Go to the documentation of this file.
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 #
3 #
4 #
5 # Copyright 2010
6 # Benjamin Aylott <>,
7 # Benjamin Farr <>,
8 # Will M. Farr <>,
9 # John Veitch <>
10 # Vivien Raymond <>
11 # Salvatore Vitale <>
12 #
13 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
14 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
15 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
16 # (at your option) any later version.
17 #
18 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
19 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21 # GNU General Public License for more details.
22 #
23 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
24 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
25 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
26 # MA 02110-1301, USA.
28 #===============================================================================
29 # Preamble
30 #===============================================================================
32 #standard library imports
33 import sys
34 import os
35 import socket
37 from six.moves import cPickle as pickle
39 from time import strftime
41 #related third party imports
42 import numpy as np
43 from numpy import (exp, cos, sin, size, cov, unique, hsplit, log, squeeze)
45 import matplotlib
46 matplotlib.use("Agg")
47 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
49 # Default font properties
50 fig_width_pt = 246 # Get this from LaTeX using \showthe\columnwidth
51 inches_per_pt = 1.0/72.27 # Convert pt to inch
52 golden_mean = (2.236-1.0)/2.0 # Aesthetic ratio
53 fig_width = fig_width_pt*inches_per_pt # width in inches
54 fig_height = fig_width*golden_mean # height in inches
55 fig_size = [fig_width,fig_height]
56 matplotlib.rcParams.update(
57  {'axes.labelsize': 16,
58  'font.size': 16,
59  'legend.fontsize': 16,
60  'xtick.labelsize': 16,
61  'ytick.labelsize': 16,
62  'text.usetex': False,
63  'figure.figsize': fig_size,
64  '': "serif",
65  'font.serif': ['Times','Palatino','New Century Schoolbook','Bookman','Computer Modern Roman','Times New Roman','Liberation Serif'],
66  'font.weight':'normal',
67  'font.size':16,
68  'savefig.dpi': 120
69  })
71 #local application/library specific imports
72 import lalinference.plot
73 from lalinference import bayespputils as bppu
74 from lalinference import git_version
76 from ligo.lw import ligolw
77 from ligo.lw import lsctables
78 from ligo.lw import utils
80 __author__="Ben Aylott <>, Ben Farr <>, Will M. Farr <>, John Veitch <>"
81 __version__= "git id %s"
82 __date__=
84 from lalinference.lalinference_pipe_utils import guess_url
86 def email_notify(address,path):
87  import subprocess
88  USER = os.environ['USER']
89  HOST = socket.getfqdn()
90  address=address.split(',')
92  SUBJECT="LALInference result is ready at "+HOST+"!"
93  # Guess the web space path for the clusters
94  fslocation=os.path.abspath(path)
95  webpath='posplots.html'
96  url = guess_url(os.path.join(fslocation,webpath))
97  TEXT="Hi "+USER+",\nYou have a new parameter estimation result on "+HOST+".\nYou can view the result at "+url+"\n"
98  cmd='echo "%s" | mail -s "%s" "%s"'%(TEXT,SUBJECT,', '.join(address))
99  proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True)
100  (out, err) = proc.communicate()
101  #print "program output %s error %s:"%(out,err)
103 def pickle_to_file(obj,fname):
104  """
105  Pickle/serialize 'obj' into 'fname'.
106  """
107  filed=open(fname,'w')
108  pickle.dump(obj,filed)
109  filed.close()
111 def oneD_dict_to_file(dict,fname):
112  filed=open(fname,'w')
113  for key,value in dict.items():
114  filed.write("%s %s\n"%(str(key),str(value)) )
116 def multipleFileCB(opt, opt_str, value, parser):
117  args=[]
119  def floatable(str):
120  try:
121  float(str)
122  return True
123  except ValueError:
124  return False
126  for arg in parser.rargs:
127  # stop on --foo like options
128  if arg[:2] == "--" and len(arg) > 2:
129  break
130  # stop on -a, but not on -3 or -3.0
131  if arg[:1] == "-" and len(arg) > 1 and not floatable(arg):
132  break
133  args.append(arg)
135  del parser.rargs[:len(args)]
136  #Append new files to list if some already specified
137  if getattr(parser.values, opt.dest):
138  oldargs = getattr(parser.values, opt.dest)
139  oldargs.extend(args)
140  args = oldargs
141  setattr(parser.values, opt.dest, args)
143 def dict2html(d,parent=None):
144  if not d: return ""
145  out=bppu.htmlChunk('div',parent=parent)
147  row=out.insert_row(tab)
148  for key in d.keys():
149  out.insert_td(row,str(key))
150  row2=out.insert_row(tab)
151  for val in d.values():
152  out.insert_td(row2,str(val))
153  return out
155 def extract_hdf5_metadata(h5grp,parent=None):
156  import h5py
157  #out=bppu.htmlChunk('div',parent=parent)
158  sec=bppu.htmlSection(,htmlElement=parent)
159  dict2html(h5grp.attrs,parent=sec)
160  for group in h5grp:
161  if(isinstance(h5grp[group],h5py.Group)):
162  extract_hdf5_metadata(h5grp[group],sec)
163  return h5grp
166 def cbcBayesPostProc(
167  outdir,data,oneDMenus,twoDGreedyMenu,GreedyRes,
168  confidence_levels,twoDplots,
169  #misc. optional
170  injfile=None,eventnum=None,
171  trigfile=None,trignum=None,
172  skyres=None,
173  #direct integration evidence
174  dievidence=False,boxing=64,difactor=1.0,
175  #elliptical evidence
176  ellevidence=False,
177  #manual input of bayes factors optional.
178  bayesfactornoise=None,bayesfactorcoherent=None,
179  #manual input for SNR in the IFOs, optional.
180  snrfactor=None,
181  #nested sampling options
182  ns_flag=False,ns_Nlive=None,
183  #spinspiral/mcmc options
184  ss_flag=False,ss_spin_flag=False,
185  #lalinferenceMCMC options
186  li_flag=False,deltaLogP=None,fixedBurnins=None,nDownsample=None,oldMassConvention=False,
187  #followupMCMC options
188  fm_flag=False,
189  #spin frame for the injection
190  inj_spin_frame='OrbitalL',
191  # on ACF?
192  noacf=False,
193  #Turn on 2D kdes
194  twodkdeplots=False,
195  #Turn on R convergence tests
196  RconvergenceTests=False,
197  # Save PDF figures?
198  savepdfs=True,
199  #List of covariance matrix csv files used as analytic likelihood
200  covarianceMatrices=None,
201  #List of meanVector csv files used, one csv file for each covariance matrix
202  meanVectors=None,
203  #header file
204  header=None,
205  psd_files=None,
206  greedy=True ## If true will use greedy bin for 1-d credible regions. Otherwise use 2-steps KDE
207  ):
208  """
209  This is a demonstration script for using the functionality/data structures
210  contained in lalinference.bayespputils . It will produce a webpage from a file containing
211  posterior samples generated by the parameter estimation codes with 1D/2D plots
212  and stats from the marginal posteriors for each parameter/set of parameters.
213  """
214  if eventnum is not None and injfile is None:
215  print("You specified an event number but no injection file. Ignoring!")
217  if trignum is not None and trigfile is None:
218  print("You specified a trigger number but no trigger file. Ignoring!")
220  if trignum is None and trigfile is not None:
221  print("You specified a trigger file but no trigger number. Taking first entry (the case for GraceDB events).")
222  trignum=0
224  if data is None:
225  raise RuntimeError('You must specify an input data file')
226  #
227  if outdir is None:
228  raise RuntimeError("You must specify an output directory.")
