Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 2007 Jolien Creighton, Kipp Cannon
3 *
4 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7 * (at your option) any later version.
8 *
9 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 * GNU General Public License for more details.
13 *
14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 * along with with program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
16 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
17 * MA 02110-1301 USA
18 */
20 #ifndef _LALDETECTORS_H
21 #define _LALDETECTORS_H
23 #include <lal/LALDatatypes.h>
25 #ifdef __cplusplus
26 extern "C" {
27 #endif
29 /**
30  * \defgroup LALDetectors_h Header LALDetectors.h
31  * \ingroup lal_tools
32  * \author J. T. Whelan and J. D. E. Creighton
33  *
34  * \brief This header defines structures to hold the basic data describing a gravitational wave detector.
35  *
36  * ### Synopsis ###
37  *
38  * \code
39  * #include <lal/LALDetectors.h>
40  * \endcode
41  *
42  * According to the common frame format specification
43  * \cite LIGOVIRGO_2000 the geometry of an interferometric
44  * detector will be stored in a \c FrDetector structure, specifying
45  * the location of the detector vertex and the orientation of its arms in
46  * geodetic coördinates suited to geographical surveying. Resonant
47  * bars and other sorts of detectors, if they write their data to frames,
48  * are expected to fill this structure with their location and
49  * orientation in some way suited to the detector type.
50  *
51  * For most data analysis tasks, however, any gravitational wave detector
52  * can be described by its location in an Earth-fixed rotating reference
53  * frame, as well as a <em>response tensor</em> \f$d^{ab}\f$, constant in the
54  * same frame, which defines the "strain" \f$h\f$ measured by the detector in
55  * terms of the metric perturbation \f$h_{ab}\f$ as
56  * \f{equation}{
57  * h = h_{ab} \, d^{ab}
58  * \ .
59  * \f}
60  *
61  * This header defines a \c LALFrDetector structure which contains
62  * essentially the same information as the \c FrDetector structure,
63  * as well as a \c LALDetector structure which contains the
64  * Cartesian coördinates of the detector along with the components of
65  * the response tensor \f$d^{ab}\f$ in the same coördinate system.
66  *
67  * ### The Geodetic Coördinate System ###
68  *
69  * Geodetic coördinates are spheroidal coördinates
70  * based on the WGS-84 Earth Model, which is an
71  * oblate spheroid with equatorial radius \f$a=6.378137\times
72  * 10^6\,\textrm{m}\f$ and polar radius \f$b=6.356752314\times
73  * 10^6\,\textrm{m}\f$. Any point in space can be located according to its
74  * longitude, latitude, and elevation. The \e longitude \f$\lambda\f$
75  * is the angle between the half-plane bounded by the symmetry axis of
76  * the reference ellipsoid containing the point in question and the
77  * half-plane plane containing the Prime Meridian; it is measured in
78  * radians, increases to the East, and ranges from
79  * \f$-\pi\f$ to \f$\pi\f$. The \e latitude \f$\beta\f$ is the
80  * angle between the ray which is normal to the ellipsoid and passes
81  * through the point in question and the equatorial plane; it is measured
82  * in radians, increases to the North, and ranges
83  * from \f$-\pi/2\f$ to \f$\pi/2\f$. The \e elevation \f$h\f$ is the
84  * signed distance along this ray from the reference ellipsoid to the
85  * point in question. This coördinate system is described in more
86  * detail in \cite Althouse_1999 .
87  *
88  * ### Altitude and Azimuth Angles ###
89  *
90  * The \c LALFrDetector structure stores the directions along the
91  * two arms of an interferometer in an altitude/azimuth representation
92  * with respect to the local tangent plane to the reference ellipsoid,
93  * known as the local horizontal. The altitude \f${\mathcal{A}}\f$ is the angle the
94  * direction vector makes with the horizontal, \f${\mathcal{A}} > 0\f$ meaning above
95  * horizontal, \f${\mathcal{A}} < 0\f$ below. The azimuth angle \f$\zeta\f$ is found by
96  * projecting the direction onto the local horizontal plane, then
97  * measuring the angle clockwise from North to this projected direction.
98  *
99  * ### The Cartesian Coördinate System ###
100  *
101  * The position vector and response tensor contained in the
102  * \c LALDetector structure are defined in
103  * a simple orthonormal coördinate system with its origin at
104  * the center of the earth, an \f$x^1\f$ axis which pierces the Earth's
105  * surface at the intersection of the equator and the prime meridian, an
106  * \f$x^2\f$ axis which pierces the earth's surface at \f$\pi/2\f$ radians East
107  * longitude on the equator, and an \f$x^3\f$ axis which pierces the Earth's
108  * surface at the North Pole. The coördinates \f$x^1\f$, \f$x^2\f$, \f$x^3\f$
109  * correspond to the Earth-fixed coördinates \f$X_E\f$, \f$Y_E\f$, \f$Z_E\f$
110  * defined in \cite Althouse_1999 , respectively.
111  *
112  * The relationship between geodetic and Cartesian coördinates is
113  * given by
114  * \f{align}{
115  * \label{tools_e_cart1}
116  * x^1 &=\left(
117  * \frac{a^2}{\sqrt{a^2\cos^2\beta+b^2\sin^2\beta}}
118  * + h
119  * \right) \cos\beta\cos\lambda \\
120  * \label{tools_e_cart2}
121  * x^2 &=\left(
122  * \frac{a^2}{\sqrt{a^2\cos^2\beta+b^2\sin^2\beta}}
123  * + h
124  * \right) \cos\beta\sin\lambda \\
125  * \label{tools_e_cart3}
126  * x^3 &=\left(
127  * \frac{b^2}{\sqrt{a^2\cos^2\beta+b^2\sin^2\beta}}
128  * + h
129  * \right) \sin\beta \\
130  * \f}
131  *
132  * ### Cached Detectors ###
133  *
134  * In practice, we will often be
135  * working with fixed unchanging site geometry, e.g., for the LIGO
136  * interferometers; to avoid constantly reconstructing the corresponding
137  * \c LALDetectors, we should define some constant
138  * \c LALDetectors describing them. Those are stored in a constant
139  * array of \c LALDetector structures known as
140  * \c lalCachedDetectors, which is declared \c extern in this
141  * header and defined in \ref CreateDetector_c.
142  *
143  * The <tt>LALCreateDetector()</tt> routine will first look through the
144  * \c lalCachedDetectors array for a \c LALDetector structure
145  * with matching \c type and <tt></tt> fields; if it
146  * finds one, it returns a copy of that; if not, it creates one.
147  *
148  * For example, the \c LALDetector representing LIGO Hanford 4km (H1) in
149  * differential mode is <tt>lalCachedDetectors[LAL_LHO_4K_DETECTOR]</tt>.
150  *
151  */
152 /** @{ */
154 /** \name Error Codes */
155 /** @{ */
156 #define LALDETECTORSH_ENULLP 1 /**< Null pointer */
157 #define LALDETECTORSH_ETYPE 2 /**< Unsupported detector type */
158 /** @} */
160 /** \cond DONT_DOXYGEN */
161 #define LALDETECTORSH_MSGENULLP "Null pointer"
162 #define LALDETECTORSH_MSGETYPE "Unsupported detector type"
165 /** \endcond */
167 /** Enumeration of Detectors: follows order of DQ bit assignments */
168 typedef enum tagLALDetectorEnum {
190 }
193 /** \name Detector DQ bit assignments (2 bits per detector) */
194 /** @{ */
195 #define LAL_DETECTOR_DQ_BIT_FROM_DETECTOR_ENUM(d) (LAL_INT8_C(1) << 2 * (d))
216 /** @} */
218 #ifdef SWIG /* SWIG interface only; SWIG cannot parse the _DETECTOR_BIT constants */
219 %inline %{
220 INT8 XLALDetectorDQBitFromDetectorEnum(const LALDetectorEnum d)
221 {
223 }
224 %}
225 #endif /* SWIG */
228 /**
229  * Detector type, which determines how the detector response is determined.
230  * Since data from bars as well as interferometers can be written to
231  * frames, we need an additional piece of information to interpret the
232  * site geometry data specified in the \c LALFrDetector
233  * structure; for instance, is the x arm really the x arm or is it the
234  * long axis of a bar? The \c LALDetectorType enumeration
235  * provides a way to keep track of that.
236  *
237  */
238 typedef enum tagLALDetectorType {
239  LALDETECTORTYPE_ABSENT, /**< No FrDetector associated with this detector */
240  LALDETECTORTYPE_IFODIFF, /**< IFO in differential mode */
241  LALDETECTORTYPE_IFOXARM, /**< IFO in one-armed mode (X arm) */
242  LALDETECTORTYPE_IFOYARM, /**< IFO in one-armed mode (Y arm) */
243  LALDETECTORTYPE_IFOCOMM, /**< IFO in common mode */
244  LALDETECTORTYPE_CYLBAR /**< Cylindrical bar */
245 }
249 /**
250  * Detector frame data structure
251  * Structure to contain the data that appears in a FrDetector structure
252  * in frame data.
