Header GeneratePulsarSignal.h

Detailed Description

Pulsar signal-generation routines for hardware- and software-injections.

Reinhard Prix, Greg Mendell


This module also contains a few more general-purpose helper-functions:


LALGeneratePulsarSignal() is basically a wrapper for the two LAL-functions GenerateSpinOrbitCW() to produce the source-signal, and LALPulsarSimulateCoherentGW() to turn it into a time-series at the detector.

LALSignalToSFTs() uses LALForwardRealFFT() appropriately on the input-timeseries to produce the required output-SFTs.


LALSignalToSFTs() currently enforces the constraint of Tsft * Band being an integer, so that the number of time-samples per SFT is even. This follows makefakedata_v2.

Furthermore, if the timestamps for SFT-creation passed to LALSignalToSFTs() do not fit exactly on a time-step of the input time-series, it will be "nudged" to the closest one. If lalDebugLevel>0 a warning will be printed about this. The user could also see this effect in the actual timestamps of the SFTs returned.

The FFTW-"plan" is currently created using the ESTIMATE flag, which is fast but only yields an approximate plan. Better results might be achieved by using MEASURE and an appropriate buffering of the resulting plan (which doesnt change provided the SFT-length is the same). Measuring the plan takes longer but might lead to substantial speedups for many FFTs, which seems the most likely situation.

Use of LALFastGeneratePulsarSFTs()

The functions LALComputeSkyAndZeroPsiAMResponse() and LALFastGeneratePulsarSFTs() use approximate analytic formulas to generate SFTs. This should be significantly faster than LALGeneratePulsarSignal() and LALSignalToSFTs(), which generate the time series data and then FFT it. Simple tests performed by the code in GeneratePulsarSignalTest.c indicate that the maximum modulus of the SFTs output by the approximate and exact codes differs by less that 10%. Since the tests are not exhaustive, the user should use caution and conduct their own test to compare LALComputeSkyAndZeroPsiAMResponse() and LALFastGeneratePulsarSFTs() with LALGeneratePulsarSignal() and LALSignalToSFTs().

The strain of a periodic signal at the detector is given by

\[ h(t) = F_+(t) A_+ {\rm cos}\Phi(t) + F_\times(t) A_\times {\rm sin}\Phi(t), \]

where \( F_+ \) and \( F_\times \) are the usual beam pattern response functions, \( A_+ \) and \( A_\times \) are the amplitudes of the gravitational wave for the plus and cross polarizations, and \( \Phi \) is the phase. The phase contains modulations from doppler shifts due to the relative motion between the source and the detector and the spin evolution of the source. (The functions discussed here support both isolated sources and those in binary systems. The binary case has not been tested.)

If we Taylor expand the phase out to first order about the time at the midpoint of an SFT and approximate \( F_+ \) and \( F_\times \) as constants, for one SFT we can write

\[ \Phi(t) \approx \Phi_{1/2} + 2\pi f_{1/2}(t - t_{1/2}). \]

The strain at discrete time \( t_j \) , measured from the start of the SFT, can thus be approximated as

\[ h_j \approx F_{+ 1/2} A_+ {\rm cos} [\Phi_{1/2} + 2\pi f_{1/2}(t_0 + t_j - t_{1/2})] + F_{\times 1/2} A_\times {\rm sin} [\Phi_{1/2} + 2\pi f_{1/2}(t_0 + t_j - t_{1/2})], \]

where \( t_0 \) is the time as the start of the SFT, and \( t_{1/2} - t_0 = T_{\rm sft}/2 \) , where \( T_{\rm sft} \) is the duration of one SFT. This simplifies to

\[ h_j \approx F_{+ 1/2} A_+ {\rm cos} (\Phi_0 + 2\pi f_{1/2}t_j) + F_{\times 1/2} A_\times {\rm sin} (\Phi_0 + 2\pi f_{1/2}t_j), \]

where \( \Phi_0 \) is the phase at the start of the SFT (not the initial phase at the start of the observation), i.e.,

\[ \Phi_0 = \Phi_{1/2} - 2 \pi f_{1/2} (T_{\rm sft} / 2). \]

Note that these are the same approximations used by LALDemod().

