Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 2007 Jolien Creighton, Matt Pitkin
3 *
4 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7 * (at your option) any later version.
8 *
9 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 * GNU General Public License for more details.
13 *
14 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 * along with with program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
16 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
17 * MA 02110-1301 USA
18 */
20 /**
21  * \author Matt Pitkin
22  * \date 2006
23  * \file
24  * \ingroup lalpulsar_general
25  * \brief Functions to calculate binary system time delays and read TEMPO pulsar parameter files
26  *
27  * Functions for calculating the timing delay to a signal from a pulsar in a
28  * binary system and reading pulsar parameters from TEMPO .par
29  * files.
30  * Models are taken from Taylor and Weisberg (1989) and use the
31  * naming conventions therein and used by TEMPO .
32  *
33  * ### Prototypes ###
34  *
35  *
36  * ### Description ###
37  *
38  * The main function computes the time delay of a signal from a pulsar in a
39  * binary system due to doppler shifts and relativistic delays,
40  * \f{equation}{
41  * \Delta{}t = t_\textrm{Roemer} + t_\textrm{Shapiro} + t_\textrm{Einstein} + t_\textrm{
42  * Abberation},
43  * \f}
44  * where \f$ t_\textrm{Roemer} \f$ is the light travel time, \f$ t_\textrm{Shapiro} \f$ is the
45  * General relativistic time delay, \f$ t_\textrm{Einstein} \f$ is the special
46  * relativistic time delay, and \f$ t_\textrm{Abberation} \f$ is the delay caused by the
47  * pulsars' rotation. There are several models of the binary systems, described
48  * in \cite TaylorWeisberg1989 , of which the four most common are so far
49  * implemented. The four models are the Blandford-Teukolsky model (BT)
50  * \cite BlandfordTeukolsky1976 , the low ellipticity model (ELL1)
51  * \cite ChLangeetal2001 , Damour-Deruelle model (DD) \cite DamourDeruelle1985 ,
52  * and the main sequence system model (MSS) \cite Wex1998 .
53  * These four models all use the five main binary parameters: the longitude of
54  * periastron \f$ \omega_0 \f$ , the eccentricity of the orbit \f$ e \f$ , the orbital period
55  * \f$ P \f$ , the time of periastron/or the time of ascension of the first node
56  * \f$ T_0 \f$ / \f$ T_{\textrm{asc}} \f$ , and the projected semi-major axis \f$ a\sin{}i \f$ . The are
57  * also many other model dependent parameters. These routines closely follow
58  * those used in the radio astronomy package TEMPO. A further model from TEMPO2
59  * called T2 is also implemented in a basic form. The model is generally based
60  * on the DD model, but will convert to ELL1 if the \c eps parameters are set.
61  * At the moment this (T2) does not include multiple companions in the orbit,
62  * but does encompass the DDS model. It also can include Kopeikin terms that
63  * take account of the effect of the binary orbit on the parallax.
64  *
65  * Radio astronomers fit pulsar parameters using TEMPO which will output
66  * the parameters in a <tt>.par</tt> file. The values allowed in this file can be
67  * found in the TEMPO documentation. A function is included to extract these
68  * parameters from the <tt>.par</tt> files and put them into a
69  * \c BinaryPulsarParams structure, it will set any unused parameters to
70  * zero or \c NULL. All parameters are in the units used by TEMPO with any
71  * conversion to SI units occuring within the binary timing routines. A function
72  * is also included which converts a string containing the right ascension or
73  * declination in the format <tt>ddd/hh:mm:ss.s</tt> or <tt>ddd/hhmmss.s</tt>
74  * (as is given in the <tt>.par</tt> file) into a \c REAL8 value in
75  * radians.
76  *
77  * ### Notes ###
78  *
79  */
81 /* Matt Pitkin 29/04/04 */
83 #include <lal/BinaryPulsarTiming.h>
85 #include <string.h>
86 #include <math.h>
87 #include <lal/LALConstants.h>
88 #include <lal/LALStdlib.h>
89 #include <lal/LALString.h>
90 #include <lal/SSBtimes.h>
92 #ifdef __GNUC__
93 #define UNUSED __attribute__ ((unused))
94 #else
95 #define UNUSED
96 #endif
98 #define AULTSC 499.00478364 /* number of light seconds in AU (from tempo2.h) */
100 /**
101  * XLAL function to compute the eccentric anomaly iteratively from Kelper's
102  * equation.
103  */
105 {
106  REAL8 du;
108  *u = phase + ecc * sin( phase ) / sqrt( 1.0 - 2.*ecc * cos( phase ) + ecc * ecc );
109  do {
110  du = ( phase - ( *u - ecc * sin( *u ) ) ) / ( 1.0 - ecc * cos( *u ) );
111  ( *u ) += du;
112  } while ( fabs( du ) > 1.e-14 );
113 }
116 /**
117  * XLAL function to compute Kopeikin terms that include the effect of
118  * binary orbital parameters of parallax
119  */
122  BinaryPulsarInput *in )
123 {
124  REAL8 sini, cosi, tani;
125  REAL8 sin_delta, cos_delta, sin_alpha, cos_alpha;
126  REAL8 delta_i0, delta_j0;
127  REAL8 sin_omega, cos_omega;
128  REAL8 ca, sa, cd, sd;
129  REAL8 delt;
130  REAL8 posPulsar[3], velPulsar[3], psrPos[3];
131  REAL8 tt0;
132  REAL8 dpara; /* parallax */
133  REAL8 x;
135  sini = sin( params->kin );
136  cosi = cos( params->kin );
137  tani = sini / cosi;
139  sin_omega = sin( params->kom );
140  cos_omega = cos( params->kom );
142  /* ki_dot is set in tempo2 function, but not used */
143  /* ki_dot = -params.pmra * sin_omega + params.pmdec*cos_omega; */
144  /* Equation 8 in Kopeikin 1996 */
145  // (*x) += ((*x)*ki_dot/tani)*tt0;
146  /* Equation 9 in Kopeikin 1996 */
147  //(*omz) += (pmra*cos_omega+pmdec*sin_omega)/sini*tt0;
149  /* Now modify x and omega due to the annual-orbital parallax term
150  * as described in Kopeikin 1995
151  *
152  * Require knowledge of the barycentric earth position vector - earth_ssb
153  */
155  /* get pulsar vector */
156  ca = cos( params->ra );
157  sa = sin( params->ra );
158  cd = cos( params->dec );
159  sd = sin( params->dec );
161  posPulsar[0] = ca * cd;
162  posPulsar[1] = sa * cd;
163  posPulsar[2] = sd;
165  velPulsar[0] = -params->pmra / cos( params->dec ) * sa * cd - params->pmdec * ca * sd;
166  velPulsar[1] = params->pmra / cos( params->dec ) * ca * cd - params->pmdec * sa * sd;
167  velPulsar[2] = params->pmdec * cd;
169  delt = in->tb - params->posepoch;
170  /* add proper motion onto the pulsar position */