253  */
254 typedef struct tagLALFrDetector
255 {
256  CHAR name[LALNameLength]; /**< A unique identifying string */
257  CHAR prefix[3]; /**< Two-letter prefix for detector's channel names */
258  REAL8 vertexLongitudeRadians; /**< The geodetic longitude \f$\lambda\f$ of the vertex in radians */
259  REAL8 vertexLatitudeRadians; /**< The geodetic latitude \f$\beta\f$ of the vertex in radians */
260  REAL4 vertexElevation; /**< The height of the vertex above the reference ellipsoid in meters */
261  REAL4 xArmAltitudeRadians; /**< The angle \f${\mathcal{A}}_X\f$ up from the local tangent plane of the reference ellipsoid to the X arm (or bar's cylidrical axis) in radians */
262  REAL4 xArmAzimuthRadians; /**< The angle \f$\zeta_X\f$ clockwise from North to the projection of the X arm (or bar's cylidrical axis) into the local tangent plane of the reference ellipsoid in radians */
263  REAL4 yArmAltitudeRadians; /**< The angle \f${\mathcal{A}}_Y\f$ up from the local tangent plane of the reference ellipsoid to the Y arm in radians (unused for bars: set it to zero) */
264  REAL4 yArmAzimuthRadians; /**< The angle \f$\zeta_Y\f$ clockwise from North to the projection of the Y arm into the local tangent plane of the reference ellipsoid in radians (unused for bars: set it to zero) */
265  REAL4 xArmMidpoint; /**< The distance to the midpoint of the X arm in meters (unused for bars: set it to zero) */
266  REAL4 yArmMidpoint; /**< The distance to the midpoint of the Y arm in meters (unused for bars: set it to zero) */
267 }
271 /**
272  * Detector structure
273  *
274  * Structure to contain detector data in the format most easily used
275  * by the LAL routines.
276  */
277 typedef struct tagLALDetector
278 {
279  REAL8 location[3]; /**< The three components, in an Earth-fixed Cartesian coordinate system, of the position vector from the center of the Earth to the detector in meters */
280  REAL4 response[3][3]; /**< The Earth-fixed Cartesian components of the detector's response tensor \f$d^{ab}\f$ */
281  LALDetectorType type; /**< The type of the detector (e.g., IFO in differential mode, cylindrical bar, etc.) */
282  LALFrDetector frDetector; /**< The original LALFrDetector structure from which this was created */
283 }
287 /** Pre-existing detectors. */
290 /** @} */
293 /* Routine to create a LALDetector. */
294 LALDetector * XLALCreateDetector( LALDetector *detector, const LALFrDetector *frDetector, LALDetectorType type );
298 /* Interferometric Detectors */
300 /**
301  * \defgroup DetectorConstants Detector Constants
302  * \ingroup LALDetectors_h
303  * \brief Constants describing various gravitational wave detectors
304  *
305  * The \ref LALDetectors_h also defines numerical constants that describe the location and
306  * geometry of several operating gravitational wave detectors.
307  * These detectors are both resonant mass (bar) detectors and interferometric
308  * detectors.
309  * <ul>
310  * <li> Data for the resonant mass detectors is taken from:
311  *,3,1
312  * and \cite FinnLazzarini_2001
313  *
314  * <li> Data for LIGO detectors is taken from \cite Althouse_1999
315  *
316  * <li> Data for the VIRGO detector is provided by Benoit Mours.
317  *
318  * <li> Data for the GEO detector is taken from:
319  *
320  *
321  *
322  * <li> Data for the TAMA detector is provided by Masa-Katsu Fujimoto
323  *
324  * <li> Data for the Caltech detector is taken from \cite Allen_1996
325  *
326  * <li> Data for the KAGRA detector was provided by Yousuke Itoh
327  * and is derived from data from
328  *
329  * > Yoshio Saito, "KAGRA location", KAGRA Technical Document JGW-G1503824
330  * >
331  *
332  * </ul>
333  *
334  * See the technical document \cite ABCCRW_2001 for details.
335  *
336  * Data in this file (e.g., angle conventions etc.) is intended
337  * to conform to the conventions of the Frame format specification \cite LIGOVIRGO_2000
338  *
339  */
340 /** @{ */
342 /**
343  * \name TAMA 300m Interferometric Detector constants
344  * The following constants describe the location and geometry of the
345  * TAMA 300m Interferometric Detector.
346  */
347 /** @{ */
348 #define LAL_TAMA_300_DETECTOR_NAME "TAMA_300" /**< TAMA_300 detector name string */
349 #define LAL_TAMA_300_DETECTOR_PREFIX "T1" /**< TAMA_300 detector prefix string */
350 #define LAL_TAMA_300_DETECTOR_LONGITUDE_RAD 2.43536359469 /**< TAMA_300 vertex longitude (rad) */
351 #define LAL_TAMA_300_DETECTOR_LATITUDE_RAD 0.62267336022 /**< TAMA_300 vertex latitude (rad) */
352 #define LAL_TAMA_300_DETECTOR_ELEVATION_SI 90 /**< TAMA_300 vertex elevation (m) */
353 #define LAL_TAMA_300_DETECTOR_ARM_X_AZIMUTH_RAD 4.71238898038 /**< TAMA_300 x arm azimuth (rad) */
354 #define LAL_TAMA_300_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_AZIMUTH_RAD 3.14159265359 /**< TAMA_300 y arm azimuth (rad) */
355 #define LAL_TAMA_300_DETECTOR_ARM_X_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< TAMA_300 x arm altitude (rad) */
356 #define LAL_TAMA_300_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< TAMA_300 y arm altitude (rad) */
357 #define LAL_TAMA_300_DETECTOR_ARM_X_MIDPOINT_SI 150.00000000000 /**< TAMA_300 x arm midpoint (m) */
358 #define LAL_TAMA_300_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_MIDPOINT_SI 150.00000000000 /**< TAMA_300 y arm midpoint (m) */
359 #define LAL_TAMA_300_VERTEX_LOCATION_X_SI -3.94640899111e+06 /**< TAMA_300 x-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
360 #define LAL_TAMA_300_VERTEX_LOCATION_Y_SI 3.36625902802e+06 /**< TAMA_300 y-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
361 #define LAL_TAMA_300_VERTEX_LOCATION_Z_SI 3.69915069233e+06 /**< TAMA_300 z-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
362 #define LAL_TAMA_300_ARM_X_DIRECTION_X 0.64896940530 /**< TAMA_300 x-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
363 #define LAL_TAMA_300_ARM_X_DIRECTION_Y 0.76081450498 /**< TAMA_300 y-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
364 #define LAL_TAMA_300_ARM_X_DIRECTION_Z -0.00000000000 /**< TAMA_300 z-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
365 #define LAL_TAMA_300_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_X -0.44371376921 /**< TAMA_300 x-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
366 #define LAL_TAMA_300_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_Y 0.37848471479 /**< TAMA_300 y-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
367 #define LAL_TAMA_300_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_Z -0.81232223390 /**< TAMA_300 z-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
368 /** @} */
370 /**
371  * \name VIRGO_CITF Interferometric Detector constants
372  * The following constants describe the location and geometry of the
373  * VIRGO_CITF Interferometric Detector. FIXME: the armlength is a stub.
374  * FIXME: this IFO is called V0 rather than to avoid name clash.
375  */
376 /** @{ */
377 #define LAL_VIRGO_CITF_DETECTOR_NAME "VIRGO_CITF" /**< VIRGO_CITF detector name string */
378 #define LAL_VIRGO_CITF_DETECTOR_PREFIX "V0" /**< VIRGO_CITF detector prefix string */
379 #define LAL_VIRGO_CITF_DETECTOR_LONGITUDE_RAD 0.18333805213 /**< VIRGO_CITF vertex longitude (rad) */
380 #define LAL_VIRGO_CITF_DETECTOR_LATITUDE_RAD 0.76151183984 /**< VIRGO_CITF vertex latitude (rad) */
381 #define LAL_VIRGO_CITF_DETECTOR_ELEVATION_SI 51.884 /**< VIRGO_CITF vertex elevation (m) */
382 #define LAL_VIRGO_CITF_DETECTOR_ARM_X_AZIMUTH_RAD 0.33916285222 /**< VIRGO_CITF x arm azimuth (rad) */
383 #define LAL_VIRGO_CITF_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_AZIMUTH_RAD 5.05155183261 /**< VIRGO_CITF y arm azimuth (rad) */
384 #define LAL_VIRGO_CITF_DETECTOR_ARM_X_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< VIRGO_CITF x arm altitude (rad) */
385 #define LAL_VIRGO_CITF_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< VIRGO_CITF y arm altitude (rad) */
386 #define LAL_VIRGO_CITF_DETECTOR_ARM_X_MIDPOINT_SI 0.00000000000 /**< VIRGO_CITF x arm midpoint (m) */
387 #define LAL_VIRGO_CITF_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_MIDPOINT_SI 0.00000000000 /**< VIRGO_CITF y arm midpoint (m) */
388 #define LAL_VIRGO_CITF_VERTEX_LOCATION_X_SI 4.54637409900e+06 /**< VIRGO_CITF x-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
389 #define LAL_VIRGO_CITF_VERTEX_LOCATION_Y_SI 8.42989697626e+05 /**< VIRGO_CITF y-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
390 #define LAL_VIRGO_CITF_VERTEX_LOCATION_Z_SI 4.37857696241e+06 /**< VIRGO_CITF z-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
391 #define LAL_VIRGO_CITF_ARM_X_DIRECTION_X -0.70045821479 /**< VIRGO_CITF x-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
392 #define LAL_VIRGO_CITF_ARM_X_DIRECTION_Y 0.20848948619 /**< VIRGO_CITF y-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
393 #define LAL_VIRGO_CITF_ARM_X_DIRECTION_Z 0.68256166277 /**< VIRGO_CITF z-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
394 #define LAL_VIRGO_CITF_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_X -0.05379255368 /**< VIRGO_CITF x-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
395 #define LAL_VIRGO_CITF_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_Y -0.96908180549 /**< VIRGO_CITF y-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
396 #define LAL_VIRGO_CITF_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_Z 0.24080451708 /**< VIRGO_CITF z-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
397 /** @} */
399 /**
400  * \name VIRGO 3km Interferometric Detector constants
401  * The following constants describe the location and geometry of the
402  * VIRGO 3km Interferometric Detector.