230  if not os.path.isdir(outdir):
231  os.makedirs(outdir)
232  #
233  if fm_flag:
234  peparser=bppu.PEOutputParser('fm')
235  commonResultsObj=peparser.parse(data)
237  elif ns_flag and not ss_flag:
238  peparser=bppu.PEOutputParser('ns')
239  commonResultsObj=peparser.parse(data,Nlive=ns_Nlive)
241  elif ss_flag and not ns_flag:
242  peparser=bppu.PEOutputParser('mcmc_burnin')
243  commonResultsObj=peparser.parse(data,spin=ss_spin_flag,deltaLogP=deltaLogP)
245  elif li_flag:
246  peparser=bppu.PEOutputParser('inf_mcmc')
247  commonResultsObj=peparser.parse(data,outdir=outdir,deltaLogP=deltaLogP,fixedBurnins=fixedBurnins,nDownsample=nDownsample,oldMassConvention=oldMassConvention)
249  elif ss_flag and ns_flag:
250  raise RuntimeError("Undefined input format. Choose only one of:")
252  elif '.hdf' in data[0] or '.h5' in data[0]:
253  if len(data) > 1:
254  peparser = bppu.PEOutputParser('hdf5s')
255  commonResultsObj=peparser.parse(data,deltaLogP=deltaLogP,fixedBurnins=fixedBurnins,nDownsample=nDownsample)
256  else:
257  fixedBurnins = fixedBurnins if fixedBurnins is not None else None
258  peparser = bppu.PEOutputParser('hdf5')
259  commonResultsObj=peparser.parse(data[0],deltaLogP=deltaLogP,fixedBurnins=fixedBurnins,nDownsample=nDownsample)
260  else:
261  peparser=bppu.PEOutputParser('common')
262  commonResultsObj=peparser.parse(open(data[0],'r'),info=[header,None])
263  # check if Nest (through nest2post) has produced an header file with git and CL info. If yes copy in outdir
264  if os.path.isfile(data[0]+"_header.txt"):
265  import shutil
266  shutil.copy2(data[0]+"_header.txt", os.path.join(outdir,'nest_headers.txt'))
268  #Extract f_ref from CRO if present. This is needed to calculate orbital angular momentum
269  # when converting spin parameters. Ideally this info will be provided in the
270  # SimInspiralTable in the near future.
271  ps,samps = commonResultsObj
272  try:
273  f_refIdx = ps.index('f_ref')
274  injFref = unique(samps[:,f_refIdx])
275  if len(injFref) > 1:
276  print("ERROR: Expected f_ref to be constant for all samples. Can't tell which value was injected!")
277  print(injFref)
278  injFref = None
279  else:
280  injFref = injFref[0]
281  except ValueError:
282  injFref = None
284  #Select injections using tc +/- 0.1s if it exists or eventnum from the injection file
285  injection=None
286  if injfile and eventnum is not None:
287  print('Looking for event %i in %s\n'%(eventnum,injfile))
288  xmldoc = utils.load_filename(injfile,contenthandler=lsctables.use_in(ligolw.LIGOLWContentHandler))
289  siminspiraltable=lsctables.SimInspiralTable.get_table(xmldoc)
290  injection=siminspiraltable[eventnum]
292  #Get trigger
293  triggers = None
294  if trigfile is not None and trignum is not None:
295  triggers = bppu.readCoincXML(trigfile, trignum)
297  ## Load Bayes factors ##
298  # Add Bayes factor information to summary file #
299  if bayesfactornoise is not None:
300  bfile=open(bayesfactornoise,'r')
302  bfile.close()
303  if(len(BSN.split())!=1):
304  BSN=BSN.split()[0]
305  print('BSN: %s'%BSN)
306  if bayesfactorcoherent is not None:
307  bfile=open(bayesfactorcoherent,'r')
309  bfile.close()
310  print('BCI: %s'%BCI)
312  if snrfactor is not None:
313  if not os.path.isfile(snrfactor):
314  print("No snr file provided or wrong path to snr file\n")
315  snrfactor=None
316  else:
317  snrstring=""
318  snrfile=open(snrfactor,'r')
319  snrs=snrfile.readlines()
320  snrfile.close()
321  for snr in snrs:
322  if snr=="\n":
323  continue
324  snrstring=snrstring +" "+str(snr[0:-1])+" ,"
325  snrstring=snrstring[0:-1]
327  #Create an instance of the posterior class using the posterior values loaded
328  #from the file and any injection information (if given).
329  pos = bppu.Posterior(commonResultsObj,SimInspiralTableEntry=injection,inj_spin_frame=inj_spin_frame, injFref=injFref,SnglInspiralList=triggers)
331  #Create analytic likelihood functions if covariance matrices and mean vectors were given
332  analyticLikelihood = None
333  if covarianceMatrices and meanVectors:
334  analyticLikelihood = bppu.AnalyticLikelihood(covarianceMatrices, meanVectors)
336  #Plot only analytic parameters
337  oneDMenu = analyticLikelihood.names
338  if twoDGreedyMenu:
339  twoDGreedyMenu = []
340  for i in range(len(oneDMenu)):
341  for j in range(i+1,len(oneDMenu)):
342  twoDGreedyMenu.append([oneDMenu[i],oneDMenu[j]])
343  twoDplots = twoDGreedyMenu
345  if eventnum is None and injfile is not None:
346  import itertools
347  injections = lsctables.SimInspiralTable.get_table(utils.load_filename(injfile, contenthandler=lsctables.use_in(ligolw.LIGOLWContentHandler)))
349  if(len(injections)<1):
350  try:
351  print('Warning: Cannot find injection with end time %f' %(pos['time'].mean))
352  except KeyError:
353  print("Warning: No 'time' column!")
355  else:
356  try:
357  injection = itertools.ifilter(lambda a: abs(float(a.get_end()) - pos['time'].mean) < 0.1, injections).next()
358  pos.set_injection(injection)
359  except KeyError:
360  print("Warning: No 'time' column!")
362  pos.extend_posterior()
363  # create list of names in oneDMenus dic
364  oneDMenu=[]
365  for i in oneDMenus.keys():
366  oneDMenu+=oneDMenus[i]
367  #Perform necessary mappings
368  functions = {'cos':cos,'sin':sin,'exp':exp,'log':log}
369  for pos_name in oneDMenu:
370  if pos_name not in pos.names:
371  for func in functions.keys():
372  old_pos_name = pos_name.replace(func,'')
373  if pos_name.find(func)==0 and old_pos_name in pos.names:
374  print("Taking %s of %s ..."% (func,old_pos_name))
375  pos.append_mapping(pos_name,functions[func],old_pos_name)
377  #Remove samples with NaNs in requested params
378  requested_params = set(pos.names).intersection(set(oneDMenu))
379  pos.delete_NaN_entries(requested_params)
381  #Remove non-analytic parameters if analytic likelihood is given:
382  if analyticLikelihood:
383  dievidence_names = ['post','posterior','logl','prior','likelihood','cycle','chain']
384  [pos.pop(param) for param in pos.names if param not in analyticLikelihood.names and param not in dievidence_names]
386  ##Print some summary stats for the user...##
387  #Number of samples
388  print("Number of posterior samples: %i"%len(pos))
389  # Means
390  print('Means:')
391  print(str(pos.means))
392  #Median
393  print('Median:')
394  print(str(pos.medians))
395  #maxL
396  print('maxL:')
397  max_pos,max_pos_co=pos.maxL
398  print(max_pos_co)
400  # Save posterior samples
401  posfilename=os.path.join(outdir,'posterior_samples.dat')
402  pos.write_to_file(posfilename)
404  #==================================================================#
405  #Create web page
406  #==================================================================#
408  html=bppu.htmlPage('Posterior PDFs',css=bppu.__default_css_string,javascript=bppu.__default_javascript_string)
410  #Create a section for meta-data/run information
411  html_meta=html.add_section('Summary')
413  row=html_meta.insert_row(table,label='thisrow')
414  td=html_meta.insert_td(row,'',label='Samples')