171  for ( UINT4 i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
172  psrPos[i] = posPulsar[i] + delt * velPulsar[i];
173  }
175  /* Obtain vector pointing at the pulsar */
176  sin_delta = psrPos[2];
177  cos_delta = cos( asin( sin_delta ) );
178  sin_alpha = psrPos[1] / cos_delta;
179  cos_alpha = psrPos[0] / cos_delta;
181  /* Equation 15 in Kopeikin 1995 */
182  delta_i0 = -in->earth.posNow[0] / AULTSC * sin_alpha +
183  in->earth.posNow[1] / AULTSC * cos_alpha;
184  /* Equation 16 in Kopeikin 1995 */
185  delta_j0 = -in->earth.posNow[0] / AULTSC * sin_delta * cos_alpha -
186  in->earth.posNow[1] / AULTSC * sin_delta * sin_alpha +
187  in->earth.posNow[2] / AULTSC * cos_delta;
189  dpara = params->px;
190  x = params->x;
192  /* xpr and ypr are set in tempo2 function, but not used */
193  /* xpr = delta_i0*sin_omega - delta_j0*cos_omega;
194  ypr = delta_i0*cos_omega + delta_j0*sin_omega; */
196  /* Equations 18 and 19 in Kopeikin 1995 */
197  if ( params->daopset ) {
198  REAL8 daop = params->daop;
200  kop->DK011 = - x / daop / sini * delta_i0 * sin_omega;
201  kop->DK012 = - x / daop / sini * delta_j0 * cos_omega;
202  kop->DK013 = - x / daop / sini * delta_i0 * cos_omega;
203  kop->DK014 = x / daop / sini * delta_j0 * sin_omega;
205  kop->DK021 = x / daop / tani * delta_i0 * cos_omega;
206  kop->DK022 = -x / daop / tani * delta_j0 * sin_omega;
207  kop->DK023 = x / daop / tani * delta_i0 * sin_omega;
208  kop->DK024 = x / daop / tani * delta_j0 * cos_omega;
209  } else {
210  kop->DK011 = -x * dpara / sini * delta_i0 * sin_omega;
211  kop->DK012 = -x * dpara / sini * delta_j0 * cos_omega;
212  kop->DK013 = -x * dpara / sini * delta_i0 * cos_omega;
213  kop->DK014 = x * dpara / sini * delta_j0 * sin_omega;
215  kop->DK021 = x * dpara / tani * delta_i0 * cos_omega;
216  kop->DK022 = -x * dpara / tani * delta_j0 * sin_omega;
217  kop->DK023 = x * dpara / tani * delta_i0 * sin_omega;
218  kop->DK024 = x * dpara / tani * delta_j0 * cos_omega;
219  }
221  if ( params->T0 != 0. ) {
222  tt0 = in->tb - params->T0;
223  } else if ( params->Tasc != 0. ) {
224  tt0 = in->tb - params->Tasc;
225  } else {
226  XLALPrintError( "%s: Neither T0 or Tasc is defined!\n", __func__ );
228  }
230  kop->DK031 = x * tt0 / sini * params->pmra * sin_omega;
231  kop->DK032 = x * tt0 / sini * params->pmdec * cos_omega;
232  kop->DK033 = x * tt0 / sini * params->pmra * cos_omega;
233  kop->DK034 = -x * tt0 / sini * params->pmdec * sin_omega;
235  kop->DK041 = x * tt0 / tani * params->pmra * cos_omega;
236  kop->DK042 = -x * tt0 / tani * params->pmdec * sin_omega;
237  kop->DK043 = -x * tt0 / tani * params->pmra * sin_omega;
238  kop->DK044 = -x * tt0 / tani * params->pmdec * cos_omega;
239 }
244  BinaryPulsarInput *in )
245 {
246  REAL8 sini, cosi, tani;
247  REAL8 sin_delta, cos_delta, sin_alpha, cos_alpha;
248  REAL8 delta_i0, delta_j0;
249  REAL8 sin_omega, cos_omega;
250  REAL8 ca, sa, cd, sd;
251  REAL8 delt;
252  REAL8 posPulsar[3], velPulsar[3], psrPos[3];
253  REAL8 tt0;
254  REAL8 dpara; /* parallax */
255  REAL8 x;
257  REAL8 kin = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "KIN" );
258  sini = sin( kin );
259  cosi = cos( kin );
260  tani = sini / cosi;
262  REAL8 kom = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "KOM" );
263  sin_omega = sin( kom );
264  cos_omega = cos( kom );
266  /* ki_dot is set in tempo2 function, but not used */
267  /* ki_dot = -params.pmra * sin_omega + params.pmdec*cos_omega; */
268  /* Equation 8 in Kopeikin 1996 */
269  // (*x) += ((*x)*ki_dot/tani)*tt0;
270  /* Equation 9 in Kopeikin 1996 */
271  //(*omz) += (pmra*cos_omega+pmdec*sin_omega)/sini*tt0;
273  /* Now modify x and omega due to the annual-orbital parallax term
274  * as described in Kopeikin 1995
275  *
276  * Require knowledge of the barycentric earth position vector - earth_ssb
277  */
279  REAL8 dec = 0.;
280  REAL8 ra = 0.;
281  if ( PulsarCheckParam( params, "RAJ" ) ) {
282  ra = PulsarGetREAL8Param( params, "RAJ" );
283  } else if ( PulsarCheckParam( params, "RA" ) ) {
284  ra = PulsarGetREAL8Param( params, "RA" );
285  }
287  if ( PulsarCheckParam( params, "DECJ" ) ) {
288  dec = PulsarGetREAL8Param( params, "DECJ" );
289  } else if ( PulsarCheckParam( params, "DEC" ) ) {
290  dec = PulsarGetREAL8Param( params, "DEC" );
291  }
293  /* get pulsar vector */
294  ca = cos( ra );
295  sa = sin( ra );
296  cd = cos( dec );
297  sd = sin( dec );
299  posPulsar[0] = ca * cd;
300  posPulsar[1] = sa * cd;
301  posPulsar[2] = sd;
303  REAL8 pmra = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "PMRA" );
304  REAL8 pmdec = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "PMDEC" );
305  velPulsar[0] = -pmra / cos( dec ) * sa * cd - pmdec * ca * sd;
306  velPulsar[1] = pmra / cos( dec ) * ca * cd - pmdec * sa * sd;
307  velPulsar[2] = pmdec * cd;
309  delt = in->tb - PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "POSEPOCH" );
310  /* add proper motion onto the pulsar position */
311  for ( UINT4 i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
312  psrPos[i] = posPulsar[i] + delt * velPulsar[i];
313  }
315  /* Obtain vector pointing at the pulsar */
316  sin_delta = psrPos[2];
317  cos_delta = cos( asin( sin_delta ) );
318  sin_alpha = psrPos[1] / cos_delta;
319  cos_alpha = psrPos[0] / cos_delta;
321  /* Equation 15 in Kopeikin 1995 */
322  delta_i0 = -in->earth.posNow[0] / AULTSC * sin_alpha +
323  in->earth.posNow[1] / AULTSC * cos_alpha;
324  /* Equation 16 in Kopeikin 1995 */
325  delta_j0 = -in->earth.posNow[0] / AULTSC * sin_delta * cos_alpha -
326  in->earth.posNow[1] / AULTSC * sin_delta * sin_alpha +
327  in->earth.posNow[2] / AULTSC * cos_delta;
329  dpara = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "PX" );
332  /* xpr and ypr are set in tempo2 function, but not used */
333  /* xpr = delta_i0*sin_omega - delta_j0*cos_omega;
334  ypr = delta_i0*cos_omega + delta_j0*sin_omega; */
336  /* Equations 18 and 19 in Kopeikin 1995 */
337  if ( PulsarCheckParam( params, "D_AOP" ) ) {
338  REAL8 daop = PulsarGetREAL8Param( params, "D_AOP" );
340  kop->DK011 = - x / daop / sini * delta_i0 * sin_omega;
341  kop->DK012 = - x / daop / sini * delta_j0 * cos_omega;
342  kop->DK013 = - x / daop / sini * delta_i0 * cos_omega;
