplusplus)
Type codes: use these type codes to identify a LAL atomic data type, see Headers LAL(Atomic)Datatypes...
REAL4Vector REAL4Sequence
See DATATYPE-Sequence types for documentation.
See DATATYPE-Sequence types for documentation.
UINT2Vector UINT2Sequence
See DATATYPE-Sequence types for documentation.
UINT4Vector UINT4Sequence
See DATATYPE-Sequence types for documentation.
uint64_t UINT8
Eight-byte unsigned integer; on some platforms this is equivalent to unsigned long int instead.
double complex COMPLEX16
Double-precision floating-point complex number (16 bytes total)
Length of name fields of LAL structured data types.
double REAL8
Double precision real floating-point number (8 bytes).
INT2Vector INT2Sequence
See DATATYPE-Sequence types for documentation.
COMPLEX16Vector COMPLEX16Sequence
See DATATYPE-Sequence types for documentation.
int16_t INT2
Two-byte signed integer.
int64_t INT8
Eight-byte signed integer; on some platforms this is equivalent to long int instead.
uint16_t UINT2
Two-byte unsigned integer.
CHARVector CHARSequence
See DATATYPE-Sequence types for documentation.
INT4Vector INT4Sequence
See DATATYPE-Sequence types for documentation.
INT8Vector INT8Sequence
See DATATYPE-Sequence types for documentation.
char CHAR
One-byte signed integer, see Headers LAL(Atomic)Datatypes.h for more details.
uint32_t UINT4
Four-byte unsigned integer.
float complex COMPLEX8
Single-precision floating-point complex number (8 bytes total)
REAL8Vector REAL8Sequence
See DATATYPE-Sequence types for documentation.
int32_t INT4
Four-byte signed integer.
float REAL4
Single precision real floating-point number (4 bytes).
UINT8Vector UINT8Sequence
See DATATYPE-Sequence types for documentation.
@ LALUnitIndexKelvin
The kelvin index.
@ LALUnitIndexMeter
The meter index.
@ LALNumUnits
The number of units.
@ LALUnitIndexKiloGram
The kilogram index.
@ LALUnitIndexSecond
The second index.
@ LALUnitIndexADCCount
The ADC counts index.
@ LALUnitIndexStrain
The strain index.
@ LALUnitIndexAmpere
The ampere index.
COMPLEX8 type code (27)
CHAR type code (0)
UINT2 type code (33)
COMPLEX16 type code (28)
REAL4 type code (18)
INT2 type code (1)
INT8 type code (3)
REAL8 type code (19)
INT4 type code (2)
UCHAR type code (32)
UINT8 type code (35)
UINT4 type code (34)
Four byte size 010 = 2.
Two byte size 01 = 1.
Eight byte size 011 = 3.
Sixteen byte size 0100 = 4.
One byte size 00 = 0.
Type size mask 0111 = 7.
Unsigned (vs signed) type 0100000 = 32.
Floating-point (vs integer) type 01000 = 8.
Complex (vs real) type 010000 = 16.
Vector of type CHAR, see DATATYPE-Vector types for more details.
CHAR * data
Pointer to the data array.
UINT4 length
Number of elements in array.
Sequence of CHAR Vectors, see DATATYPE-VectorSequence types for more details.
CHAR * data
Pointer to the data array.
UINT4 length
The number l of vectors.
UINT4 vectorLength
The length n of each vector.
Multidimentional array of COMPLEX16, see DATATYPE-Array types for more details.
UINT4Vector * dimLength
Vector of array dimensions.
COMPLEX16 * data
Pointer to the data array.
Sequence of COMPLEX16 multidimensional arrays, see DATATYPE-ArraySequence types for more details.
UINT4 length
The number l of vectors.
COMPLEX16 * data
Pointer to the data array.
UINT4Vector * dimLength
Pointer to a vector of length m storing the array dimensions.
UINT4 arrayDim
The number of data N in each array element (this is not the number m of indices).
See DATATYPE-FrequencySeries types for documentation.
