Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2007 Jolien Creighton, Reinhard Prix, Teviet Creighton, John Whelan
3  *
4  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7  * (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with with program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
16  * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
17  * MA 02110-1301 USA
18  */
23 #include <lal/LALStdlib.h>
24 #include <lal/DetectorSite.h>
25 #include <lal/SkyCoordinates.h>
26 #include <lal/LALBarycenter.h>
28 #if defined(__cplusplus)
29 extern "C" {
30 #elif 0
31 } /* so that editors will match preceding brace */
32 #endif
34 /**
35  * \defgroup PulsarSimulateCoherentGW_h Header PulsarSimulateCoherentGW.h
36  * \ingroup lalpulsar_inject
37  * \author Creighton, T. D.
38  *
39  * \brief Provides routines to simulate generic gravitational waveforms
40  * originating from a particular source.
41  *
42  * ### Synopsis ###
43  *
44  * \code
45  * #include <lal/PulsarSimulateCoherentGW.h>
46  * \endcode
47  *
48  * This header covers generic routines and structures to represent and
49  * simulate the effects of a plane gravitational wave propagating from a
50  * distinct point on the sky.
51  *
52  * Any plane gravitational wave is specified by a direction
53  * \f$ \mathbf{\hat{n}} \f$ to its apparent source (i.e.\ opposite to its direction
54  * of propagation), and by the inistantaneous values \f$ h_+(t) \f$ ,
55  * \f$ h_\times(t) \f$ of its plus and cross polarizations as functions of
56  * (retarded) time \f$ t=t_0+\mathbf{\hat{n}}\cdot(\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{x}_0) \f$ , where
57  * \f$ t_0 \f$ is the time measured at some local reference point \f$ \mathbf{x}_0 \f$ ,
58  * and \f$ t \f$ is the time measured by a synchronized clock at \f$ \mathbf{x} \f$ . We
59  * adopt the standard meaning of the instantaneous strain amplitudes
60  * \f$ h_{+,\times} \f$ : in some reference transverse \f$ x \f$ - \f$ y \f$ coordinate system
61  * oriented such that \f$ \mathbf{\hat{x}}\times\mathbf{\hat{y}}=-\mathbf{\hat{n}} \f$
62  * points in the direction of propagation, two free observers originally
63  * separated by a displacement \f$ (x,y) \f$ will experience an additional
64  * tidal displacement \f$ \delta x=(xh_+ + yh_\times)/2 \f$ , \f$ \delta
65  * y=(xh_\times - yh_+)/2 \f$ .
66  *
67  * \par Quasiperiodic waves:
68  * Most astrophysical sources of
69  * gravitational radiation are described as \e quasiperiodic (or,
70  * less accurately, as "adiabatic"), in that they can be said to have
71  * an instantaneous frequency, amplitude, and polarization, all of which
72  * vary on timescales much longer than a wave period. Mathematically we
73  * write this as:
74  * \f[
75  * h_{+,\times}(t) = A_{+,\times}(t)\cos\phi(t)
76  * + B_{+,\times}(t)\sin\phi(t) \; ,
77  * \f]
78  *
79  * \anchor cw_inject_phase_diagram
80  * \image html inject_phase_diagram.png "Polarization phase diagram for a quasiperiodic gravitational wave. The phase point p(t) traces out the indicated ellipse in the h_+\,h_x plane; the parameters A1\, A2 and Phi remain roughly constant over many cycles in phi."
81  *
82  * where \f$ \phi(t)=2\pi\int f(t)\,dt \f$ , and the <em>evolution timescale</em>
83  * \f$ \tau=\min\{A/\dot{A},B/\dot{B},f/\dot{f}\} \f$ is much greater than
84  * \f$ h/\dot{h}\sim1/f \f$ . Obviously it is mathematically impossible for the
85  * physical functions \f$ h_{+,\times}(t) \f$ to specify uniquely more than two
86  * other functions of time; we rely on the notion of quasiperiodicity to
87  * define "natural" choices of instantaneous frequency and amplitude.
88  * The ambiguity in this choice is on the order of the amount that these
89  * quantities change over a cycle.
