Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 2007 Alexander Dietz, Jolien Creighton, Peter Shawhan
3 *
4 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7 * (at your option) any later version.
8 *
9 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 * GNU General Public License for more details.
13 *
14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 * along with with program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
16 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
17 * MA 02110-1301 USA
18 */
20 #include <stdlib.h>
21 #include <lal/LALStdlib.h>
22 #include <lal/Date.h>
23 #include <lal/Segments.h>
24 #include <lal/LALString.h>
26 /**
27  * \addtogroup Segments_h
28  *
29  * ### Functions for handling segments ###
30  *
31  * The first few functions listed deal with \e segments:
32  *
33  * XLALSegSet(), XLALSegCreate(), XLALGPSInSeg(), XLALSegCmp()
34  *
35  * ### Functions for handling segment lists ###
36  *
37  * The rest of the functions listed deal with <em>segment lists</em>:
38  *
39  * XLALSegListInit(), XLALSegListClear(), XLALSegListAppend(), XLALSegListSort()
40  * XLALSegListCoalesce(), XLALSegListSearch()
41  *
42  * ### Error codes and return values ###
43  *
44  * Each XLAL function listed above, if it fails invokes the current XLAL error
45  * handler, sets \c xlalErrno to the appropriate XLAL error code, and
46  * returns a particular value as noted below:
47  *
48  * <ul>
49  * <li>
50  * Functions which return an integer status code (XLALSegSet(),
51  * XLALSegListInit(), XLALSegListClear(), XLALSegListAppend(), XLALSegListSort(),
52  * XLALSegListCoalesce() return XLAL_SUCCESS if successful
53  * or XLAL_FAILURE if an error occurs.</li>
54  * <li>
55  * XLALGPSInSeg() and XLALSegCmp() normally return a
56  * comparison value (negative, 0, or positive).</li>
57  * <li>
58  * XLALSegCreate() normally returns a pointer to the created
59  * segment. If an error occurs, it returns NULL.</li>
60  * <li>
61  * XLALSegListSearch() returns a pointer to a segment in the list which
62  * contains the time being searched for, or NULL if there is no such segment.
63  * If more than one segment in the list contains the time, then this function
64  * returns a pointer to \e one of the segments which contains it, not
65  * necessarily the first such segment in the list. (This is not an issue if
66  * the list is ``disjoint'', which guarantees that it has no overlapping
67  * segments.) If no segment in the list contains the time, then this function
68  * returns NULL; however, this is not really an error, use \c xlalErrno
69  * to differentiate between failure and non-failure.
70  * </li>
71  * </ul>
72  *
73  */
76 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
77 /**
78  * This function sets the start time, the end time, and the \a id of a segment.
79  * The \a id can be any integer and is
80  * solely for the use of the user, e.g. to store a segment ID code
81  * or an index into some array containing additional information about the
82  * segment. XLALSegSet() checks to make sure the segment is valid,
83  * i.e. the end time is later than or equal to the start time;
84  * an error occurs if this condition is not true.
85  */
86 int
87 XLALSegSet( LALSeg *seg, const LIGOTimeGPS *start, const LIGOTimeGPS *end,
88  const INT4 id )
89 {
91  /* Make sure a non-null pointer was passed for the segment to be set */
92  if ( ! seg ) {
93  XLALPrintError( "NULL LALSeg pointer passed to %s\n", __func__ );
95  }
97  /* Make sure non-null pointers were passed for the GPS times */
98  if ( ! start || ! end ) {
99  XLALPrintError( "NULL LIGOTimeGPS pointer passed to %s\n", __func__ );
101  }
103  /* Check that segment end time is equal to or later than start time */
104  if ( XLALGPSCmp(start,end) > 0 ) {
105  XLALPrintError( "Inconsistent times passed to %s (%d.%09d > %d.%09d)\n",
106  __func__, start->gpsSeconds, start->gpsNanoSeconds,
107  end->gpsSeconds, end->gpsNanoSeconds );
109  }
111  /* Store the times and the id */
112  seg->start = *start;
113  seg->end = *end;
114  seg->id = id;
116  /* Return with success status code */
117  return XLAL_SUCCESS;
118 }
121 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
123 /**
124  * This function is similar to XLALSegSet()
125  * except that it allocates memory for a new segment structure rather than setting
126  * the fields of an existing segment structure. It returns a pointer to the
127  * new \a LALSeg structure. When the structure is no longer needed, its
128  * pointer should be passed to XLALFree().
129  */
130 LALSeg *
131 XLALSegCreate( const LIGOTimeGPS *start, const LIGOTimeGPS *end,
132  const INT4 id )
133 {
134  LALSeg *segptr;
136  /* Make sure non-null pointers were passed for the GPS times */
137  if ( ! start || ! end ) {
138  XLALPrintError( "NULL LIGOTimeGPS pointer passed to %s\n", __func__ );
140  }
142  /* Check that segment end time is equal to or later than start time */
143  if ( XLALGPSCmp(start,end) > 0 ) {
144  XLALPrintError( "Inconsistent times passed to %s (%d.%09d > %d.%09d)\n",
145  __func__, start->gpsSeconds, start->gpsNanoSeconds,
146  end->gpsSeconds, end->gpsNanoSeconds );
148  }
150  /* Allocate memory for the new LALSeg object */
151  segptr = (LALSeg *) LALMalloc( sizeof(LALSeg) );
153  /* Check for a memory allocation failure */
154  if ( ! segptr ) {
156  }
158  /* Store the times and the id */
159  segptr->start = *start;
160  segptr->end = *end;
161  segptr->id = id;
163  /* Return a pointer to the newly-created segment */
164  return segptr;
165 }
168 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
170 /**
171  * This is designed to be usable as a comparison function for
172  * <tt>bsearch()</tt> and therefore returns a negative value, 0, or a positive
173  * value depending on whether the GPS time (the first argument) is before the
174  * beginning of, within, or after the end of the segment (the second argument).
