Provides standard numerical constants for LAL.
This header defines a number of useful numerical constants for use in LAL routines. These constants come in three basic flavours: arithmetic and mathematical constants, fundamental (or defined) physical constants, and measured astrophysical and cosmological parameters.
Note that this header is not included automatically by the header LALStdlib.h
. Include it explicitly if you need any of these constants.
Floating-point constants | |
The following constants define the precision and range of floating-point arithmetic in LAL. They are taken from the IEEE standard 754 for binary arithmetic. All numbers are dimensionless. | |
#define | LAL_REAL4_MANT 24 |
Bits of precision in the mantissa of a REAL4. More... | |
#define | LAL_REAL4_MAX 0x1.fffffe0000000p+127 |
Largest normalized REAL4 number (2-2^-23)*2^127. More... | |
#define | LAL_REAL4_MIN 0x1.0000000000000p-126 |
Smallest normalized REAL4 number 2^-126. More... | |
#define | LAL_REAL4_EPS 0x1.0000000000000p-23 |
Difference between 1 and the next resolvable REAL4 2^-23. More... | |
#define | LAL_REAL8_MANT 53 |
Bits of precision in the mantissa of a REAL8. More... | |
#define | LAL_REAL8_MAX 0x1.fffffffffffffp+1023 |
Largest normalized REAL8 number (2-2^-52)*2^1023. More... | |
#define | LAL_REAL8_MIN 0x1.0000000000000p-1022 |
Smallest normalized REAL8 number 2^-1022. More... | |
#define | LAL_REAL8_EPS 0x1.0000000000000p-52 |
Difference between 1 and the next resolvable REAL8 2^-52. More... | |
Integer constants | |
Extremal integer values, all expressed as unsigned long long. | |
#define | LAL_UINT8_MAX LAL_UINT8_C(18446744073709551615) |
#define | LAL_UINT4_MAX LAL_UINT8_C(4294967295) |
#define | LAL_UINT2_MAX LAL_UINT8_C(65535) |
#define | LAL_INT8_MAX LAL_UINT8_C(9223372036854775807) |
#define | LAL_INT4_MAX LAL_UINT8_C(2147483647) |
#define | LAL_INT2_MAX LAL_UINT8_C(32767) |
Mathematical constants | |
All are dimensionless. | |
#define | LAL_E 2.718281828459045235360287471352662498 |
Euler's constant, e. More... | |
#define | LAL_LOG2E 1.442695040888963407359924681001892137 |
base-2 logarithm of e, log_2(e) More... | |
#define | LAL_LOG10E 0.434294481903251827651128918916605082 |
common logarithm of e, log_10(e) More... | |
#define | LAL_LN2 0.693147180559945309417232121458176568 |
natural log of 2, ln(2) More... | |
#define | LAL_LN10 2.302585092994045684017991454684364208 |
natural log of 10, ln(10) More... | |
#define | LAL_SQRT2 1.414213562373095048801688724209698079 |
Pythagoras's constant, sqrt(2) More... | |
#define | LAL_SQRT1_2 0.707106781186547524400844362104849039 |
1/sqrt(2) More... | |
#define | LAL_GAMMA 0.577215664901532860606512090082402431 |
Euler-Mascheroni constant, gamma. More... | |
#define | LAL_EXPGAMMA 1.781072417990197985236504103107179549 |
exp(gamma) More... | |
#define | LAL_PI 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884 |
Archimedes's constant, pi. More... | |
#define | LAL_TWOPI 6.283185307179586476925286766559005768 |
2*pi is circumference of a circle divided by its radius More... | |
#define | LAL_PI_2 1.570796326794896619231321691639751442 |
pi/2 More... | |
#define | LAL_PI_4 0.785398163397448309615660845819875721 |
pi/4 is the least positive solution to sin(x) = cos(x) More... | |
#define | LAL_1_PI 0.318309886183790671537767526745028724 |
1/pi is the ratio of the volume of a regular octahedron to the volume of the circumscribed sphere More... | |
#define | LAL_2_PI 0.636619772367581343075535053490057448 |
2/pi is Buffon's constant More... | |
#define | LAL_2_SQRTPI 1.128379167095512573896158903121545172 |
2/sqrt(pi) More... | |
#define | LAL_PI_180 1.745329251994329576923690768488612713e-2 |
180/pi is the number of degrees in one radian More... | |
#define | LAL_180_PI 57.295779513082320876798154814105170332 |
pi/180 is the number of radians in one degree More... | |
#define | LAL_LNPI 1.144729885849400174143427351353058712 |
natural log of pi, ln(pi) More... | |
Exact physical constants | |
The following physical constants are defined to have exact values. The dimensions in SI units are as shown.
