Segments.c File Reference


int XLALSegSet (LALSeg *seg, const LIGOTimeGPS *start, const LIGOTimeGPS *end, const INT4 id)
 This function sets the start time, the end time, and the id of a segment. More...
LALSegXLALSegCreate (const LIGOTimeGPS *start, const LIGOTimeGPS *end, const INT4 id)
 This function is similar to XLALSegSet() except that it allocates memory for a new segment structure rather than setting the fields of an existing segment structure. More...
int XLALGPSInSeg (const void *pgps, const void *pseg)
 This is designed to be usable as a comparison function for bsearch() and therefore returns a negative value, 0, or a positive value depending on whether the GPS time (the first argument) is before the beginning of, within, or after the end of the segment (the second argument). More...
int XLALSegCmp (const void *pseg0, const void *pseg1)
 This is designed to be usable as a comparison function for qsort() and therefore returns a negative value, 0, or a positive value depending on whether the first argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second. More...
LALSegListXLALSegListCreate (void)
 This function allocates memory for a new segment list structure, initializes the segment list, and returns a pointer to it. More...
int XLALSegListInit (LALSegList *seglist)
 This function must be called to initialize a segment list structure before that structure can be used. More...
int XLALSegListClear (LALSegList *seglist)
 This function must be called when you are done with a segment list, in order to free memory that was allocated to store the segments in the list. More...
int XLALSegListFree (LALSegList *seglist)
 This function frees a segment list created with XLALSegListCreate(). More...
int XLALSegListAppend (LALSegList *seglist, const LALSeg *seg)
 This function appends a segment to a segment list. More...
int XLALSegListSort (LALSegList *seglist)
 This function sorts the segments in a segment list into forward time order. More...
int XLALSegListCoalesce (LALSegList *seglist)
 The function XLALSegListCoalesce() first sorts the segments in a segment list (if not already sorted) and then joins together segments which overlap or touch (i.e. More...
int XLALSegListRange (const LALSegList *seglist, LIGOTimeGPS *start, LIGOTimeGPS *end)
 The function XLALSegListRange() returns the start and end GPS times of the segment list. More...
LALSegXLALSegListSearch (LALSegList *seglist, const LIGOTimeGPS *gps)
 The function XLALSegListSearch() determines which segment in the list, if any, contains the GPS time passed to this function. More...
int XLALSegListShift (LALSegList *seglist, const LIGOTimeGPS *shift)
int XLALSegListKeep (LALSegList *seglist, const LIGOTimeGPS *start, const LIGOTimeGPS *end)
int XLALSegListIsInitialized (const LALSegList *seglist)
 Simple method to check whether a LALSegList is in an initialized state. More...
int XLALSegListInitSimpleSegments (LALSegList *seglist, LIGOTimeGPS startTime, UINT4 Nseg, REAL8 Tseg)
 (Re-)Initialize a segment list with Nseg 'simple' segments of length 'Tseg', starting at t0 = startTime, ie { [t0, t0+Tseg), [t0+Tseg, t0+2*Tseg), ... More...
char * XLALSegList2String (const LALSegList *seglist)
 Output an (octave) formatting of 'seglist' as a string. More...
LALSegXLALSegListGet (LALSegList *seglist, UINT4 indx)
 Get a copy of the segment at indx in the internal array. More...

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