403  */
404 /** @{ */
405 #define LAL_VIRGO_DETECTOR_NAME "VIRGO" /**< VIRGO detector name string */
406 #define LAL_VIRGO_DETECTOR_PREFIX "V1" /**< VIRGO detector prefix string */
407 #define LAL_VIRGO_DETECTOR_LONGITUDE_RAD 0.18333805213 /**< VIRGO vertex longitude (rad) */
408 #define LAL_VIRGO_DETECTOR_LATITUDE_RAD 0.76151183984 /**< VIRGO vertex latitude (rad) */
409 #define LAL_VIRGO_DETECTOR_ELEVATION_SI 51.884 /**< VIRGO vertex elevation (m) */
410 #define LAL_VIRGO_DETECTOR_ARM_X_AZIMUTH_RAD 0.33916285222 /**< VIRGO x arm azimuth (rad) */
411 #define LAL_VIRGO_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_AZIMUTH_RAD 5.05155183261 /**< VIRGO y arm azimuth (rad) */
412 #define LAL_VIRGO_DETECTOR_ARM_X_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< VIRGO x arm altitude (rad) */
413 #define LAL_VIRGO_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< VIRGO y arm altitude (rad) */
414 #define LAL_VIRGO_DETECTOR_ARM_X_MIDPOINT_SI 1500.00000000000 /**< VIRGO x arm midpoint (m) */
415 #define LAL_VIRGO_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_MIDPOINT_SI 1500.00000000000 /**< VIRGO y arm midpoint (m) */
416 #define LAL_VIRGO_VERTEX_LOCATION_X_SI 4.54637409900e+06 /**< VIRGO x-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
417 #define LAL_VIRGO_VERTEX_LOCATION_Y_SI 8.42989697626e+05 /**< VIRGO y-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
418 #define LAL_VIRGO_VERTEX_LOCATION_Z_SI 4.37857696241e+06 /**< VIRGO z-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
419 #define LAL_VIRGO_ARM_X_DIRECTION_X -0.70045821479 /**< VIRGO x-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
420 #define LAL_VIRGO_ARM_X_DIRECTION_Y 0.20848948619 /**< VIRGO y-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
421 #define LAL_VIRGO_ARM_X_DIRECTION_Z 0.68256166277 /**< VIRGO z-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
422 #define LAL_VIRGO_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_X -0.05379255368 /**< VIRGO x-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
423 #define LAL_VIRGO_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_Y -0.96908180549 /**< VIRGO y-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
424 #define LAL_VIRGO_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_Z 0.24080451708 /**< VIRGO z-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
425 /** @} */
428 /**
429  * \name GEO 600m Interferometric Detector constants
430  * The following constants describe the location and geometry of the
431  * GEO 600m Interferometric Detector.
432  */
433 /** @{ */
434 #define LAL_GEO_600_DETECTOR_NAME "GEO_600" /**< GEO_600 detector name string */
435 #define LAL_GEO_600_DETECTOR_PREFIX "G1" /**< GEO_600 detector prefix string */
436 #define LAL_GEO_600_DETECTOR_LONGITUDE_RAD 0.17116780435 /**< GEO_600 vertex longitude (rad) */
437 #define LAL_GEO_600_DETECTOR_LATITUDE_RAD 0.91184982752 /**< GEO_600 vertex latitude (rad) */
438 #define LAL_GEO_600_DETECTOR_ELEVATION_SI 114.425 /**< GEO_600 vertex elevation (m) */
439 #define LAL_GEO_600_DETECTOR_ARM_X_AZIMUTH_RAD 1.19360100484 /**< GEO_600 x arm azimuth (rad) */
440 #define LAL_GEO_600_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_AZIMUTH_RAD 5.83039279401 /**< GEO_600 y arm azimuth (rad) */
441 #define LAL_GEO_600_DETECTOR_ARM_X_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< GEO_600 x arm altitude (rad) */
442 #define LAL_GEO_600_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< GEO_600 y arm altitude (rad) */
443 #define LAL_GEO_600_DETECTOR_ARM_X_MIDPOINT_SI 300.00000000000 /**< GEO_600 x arm midpoint (m) */
444 #define LAL_GEO_600_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_MIDPOINT_SI 300.00000000000 /**< GEO_600 y arm midpoint (m) */
445 #define LAL_GEO_600_VERTEX_LOCATION_X_SI 3.85630994926e+06 /**< GEO_600 x-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
446 #define LAL_GEO_600_VERTEX_LOCATION_Y_SI 6.66598956317e+05 /**< GEO_600 y-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
447 #define LAL_GEO_600_VERTEX_LOCATION_Z_SI 5.01964141725e+06 /**< GEO_600 z-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
448 #define LAL_GEO_600_ARM_X_DIRECTION_X -0.44530676905 /**< GEO_600 x-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
449 #define LAL_GEO_600_ARM_X_DIRECTION_Y 0.86651354130 /**< GEO_600 y-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
450 #define LAL_GEO_600_ARM_X_DIRECTION_Z 0.22551311312 /**< GEO_600 z-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
451 #define LAL_GEO_600_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_X -0.62605756776 /**< GEO_600 x-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
452 #define LAL_GEO_600_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_Y -0.55218609524 /**< GEO_600 y-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
453 #define LAL_GEO_600_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_Z 0.55058372486 /**< GEO_600 z-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
454 /** @} */
457 /**
458  * \name LIGO Hanford Observatory 2km Interferometric Detector constants
459  * The following constants describe the location and geometry of the
460  * LIGO Hanford Observatory 2km Interferometric Detector.
461  */
462 /** @{ */
463 #define LAL_LHO_2K_DETECTOR_NAME "LHO_2k" /**< LHO_2k detector name string */
464 #define LAL_LHO_2K_DETECTOR_PREFIX "H2" /**< LHO_2k detector prefix string */
465 #define LAL_LHO_2K_DETECTOR_LONGITUDE_RAD -2.08405676917 /**< LHO_2k vertex longitude (rad) */
466 #define LAL_LHO_2K_DETECTOR_LATITUDE_RAD 0.81079526383 /**< LHO_2k vertex latitude (rad) */
467 #define LAL_LHO_2K_DETECTOR_ELEVATION_SI 142.554 /**< LHO_2k vertex elevation (m) */
468 #define LAL_LHO_2K_DETECTOR_ARM_X_AZIMUTH_RAD 5.65487724844 /**< LHO_2k x arm azimuth (rad) */
469 #define LAL_LHO_2K_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_AZIMUTH_RAD 4.08408092164 /**< LHO_2k y arm azimuth (rad) */
470 #define LAL_LHO_2K_DETECTOR_ARM_X_ALTITUDE_RAD -0.00061950000 /**< LHO_2k x arm altitude (rad) */
471 #define LAL_LHO_2K_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.00001250000 /**< LHO_2k y arm altitude (rad) */
472 #define LAL_LHO_2K_DETECTOR_ARM_X_MIDPOINT_SI 1004.50000000000 /**< LHO_2k x arm midpoint (m) */
473 #define LAL_LHO_2K_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_MIDPOINT_SI 1004.50000000000 /**< LHO_2k y arm midpoint (m) */
474 #define LAL_LHO_2K_VERTEX_LOCATION_X_SI -2.16141492636e+06 /**< LHO_2k x-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
475 #define LAL_LHO_2K_VERTEX_LOCATION_Y_SI -3.83469517889e+06 /**< LHO_2k y-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
476 #define LAL_LHO_2K_VERTEX_LOCATION_Z_SI 4.60035022664e+06 /**< LHO_2k z-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
477 #define LAL_LHO_2K_ARM_X_DIRECTION_X -0.22389266154 /**< LHO_2k x-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
478 #define LAL_LHO_2K_ARM_X_DIRECTION_Y 0.79983062746 /**< LHO_2k y-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
479 #define LAL_LHO_2K_ARM_X_DIRECTION_Z 0.55690487831 /**< LHO_2k z-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
480 #define LAL_LHO_2K_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_X -0.91397818574 /**< LHO_2k x-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
481 #define LAL_LHO_2K_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_Y 0.02609403989 /**< LHO_2k y-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
482 #define LAL_LHO_2K_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_Z -0.40492342125 /**< LHO_2k z-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
483 /** @} */
486 /**
487  * \name LIGO Hanford Observatory 4km Interferometric Detector constants
488  * The following constants describe the location and geometry of the
489  * LIGO Hanford Observatory 4km Interferometric Detector.