90  *
91  * While the above formula appears to have five degrees of freedom (two
92  * quadrature amplitudes \f$ A \f$ and \f$ B \f$ for each polarization, plus a common
93  * phase function \f$ \phi \f$ ), there is a degeneracy between the two
94  * quadrature amplitudes and a shift in phase. One could simply treat
95  * each polarization independently and represent the system with two
96  * amplitude functions \f$ A_{+,\times} \f$ and two phase functions
97  * \f$ \phi_{+,\times} \f$ , but we would like to preserve the notion that the
98  * phases of the two waveforms derive from a single underlying
99  * instantaneous frequency. We therefore write the waveforms in terms of
100  * two polarization amplitudes \f$ A_1(t) \f$ and \f$ A_2(t) \f$ , a single phase
101  * function \f$ \phi(t) \f$ , and a polarization shift \f$ \Phi(t) \f$ :
102  * \f{eqnarray}{
103  * \label{eq_quasiperiodic_hpluscross}
104  * h_+(t) & = & A_1(t)\cos\Phi(t)\cos\phi(t)
105  * - A_2(t)\sin\Phi(t)\sin\phi(t) \; , \\
106  * h_\times(t) & = & A_1(t)\sin\Phi(t)\cos\phi(t)
107  * + A_2(t)\cos\Phi(t)\sin\phi(t) \; .
108  * \f}
109  * The physical meaning of these functions is shown in \ref cw_inject_phase_diagram "this figure".
110  *
111  * There is a close relationship between the polarization shift \f$ \Phi \f$
112  * and the orientation of the \f$ x \f$ - \f$ y \f$ coordinates used to define our
113  * polarization basis: if we rotate the \f$ x \f$ and \f$ y \f$ axes by an angle
114  * \f$ \Delta\psi \f$ , we change \f$ \Phi \f$ by an amount \f$ -2\Delta\psi \f$ . (The
115  * factor of 2 comes from the fact that the + and \f$ \times \f$ modes are
116  * quadrupolar: a + mode rotated \f$ 45^\circ \f$ is a \f$ \times \f$ mode, and a
117  * mode rotated \f$ 90^\circ \f$ is the opposite of itself.) We use the
118  * <em>polarization angle</em> \f$ \psi \f$ to define the orientation of the
119  * \f$ x \f$ -axis of the polarization basis relative to an Earth-fixed
120  * reference frame (see the coordinate conventions below). If \f$ \Phi \f$ is
121  * constant, one can redefine \f$ \psi \f$ such that \f$ \Phi=0 \f$ ; however, when
122  * \f$ \Phi \f$ changes with time, we would nonetheless like our polarization
123  * basis to remain fixed. We therefore retain the constant \f$ \psi \f$ and
124  * the function \f$ \Phi(t) \f$ as distinct quantities.
125  *
126  * The advantage of this quasiperiodic representation of a gravitational
127  * wave is that a physical sampling of the parameters \f$ A_1 \f$ , \f$ A_2 \f$ ,
128  * \f$ \phi \f$ , and \f$ \Phi \f$ need only be done on timescales \f$ \Delta
129  * t\lesssim\tau \f$ , whereas the actual wave functions \f$ h_{+,\times} \f$ need
130  * to be sampled on timescales \f$ \Delta t\lesssim1/f \f$ .