175  * Note that a segment is a half-open interval, so the GPS time is considered
176  * to be within the segment if it is equal to the start time of the segment
177  * but not if it is equal to the end time of the segment.
178  *
179  * Returns a comparison value (negative, 0, or positive).
180  */
181 int
182 XLALGPSInSeg( const void *pgps, const void *pseg )
183 {
185  const LIGOTimeGPS *gps = pgps;
186  const LALSeg *seg = pseg;
188  /* if time is < start of segment, return -1 */
189  if ( XLALGPSCmp( gps, &seg->start ) < 0 )
190  return -1;
191  /* else if time is < end of segment, return 0 */
192  if ( XLALGPSCmp( gps, &seg->end ) < 0 )
193  return 0;
194  /* time is >= end of segment, return +1 */
195  return +1;
196 }
199 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
201 /**
202  * This is designed to be usable as a comparison function for
203  * <tt>qsort()</tt> and therefore returns a negative value, 0, or a positive value
204  * depending on
205  * whether the first argument is less than, equal to, or greater than the second.
206  * The comparison is based on the start time of the segments, unless these are
207  * equal, in which case the end times are compared. Therefore, two segments
208  * are considered equal only if their start \e and end times are identical.
209  *
210  * Returns a comparison value (negative, 0, or positive).
211  */
212 int
213 XLALSegCmp( const void *pseg0, const void *pseg1 )
214 {
215  XLAL_CHECK(pseg0 != NULL && pseg1 != NULL, XLAL_EFAULT);
216  const LALSeg *seg0 = pseg0;
217  const LALSeg *seg1 = pseg1;
218  int result;
220  /* If segment start times are different, comparison is based on that */
221  result = XLALGPSCmp( &seg0->start, &seg1->start );
222  if ( !result ) {
223  /* If we get here, then the segments have the same start time,
224  so use the end times to do the comparison */
225  result = XLALGPSCmp( &seg0->end, &seg1->end );
226  }
228  return result;
229 }
232 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
234 /**
235  * This function allocates memory for a new segment list structure,
236  * initializes the segment list, and returns a pointer to it.
237  */
238 LALSegList *
240 {
241  LALSegList *seglist = XLALMalloc(sizeof(*seglist));
244  return seglist;
245 }
248 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
250 /**
251  * This function must be called to initialize a segment
252  * list structure before that structure can be used.
253  */
254 int
256 {
257  /* Make sure a non-null pointer was passed for the segment list */
258  if ( ! seglist ) {
259  XLALPrintError( "NULL LALSegList pointer passed to %s\n", __func__ );
261  }
263  /* Initialize values for this segment list */
264  seglist->segs = NULL;
265  seglist->arraySize = 0;
266  seglist->length = 0;
268  /* So far, we do not need any decimal places to format GPS times */
269  seglist->dplaces = 0;
271  /* An empty list can be considered sorted and disjoint */
272  seglist->sorted = 1;
273  seglist->disjoint = 1;
275  /* No search has been performed yet */
276  seglist->lastFound = NULL;
278  /* Store a distinctive integer value to serve as a check that initialization
279  was performed */
282  /* Return with success status code */
283  return XLAL_SUCCESS;
284 }
287 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
289 /**
290  * This function must be called when you are done
291  * with a segment list, in order to free memory that was allocated to store
292  * the segments in the list. (Strictly speaking, this is only necessary if the
293  * list contains one or more segments.)
294  * The function leaves the segment list in a valid
295  * state, but containing no segments. After calling XLALSegListClear(),
296  * it is OK to re-use the segment list structure (by using
297  * XLALSegListAppend() to add segments to it, etc.).
298  * You do not have to call XLALSegListInit() again before re-using it,
299  * but it is OK to do so. If you do call XLALSegListInit() again,
300  * you must do so \e after calling XLALSegListClear() !
301  */
302 int
304 {
305  /* Make sure a non-null pointer was passed for the segment list */
306  if ( ! seglist ) {
307  XLALPrintError( "NULL LALSegList pointer passed to %s\n", __func__ );
309  }
311  /* Make sure the segment list has been properly initialized */
312  if ( seglist->initMagic != SEGMENTSH_INITMAGICVAL ) {
313  XLALPrintError( "Passed unintialized LALSegList structure to %s\n", __func__ );
315  }
317  /* Clear the memory (if any) that has been allocated for segments */
318  if ( seglist->segs ) {
319  LALFree( seglist->segs );
320  }
322  /* Clear values related to the segment list */
323  seglist->segs = NULL;
324  seglist->arraySize = 0;
325  seglist->length = 0;
327  /* So far, we do not need any decimal places to format GPS times */
328  seglist->dplaces = 0;
330  /* An empty list can be considered sorted and disjoint */
331  seglist->sorted = 1;
332  seglist->disjoint = 1;
334  /* No search has been performed yet */
335  seglist->lastFound = NULL;
337  /* Return with success status code */
338  return XLAL_SUCCESS;
339 }
342 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
344 /**
345  * This function frees a segment list created with XLALSegListCreate().
346  */
347 int
349 {
350  if ( seglist ) {
352  XLALFree( seglist );
353  }
354  return XLAL_SUCCESS;
355 }
358 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
360 /**
361  * This function appends a segment to a segment list.
362  * It first checks to make sure the segment is valid,
363  * i.e. the end time is later than or equal to the start time;
364  * an error occurs if this condition is not true.
365  * The input segment information is copied into an array of \c LALSeg
366  * structures maintained ``internally'' by the segment list. The function takes
367  * care of extending this array when necessary.
368  * It also checks whether the segment being appended preserves the ``sorted''
369  * and/or ``disjoint'' properties of the segment list. An empty segment list has
370  * the ``sorted'' and ``disjoint'' properties to start with, and as long as
371  * segments are appended in ascending time order and do not overlap, it retains
372  * those properties.
