SynthesizeCWDraws.h File Reference


int XLALDrawCorrelatedNoise (PulsarAmplitudeVect n_mu, const gsl_matrix *L, gsl_rng *rng)
 Generate 4 random-noise draws n_mu = {n_1, n_2, n_3, n_4} with correlations according to the matrix M = L L^T, which is passed in as input. More...
FstatAtomVectorXLALGenerateFstatAtomVector (const DetectorStateSeries *detStates, const AMCoeffs *amcoeffs)
 Generate an FstatAtomVector for given antenna-pattern functions. More...
MultiFstatAtomVectorXLALGenerateMultiFstatAtomVector (const MultiDetectorStateSeries *multiDetStates, const MultiAMCoeffs *multiAM)
 Generate a multi-FstatAtomVector for given antenna-pattern functions. More...
int XLALAddNoiseToFstatAtomVector (FstatAtomVector *atoms, gsl_rng *rng)
 Add Gaussian-noise components to given FstatAtomVector. More...
int XLALAddNoiseToMultiFstatAtomVector (MultiFstatAtomVector *multiAtoms, gsl_rng *rng)
 Add Gaussian-noise components to given multi-FstatAtomVector. More...
REAL8 XLALAddSignalToFstatAtomVector (FstatAtomVector *atoms, AntennaPatternMatrix *M_mu_nu, const PulsarAmplitudeVect A_Mu, transientWindow_t transientWindow)
 Add signal s_mu = M_mu_nu A^nu within the given transient-window to given atoms. More...
REAL8 XLALAddSignalToMultiFstatAtomVector (MultiFstatAtomVector *multiAtoms, AntennaPatternMatrix *M_mu_nu, const PulsarAmplitudeVect A_Mu, transientWindow_t transientWindow, INT4 lineX)
 Add given signal s_mu = M_mu_nu A^nu within the given transient-window to multi-IFO noise-atoms. More...
int XLALRescaleMultiFstatAtomVector (MultiFstatAtomVector *multiAtoms, REAL8 rescale)
 Rescale a given multi-Fstat atoms vector {Fa,Fb} by given scalar factor. More...
int write_InjParams_to_fp (FILE *fp, const InjParams_t *par, const UINT4 dataStartGPS, const BOOLEAN outputMmunuX, const UINT4 numDetectors)
 Write an injection-parameters structure to the given file-pointer, adding one line with the injection parameters. More...
MultiFstatAtomVectorXLALSynthesizeTransientAtoms (InjParams_t *injParamsOut, SkyPosition skypos, AmplitudePrior_t AmpPrior, transientWindowRange_t transientInjectRange, const MultiDetectorStateSeries *multiDetStates, BOOLEAN SignalOnly, multiAMBuffer_t *multiAMBuffer, gsl_rng *rng, INT4 lineX, const MultiNoiseWeights *multiNoiseWeights)
 Generates a multi-Fstat atoms vector for given parameters, drawing random parameters wherever required. More...

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Data Structures

struct  AmplitudePrior_t
 Signal (amplitude) parameter ranges. More...
struct  multiAMBuffer_t
 struct for buffering of AM-coeffs, if signal for same sky-position is injected More...
struct  InjParams_t
 Hold all (generally) randomly drawn injection parameters: skypos, amplitude-params, M_mu_nu, transient-window, SNR. More...


 Enumeration of allowed amplitude-prior types. More...