415  SampsStats=html.add_section_to_element('Samples',td)
416  SampsStats.p('Produced from '+str(len(pos))+' posterior samples.')
417  if 'chain' in pos.names:
418  acceptedChains = unique(pos['chain'].samples)
419  acceptedChainText = '%i of %i chains accepted: %i'%(len(acceptedChains),len(data),acceptedChains[0])
420  if len(acceptedChains) > 1:
421  for chain in acceptedChains[1:]:
422  acceptedChainText += ', %i'%(chain)
423  SampsStats.p(acceptedChainText)
424  if 'cycle' in pos.names:
425  SampsStats.p('Longest chain has '+str(pos.longest_chain_cycles())+' cycles.')
426  filenames='Samples read from %s'%(data[0])
427  if len(data) > 1:
428  for fname in data[1:]:
429  filenames+=', '+str(fname)
430  SampsStats.p(filenames)
431  td=html_meta.insert_td(row,'',label='SummaryLinks')
432  legend=html.add_section_to_element('Sections',td)
434  # Create a section for HDF5 metadata if available
435  if '.h5' in data[0] or '.hdf' in data[0]:
436  html_hdf=html.add_section('Metadata',legend=legend)
437  import h5py
438  with h5py.File(data[0],'r') as h5grp:
439  extract_hdf5_metadata(h5grp,parent=html_hdf)
441  #Create a section for model selection results (if they exist)
442  if bayesfactorcoherent is not None or bayesfactornoise is not None:
443  html_model=html.add_section('Model selection',legend=legend)
444  if bayesfactornoise is not None:
445  html_model.p('log Bayes factor ( coherent vs gaussian noise) = %s, Bayes factor=%f'%(BSN,exp(float(BSN))))
446  if bayesfactorcoherent is not None:
447  html_model.p('log Bayes factor ( coherent vs incoherent OR noise ) = %s, Bayes factor=%f'%(BCI,exp(float(BCI))))
449  if dievidence:
450  html_model=html.add_section('Direct Integration Evidence',legend=legend)
451  log_ev = log(difactor) + pos.di_evidence(boxing=boxing)
452  ev=exp(log_ev)
453  evfilename=os.path.join(outdir,"evidence.dat")
454  evout=open(evfilename,"w")
455  evout.write(str(ev))
456  evout.write(" ")
457  evout.write(str(log_ev))
458  evout.close()
459  print("Computing direct integration evidence = %g (log(Evidence) = %g)"%(ev, log_ev))
460  html_model.p('Direct integration evidence is %g, or log(Evidence) = %g. (Boxing parameter = %d.)'%(ev,log_ev,boxing))
461  if 'logl' in pos.names:
462  log_ev=pos.harmonic_mean_evidence()
463  html_model.p('Compare to harmonic mean evidence of %g (log(Evidence) = %g).'%(exp(log_ev),log_ev))
465  if ellevidence:
466  try:
467  html_model=html.add_section('Elliptical Evidence',legend=legend)
468  log_ev = pos.elliptical_subregion_evidence()
469  ev = exp(log_ev)
470  evfilename=os.path.join(outdir, 'ellevidence.dat')
471  evout=open(evfilename, 'w')
472  evout.write(str(ev) + ' ' + str(log_ev))
473  evout.close()
474  print('Computing elliptical region evidence = %g (log(ev) = %g)'%(ev, log_ev))
475  html_model.p('Elliptical region evidence is %g, or log(Evidence) = %g.'%(ev, log_ev))
477  if 'logl' in pos.names:
478  log_ev=pos.harmonic_mean_evidence()
479  html_model.p('Compare to harmonic mean evidence of %g (log(Evidence = %g))'%(exp(log_ev), log_ev))
480  except IndexError:
481  print('Warning: Sample size too small to compute elliptical evidence!')
483  #Create a section for SNR, if a file is provided
484  if snrfactor is not None:
485  html_snr=html.add_section('Signal to noise ratio(s)',legend=legend)
486  html_snr.p('%s'%snrstring)
488  # Create a section for the DIC
489  html_dic = html.add_section('Deviance Information Criterion', legend=legend)
490  html_dic.p('DIC = %.1f'%pos.DIC)
491  dicout = open(os.path.join(outdir, 'dic.dat'), 'w')
492  try:
493  dicout.write('%.1f\n'%pos.DIC)
494  finally:
495  dicout.close()
497  #Create a section for summary statistics
498  # By default collapse section are collapsed when the page is opened or reloaded. Use start_closed=False option as here below to change this
499  tabid='statstable'
500  html_stats=html.add_collapse_section('Summary statistics',legend=legend,innertable_id=tabid,start_closed=False)
501  html_stats.write(str(pos))
502  statfilename=os.path.join(outdir,"summary_statistics.dat")
503  statout=open(statfilename,"w")
504  statout.write("\tmaP\tmaxL\tKL\tstdev\tmean\tmedian\tstacc\tinjection\tvalue\n")
506  warned_about_kl = False
507  for statname,statoned_pos in pos:
509  statmax_pos,max_i=pos._posMaxL()
510  statmaxL=statoned_pos.samples[max_i][0]
511  try:
512  statKL = statoned_pos.KL()
513  except ValueError:
514  if not warned_about_kl:
515  print("Unable to compute KL divergence")
516  warned_about_kl = True
517  statKL = None
519  statmax_pos,max_j=pos._posMap()
520  statmaxP=statoned_pos.samples[max_j][0]
521  statmean=str(statoned_pos.mean)
522  statstdev=str(statoned_pos.stdev)
523  statmedian=str(squeeze(statoned_pos.median))
524  statstacc=str(statoned_pos.stacc)
525  statinjval=str(statoned_pos.injval)
527  statarray=[str(i) for i in [statname,statmaxP,statmaxL,statKL,statstdev,statmean,statmedian,statstacc,statinjval]]
528  statout.write("\t".join(statarray))
529  statout.write("\n")
531  statout.close()
533  #==================================================================#
534  #Generate sky map, WF, and PSDs
535  #==================================================================#
537  skyreses=None
538  sky_injection_cl=None
539  inj_position=None
540  tabid='skywftable'
541  html_wf=html.add_collapse_section('Sky Localization and Waveform',innertable_id=tabid)
544  row=html_wf.insert_row(table,label='SkyandWF')
545  skytd=html_wf.insert_td(row,'',label='SkyMap',legend=legend)
546  html_sky=html.add_section_to_element('SkyMap',skytd)
547  #If sky resolution parameter has been specified try and create sky map...
548  if skyres is not None and \
549  ('ra' in pos.names and 'dec' in pos.names):
551  if pos['dec'].injval is not None and pos['ra'].injval is not None:
552  inj_position=[pos['ra'].injval,pos['dec'].injval]
553  else:
554  inj_position=None
556  hpmap = pos.healpix_map(float(skyres), nest=True)
557  bppu.plot_sky_map(hpmap, outdir, inj=inj_position, nest=True)
559  if inj_position is not None:
560  html_sky.p('Injection found at p = %g'%bppu.skymap_inj_pvalue(hpmap, inj_position, nest=True))
562  html_sky.write('<a href="skymap.png" target="_blank"><img src="skymap.png"/></a>')
564  html_sky_write='<table border="1" id="statstable"><tr><th>Confidence region</th><th>size (sq. deg)</th></tr>'
566  areas = bppu.skymap_confidence_areas(hpmap, confidence_levels)
567  for cl, area in zip(confidence_levels, areas):
568  html_sky_write+='<tr><td>%g</td><td>%g</td></tr>'%(cl, area)
569  html_sky_write+=('</table>')
571  html_sky.write(html_sky_write)
572  else:
573  html_sky.write('<b>No skymap generated!</b>')
574  wfdir=os.path.join(outdir,'Waveform')
575  if not os.path.isdir(wfdir):
576  os.makedirs(wfdir)
577  try:
578  wfpointer= bppu.plot_waveform(pos=pos,siminspiral=injfile,event=eventnum,path=wfdir)
579  except Exception as e:
580  wfpointer = None
581  print("Could not create WF plot. The error was: %s\n"%str(e))
582  wftd=html_wf.insert_td(row,'',label='Waveform',legend=legend)
583  wfsection=html.add_section_to_element('Waveforms',wftd)
584  if wfpointer is not None:
585  wfsection.write('<a href="Waveform/WF_DetFrame.png" target="_blank"><img src="Waveform/WF_DetFrame.png"/></a>')
586  else:
587  print("Could not create WF plot.\n")
588  wfsection.write("<b>No Waveform generated!</b>")
590  wftd=html_wf.insert_td(row,'',label='PSDs',legend=legend)
591  wfsection=html.add_section_to_element('PSDs',wftd)
592  if psd_files is not None:
593  psd_files=list(psd_files.split(','))
594  psddir=os.path.join(outdir,'PSDs')
595  if not os.path.isdir(psddir):
596  os.makedirs(psddir)
597  try:
598  if 'flow' in pos.names:
599  f_low = pos['flow'].samples.min()
600  else:
601  f_low = 30.
