Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2010 Reinhard Prix
3  *
4  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7  * (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with with program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
16  * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
17  * MA 02110-1301 USA
18  */
20 /*********************************************************************************/
21 /**
22  * \author R. Prix
23  * \file
24  * \ingroup lalpulsar_bin_Fstatistic
25  * \brief
26  * Generate N samples of various statistics (F-stat, B-stat,...) drawn from their
27  * respective distributions, assuming Gaussian noise, and drawing signal params from
28  * their (given) priors
29  *
30  * This is based on synthesizeBstat, and is mostly meant to be used for Monte-Carlos
31  * studies of ROC curves
32  *
33  */
35 /*
36  *
37  * Some possible use-cases to consider
38  * - transient search BF-stat (synthesize atoms)
39  * - line-veto studies (generate line-realizations)
40  * - different B-stats from different prior models (to avoid integration)
41  *
42  */
44 #include "config.h"
46 #include <stdio.h>
47 #include <stdbool.h>
49 #include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
51 #include <lal/LALString.h>
52 #include <lal/SkyCoordinates.h>
53 #include <lal/AVFactories.h>
54 #include <lal/LALInitBarycenter.h>
55 #include <lal/UserInput.h>
56 #include <lal/LogPrintf.h>
57 #include <lal/ComputeFstat.h>
58 #include <lal/TransientCW_utils.h>
59 #include <lal/ProbabilityDensity.h>
60 #include <lal/SynthesizeCWDraws.h>
61 #include <lal/LALPulsarVCSInfo.h>
63 /*---------- DEFINES ----------*/
64 #define SQ(x) ((x)*(x))
65 #define CUBE(x) ((x)*(x)*(x))
66 #define QUAD(x) ((x)*(x)*(x)*(x))
68 /* define min/max macros if not already defined */
69 #ifndef min
70 #define min(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
71 #endif
72 #ifndef max
73 #define max(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
74 #endif
76 /* ---------- local types ---------- */
78 /** User-variables: can be set from config-file or command-line */
79 typedef struct {
80  /* amplitude parameters + ranges: 4 alternative ways to specify the h0-prior (set to < 0 to deactivate all but one!) */
81  REAL8 fixedh0Nat; /**< Alternative 1: if >=0 ==> fix the GW amplitude: h0/sqrt(Sn) */
82  REAL8 fixedSNR; /**< Alternative 2: if >=0 ==> fix the optimal SNR of the injected signals */
83  REAL8 fixedh0NatMax; /**< Alternative 3: if >=0 ==> draw GW amplitude h0 in [0, h0NatMax ]: <==> 'regularized' F-stat prior (obsolete) */
84  REAL8 fixedRhohMax; /**< Alternative 4: if >=0 ==> draw rhoh=h0*(detM)^(1/8) in [0, rhohMax]: <==> canonical F-stat prior */
86  REAL8 cosi; /**< cos(inclination angle). If not set: randomize within [-1,1] */
87  REAL8 psi; /**< polarization angle psi. If not set: randomize within [-pi/4,pi/4] */
88  REAL8 phi0; /**< initial GW phase phi_0. If not set: randomize within [0, 2pi] */
89  INT4 AmpPriorType; /**< enumeration of types of amplitude-priors: 0=physical, 1=canonical */
91  /* Doppler parameters */
92  REAL8 Alpha; /**< skyposition Alpha (RA) in radians */
93  REAL8 Delta; /**< skyposition Delta (Dec) in radians */
95  /* transient window ranges: for injection ... */
96  CHAR *injectWindow_type; /**< Type of transient window to inject ('none', 'rect', 'exp'). */
97  REAL8 injectWindow_t0Days; /**< Earliest start-time of transient window to inject, as offset in days from dataStartGPS */
98  REAL8 injectWindow_t0DaysBand;/**< Range of start-times of transient window to inject, in days */
99  REAL8 injectWindow_tauDays; /**< Shortest transient-window timescale to inject, in days */
100  REAL8 injectWindow_tauDaysBand; /**< Range of transient-window timescale to inject, in days */
101  /* ... and for search */
102  CHAR *searchWindow_type; /**< Type of transient window to search with ('none', 'rect', 'exp'). */