See DATATYPE-TimeArraySeries types for documentation.
COMPLEX16ArraySequence * data
Time series of COMPLEX16 data, see DATATYPE-TimeSeries types for more details.
REAL8 f0
The heterodyning frequency, in Hertz (zero if not heterodyned).
COMPLEX16Sequence * data
The sequence of sampled data.
LALUnit sampleUnits
The physical units of the quantity being sampled.
LIGOTimeGPS epoch
The start time of the time series.
REAL8 deltaT
The time step between samples of the time series in seconds.
Time series of COMPLEX16 vectors, see DATATYPE-TimeVectorSeries for more details.
REAL8 deltaT
The time step between samples of the time series of vectors in seconds.
REAL8 f0
The heterodyning frequency, in Hertz (zero if not heterodyned).
COMPLEX16VectorSequence * data
The sequence of sampled data vectors.
LIGOTimeGPS epoch
The start time of the time series of vectors.
LALUnit sampleUnits
The physical units of the quantity being sampled.
Vector of type COMPLEX16, see DATATYPE-Vector types for more details.
UINT4 length
Number of elements in array.
COMPLEX16 * data
Pointer to the data array.
Sequence of COMPLEX16 Vectors, see DATATYPE-VectorSequence types for more details.
UINT4 vectorLength
The length n of each vector.
COMPLEX16 * data
Pointer to the data array.
UINT4 length
The number l of vectors.
See DATATYPE-ZPGFilter types for details.
Multidimentional array of COMPLEX8, see DATATYPE-Array types for more details.
COMPLEX8 * data
Pointer to the data array.
UINT4Vector * dimLength
Vector of array dimensions.
Sequence of COMPLEX8 multidimensional arrays, see DATATYPE-ArraySequence types for more details.
UINT4 length
The number l of vectors.
UINT4 arrayDim
The number of data N in each array element (this is not the number m of indices).
UINT4Vector * dimLength
Pointer to a vector of length m storing the array dimensions.
COMPLEX8 * data
Pointer to the data array.
See DATATYPE-FrequencySeries types for documentation.
See DATATYPE-TimeArraySeries types for documentation.
COMPLEX8ArraySequence * data
Time series of COMPLEX8 data, see DATATYPE-TimeSeries types for more details.
LALUnit sampleUnits
The physical units of the quantity being sampled.
REAL8 f0
The heterodyning frequency, in Hertz (zero if not heterodyned).
REAL8 deltaT
The time step between samples of the time series in seconds.
LIGOTimeGPS epoch
The start time of the time series.
COMPLEX8Sequence * data
The sequence of sampled data.
Time series of COMPLEX8 vectors, see DATATYPE-TimeVectorSeries for more details.
COMPLEX8VectorSequence * data
The sequence of sampled data vectors.
LALUnit sampleUnits
The physical units of the quantity being sampled.
REAL8 deltaT
The time step between samples of the time series of vectors in seconds.
REAL8 f0
The heterodyning frequency, in Hertz (zero if not heterodyned).
LIGOTimeGPS epoch
The start time of the time series of vectors.
Vector of type COMPLEX8, see DATATYPE-Vector types for more details.
UINT4 length
Number of elements in array.
COMPLEX8 * data
Pointer to the data array.
Sequence of COMPLEX8 Vectors, see DATATYPE-VectorSequence types for more details.
COMPLEX8 * data
Pointer to the data array.
UINT4 length
The number l of vectors.
UINT4 vectorLength
The length n of each vector.
See DATATYPE-ZPGFilter types for details.
Multidimentional array of INT2, see DATATYPE-Array types for more details.
UINT4Vector * dimLength
Vector of array dimensions.
INT2 * data
Pointer to the data array.
Sequence of INT2 multidimensional arrays, see DATATYPE-ArraySequence types for more details.
UINT4Vector * dimLength
Pointer to a vector of length m storing the array dimensions.
UINT4 arrayDim
The number of data N in each array element (this is not the number m of indices).