| |
#define | LAL_C_SI 299792458e0 |
Speed of light in vacuum, m s^-1. More... | |
#define | LAL_H_SI 6.62607015e-34 |
Planck constant, J s. More... | |
#define | LAL_QE_SI 1.602176634e-19 |
Electron charge, C. More... | |
#define | LAL_MOL 6.02214076e+23 |
Avogadro constant, dimensionless. More... | |
#define | LAL_K_SI 1.380649e-23 |
Boltzmann constant, J K^-1. More... | |
#define | LAL_GEARTH_SI 9.80665 |
Standard gravity, m s^-2. More... | |
#define | LAL_PATM_SI 101325e0 |
Standard atmosphere, Pa. More... | |
#define | LAL_HBAR_SI 1.054571817646156391262428003302280745e-34 |
Reduced Planck constant, J s. More... | |
#define | LAL_R_SI 8.31446261815324 |
Molar gas constant, J mol^-1 K^-1. More... | |
#define | LAL_SIGMA_SI 5.670374419184429453970996731889230876e-8 |
Stefan-Boltzmann constant, W m^-2 K^-4. More... | |
#define | LAL_C2RAD_SI 1.438776877503933802146671601543911595e-2 |
Second radiation constant, m K. More... | |
#define | LAL_BWIEN_SI 2.897771955185172661478605448092884727e-3 |
Wien displacement law constant, m K. More... | |
Primary physical constants | |
These physical constants are given to the precision to which they are known. Other physical constants derived from these are given in the next section.
| |
#define | LAL_ALPHA 0.0072973525693 |
Fine structure constant, dimensionless. More... | |
#define | LAL_RYD_SI 10973731.568160 |
Rydberg constant, m^-1. More... | |
#define | LAL_MP_ME 1836.15267343 |
Proton-electron mass ratio, dimensionless. More... | |
#define | LAL_ME_AMU 0.000548579909065 |
Electron mass, atomic mass units. More... | |
#define | LAL_G_SI 6.67430e-11 |
Gravitational constant, N m^2 kg^-2. More... | |
Derived physical constants | |
The following constants are derived from the primary physical constants. When not dimensionless, they are given in the SI units shown. Precision beyond the accuracy is retained for these constants in order that equivalent combinations yield the same value. | |
#define | LAL_MU0_SI 1.256637062123837330602573817851770477e-6 |
Permeability of free space, N A^-2. More... | |
#define | LAL_EPSILON0_SI 8.854187812773347391812964575762341677e-12 |
Permittivity of free space, C^2 N^-1 m^-2. More... | |
#define | LAL_MPL_SI 2.176434342717898213927914919024147041e-8 |
Planck mass, kg. More... | |
#define | LAL_LPL_SI 1.616255024423705286500047697249314157e-35 |
Planck length, m. More... | |
#define | LAL_TPL_SI 5.391246448313603961644851309932934193e-44 |
Planck time, s. More... | |
#define | LAL_LUMPL_SI 3.628254904411280064474144638555430509e52 |
Planck luminosity, J s^-1. More... | |
#define | LAL_MP_AMU 1.00727646661968604164295 |
Proton mass, atomic mass units. More... | |
#define | LAL_ME_SI 9.109383701517728819842163772087735080e-31 |
Electron mass, kg. More... | |
#define | LAL_MP_SI 1.672621923684144692109494784075478798e-27 |
Proton mass, kg. More... | |
#define | LAL_AMU_SI 1.660539066595378801332508797951914123e-27 |
Atomic mass unit, kg. More... | |
#define | LAL_AB_SI 5.291772109034624983506063293620795401e-11 |
Bohr radius, m. More... | |
#define | LAL_LAMBDAE_SI 2.426310238678370231942278247906312873e-12 |
Electron Compton wavelength, m. More... | |
#define | LAL_RE_SI 2.817940326207927528347087481623789683e-15 |
Classical electron radius, m. More... | |
#define | LAL_MUB_SI 9.274010078344114556082608495144137435e-24 |