373  */
374 int
375 XLALSegListAppend( LALSegList *seglist, const LALSeg *seg )
376 {
377  LALSeg *segptr;
378  LALSeg *prev;
379  size_t newSize;
380  INT4 ns1, ns2;
382  /* Make sure a non-null pointer was passed for the segment list */
383  if ( ! seglist ) {
384  XLALPrintError( "NULL LALSegList pointer passed to %s\n", __func__ );
386  }
388  /* Make sure a non-null pointer was passed for the segment */
389  if ( ! seg ) {
390  XLALPrintError( "NULL LALSeg pointer passed to %s\n", __func__ );
392  }
394  /* Make sure the segment list has been properly initialized */
395  if ( seglist->initMagic != SEGMENTSH_INITMAGICVAL ) {
396  XLALPrintError( "Passed unintialized LALSegList structure to %s\n", __func__ );
398  }
400  /* Check that segment end time is equal to or later than start time */
401  if ( XLALGPSCmp(&(seg->start),&(seg->end)) > 0 ) {
402  XLALPrintError( "Invalid segment passed to %s (%d.%09d > %d.%09d)\n",
403  __func__, seg->start.gpsSeconds, seg->start.gpsNanoSeconds,
404  seg->end.gpsSeconds, seg->end.gpsNanoSeconds );
406  }
408  /* See whether we need to extend (or create) the segment array */
409  if ( seglist->length == seglist->arraySize ) {
411  if ( seglist->arraySize < 6*SEGMENTSH_ALLOCBLOCK ) {
412  newSize = seglist->arraySize + SEGMENTSH_ALLOCBLOCK;
413  } else {
414  newSize = (seglist->arraySize * 6) / 5 ;
415  }
417  if ( seglist->arraySize ) {
418  /* Extend the array */
419  segptr = (LALSeg *) LALRealloc( seglist->segs, newSize*sizeof(LALSeg) );
420  } else {
421  /* Allocate the first block of memory for the array */
422  segptr = (LALSeg *) LALMalloc( newSize*sizeof(LALSeg) );
423  }
425  /* Check for a memory allocation failure */
426  if ( ! segptr ) {
428  }
430  /* If we get here, then the memory allocation succeeded */
431  seglist->segs = segptr;
432  seglist->arraySize = newSize;
434  }
436  /* Copy the segment information into the array */
437  seglist->segs[seglist->length] = *seg ;
438  seglist->length++;
440  /* See whether more decimal places are needed to represent these times than
441  were needed for segments already in the list. Work with 0, 3, 6, or 9
442  decimal places. */
443  ns1 = seg->start.gpsNanoSeconds;
444  ns2 = seg->end.gpsNanoSeconds;
445  if ( seglist->dplaces < 9 ) {
446  if ( ns1 % 1000 || ns2 % 1000 ) {
447  /* 6 decimal places are not enough */
448  seglist->dplaces = 9;
449  } else if ( seglist->dplaces < 6 ) {
450  if ( ns1 % 1000000 || ns2 % 1000000 ) {
451  /* 3 decimal places are not enough */
452  seglist->dplaces = 6;
453  } else if ( seglist->dplaces < 3 ) {
454  if ( ns1 || ns2 ) {
455  /* At least one of the times does have a decimal part */
456  seglist->dplaces = 3;
457  }
458  }
459  }
460  }
462  /* See whether the "disjoint" and/or "sorted" properties still hold */
463  if ( seglist->length > 1 ) {
464  prev = seglist->segs + seglist->length - 2 ;
466  if ( seglist->disjoint && XLALGPSCmp(&(prev->end),&(seg->start)) > 0 ) {
467  /* Segments overlap, so segment list is no longer disjoint */
468  seglist->disjoint = 0;
469  }
471  if ( seglist->sorted && XLALSegCmp(prev,seg) > 0 ) {
472  /* Segments are no longer in ascending order */
473  seglist->sorted = 0;
474  }
476  }
478  /* Return with success status code */
479  return XLAL_SUCCESS;
480 }
483 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
485 /**
486  * This function sorts the segments in a segment list
487  * into forward time order. If the list is already sorted, then this function
488  * returns promptly.
489  */
490 int
492 {
493  /* Make sure a non-null pointer was passed for the segment list */
494  if ( ! seglist ) {
495  XLALPrintError( "NULL LALSegList pointer passed to %s\n", __func__ );
497  }
499  /* Make sure the segment list has been properly initialized */
500  if ( seglist->initMagic != SEGMENTSH_INITMAGICVAL ) {
501  XLALPrintError( "Passed unintialized LALSegList structure to %s\n", __func__ );
503  }
505  /* If segment list is known to be sorted already, just return */
506  if ( seglist->sorted ) {
507  return XLAL_SUCCESS;
508  }
510  /* Sort the segment list in place */
511  /* This function call produces a compiler warning, because XLALSegCmp takes
512  pointers to LALSeg objects, whereas qsort expects the comparison function
513  passed to it to take void pointers as arguments. Oh well. */
514  qsort( (void *) seglist->segs, seglist->length, sizeof(LALSeg), XLALSegCmp );
516  /* Now we can set the "sorted" flag */
517  seglist->sorted = 1;
519  /* Reset the 'lastFound' value, since the array has changed */
520  seglist->lastFound = NULL;
522  /* Return with success status code */
523  return XLAL_SUCCESS;
524 }
527 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
529 /**
530  * The function XLALSegListCoalesce() first sorts the segments in a
531  * segment list (if not already sorted) and then joins together segments which
532  * overlap or touch (i.e. share endpoints).
533  * The result is a segment list which is sorted and is guaranteed
534  * to not have any overlapping segments; thus it is ``disjoint''.
535  * (Note, however, that a disjoint segment list is not necessarily coalesced,
536  * since segments which touch at an endpoint are considered disjoint but will
537  * be joined by XLALSegListCoalesce().)