103  REAL8 searchWindow_t0Days; /**< Earliest start-time of transient window to search, as offset in days from dataStartGPS */
104  REAL8 searchWindow_t0DaysBand;/**< Range of start-times of transient window to inject, in days */
105  REAL8 searchWindow_tauDays; /**< Shortest transient-window timescale to search, in days */
106  REAL8 searchWindow_tauDaysBand; /**< Range of transient-window timescale to search, in days */
107  INT4 searchWindow_dt0; /**< Step-size for search/marginalization over transient-window start-time, in seconds [Default:Tsft] */
108  INT4 searchWindow_dtau; /**< Step-size for search/marginalization over transient-window timescale, in seconds [Default:Tsft] */
110  /* other parameters */
111  CHAR *IFO; /**< IFO name [deprecated] */
112  LALStringVector *IFOs; /**< list of detector-names "H1,H2,L1,.." or single detector*/
113  INT4 dataStartGPS; /**< data start-time in GPS seconds */
114  INT4 dataDuration; /**< data-span to generate */
115  LALStringVector *timestampsFiles; /**< per-detector file(s) with timestamps list */
116  INT4 TAtom; /**< Fstat atoms time baseline */
118  BOOLEAN computeFtotal; /**< Also compute 'total' F-statistic over the full data-span */
119  INT4 numDraws; /**< number of random 'draws' to simulate for F-stat and B-stat */
121  CHAR *outputStats; /**< output file to write numDraw resulting statistics into */
122  CHAR *outputAtoms; /**< output F-statistic atoms into a file with this basename */
123  CHAR *outputFstatMap; /**< output F-statistic over 2D parameter space {t0, tau} into file with this basename */
124  CHAR *outputInjParams;/**< output injection parameters into this file */
125  CHAR *outputPosteriors;/**< output posterior pdfs on t0 and tau */
126  BOOLEAN SignalOnly; /**< dont generate noise-draws: will result in non-random 'signal only' values of F and B */
128  BOOLEAN useFReg; /**< use 'regularized' Fstat (1/D)*e^F for marginalization, or 'standard' e^F */
130  CHAR *ephemEarth; /**< Earth ephemeris file to use */
131  CHAR *ephemSun; /**< Sun ephemeris file to use */
133  INT4 randSeed; /**< GSL random-number generator seed value to use */
134 } UserInput_t;
136 /**
137  * Configuration settings required for and defining a coherent pulsar search.
138  * These are 'pre-processed' settings, which have been derived from the user-input.
139  */
140 typedef struct {
141  AmplitudePrior_t AmpPrior; /**< amplitude-parameter priors to draw signals from */
143  SkyPosition skypos; /**< (Alpha,Delta,system). Use Alpha < 0 to signal 'allsky' */
144  BOOLEAN SignalOnly; /**< dont generate noise-draws: will result in non-random 'signal only' values of F and B */
146  transientWindowRange_t transientSearchRange; /**< transient-window range for the search (flat priors) */
147  transientWindowRange_t transientInjectRange; /**< transient-window range for injections (flat priors) */
149  MultiDetectorStateSeries *multiDetStates; /**< multi-detector state series covering observation time */
151  gsl_rng *rng; /**< gsl random-number generator */
152  CHAR *logString; /**< logstring for file-output, containing cmdline-options + code VCS version info */
156 /* ---------- local prototypes ---------- */
157 int main( int argc, char *argv[] );
159 int XLALInitUserVars( UserInput_t *uvar );
160 int XLALInitCode( ConfigVariables *cfg, const UserInput_t *uvar );
161 int XLALInitAmplitudePrior( AmplitudePrior_t *AmpPrior, const UserInput_t *uvar );
163 /* exportable API */
165 /*---------- Global variables ----------*/
166 extern int vrbflg; /**< defined in lal/lib/std/LALError.c */
168 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
169 /* Main Function starts here */
170 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
171 /**
172  * MAIN function
173  * Generates samples of B-stat and F-stat according to their pdfs for given signal-params.