490  */
491 /** @{ */
492 #define LAL_LHO_4K_DETECTOR_NAME "LHO_4k" /**< LHO_4k detector name string */
493 #define LAL_LHO_4K_DETECTOR_PREFIX "H1" /**< LHO_4k detector prefix string */
494 #define LAL_LHO_4K_DETECTOR_LONGITUDE_RAD -2.08405676917 /**< LHO_4k vertex longitude (rad) */
495 #define LAL_LHO_4K_DETECTOR_LATITUDE_RAD 0.81079526383 /**< LHO_4k vertex latitude (rad) */
496 #define LAL_LHO_4K_DETECTOR_ELEVATION_SI 142.554 /**< LHO_4k vertex elevation (m) */
497 #define LAL_LHO_4K_DETECTOR_ARM_X_AZIMUTH_RAD 5.65487724844 /**< LHO_4k x arm azimuth (rad) */
498 #define LAL_LHO_4K_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_AZIMUTH_RAD 4.08408092164 /**< LHO_4k y arm azimuth (rad) */
499 #define LAL_LHO_4K_DETECTOR_ARM_X_ALTITUDE_RAD -0.00061950000 /**< LHO_4k x arm altitude (rad) */
500 #define LAL_LHO_4K_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.00001250000 /**< LHO_4k y arm altitude (rad) */
501 #define LAL_LHO_4K_DETECTOR_ARM_X_MIDPOINT_SI 1997.54200000000 /**< LHO_4k x arm midpoint (m) */
502 #define LAL_LHO_4K_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_MIDPOINT_SI 1997.52200000000 /**< LHO_4k y arm midpoint (m) */
503 #define LAL_LHO_4K_VERTEX_LOCATION_X_SI -2.16141492636e+06 /**< LHO_4k x-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
504 #define LAL_LHO_4K_VERTEX_LOCATION_Y_SI -3.83469517889e+06 /**< LHO_4k y-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
505 #define LAL_LHO_4K_VERTEX_LOCATION_Z_SI 4.60035022664e+06 /**< LHO_4k z-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
506 #define LAL_LHO_4K_ARM_X_DIRECTION_X -0.22389266154 /**< LHO_4k x-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
507 #define LAL_LHO_4K_ARM_X_DIRECTION_Y 0.79983062746 /**< LHO_4k y-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
508 #define LAL_LHO_4K_ARM_X_DIRECTION_Z 0.55690487831 /**< LHO_4k z-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
509 #define LAL_LHO_4K_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_X -0.91397818574 /**< LHO_4k x-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
510 #define LAL_LHO_4K_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_Y 0.02609403989 /**< LHO_4k y-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
511 #define LAL_LHO_4K_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_Z -0.40492342125 /**< LHO_4k z-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
512 /** @} */
515 /**
516  * \name LIGO Livingston Observatory 4km Interferometric Detector constants
517  * The following constants describe the location and geometry of the
518  * LIGO Livingston Observatory 4km Interferometric Detector.
519  */
520 /** @{ */
521 #define LAL_LLO_4K_DETECTOR_NAME "LLO_4k" /**< LLO_4k detector name string */
522 #define LAL_LLO_4K_DETECTOR_PREFIX "L1" /**< LLO_4k detector prefix string */
523 #define LAL_LLO_4K_DETECTOR_LONGITUDE_RAD -1.58430937078 /**< LLO_4k vertex longitude (rad) */
524 #define LAL_LLO_4K_DETECTOR_LATITUDE_RAD 0.53342313506 /**< LLO_4k vertex latitude (rad) */
525 #define LAL_LLO_4K_DETECTOR_ELEVATION_SI -6.574 /**< LLO_4k vertex elevation (m) */
526 #define LAL_LLO_4K_DETECTOR_ARM_X_AZIMUTH_RAD 4.40317772346 /**< LLO_4k x arm azimuth (rad) */
527 #define LAL_LLO_4K_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_AZIMUTH_RAD 2.83238139666 /**< LLO_4k y arm azimuth (rad) */
528 #define LAL_LLO_4K_DETECTOR_ARM_X_ALTITUDE_RAD -0.00031210000 /**< LLO_4k x arm altitude (rad) */
529 #define LAL_LLO_4K_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_ALTITUDE_RAD -0.00061070000 /**< LLO_4k y arm altitude (rad) */
530 #define LAL_LLO_4K_DETECTOR_ARM_X_MIDPOINT_SI 1997.57500000000 /**< LLO_4k x arm midpoint (m) */
531 #define LAL_LLO_4K_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_MIDPOINT_SI 1997.57500000000 /**< LLO_4k y arm midpoint (m) */
532 #define LAL_LLO_4K_VERTEX_LOCATION_X_SI -7.42760447238e+04 /**< LLO_4k x-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
533 #define LAL_LLO_4K_VERTEX_LOCATION_Y_SI -5.49628371971e+06 /**< LLO_4k y-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
534 #define LAL_LLO_4K_VERTEX_LOCATION_Z_SI 3.22425701744e+06 /**< LLO_4k z-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
535 #define LAL_LLO_4K_ARM_X_DIRECTION_X -0.95457412153 /**< LLO_4k x-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
536 #define LAL_LLO_4K_ARM_X_DIRECTION_Y -0.14158077340 /**< LLO_4k y-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
537 #define LAL_LLO_4K_ARM_X_DIRECTION_Z -0.26218911324 /**< LLO_4k z-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
538 #define LAL_LLO_4K_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_X 0.29774156894 /**< LLO_4k x-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
539 #define LAL_LLO_4K_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_Y -0.48791033647 /**< LLO_4k y-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
540 #define LAL_LLO_4K_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_Z -0.82054461286 /**< LLO_4k z-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
541 /** @} */
545 /**
546  * \name LIGO India 4km Interferometric Detector constants
547  * @warning These numbers are subject to change.
548  * The following constants describe hypothetical location and geometry
549  * of the LIGO India 4km Interferometric Detector that have been used
550  * in several studies with LALInference. Note that these data do not
551  * represent an actual prospective site.
552  */
553 /** @{ */
554 #define LAL_LIO_4K_DETECTOR_NAME "LIO_4k" /**< LIO_4K detector name string */
555 #define LAL_LIO_4K_DETECTOR_PREFIX "I1" /**< LIO_4K detector prefix string */
556 #define LAL_LIO_4K_DETECTOR_LONGITUDE_RAD 1.3340133249409993 /**< LIO_4K vertex longitude (rad; equal to 76°26') */
557 #define LAL_LIO_4K_DETECTOR_LATITUDE_RAD 0.2484185302005262 /**< LIO_4K vertex latitude (rad; equal to 14°14') */
558 #define LAL_LIO_4K_DETECTOR_ELEVATION_SI 0.0 /**< LIO_4K vertex elevation (m) */
559 #define LAL_LIO_4K_DETECTOR_ARM_X_AZIMUTH_RAD 1.5707963705062866 /**< LIO_4K x arm azimuth (rad) */
560 #define LAL_LIO_4K_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_AZIMUTH_RAD 0.0 /**< LIO_4K y arm azimuth (rad) */
561 #define LAL_LIO_4K_DETECTOR_ARM_X_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.0 /**< LIO_4K x arm altitude (rad) */
562 #define LAL_LIO_4K_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.0 /**< LIO_4K y arm altitude (rad) */
563 #define LAL_LIO_4K_DETECTOR_ARM_X_MIDPOINT_SI 2000.00000000000 /**< LIO_4K x arm midpoint (m) */
564 #define LAL_LIO_4K_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_MIDPOINT_SI 2000.00000000000 /**< LIO_4K y arm midpoint (m) */
565 #define LAL_LIO_4K_VERTEX_LOCATION_X_SI 1450526.82294155 /**< LIO_4K x-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
566 #define LAL_LIO_4K_VERTEX_LOCATION_Y_SI 6011058.39047265 /**< LIO_4K y-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
567 #define LAL_LIO_4K_VERTEX_LOCATION_Z_SI 1558018.27884102 /**< LIO_4K z-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
568 #define LAL_LIO_4K_ARM_X_DIRECTION_X -9.72097635269165039e-01 /**< LIO_4K x-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
569 #define LAL_LIO_4K_ARM_X_DIRECTION_Y 2.34576612710952759e-01 /**< LIO_4K y-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
570 #define LAL_LIO_4K_ARM_X_DIRECTION_Z -4.23695567519644101e-08 /**< LIO_4K z-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
571 #define LAL_LIO_4K_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_X -5.76756671071052551e-02 /**< LIO_4K x-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
572 #define LAL_LIO_4K_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_Y -2.39010959863662720e-01 /**< LIO_4K y-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
573 #define LAL_LIO_4K_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_Z 9.69302475452423096e-01 /**< LIO_4K z-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
574 /** @} */
577 /**
578  * \name Caltech 40m Prototype Detector constants
579  * The following constants describe the location and geometry of the
580  * Caltech 40m Prototype Detector.