INT2 * data
Pointer to the data array.
UINT4 length
The number l of vectors.
See DATATYPE-FrequencySeries types for documentation.
See DATATYPE-TimeArraySeries types for documentation.
Time series of INT2 data, see DATATYPE-TimeSeries types for more details.
LIGOTimeGPS epoch
The start time of the time series.
REAL8 f0
The heterodyning frequency, in Hertz (zero if not heterodyned).
LALUnit sampleUnits
The physical units of the quantity being sampled.
REAL8 deltaT
The time step between samples of the time series in seconds.
INT2Sequence * data
The sequence of sampled data.
Time series of INT2 vectors, see DATATYPE-TimeVectorSeries for more details.
REAL8 f0
The heterodyning frequency, in Hertz (zero if not heterodyned).
REAL8 deltaT
The time step between samples of the time series of vectors in seconds.
LALUnit sampleUnits
The physical units of the quantity being sampled.
LIGOTimeGPS epoch
The start time of the time series of vectors.
INT2VectorSequence * data
The sequence of sampled data vectors.
Vector of type INT2, see DATATYPE-Vector types for more details.
UINT4 length
Number of elements in array.
INT2 * data
Pointer to the data array.
Sequence of INT2 Vectors, see DATATYPE-VectorSequence types for more details.
INT2 * data
Pointer to the data array.
UINT4 length
The number l of vectors.
UINT4 vectorLength
The length n of each vector.
Multidimentional array of INT4, see DATATYPE-Array types for more details.
INT4 * data
Pointer to the data array.
UINT4Vector * dimLength
Vector of array dimensions.
Sequence of INT4 multidimensional arrays, see DATATYPE-ArraySequence types for more details.
UINT4 arrayDim
The number of data N in each array element (this is not the number m of indices).
UINT4 length
The number l of vectors.
INT4 * data
Pointer to the data array.
UINT4Vector * dimLength
Pointer to a vector of length m storing the array dimensions.
See DATATYPE-FrequencySeries types for documentation.
See DATATYPE-TimeArraySeries types for documentation.
Time series of INT4 data, see DATATYPE-TimeSeries types for more details.
LALUnit sampleUnits
The physical units of the quantity being sampled.
INT4Sequence * data
The sequence of sampled data.
REAL8 deltaT
The time step between samples of the time series in seconds.
LIGOTimeGPS epoch
The start time of the time series.
REAL8 f0
The heterodyning frequency, in Hertz (zero if not heterodyned).
Time series of INT4 vectors, see DATATYPE-TimeVectorSeries for more details.
LALUnit sampleUnits
The physical units of the quantity being sampled.
INT4VectorSequence * data
The sequence of sampled data vectors.
REAL8 f0
The heterodyning frequency, in Hertz (zero if not heterodyned).
LIGOTimeGPS epoch
The start time of the time series of vectors.
REAL8 deltaT
The time step between samples of the time series of vectors in seconds.
Vector of type INT4, see DATATYPE-Vector types for more details.
INT4 * data
Pointer to the data array.
UINT4 length
Number of elements in array.
Sequence of INT4 Vectors, see DATATYPE-VectorSequence types for more details.
UINT4 length
The number l of vectors.
INT4 * data
Pointer to the data array.
UINT4 vectorLength
The length n of each vector.
Multidimentional array of INT8, see DATATYPE-Array types for more details.
UINT4Vector * dimLength
Vector of array dimensions.
INT8 * data
Pointer to the data array.
Sequence of INT8 multidimensional arrays, see DATATYPE-ArraySequence types for more details.
UINT4 length
The number l of vectors.
INT8 * data
Pointer to the data array.
UINT4 arrayDim
The number of data N in each array element (this is not the number m of indices).
UINT4Vector * dimLength
Pointer to a vector of length m storing the array dimensions.
See DATATYPE-FrequencySeries types for documentation.
See DATATYPE-TimeArraySeries types for documentation.
Time series of INT8 data, see DATATYPE-TimeSeries types for more details.