343  kop->DK014 = x / daop / sini * delta_j0 * sin_omega;
345  kop->DK021 = x / daop / tani * delta_i0 * cos_omega;
346  kop->DK022 = -x / daop / tani * delta_j0 * sin_omega;
347  kop->DK023 = x / daop / tani * delta_i0 * sin_omega;
348  kop->DK024 = x / daop / tani * delta_j0 * cos_omega;
349  } else {
350  kop->DK011 = -x * dpara / sini * delta_i0 * sin_omega;
351  kop->DK012 = -x * dpara / sini * delta_j0 * cos_omega;
352  kop->DK013 = -x * dpara / sini * delta_i0 * cos_omega;
353  kop->DK014 = x * dpara / sini * delta_j0 * sin_omega;
355  kop->DK021 = x * dpara / tani * delta_i0 * cos_omega;
356  kop->DK022 = -x * dpara / tani * delta_j0 * sin_omega;
357  kop->DK023 = x * dpara / tani * delta_i0 * sin_omega;
358  kop->DK024 = x * dpara / tani * delta_j0 * cos_omega;
359  }
362  REAL8 Tasc = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "TASC" );
363  if ( T0 != 0. ) {
364  tt0 = in->tb - T0;
365  } else if ( Tasc != 0. ) {
366  tt0 = in->tb - Tasc;
367  } else {
368  XLALPrintError( "%s: Neither T0 or Tasc is defined!\n", __func__ );
370  }
372  kop->DK031 = x * tt0 / sini * pmra * sin_omega;
373  kop->DK032 = x * tt0 / sini * pmdec * cos_omega;
374  kop->DK033 = x * tt0 / sini * pmra * cos_omega;
375  kop->DK034 = -x * tt0 / sini * pmdec * sin_omega;
377  kop->DK041 = x * tt0 / tani * pmra * cos_omega;
378  kop->DK042 = -x * tt0 / tani * pmdec * sin_omega;
379  kop->DK043 = -x * tt0 / tani * pmra * sin_omega;
380  kop->DK044 = -x * tt0 / tani * pmdec * cos_omega;
381 }
385 /**
386  * Calculate the binary system time delay using the pulsar parameters in
387  * \c params
388  */
389 void
392  BinaryPulsarInput *input,
394 {
395  INITSTATUS( status );
398  /* Check input arguments */
399  ASSERT( input != ( BinaryPulsarInput * )NULL, status,
402  ASSERT( output != ( BinaryPulsarOutput * )NULL, status,
405  ASSERT( params != ( BinaryPulsarParams * )NULL, status,
408  ASSERT( ( !strcmp( params->model, "BT" ) ) ||
409  ( !strcmp( params->model, "BT1P" ) ) ||
410  ( !strcmp( params->model, "BT2P" ) ) ||
411  ( !strcmp( params->model, "BTX" ) ) ||
412  ( !strcmp( params->model, "ELL1" ) ) ||
413  ( !strcmp( params->model, "DD" ) ) ||
414  ( !strcmp( params->model, "DDS" ) ) ||
415  ( !strcmp( params->model, "MSS" ) ) ||
416  ( !strcmp( params->model, "T2" ) ), status,
423  RETURN( status );
424 }
427 /**
428  * XLAL function to compute the binary time delay
429  */
430 void
432  BinaryPulsarInput *input,
434 {
435  REAL8 dt = 0.; /* binary pulsar deltaT */
436  REAL8 x, xdot; /* x = asini/c */
437  REAL8 w = 0; /* longitude of periastron */
438  REAL8 e, edot; /* eccentricity */
439  REAL8 eps1, eps2;
440  REAL8 eps1dot, eps2dot;
441  REAL8 w0, wdot;
442  REAL8 Pb, pbdot;
443  REAL8 xpbdot;
444  REAL8 T0, Tasc, tb = 0.; /* time parameters */
446  REAL8 s, r; /* Shapiro shape and range params */
447  REAL8 lal_gamma; /* time dilation and grav redshift */
448  REAL8 dr, dth;
449  REAL8 shapmax; /* Shapiro max parameter for DDS model */
450  REAL8 a0, b0; /* abberation parameters */
452  REAL8 m2;
453  const REAL8 c3 = ( REAL8 )LAL_C_SI * ( REAL8 )LAL_C_SI * ( REAL8 )LAL_C_SI;
455  CHAR *model = params->model;
457  /* Check input arguments */
458  if ( input == ( BinaryPulsarInput * )NULL ) {
460  }
462  if ( output == ( BinaryPulsarOutput * )NULL ) {
464  }
466  if ( params == ( BinaryPulsarParams * )NULL ) {
468  }
470  if ( ( !strcmp( params->model, "BT" ) ) &&
471  ( !strcmp( params->model, "BT1P" ) ) &&
472  ( !strcmp( params->model, "BT2P" ) ) &&
473  ( !strcmp( params->model, "BTX" ) ) &&
474  ( !strcmp( params->model, "ELL1" ) ) &&
475  ( !strcmp( params->model, "DD" ) ) &&
476  ( !strcmp( params->model, "DDS" ) ) &&
477  ( !strcmp( params->model, "MSS" ) ) &&
478  ( !strcmp( params->model, "T2" ) ) ) {
480  }
482  /* convert certain params to SI units */
483  w0 = params->w0;
484  wdot = params->wdot; /* wdot in rads/s */
486  Pb = params->Pb; /* period in secs */
487  pbdot = params->Pbdot;
489  T0 = params->T0; /* these should be in TDB in seconds */
490  Tasc = params->Tasc;
492  e = params->e;
493  edot = params->edot;
494  eps1 = params->eps1;
495  eps2 = params->eps2;
496  eps1dot = params->eps1dot;
497  eps2dot = params->eps2dot;
499  x = params->x;
500  xdot = params->xdot;
501  xpbdot = params->xpbdot;
503  lal_gamma = params->gamma;
504  s = params->s; /* sin i */
505  dr = params->dr;
506  dth = params->dth;
507  shapmax = params->shapmax;
509  a0 = params->a0;
510  b0 = params->b0;
512  m2 = params->m2;
514  /* Shapiro range parameter r defined as Gm2/c^3 (secs) */
515  r = LAL_G_SI * m2 / c3;
517  /* if T0 is not defined, but Tasc is */
518  if ( T0 == 0.0 && Tasc != 0.0 && eps1 == 0.0 && eps2 == 0.0 ) {
519  REAL8 fe, uasc, Dt; /* see TEMPO tasc2t0.f */
521  fe = sqrt( ( 1.0 - e ) / ( 1.0 + e ) );
522  uasc = 2.0 * atan( fe * tan( w0 / 2.0 ) );
523  Dt = ( Pb / LAL_TWOPI ) * ( uasc - e * sin( uasc ) );
525  T0 = Tasc + Dt;
526  }
528  /* set time at which to calculate the binary time delay */
529  tb = input->tb;
531  /* for BT, BT1P and BT2P models (and BTX model, but only for one orbit) */
532  if ( strstr( model, "BT" ) != NULL ) {
533  REAL8 tt0;
534  REAL8 orbits = 0.;
535  INT4 norbits = 0.;
536  REAL8 phase; /* same as mean anomaly */
537  REAL8 u = 0.0; /* eccentric anomaly */
539  INT4 nplanets = 1; /* number of orbiting bodies in system */
540  INT4 i = 1, j = 1;
541  REAL8 fac = 1.; /* factor in front of fb coefficients */
543  REAL8 su = 0., cu = 0.;
544  REAL8 sw = 0., cw = 0.;
546  /* work out number of orbits i.e. have we got a BT1P or BT2P model */
547  if ( !strcmp( model, "BT1P" ) ) {
548  nplanets = 2;
549  }
550  if ( !strcmp( model, "BT2P" ) ) {
551  nplanets = 3;
552  }
554  for ( i = 1 ; i < nplanets + 1 ; i++ ) {
556  /* set some vars for bnrybt.f (TEMPO) method */
557  /*REAL8 tt;
558  REAL8 som;
559  REAL8 com;
560  REAL8 alpha, beta;*/
561  /*REAL8 q, r, s;*/
563  /*fprintf(stderr, "You are using the Blandford-Teukolsky (BT) binary
564  model.\n");*/
566  if ( i == 2 ) {
567  T0 = params->T02;
568  w0 = params->w02;
569  x = params->x2;
570  e = params->e2;
571  Pb = params->Pb2;
572  } else if ( i == 3 ) {
573  T0 = params->T03;
574  w0 = params->w03;
575  x = params->x3;
576  e = params->e3;
577  Pb = params->Pb3;
578  }
580  tt0 = tb - T0;