602  bppu.plot_psd(psd_files,outpath=psddir, f_min=f_low)
603  wfsection.write('<a href="PSDs/PSD.png" target="_blank"><img src="PSDs/PSD.png"/></a>')
604  except Exception as e:
605  print("Could not create PSD plot. The error was: %s\n"%str(e))
606  wfsection.write("<b>PSD plotting failed</b>")
607  else:
608  wfsection.write("<b>No PSD files provided</b>")
610  # Add plots for calibration estimates
611  if np.any(['spcal_amp' in param for param in pos.names]) or np.any(['spcal_phase' in param for param in pos.names]):
612  wftd=html_wf.insert_td(row,'',label='Calibration',legend=legend)
613  wfsection=html.add_section_to_element('Calibration',wftd)
614  bppu.plot_calibration_pos(pos, outpath=outdir)
615  wfsection.write('<a href="calibration.png" target="_blank"><img src="calibration.png"/></a>')
616  # if precessing spins do spin disk
617  allin=1.0
618  if set(['a1','a2','tilt1','tilt2']).issubset(pos.names):
619  wftd=html_wf.insert_td(row,'',label='DiskPlot',legend=legend)
620  wfsection=html.add_section_to_element('DiskPlot',wftd)
621  lalinference.plot.make_disk_plot(pos, outpath=outdir)
622  wfsection.write('<a href="comp_spin_pos.png" target="_blank"><img src="comp_spin_pos.png"/></a>')
624  #==================================================================#
625  #1D posteriors
626  #==================================================================#
627  onepdfdir=os.path.join(outdir,'1Dpdf')
628  if not os.path.isdir(onepdfdir):
629  os.makedirs(onepdfdir)
631  sampsdir=os.path.join(outdir,'1Dsamps')
632  if not os.path.isdir(sampsdir):
633  os.makedirs(sampsdir)
634  reses={}
636  for i in oneDMenus.keys():
637  rss=bppu.make_1d_table(html,legend,i,pos,oneDMenus[i],noacf,GreedyRes,onepdfdir,sampsdir,savepdfs,greedy,analyticLikelihood,nDownsample)
638  reses.update(rss)
643  tabid='onedconftable'
644  html_ogci=html.add_collapse_section('1D confidence intervals (greedy binning)',legend=legend,innertable_id=tabid)
645  html_ogci_write='<table id="%s" border="1"><tr><th/>'%tabid
646  clasciiout="#parameter \t"
647  confidence_levels.sort()
648  for cl in confidence_levels:
649  html_ogci_write+='<th>%f</th>'%cl
650  clasciiout+="%s\t"%('%.02f'%cl)
651  if injection:
652  html_ogci_write+='<th>Injection Confidence Level</th>'
653  html_ogci_write+='<th>Injection Confidence Interval</th>'
654  clasciiout+="Injection_Confidence_Level\t"
655  clasciiout+="Injection_Confidence_Interval"
656  clasciiout+='\n'
657  html_ogci_write+='</tr>'
658  #Generate new BCI html table row
659  printed=0
660  for par_name in oneDMenu:
661  par_name=par_name.lower()
662  try:
663  pos[par_name.lower()]
664  except KeyError:
665  #print "No input chain for %s, skipping binning."%par_name
666  continue
667  try:
668  par_bin=GreedyRes[par_name]
669  except KeyError:
670  print("Bin size is not set for %s, skipping binning."%par_name)
671  continue
672  binParams={par_name:par_bin}
673  injection_area=None
674  if greedy:
675  if printed==0:
676  print("Using greedy 1-d binning credible regions\n")
677  printed=1
678  toppoints,injectionconfidence,reses,injection_area,cl_intervals=bppu.greedy_bin_one_param(pos,binParams,confidence_levels)
679  else:
680  if printed==0:
681  print("Using 2-step KDE 1-d credible regions\n")
682  printed=1
683  if pos[par_name].injval is None:
684  injCoords=None
685  else:
686  injCoords=[pos[par_name].injval]
687  _,reses,injstats=bppu.kdtree_bin2Step(pos,[par_name],confidence_levels,injCoords=injCoords)
688  if injstats is not None:
689  injectionconfidence=injstats[3]
690  injection_area=injstats[4]
692  BCItableline='<tr><td>%s</td>'%(par_name)
693  clasciiout+="%s\t"%par_name
694  cls=list(reses.keys())
695  cls.sort()
697  for cl in cls:
698  BCItableline+='<td>%f</td>'%reses[cl]
699  clasciiout+="%f\t"%reses[cl]
700  if injection is not None:
701  if injectionconfidence is not None and injection_area is not None:
703  BCItableline+='<td>%f</td>'%injectionconfidence
704  BCItableline+='<td>%f</td>'%injection_area
705  clasciiout+="%f\t"%injectionconfidence
706  clasciiout+="%f"%injection_area
708  else:
709  BCItableline+='<td/>'
710  BCItableline+='<td/>'
711  clasciiout+="nan\t"
712  clasciiout+="nan"
713  BCItableline+='</tr>'
714  clasciiout+="\n"
715  #Append new table line to section html
716  html_ogci_write+=BCItableline
718  html_ogci_write+='</table>'
719  html_ogci.write(html_ogci_write)
721  #===============================#
722  # Corner plots
723  #===============================#
724  cornerdir=os.path.join(outdir,'corner')
725  if not os.path.isdir(cornerdir):
726  os.makedirs(cornerdir)
727  massParams=['mtotal','m1','m2','mc']
728  distParams=['distance','distMPC','dist','distance_maxl']
729  incParams=['iota','inclination','theta_jn']
730  polParams=['psi','polarisation','polarization']
731  skyParams=['ra','rightascension','declination','dec']
732  timeParams=['time']
733  spininducedquadParams = ['dquadmon1', 'dquadmon2','dquadmons','dquadmona']
734  spinParams=['spin1','spin2','a1','a2','a1z','a2z','phi1','theta1','phi2','theta2','chi','effectivespin','chi_eff','chi_tot','chi_p','beta','tilt1','tilt2','phi_jl','theta_jn','phi12']
735  sourceParams=['m1_source','m2_source','mtotal_source','mc_source','redshift']
736  intrinsicParams=massParams+spinParams
737  extrinsicParams=incParams+distParams+polParams+skyParams
738  sourceFrameParams=sourceParams+distParams
739  try:
740  myfig=bppu.plot_corner(pos,[0.05,0.5,0.95],parnames=intrinsicParams)
741  except:
742  myfig=None
743  tabid='CornerTable'
744  html_corner=''
745  got_any=0
746  if myfig:
747  html_corner+='<tr><td width="100%"><a href="corner/intrinsic.png" target="_blank"><img width="70%" src="corner/intrinsic.png"/></a></td></tr>'
748  myfig.savefig(os.path.join(cornerdir,'intrinsic.png'))
749  myfig.savefig(os.path.join(cornerdir,'intrinsic.pdf'))
750  got_any+=1
751  try:
752  myfig=bppu.plot_corner(pos,[0.05,0.5,0.95],parnames=extrinsicParams)
753  except:
754  myfig=None
756  if myfig:
757  myfig.savefig(os.path.join(cornerdir,'extrinsic.png'))
758  myfig.savefig(os.path.join(cornerdir,'extrinsic.pdf'))
759  html_corner+='<tr><td width="100%"><a href="corner/extrinsic.png" target="_blank"><img width="70%" src="corner/extrinsic.png"/></a></td></tr>'
760  got_any+=1
761  try:
762  myfig=bppu.plot_corner(pos,[0.05,0.5,0.95],parnames=sourceFrameParams)
763  except:
764  myfig=None
766  if myfig:
767  myfig.savefig(os.path.join(cornerdir,'sourceFrame.png'))
768  myfig.savefig(os.path.join(cornerdir,'sourceFrame.pdf'))
769  html_corner+='<tr><td width="100%"><a href="corner/sourceFrame.png" target="_blank"><img width="70%" src="corner/sourceFrame.png"/></a></td></tr>'
770  got_any+=1
772  if got_any>0:
773  html_corner='<table id="%s" border="1">'%tabid+html_corner
774  html_corner+='</table>'
775  if html_corner!='':
776  html_co=html.add_collapse_section('Corner plots',legend=legend,innertable_id=tabid)
777  html_co.write(html_corner)
778  if clasciiout:
779  fout=open(os.path.join(outdir,'confidence_levels.txt'),'w')
780  fout.write(clasciiout)
781  fout.close()
782  #==================================================================#
783  #2D posteriors
784  #==================================================================#
786  #Loop over parameter pairs in twoDGreedyMenu and bin the sample pairs
787  #using a greedy algorithm . The ranked pixels (toppoints) are used
788  #to plot 2D histograms and evaluate Bayesian confidence intervals.