581  */
582 /** @{ */
583 #define LAL_CIT_40_DETECTOR_NAME "CIT_40" /**< CIT_40 detector name string */
584 #define LAL_CIT_40_DETECTOR_PREFIX "C1" /**< CIT_40 detector prefix string */
585 #define LAL_CIT_40_DETECTOR_LONGITUDE_RAD -2.06175744538 /**< CIT_40 vertex longitude (rad) */
586 #define LAL_CIT_40_DETECTOR_LATITUDE_RAD 0.59637900541 /**< CIT_40 vertex latitude (rad) */
587 #define LAL_CIT_40_DETECTOR_ELEVATION_SI 0 /**< CIT_40 vertex elevation (m) */
588 #define LAL_CIT_40_DETECTOR_ARM_X_AZIMUTH_RAD 3.14159265359 /**< CIT_40 x arm azimuth (rad) */
589 #define LAL_CIT_40_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_AZIMUTH_RAD 1.57079632679 /**< CIT_40 y arm azimuth (rad) */
590 #define LAL_CIT_40_DETECTOR_ARM_X_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< CIT_40 x arm altitude (rad) */
591 #define LAL_CIT_40_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< CIT_40 y arm altitude (rad) */
592 #define LAL_CIT_40_DETECTOR_ARM_X_MIDPOINT_SI 19.12500000000 /**< CIT_40 x arm midpoint (m) */
593 #define LAL_CIT_40_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_MIDPOINT_SI 19.12500000000 /**< CIT_40 y arm midpoint (m) */
594 #define LAL_CIT_40_VERTEX_LOCATION_X_SI -2.49064958347e+06 /**< CIT_40 x-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
595 #define LAL_CIT_40_VERTEX_LOCATION_Y_SI -4.65869968211e+06 /**< CIT_40 y-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
596 #define LAL_CIT_40_VERTEX_LOCATION_Z_SI 3.56206411403e+06 /**< CIT_40 z-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
597 #define LAL_CIT_40_ARM_X_DIRECTION_X -0.26480331633 /**< CIT_40 x-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
598 #define LAL_CIT_40_ARM_X_DIRECTION_Y -0.49530818538 /**< CIT_40 y-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
599 #define LAL_CIT_40_ARM_X_DIRECTION_Z -0.82737476706 /**< CIT_40 z-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
600 #define LAL_CIT_40_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_X 0.88188012386 /**< CIT_40 x-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
601 #define LAL_CIT_40_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_Y -0.47147369718 /**< CIT_40 y-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
602 #define LAL_CIT_40_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_Z 0.00000000000 /**< CIT_40 z-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
603 /** @} */
606 /**
607  * \name Einstein Telescop 10km Interferometric Detector constants
608  * The following constants describe the locations and geometrys of the
609  * three 10km Interferometric Detectors for the planned third generation
610  * Einstein Telescop detector as well as the theoretical null stream.
611  * See T1400308
612  */
613 /** @{ */
614 #define LAL_ET1_DETECTOR_NAME "ET1_T1400308" /**< ET1 detector name string */
615 #define LAL_ET1_DETECTOR_PREFIX "E1" /**< ET1 detector prefix string */
616 #define LAL_ET1_DETECTOR_LONGITUDE_RAD 0.18333805213 /**< ET1 vertex longitude (rad) */
617 #define LAL_ET1_DETECTOR_LATITUDE_RAD 0.76151183984 /**< ET1 vertex latitude (rad) */
618 #define LAL_ET1_DETECTOR_ELEVATION_SI 51.884 /**< ET1 vertex elevation (m) */
619 #define LAL_ET1_DETECTOR_ARM_X_AZIMUTH_RAD 0.33916285222 /**< ET1 x arm azimuth (rad) */
620 #define LAL_ET1_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_AZIMUTH_RAD 5.57515060820 /**< ET1 y arm azimuth (rad) */
621 #define LAL_ET1_DETECTOR_ARM_X_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< ET1 x arm altitude (rad) */
622 #define LAL_ET1_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< ET1 y arm altitude (rad) */
623 #define LAL_ET1_DETECTOR_ARM_X_MIDPOINT_SI 5000.00000000000 /**< ET1 x arm midpoint (m) */
624 #define LAL_ET1_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_MIDPOINT_SI 5000.00000000000 /**< ET1 y arm midpoint (m) */
625 #define LAL_ET1_VERTEX_LOCATION_X_SI 4.54637409900e+06 /**< ET1 x-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
626 #define LAL_ET1_VERTEX_LOCATION_Y_SI 8.42989697626e+05 /**< ET1 y-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
627 #define LAL_ET1_VERTEX_LOCATION_Z_SI 4.37857696241e+06 /**< ET1 z-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
628 #define LAL_ET1_ARM_X_DIRECTION_X -0.70045821479 /**< ET1 x-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
629 #define LAL_ET1_ARM_X_DIRECTION_Y 0.20848948619 /**< ET1 y-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
630 #define LAL_ET1_ARM_X_DIRECTION_Z 0.68256166277 /**< ET1 z-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
631 #define LAL_ET1_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_X -0.39681482542 /**< ET1 x-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
632 #define LAL_ET1_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_Y -0.73500471881 /**< ET1 y-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
633 #define LAL_ET1_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_Z 0.54982366052 /**< ET1 z-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
636 #define LAL_ET2_DETECTOR_NAME "ET2_T1400308" /**< ET2 detector name string */
637 #define LAL_ET2_DETECTOR_PREFIX "E2" /**< ET2 detector prefix string */
638 #define LAL_ET2_DETECTOR_LONGITUDE_RAD 0.18405858870 /**< ET2 vertex longitude (rad) */
639 #define LAL_ET2_DETECTOR_LATITUDE_RAD 0.76299307990 /**< ET2 vertex latitude (rad) */
640 #define LAL_ET2_DETECTOR_ELEVATION_SI 59.735 /**< ET2 vertex elevation (m) */
641 #define LAL_ET2_DETECTOR_ARM_X_AZIMUTH_RAD 4.52795305701 /**< ET2 x arm azimuth (rad) */
642 #define LAL_ET2_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_AZIMUTH_RAD 3.48075550581 /**< ET2 y arm azimuth (rad) */
643 #define LAL_ET2_DETECTOR_ARM_X_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< ET2 x arm altitude (rad) */
644 #define LAL_ET2_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< ET2 y arm altitude (rad) */
645 #define LAL_ET2_DETECTOR_ARM_X_MIDPOINT_SI 5000.00000000000 /**< ET2 x arm midpoint (m) */
646 #define LAL_ET2_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_MIDPOINT_SI 5000.00000000000 /**< ET2 y arm midpoint (m) */
647 #define LAL_ET2_VERTEX_LOCATION_X_SI 4.53936951685e+06 /**< ET2 x-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
648 #define LAL_ET2_VERTEX_LOCATION_Y_SI 8.45074592488e+05 /**< ET2 y-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
649 #define LAL_ET2_VERTEX_LOCATION_Z_SI 4.38540257904e+06 /**< ET2 z-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
650 #define LAL_ET2_ARM_X_DIRECTION_X 0.30364338937 /**< ET2 x-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
651 #define LAL_ET2_ARM_X_DIRECTION_Y -0.94349420500 /**< ET2 y-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
652 #define LAL_ET2_ARM_X_DIRECTION_Z -0.13273800225 /**< ET2 z-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
653 #define LAL_ET2_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_X 0.70045821479 /**< ET2 x-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
654 #define LAL_ET2_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_Y -0.20848948619 /**< ET2 y-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
655 #define LAL_ET2_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_Z -0.68256166277 /**< ET2 z-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
658 #define LAL_ET3_DETECTOR_NAME "ET3_T1400308" /**< ET3 detector name string */
659 #define LAL_ET3_DETECTOR_PREFIX "E3" /**< ET3 detector prefix string */
660 #define LAL_ET3_DETECTOR_LONGITUDE_RAD 0.18192996730 /**< ET3 vertex longitude (rad) */
661 #define LAL_ET3_DETECTOR_LATITUDE_RAD 0.76270463257 /**< ET3 vertex latitude (rad) */
662 #define LAL_ET3_DETECTOR_ELEVATION_SI 59.727 /**< ET3 vertex elevation (m) */
663 #define LAL_ET3_DETECTOR_ARM_X_AZIMUTH_RAD 2.43355795462 /**< ET3 x arm azimuth (rad) */
664 #define LAL_ET3_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_AZIMUTH_RAD 1.38636040342 /**< ET3 y arm azimuth (rad) */
665 #define LAL_ET3_DETECTOR_ARM_X_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< ET3 x arm altitude (rad) */
666 #define LAL_ET3_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< ET3 y arm altitude (rad) */
667 #define LAL_ET3_DETECTOR_ARM_X_MIDPOINT_SI 5000.00000000000 /**< ET3 x arm midpoint (m) */
668 #define LAL_ET3_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_MIDPOINT_SI 5000.00000000000 /**< ET3 y arm midpoint (m) */
669 #define LAL_ET3_VERTEX_LOCATION_X_SI 4.54240595075e+06 /**< ET3 x-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
670 #define LAL_ET3_VERTEX_LOCATION_Y_SI 8.35639650438e+05 /**< ET3 y-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