582  /* only do relativistic corrections for first orbit */
583  if ( i == 1 ) {
584  x = x + xdot * tt0;
585  e = e + edot * tt0;
586  w = w0 + wdot * tt0; /* calculate w */
588  if ( !strcmp( model, "BTX" ) ) {
589  fac = 1.;
590  for ( j = 1 ; j < params->nfb + 1; j++ ) {
591  fac /= ( REAL8 )j;
592  orbits += fac * params->fb[j - 1] * pow( tt0, j );
593  }
594  } else {
595  orbits = tt0 / Pb - 0.5 * ( pbdot + xpbdot ) * ( tt0 / Pb ) * ( tt0 / Pb );
596  }
597  } else {
598  orbits = tt0 / Pb;
599  }
601  norbits = ( INT4 )orbits;
603  if ( orbits < 0. ) {
604  norbits--;
605  }
607  phase = LAL_TWOPI * ( orbits - ( REAL8 )norbits ); /* called phase in TEMPO */
609  /* compute eccentric anomaly */
610  XLALComputeEccentricAnomaly( phase, e, &u );
612  su = sin( u );
613  cu = cos( u );
615  /*fprintf(stderr, "Eccentric anomaly = %f, phase = %f.\n", u, phase);*/
616  sw = sin( w );
617  cw = cos( w );
619  /* see eq 5 of Taylor and Weisberg (1989) */
620  /**********************************************************/
621  if ( !strcmp( model, "BTX" ) ) {
622  /* dt += (x*sin(w)*(cos(u)-e) + (x*cos(w)*sqrt(1.0-e*e) +
623  lal_gamma)*sin(u))*(1.0 - params->fb[0]*(x*cos(w)*sqrt(1.0 -
624  e*e)*cos(u) - x*sin(w)*sin(u))/(1.0 - e*cos(u))); */
625  dt += ( x * sw * ( cu - e ) + ( x * cw * sqrt( 1.0 - e * e ) +
626  lal_gamma ) * su ) * ( 1.0 - LAL_TWOPI * params->fb[0] * ( x * cw * sqrt( 1.0 -
627  e * e ) * cu - x * sw * su ) / ( 1.0 - e * cu ) );
628  } else {
629  /* dt += (x*sin(w)*(cos(u)-e) + (x*cos(w)*sqrt(1.0-e*e) +
630  lal_gamma)*sin(u))*(1.0 - (LAL_TWOPI/Pb)*(x*cos(w)*sqrt(1.0 -
631  e*e)*cos(u) - x*sin(w)*sin(u))/(1.0 - e*cos(u))); */
632  dt += ( x * sw * ( cu - e ) + ( x * cw * sqrt( 1.0 - e * e ) +
633  lal_gamma ) * su ) * ( 1.0 - ( LAL_TWOPI / Pb ) * ( x * cw * sqrt( 1.0 -
634  e * e ) * cu - x * sw * su ) / ( 1.0 - e * cu ) );
635  }
636  /**********************************************************/
637  }
639  /* use method from Taylor etal 1976 ApJ Lett and used in bnrybt.f */
640  /**********************************************************/
641  /*tt = 1.0-e*e;
642  som = sin(w);
643  com = cos(w);
644  alpha = x*som;
645  beta = x*com*sqrt(tt);
646  q = alpha*(cos(u)-e) + (beta+lal_gamma)*sin(u);
647  r = -alpha*sin(u) + beta*cos(u);
648  s = 1.0/(1.0-e*cos(u));
649  dt = -(-q+(LAL_TWOPI/Pb)*q*r*s);*/
650  /**********************************************************/
651  /* There appears to be NO difference between either method */
653  output->deltaT = -dt;
654  }
656  /* for ELL1 model (low eccentricity orbits so use eps1 and eps2) */
657  /* see Appendix A, Ch. Lange etal, MNRAS (2001) (also accept T2 model if
658  eps values are set - this will include Kopeikin terms if necessary) */
659  if ( !strcmp( model, "ELL1" ) || ( !strcmp( model, "T2" ) && eps1 != 0. ) ) {
660  REAL8 nb;
661  REAL8 tt0;
662  REAL8 w_int; /* omega internal to this model */
663  REAL8 orbits, phase;
664  INT4 norbits;
665  REAL8 e1, e2, ecc;
666  REAL8 DRE, DREp, DREpp; /* Roemer and Einstein delays (cf DD) */
667  REAL8 dlogbr;
668  REAL8 DS, DA; /* Shapiro delay and Abberation delay terms */
669  REAL8 Dbb;
670  REAL8 DAOP, DSR; /* Kopeikin delay terms */
671  REAL8 fac = 1.; /* factor in front of fb coefficients */
673  KopeikinTerms kt;
674  REAL8 Ck, Sk;
676  REAL8 sp = 0., cp = 0., s2p = 0., c2p = 0.;
678  /* fprintf(stderr, "You are using the ELL1 low eccentricity orbit model.\n");*/
680  /*********************************************************/
681  /* CORRECT CODE (as in TEMPO bnryell1.f) FROM HERE */
683  ecc = sqrt( eps1 * eps1 + eps2 * eps2 );
685  /* if Tasc is not defined convert T0 */
686  if ( Tasc == 0.0 && T0 != 0.0 ) {
687  REAL8 fe, uasc, Dt; /* see TEMPO tasc2t0.f */
689  fe = sqrt( ( 1.0 - ecc ) / ( 1.0 + ecc ) );
690  uasc = 2.0 * atan( fe * tan( w0 / 2.0 ) );
691  Dt = ( Pb / LAL_TWOPI ) * ( uasc - ecc * sin( uasc ) );
693  /* rearrange from what's in tasc2t0.f */
694  Tasc = T0 - Dt;
695  }
697  tt0 = tb - Tasc;
699  /* handle higher orbital frequency derivatives if present */
700  if ( params->nfb > 0 ) {
701  /* set period from first orbital frequency value */
702  Pb = 1. / params->fb[0];
703  orbits = tt0 / Pb;
705  fac = 1.;
706  for ( UINT4 j = 1 ; j < ( UINT4 )params->nfb; j++ ) {
707  fac /= ( REAL8 )( j + 1 );
708  orbits += fac * params->fb[j] * pow( tt0, j + 1 );
709  }
710  } else {
711  orbits = tt0 / Pb - 0.5 * ( pbdot + xpbdot ) * ( tt0 / Pb ) * ( tt0 / Pb );
712  }
714  nb = LAL_TWOPI / Pb;
716  norbits = ( INT4 )orbits;
717  if ( orbits < 0.0 ) {
718  norbits--;
719  }
721  phase = LAL_TWOPI * ( orbits - ( REAL8 )norbits );
723  x = x + xdot * tt0;
725  /* depending on whether we have eps derivs or w time derivs calculate e1 and e2 accordingly */
726  if ( params->nEll == 0 ) {
727  e1 = eps1 + eps1dot * tt0;
728  e2 = eps2 + eps2dot * tt0;
729  } else {
730  ecc = sqrt( eps1 * eps1 + eps2 * eps2 );
731  ecc += edot * tt0;
732  w_int = atan2( eps1, eps2 );
733  w_int = w_int + wdot * tt0;
735  e1 = ecc * sin( w_int );
736  e2 = ecc * cos( w_int );
737  }
739  //sin_cos_LUT(&sp, &cp, phase);
740  //sin_cos_LUT(&s2p, &c2p, 2.*phase);
741  sp = sin( phase );
742  cp = cos( phase );
743  s2p = sin( 2.*phase );
744  c2p = cos( 2.*phase );
746  /* this timing delay (Roemer + Einstein) should be most important in most cases */
747  /* DRE = x*(sin(phase)-0.5*(e1*cos(2.0*phase)-e2*sin(2.0*phase)));
748  DREp = x*cos(phase);
749  DREpp = -x*sin(phase); */
750  DRE = x * ( sp - 0.5 * ( e1 * c2p - e2 * s2p ) );
751  DREp = x * cp;
752  DREpp = -x * sp;
754  /* these params will normally be negligable */
755  dlogbr = log( 1.0 - s * sp );
756  DS = -2.0 * r * dlogbr;
757  DA = a0 * sp + b0 * cp;
759  /* compute Kopeikin terms */
760  if ( params->kinset && params->komset && ( params->pmra != 0. ||
761  params->pmdec != 0. ) ) {
762  XLALComputeKopeikinTerms( &kt, params, input );
764  Ck = sp - 0.5 * ( e1 * c2p - e2 * s2p );
765  Sk = cp + 0.5 * ( e2 * c2p + e1 * s2p );
767  DAOP = ( kt.DK011 + kt.DK012 ) * Ck - ( kt.DK021 + kt.DK022 ) * Sk;
768  DSR = ( kt.DK031 + kt.DK032 ) * Ck + ( kt.DK041 + kt.DK042 ) * Sk;
769  } else {
770  DAOP = 0.;
771  DSR = 0.;
772  }
774  Dbb = DRE * ( 1.0 - nb * DREp + ( nb * DREp ) * ( nb * DREp ) + 0.5 * nb * nb * DRE * DREpp ) + DS + DA