538  * If the list has the ``disjoint'' property to begin with,
539  * then this function returns promptly. Each segment in the output list is
540  * assigned the \c id value taken from the first segment in the input list
541  * (after it has been sorted) among those which were joined to make it.
542  */
543 int
545 {
546  LALSeg *rp, *wp; /* Read and write pointers for stepping through array */
547  size_t newLength;
548  LALSeg *segptr;
550  /* Make sure a non-null pointer was passed for the segment list */
551  if ( ! seglist ) {
552  XLALPrintError( "NULL LALSegList pointer passed to %s\n", __func__ );
554  }
556  /* Make sure the segment list has been properly initialized */
557  if ( seglist->initMagic != SEGMENTSH_INITMAGICVAL ) {
558  XLALPrintError( "Passed unintialized LALSegList structure to %s\n", __func__ );
560  }
562  /* If segment list is empty or has only one segment, just return */
563  if ( seglist->length <= 1 ) {
564  return XLAL_SUCCESS;
565  }
567  /* Make sure the segment list is sorted */
568  XLALSegListSort( seglist );
570  /* Step through the segment list with read and write pointers */
571  wp = seglist->segs;
572  newLength = 1;
573  for ( rp = seglist->segs+1; rp < seglist->segs+seglist->length; rp++ ) {
574  if ( XLALGPSCmp(&(wp->end),&(rp->start)) < 0 ) {
575  /* Segment at read pointer does NOT overlap segment at write pointer */
576  wp++;
577  *wp = *rp;
578  newLength++;
579  } else {
580  /* Segment at read pointer touches or overlaps segment at write pointer*/
581  /* So extend the segment at the write pointer if necessary */
582  if ( XLALGPSCmp(&(wp->end),&(rp->end)) < 0 ) {
583  wp->end = rp->end;
584  }
585  }
586  }
588  /* Update the array length */
589  seglist->length = (UINT4) newLength;
591  /* Reduce the memory allocation for the array, if possible */
592  if ( newLength < seglist->arraySize ) {
593  /* Contract the array */
594  segptr = (LALSeg *) LALRealloc( seglist->segs, newLength*sizeof(LALSeg) );
596  /* Check for a memory allocation failure */
597  if ( ! segptr ) {
599  }
601  /* If we get here, then the memory reallocation succeeded */
602  seglist->segs = segptr;
603  seglist->arraySize = newLength;
604  }
606  /* Now we can set the "disjoint" flag */
607  seglist->disjoint = 1;
609  /* Reset the 'lastFound' value, since the array has changed */
610  seglist->lastFound = NULL;
612  /* Return with success status code */
613  return XLAL_SUCCESS;
614 }
617 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
619 /**
620  * The function XLALSegListRange() returns the start and end GPS times of the
621  * segment list. These may \e not be the first and last GPS times in the segment
622  * list, for example if the segment list is not sorted.
623  */
624 int
627  // Check input
628  XLAL_CHECK(seglist != NULL, XLAL_EFAULT);
629  XLAL_CHECK(seglist->segs != NULL, XLAL_EINVAL);
631  XLAL_CHECK(seglist->length > 0, XLAL_EINVAL);
635  // Set 'start' and 'end' to first and list GPS times in the segment list
636  *start = seglist->segs[0].start;
637  *end = seglist->segs[seglist->length-1].end;
639  // If segment list is sorted, we're done
640  if (seglist->sorted) {
641  return XLAL_SUCCESS;
642  }
644  // Find 'start' and 'end' to lowest/highest values of segments 'start' and 'end'
645  for (size_t i = 0; i < seglist->length; ++i) {
646  if (XLALGPSCmp(&seglist->segs[i].start, start) < 0) {
647  *start = seglist->segs[i].start;
648  }
649  if (XLALGPSCmp(&seglist->segs[i].end, end) > 0) {
650  *end = seglist->segs[i].end;
651  }
652  }
654  return XLAL_SUCCESS;
656 }
659 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
661 /**
662  * The function XLALSegListSearch() determines which segment in the
663  * list, if any, contains the GPS time passed to this function. It returns
664  * a pointer to a segment containing the time, if there is one, otherwise
665  * it returns NULL. If more than one segment
666  * in the list contains the time, then this function returns a pointer
667  * to \e one of the segments which contains it, not necessarily the first
668  * such segment in the list. (This is not an issue if the list is ``disjoint'',
669  * which guarantees that it has no overlapping segments.)
670  * The following code shows how the XLALSegListSearch() function
671  * might be used:
672  * \code
673  * LALSegList mylist;
674  * LIGOTimeGPS tgps, startgps;
675  * LALSeg *segp;
676  * ...
677  * /\* (Fill the segment list 'mylist' with segments here) *\/
678  * /\* (Set the gps time, 'tgps', to search for) *\/
679  * ...
680  * segp = XLALSegListSearch( &mylist, &tgps );
681  * if ( segp ) {
682  * startgps = segp->start;
683  * printf( "That time is within a segment which starts at GPS time %d.%09d\n",
684  * startgps.gpsSecconds, startgps.gpsNanoSeconds );
685  * } else {
686  * printf( "That time is not within any segment in the list\n" );
687  * }
688  * \endcode
689  * The search algorithm used by the XLALSegListSearch() function
690  * depends on whether the segment list is ``sorted'' and/or ``disjoint''. If
691  * the segment list has both of these properties, then the function can use
692  * a binary search to locate the segment containing the time, or to determine
693  * that there is no such segment. (Therefore, it is a good idea to pass
694  * a segment list to XLALSegListCoalesce() before using it with
695  * XLALSegListSearch(), unless segment list ordering or distinct
696  * segments which touch/overlap are meaningful for what you are doing,
697  * which is sometimes the case.) Otherwise, it must use a linear search,
698  * although a ``sorted'' list can still be searched slightly more efficiently than
699  * an un-sorted list. In all cases, XLALSegListSearch() first checks
700  * whether the segment found by the last successful search contains the
701  * specified time, and returns that promptly if so.