Bohr magneton, J T^-1. More... | |
#define | LAL_MUN_SI 5.050783746114056140501321131006282803e-27 |
Nuclear magneton, J T^-1. More... | |
Exact astrophysical parameters | |
The following astrophysical constants are defined to have exact values. The dimensions in SI units are as shown. | |
#define | LAL_ROT_DAY 1.00273781191135448 |
Number of Earth rotations in one UT1 day, dimensionless. More... | |
#define | LAL_DAYJUL_SI 86400e0 |
Julian day, s. More... | |
#define | LAL_YRJUL_SI 31557600e0 |
Julian year, s. More... | |
#define | LAL_LYR_SI 9460730472580800e0 |
(Julian) Lightyear, m More... | |
#define | LAL_AU_SI 149597870700e0 |
Astronomical unit, m. More... | |
#define | LAL_PC_SI 3.085677581491367278913937957796471611e16 |
Parsec, m. More... | |
#define | LAL_GMEARTH_SI 3.986004e+14 |
Nominal Earth mass parameter, m^3 s^-2. More... | |
#define | LAL_REEARTH_SI 6.3781e+6 |
Nominal Earth equatorial radius, m. More... | |
#define | LAL_RPEARTH_SI 6.3568e+6 |
Nominal Earth polar radius, m. More... | |
#define | LAL_GMJUP_SI 1.2668653e+17 |
Nominal Jupiter mass parameter, m^3 s^-2. More... | |
#define | LAL_REJUP_SI 7.1492e+7 |
Nominal Jupiter equatorial radius, m. More... | |
#define | LAL_RPJUP_SI 6.6854e+7 |
Nominal Jupiter polar radius, m. More... | |
#define | LAL_GMSUN_SI 1.3271244e+20 |
Nominal solar mass parameter, m^3 s^-2. More... | |
#define | LAL_RSUN_SI 6.957e+8 |
Nominal solar radius, m. More... | |
#define | LAL_SSUN_SI 1361e0 |
Nominal total solar irradiance, W m^-2. More... | |
#define | LAL_LSUN_SI 3.828e+26 |
Nominal solar luminosity, W. More... | |
#define | LAL_TSUN_SI 5772e0 |
Nominal solar effective temperature, K. More... | |
Primary astrophysical parameters | |
These astrophysical constants are given to the precision to which they are known. Other physical constants derived from these are given in the next section. | |
#define | LAL_REARTH_SI 6378136.6 |
Earth equatorial radius, m. More... | |
#define | LAL_AWGS84_SI 6378137e0 |
Semimajor axis of WGS-84 Reference Ellipsoid, m. More... | |
#define | LAL_BWGS84_SI 6356752.314 |
Semiminor axis of WGS-84 Reference Ellipsoid, m. More... | |
#define | LAL_IEARTH 0.409092600600582871467239393761915655 |
Earth inclination (2000), radians. More... | |
#define | LAL_EEARTH 0.0167 |
Earth orbital eccentricity, dimensionless. More... | |
#define | LAL_EPREC_SI 1.127703867758020059420250393792953007e-12 |
Rate of Earth precession (2000), Hz. More... | |
#define | LAL_GMEARTH_TCB_SI 3.986004418e+14 |
Earth mass parameter, m^3 s^-2 (TCB) More... | |
#define | LAL_GMEARTH_TDB_SI 3.986004356e+14 |
Earth mass parameter, m^3 s^-2 (TDB) More... | |
#define | LAL_GMEARTH_TT_SI 3.986004415e+14 |
Earth mass parameter, m^3 s^-2 (TT) More... | |
#define | LAL_GMSUN_TCB_SI 1.32712442099e+20 |
Solar mass parameter, m^3 s^-2 (TCB) More... | |
#define | LAL_GMSUN_TDB_SI 1.32712440041e+20 |
Solar mass parameter, m^3 s^-2 (TDB) More... | |
#define | LAL_YRTROP_SI 31556925.1874707200 |
Tropical year (2000), s. More... | |
#define | LAL_YRSID_SI 31558149.763545600 |
Sidereal year (2000), s. More... | |
Derived astrophysical parameters | |
The following constants are derived from the primary astrophysical constants. When not dimensionless, they are given in the SI units shown. Precision beyond the accuracy is retained for these constants in order that equivalent combinations yield the same value. | |