775  + DAOP + DSR;
777  output->deltaT = -Dbb;
778  /********************************************************/
779  }
781  /* for DD model - code partly adapted from TEMPO bnrydd.f */
782  /* also used for MSS model (Wex 1998) - main sequence star orbit - this only has two lines
783  different than DD model - TEMPO bnrymss.f */
784  /* also DDS model and (partial) T2 model (if EPS params not set) from TEMPO2 T2model.C */
785  if ( !strcmp( model, "DD" ) || !strcmp( model, "MSS" ) || !strcmp( model, "DDS" ) || ( !strcmp( model, "T2" ) && eps1 == 0. ) ) {
786  REAL8 u; /* new eccentric anomaly */
787  REAL8 Ae; /* eccentricity parameter */
788  REAL8 DRE; /* Roemer delay + Einstein delay */
789  REAL8 DREp, DREpp; /* see DD eqs 48 - 50 */
790  REAL8 DS; /* Shapiro delay */
791  REAL8 DA; /* aberation caused by pulsar rotation delay */
792  REAL8 DAOP, DSR; /* Kopeikin term delays */
794  REAL8 tt0;
795  /* various variable use during calculation */
796  REAL8 er, eth, an, k;
797  REAL8 orbits, phase;
798  INT4 norbits;
799  REAL8 onemecu, cae, sae;
800  REAL8 alpha, beta, bg;
801  REAL8 anhat, sqr1me2, cume, brace, dlogbr;
802  REAL8 Dbb; /* Delta barbar in DD eq 52 */
804  REAL8 xi; /* parameter for MSS model - the only other one needed */
805  REAL8 sdds = 0.; /* parameter for DDS model */
807  REAL8 su = 0., cu = 0.;
808  REAL8 sw = 0., cw = 0.;
810  KopeikinTerms kt;
811  REAL8 Ck, Sk;
813  /* fprintf(stderr, "You are using the Damour-Deruelle (DD) binary model.\n");*/
815  /* part of code adapted from TEMPO bnrydd.f */
816  an = LAL_TWOPI / Pb;
817  k = wdot / an;
818  xi = xdot / an; /* MSS parameter */
820  tt0 = tb - T0;
821  /* x = x + xdot*tt0; */
823  /* following DDmodel.C from TEMPO2 just set dth, dr, a0 and b0 to 0 */
824  if ( !strcmp( model, "DD" ) ) {
825  dr = 0.;
826  dth = 0.;
827  a0 = 0.;
828  b0 = 0.;
829  }
831  e = e + edot * tt0;
832  er = e * ( 1.0 + dr );
833  eth = e * ( 1.0 + dth );
835  orbits = ( tt0 / Pb ) - 0.5 * ( pbdot + xpbdot ) * ( tt0 / Pb ) * ( tt0 / Pb );
836  norbits = ( INT4 )orbits;
838  if ( orbits < 0.0 ) {
839  norbits--;
840  }
842  phase = LAL_TWOPI * ( orbits - ( REAL8 )norbits );
844  /* compute eccentric anomaly */
845  XLALComputeEccentricAnomaly( phase, e, &u );
847  su = sin( u );
848  cu = cos( u );
850  /* compute Ae as in TEMPO bnrydd.f */
851  onemecu = 1.0 - e * cu;
852  cae = ( cu - e ) / onemecu;
853  sae = sqrt( 1.0 - e * e ) * su / onemecu;
855  Ae = atan2( sae, cae );
857  if ( Ae < 0.0 ) {
858  Ae = Ae + LAL_TWOPI;
859  }
861  Ae = LAL_TWOPI * orbits + Ae - phase;
863  w = w0 + k * Ae; /* add corrections to omega */ /* MSS also uses (om2dot, but not defined) */
865  /* small difference between MSS and DD */
866  if ( !strcmp( model, "MSS" ) ) {
867  x = x + xi * Ae; /* in bnrymss.f they also include a second time derivative of x (x2dot), but
868 this isn't defined for either of the two pulsars currently using this model */
869  } else {
870  x = x + xdot * tt0;
871  }
873  /* now compute time delays as in DD eqs 46 - 52 */
875  /* calculate Einstein and Roemer delay */
876  sw = sin( w );
877  cw = cos( w );
878  alpha = x * sw;
879  beta = x * sqrt( 1.0 - eth * eth ) * cw;
880  bg = beta + lal_gamma;
881  DRE = alpha * ( cu - er ) + bg * su;
882  DREp = -alpha * su + bg * cu;
883  DREpp = -alpha * cu - bg * su;
884  anhat = an / onemecu;
886  /* calculate Shapiro and abberation delays DD eqs 26, 27 */
887  sqr1me2 = sqrt( 1.0 - e * e );
888  cume = cu - e;
889  if ( !strcmp( model, "DDS" ) ) {
890  sdds = 1. - exp( -1.*shapmax );
891  brace = onemecu - sdds * ( sw * cume + sqr1me2 * cw * su );
892  } else {
893  brace = onemecu - s * ( sw * cume + sqr1me2 * cw * su );
894  }
895  dlogbr = log( brace );
896  DS = -2.0 * r * dlogbr;
898  /* this abberation delay is prob fairly small */
899  DA = a0 * ( sin( w + Ae ) + e * sw ) + b0 * ( cos( w + Ae ) + e * cw );
901  /* compute Kopeikin terms */
902  if ( params->kinset && params->komset && ( params->pmra != 0. ||
903  params->pmdec != 0. ) ) {
904  XLALComputeKopeikinTerms( &kt, params, input );
906  Ck = cw * ( cu - er ) - sqrt( 1. - eth * eth ) * sw * su;
907  Sk = sw * ( cu - er ) + sqrt( 1. - eth * eth ) * cw * su;
909  DAOP = ( kt.DK011 + kt.DK012 ) * Ck - ( kt.DK021 + kt.DK022 ) * Sk;
910  DSR = ( kt.DK031 + kt.DK032 ) * Ck + ( kt.DK041 + kt.DK042 ) * Sk;
911  } else {
912  DAOP = 0.;
913  DSR = 0.;
914  }
916  /* timing difference */
917  Dbb = DRE * ( 1.0 - anhat * DREp + anhat * anhat * DREp * DREp + 0.5 * anhat * anhat * DRE * DREpp -
918  0.5 * e * su * anhat * anhat * DRE * DREp / onemecu ) + DS + DA + DAOP + DSR;
920  output->deltaT = -Dbb;
921  }
923  /* for DDGR model */
925  /* for Epstein-Haugan (EH) model - see Haugan, ApJ (1985) eqs 69 and 71 */
927  /* check that the returned value is not a NaN */
928  if ( isnan( output->deltaT ) ) {
930  }
931 }
934 void
936  BinaryPulsarInput *input,
938 {
939  REAL8 dt = 0.; /* binary pulsar deltaT */
940  REAL8 x, xdot; /* x = asini/c */
941  REAL8 w = 0; /* longitude of periastron */
942  REAL8 e, edot; /* eccentricity */
943  REAL8 eps1, eps2;
944  REAL8 eps1dot, eps2dot;
945  REAL8 w0, wdot;
946  REAL8 Pb, pbdot;
947  REAL8 xpbdot;
948  REAL8 T0, Tasc, tb = 0.; /* time parameters */
950  REAL8 s, r; /* Shapiro shape and range params */
951  REAL8 lal_gamma; /* time dilation and grav redshift */
952  REAL8 dr, dth;
953  REAL8 shapmax; /* Shapiro max parameter for DDS model */
954  REAL8 a0, b0; /* abberation parameters */
955  REAL8 pmra, pmdec; /* proper motion parameters */
957  REAL8 m2;
958  const REAL8 c3 = ( REAL8 )LAL_C_SI * ( REAL8 )LAL_C_SI * ( REAL8 )LAL_C_SI;
960  const CHAR *model = PulsarGetStringParam( params, "BINARY" );
962  /* Check input arguments */
963  if ( input == ( BinaryPulsarInput * )NULL ) {
965  }
967  if ( output == ( BinaryPulsarOutput * )NULL ) {
969  }
971  if ( params == ( PulsarParameters * )NULL ) {
973  }
975  if ( ( !strcmp( model, "BT" ) ) &&
976  ( !strcmp( model, "BT1P" ) ) &&
977  ( !strcmp( model, "BT2P" ) ) &&
978  ( !strcmp( model, "BTX" ) ) &&
979  ( !strcmp( model, "ELL1" ) ) &&
980  ( !strcmp( model, "DD" ) ) &&
981  ( !strcmp( model, "DDS" ) ) &&
982  ( !strcmp( model, "MSS" ) ) &&
983  ( !strcmp( model, "T2" ) ) ) {
985  }
987  /* convert certain params to SI units */