702  *
703  * \return a pointer to a segment in the list which
704  * contains the time being searched for, or NULL if there is no such segment.
705  * If more than one segment in the list contains the time, then this function
706  * returns a pointer to \e one of the segments which contains it, not
707  * necessarily the first such segment in the list. (This is not an issue if
708  * the list is ``disjoint'', which guarantees that it has no overlapping
709  * segments.) If no segment in the list contains the time, then this function
710  * returns NULL; however, this is not really an error, use \c xlalErrno
711  * to differentiate between failure and non-failure.
712  */
713 LALSeg *
714 XLALSegListSearch( LALSegList *seglist, const LIGOTimeGPS *gps )
715 {
716  int cmp;
717  LALSeg *bstart = NULL;
718  size_t bcount = 0;
719  LALSeg *l1start=NULL, *l1end=NULL, *l2start=NULL, *l2end=NULL;
720  LALSeg *segp;
722  /* Make sure a non-null pointer was passed for the segment list */
723  if ( ! seglist ) {
724  XLALPrintError( "NULL LALSegList pointer passed to %s\n", __func__ );
726  }
728  /* Make sure a non-null pointer was passed for the GPS time */
729  if ( ! gps ) {
730  XLALPrintError( "NULL LIGOTimeGPS pointer passed to %s\n", __func__ );
732  }
734  /* Make sure the segment list has been properly initialized */
735  if ( seglist->initMagic != SEGMENTSH_INITMAGICVAL ) {
736  XLALPrintError( "Passed unintialized LALSegList structure to %s\n", __func__ );
738  }
740  /* If the segment list is empty, simply return */
741  if ( seglist->length == 0 ) {
742  return NULL;
743  }
745  /* Do one or two quick checks based on the last segment found in a search,
746  which might match this time too. If we're not so lucky, then plan out
747  the search strategy, depending on the segment list's 'disjoint' property.
748  If the segment list is disjoint, then we will do a binary search;
749  otherwise, we will do a linear search, possibly wrapping around from the
750  end of the list to the beginning, in which case we set two pairs of
751  search limits. */
753  if ( seglist->disjoint ) {
755  if ( ! seglist->lastFound ) {
757  /* Do a binary search on the whole list */
758  bstart = seglist->segs;
759  bcount = seglist->length;
761  } else {
763  /* Check whether the time lies within the last segment found */
764  cmp = XLALGPSInSeg( gps, seglist->lastFound );
766  if ( cmp == 0 ) {
767  return seglist->lastFound;
769  } else if ( cmp < 0 ) {
770  /* Do a binary search from the beginning of the list up to here */
771  bstart = seglist->segs;
772  bcount = ( seglist->lastFound - seglist->segs );
773  /* If there are no earlier segments, just return */
774  if ( bcount == 0 ) {
775  return NULL;
776  }
778  } else {
779  /* The time is later than the last segment found */
781  /* If there are no later segments, just return */
782  if ( seglist->lastFound == seglist->segs + seglist->length - 1 ) {
783  return NULL;
784  }
786  /* Check whether the time lies within the next later segment */
787  cmp = XLALGPSInSeg( gps, seglist->lastFound+1 );
788  if ( cmp == 0 ) {
789  /* We found a match, so update lastFound and return */
790  seglist->lastFound++;
791  return seglist->lastFound;
792  } else if ( cmp < 0 ) {
793  /* The time lies between the two segments */
794  return NULL;
795  } else {
796  /* The time is later than this segment, so search to end of list */
797  bstart = seglist->lastFound+2;
798  bcount = ( seglist->segs - seglist->lastFound
799  + seglist->length-2 );
800  /* If there are no later segments, just return */
801  if ( bcount == 0 ) {
802  return NULL;
803  }
804  }
806  }
808  }
810  } else {
812  /* The search limits are chosen the same for sorted vs. unsorted lists,
813  but the actual search will behave differently for given limits */
815  if ( ! seglist->lastFound ) {
817  /* Do a single linear search on the whole list */
818  l1start = seglist->segs;
819  l1end = seglist->segs + seglist->length;
820  l2start = l2end = NULL;
822  } else {
824  /* Check whether the time lies within the last segment found */
825  cmp = XLALGPSInSeg( gps, seglist->lastFound );
827  if ( cmp == 0 ) {
828  return seglist->lastFound;
830  } else if ( cmp < 0 ) {
831  /* Do a linear search, starting from the beginning of the list.
832  If the list is sorted, then we already know that we only have to
833  search up to the lastFound segment, but the actual search is
834  guaranteed to bail out at that point, so we can go ahead and set
835  the search parameters as if the whole list would be searched. */
836  l1start = seglist->segs;
837  l1end = seglist->segs + seglist->length;
838  l2start = l2end = NULL;
840  } else {
841  /* First search from here to the end of the list, then wrap around
842  and search from the beginning of the list up to here */
843  l1start = seglist->lastFound + 1;
844  l1end = seglist->segs + seglist->length;
845  l2start = seglist->segs;
846  l2end = seglist->lastFound;
848  }
850  }
852  }
854  /* If we get here, then we have to do one or more searches */
856  if ( seglist->disjoint ) {
858  /* Do a binary search */
859  /* This function call produces a compiler warning, because XLALGPSInSeg
860  takes a pointer to a LIGOTimeGPS and a pointer to a LALSeg, whereas
861  bsearch expects the comparison function passed to it to take void
862  pointers as arguments. Oh well. */
863  segp = bsearch( (const void *) gps, (const void *) bstart,
864  bcount, sizeof(LALSeg), XLALGPSInSeg );
865  /* If we found a match, update lastFound and return the pointer.