790  #Make a folder for the 2D kde plots
791  margdir=os.path.join(outdir,'2Dkde')
792  if not os.path.isdir(margdir):
793  os.makedirs(margdir)
795  twobinsdir=os.path.join(outdir,'2Dbins')
796  if not os.path.isdir(twobinsdir):
797  os.makedirs(twobinsdir)
799  greedytwobinsdir=os.path.join(outdir,'greedy2Dbins')
800  if not os.path.isdir(greedytwobinsdir):
801  os.makedirs(greedytwobinsdir)
803  #Add a section to the webpage for a table of the confidence interval
804  #results.
805  tabid='2dconftable'
806  html_tcig=html.add_collapse_section('2D confidence intervals (greedy binning)',legend=legend,innertable_id=tabid)
807  #Generate the top part of the table
808  html_tcig_write='<table id="%s" border="1"><tr><th/>'%tabid
809  confidence_levels.sort()
810  for cl in confidence_levels:
811  html_tcig_write+='<th>%f</th>'%cl
812  if injection:
813  html_tcig_write+='<th>Injection Confidence Level</th>'
814  html_tcig_write+='<th>Injection Confidence Interval</th>'
815  html_tcig_write+='</tr>'
818  #= Add a section for a table of 2D marginal PDFs (kde)
819  twodkdeplots_flag=twodkdeplots
820  if twodkdeplots_flag:
821  tabid='2dmargtable'
822  html_tcmp=html.add_collapse_section('2D Marginal PDFs',legend=legend,innertable_id=tabid)
823  #Table matter
824  html_tcmp_write='<table border="1" id="%s">'%tabid
826  tabid='2dgreedytable'
827  html_tgbh=html.add_collapse_section('2D Greedy Bin Histograms',legend=legend,innertable_id=tabid)
828  html_tgbh_write='<table border="1" id="%s">'%tabid
830  row_count=0
831  row_count_gb=0
833  for par1_name,par2_name in twoDGreedyMenu:
834  par1_name=par1_name.lower()
835  par2_name=par2_name.lower()
836  # Don't plot a parameter against itself!
837  if par1_name == par2_name: continue
838  try:
839  pos[par1_name.lower()]
840  except KeyError:
841  #print "No input chain for %s, skipping binning."%par1_name
842  continue
843  try:
844  pos[par2_name.lower()]
845  except KeyError:
846  #print "No input chain for %s, skipping binning."%par2_name
847  continue
848  #Bin sizes
849  try:
850  par1_bin=GreedyRes[par1_name]
851  except KeyError:
852  print("Bin size is not set for %s, skipping %s/%s binning."%(par1_name,par1_name,par2_name))
853  continue
854  try:
855  par2_bin=GreedyRes[par2_name]
856  except KeyError:
857  print("Bin size is not set for %s, skipping %s/%s binning."%(par2_name,par1_name,par2_name))
858  continue
860  # Skip any fixed parameters to avoid matrix inversion problems
861  par1_pos=pos[par1_name].samples
862  par2_pos=pos[par2_name].samples
863  if (size(unique(par1_pos))<2 or size(unique(par2_pos))<2):
864  continue
866  #print "Binning %s-%s to determine confidence levels ..."%(par1_name,par2_name)
867  #Form greedy binning input structure
868  greedy2Params={par1_name:par1_bin,par2_name:par2_bin}
870  #Greedy bin the posterior samples
871  toppoints,injection_cl,reses,injection_area=\
872  bppu.greedy_bin_two_param(pos,greedy2Params,confidence_levels)
874  print("BCI %s-%s:"%(par1_name,par2_name))
875  print(reses)
877  #Generate new BCI html table row
878  BCItableline='<tr><td>%s-%s</td>'%(par1_name,par2_name)
879  cls=list(reses.keys())
880  cls.sort()
882  for cl in cls:
883  BCItableline+='<td>%f</td>'%reses[cl]
885  if injection is not None:
886  if injection_cl is not None:
887  BCItableline+='<td>%f</td>'%injection_cl
888  BCItableline+='<td>'+str(injection_area)+'</td>'
890  else:
891  BCItableline+='<td/>'
892  BCItableline+='<td/>'
894  BCItableline+='</tr>'
896  #Append new table line to section html
897  html_tcig_write+=BCItableline
900  #= Plot 2D histograms of greedily binned points =#
902  #greedy2ContourPlot=bppu.plot_two_param_greedy_bins_contour({'Result':pos},greedy2Params,[0.67,0.9,0.95],{'Result':'k'})
903  greedy2ContourPlot=bppu.plot_two_param_kde_greedy_levels({'Result':pos},greedy2Params,[0.67,0.9,0.95],{'Result':'k'})
904  greedy2contourpath=os.path.join(greedytwobinsdir,'%s-%s_greedy2contour.png'%(par1_name,par2_name))
905  if greedy2ContourPlot is not None:
906  greedy2ContourPlot.savefig(greedy2contourpath)
907  if(savepdfs): greedy2ContourPlot.savefig(greedy2contourpath.replace('.png','.pdf'))
908  plt.close(greedy2ContourPlot)
910  greedy2HistFig=bppu.plot_two_param_greedy_bins_hist(pos,greedy2Params,confidence_levels)
911  greedy2histpath=os.path.join(greedytwobinsdir,'%s-%s_greedy2.png'%(par1_name,par2_name))
912  greedy2HistFig.savefig(greedy2histpath)
913  if(savepdfs): greedy2HistFig.savefig(greedy2histpath.replace('.png','.pdf'))
914  plt.close(greedy2HistFig)
916  greedyFile = open(os.path.join(twobinsdir,'%s_%s_greedy_stats.txt'%(par1_name,par2_name)),'w')
918  #= Write out statistics for greedy bins
919  for cl in cls:
920  greedyFile.write("%lf %lf\n"%(cl,reses[cl]))
921  greedyFile.close()
923  if [par1_name,par2_name] in twoDplots or [par2_name,par1_name] in twoDplots :
924  print('Generating %s-%s greedy hist plot'%(par1_name,par2_name))
926  par1_pos=pos[par1_name].samples
927  par2_pos=pos[par2_name].samples
929  if (size(unique(par1_pos))<2 or size(unique(par2_pos))<2):
930  continue
931  head,figname=os.path.split(greedy2histpath)
932  head,figname_c=os.path.split(greedy2contourpath)
933  if row_count_gb==0:
934  html_tgbh_write+='<tr>'
935  html_tgbh_write+='<td width="30%"><img width="100%" src="greedy2Dbins/'+figname+'"/>[<a href="greedy2Dbins/'+figname_c+'">contour</a>]</td>'
936  row_count_gb+=1
937  if row_count_gb==3:
938  html_tgbh_write+='</tr>'
939  row_count_gb=0
941  #= Generate 2D kde plots =#
943  if twodkdeplots_flag is True:
944  if [par1_name,par2_name] in twoDplots or [par2_name,par1_name] in twoDplots :
945  print('Generating %s-%s plot'%(par1_name,par2_name))
947  par1_pos=pos[par1_name].samples
948  par2_pos=pos[par2_name].samples
950  if (size(unique(par1_pos))<2 or size(unique(par2_pos))<2):
951  continue
953  plot2DkdeParams={par1_name:50,par2_name:50}
954  myfig=bppu.plot_two_param_kde(pos,plot2DkdeParams)
956  figname=par1_name+'-'+par2_name+'_2Dkernel.png'
957  twoDKdePath=os.path.join(margdir,figname)
959  if row_count==0:
960  html_tcmp_write+='<tr>'
961  html_tcmp_write+='<td width="30%"><img width="100%" src="2Dkde/'+figname+'"/></td>'
962  row_count+=1
963  if row_count==3:
964  html_tcmp_write+='</tr>'
965  row_count=0
967  if myfig:
968  myfig.savefig(twoDKdePath)