131  *
132  * The following coordinate conventions are assumed:
133  * <ol>
134  * <li> Fig. 7 of \cite Will_C_1996 defines standard coordinate
135  * conventions for nonprecessing binaries, and by extension, for any
136  * fixed-axis rotating source: If \f$ \mathbf{\hat{z}} \f$ points in the direction
137  * of wave propagation (away from the source), and \f$ \mathbf{\hat{l}} \f$ points
138  * in the (constant) direction of the source's angular momentum vector,
139  * then the \f$ x \f$ - \f$ y \f$ coordinates used to define the + and \f$ \times \f$
140  * polarizations are given by \f$ \mathbf{\hat{x}}=|\csc
141  * i|\mathbf{\hat{z}}\times\mathbf{\hat{l}} \f$ and
142  * \f$ \mathbf{\hat{y}}=\mathbf{\hat{z}}\times\mathbf{\hat{x}} \f$ , where
143  * \f$ i=\arccos(\mathbf{\hat{z}}\cdot\mathbf{\hat{l}}) \f$ is the inclination angle
144  * between \f$ \mathbf{\hat{l}} \f$ and \f$ \mathbf{\hat{z}} \f$ . Such a system will
145  * generically have \f$ A_1(t)=A(t)(1+\cos^2i) \f$ , \f$ A_2(t)=2A(t)\cos i \f$ ,
146  * \f$ \Phi(t)=0 \f$ , and \f$ f(t)>0 \f$ (i.e.\ \f$ \phi(t) \f$ increasing with time). For
147  * precessing systems, prescriptions for \f$ \mathbf{\hat{x}} \f$ and
148  * \f$ \mathbf{\hat{y}} \f$ become ambiguous, but they \e must be fixed; the
149  * relations for \f$ A_1 \f$ , \f$ A_2 \f$ , and \f$ \Phi \f$ will no longer be maintained.</li>
150  *
151  * <li> Appendix B of \cite ABCF2001 defines a convention for
152  * the overal polarization angle \f$ \psi \f$ : Let \f$ \mathbf{\hat{N}} \f$ be the
153  * direction of the Earth's north celestial pole, and define the
154  * direction of the <em>ascending node</em>
155  * \f$ \mathbf{\hat{\Omega}}=|\csc\alpha|\mathbf{\hat{N}}\times\mathbf{\hat{z}} \f$ , where
156  * \f$ \alpha \f$ is the right ascension of the source. Then \f$ \psi \f$ is the
157  * angle, right-handed about \f$ \mathbf{\hat{z}} \f$ , from \f$ \mathbf{\hat{\Omega}} \f$ to
158  * \f$ \mathbf{\hat{x}} \f$ .</li>
159  *
160  * <li> The direction of propagation of the wave is defined by the right
161  * ascension \f$ \alpha \f$ and declination \f$ \delta \f$ of the \e source, as
162  * seen from the point of measurement. See \ref SkyCoordinates_h for a
163  * definition of these quantities. We expect that these will be
164  * effectively constant for almost any gravitational wave source of
165  * interest.</li>
166  * </ol>
167  *
168  * \par The polarization response:
169  * The relative strain induced in
170  * the test masses of a detector by a passing gravitational wave depends
171  * not only on the amplitudes \f$ h_{+,\times} \f$ of the gravitational wave,
172  * but also on the design of the detector and its orientation with
173  * relative to the \f$ x \f$ - \f$ y \f$ coordinate system used to define the + and
174  * \f$ \times \f$ polarizations. For a given detector, the response to each
175  * polarization thus depends on the right ascension \f$ \alpha \f$ , declination
176  * \f$ \delta \f$ , and polarization angle \f$ \psi \f$ of the source (which define
177  * the orientation of the + and \f$ \times \f$ polarization axes relative to
178  * the Earth), and on the time \f$ t \f$ (which determines the orientation of
179  * the detector as the Earth rotates). The strain \f$ h(t) \f$ induced in the
180  * detector is thus given by two polarization response functions
181  * \f$ F_{+,\times}(\alpha,\delta,\psi;t) \f$ by:
182  * \f[
183  * h(t) = h_+(t)F_+(\alpha,\delta,\psi;t) +
184  * h_\times(t)F_\times(\alpha,\delta,\psi;t) \; .
185  * \f]
186  * We will not discuss the computation of these functions \f$ F_{+,\times} \f$ ,
187  * as these are covered under the header \ref DetResponse_h.
188  *
189  * \par The transfer function:
190  * All gravitational wave detectors
191  * incorporate a set of analog and digital filters that convert a
192  * gravitational excitation on the test masses into a measurable output
193  * time series. The effects of these functions are aggregated into a
194  * complex-valued <em>transfer function</em> \f$ {\cal T}(f) \f$ , which gives the
195  * instrumental response (in units of "counts" from an
196  * analog \f$ \rightarrow \f$ digital converter) to gravitational waves of unit
197  * amplitued at the frequency \f$ f \f$ . Specifically, if the strain exerted
198  * on the antenna is given by \f$ h(t)=\mathrm{Re}[{\cal H}e^{2\pi ift}] \f$
199  * (where the complex amplitude \f$ \cal H \f$ includes the phase of the wave),
200  * then the ADC output of the instrument is given by:
201  * \f[
202  * o(t) = \mathrm{Re}\left[ {\cal T}(f) {\cal H}e^{2\pi ift} \right] \; .