866  Otherwise, return NULL. */
867  if ( segp ) {
868  seglist->lastFound = segp;
869  return segp;
870  } else {
871  return NULL;
872  }
874  } else if ( seglist->sorted ) {
876  /* Do a linear search, but bail out if we reach a segment whose start time
877  is later than the target time */
878  for ( segp=l1start; segp<l1end; segp++ ) {
879  cmp = XLALGPSInSeg( gps, segp );
880  if ( cmp == 0 ) {
881  seglist->lastFound = segp;
882  return segp;
883  } else if ( cmp < 0 ) {
884  /* This segment is beyond the target time, so we can bail out */
885  break;
886  }
887  }
888  /* Set the lastFound pointer to the last segment which is not beyond the
889  target time, or the last segment in the list */
890  seglist->lastFound = segp - 1;
892  /* If necessary, do a second linear search, starting from the beginning
893  of the list and going up to lastFound. In this case, we know that the
894  comparison value will never be negative. */
895  for ( segp=l2start; segp<l2end; segp++ ) {
896  if ( XLALGPSInSeg(gps,segp) == 0 ) {
897  seglist->lastFound = segp;
898  return segp;
899  }
900  }
902  /* If we get here, then we didn't find a match.
903  Continue to the end of the function. */
905  } else {
907  /* Do a linear search, looking for a match */
908  for ( segp=l1start; segp<l1end; segp++ ) {
909  if ( XLALGPSInSeg(gps,segp) == 0 ) {
910  seglist->lastFound = segp;
911  return segp;
912  }
913  }
915  /* If necessary, do a second linear search, starting from the beginning
916  of the list and going up to lastFound. */
917  for ( segp=l2start; segp<l2end; segp++ ) {
918  if ( XLALGPSInSeg(gps,segp) == 0 ) {
919  seglist->lastFound = segp;
920  return segp;
921  }
922  }
924  /* If we get here, then we didn't find a match.
925  Continue to the end of the function. */
927  }
929  /* If we get here, then we didn't find a match, so return NULL */
930  return NULL;
931 }
935 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
936 /**
938  */
939 int
940 XLALSegListShift( LALSegList *seglist, const LIGOTimeGPS *shift )
941 {
942  unsigned i;
944  /* Make sure a non-null pointer was passed for the segment list */
945  if ( ! seglist ) {
946  XLALPrintError( "NULL LALSegList pointer passed to %s\n", __func__ );
948  }
950  /* Make sure a non-null pointer was passed for the GPS time */
951  if ( ! shift ) {
952  XLALPrintError( "NULL LIGOTimeGPS pointer passed to %s\n", __func__ );
954  }
956  /* Make sure the segment list has been properly initialized */
957  if ( seglist->initMagic != SEGMENTSH_INITMAGICVAL ) {
958  XLALPrintError( "Passed unintialized LALSegList structure to %s\n", __func__ );
960  }
962  /* time shift each segment in this list */
963  for (i=0; i<seglist->length; i++) {
964  XLALGPSAddGPS( &seglist->segs[i].start, shift);
965  XLALGPSAddGPS( &seglist->segs[i].end, shift);
966  }
968  /* done */
969  return 0;
970 }
973 /**
975  */
976 int
977 XLALSegListKeep( LALSegList *seglist, const LIGOTimeGPS *start, const LIGOTimeGPS *end )
978 {
979  LALSegList workspace;
980  unsigned i;
981  INT8 startNS, endNS;
983  /* Make sure a non-null pointer was passed for the segment list */
984  if ( ! seglist ) {
985  XLALPrintError( "%s(): NULL LALSegList\n", __func__ );
987  }
989  /* Make sure a non-null pointer was passed for the GPS time */
990  if ( !start || !end ) {
991  XLALPrintError( "%s(): NULL boundaries\n", __func__ );
993  }
995  /* Make sure the segment list has been properly initialized */
996  if ( seglist->initMagic != SEGMENTSH_INITMAGICVAL ) {
997  XLALPrintError( "%s(): unintialized LALSegList\n", __func__ );
999  }
1001  /* init the temporary list */
1002  XLALSegListInit( &workspace );
1004  /* convert the start and stop times to nanoseconds */
1005  startNS = XLALGPSToINT8NS( start );
1006  endNS = XLALGPSToINT8NS( end );
1007  if ( startNS >= endNS ) {
1008  XLALPrintError( "%s(): zero-length or improper interval\n", __func__ );
1010  }
1012  /* loop over all segments in this list */
1013  for (i=0; i<seglist->length; i++) {
1014  LALSeg newSeg;
1015  INT8 segStart = XLALGPSToINT8NS( &seglist->segs[i].start );
1016  INT8 segEnd = XLALGPSToINT8NS( &seglist->segs[i].end );
1018  /* if segment lies entirely outside interval, discard */
1019  if ( segEnd <= startNS || segStart >= endNS )
1020  continue;
1022  /* intersect */
1023  if ( segStart < startNS )
1024  segStart = startNS;
1025  if ( segEnd > endNS )
1026  segEnd = endNS;
1028  /* store in new list */
1029  XLALINT8NSToGPS( &newSeg.start, segStart );
1030  XLALINT8NSToGPS( &newSeg.end, segEnd );
1031 = seglist->segs[i].id;
1032  XLALSegListAppend( &workspace, &newSeg );
1033  }
1035  /* clear the old list */
1036  XLALSegListClear( seglist );
1038  /* put the new segments into the old lsit */
1039  for ( i = 0; i < workspace.length; i++ )
1040  XLALSegListAppend( seglist, &workspace.segs[i] );
1042  /* clear the work space */
1043  XLALSegListClear( &workspace );
1045  /* done */
1046  return 0;
1047 }
1049 /**
1050  * Simple method to check whether a LALSegList is in an initialized state.
1051  *
1052  * Avoid the user having to deal with LALSegList internal 'magic'.