671 #define LAL_ET3_VERTEX_LOCATION_Z_SI 4.38407519902e+06 /**< ET3 z-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
672 #define LAL_ET3_ARM_X_DIRECTION_X 0.39681482542 /**< ET3 x-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
673 #define LAL_ET3_ARM_X_DIRECTION_Y 0.73500471881 /**< ET3 y-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
674 #define LAL_ET3_ARM_X_DIRECTION_Z -0.54982366052 /**< ET3 z-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
675 #define LAL_ET3_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_X -0.30364338937 /**< ET3 x-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
676 #define LAL_ET3_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_Y 0.94349420500 /**< ET3 y-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
677 #define LAL_ET3_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_Z 0.13273800225 /**< ET3 z-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
680 #define LAL_ET0_DETECTOR_NAME "ET0_T1400308" /**< ET0 detector name string */
681 #define LAL_ET0_DETECTOR_PREFIX "E0" /**< ET0 detector prefix string */
682 #define LAL_ET0_DETECTOR_LONGITUDE_RAD 0.18192996730 /**< ET0 vertex longitude (rad) */
683 #define LAL_ET0_DETECTOR_LATITUDE_RAD 0.76270463257 /**< ET0 vertex latitude (rad) */
684 #define LAL_ET0_DETECTOR_ELEVATION_SI 59.727 /**< ET0 vertex elevation (m) */
685 #define LAL_ET0_DETECTOR_ARM_X_AZIMUTH_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< ET0 x arm azimuth (rad) */
686 #define LAL_ET0_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_AZIMUTH_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< ET0 y arm azimuth (rad) */
687 #define LAL_ET0_DETECTOR_ARM_X_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< ET0 x arm altitude (rad) */
688 #define LAL_ET0_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< ET0 y arm altitude (rad) */
689 #define LAL_ET0_DETECTOR_ARM_X_MIDPOINT_SI 0.00000000000 /**< ET0 x arm midpoint (m) */
690 #define LAL_ET0_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_MIDPOINT_SI 0.00000000000 /**< ET0 y arm midpoint (m) */
691 #define LAL_ET0_VERTEX_LOCATION_X_SI 4.54240595075e+06 /**< ET0 x-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
692 #define LAL_ET0_VERTEX_LOCATION_Y_SI 8.35639650438e+05 /**< ET0 y-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
693 #define LAL_ET0_VERTEX_LOCATION_Z_SI 4.38407519902e+06 /**< ET0 z-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
694 #define LAL_ET0_ARM_X_DIRECTION_X 0.00000000000 /**< ET0 x-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
695 #define LAL_ET0_ARM_X_DIRECTION_Y 0.00000000000 /**< ET0 y-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
696 #define LAL_ET0_ARM_X_DIRECTION_Z 0.00000000000 /**< ET0 z-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
697 #define LAL_ET0_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_X 0.00000000000 /**< ET0 x-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
698 #define LAL_ET0_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_Y 0.00000000000 /**< ET0 y-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
699 #define LAL_ET0_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_Z 0.00000000000 /**< ET0 z-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
700 /** @} */
702 /**
703  * \name KAGRA Interferometric Detector constants
704  * The following constants describe the location and geometry of the
705  * KAGRA Interferometric Detector.
706  * \sa
707  * > Yoshio Saito, "KAGRA location", KAGRA Technical Document JGW-G1503824
708  * >
709  */
710 /** @{ */
711 #define LAL_KAGRA_DETECTOR_NAME "KAGRA" /**< KAGRA detector name string */
712 #define LAL_KAGRA_DETECTOR_PREFIX "K1" /**< KAGRA detector prefix string */
713 #define LAL_KAGRA_DETECTOR_LONGITUDE_RAD 2.396441015 /**< KAGRA vertex longitude (rad) */
714 #define LAL_KAGRA_DETECTOR_LATITUDE_RAD 0.6355068497 /**< KAGRA vertex latitude (rad) */
715 #define LAL_KAGRA_DETECTOR_ELEVATION_SI 414.181 /**< KAGRA vertex elevation (m) */
716 #define LAL_KAGRA_DETECTOR_ARM_X_AZIMUTH_RAD 1.054113 /**< KAGRA x arm azimuth (rad) */
717 #define LAL_KAGRA_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_AZIMUTH_RAD -0.5166798 /**< KAGRA y arm azimuth (rad) */
718 #define LAL_KAGRA_DETECTOR_ARM_X_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.0031414 /**< KAGRA x arm altitude (rad) */
719 #define LAL_KAGRA_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_ALTITUDE_RAD -0.0036270 /**< KAGRA y arm altitude (rad) */
720 #define LAL_KAGRA_DETECTOR_ARM_X_MIDPOINT_SI 1513.2535 /**< KAGRA x arm midpoint (m) */
721 #define LAL_KAGRA_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_MIDPOINT_SI 1511.611 /**< KAGRA y arm midpoint (m) */
722 #define LAL_KAGRA_VERTEX_LOCATION_X_SI -3777336.024 /**< KAGRA x-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
723 #define LAL_KAGRA_VERTEX_LOCATION_Y_SI 3484898.411 /**< KAGRA y-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
724 #define LAL_KAGRA_VERTEX_LOCATION_Z_SI 3765313.697 /**< KAGRA z-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
725 #define LAL_KAGRA_ARM_X_DIRECTION_X -0.3759040 /**< KAGRA x-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
726 #define LAL_KAGRA_ARM_X_DIRECTION_Y -0.8361583 /**< KAGRA y-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
727 #define LAL_KAGRA_ARM_X_DIRECTION_Z 0.3994189 /**< KAGRA z-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
728 #define LAL_KAGRA_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_X 0.7164378 /**< KAGRA x-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
729 #define LAL_KAGRA_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_Y 0.01114076 /**< KAGRA y-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
730 #define LAL_KAGRA_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_Z 0.6975620 /**< KAGRA z-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
731 /** @} */
734 /**
735  * \name ACIGA Interferometric Detector constants (not implemented)
736  * The following constants are stubs for the location and geometry of the
737  * ACIGA Interferometric Detector.
738  */
739 /** @{ */
740 #define LAL_ACIGA_DETECTOR_NAME "ACIGA" /**< ACIGA detector name string */
741 #define LAL_ACIGA_DETECTOR_PREFIX "U1" /**< ACIGA detector prefix string */
742 #define LAL_ACIGA_DETECTOR_LONGITUDE_RAD 0.0 /**< ACIGA vertex longitude (rad) */
743 #define LAL_ACIGA_DETECTOR_LATITUDE_RAD 0.0 /**< ACIGA vertex latitude (rad) */
744 #define LAL_ACIGA_DETECTOR_ELEVATION_SI 0.0 /**< ACIGA vertex elevation (m) */
745 #define LAL_ACIGA_DETECTOR_ARM_X_AZIMUTH_RAD 0.0 /**< ACIGA x arm azimuth (rad) */
746 #define LAL_ACIGA_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_AZIMUTH_RAD 0.0 /**< ACIGA y arm azimuth (rad) */
747 #define LAL_ACIGA_DETECTOR_ARM_X_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.0 /**< ACIGA x arm altitude (rad) */
748 #define LAL_ACIGA_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.0 /**< ACIGA y arm altitude (rad) */
749 #define LAL_ACIGA_DETECTOR_ARM_X_MIDPOINT_SI 0.0 /**< ACIGA x arm midpoint (m) */
750 #define LAL_ACIGA_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_MIDPOINT_SI 0.0 /**< ACIGA y arm midpoint (m) */
751 #define LAL_ACIGA_VERTEX_LOCATION_X_SI 0.0 /**< ACIGA x-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
752 #define LAL_ACIGA_VERTEX_LOCATION_Y_SI 0.0 /**< ACIGA y-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
753 #define LAL_ACIGA_VERTEX_LOCATION_Z_SI 0.0 /**< ACIGA z-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
754 #define LAL_ACIGA_ARM_X_DIRECTION_X 0.0 /**< ACIGA x-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
755 #define LAL_ACIGA_ARM_X_DIRECTION_Y 0.0 /**< ACIGA y-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
756 #define LAL_ACIGA_ARM_X_DIRECTION_Z 0.0 /**< ACIGA z-component of unit vector pointing along x arm in Earth-centered frame */
757 #define LAL_ACIGA_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_X 0.0 /**< ACIGA x-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
758 #define LAL_ACIGA_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_Y 0.0 /**< ACIGA y-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
759 #define LAL_ACIGA_ARM_Y_DIRECTION_Z 0.0 /**< ACIGA z-component of unit vector pointing along y arm in Earth-centered frame */
760 /** @} */
763 /* Resonant Mass (Bar) Detectors */
766 /**
767  * \name ALLEGRO Resonant Mass Detector with 320 degree azimuth "IGEC axis" constants
768  * The following constants describe the location and geometry of the
769  * ALLEGRO Resonant Mass Detector with 320 degree azimuth "IGEC axis".
