HeterodyneSearch Directory Reference


file  create_pulsar_signal_frame.c [code]
file  heterodyne_pulsar.c [code]
 code to perform a coarse/fine heterodyne on LIGO or GEO data given a set of pulsar parameters. The heterodyne is a 2 stage process with the code run for a coarse heterodyne (not taking into account the SSB and BSB time delays, but using the other frequency params) and then rerun for the fine heterodyne (taking into account SSB and BSB time delays). The code can also be used to update heterodyned data using new parameters (old and new parameter files are required) i.e. it will take the difference of the original heterodyne phase and the new phase and reheterodyne with this phase difference.
file  heterodyne_pulsar.h [code]
file [code]
file [code]
file [code]
file [code]
file [code]
file  ppe_init.c [code]
file  ppe_init.h [code]
 Header file for the initialisation functions for the parameter estimation code for known pulsar searches using the nested sampling algorithm.
file  ppe_inject.c [code]
file  ppe_inject.h [code]
 Header file for the signal injection functions for the parameter estimation code for known pulsar searches using the nested sampling algorithm.
file  ppe_likelihood.c [code]
 Pulsar likelihood and prior functions for use in parameter estimation codes for targeted pulsar searches.
file  ppe_likelihood.h [code]
 Header file for the likelihood and prior functions used in parameter estimation code for known pulsar searches using the nested sampling algorithm.
file  ppe_models.c [code]
 Pulsar model functions for use in parameter estimation codes for targeted pulsar searches.
file  ppe_models.h [code]
 Header file for the signal models functions used in parameter estimation code for known pulsar searches using the nested sampling algorithm.
file  ppe_readdata.c [code]
file  ppe_readdata.h [code]
 Header file for the data reading functions for the parameter estimation code for known pulsar searches using the nested sampling algorithm.
file  ppe_roq.c [code]
 Reduced order quadrature generation functions for use in parameter estimation codes for targeted pulsar searches.
file  ppe_roq.h [code]
 Header file for the reduced order quadrature generation used in parameter estimation code for known pulsar searches using the nested sampling algorithm.
file  ppe_testing.c [code]
 Functions for use in testing the parameter estimation codes for targeted pulsar searches.
file  ppe_testing.h [code]
 Header file for functions used in testing the parameter estimation code for known pulsar searches using the nested sampling algorithm.
file  ppe_utils.c [code]
file  ppe_utils.h [code]
 Header file for the helper functions for the parameter estimation code for known pulsar searches using the nested sampling algorithm.
file  pulsar_frequency_evolution.c [code]
file  pulsar_parameter_estimation_nested.c [code]
 Parameter estimation code for known pulsar searches using the nested sampling algorithm.
file  pulsar_parameter_estimation_nested.h [code]
 Header file for the parameter estimation code for known pulsar searches using the nested sampling algorithm.
file  SpectralInterpolation.c [code]
file  SpectralInterpolation.h [code]
file  ssbtodetector.c [code]
 Program to convert an input MJD, or GPS, time at the solar system barycentre to a GPS time at a detector.
file [code]
file [code]