#define | LAL_COSIEARTH 0.917482143065241841533315838574859003 |
Cosine of Earth inclination (2000) More... | |
#define | LAL_SINIEARTH 0.397776969112605992551264763661918798 |
Sine of Earth inclination (2000) More... | |
#define | LAL_MEARTH_SI 5.972167867791378871192484605127129437e24 |
Nominal Earth mass, kg. More... | |
#define | LAL_MEARTH_TCB_SI 5.972168494074284943739418365970963247e24 |
Earth mass, kg (TCB) More... | |
#define | LAL_MEARTH_TDB_SI 5.972168401180648157859251157424748663e24 |
Earth mass, kg (TDB) More... | |
#define | LAL_MEARTH_TT_SI 5.972168489579431550874248984912275445e24 |
Earth mass, kg (TT) More... | |
#define | LAL_MJUP_SI 1.898124597336050222495242946825884362e27 |
Nominal Jupiter mass, kg. More... | |
#define | LAL_MSUN_SI 1.988409870698050731911960804878414216e30 |
Nominal solar mass, kg. More... | |
#define | LAL_MRSUN_SI 1.476625038050124729627979840144936351e3 |
Geometrized nominal solar mass, m. More... | |
#define | LAL_MTSUN_SI 4.925490947641266978197229498498379006e-6 |
Geometrized nominal solar mass, s. More... | |
#define | LAL_MSUN_TCB_SI 1.988409902147041637325262574352366540e30 |
Solar mass, kg (TCB) More... | |
#define | LAL_MSUN_TDB_SI 1.988409871312347362270200620289768215e30 |
Solar mass, kg (TDB) More... | |
#define | LAL_SOL_SID 1.002737909344968654292933133909634024 |
Ratio of mean solar day to sidereal day, dimensionless. More... | |
#define | LAL_DAYSID_SI 86164.090531333536768710524462700317733190 |
Mean sidereal day, s. More... | |
Cosmological parameters | |
The following cosmological parameters are derived from measurements of the Hubble expansion rate and of the cosmic microwave background radiation. In what follows, the normalized Hubble constant \(h_0\) is equal to the actual Hubble constant \(H_0\) divided by \(\langle H \rangle=100\,\mathrm{km}\,\mathrm{s}^{-1}\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}\). Thus the Hubble constant can be written as: \(H_0 = \langle H \rangle * h_0\). Similarly, the critical energy density \(\rho_c\) required for spatial flatness is given by: \(\rho_c = \langle\rho\rangle h_0^2\). Current estimates give \(h_0\) a value of around 0.69 which is what is assumed below. All values are in the SI units shown. | |
#define | LAL_H0FAC_SI 3.240779289444365023237687716352957261e-18 |
Hubble constant prefactor, s^-1. More... | |
#define | LAL_H0_SI (0.69 * LAL_H0FAC_SI) |
Approximate Hubble constant, s^-1. More... | |
#define | LAL_RHOCFAC_SI 1.688169255655572064052978218230767915e-9 |
Critical energy density prefactor, J m^-3. More... | |
#define | LAL_RHOC_SI (0.69 * 0.69 * LAL_RHOCFAC_SI) |
Approximate critical energy density, J m^-3. More... | |
#define | LAL_TCMB_SI 2.72548 |
Cosmic microwave background radiation temperature, K. More... | |
#define | LAL_VCMB_SI 369883.9346804 |
Solar velocity with respect to the cosmic microwave background radiation, m s^-1. More... | |
#define | LAL_NCMB_SI 4.107178061233267795913602167900672966e8 |
Number density of cosmic microwave background radiation photons, m^-3. More... | |
#define | LAL_SCMB_SI 2.042296344521760298284258925842980552e-14 |
Entropy density of cosmic microwave background radiation, J K^-1 m^-3. More... | |
#define LAL_REAL4_MANT 24 |
Bits of precision in the mantissa of a REAL4.