1053  */
1054 int
1056 {
1057  XLAL_CHECK ( seglist != NULL, XLAL_EINVAL, "Invalid NULL input 'seglist'\n");
1059  return (seglist->initMagic == SEGMENTSH_INITMAGICVAL);
1061 } /* XLALSegListIsInitialized() */
1063 /**
1064  * (Re-)Initialize a segment list with Nseg 'simple' segments of length 'Tseg',
1065  * starting at t0 = startTime, ie
1066  * { [t0, t0+Tseg), [t0+Tseg, t0+2*Tseg), ... [t0+(N-1)*Tseg, t0+N*Tseg) }
1067  *
1068  * Note: accepts un-initialized segments list, as well as existing segment-lists.
1069  * The latter will be properly cleared before re-use.
1070  *
1071  * The 'Id' field of segment k is set to 'k'
1072  */
1073 int
1075 {
1076  XLAL_CHECK ( seglist != NULL, XLAL_EINVAL, "Invalid NULL input 'seglist'\n" );
1077  XLAL_CHECK ( Tseg > 0, XLAL_EDOM, "Invalid non-positive input 'Tseg=%g'\n", Tseg );
1079  if ( XLALSegListIsInitialized ( seglist ) )
1080  XLALSegListClear ( seglist );
1081  else
1082  XLALSegListInit ( seglist );
1084  for ( UINT4 k = 0; k < Nseg; k ++ )
1085  {
1086  LALSeg seg_k;
1088  LIGOTimeGPS start_k = startTime;
1089  XLALGPSAdd( &start_k, k * Tseg ); // t0_k = t0 + k * Tseg
1090  LIGOTimeGPS end_k = startTime;
1091  XLALGPSAdd( &end_k, (k+1) * Tseg ); // t1_k = t0 + (k+1) * Tseg
1093  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALSegSet ( &seg_k, &start_k, &end_k, k ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
1095  XLAL_CHECK ( XLALSegListAppend ( seglist, &seg_k ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
1097  } // for k < Nseg
1099  return XLAL_SUCCESS;
1101 } /* XLALSegListInitSimpleSegments() */
1104 /**
1105  * Output an (octave) formatting of 'seglist' as a string
1106  */
1107 char *
1108 XLALSegList2String ( const LALSegList *seglist )
1109 {
1110  XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( seglist != NULL, XLAL_EINVAL, "Invalid NULL input 'seglist'\n" );
1111  XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( XLALSegListIsInitialized ( seglist ), XLAL_EINVAL, "Got invalid un-initialized seglist\n" );
1113  char *ret = NULL;
1114  XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( (ret = XLALStringAppend ( ret, "[ " )) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM, "Failed to ret=XLALStringAppend()\n" );
1116  char segfmt[64];
1117  sprintf ( segfmt, "%%.%df, %%.%df, %%d; ", seglist->dplaces, seglist->dplaces ); // seglist tells us output precision for GPS times to use
1119  UINT4 Nseg = seglist->length;
1120  for ( UINT4 k = 0; k < Nseg; k ++ )
1121  {
1122  char seg_buf[512];
1123  REAL8 t0_k = XLALGPSGetREAL8 ( &(seglist->segs[k].start) );
1124  REAL8 t1_k = XLALGPSGetREAL8 ( &(seglist->segs[k].end) );
1125  sprintf ( seg_buf, segfmt, t0_k, t1_k, seglist->segs[k].id );
1127  XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( (ret = XLALStringAppend ( ret, seg_buf ) ) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM, "Failed to ret=XLALStringAppend() for segment %d/%d\n", k+1, Nseg );
1129  } // for k < Nseg
1131  XLAL_CHECK_NULL ( (ret = XLALStringAppend ( ret, "]" ) ) != NULL, XLAL_ENOMEM, "Failed to ret=XLALStringAppend()" );
1133  return ret;
1135 } /* XLALSegList2String() */
1137 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1138 /**
1139  * Get a copy of the segment at indx in the internal array. If the segment is
1140  * beyond the bounds of the array, return NULL.
1141  */
1142 LALSeg *
1144 {
1145  if( indx >= seglist->length ){
1146  return NULL;
1147  }
1148  LALSeg* tmp = LALMalloc(sizeof(LALSeg));
1149  memcpy(tmp, &seglist->segs[indx], sizeof(LALSeg));
1150  return tmp;
1152 } /* XLALSegListGet() */
#define LALRealloc(p, n)
Definition: LALMalloc.h:95
#define LALMalloc(n)
Definition: LALMalloc.h:93
#define LALFree(p)
Definition: LALMalloc.h:96
static int cmp(REAL4Sequence *a, REAL4Sequence *b)
Definition: SequenceTest.c:62
int XLALPrintError(const char *fmt,...)
Definition: XLALError.c:68
double REAL8
Double precision real floating-point number (8 bytes).
int64_t INT8
Eight-byte signed integer; on some platforms this is equivalent to long int instead.
uint32_t UINT4
Four-byte unsigned integer.
int32_t INT4
Four-byte signed integer.
#define XLALMalloc(n)
Definition: LALMalloc.h:44
#define XLALFree(p)
Definition: LALMalloc.h:47
char * XLALStringAppend(char *s, const char *append)
Like strcat but dynamically reallocates string with LALRealloc.
Definition: LALString.c:50
LALSeg * XLALSegCreate(const LIGOTimeGPS *start, const LIGOTimeGPS *end, const INT4 id)
This function is similar to XLALSegSet() except that it allocates memory for a new segment structure ...
Definition: Segments.c:131
int XLALSegListInit(LALSegList *seglist)
This function must be called to initialize a segment list structure before that structure can be used...
Definition: Segments.c:255
int XLALSegListClear(LALSegList *seglist)
This function must be called when you are done with a segment list, in order to free memory that was ...
Definition: Segments.c:303
int XLALSegCmp(const void *pseg0, const void *pseg1)
This is designed to be usable as a comparison function for qsort() and therefore returns a negative v...