REAL8 f0
The heterodyning frequency, in Hertz (zero if not heterodyned).
LALUnit sampleUnits
The physical units of the quantity being sampled.
LIGOTimeGPS epoch
The start time of the time series.
REAL8 deltaT
The time step between samples of the time series in seconds.
INT8Sequence * data
The sequence of sampled data.
Time series of INT8 vectors, see DATATYPE-TimeVectorSeries for more details.
REAL8 f0
The heterodyning frequency, in Hertz (zero if not heterodyned).
REAL8 deltaT
The time step between samples of the time series of vectors in seconds.
INT8VectorSequence * data
The sequence of sampled data vectors.
LIGOTimeGPS epoch
The start time of the time series of vectors.
LALUnit sampleUnits
The physical units of the quantity being sampled.
Vector of type INT8, see DATATYPE-Vector types for more details.
INT8 * data
Pointer to the data array.
UINT4 length
Number of elements in array.
Sequence of INT8 Vectors, see DATATYPE-VectorSequence types for more details.
INT8 * data
Pointer to the data array.
UINT4 length
The number l of vectors.
UINT4 vectorLength
The length n of each vector.
LAL status structure, see The LALStatus structure for more details.
const CHAR * file
The name of the source file containing the function code.
INT4 statusCode
A numerical code identifying the type of error, or 0 for nominal status; Negative values are reserved...
INT4 level
The nested-function level where any error was reported.
const CHAR * function
The name of the function.
volatile const CHAR * Id
A character string identifying the source file and version number of the function being reported on.
const CHAR * statusDescription
An explanatory string corresponding to the numerical status code.
struct tagLALStatus * statusPtr
Pointer to the next node in the list; NULL if this function is not reporting a subroutine error.
INT4 line
The line number in the source file where the current statusCode was set.
Vector of type CHAR*, ie 'strings', see DATATYPE-Vector types for more details.
UINT4 length
Number of elements in array.
CHAR ** data
Pointer to the data array.
This structure stores units in the mksA system (plus Kelvin, Strain, and ADC Count).
INT2 powerOfTen
Overall power-of-ten scaling is 10^powerOfTen.
Epoch relative to GPS epoch, see LIGOTimeGPS type for more details.
INT4 gpsSeconds
Seconds since 0h UTC 6 Jan 1980.
INT4 gpsNanoSeconds
Residual nanoseconds.
Multidimentional array of REAL4, see DATATYPE-Array types for more details.
UINT4Vector * dimLength
Vector of array dimensions.
REAL4 * data
Pointer to the data array.
Sequence of REAL4 multidimensional arrays, see DATATYPE-ArraySequence types for more details.
UINT4 arrayDim
The number of data N in each array element (this is not the number m of indices).
REAL4 * data
Pointer to the data array.
UINT4Vector * dimLength
Pointer to a vector of length m storing the array dimensions.
UINT4 length
The number l of vectors.
See DATATYPE-FrequencySeries types for documentation.
See DATATYPE-TimeArraySeries types for documentation.
REAL4ArraySequence * data
Time series of REAL4 data, see DATATYPE-TimeSeries types for more details.
REAL4Sequence * data
The sequence of sampled data.
LALUnit sampleUnits
The physical units of the quantity being sampled.
REAL8 deltaT
The time step between samples of the time series in seconds.
LIGOTimeGPS epoch
The start time of the time series.
REAL8 f0
The heterodyning frequency, in Hertz (zero if not heterodyned).
Time series of REAL4 vectors, see DATATYPE-TimeVectorSeries for more details.
REAL8 deltaT
The time step between samples of the time series of vectors in seconds.
LALUnit sampleUnits
The physical units of the quantity being sampled.
LIGOTimeGPS epoch
The start time of the time series of vectors.
REAL8 f0
The heterodyning frequency, in Hertz (zero if not heterodyned).
REAL4VectorSequence * data
The sequence of sampled data vectors.