One can show that the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) of \( h_j \) above is:

\[ \tilde{h}_k = e^{i\Phi_0} \frac{1}{2} ( F_{+ 1/2} A_+ - i F_{\times 1/2} A_\times) \frac{ 1 - e^{2\pi i (\kappa - k)}}{1 - e^{2\pi i (\kappa - k)/N} } \\ + e^{-i\Phi_0} \frac{1}{2} ( F_{+ 1/2} A_+ + i F_{\times 1/2} A_\times) \frac{ 1 - e^{-2\pi i (\kappa + k)}}{ 1 - e^{-2\pi i (\kappa + k)/N} } \]

where \( N \) is the number of time samples used to find the DFT (i.e., the sample rate times \( T_{\rm sft} \) ), and

\[ \kappa \equiv f_{1/2} T_{\rm sft}, \]

is usually not an integer.

Note that the factor \( e^{\pm 2\pi i k} \) in the numerators of the equation for \( \tilde{h}_k \) equals 1. Furthermore, for \( 0 < \kappa < N/2 \) and \( |\kappa - k| << N \) the first term dominates and can be Taylor expanded to give:

\[ \tilde{h}_k = N e^{i\Phi_0} \frac{1}{2} ( F_{+ 1/2} A_+ - i F_{\times 1/2} A_\times) \left [ \, \frac{ {\rm sin} (2\pi\kappa)}{2 \pi (\kappa - k) } \, + \, i \frac{ 1 - {\rm cos} (2\pi\kappa)}{2 \pi (\kappa - k) } \, \right ] \]

Note that the last factor in square brackets is \( P_{\alpha k}^* \) and \( e^{i\Phi_0} = Q_{\alpha}^* \) used by LALDemod.

Example pseudocode

The structs used by LALComputeSkyAndZeroPsiAMResponse() and LALFastGeneratePulsarSFTs() are given in previous sections, and make use of those used by LALGeneratePulsarSignal() and LALSignalToSFTs() plus a small number of additional parameters. Thus it is fairly easy to change between the above approximate routines the exact routines. See GeneratePulsarSignalTest.c for an example implementation of the code.

Note that one needs to call LALComputeSkyAndZeroPsiAMResponse() once per sky position, and then call LALFastGeneratePulsarSFTs() for each set of signal parameters at that sky position. Thus, one could perform a Monte Carlo simulation, as shown by the pseudo code:

loop over sky positions {
loop over spindown {
loop over frequencies {
void LALFastGeneratePulsarSFTs(LALStatus *status, SFTVector **outputSFTs, const SkyConstAndZeroPsiAMResponse *input, const SFTandSignalParams *params)
Fast generation of Fake SFTs for a pure pulsar signal.
void LALComputeSkyAndZeroPsiAMResponse(LALStatus *status, SkyConstAndZeroPsiAMResponse *output, const SFTandSignalParams *params)
/deprecated Move to attic? Wrapper for LALComputeSky() and LALComputeDetAMResponse() that finds the s...

Notes on LALFastGeneratePulsarSFTs()

  1. If *outputSFTs sent to LALFastGeneratePulsarSFTs() is NULL then LALFastGeneratePulsarSFTs() allocates memory for the output SFTs; otherwise it assumes memory has already been allocated. Thus, the user does not have to deallocate memory for the SFTs until all calls to LALFastGeneratePulsarSFTs() are completed.
  2. fHeterodyne and 0.5 * samplingRate set in the PulsarSignalParams struct give the start frequency and frequency band of the SFTs output from LALFastGeneratePulsarSFTs().
  3. If resTrig is set to zero in the SFTandSignalParams struct, then the C math libary cos() sin() functions are called, else lookup tables (LUTs) are used for calls to trig functions. There may be a slight speedup in using LUTs.
  4. To maximize the speed of SFT generations, LALFastGeneratePulsarSFTs() only generates values for the bins in the band 2*Dterms centered on the signal frequency in each SFT. Dterms must be greater than zero and less than or equal to the number of frequency bins in the output SFTs. Note that Dterms is used the same way here as it is in LALDemod(). Nothing is done to the other bins, unless *outputSFTs is NULL; then, since memory is allocates for the output SFTs, the bins not in the 2*Dterms band are initialized to zero.