203  * \f]
204  * The transfer function has a strong frequency dependence in order to
205  * "whiten" the highly-coloured instrumental noise, and thus preserve
206  * instrumental sensitivity across a broad band of frequencies.
207  *
208  * We note that although the transfer function measures the response of
209  * the instrument to a gravitational wave, the term <em>response
210  * function</em> refers to inverse transformation of taking an instrumental
211  * response and computing a gravitational waveform; that is, \f$ {\cal
212  * R}(f)=1/{\cal T}(f) \f$ . This confusing bit of nomenclature arises from
213  * the fact that most data analysis deals with extracting gravitational
214  * waveforms from the instrumental output, rather than injecting
215  * waveforms into the output.
216  *
217  * For quasiperiodic waveforms with a well-defined instantaneous
218  * frequency \f$ f(t) \f$ and phase \f$ \phi(t) \f$ , we can compute the response of
219  * the instrument entirely in the time domain in the adiabatic limit: if
220  * our instrumental excitation is a linear superposition of waveforms
221  * \f$ h(t)=\mathrm{Re}[{\cal H}(t)e^{i\phi(t)}] \f$ , then the output is a
222  * superposition of waves of the form
223  * \f[
224  * o(t) \approx \mathrm{Re}\left[ {\cal T}\{f(t)\}
225  * {\cal H}(t)e^{i\phi(t)} \right] \; .
226  * \f]
227  * This expression is approximate to the extent that \f$ {\cal T}(f) \f$ varies
228  * over the range \f$ f\pm1/\tau \f$ , where \f$ \tau \f$ is the evolution timescale
229  * of \f$ {\cal H}(t) \f$ and \f$ f(t) \f$ . Since the transfer function and
230  * polarization response (above) are linear operators, we can apply them
231  * in either order.
232  *
233  * \par A note on terminology:
234  * We use the word "coherent" in the
235  * name of this header in the loosest possible sense, refering to any
236  * wave with a well-defined direction of propagation, whose wave
237  * amplitudes \f$ h_{+,\times} \f$ are deterministic functions of retarded
238  * time. Given a knowledge of these parameters, such a waveform is
239  * amenable to "coherent" detection in a network of detectors, through
240  * time-shifted matched filtering.
241  *
242  * However, coherence is often used to refer to a more restricted class
243  * of waveforms that are "effectively monochromatic" over some
244  * coherence timescale \f$ t_\mathrm{coh} \f$ ; i.e.\ in any timespan
245  * \f$ t_\mathrm{coh} \f$ there is a fixed-frequency sinusoid that is never
246  * more than \f$ 90^\circ \f$ out of phase with the waveform. This is more
247  * retrictive even than our concept of quasiperiodic waves; for
248  * smoothly-varying waveforms one has \f$ t_\mathrm{coh}\sim\dot{f}^{-1/2} \f$ ,
249  * which is much shorter than the evolution timescale \f$ \tau\sim
250  * f/\dot{f} \f$ (provided \f$ \tau\gg1/f \f$ , as we have assumed).
251  *
252  */
253 /** @{ */
255 /**
256  * This structure stores a representation of a plane
257  * gravitational wave propagating from a particular point on the sky.
258  * Several alternate representations are permitted to allow a more
259  * natural characterization of quasiperiodic waveforms.
260  *
261  * \note It is permissible to set only some of the
262  * \c REAL4TimeSeries or \c REAL4TimeVectorSeries fields above,
263  * but the waveform is treated as being zero except during those times
264  * when both \c a and \c phi are defined.
265  * Where \c shift is not specified, it is assumed that \f$ \Phi \f$ is
266  * zero; where \c f is not specified but \c phi is, \f$ f(t) \f$ can be
267  * computed as \f$ \dot{\phi}(t)/2\pi \f$ . Where \c f and \c phi
268  * overlap, they must be defined consistently.