770  */
771 /** @{ */
772 #define LAL_ALLEGRO_320_DETECTOR_NAME "ALLEGRO_320" /**< ALLEGRO_320 detector name string */
773 #define LAL_ALLEGRO_320_DETECTOR_PREFIX "A1" /**< ALLEGRO_320 detector prefix string */
774 #define LAL_ALLEGRO_320_DETECTOR_LONGITUDE_RAD -1.59137068496 /**< ALLEGRO_320 vertex longitude (rad) */
775 #define LAL_ALLEGRO_320_DETECTOR_LATITUDE_RAD 0.53079879206 /**< ALLEGRO_320 vertex latitude (rad) */
776 #define LAL_ALLEGRO_320_DETECTOR_ELEVATION_SI 0 /**< ALLEGRO_320 vertex elevation (m) */
777 #define LAL_ALLEGRO_320_DETECTOR_ARM_X_AZIMUTH_RAD -0.69813170080 /**< ALLEGRO_320 x arm azimuth (rad) */
778 #define LAL_ALLEGRO_320_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_AZIMUTH_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< ALLEGRO_320 y arm azimuth (rad) UNUSED FOR BARS */
779 #define LAL_ALLEGRO_320_DETECTOR_ARM_X_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< ALLEGRO_320 x arm altitude (rad) */
780 #define LAL_ALLEGRO_320_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< ALLEGRO_320 y arm altitude (rad) UNUSED FOR BARS */
781 #define LAL_ALLEGRO_320_DETECTOR_ARM_X_MIDPOINT_SI 0.00000000000 /**< ALLEGRO_320 x arm midpoint (m) UNUSED FOR BARS */
782 #define LAL_ALLEGRO_320_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_MIDPOINT_SI 0.00000000000 /**< ALLEGRO_320 y arm midpoint (m) UNUSED FOR BARS */
783 #define LAL_ALLEGRO_320_VERTEX_LOCATION_X_SI -1.13258964140e+05 /**< ALLEGRO_320 x-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
784 #define LAL_ALLEGRO_320_VERTEX_LOCATION_Y_SI -5.50408337391e+06 /**< ALLEGRO_320 y-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
785 #define LAL_ALLEGRO_320_VERTEX_LOCATION_Z_SI 3.20989567981e+06 /**< ALLEGRO_320 z-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
786 #define LAL_ALLEGRO_320_AXIS_DIRECTION_X -0.63467362345 /**< ALLEGRO_320 x-component of unit vector pointing along axis in Earth-centered frame */
787 #define LAL_ALLEGRO_320_AXIS_DIRECTION_Y 0.40093077976 /**< ALLEGRO_320 y-component of unit vector pointing along axis in Earth-centered frame */
788 #define LAL_ALLEGRO_320_AXIS_DIRECTION_Z 0.66063901000 /**< ALLEGRO_320 z-component of unit vector pointing along axis in Earth-centered frame */
789 /** @} */
791 /**
792  * \name AURIGA Resonant Mass Detector constants
793  * The following constants describe the location and geometry of the
794  * AURIGA Resonant Mass Detector.
795  */
796 /** @{ */
797 #define LAL_AURIGA_DETECTOR_NAME "AURIGA" /**< AURIGA detector name string */
798 #define LAL_AURIGA_DETECTOR_PREFIX "O1" /**< AURIGA detector prefix string */
799 #define LAL_AURIGA_DETECTOR_LONGITUDE_RAD 0.20853775679 /**< AURIGA vertex longitude (rad) */
800 #define LAL_AURIGA_DETECTOR_LATITUDE_RAD 0.79156499342 /**< AURIGA vertex latitude (rad) */
801 #define LAL_AURIGA_DETECTOR_ELEVATION_SI 0 /**< AURIGA vertex elevation (m) */
802 #define LAL_AURIGA_DETECTOR_ARM_X_AZIMUTH_RAD 0.76794487088 /**< AURIGA x arm azimuth (rad) */
803 #define LAL_AURIGA_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_AZIMUTH_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< AURIGA y arm azimuth (rad) UNUSED FOR BARS */
804 #define LAL_AURIGA_DETECTOR_ARM_X_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< AURIGA x arm altitude (rad) */
805 #define LAL_AURIGA_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< AURIGA y arm altitude (rad) UNUSED FOR BARS */
806 #define LAL_AURIGA_DETECTOR_ARM_X_MIDPOINT_SI 0.00000000000 /**< AURIGA x arm midpoint (m) UNUSED FOR BARS */
807 #define LAL_AURIGA_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_MIDPOINT_SI 0.00000000000 /**< AURIGA y arm midpoint (m) UNUSED FOR BARS */
808 #define LAL_AURIGA_VERTEX_LOCATION_X_SI 4.39246733007e+06 /**< AURIGA x-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
809 #define LAL_AURIGA_VERTEX_LOCATION_Y_SI 9.29508666967e+05 /**< AURIGA y-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
810 #define LAL_AURIGA_VERTEX_LOCATION_Z_SI 4.51502913071e+06 /**< AURIGA z-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
811 #define LAL_AURIGA_AXIS_DIRECTION_X -0.64450412225 /**< AURIGA x-component of unit vector pointing along axis in Earth-centered frame */
812 #define LAL_AURIGA_AXIS_DIRECTION_Y 0.57365538956 /**< AURIGA y-component of unit vector pointing along axis in Earth-centered frame */
813 #define LAL_AURIGA_AXIS_DIRECTION_Z 0.50550364038 /**< AURIGA z-component of unit vector pointing along axis in Earth-centered frame */
814 /** @} */
816 /**
817  * \name EXPLORER Resonant Mass Detector constants
818  * The following constants describe the location and geometry of the
819  * EXPLORER Resonant Mass Detector.
820  */
821 /** @{ */
822 #define LAL_EXPLORER_DETECTOR_NAME "EXPLORER" /**< EXPLORER detector name string */
823 #define LAL_EXPLORER_DETECTOR_PREFIX "X1" /**< EXPLORER detector prefix string */
824 #define LAL_EXPLORER_DETECTOR_LONGITUDE_RAD 0.10821041362 /**< EXPLORER vertex longitude (rad) */
825 #define LAL_EXPLORER_DETECTOR_LATITUDE_RAD 0.81070543755 /**< EXPLORER vertex latitude (rad) */
826 #define LAL_EXPLORER_DETECTOR_ELEVATION_SI 0 /**< EXPLORER vertex elevation (m) */
827 #define LAL_EXPLORER_DETECTOR_ARM_X_AZIMUTH_RAD 0.68067840828 /**< EXPLORER x arm azimuth (rad) */
828 #define LAL_EXPLORER_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_AZIMUTH_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< EXPLORER y arm azimuth (rad) UNUSED FOR BARS */
829 #define LAL_EXPLORER_DETECTOR_ARM_X_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< EXPLORER x arm altitude (rad) */
830 #define LAL_EXPLORER_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< EXPLORER y arm altitude (rad) UNUSED FOR BARS */
831 #define LAL_EXPLORER_DETECTOR_ARM_X_MIDPOINT_SI 0.00000000000 /**< EXPLORER x arm midpoint (m) UNUSED FOR BARS */
832 #define LAL_EXPLORER_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_MIDPOINT_SI 0.00000000000 /**< EXPLORER y arm midpoint (m) UNUSED FOR BARS */
833 #define LAL_EXPLORER_VERTEX_LOCATION_X_SI 4.37645395452e+06 /**< EXPLORER x-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
834 #define LAL_EXPLORER_VERTEX_LOCATION_Y_SI 4.75435044067e+05 /**< EXPLORER y-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
835 #define LAL_EXPLORER_VERTEX_LOCATION_Z_SI 4.59985274450e+06 /**< EXPLORER z-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
836 #define LAL_EXPLORER_AXIS_DIRECTION_X -0.62792641437 /**< EXPLORER x-component of unit vector pointing along axis in Earth-centered frame */
837 #define LAL_EXPLORER_AXIS_DIRECTION_Y 0.56480832712 /**< EXPLORER y-component of unit vector pointing along axis in Earth-centered frame */
838 #define LAL_EXPLORER_AXIS_DIRECTION_Z 0.53544371484 /**< EXPLORER z-component of unit vector pointing along axis in Earth-centered frame */
839 /** @} */
841 /**
842  * \name Nautilus Resonant Mass Detector constants
843  * The following constants describe the location and geometry of the
844  * Nautilus Resonant Mass Detector.