REAL4TimeSeriesXLALGeneratePulsarSignal (const PulsarSignalParams *params)
 Generate a time-series at the detector for a given pulsar. More...
void LALGeneratePulsarSignal (LALStatus *status, REAL4TimeSeries **signalvec, const PulsarSignalParams *params)
SFTVectorXLALSignalToSFTs (const REAL4TimeSeries *signalvec, const SFTParams *params)
 Turn the given time-series into SFTs and add noise if given. More...
void LALSignalToSFTs (LALStatus *status, SFTVector **outputSFTs, const REAL4TimeSeries *signalvec, const SFTParams *params)
void LALComputeSkyAndZeroPsiAMResponse (LALStatus *status, SkyConstAndZeroPsiAMResponse *output, const SFTandSignalParams *params)
 /deprecated Move to attic? Wrapper for LALComputeSky() and LALComputeDetAMResponse() that finds the sky constants and \( F_+ \) and \( F_\times \) for use with LALFastGeneratePulsarSFTs(). More...
void LALFastGeneratePulsarSFTs (LALStatus *status, SFTVector **outputSFTs, const SkyConstAndZeroPsiAMResponse *input, const SFTandSignalParams *params)
 Fast generation of Fake SFTs for a pure pulsar signal. More...
int XLALConvertGPS2SSB (LIGOTimeGPS *SSBout, LIGOTimeGPS GPSin, const PulsarSignalParams *params)
 Convert earth-frame GPS time into barycentric-frame SSB time for given source. More...
int XLALConvertSSB2GPS (LIGOTimeGPS *GPSout, LIGOTimeGPS SSBin, const PulsarSignalParams *params)
 Convert barycentric frame SSB time into earth-frame GPS time. More...
REAL4TimeSeriesXLALGenerateLineFeature (const PulsarSignalParams *params)
 Generate a REAL4TimeSeries containing a sinusoid with amplitude 'h0', frequency 'Freq-fHeterodyne' and initial phase 'phi0'. More...
int XLALAddGaussianNoise (REAL4TimeSeries *inSeries, REAL4 sigma, INT4 seed)
 Generate Gaussian noise with standard-deviation sigma, add it to inSeries. More...
void XLALDestroyMultiREAL4TimeSeries (MultiREAL4TimeSeries *multiTS)
 Destroy a MultiREAL4TimeSeries, NULL-robust. More...
void XLALDestroyMultiREAL8TimeSeries (MultiREAL8TimeSeries *multiTS)
 Destroy a MultiREAL8TimeSeries, NULL-robust. More...
static int XLALcheck_timestamp_bounds (const LIGOTimeGPSVector *timestamps, LIGOTimeGPS t0, LIGOTimeGPS t1)
 Check that all timestamps given lie within the range [t0, t1]. More...
static int XLALcheckNoiseSFTs (const SFTVector *sfts, REAL8 f0, REAL8 f1, REAL8 deltaF)
 Check if frequency-range and resolution of noiseSFTs is consistent with signal-band [f0, f1]. More...
int XLALcorrect_phase (SFTtype *sft, LIGOTimeGPS tHeterodyne)
 Yousuke's phase-correction function, taken from makefakedata_v2. More...

Data Structures

struct  PulsarSignalParams
 Input parameters to GeneratePulsarSignal(), defining the source and the time-series. More...
struct  SFTParams
 Parameters defining the SFTs to be returned from LALSignalToSFTs(). More...
struct  SFTandSignalParams
 Parameters defining the pulsar signal and SFTs used by LALFastGeneratePulsarSFTs(). More...
struct  SkyConstAndZeroPsiAMResponse
 Sky Constants and beam pattern response functions used by LALFastGeneratePulsarSFTs(). More...