969  if(savepdfs): myfig.savefig(twoDKdePath.replace('.png','.pdf'))
970  plt.close(myfig)
971  else:
972  print('Unable to generate 2D kde levels for %s-%s'%(par1_name,par2_name))
975  #Finish off the BCI table and write it into the etree
976  html_tcig_write+='</table>'
977  html_tcig.write(html_tcig_write)
979  if twodkdeplots_flag is True:
980  #Finish off the 2D kde plot table
981  while row_count!=0:
982  html_tcmp_write+='<td/>'
983  row_count+=1
984  if row_count==3:
985  row_count=0
986  html_tcmp_write+='</tr>'
987  html_tcmp_write+='</table>'
988  html_tcmp.write(html_tcmp_write)
989  #Add a link to all plots
990  html_tcmp.a("2Dkde/",'All 2D marginal PDFs (kde)')
992  #Finish off the 2D greedy histogram plot table
993  while row_count_gb!=0:
994  html_tgbh_write+='<td/>'
995  row_count_gb+=1
996  if row_count_gb==3:
997  row_count_gb=0
998  html_tgbh_write+='</tr>'
999  html_tgbh_write+='</table>'
1000  html_tgbh.write(html_tgbh_write)
1001  #Add a link to all plots
1002  html_tgbh.a("greedy2Dbins/",'All 2D Greedy Bin Histograms')
1004  if RconvergenceTests is True:
1005  convergenceResults=bppu.convergenceTests(pos,gelman=False)
1007  if convergenceResults is not None:
1008  tabid='convtable'
1009  html_conv_test=html.add_collapse_section('Convergence tests',legend=legend,innertable_id=tabid)
1010  data_found=False
1011  for test,test_data in convergenceResults.items():
1013  if test_data:
1014  data_found=True
1015  html_conv_test.h3(test)
1017  html_conv_table_rows={}
1018  html_conv_table_header=''
1019  for chain,chain_data in test_data.items():
1020  html_conv_table_header+='<th>%s</th>'%chain
1023  for data in chain_data:
1024  if len(data)==2:
1025  try:
1026  html_conv_table_rows[data[0]]+='<td>'+data[1]+'</td>'
1027  except KeyError:
1028  html_conv_table_rows[data[0]]='<td>'+data[1]+'</td>'
1030  html_conv_table='<table id="%s"><tr><th>Chain</th>'%tabid+html_conv_table_header+'</tr>'
1031  for row_name,row in html_conv_table_rows.items():
1032  html_conv_table+='<tr><td>%s</td>%s</tr>'%(row_name,row)
1033  html_conv_table+='</table>'
1034  html_conv_test.write(html_conv_table)
1035  if data_found is False:
1036  html_conv_test.p('No convergence diagnostics generated!')
1038  #Create a section for the covariance matrix
1039  tabid='covtable'
1040  html_stats_cov=html.add_collapse_section('Covariance matrix',legend=legend,innertable_id=tabid)
1041  pos_samples,table_header_string=pos.samples()
1043  #calculate cov matrix
1044  try:
1045  cov_matrix=cov(pos_samples,rowvar=0,bias=1)
1047  #Create html table
1048  table_header_list=table_header_string.split()
1049  cov_table_string='<table border="1" id="%s"><tr><th/>'%tabid
1050  for header in table_header_list:
1051  cov_table_string+='<th>%s</th>'%header
1052  cov_table_string+='</tr>'
1054  cov_column_list=hsplit(cov_matrix,cov_matrix.shape[1])
1056  for cov_column,cov_column_name in zip(cov_column_list,table_header_list):
1057  cov_table_string+='<tr><th>%s</th>'%cov_column_name
1058  for cov_column_element in cov_column:
1059  cov_table_string+='<td>%.3e</td>'%(cov_column_element[0])
1060  cov_table_string+='</tr>'
1061  cov_table_string+='</table>'
1062  html_stats_cov.write(cov_table_string)
1064  except:
1065  print('Unable to compute the covariance matrix.')
1068  html_footer=html.add_section('')
1069  html_footer.p('Produced using at '+strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")+' .')
1071  cc_args=''
1072  for arg in sys.argv:
1073  cc_args+=arg+' '
1075  html_footer.p('Command line: %s'%cc_args)
1076  html_footer.p(git_version.verbose_msg)
1078  #Save results page
1079  resultspage=open(os.path.join(outdir,'posplots.html'),'w')
1080  resultspage.write(str(html))
1083  #Close files
1084  resultspage.close()
1086 USAGE='''%prog [options] datafile.dat [datafile2.dat ...]
1087 Generate a web page displaying results of parameter estimation based on the contents
1088 of one or more datafiles containing samples from one of the bayesian algorithms (MCMC, nested sampling).
1089 Options specify which extra statistics to compute and allow specification of additional information.
1090 '''
1092 if __name__=='__main__':
1094  from optparse import OptionParser
1095  parser=OptionParser(USAGE)
1096  parser.add_option("-o","--outpath", dest="outpath",help="make page and plots in DIR", metavar="DIR")
1097  parser.add_option("-d","--data",dest="data",action="callback",callback=multipleFileCB,help="datafile")
1098  #Optional (all)
1099  parser.add_option("-i","--inj",dest="injfile",help="SimInsipral injection file",metavar="INJ.XML",default=None)
1100  parser.add_option("-t","--trig",dest="trigfile",help="Coinc XML file",metavar="COINC.XML",default=None)
1101  parser.add_option("--skyres",dest="skyres",help="Sky resolution to use to calculate sky box size",default=None)
1102  parser.add_option("--eventnum",dest="eventnum",action="store",default=None,help="event number in SimInspiral file of this signal",type="int",metavar="NUM")
1103  parser.add_option("--trignum",dest="trignum",action="store",default=None,help="trigger number in CoincTable",type="int",metavar="NUM")
1104  parser.add_option("--bsn",action="store",default=None,help="Optional file containing the bayes factor signal against noise",type="string")
1105  parser.add_option("--bci",action="store",default=None,help="Optional file containing the bayes factor coherent signal model against incoherent signal model.",type="string")
1106  parser.add_option("--snr",action="store",default=None,help="Optional file containing the SNRs of the signal in each IFO",type="string")
1107  parser.add_option("--dievidence",action="store_true",default=False,help="Calculate the direct integration evidence for the posterior samples")
1108  parser.add_option("--boxing",action="store",default=64,help="Boxing parameter for the direct integration evidence calculation",type="int",dest="boxing")
1109  parser.add_option("--evidenceFactor",action="store",default=1.0,help="Overall factor (normalization) to apply to evidence",type="float",dest="difactor",metavar="FACTOR")
1111  parser.add_option('--ellipticEvidence', action='store_true', default=False,help='Estimate the evidence by fitting ellipse to highest-posterior points.', dest='ellevidence')
1113  parser.add_option("--plot-2d", action="store_true", default=False,help="Make individual 2-D plots.")