988  w0 = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "OM" );
989  wdot = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "OMDOT" ); /* wdot in rads/s */
991  Pb = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "PB" ); /* period in secs */
992  pbdot = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "PBDOT" );
994  T0 = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "T0" ); /* these should be in TDB in seconds */
995  Tasc = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "TASC" );
997  e = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "ECC" );
998  edot = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "EDOT" );
999  eps1 = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "EPS1" );
1000  eps2 = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "EPS2" );
1001  eps1dot = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "EPS1DOT" );
1002  eps2dot = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "EPS2DOT" );
1004  x = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "A1" );
1005  xdot = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "XDOT" );
1006  xpbdot = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "XPBDOT" );
1008  lal_gamma = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "GAMMA" );
1009  s = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "SINI" ); /* sin i */
1010  dr = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "DR" );
1011  dth = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "DTHETA" );
1012  shapmax = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "SHAPMAX" );
1014  a0 = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "A0" );
1015  b0 = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "B0" );
1017  m2 = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "M2" );
1019  pmra = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "PMRA" );
1020  pmdec = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "PMDEC" );
1022  /* Shapiro range parameter r defined as Gm2/c^3 (secs) */
1023  r = LAL_G_SI * m2 / c3;
1025  /* if T0 is not defined, but Tasc is */
1026  if ( T0 == 0.0 && Tasc != 0.0 && eps1 == 0.0 && eps2 == 0.0 ) {
1027  REAL8 fe, uasc, Dt; /* see TEMPO tasc2t0.f */
1029  fe = sqrt( ( 1.0 - e ) / ( 1.0 + e ) );
1030  uasc = 2.0 * atan( fe * tan( w0 / 2.0 ) );
1031  Dt = ( Pb / LAL_TWOPI ) * ( uasc - e * sin( uasc ) );
1033  T0 = Tasc + Dt;
1034  }
1036  /* set time at which to calculate the binary time delay */
1037  tb = input->tb;
1039  /* for BT, BT1P and BT2P models (and BTX model, but only for one orbit) */
1040  if ( strstr( model, "BT" ) != NULL ) {
1041  REAL8 tt0;
1042  REAL8 orbits = 0.;
1043  INT4 norbits = 0;
1044  REAL8 phase; /* same as mean anomaly */
1045  REAL8 u = 0.0; /* eccentric anomaly */
1047  INT4 nplanets = 1; /* number of orbiting bodies in system */
1048  INT4 i = 1, j = 1;
1049  REAL8 fac = 1.; /* factor in front of fb coefficients */
1051  REAL8 su = 0., cu = 0.;
1052  REAL8 sw = 0., cw = 0.;
1054  /* work out number of orbits i.e. have we got a BT1P or BT2P model */
1055  if ( !strcmp( model, "BT1P" ) ) {
1056  nplanets = 2;
1057  }
1058  if ( !strcmp( model, "BT2P" ) ) {
1059  nplanets = 3;
1060  }
1062  for ( i = 1 ; i < nplanets + 1 ; i++ ) {
1064  /* set some vars for bnrybt.f (TEMPO) method */
1065  /*REAL8 tt;
1066  REAL8 som;
1067  REAL8 com;
1068  REAL8 alpha, beta;*/
1069  /*REAL8 q, r, s;*/
1071  /*fprintf(stderr, "You are using the Blandford-Teukolsky (BT) binary model.\n");*/
1073  if ( i == 2 ) {
1074  T0 = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "T0_2" );
1075  w0 = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "OM_2" );
1076  x = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "A1_2" );
1077  e = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "ECC_2" );
1078  Pb = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "PB_2" );
1079  } else if ( i == 3 ) {
1080  T0 = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "T0_3" );
1081  w0 = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "OM_3" );
1082  x = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "A1_3" );
1083  e = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "ECC_3" );
1084  Pb = PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero( params, "PB_3" );
1085  }
1087  tt0 = tb - T0;
1089  /* only do relativistic corrections for first orbit */
1090  if ( i == 1 ) {
1091  x = x + xdot * tt0;
1092  e = e + edot * tt0;
1093  w = w0 + wdot * tt0; /* calculate w */
1095  if ( !strcmp( model, "BTX" ) && PulsarCheckParam( params, "FB" ) ) {
1096  const REAL8Vector *fb = PulsarGetREAL8VectorParam( params, "FB" );
1098  fac = 1.;
1099  for ( j = 1 ; j < ( INT4 )fb->length + 1; j++ ) {
1100  fac /= ( REAL8 )j;
1101  orbits += fac * fb->data[j - 1] * pow( tt0, j );
1102  }
1103  } else {
1104  orbits = tt0 / Pb - 0.5 * ( pbdot + xpbdot ) * ( tt0 / Pb ) * ( tt0 / Pb );
1105  }
1106  } else {
1107  orbits = tt0 / Pb;
1108  }
1110  norbits = ( INT4 )orbits;
1112  if ( orbits < 0. ) {
1113  norbits--;
1114  }
1116  phase = LAL_TWOPI * ( orbits - ( REAL8 )norbits ); /* called phase in TEMPO */
1118  /* compute eccentric anomaly */
1119  XLALComputeEccentricAnomaly( phase, e, &u );
1121  su = sin( u );
1122  cu = cos( u );
1124  /*fprintf(stderr, "Eccentric anomaly = %f, phase = %f.\n", u, phase);*/
1125  sw = sin( w );
1126  cw = cos( w );
1128  /* see eq 5 of Taylor and Weisberg (1989) */
1129  /**********************************************************/
1130  if ( !strcmp( model, "BTX" ) ) {
1131  REAL8 fb0 = 0.;
1132  if ( PulsarCheckParam( params, "FB" ) ) {
1133  const REAL8Vector *fb = PulsarGetREAL8VectorParam( params, "FB" );
1134  fb0 = fb->data[0];
1135  }
1136  /* dt += (x*sin(w)*(cos(u)-e) + (x*cos(w)*sqrt(1.0-e*e) +
1137  lal_gamma)*sin(u))*(1.0 - params->fb[0]*(x*cos(w)*sqrt(1.0 -
1138  e*e)*cos(u) - x*sin(w)*sin(u))/(1.0 - e*cos(u))); */
1139  dt += ( x * sw * ( cu - e ) + ( x * cw * sqrt( 1.0 - e * e ) +
1140  lal_gamma ) * su ) * ( 1.0 - LAL_TWOPI * fb0 * ( x * cw * sqrt( 1.0 -
1141  e * e ) * cu - x * sw * su ) / ( 1.0 - e * cu ) );
1142  } else {
1143  /* dt += (x*sin(w)*(cos(u)-e) + (x*cos(w)*sqrt(1.0-e*e) +
1144  lal_gamma)*sin(u))*(1.0 - (LAL_TWOPI/Pb)*(x*cos(w)*sqrt(1.0 -
1145  e*e)*cos(u) - x*sin(w)*sin(u))/(1.0 - e*cos(u))); */