file  GeneratePulsarSignalTest.c

Error codes

 Arguments contained an unexpected null pointer. More...
 Output pointer is not NULL. More...
 Out of memory. More...
 Waveform sampling interval too large. More...
 SSB->GPS iterative conversion failed. More...
 System error, probably while File I/O. More...
 Timestamp outside of allowed time-interval. More...
 Inconsistent number of SFTs in timestamps and noise-SFTs. More...
 Inconsistent values of sampling-rate and Tsft. More...
 Frequency resolution of noise-SFTs inconsistent with signal. More...
 Frequency band of noise-SFTs inconsistent with signal. More...
 Frequency bins of noise-SFTs inconsistent with signal. More...
 Current code requires sky position in equatorial coordinates. More...
 Lookup tables (LUTs) for trig functions must be defined on domain -2pi to 2pi inclusive. More...
 Dterms must be greater than zero and less than or equal to half the number of SFT bins. More...
 Invalid input-arguments to function. More...
 Unknown detector-name. More...

Function Documentation

◆ XLALGeneratePulsarSignal()

REAL4TimeSeries * XLALGeneratePulsarSignal ( const PulsarSignalParams params)

Generate a time-series at the detector for a given pulsar.

paramsinput params

Definition at line 62 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.c.

◆ LALGeneratePulsarSignal()

void LALGeneratePulsarSignal ( LALStatus status,
REAL4TimeSeries **  signalvec,
const PulsarSignalParams params 
Use XLALGeneratePulsarSignal() instead.
statuspointer to LALStatus structure
signalvecoutput time-series
paramsinput params

Definition at line 228 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.c.

◆ XLALSignalToSFTs()

SFTVector * XLALSignalToSFTs ( const REAL4TimeSeries signalvec,
const SFTParams params 

Turn the given time-series into SFTs and add noise if given.

signalvecinput time-series
paramsparams for output-SFTs

Definition at line 250 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.c.

◆ LALSignalToSFTs()

void LALSignalToSFTs ( LALStatus status,
SFTVector **  outputSFTs,
const REAL4TimeSeries signalvec,
const SFTParams params 
Use XLALSignalToSFTs() instead
statuspointer to LALStatus structure
signalvecinput time-series
paramsparams for output-SFTs

Definition at line 436 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.c.

◆ LALComputeSkyAndZeroPsiAMResponse()

void LALComputeSkyAndZeroPsiAMResponse ( LALStatus status,
SkyConstAndZeroPsiAMResponse output,
const SFTandSignalParams params 

/deprecated Move to attic? Wrapper for LALComputeSky() and LALComputeDetAMResponse() that finds the sky constants and \( F_+ \) and \( F_\times \) for use with LALFastGeneratePulsarSFTs().

Uses the output of LALComputeSkyAndZeroPsiAMResponse() and the same inputs as LALGeneratePulsarSignal() and LALSignalToSFTs(). This function used LALComputeSkyBinary() if params->pSigParams->orbit is not NULL, else it uses LALComputeSky() to find the skyConsts. NOTE THAT THIS FUNCTION COMPUTES \( F_+ \) and \( F_x \) for ZERO Psi!!! LALFastGeneratePulsarSFTs() used these to find \( F_+ \) and \( F_x \) for NONZERO Psi.

statuspointer to LALStatus structure

Definition at line 475 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.c.

◆ LALFastGeneratePulsarSFTs()

void LALFastGeneratePulsarSFTs ( LALStatus status,
SFTVector **  outputSFTs,
const SkyConstAndZeroPsiAMResponse input,
const SFTandSignalParams params 

Fast generation of Fake SFTs for a pure pulsar signal.

Uses the output of LALComputeSkyAndZeroPsiAMResponse and the same inputs as LALGeneratePulsarSignal and LALSignalToSFTs. The fake signal is Taylor expanded to first order about the midpoint time of each SFT. Analytic expressions are used to find each SFT

Definition at line 573 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.c.

◆ XLALConvertGPS2SSB()

int XLALConvertGPS2SSB ( LIGOTimeGPS SSBout,
const PulsarSignalParams params 

Convert earth-frame GPS time into barycentric-frame SSB time for given source.

The only fields used in params are: site, pulsar.position and ephemerides.
[out]SSBoutarrival-time in SSB
[in]GPSinGPS-arrival time at detector
paramsdefine source-location and detector

Definition at line 824 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.c.