Definition at line 54 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_REAL4_MAX 0x1.fffffe0000000p+127 |
Largest normalized REAL4 number (2-2^-23)*2^127.
Definition at line 55 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_REAL4_MIN 0x1.0000000000000p-126 |
Smallest normalized REAL4 number 2^-126.
Definition at line 56 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_REAL4_EPS 0x1.0000000000000p-23 |
Difference between 1 and the next resolvable REAL4 2^-23.
Definition at line 57 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_REAL8_MANT 53 |
Bits of precision in the mantissa of a REAL8.
Definition at line 58 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_REAL8_MAX 0x1.fffffffffffffp+1023 |
Largest normalized REAL8 number (2-2^-52)*2^1023.
Definition at line 59 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_REAL8_MIN 0x1.0000000000000p-1022 |
Smallest normalized REAL8 number 2^-1022.
Definition at line 60 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_REAL8_EPS 0x1.0000000000000p-52 |
Difference between 1 and the next resolvable REAL8 2^-52.
Definition at line 61 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_UINT8_MAX LAL_UINT8_C(18446744073709551615) |
Definition at line 79 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_UINT4_MAX LAL_UINT8_C(4294967295) |
Definition at line 80 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_UINT2_MAX LAL_UINT8_C(65535) |
Definition at line 81 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_INT8_MAX LAL_UINT8_C(9223372036854775807) |
Definition at line 82 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_INT4_MAX LAL_UINT8_C(2147483647) |
Definition at line 83 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_INT2_MAX LAL_UINT8_C(32767) |
Definition at line 84 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_E 2.718281828459045235360287471352662498 |
Euler's constant, e.
Definition at line 169 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_LOG2E 1.442695040888963407359924681001892137 |
base-2 logarithm of e, log_2(e)
Definition at line 170 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_LOG10E 0.434294481903251827651128918916605082 |
common logarithm of e, log_10(e)
Definition at line 171 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_LN2 0.693147180559945309417232121458176568 |
natural log of 2, ln(2)
Definition at line 172 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_LN10 2.302585092994045684017991454684364208 |
natural log of 10, ln(10)
Definition at line 173 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_SQRT2 1.414213562373095048801688724209698079 |
Pythagoras's constant, sqrt(2)
Definition at line 174 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_SQRT1_2 0.707106781186547524400844362104849039 |
#define LAL_GAMMA 0.577215664901532860606512090082402431 |
Euler-Mascheroni constant, gamma.
Definition at line 176 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_EXPGAMMA 1.781072417990197985236504103107179549 |
#define LAL_PI 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884 |
Archimedes's constant, pi.
Definition at line 179 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_TWOPI 6.283185307179586476925286766559005768 |
2*pi is circumference of a circle divided by its radius
Definition at line 180 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_PI_2 1.570796326794896619231321691639751442 |
#define LAL_PI_4 0.785398163397448309615660845819875721 |
pi/4 is the least positive solution to sin(x) = cos(x)
Definition at line 182 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_1_PI 0.318309886183790671537767526745028724 |
1/pi is the ratio of the volume of a regular octahedron to the volume of the circumscribed sphere
Definition at line 183 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_2_PI 0.636619772367581343075535053490057448 |
2/pi is Buffon's constant
Definition at line 184 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_2_SQRTPI 1.128379167095512573896158903121545172 |
#define LAL_PI_180 1.745329251994329576923690768488612713e-2 |
180/pi is the number of degrees in one radian
Definition at line 186 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_180_PI 57.295779513082320876798154814105170332 |
pi/180 is the number of radians in one degree
Definition at line 187 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_LNPI 1.144729885849400174143427351353058712 |
natural log of pi, ln(pi)
Definition at line 188 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_C_SI 299792458e0 |
Speed of light in vacuum, m s^-1.