1146  dt += ( x * sw * ( cu - e ) + ( x * cw * sqrt( 1.0 - e * e ) +
1147  lal_gamma ) * su ) * ( 1.0 - ( LAL_TWOPI / Pb ) * ( x * cw * sqrt( 1.0 -
1148  e * e ) * cu - x * sw * su ) / ( 1.0 - e * cu ) );
1149  }
1150  /**********************************************************/
1151  }
1153  /* use method from Taylor etal 1976 ApJ Lett and used in bnrybt.f */
1154  /**********************************************************/
1155  /*tt = 1.0-e*e;
1156  som = sin(w);
1157  com = cos(w);
1158  alpha = x*som;
1159  beta = x*com*sqrt(tt);
1160  q = alpha*(cos(u)-e) + (beta+lal_gamma)*sin(u);
1161  r = -alpha*sin(u) + beta*cos(u);
1162  s = 1.0/(1.0-e*cos(u));
1163  dt = -(-q+(LAL_TWOPI/Pb)*q*r*s);*/
1164  /**********************************************************/
1165  /* There appears to be NO difference between either method */
1167  output->deltaT = -dt;
1168  }
1170  /* for ELL1 model (low eccentricity orbits so use eps1 and eps2) */
1171  /* see Appendix A, Ch. Lange etal, MNRAS (2001) (also accept T2 model if
1172  eps values are set - this will include Kopeikin terms if necessary) */
1173  if ( !strcmp( model, "ELL1" ) || ( !strcmp( model, "T2" ) && eps1 != 0. ) ) {
1174  REAL8 nb;
1175  REAL8 tt0;
1176  REAL8 w_int; /* omega internal to this model */
1177  REAL8 orbits, phase;
1178  INT4 norbits;
1179  REAL8 e1, e2, ecc;
1180  REAL8 DRE, DREp, DREpp; /* Roemer and Einstein delays (cf DD) */
1181  REAL8 dlogbr;
1182  REAL8 DS, DA; /* Shapiro delay and Abberation delay terms */
1183  REAL8 Dbb;
1184  REAL8 DAOP, DSR; /* Kopeikin delay terms */
1185  REAL8 fac = 1.; /* factor in front of fb coefficients */
1187  KopeikinTerms kt;
1188  REAL8 Ck, Sk;
1190  REAL8 sp = 0., cp = 0., s2p = 0., c2p = 0.;
1192  /* fprintf(stderr, "You are using the ELL1 low eccentricity orbit model.\n");*/
1194  /*********************************************************/
1195  /* CORRECT CODE (as in TEMPO bnryell1.f) FROM HERE */
1197  ecc = sqrt( eps1 * eps1 + eps2 * eps2 );
1199  /* if Tasc is not defined convert T0 */
1200  if ( Tasc == 0.0 && T0 != 0.0 ) {
1201  REAL8 fe, uasc, Dt; /* see TEMPO tasc2t0.f */
1203  fe = sqrt( ( 1.0 - ecc ) / ( 1.0 + ecc ) );
1204  uasc = 2.0 * atan( fe * tan( w0 / 2.0 ) );
1205  Dt = ( Pb / LAL_TWOPI ) * ( uasc - ecc * sin( uasc ) );
1207  /* rearrange from what's in tasc2t0.f */
1208  Tasc = T0 - Dt;
1209  }
1211  tt0 = tb - Tasc;
1213  /* handle higher orbital frequency derivatives if present */
1214  if ( PulsarCheckParam( params, "FB" ) ) {
1215  const REAL8Vector *fb = PulsarGetREAL8VectorParam( params, "FB" );
1217  /* set period from first orbital frequency value */
1218  Pb = 1. / fb->data[0];
1219  orbits = tt0 / Pb;
1221  fac = 1.;
1222  for ( UINT4 j = 1 ; j < fb->length; j++ ) {
1223  fac /= ( REAL8 )( j + 1 );
1224  orbits += fac * fb->data[j] * pow( tt0, j + 1 );
1225  }
1226  } else {
1227  orbits = tt0 / Pb - 0.5 * ( pbdot + xpbdot ) * ( tt0 / Pb ) * ( tt0 / Pb );
1228  }
1230  nb = LAL_TWOPI / Pb;
1232  norbits = ( INT4 )orbits;
1233  if ( orbits < 0.0 ) {
1234  norbits--;
1235  }
1237  phase = LAL_TWOPI * ( orbits - ( REAL8 )norbits );
1239  x = x + xdot * tt0;
1241  /* depending on whether we have eps derivs or w time derivs calculate e1 and e2 accordingly */
1242  if ( eps1dot != 0. || eps2dot != 0. ) {
1243  e1 = eps1 + eps1dot * tt0;
1244  e2 = eps2 + eps2dot * tt0;
1245  } else {
1246  ecc = sqrt( eps1 * eps1 + eps2 * eps2 );
1247  ecc += edot * tt0;
1248  w_int = atan2( eps1, eps2 );
1249  w_int = w_int + wdot * tt0;
1251  e1 = ecc * sin( w_int );
1252  e2 = ecc * cos( w_int );
1253  }
1255  //sin_cos_LUT(&sp, &cp, phase);
1256  //sin_cos_LUT(&s2p, &c2p, 2.*phase);
1257  sp = sin( phase );
1258  cp = cos( phase );
1259  s2p = sin( 2.*phase );
1260  c2p = cos( 2.*phase );
1262  /* this timing delay (Roemer + Einstein) should be most important in most cases */
1263  /* DRE = x*(sin(phase)-0.5*(e1*cos(2.0*phase)-e2*sin(2.0*phase)));
1264  DREp = x*cos(phase);
1265  DREpp = -x*sin(phase); */
1266  DRE = x * ( sp - 0.5 * ( e1 * c2p - e2 * s2p ) );
1267  DREp = x * cp;
1268  DREpp = -x * sp;
1270  /* these params will normally be negligable */
1271  dlogbr = log( 1.0 - s * sp );
1272  DS = -2.0 * r * dlogbr;
1273  DA = a0 * sp + b0 * cp;
1275  /* compute Kopeikin terms */
1276  if ( PulsarCheckParam( params, "KIN" ) && PulsarCheckParam( params, "KOM" ) && ( pmra != 0. || pmdec != 0. ) ) {
1277  XLALComputeKopeikinTermsNew( &kt, params, input );
1279  Ck = sp - 0.5 * ( e1 * c2p - e2 * s2p );
1280  Sk = cp + 0.5 * ( e2 * c2p + e1 * s2p );
1282  DAOP = ( kt.DK011 + kt.DK012 ) * Ck - ( kt.DK021 + kt.DK022 ) * Sk;
1283  DSR = ( kt.DK031 + kt.DK032 ) * Ck + ( kt.DK041 + kt.DK042 ) * Sk;
1284  } else {
1285  DAOP = 0.;
1286  DSR = 0.;
1287  }
1289  Dbb = DRE * ( 1.0 - nb * DREp + ( nb * DREp ) * ( nb * DREp ) + 0.5 * nb * nb * DRE * DREpp ) + DS + DA
1290  + DAOP + DSR;
1292  output->deltaT = -Dbb;
1293  /********************************************************/
1294  }
1296  /* for DD model - code partly adapted from TEMPO bnrydd.f */
1297  /* also used for MSS model (Wex 1998) - main sequence star orbit - this only has two lines
1298  different than DD model - TEMPO bnrymss.f */
1299  /* also DDS model and (partial) T2 model (if EPS params not set) from TEMPO2 T2model.C */
1300  if ( !strcmp( model, "DD" ) || !strcmp( model, "MSS" ) || !strcmp( model, "DDS" ) || ( !strcmp( model, "T2" ) && eps1 == 0. ) ) {
1301  REAL8 u; /* new eccentric anomaly */
1302  REAL8 Ae; /* eccentricity parameter */
1303  REAL8 DRE; /* Roemer delay + Einstein delay */
1304  REAL8 DREp, DREpp; /* see DD eqs 48 - 50 */
1305  REAL8 DS; /* Shapiro delay */
1306  REAL8 DA; /* aberation caused by pulsar rotation delay */
1307  REAL8 DAOP, DSR; /* Kopeikin term delays */
1309  REAL8 tt0;
1310  /* various variable use during calculation */
1311  REAL8 er, eth, an, k;
1312  REAL8 orbits, phase;
1313  INT4 norbits;
1314  REAL8 onemecu, cae, sae;
1315  REAL8 alpha, beta, bg;
1316  REAL8 anhat, sqr1me2, cume, brace, dlogbr;
1317  REAL8 Dbb; /* Delta barbar in DD eq 52 */
1319  REAL8 xi; /* parameter for MSS model - the only other one needed */
1320  REAL8 sdds = 0.; /* parameter for DDS model */
1322  REAL8 su = 0., cu = 0.;
1323  REAL8 sw = 0., cw = 0.;
1325  KopeikinTerms kt;
1326  REAL8 Ck, Sk;