Vector of type REAL4, see DATATYPE-Vector types for more details.
REAL4 * data
Pointer to the data array.
UINT4 length
Number of elements in array.
Sequence of REAL4 Vectors, see DATATYPE-VectorSequence types for more details.
UINT4 vectorLength
The length n of each vector.
REAL4 * data
Pointer to the data array.
UINT4 length
The number l of vectors.
Multidimentional array of REAL8, see DATATYPE-Array types for more details.
UINT4Vector * dimLength
Vector of array dimensions.
REAL8 * data
Pointer to the data array.
Sequence of REAL8 multidimensional arrays, see DATATYPE-ArraySequence types for more details.
UINT4 length
The number l of vectors.
UINT4Vector * dimLength
Pointer to a vector of length m storing the array dimensions.
REAL8 * data
Pointer to the data array.
UINT4 arrayDim
The number of data N in each array element (this is not the number m of indices).
See DATATYPE-FrequencySeries types for documentation.
See DATATYPE-TimeArraySeries types for documentation.
REAL8ArraySequence * data
Time series of REAL8 data, see DATATYPE-TimeSeries types for more details.
REAL8Sequence * data
The sequence of sampled data.
LALUnit sampleUnits
The physical units of the quantity being sampled.
REAL8 f0
The heterodyning frequency, in Hertz (zero if not heterodyned).
REAL8 deltaT
The time step between samples of the time series in seconds.
LIGOTimeGPS epoch
The start time of the time series.
Time series of REAL8 vectors, see DATATYPE-TimeVectorSeries for more details.
REAL8 deltaT
The time step between samples of the time series of vectors in seconds.
REAL8 f0
The heterodyning frequency, in Hertz (zero if not heterodyned).
REAL8VectorSequence * data
The sequence of sampled data vectors.
LIGOTimeGPS epoch
The start time of the time series of vectors.
LALUnit sampleUnits
The physical units of the quantity being sampled.
Vector of type REAL8, see DATATYPE-Vector types for more details.
REAL8 * data
Pointer to the data array.
UINT4 length
Number of elements in array.
Sequence of REAL8 Vectors, see DATATYPE-VectorSequence types for more details.
UINT4 length
The number l of vectors.
REAL8 * data
Pointer to the data array.
UINT4 vectorLength
The length n of each vector.
Multidimentional array of UINT2, see DATATYPE-Array types for more details.
UINT2 * data
Pointer to the data array.
UINT4Vector * dimLength
Vector of array dimensions.
Sequence of UINT2 multidimensional arrays, see DATATYPE-ArraySequence types for more details.
UINT4Vector * dimLength
Pointer to a vector of length m storing the array dimensions.
UINT4 length
The number l of vectors.
UINT4 arrayDim
The number of data N in each array element (this is not the number m of indices).
UINT2 * data
Pointer to the data array.
See DATATYPE-FrequencySeries types for documentation.
See DATATYPE-TimeArraySeries types for documentation.
UINT2ArraySequence * data
Time series of UINT2 data, see DATATYPE-TimeSeries types for more details.
REAL8 deltaT
The time step between samples of the time series in seconds.
UINT2Sequence * data
The sequence of sampled data.
LALUnit sampleUnits
The physical units of the quantity being sampled.
LIGOTimeGPS epoch
The start time of the time series.
Time series of UINT2 vectors, see DATATYPE-TimeVectorSeries for more details.
REAL8 deltaT
The time step between samples of the time series of vectors in seconds.
UINT2VectorSequence * data
The sequence of sampled data vectors.
REAL8 f0
The heterodyning frequency, in Hertz (zero if not heterodyned).
LALUnit sampleUnits
The physical units of the quantity being sampled.
LIGOTimeGPS epoch
The start time of the time series of vectors.
Vector of type UINT2, see DATATYPE-Vector types for more details.
UINT4 length
Number of elements in array.
UINT2 * data
Pointer to the data array.
Sequence of UINT2 Vectors, see DATATYPE-VectorSequence types for more details.