◆ XLALConvertSSB2GPS()

int XLALConvertSSB2GPS ( LIGOTimeGPS GPSout,
const PulsarSignalParams params 

Convert barycentric frame SSB time into earth-frame GPS time.

NOTE: this uses simply the inversion-routine used in the original makefakedata_v2

[out]GPSoutGPS-arrival-time at detector
[in]SSBininput: signal arrival time at SSB
paramsparams defining source-location and detector

Definition at line 870 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.c.

◆ XLALGenerateLineFeature()

REAL4TimeSeries * XLALGenerateLineFeature ( const PulsarSignalParams params)

Generate a REAL4TimeSeries containing a sinusoid with amplitude 'h0', frequency 'Freq-fHeterodyne' and initial phase 'phi0'.

Definition at line 941 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.c.

◆ XLALAddGaussianNoise()

int XLALAddGaussianNoise ( REAL4TimeSeries inSeries,
REAL4  sigma,
INT4  seed 

Generate Gaussian noise with standard-deviation sigma, add it to inSeries.

if seed==0, then an INT4 from /dev/urandom is read and used as random-seed, if this can't be opened or read, an error is returned in this case.

Definition at line 980 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.c.

◆ XLALDestroyMultiREAL4TimeSeries()

void XLALDestroyMultiREAL4TimeSeries ( MultiREAL4TimeSeries multiTS)

Destroy a MultiREAL4TimeSeries, NULL-robust.

Definition at line 1032 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.c.

◆ XLALDestroyMultiREAL8TimeSeries()

void XLALDestroyMultiREAL8TimeSeries ( MultiREAL8TimeSeries multiTS)

Destroy a MultiREAL8TimeSeries, NULL-robust.

Definition at line 1054 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.c.

◆ XLALcheck_timestamp_bounds()

int XLALcheck_timestamp_bounds ( const LIGOTimeGPSVector timestamps,
LIGOTimeGPS  t0,
LIGOTimeGPS  t1 

Check that all timestamps given lie within the range [t0, t1].

return: 0 if ok, ERROR if not

Definition at line 1084 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.c.

◆ XLALcheckNoiseSFTs()

static int XLALcheckNoiseSFTs ( const SFTVector sfts,
REAL8  f0,
REAL8  f1,
REAL8  deltaF 

Check if frequency-range and resolution of noiseSFTs is consistent with signal-band [f0, f1].

All frequencies f are required to correspond to integer bins f/dFreq, ABORT if not

return XLAL_SUCCESS if everything fine, error-code otherwise

Definition at line 1117 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.c.

◆ XLALcorrect_phase()

int XLALcorrect_phase ( SFTtype sft,
LIGOTimeGPS  tHeterodyne 

Yousuke's phase-correction function, taken from makefakedata_v2.

Definition at line 1163 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.c.

Macro Definition Documentation



Arguments contained an unexpected null pointer.

Definition at line 236 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.h.



Output pointer is not NULL.

Definition at line 237 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.h.



Out of memory.

Definition at line 238 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.h.



Waveform sampling interval too large.

Definition at line 239 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.h.



SSB->GPS iterative conversion failed.

Definition at line 240 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.h.



System error, probably while File I/O.

Definition at line 241 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.h.



Timestamp outside of allowed time-interval.

Definition at line 242 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.h.



Inconsistent number of SFTs in timestamps and noise-SFTs.

Definition at line 243 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.h.



Inconsistent values of sampling-rate and Tsft.

Definition at line 244 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.h.



Frequency resolution of noise-SFTs inconsistent with signal.

Definition at line 245 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.h.



Frequency band of noise-SFTs inconsistent with signal.

Definition at line 246 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.h.



Frequency bins of noise-SFTs inconsistent with signal.

Definition at line 247 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.h.



Current code requires sky position in equatorial coordinates.

Definition at line 248 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.h.



Lookup tables (LUTs) for trig functions must be defined on domain -2pi to 2pi inclusive.

Definition at line 249 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.h.



Dterms must be greater than zero and less than or equal to half the number of SFT bins.

Definition at line 250 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.h.



Invalid input-arguments to function.

Definition at line 251 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.h.



Unknown detector-name.

Definition at line 252 of file GeneratePulsarSignal.h.