174  */
175 int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
176 {
177  UserInput_t XLAL_INIT_DECL( uvar );
178  ConfigVariables XLAL_INIT_DECL( cfg ); /**< various derived configuration settings */
180  vrbflg = 1; /* verbose error-messages */
182  /* turn off default GSL error handler */
183  gsl_set_error_handler_off();
185  /* ----- register and read all user-variables ----- */
186  if ( XLALInitUserVars( &uvar ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
187  LogPrintf( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALInitUserVars() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );
188  return 1;
189  }
191  /* do ALL cmdline and cfgfile handling */
192  BOOLEAN should_exit = 0;
193  if ( XLALUserVarReadAllInput( &should_exit, argc, argv, lalPulsarVCSInfoList ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
194  LogPrintf( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALUserVarReadAllInput() failed with errno=%d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );
195  return 1;
196  }
197  if ( should_exit ) {
198  return EXIT_FAILURE;
199  }
201  /* ---------- Initialize code-setup ---------- */
202  if ( XLALInitCode( &cfg, &uvar ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
203  LogPrintf( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALInitCode() failed with error = %d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );
205  }
207  /* ----- prepare stats output ----- */
208  LALFILE *fpTransientStats = NULL;
209  if ( uvar.outputStats ) {
210  if ( ( fpTransientStats = XLALFileOpen( uvar.outputStats, "wb" ) ) == NULL ) {
211  LogPrintf( LOG_CRITICAL, "Error opening file '%s' for writing..\n\n", uvar.outputStats );
213  }
214  XLALFilePrintf( fpTransientStats, "%s", cfg.logString ); /* write search log comment */
215  if ( write_transientCandidate_to_fp( fpTransientStats, NULL, 'd' ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) { /* write header-line comment */
217  }
218  } /* if outputStats */
220  /* ----- prepare injection params output ----- */
221  FILE *fpInjParams = NULL;
222  if ( uvar.outputInjParams ) {
223  if ( ( fpInjParams = fopen( uvar.outputInjParams, "wb" ) ) == NULL ) {
224  LogPrintf( LOG_CRITICAL, "Error opening file '%s' for writing..\n\n", uvar.outputInjParams );
226  }
227  fprintf( fpInjParams, "%s", cfg.logString ); /* write search log comment */
228  if ( write_InjParams_to_fp( fpInjParams, NULL, 0, 0, 0 ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) { /* write header-line comment - options outputMmunuX and numDetectors not supported here, so pass defaults to deactivate them */
230  }
231  } /* if outputInjParams */
233  /* ----- main MC loop over numDraws trials ---------- */
234  multiAMBuffer_t XLAL_INIT_DECL( multiAMBuffer ); /* prepare AM-buffer */
235  INT4 i;
237  for ( i = 0; i < uvar.numDraws; i ++ ) {
238  InjParams_t XLAL_INIT_DECL( injParamsDrawn );
240  /* ----- generate signal random draws from ranges and generate Fstat atoms */
241  MultiFstatAtomVector *multiAtoms;
242  multiAtoms = XLALSynthesizeTransientAtoms( &injParamsDrawn, cfg.skypos, cfg.AmpPrior, cfg.transientInjectRange, cfg.multiDetStates, cfg.SignalOnly, &multiAMBuffer, cfg.rng, -1, NULL ); // options lineX and noise_weights not supported here, so pass defaults to deactivate them
243  if ( multiAtoms == NULL ) {
244  LogPrintf( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALSynthesizeTransientAtoms() failed with xlalErrno = %d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );
246  }