Definition: Segments.c:213
Distinctive value set in the 'initMagic' field to provide a check that the structure was properly ini...
Definition: Segments.h:150
int XLALSegListInitSimpleSegments(LALSegList *seglist, LIGOTimeGPS startTime, UINT4 Nseg, REAL8 Tseg)
(Re-)Initialize a segment list with Nseg 'simple' segments of length 'Tseg', starting at t0 = startTi...
Definition: Segments.c:1074
int XLALSegListCoalesce(LALSegList *seglist)
The function XLALSegListCoalesce() first sorts the segments in a segment list (if not already sorted)...
Definition: Segments.c:544
int XLALSegListSort(LALSegList *seglist)
This function sorts the segments in a segment list into forward time order.
Definition: Segments.c:491
int XLALSegListFree(LALSegList *seglist)
This function frees a segment list created with XLALSegListCreate().
Definition: Segments.c:348
int XLALSegListShift(LALSegList *seglist, const LIGOTimeGPS *shift)
Definition: Segments.c:940
char * XLALSegList2String(const LALSegList *seglist)
Output an (octave) formatting of 'seglist' as a string.
Definition: Segments.c:1108
int XLALSegListIsInitialized(const LALSegList *seglist)
Simple method to check whether a LALSegList is in an initialized state.
Definition: Segments.c:1055
int XLALSegListKeep(LALSegList *seglist, const LIGOTimeGPS *start, const LIGOTimeGPS *end)
Definition: Segments.c:977
int XLALSegListAppend(LALSegList *seglist, const LALSeg *seg)
This function appends a segment to a segment list.
Definition: Segments.c:375
LALSegList * XLALSegListCreate(void)
This function allocates memory for a new segment list structure, initializes the segment list,...
Definition: Segments.c:239
int XLALSegSet(LALSeg *seg, const LIGOTimeGPS *start, const LIGOTimeGPS *end, const INT4 id)
This function sets the start time, the end time, and the id of a segment.
Definition: Segments.c:87
LALSeg * XLALSegListGet(LALSegList *seglist, UINT4 indx)
Get a copy of the segment at indx in the internal array.
Definition: Segments.c:1143
LALSeg * XLALSegListSearch(LALSegList *seglist, const LIGOTimeGPS *gps)
The function XLALSegListSearch() determines which segment in the list, if any, contains the GPS time ...
Definition: Segments.c:714
int XLALGPSInSeg(const void *pgps, const void *pseg)
This is designed to be usable as a comparison function for bsearch() and therefore returns a negative...
Definition: Segments.c:182
Initial number of LALSeg spaces to allocate in memory at one time; this is intended to reduce the num...
Definition: Segments.h:141
int XLALSegListRange(const LALSegList *seglist, LIGOTimeGPS *start, LIGOTimeGPS *end)
The function XLALSegListRange() returns the start and end GPS times of the segment list.
Definition: Segments.c:625
#define XLAL_ERROR_NULL(...)
Macro to invoke a failure from a XLAL routine returning a pointer.
Definition: XLALError.h:713
#define XLAL_ERROR(...)
Macro to invoke a failure from a XLAL routine returning an integer.
Definition: XLALError.h:700
#define XLAL_CHECK(assertion,...)
Macro to test an assertion and invoke a failure if it is not true in a function that returns an integ...
Definition: XLALError.h:810
#define XLAL_CHECK_NULL(assertion,...)
Macro to test an assertion and invoke a failure if it is not true in a function that returns a pointe...
Definition: XLALError.h:825
Memory allocation error.
Definition: XLALError.h:407
Success return value (not an error number)
Definition: XLALError.h:401
Invalid pointer.
Definition: XLALError.h:408
Internal function call failed bit: "or" this with existing error number.
Definition: XLALError.h:462
Input domain error.
Definition: XLALError.h:410
Invalid argument.
Definition: XLALError.h:409
Adds a double to a GPS time.
Definition: XLALTime.c:131
LIGOTimeGPS * XLALGPSAddGPS(LIGOTimeGPS *epoch, const LIGOTimeGPS *dt)
Adds two GPS times.
Definition: XLALTime.c:117
int XLALGPSCmp(const LIGOTimeGPS *t0, const LIGOTimeGPS *t1)
Compares two GPS times.
Definition: XLALTime.c:174
Returns the GPS time as a REAL8.
Definition: XLALTime.c:91
Converts nano seconds stored as an INT8 to GPS time.
Definition: XLALTime.c:46
Converts GPS time to nano seconds stored as an INT8.
Definition: XLALTime.c:36
Struct holding a single segment.
Definition: Segments.h:162
Ending time of the segment.
Definition: Segments.h:164
INT4 id
Identifier (segment ID, array index, etc.) for user.
Definition: Segments.h:165
LIGOTimeGPS start
Beginning time of the segment.
Definition: Segments.h:163
Struct holding a segment list.
Definition: Segments.h:175
LALSeg * lastFound
Internal record of last segment found by a search.
Definition: Segments.h:186
UINT4 length
Number of segments in this segment list.
Definition: Segments.h:181
LALSeg * segs
Pointer to array of segments (LALSeg structures)
Definition: Segments.h:179
UINT4 sorted
Flag to indicate whether segment list is sorted.
Definition: Segments.h:183
UINT4 initMagic
Internal value to help ensure list was initialized.
Definition: Segments.h:185
UINT4 dplaces
Decimal places (0,3,6,9) to format GPS times.
Definition: Segments.h:182
size_t arraySize
Size of array for which memory is allocated.
Definition: Segments.h:180
UINT4 disjoint
Flag to indicate whether segment list is disjoint.
Definition: Segments.h:184
Epoch relative to GPS epoch, see LIGOTimeGPS type for more details.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:458
INT4 gpsSeconds
Seconds since 0h UTC 6 Jan 1980.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:459
INT4 gpsNanoSeconds
Residual nanoseconds.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:460