1328  /* fprintf(stderr, "You are using the Damour-Deruelle (DD) binary model.\n");*/
1330  /* part of code adapted from TEMPO bnrydd.f */
1331  an = LAL_TWOPI / Pb;
1332  k = wdot / an;
1333  xi = xdot / an; /* MSS parameter */
1335  tt0 = tb - T0;
1336  /* x = x + xdot*tt0; */
1338  /* following DDmodel.C from TEMPO2 just set dth, dr, a0 and b0 to 0 */
1339  if ( !strcmp( model, "DD" ) ) {
1340  dr = 0.;
1341  dth = 0.;
1342  a0 = 0.;
1343  b0 = 0.;
1344  }
1346  e = e + edot * tt0;
1347  er = e * ( 1.0 + dr );
1348  eth = e * ( 1.0 + dth );
1350  orbits = ( tt0 / Pb ) - 0.5 * ( pbdot + xpbdot ) * ( tt0 / Pb ) * ( tt0 / Pb );
1351  norbits = ( INT4 )orbits;
1353  if ( orbits < 0.0 ) {
1354  norbits--;
1355  }
1357  phase = LAL_TWOPI * ( orbits - ( REAL8 )norbits );
1359  /* compute eccentric anomaly */
1360  XLALComputeEccentricAnomaly( phase, e, &u );
1362  su = sin( u );
1363  cu = cos( u );
1365  /* compute Ae as in TEMPO bnrydd.f */
1366  onemecu = 1.0 - e * cu;
1367  cae = ( cu - e ) / onemecu;
1368  sae = sqrt( 1.0 - e * e ) * su / onemecu;
1370  Ae = atan2( sae, cae );
1372  if ( Ae < 0.0 ) {
1373  Ae = Ae + LAL_TWOPI;
1374  }
1376  Ae = LAL_TWOPI * orbits + Ae - phase;
1378  w = w0 + k * Ae; /* add corrections to omega */ /* MSS also uses (om2dot, but not defined) */
1380  /* small difference between MSS and DD */
1381  if ( !strcmp( model, "MSS" ) ) {
1382  x = x + xi * Ae; /* in bnrymss.f they also include a second time derivative of x (x2dot), but
1383 this isn't defined for either of the two pulsars currently using this model */
1384  } else {
1385  x = x + xdot * tt0;
1386  }
1388  /* now compute time delays as in DD eqs 46 - 52 */
1390  /* calculate Einstein and Roemer delay */
1391  sw = sin( w );
1392  cw = cos( w );
1393  alpha = x * sw;
1394  beta = x * sqrt( 1.0 - eth * eth ) * cw;
1395  bg = beta + lal_gamma;
1396  DRE = alpha * ( cu - er ) + bg * su;
1397  DREp = -alpha * su + bg * cu;
1398  DREpp = -alpha * cu - bg * su;
1399  anhat = an / onemecu;
1401  /* calculate Shapiro and abberation delays DD eqs 26, 27 */
1402  sqr1me2 = sqrt( 1.0 - e * e );
1403  cume = cu - e;
1404  if ( !strcmp( model, "DDS" ) ) {
1405  sdds = 1. - exp( -1.*shapmax );
1406  brace = onemecu - sdds * ( sw * cume + sqr1me2 * cw * su );
1407  } else {
1408  brace = onemecu - s * ( sw * cume + sqr1me2 * cw * su );
1409  }
1410  dlogbr = log( brace );
1411  DS = -2.0 * r * dlogbr;
1413  /* this abberation delay is prob fairly small */
1414  DA = a0 * ( sin( w + Ae ) + e * sw ) + b0 * ( cos( w + Ae ) + e * cw );
1416  /* compute Kopeikin terms */
1417  if ( PulsarCheckParam( params, "KIN" ) && PulsarCheckParam( params, "KOM" ) && ( pmra != 0. || pmdec != 0. ) ) {
1418  XLALComputeKopeikinTermsNew( &kt, params, input );
1420  Ck = cw * ( cu - er ) - sqrt( 1. - eth * eth ) * sw * su;
1421  Sk = sw * ( cu - er ) + sqrt( 1. - eth * eth ) * cw * su;
1423  DAOP = ( kt.DK011 + kt.DK012 ) * Ck - ( kt.DK021 + kt.DK022 ) * Sk;
1424  DSR = ( kt.DK031 + kt.DK032 ) * Ck + ( kt.DK041 + kt.DK042 ) * Sk;
1425  } else {
1426  DAOP = 0.;
1427  DSR = 0.;
1428  }
1430  /* timing difference */
1431  Dbb = DRE * ( 1.0 - anhat * DREp + anhat * anhat * DREp * DREp + 0.5 * anhat * anhat * DRE * DREpp -
1432  0.5 * e * su * anhat * anhat * DRE * DREp / onemecu ) + DS + DA + DAOP + DSR;
1434  output->deltaT = -Dbb;
1435  }
1437  /* for DDGR model */
1439  /* for Epstein-Haugan (EH) model - see Haugan, ApJ (1985) eqs 69 and 71 */
1441  /* check that the returned value is not a NaN */
1442  if ( isnan( output->deltaT ) ) {
1444  }
1446 }
void XLALBinaryPulsarDeltaTNew(BinaryPulsarOutput *output, BinaryPulsarInput *input, PulsarParameters *params)
function to calculate the binary system delay using new parameter structure
void XLALComputeEccentricAnomaly(REAL8 phase, REAL8 ecc, REAL8 *u)
XLAL function to compute the eccentric anomaly iteratively from Kelper's equation.
void XLALComputeKopeikinTerms(KopeikinTerms *kop, BinaryPulsarParams *params, BinaryPulsarInput *in)
XLAL function to compute Kopeikin terms that include the effect of binary orbital parameters of paral...
#define AULTSC
void XLALComputeKopeikinTermsNew(KopeikinTerms *kop, PulsarParameters *params, BinaryPulsarInput *in)
void LALBinaryPulsarDeltaT(LALStatus *status, BinaryPulsarOutput *output, BinaryPulsarInput *input, BinaryPulsarParams *params)
Calculate the binary system time delay using the pulsar parameters in params.
void XLALBinaryPulsarDeltaT(BinaryPulsarOutput *output, BinaryPulsarInput *input, BinaryPulsarParams *params)
XLAL function to compute the binary time delay.
#define __func__
log an I/O error, i.e.
int j
int k
const double b0
#define ATTATCHSTATUSPTR(statusptr)
#define ASSERT(assertion, statusptr, code, mesg)
#define DETATCHSTATUSPTR(statusptr)
#define INITSTATUS(statusptr)
#define RETURN(statusptr)
const REAL8Vector * PulsarGetREAL8VectorParam(const PulsarParameters *pars, const CHAR *name)
Return a REAL8Vector parameter.
REAL8 PulsarGetREAL8ParamOrZero(const PulsarParameters *pars, const CHAR *name)
Return a REAL8 parameter if it exists, otherwise return zero.
int PulsarCheckParam(const PulsarParameters *pars, const CHAR *name)
Check for the existence of the parameter name in the PulsarParameters structure.
const CHAR * PulsarGetStringParam(const PulsarParameters *pars, const CHAR *name)
Return a string parameter.
REAL8 PulsarGetREAL8Param(const PulsarParameters *pars, const CHAR *name)
Return a REAL8 parameter.
int s
double e
const double u
const double w
#define LAL_TWOPI
#define LAL_G_SI
double REAL8
char CHAR
uint32_t UINT4
int32_t INT4
static const INT4 r
#define XLAL_ERROR_VOID(...)
int XLALPrintError(const char *fmt,...) _LAL_GCC_PRINTF_FORMAT_(1
int T0
double alpha
structure containing the input parameters for the binary delay function
REAL8 tb
Time of arrival (TOA) at the SSB.
EarthState earth
The current Earth state (for e.g.
structure containing the output parameters for the binary delay function
A structure to contain all pulsar parameters and associated errors.
REAL8 posNow[3]
Cartesian coords of Earth's center at tgps, extrapolated from JPL DE405 ephemeris; units= sec.
structure containing the Kopeikin terms
The PulsarParameters structure to contain a set of pulsar parameters.
REAL8 * data
double ra
double dec
double m2