248  /* ----- if requested, output signal injection parameters into file */
249  if ( fpInjParams && ( write_InjParams_to_fp( fpInjParams, &injParamsDrawn, uvar.dataStartGPS, 0, 0 ) ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) { // options outputMmunuX and numDetectors not supported here, so pass defaults to deactivate them
251  } /* if fpInjParams & failure*/
254  /* ----- add meta-info on current transient-CW candidate */
256  cand.doppler.Alpha = multiAMBuffer.skypos.longitude;
257  cand.doppler.Delta = multiAMBuffer.skypos.latitude;
258  cand.windowRange = cfg.transientSearchRange;
260  /* ----- if needed: compute transient-Bstat search statistic on these atoms */
261  if ( fpTransientStats || uvar.outputFstatMap || uvar.outputPosteriors ) {
262  /* compute Fstat map F_mn over {t0, tau} */
263  if ( ( cand.FstatMap = XLALComputeTransientFstatMap( multiAtoms, cand.windowRange, uvar.useFReg ) ) == NULL ) {
264  XLALPrintError( "%s: XLALComputeTransientFstatMap() failed with xlalErrno = %d.\n", __func__, xlalErrno );
266  }
267  } /* if we'll need the Fstat-map F_mn */
269  /* ----- if requested compute marginalized Bayes factor */
270  if ( fpTransientStats ) {
271  cand.logBstat = XLALComputeTransientBstat( cand.windowRange, cand.FstatMap );
272  UINT4 err = xlalErrno;
273  if ( err ) {
274  XLALPrintError( "%s: XLALComputeTransientBstat() failed with xlalErrno = %d\n", __func__, err );
276  }
278  if ( uvar.SignalOnly ) {
279  cand.FstatMap->maxF += 2;
280  cand.logBstat += 2;
281  }
283  } /* if Bstat requested */
285  /* ----- if requested, compute parameter posteriors for {t0, tau} */
286  pdf1D_t *pdf_t0 = NULL;
287  pdf1D_t *pdf_tau = NULL;
288  if ( fpTransientStats || uvar.outputPosteriors ) {
289  if ( ( pdf_t0 = XLALComputeTransientPosterior_t0( cand.windowRange, cand.FstatMap ) ) == NULL ) {
290  XLALPrintError( "%s: failed to compute t0-posterior\n", __func__ );
292  }
293  if ( ( pdf_tau = XLALComputeTransientPosterior_tau( cand.windowRange, cand.FstatMap ) ) == NULL ) {
294  XLALPrintError( "%s: failed to compute tau-posterior\n", __func__ );
296  }
297  /* get maximum-posterior estimate (MP) from the modes of these pdfs */
298  cand.t0_MP = XLALFindModeOfPDF1D( pdf_t0 );
299  if ( xlalErrno ) {
300  XLALPrintError( "%s: mode-estimation failed for pdf_t0. xlalErrno = %d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );
302  }
303  cand.tau_MP = XLALFindModeOfPDF1D( pdf_tau );
304  if ( xlalErrno ) {
305  XLALPrintError( "%s: mode-estimation failed for pdf_tau. xlalErrno = %d\n", __func__, xlalErrno );
307  }
309  } // if posteriors required
311  /* ----- if requested, compute Ftotal over full data-span */
312  if ( uvar.computeFtotal ) {
313  transientFstatMap_t *FtotalMap;
314  /* prepare special window to cover all the data with one F-stat calculation == Ftotal */
315  transientWindowRange_t XLAL_INIT_DECL( winRangeAll );
316  winRangeAll.type = TRANSIENT_NONE;
318  BOOLEAN useFReg = false;
319  if ( ( FtotalMap = XLALComputeTransientFstatMap( multiAtoms, winRangeAll, useFReg ) ) == NULL ) {
320  XLALPrintError( "%s: XLALComputeTransientFstatMap() failed with xlalErrno = %d.\n", __func__, xlalErrno );
322  }
324  /* we only use twoFtotal = 2 * maxF from this single-Fstat calculation */
325  REAL8 twoFtotal = 2.0 * FtotalMap->maxF;
326  if ( uvar.SignalOnly ) {
327  twoFtotal += 4;
328  }
330  /* ugly hack: lacking a good container for twoFtotal, we borrow fkdot[3] for this here ;) [only used for paper-MCs] */
331  cand.doppler.fkdot[3] = twoFtotal;