UINT4 vectorLength
The length n of each vector.
UINT4 length
The number l of vectors.
UINT2 * data
Pointer to the data array.
Multidimentional array of UINT4, see DATATYPE-Array types for more details.
UINT4 * data
Pointer to the data array.
UINT4Vector * dimLength
Vector of array dimensions.
Sequence of UINT4 multidimensional arrays, see DATATYPE-ArraySequence types for more details.
UINT4 arrayDim
The number of data N in each array element (this is not the number m of indices).
UINT4 length
The number l of vectors.
UINT4 * data
Pointer to the data array.
UINT4Vector * dimLength
Pointer to a vector of length m storing the array dimensions.
See DATATYPE-FrequencySeries types for documentation.
See DATATYPE-TimeArraySeries types for documentation.
UINT4ArraySequence * data
Time series of UINT4 data, see DATATYPE-TimeSeries types for more details.
LALUnit sampleUnits
The physical units of the quantity being sampled.
LIGOTimeGPS epoch
The start time of the time series.
UINT4Sequence * data
The sequence of sampled data.
REAL8 deltaT
The time step between samples of the time series in seconds.
REAL8 f0
The heterodyning frequency, in Hertz (zero if not heterodyned).
Time series of UINT4 vectors, see DATATYPE-TimeVectorSeries for more details.
LIGOTimeGPS epoch
The start time of the time series of vectors.
LALUnit sampleUnits
The physical units of the quantity being sampled.
REAL8 f0
The heterodyning frequency, in Hertz (zero if not heterodyned).
REAL8 deltaT
The time step between samples of the time series of vectors in seconds.
UINT4VectorSequence * data
The sequence of sampled data vectors.
Vector of type UINT4, see DATATYPE-Vector types for more details.
UINT4 length
Number of elements in array.
UINT4 * data
Pointer to the data array.
Sequence of UINT4 Vectors, see DATATYPE-VectorSequence types for more details.
UINT4 length
The number l of vectors.
UINT4 vectorLength
The length n of each vector.
UINT4 * data
Pointer to the data array.
Multidimentional array of UINT8, see DATATYPE-Array types for more details.
UINT8 * data
Pointer to the data array.
UINT4Vector * dimLength
Vector of array dimensions.
Sequence of UINT8 multidimensional arrays, see DATATYPE-ArraySequence types for more details.
UINT4 arrayDim
The number of data N in each array element (this is not the number m of indices).
UINT4Vector * dimLength
Pointer to a vector of length m storing the array dimensions.
UINT4 length
The number l of vectors.
UINT8 * data
Pointer to the data array.
See DATATYPE-FrequencySeries types for documentation.
See DATATYPE-TimeArraySeries types for documentation.
UINT8ArraySequence * data
Time series of UINT8 data, see DATATYPE-TimeSeries types for more details.
REAL8 deltaT
The time step between samples of the time series in seconds.
UINT8Sequence * data
The sequence of sampled data.
REAL8 f0
The heterodyning frequency, in Hertz (zero if not heterodyned).
LALUnit sampleUnits
The physical units of the quantity being sampled.
LIGOTimeGPS epoch
The start time of the time series.
Time series of UINT8 vectors, see DATATYPE-TimeVectorSeries for more details.
UINT8VectorSequence * data
The sequence of sampled data vectors.
REAL8 deltaT
The time step between samples of the time series of vectors in seconds.
REAL8 f0
The heterodyning frequency, in Hertz (zero if not heterodyned).
LIGOTimeGPS epoch
The start time of the time series of vectors.
LALUnit sampleUnits
The physical units of the quantity being sampled.
Vector of type UINT8, see DATATYPE-Vector types for more details.
UINT4 length
Number of elements in array.
UINT8 * data
Pointer to the data array.
Sequence of UINT8 Vectors, see DATATYPE-VectorSequence types for more details.
UINT4 vectorLength
The length n of each vector.
UINT4 length
The number l of vectors.
UINT8 * data
Pointer to the data array.