Definition at line 198 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_H_SI 6.62607015e-34 |
Planck constant, J s.
Definition at line 199 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_QE_SI 1.602176634e-19 |
Electron charge, C.
Definition at line 200 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_MOL 6.02214076e+23 |
Avogadro constant, dimensionless.
Definition at line 201 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_K_SI 1.380649e-23 |
Boltzmann constant, J K^-1.
Definition at line 202 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_GEARTH_SI 9.80665 |
Standard gravity, m s^-2.
Definition at line 203 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_PATM_SI 101325e0 |
Standard atmosphere, Pa.
Definition at line 204 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_HBAR_SI 1.054571817646156391262428003302280745e-34 |
Reduced Planck constant, J s.
Definition at line 211 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_R_SI 8.31446261815324 |
Molar gas constant, J mol^-1 K^-1.
Definition at line 218 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_SIGMA_SI 5.670374419184429453970996731889230876e-8 |
Stefan-Boltzmann constant, W m^-2 K^-4.
Definition at line 225 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_C2RAD_SI 1.438776877503933802146671601543911595e-2 |
Second radiation constant, m K.
Definition at line 232 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_BWIEN_SI 2.897771955185172661478605448092884727e-3 |
Wien displacement law constant, m K.
where the factor X satisfies
X * exp(X) = 5 * (exp(X) - 1)
Definition at line 243 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_ALPHA 0.0072973525693 |
Fine structure constant, dimensionless.
Definition at line 254 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_RYD_SI 10973731.568160 |
Rydberg constant, m^-1.
Definition at line 255 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_MP_ME 1836.15267343 |
Proton-electron mass ratio, dimensionless.
Definition at line 256 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_ME_AMU 0.000548579909065 |
Electron mass, atomic mass units.
Definition at line 257 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_G_SI 6.67430e-11 |
Gravitational constant, N m^2 kg^-2.
Definition at line 258 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_MU0_SI 1.256637062123837330602573817851770477e-6 |
Permeability of free space, N A^-2.
Definition at line 276 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_EPSILON0_SI 8.854187812773347391812964575762341677e-12 |
Permittivity of free space, C^2 N^-1 m^-2.
Definition at line 283 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_MPL_SI 2.176434342717898213927914919024147041e-8 |
Planck mass, kg.
Definition at line 290 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_LPL_SI 1.616255024423705286500047697249314157e-35 |
Planck length, m.
Definition at line 297 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_TPL_SI 5.391246448313603961644851309932934193e-44 |
#define LAL_LUMPL_SI 3.628254904411280064474144638555430509e52 |
Planck luminosity, J s^-1.
Definition at line 311 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_MP_AMU 1.00727646661968604164295 |
Proton mass, atomic mass units.
Definition at line 318 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_ME_SI 9.109383701517728819842163772087735080e-31 |
Electron mass, kg.
Definition at line 325 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_MP_SI 1.672621923684144692109494784075478798e-27 |
#define LAL_AMU_SI 1.660539066595378801332508797951914123e-27 |
Atomic mass unit, kg.
Definition at line 339 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_AB_SI 5.291772109034624983506063293620795401e-11 |
Bohr radius, m.
Definition at line 346 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_LAMBDAE_SI 2.426310238678370231942278247906312873e-12 |
Electron Compton wavelength, m.
Definition at line 353 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_RE_SI 2.817940326207927528347087481623789683e-15 |
Classical electron radius, m.
Definition at line 360 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_MUB_SI 9.274010078344114556082608495144137435e-24 |
Bohr magneton, J T^-1.