845  */
846 /** @{ */
847 #define LAL_NAUTILUS_DETECTOR_NAME "Nautilus" /**< Nautilus detector name string */
848 #define LAL_NAUTILUS_DETECTOR_PREFIX "N1" /**< Nautilus detector prefix string */
849 #define LAL_NAUTILUS_DETECTOR_LONGITUDE_RAD 0.22117684946 /**< Nautilus vertex longitude (rad) */
850 #define LAL_NAUTILUS_DETECTOR_LATITUDE_RAD 0.72996456710 /**< Nautilus vertex latitude (rad) */
851 #define LAL_NAUTILUS_DETECTOR_ELEVATION_SI 0 /**< Nautilus vertex elevation (m) */
852 #define LAL_NAUTILUS_DETECTOR_ARM_X_AZIMUTH_RAD 0.76794487088 /**< Nautilus x arm azimuth (rad) */
853 #define LAL_NAUTILUS_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_AZIMUTH_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< Nautilus y arm azimuth (rad) UNUSED FOR BARS */
854 #define LAL_NAUTILUS_DETECTOR_ARM_X_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< Nautilus x arm altitude (rad) */
855 #define LAL_NAUTILUS_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< Nautilus y arm altitude (rad) UNUSED FOR BARS */
856 #define LAL_NAUTILUS_DETECTOR_ARM_X_MIDPOINT_SI 0.00000000000 /**< Nautilus x arm midpoint (m) UNUSED FOR BARS */
857 #define LAL_NAUTILUS_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_MIDPOINT_SI 0.00000000000 /**< Nautilus y arm midpoint (m) UNUSED FOR BARS */
858 #define LAL_NAUTILUS_VERTEX_LOCATION_X_SI 4.64410999868e+06 /**< Nautilus x-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
859 #define LAL_NAUTILUS_VERTEX_LOCATION_Y_SI 1.04425342477e+06 /**< Nautilus y-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
860 #define LAL_NAUTILUS_VERTEX_LOCATION_Z_SI 4.23104713307e+06 /**< Nautilus z-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
861 #define LAL_NAUTILUS_AXIS_DIRECTION_X -0.62039441384 /**< Nautilus x-component of unit vector pointing along axis in Earth-centered frame */
862 #define LAL_NAUTILUS_AXIS_DIRECTION_Y 0.57250373141 /**< Nautilus y-component of unit vector pointing along axis in Earth-centered frame */
863 #define LAL_NAUTILUS_AXIS_DIRECTION_Z 0.53605060283 /**< Nautilus z-component of unit vector pointing along axis in Earth-centered frame */
864 /** @} */
866 /**
867  * \name NIOBE Resonant Mass Detector constants
868  * The following constants describe the location and geometry of the
869  * NIOBE Resonant Mass Detector.
870  */
871 /** @{ */
872 #define LAL_NIOBE_DETECTOR_NAME "NIOBE" /**< NIOBE detector name string */
873 #define LAL_NIOBE_DETECTOR_PREFIX "B1" /**< NIOBE detector prefix string */
874 #define LAL_NIOBE_DETECTOR_LONGITUDE_RAD 2.02138216202 /**< NIOBE vertex longitude (rad) */
875 #define LAL_NIOBE_DETECTOR_LATITUDE_RAD -0.55734180780 /**< NIOBE vertex latitude (rad) */
876 #define LAL_NIOBE_DETECTOR_ELEVATION_SI 0 /**< NIOBE vertex elevation (m) */
877 #define LAL_NIOBE_DETECTOR_ARM_X_AZIMUTH_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< NIOBE x arm azimuth (rad) */
878 #define LAL_NIOBE_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_AZIMUTH_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< NIOBE y arm azimuth (rad) UNUSED FOR BARS */
879 #define LAL_NIOBE_DETECTOR_ARM_X_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< NIOBE x arm altitude (rad) */
880 #define LAL_NIOBE_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_ALTITUDE_RAD 0.00000000000 /**< NIOBE y arm altitude (rad) UNUSED FOR BARS */
881 #define LAL_NIOBE_DETECTOR_ARM_X_MIDPOINT_SI 0.00000000000 /**< NIOBE x arm midpoint (m) UNUSED FOR BARS */
882 #define LAL_NIOBE_DETECTOR_ARM_Y_MIDPOINT_SI 0.00000000000 /**< NIOBE y arm midpoint (m) UNUSED FOR BARS */
883 #define LAL_NIOBE_VERTEX_LOCATION_X_SI -2.35948871453e+06 /**< NIOBE x-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
884 #define LAL_NIOBE_VERTEX_LOCATION_Y_SI 4.87721571259e+06 /**< NIOBE y-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
885 #define LAL_NIOBE_VERTEX_LOCATION_Z_SI -3.35416003274e+06 /**< NIOBE z-component of vertex location in Earth-centered frame (m) */
886 #define LAL_NIOBE_AXIS_DIRECTION_X -0.23034623759 /**< NIOBE x-component of unit vector pointing along axis in Earth-centered frame */
887 #define LAL_NIOBE_AXIS_DIRECTION_Y 0.47614056486 /**< NIOBE y-component of unit vector pointing along axis in Earth-centered frame */
888 #define LAL_NIOBE_AXIS_DIRECTION_Z 0.84866411101 /**< NIOBE z-component of unit vector pointing along axis in Earth-centered frame */
889 /** @} */
891 /** @} */ /* end: DetectorConstants */
893 #ifdef __cplusplus
894 }
895 #endif
897 #endif /* _LALDETECTORS_H */
static const size_t prefix
Definition: LALMalloc.c:256
const char *const name
type name
Definition: UserInput.c:193
LALDetector * XLALCreateDetector(LALDetector *detector, const LALFrDetector *frDetector, LALDetectorType type)
double REAL8
Double precision real floating-point number (8 bytes).
int64_t INT8
Eight-byte signed integer; on some platforms this is equivalent to long int instead.
char CHAR
One-byte signed integer, see Headers LAL(Atomic)Datatypes.h for more details.
float REAL4
Single precision real floating-point number (4 bytes).
@ LALNameLength
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:508
Definition: LALDetectors.h:195
Detector type, which determines how the detector response is determined.
Definition: LALDetectors.h:238
const LALDetector lalCachedDetectors[LAL_NUM_DETECTORS]
Pre-existing detectors.
Enumeration of Detectors: follows order of DQ bit assignments.
Definition: LALDetectors.h:168
No FrDetector associated with this detector.
Definition: LALDetectors.h:239
Cylindrical bar.
Definition: LALDetectors.h:244
IFO in common mode.
Definition: LALDetectors.h:243
IFO in one-armed mode (Y arm)
Definition: LALDetectors.h:242
IFO in one-armed mode (X arm)
Definition: LALDetectors.h:241
IFO in differential mode.
Definition: LALDetectors.h:240
Definition: LALDetectors.h:169
Definition: LALDetectors.h:179
Definition: LALDetectors.h:189
Definition: LALDetectors.h:175
Definition: LALDetectors.h:171
Definition: LALDetectors.h:177
Definition: LALDetectors.h:184
Definition: LALDetectors.h:182
Definition: LALDetectors.h:173
Definition: LALDetectors.h:170
Definition: LALDetectors.h:181
Definition: LALDetectors.h:188
Definition: LALDetectors.h:186
Definition: LALDetectors.h:180
Definition: LALDetectors.h:183
Definition: LALDetectors.h:176
Definition: LALDetectors.h:185
Definition: LALDetectors.h:187
Definition: LALDetectors.h:178
Definition: LALDetectors.h:172
Definition: LALDetectors.h:174
Detector structure.
Definition: LALDetectors.h:278
LALDetectorType type
The type of the detector (e.g., IFO in differential mode, cylindrical bar, etc.)
Definition: LALDetectors.h:281
LALFrDetector frDetector
The original LALFrDetector structure from which this was created.
Definition: LALDetectors.h:282
Detector frame data structure Structure to contain the data that appears in a FrDetector structure in...
Definition: LALDetectors.h:255
REAL8 vertexLongitudeRadians
The geodetic longitude of the vertex in radians.
Definition: LALDetectors.h:258
REAL8 vertexLatitudeRadians
The geodetic latitude of the vertex in radians.
Definition: LALDetectors.h:259
REAL4 xArmMidpoint
The distance to the midpoint of the X arm in meters (unused for bars: set it to zero)
Definition: LALDetectors.h:265
REAL4 vertexElevation
The height of the vertex above the reference ellipsoid in meters.
Definition: LALDetectors.h:260
REAL4 xArmAzimuthRadians
The angle clockwise from North to the projection of the X arm (or bar's cylidrical axis) into the lo...
Definition: LALDetectors.h:262
REAL4 yArmMidpoint
The distance to the midpoint of the Y arm in meters (unused for bars: set it to zero)
Definition: LALDetectors.h:266
REAL4 yArmAltitudeRadians
The angle up from the local tangent plane of the reference ellipsoid to the Y arm in radians (unused...
Definition: LALDetectors.h:263
REAL4 yArmAzimuthRadians
The angle clockwise from North to the projection of the Y arm into the local tangent plane of the re...
Definition: LALDetectors.h:264
REAL4 xArmAltitudeRadians
The angle up from the local tangent plane of the reference ellipsoid to the X arm (or bar's cylidric...
Definition: LALDetectors.h:261