269  *
270  */
271 typedef struct tagPulsarCoherentGW {
272  SkyPosition position; /**< The location of the source in the sky; this should be in equatorial celestial coordinates, but routines may be able to do the conversion */
273  REAL4 psi; /**< The polarization angle \f$ \psi \f$ , in radians, as defined in Appendix B of \cite ABCF2001 . */
274  REAL4TimeVectorSeries *a; /**< A time-sampled two-dimensional vector storing the amplitudes \f$ A_1(t) \f$ and \f$ A_2(t) \f$ , in dimensionless strain */
275  REAL4TimeSeries *f; /**< A time-sampled sequence storing the instantaneous frequency \f$ f(t) \f$ , in Hz. */
276  REAL8TimeSeries *phi; /**< A time-sampled sequence storing the phase function \f$ \phi(t) \f$ , in radians */
277  REAL4TimeSeries *shift; /**< A time-sampled sequence storing the polarization shift \f$ \Phi(t) \f$ , in radians */
278  UINT4 dtDelayBy2; /**< A user specified half-interval time step for the Doppler delay look-up table (will default to 400s if set to 0) */
279  UINT4 dtPolBy2; /**< A user defined half-interval time step for the polarisation response look-up table (will default to 300s if set to 0) */
282 /**
283  * This structure contains information required to determine the response
284  * of a detector to a gravitational waveform.
285  */
286 typedef struct tagPulsarDetectorResponse {
287  const COMPLEX8FrequencySeries *transfer; /**< The frequency-dependent transfer function of the interferometer, in ADC counts per unit strain amplitude at any given frequency;
288  * if absent, the response will be given in raw strain rather than ADC output */
289  const LALDetector *site; /**< A structure storing site and polarization information, used to compute the polarization response and the propagation delay;
290  * if absent, the response will be computed to the plus mode waveform with no time delay */
291  const EphemerisData *ephemerides; /**< A structure storing the positions, velocities, and accelerations of the Earth and Sun centres of mass, used to compute
292  * the propagation delay to the solar system barycentre;
293  * if absent, the propagation delay will be computed to the Earth centre (rather than a true barycentre) */
294  LIGOTimeGPS heterodyneEpoch; /**< A reference time for heterodyned detector output time series, where the phase of the mixing signal is zero.
295  * This parameter is only used when generating detector output time series with nonzero heterodyne frequency \c f0.
296  * (Note: This should really be a parameter stored in the \c TimeSeries structure along with \c f0, but it isnt, so we
297  * have to add it here.)
298  */
301 /* Function prototypes. */
305 void
308  PulsarCoherentGW *input,
311 /** @} */
313 #if 0
314 {
315  /* so that editors will match succeeding brace */
316 #elif defined(__cplusplus)
317 }
318 #endif
uint32_t UINT4
float REAL4
int XLALPulsarSimulateCoherentGW(REAL4TimeSeries *output, PulsarCoherentGW *CWsignal, PulsarDetectorResponse *detector)
FIXME: Temporary XLAL-wapper to LAL-function LALPulsarSimulateCoherentGW()
void LALPulsarSimulateCoherentGW(LALStatus *status, REAL4TimeSeries *output, PulsarCoherentGW *input, PulsarDetectorResponse *detector)
Computes the response of a detector to a coherent gravitational wave.
This structure contains all information about the center-of-mass positions of the Earth and Sun,...
This structure stores a representation of a plane gravitational wave propagating from a particular po...
REAL4TimeSeries * f
A time-sampled sequence storing the instantaneous frequency , in Hz.
REAL4 psi
The polarization angle , in radians, as defined in Appendix B of .
SkyPosition position
The location of the source in the sky; this should be in equatorial celestial coordinates,...
REAL4TimeVectorSeries * a
A time-sampled two-dimensional vector storing the amplitudes and , in dimensionless strain.
REAL4TimeSeries * shift
A time-sampled sequence storing the polarization shift , in radians.
UINT4 dtPolBy2
A user defined half-interval time step for the polarisation response look-up table (will default to 3...
UINT4 dtDelayBy2
A user specified half-interval time step for the Doppler delay look-up table (will default to 400s if...
REAL8TimeSeries * phi
A time-sampled sequence storing the phase function , in radians.
This structure contains information required to determine the response of a detector to a gravitation...
const EphemerisData * ephemerides
A structure storing the positions, velocities, and accelerations of the Earth and Sun centres of mass...
const COMPLEX8FrequencySeries * transfer
The frequency-dependent transfer function of the interferometer, in ADC counts per unit strain amplit...
const LALDetector * site
A structure storing site and polarization information, used to compute the polarization response and ...
LIGOTimeGPS heterodyneEpoch
A reference time for heterodyned detector output time series, where the phase of the mixing signal is...