Definition at line 367 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_MUN_SI 5.050783746114056140501321131006282803e-27 |
Nuclear magneton, J T^-1.
Definition at line 374 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_ROT_DAY 1.00273781191135448 |
Number of Earth rotations in one UT1 day, dimensionless.
Definition at line 385 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_DAYJUL_SI 86400e0 |
Julian day, s.
Definition at line 386 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_YRJUL_SI 31557600e0 |
Julian year, s.
Definition at line 387 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_LYR_SI 9460730472580800e0 |
(Julian) Lightyear, m
Definition at line 388 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_AU_SI 149597870700e0 |
Astronomical unit, m.
Definition at line 389 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_PC_SI 3.085677581491367278913937957796471611e16 |
Parsec, m.
Definition at line 390 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_GMEARTH_SI 3.986004e+14 |
Nominal Earth mass parameter, m^3 s^-2.
Definition at line 391 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_REEARTH_SI 6.3781e+6 |
Nominal Earth equatorial radius, m.
Definition at line 392 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_RPEARTH_SI 6.3568e+6 |
Nominal Earth polar radius, m.
Definition at line 393 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_GMJUP_SI 1.2668653e+17 |
Nominal Jupiter mass parameter, m^3 s^-2.
Definition at line 394 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_REJUP_SI 7.1492e+7 |
Nominal Jupiter equatorial radius, m.
Definition at line 395 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_RPJUP_SI 6.6854e+7 |
Nominal Jupiter polar radius, m.
Definition at line 396 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_GMSUN_SI 1.3271244e+20 |
Nominal solar mass parameter, m^3 s^-2.
Definition at line 397 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_RSUN_SI 6.957e+8 |
Nominal solar radius, m.
Definition at line 398 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_SSUN_SI 1361e0 |
Nominal total solar irradiance, W m^-2.
Definition at line 399 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_LSUN_SI 3.828e+26 |
Nominal solar luminosity, W.
Definition at line 400 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_TSUN_SI 5772e0 |
Nominal solar effective temperature, K.
Definition at line 401 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_REARTH_SI 6378136.6 |
Earth equatorial radius, m.
Definition at line 416 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_AWGS84_SI 6378137e0 |
Semimajor axis of WGS-84 Reference Ellipsoid, m.
Definition at line 422 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_BWGS84_SI 6356752.314 |
Semiminor axis of WGS-84 Reference Ellipsoid, m.
LAL_BWGS84_SI = LAL_AWGS84_SI * (1 - f)
where f is the flattening
1/f = 298.257223563
Definition at line 436 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_IEARTH 0.409092600600582871467239393761915655 |
Earth inclination (2000), radians.
This is the measured value of the mean obliquity of the ecliptic, 84381.406 arcseconds, converted to radians.
Definition at line 445 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_EEARTH 0.0167 |
Earth orbital eccentricity, dimensionless.
Definition at line 451 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_EPREC_SI 1.127703867758020059420250393792953007e-12 |
Rate of Earth precession (2000), Hz.
This is the rate of precession of the Earth, 4612.156534 arcseconds per Julian century, converted to cycles per second, at the epoch J2000.0 (=2000-01-01T12:00:00Z):
LAL_EPREC_SI = 4612.156534 / 36525 / 15 / 86400 / LAL_DAYJUL_SI
Definition at line 469 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_GMEARTH_TCB_SI 3.986004418e+14 |
Earth mass parameter, m^3 s^-2 (TCB)
Definition at line 475 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_GMEARTH_TDB_SI 3.986004356e+14 |
Earth mass parameter, m^3 s^-2 (TDB)
Definition at line 481 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_GMEARTH_TT_SI 3.986004415e+14 |
Earth mass parameter, m^3 s^-2 (TT)
Definition at line 487 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_GMSUN_TCB_SI 1.32712442099e+20 |
Solar mass parameter, m^3 s^-2 (TCB)
Definition at line 493 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_GMSUN_TDB_SI 1.32712440041e+20 |
Solar mass parameter, m^3 s^-2 (TDB)
Definition at line 499 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_YRTROP_SI 31556925.1874707200 |
Tropical year (2000), s.