1114  parser.add_option("--header",action="store",default=None,help="Optional file containing the header line for posterior samples",type="string")
1115  #NS
1116  parser.add_option("--ns",action="store_true",default=False,help="(inspnest) Parse input as if it was output from parallel nested sampling runs.")
1117  parser.add_option("--Nlive",action="store",default=None,help="(inspnest) Number of live points used in each parallel nested sampling run.",type="int")
1118  parser.add_option("--xflag",action="store_true",default=False,help="(inspnest) Convert x to iota.")
1119  #SS
1120  parser.add_option("--ss",action="store_true",default=False,help="(SPINspiral) Parse input as if it was output from SPINspiral.")
1121  parser.add_option("--spin",action="store_true",default=False,help="(SPINspiral) Specify spin run (15 parameters). ")
1122  #LALInf
1123  parser.add_option("--lalinfmcmc",action="store_true",default=False,help="(LALInferenceMCMC) Parse input from LALInferenceMCMC.")
1124  parser.add_option("--inj-spin-frame",default='OrbitalL', help="The reference frame used for the injection (default: OrbitalL)")
1125  parser.add_option("--downsample",action="store",default=None,help="(LALInferenceMCMC) approximate number of samples to record in the posterior",type="int")
1126  parser.add_option("--deltaLogL",action="store",default=None,help="(LALInferenceMCMC) Difference in logL to use for convergence test. (DEPRECATED)",type="float")
1127  parser.add_option("--deltaLogP",action="store",default=None,help="(LALInferenceMCMC) Difference in logpost to use for burnin criteria.",type="float")
1128  parser.add_option("--fixedBurnin",dest="fixedBurnin",action="callback",callback=multipleFileCB,help="(LALInferenceMCMC) Fixed number of iteration for burnin.")
1129  parser.add_option("--oldMassConvention",action="store_true",default=False,help="(LALInferenceMCMC) if activated, m2 > m1; otherwise m1 > m2 in PTMCMC.output.*.00")
1130  #FM
1131  parser.add_option("--fm",action="store_true",default=False,help="(followupMCMC) Parse input as if it was output from followupMCMC.")
1132  # ACF plots off?
1133  parser.add_option("--no-acf", action="store_true", default=False, dest="noacf")
1134  # Turn on 2D kdes
1135  parser.add_option("--twodkdeplots", action="store_true", default=False, dest="twodkdeplots")
1136  # Turn on R convergence tests
1137  parser.add_option("--RconvergenceTests", action="store_true", default=False, dest="RconvergenceTests")
1138  parser.add_option("--nopdfs",action="store_false",default=True,dest="nopdfs")
1139  parser.add_option("-c","--covarianceMatrix",dest="covarianceMatrices",action="append",default=None,help="CSV file containing covariance (must give accompanying mean vector CSV. Can add more than one matrix.")
1140  parser.add_option("-m","--meanVectors",dest="meanVectors",action="append",default=None,help="Comma separated list of locations of the multivariate gaussian described by the correlation matrix. First line must be list of params in the order used for the covariance matrix. Provide one list per covariance matrix.")
1141  parser.add_option("--email",action="store",default=None,type="string",metavar="",help="Send an e-mail to the given address with a link to the finished page.")
1142  parser.add_option("--archive",action="store",default=None,type="string",metavar="results.tar.gz",help="Create the given tarball with all results")
1143  parser.add_option("--psdfiles",action="store",default=None,type="string",metavar="H1,L1,V1",help="comma separater list of ASCII files with PSDs, one per IFO")
1144  parser.add_option("--kdecredibleregions",action="store_true",default=False,help="If given, will use 2-step KDE trees to estimate 1-d credible regions [default false: use greedy binning]")
1145  parser.add_option("--noplot-source-frame", action="store_true", default=False,help="Don't make 1D plots of source-frame masses")
1146  (opts,args)=parser.parse_args()
1148  datafiles=[]
1149  if args:
1150  datafiles=datafiles+args
1151  if
1152  datafiles=datafiles +
1154  if opts.fixedBurnin:
1155  # If only one value for multiple chains, assume it's to be applied to all chains
1156  if len(opts.fixedBurnin) == 1:
1157  fixedBurnins = [int(opts.fixedBurnin[0]) for df in datafiles]
1158  else:
1159  fixedBurnins = [int(fixedBurnin) for fixedBurnin in opts.fixedBurnin]
1160  else:
1161  fixedBurnins = None
1162  from lalinference.bayespputils import massParams,spinParams,cosmoParam,strongFieldParams,distParams,incParams,polParams,skyParams,phaseParams,timeParams,endTimeParams,statsParams,calibParams,snrParams,tidalParams,fourPiecePolyParams,spectralParams
1165  oneDMenus={'Masses':None,'SourceFrame':None,'Timing':None,'Extrinsic':None,'Spins':None,'StrongField':None,'Others':None}
1167  oneDMenus['Masses']= massParams
1168  oneDMenus['Extrinsic']=incParams+distParams+polParams+skyParams+phaseParams
1169  oneDMenus['Spins']= spinParams
1170  oneDMenus['Timing']=timeParams+endTimeParams
1171  oneDMenus['StrongField']= strongFieldParams
1172  oneDMenus['Others']=snrParams+statsParams+calibParams
1173  oneDMenus['SourceFrame']= cosmoParam
1175  if opts.noplot_source_frame:
1176  oneDMenus['SourceFrame']= []
1178  ifos_menu=['h1','l1','v1']
1179  from itertools import combinations
1180  for ifo1,ifo2 in combinations(ifos_menu,2):
1181  oneDMenus['Timing'].append(ifo1+ifo2+'_delay')
1182  #oneDMenu=[]
1183  twoDGreedyMenu=[]
1184  if opts.plot_2d:
1185  for mp1,mp2 in combinations(massParams,2):
1186  twoDGreedyMenu.append([mp1, mp2])
1187  for mp in massParams:
1188  for d in distParams:
1189  twoDGreedyMenu.append([mp,d])
1190  for mp in massParams:
1191  for sp in spinParams:
1192  twoDGreedyMenu.append([mp,sp])
1193  for mp in massParams:
1194  for dchi in bppu.tigerParams:
1195  twoDGreedyMenu.append([mp,dchi])
1196  for mp in massParams:
1197  for lvp in bppu.lorentzInvarianceViolationParams:
1198  twoDGreedyMenu.append([mp,lvp])
1199  for sp in spinParams:
1200  for lvp in bppu.lorentzInvarianceViolationParams:
1201  twoDGreedyMenu.append([sp,lvp])
1202  for dchi in bppu.tigerParams:
1203  for lvp in bppu.lorentzInvarianceViolationParams:
1204  twoDGreedyMenu.append([dchi, lvp])
1205  for eg in bppu.energyParams:
1206  for lvp in bppu.lorentzInvarianceViolationParams:
1207  twoDGreedyMenu.append([eg, lvp])
1208  for dp in distParams:
1209  for lvp in bppu.lorentzInvarianceViolationParams:
1210  twoDGreedyMenu.append([dp, lvp])
1211  for dp in distParams:
1212  for sp in snrParams:
1213  twoDGreedyMenu.append([dp,sp])
1214  for dp in distParams:
1215  for ip in incParams:
1216  twoDGreedyMenu.append([dp,ip])
1217  for dp in distParams:
1218  for sp in skyParams:
1219  twoDGreedyMenu.append([dp,sp])
1220  for dp in distParams:
1221  for sp in spinParams:
1222  twoDGreedyMenu.append([dp,sp])
1223  for ip in incParams:
1224  for sp in skyParams:
1225  twoDGreedyMenu.append([ip,sp])
1226  for ip in incParams:
1227  for sp in spinParams:
1228  twoDGreedyMenu.append([ip,sp])
1229  for phip in phaseParams:
1230  twoDGreedyMenu.append([ip,phip])
1231  for psip in polParams:
1232  twoDGreedyMenu.append([ip,psip])
1233  for sp1 in skyParams:
1234  for sp2 in skyParams:
1235  if not (sp1 == sp2):
1236  twoDGreedyMenu.append([sp1, sp2])
1237  for sp1,sp2 in combinations(spinParams,2):
1238  twoDGreedyMenu.append([sp1, sp2])
1239  for dc1,dc2 in combinations(bppu.tigerParams,2):
1240  twoDGreedyMenu.append([dc1,dc2])
1241  for mp in massParams:
1242  for tp in tidalParams:
1243  if not (mp == tp):
1244  twoDGreedyMenu.append([mp, tp])
1245  for tp in fourPiecePolyParams:
1246  if not (mp == tp):
1247  twoDGreedyMenu.append([mp, tp])
1248  for tp in spectralParams:
1249  if not (mp == tp):
1250  twoDGreedyMenu.append([mp, tp])
1251  for sp1,sp2 in combinations(snrParams,2):
1252  twoDGreedyMenu.append([sp1,sp2])
1253  twoDGreedyMenu.append(['lambda1','lambda2'])
1254  twoDGreedyMenu.append(['lam_tilde','dlam_tilde'])
1255  twoDGreedyMenu.append(['lambdat','dlambdat'])
1256  twoDGreedyMenu.append(['logp1','gamma1','gamma2','gamma3'])
1257  twoDGreedyMenu.append(['SDgamma0','SDgamma1','SDgamma2','SDgamma3'])
1258  for psip in polParams:
1259  for phip in phaseParams:
1260  twoDGreedyMenu.append([psip,phip])
1261  for sp in skyParams:
1262  twoDGreedyMenu.append([psip,sp])
1263  for sp in spinParams:
1264  twoDGreedyMenu.append([psip,sp])
1266  for i in calibParams[3:]:
1267  twoDGreedyMenu.append([i,'distance'])
1269  #twoDGreedyMenu=[['mc','eta'],['mchirp','eta'],['m1','m2'],['mtotal','eta'],['distance','iota'],['dist','iota'],['dist','m1'],['ra','dec']]
1270  #Bin size/resolution for binning. Need to match (converted) column names.
1271  greedyBinSizes=bppu.greedyBinSizes
1274  if opts.plot_2d:
1275  for dt1,dt2 in combinations(['h1_end_time','l1_end_time','v1_end_time'],2):
1276  twoDGreedyMenu.append([dt1,dt2])
1277  for dt1,dt2 in combinations( ['h1l1_delay','l1v1_delay','h1v1_delay'],2):
1278  twoDGreedyMenu.append([dt1,dt2])
1280  if opts.deltaLogL and not opts.deltaLogP:
1281  print("DEPRECATION WARNING: --deltaLogL has been replaced by --deltaLogP. Using the posterior to define burnin criteria")
1282  deltaLogP = opts.deltaLogL
1283  else:
1284  deltaLogP = opts.deltaLogP
1286  confidenceLevels=bppu.confidenceLevels
1287  #2D plots list
1288  #twoDplots=[['mc','eta'],['mchirp','eta'],['mc', 'time'],['mchirp', 'time'],['m1','m2'],['mtotal','eta'],['distance','iota'],['dist','iota'],['RA','dec'],['ra', 'dec'],['m1','dist'],['m2','dist'],['mc', 'dist'],['psi','iota'],['psi','distance'],['psi','dist'],['psi','phi0'], ['a1', 'a2'], ['a1', 'iota'], ['a2', 'iota'],['eta','time'],['ra','iota'],['dec','iota'],['chi','iota'],['chi','mchirp'],['chi','eta'],['chi','distance'],['chi','ra'],['chi','dec'],['chi','psi']]
1289  twoDplots=twoDGreedyMenu
1291  opts.outpath,datafiles,oneDMenus,twoDGreedyMenu,
1292  greedyBinSizes,confidenceLevels,twoDplots,
1293  #optional
1294  injfile=opts.injfile,eventnum=opts.eventnum,
1295  trigfile=opts.trigfile,trignum=opts.trignum,
1296  skyres=opts.skyres,
1297  # direct integration evidence
1298  dievidence=opts.dievidence,boxing=opts.boxing,difactor=opts.difactor,
1299  # Ellipitical evidence
1300  ellevidence=opts.ellevidence,
1301  #manual bayes factor entry
1302  bayesfactornoise=opts.bsn,bayesfactorcoherent=opts.bci,
1303  #manual input for SNR in the IFOs, optional.
1304  snrfactor=opts.snr,
1305  #nested sampling options
1306  ns_flag=opts.ns,ns_Nlive=opts.Nlive,
1307  #spinspiral/mcmc options
1309  #LALInferenceMCMC options
1310  li_flag=opts.lalinfmcmc,deltaLogP=deltaLogP,fixedBurnins=fixedBurnins,nDownsample=opts.downsample,oldMassConvention=opts.oldMassConvention,
1311  #followupMCMC options
1313  #injected spin frame
1314  inj_spin_frame=opts.inj_spin_frame,
1315  # Turn of ACF?
1316  noacf=opts.noacf,
1317  #Turn on 2D kdes
1318  twodkdeplots=opts.twodkdeplots,
1319  #Turn on R convergence tests
1320  RconvergenceTests=opts.RconvergenceTests,
1321  # Also save PDFs?
1322  savepdfs=opts.nopdfs,
1323  #List of covariance matrix csv files used as analytic likelihood
1324  covarianceMatrices=opts.covarianceMatrices,
1325  #List of meanVector csv files used, one csv file for each covariance matrix
1326  meanVectors=opts.meanVectors,
1327  #header file for parameter names in posterior samples
1328  header=opts.header,
1329  # ascii files (one per IFO) containing freq - PSD columns
1330  psd_files=opts.psdfiles,
1331  greedy=not(opts.kdecredibleregions)
1332  )
1334  if opts.archive is not None:
1335  import subprocess
1338  # Send an email, useful for keeping track of dozens of jobs!
1339  # Will only work if the local host runs a mail daemon
1340  # that can send mail to the internet
1341  if
1342  try:
1343  email_notify(,opts.outpath)
1344  except Exception as e:
1345  print('Unable to send notification email')
1346  print("The error was %s\n"%str(e))
1347 #
def oneD_dict_to_file(dict, fname)
def cbcBayesPostProc(outdir, data, oneDMenus, twoDGreedyMenu, GreedyRes, confidence_levels, twoDplots, injfile=None, eventnum=None, trigfile=None, trignum=None, skyres=None, dievidence=False, boxing=64, difactor=1.0, ellevidence=False, bayesfactornoise=None, bayesfactorcoherent=None, snrfactor=None, ns_flag=False, ns_Nlive=None, ss_flag=False, ss_spin_flag=False, li_flag=False, deltaLogP=None, fixedBurnins=None, nDownsample=None, oldMassConvention=False, fm_flag=False, inj_spin_frame='OrbitalL', noacf=False, twodkdeplots=False, RconvergenceTests=False, savepdfs=True, covarianceMatrices=None, meanVectors=None, header=None, psd_files=None, greedy=True ## If true will use greedy bin for 1-d credible regions. Otherwise use 2-steps KDE)
This is a demonstration script for using the functionality/data structures contained in lalinference....
def pickle_to_file(obj, fname)
Pickle/serialize 'obj' into 'fname'.
def email_notify(address, path)
def dict2html(d, parent=None)
def extract_hdf5_metadata(h5grp, parent=None)
def guess_url(fslocation)
Try to work out the web address of a given path.