Definition at line 505 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_YRSID_SI 31558149.763545600 |
Sidereal year (2000), s.
Definition at line 511 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_COSIEARTH 0.917482143065241841533315838574859003 |
Cosine of Earth inclination (2000)
Definition at line 529 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_SINIEARTH 0.397776969112605992551264763661918798 |
Sine of Earth inclination (2000)
Definition at line 536 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_MEARTH_SI 5.972167867791378871192484605127129437e24 |
Nominal Earth mass, kg.
Definition at line 543 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_MEARTH_TCB_SI 5.972168494074284943739418365970963247e24 |
Earth mass, kg (TCB)
Definition at line 550 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_MEARTH_TDB_SI 5.972168401180648157859251157424748663e24 |
Earth mass, kg (TDB)
Definition at line 557 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_MEARTH_TT_SI 5.972168489579431550874248984912275445e24 |
Earth mass, kg (TT)
Definition at line 564 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_MJUP_SI 1.898124597336050222495242946825884362e27 |
Nominal Jupiter mass, kg.
Definition at line 571 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_MSUN_SI 1.988409870698050731911960804878414216e30 |
Nominal solar mass, kg.
Definition at line 578 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_MRSUN_SI 1.476625038050124729627979840144936351e3 |
Geometrized nominal solar mass, m.
Definition at line 585 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_MTSUN_SI 4.925490947641266978197229498498379006e-6 |
Geometrized nominal solar mass, s.
Definition at line 592 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_MSUN_TCB_SI 1.988409902147041637325262574352366540e30 |
Solar mass, kg (TCB)
Definition at line 599 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_MSUN_TDB_SI 1.988409871312347362270200620289768215e30 |
Solar mass, kg (TDB)
Definition at line 606 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_SOL_SID 1.002737909344968654292933133909634024 |
Ratio of mean solar day to sidereal day, dimensionless.
This quantity is evaluated at the epoch J2000.0 (=2000-01-01T12:00:00Z) as:
Definition at line 615 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_DAYSID_SI 86164.090531333536768710524462700317733190 |
Mean sidereal day, s.
This quantity is evaluated at the epoch J2000.0 (=2000-01-01T12:00:00Z) as:
Definition at line 624 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_H0FAC_SI 3.240779289444365023237687716352957261e-18 |
Hubble constant prefactor, s^-1.
LAL_H0FAC_SI = 100 km s^-1 Mpc^-1
Definition at line 651 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_H0_SI (0.69 * LAL_H0FAC_SI) |
Approximate Hubble constant, s^-1.
where h0 is approximately 0.69 (the value adopted here).
Definition at line 662 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_RHOCFAC_SI 1.688169255655572064052978218230767915e-9 |
Critical energy density prefactor, J m^-3.
Definition at line 669 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_RHOC_SI (0.69 * 0.69 * LAL_RHOCFAC_SI) |
Approximate critical energy density, J m^-3.
where h0 is approximately 0.69 (the value adopted here).
Definition at line 680 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_TCMB_SI 2.72548 |
Cosmic microwave background radiation temperature, K.
Definition at line 686 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_VCMB_SI 369883.9346804 |
Solar velocity with respect to the cosmic microwave background radiation, m s^-1.
Adopted value is v/c = 0.0012338
Definition at line 694 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_NCMB_SI 4.107178061233267795913602167900672966e8 |
Number density of cosmic microwave background radiation photons, m^-3.
LAL_NCMB_SI = 16 * zeta(3) * LAL_PI * (LAL_K_SI * LAL_TCMB_SI / (LAL_C_SI * LAL_H_SI))^3
where zeta is the Riemann zeta function and zeta(3) is Apery's constant.
Definition at line 704 of file LALConstants.h.
#define LAL_SCMB_SI 2.042296344521760298284258925842980552e-14 |
Entropy density of cosmic microwave background radiation, J K^-1 m^-3.
Definition at line 711 of file LALConstants.h.