333  /* good riddance .. */
334  XLALDestroyTransientFstatMap( FtotalMap );
336  } /* if computeFtotal */
338  /* ----- if requested, output atoms-vector into file */
339  if ( uvar.outputAtoms ) {
341  LALFILE *fpAtoms;
342  char *fnameAtoms;
343  UINT4 len = strlen( uvar.outputAtoms ) + 20;
344  if ( ( fnameAtoms = XLALCalloc( 1, len ) ) == NULL ) {
345  XLALPrintError( "%s: failed to XLALCalloc ( 1, %d )\n", __func__, len );
347  }
348  sprintf( fnameAtoms, "%s_%04d_of_%04d.dat", uvar.outputAtoms, i + 1, uvar.numDraws );
350  if ( ( fpAtoms = XLALFileOpen( fnameAtoms, "wb" ) ) == NULL ) {
351  XLALPrintError( "%s: failed to open atoms-output file '%s' for writing.\n", __func__, fnameAtoms );
353  }
354  XLALFilePrintf( fpAtoms, "%s", cfg.logString ); /* output header info */
356  if ( write_MultiFstatAtoms_to_fp( fpAtoms, multiAtoms ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
357  XLALPrintError( "%s: failed to write atoms to output file '%s'. xlalErrno = %d\n", __func__, fnameAtoms, xlalErrno );
359  }
361  XLALFree( fnameAtoms );
362  XLALFileClose( fpAtoms );
363  } /* if outputAtoms */
365  /* ----- if requested, output Fstat-map over {t0, tau} */
366  if ( uvar.outputFstatMap ) {
367  FILE *fpFstatMap;
368  char *fnameFstatMap;
369  UINT4 len = strlen( uvar.outputFstatMap ) + 20;
370  if ( ( fnameFstatMap = XLALCalloc( 1, len ) ) == NULL ) {
371  XLALPrintError( "%s: failed to XLALCalloc ( 1, %d )\n", __func__, len );
373  }
374  sprintf( fnameFstatMap, "%s_%04d_of_%04d.dat", uvar.outputFstatMap, i + 1, uvar.numDraws );
376  if ( ( fpFstatMap = fopen( fnameFstatMap, "wb" ) ) == NULL ) {
377  XLALPrintError( "%s: failed to open Fstat-map output file '%s' for writing.\n", __func__, fnameFstatMap );
379  }
380  fprintf( fpFstatMap, "%s", cfg.logString ); /* output header info */
382  fprintf( fpFstatMap, "\nFstat_mn = \\\n" );
383  if ( XLALfprintfGSLmatrix( fpFstatMap, "%.9g", cand.FstatMap->F_mn ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
384  XLALPrintError( "%s: XLALfprintfGSLmatrix() failed.\n", __func__ );
386  }
388  XLALFree( fnameFstatMap );
389  fclose( fpFstatMap );
391  } /* if outputFstatMap */
393  /* ----- if requested, output posterior pdfs on transient params {t0, tau} into a file */
394  if ( uvar.outputPosteriors ) {
395  FILE *fpPosteriors;
396  char *fnamePosteriors;
397  UINT4 len = strlen( uvar.outputPosteriors ) + 20;
398  if ( ( fnamePosteriors = XLALCalloc( 1, len ) ) == NULL ) {
399  XLALPrintError( "%s: failed to XLALCalloc ( 1, %d )\n", __func__, len );
401  }
402  sprintf( fnamePosteriors, "%s_%04d_of_%04d.dat", uvar.outputPosteriors, i + 1, uvar.numDraws );
404  if ( ( fpPosteriors = fopen( fnamePosteriors, "wb" ) ) == NULL ) {
405  XLALPrintError( "%s: failed to open posteriors-output file '%s' for writing.\n", __func__, fnamePosteriors );
407  }
408  fprintf( fpPosteriors, "%s", cfg.logString ); /* output header info */
410  /* write them to file, using pdf-method */
411  if ( XLALOutputPDF1D_to_fp( fpPosteriors, pdf_t0, "pdf_t0" ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
412  XLALPrintError( "%s: failed to output t0-posterior to file '%s'.\n", __func__, fnamePosteriors );
414  }
415  if ( XLALOutputPDF1D_to_fp( fpPosteriors, pdf_tau, "pdf_tau" ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
416  XLALPrintError( "%s: failed to output tau-posterior to file '%s'.\n", __func__, fnamePosteriors );
418  }
420  /* free mem, close file */
421  XLALFree( fnamePosteriors );
422  fclose( fpPosteriors );
424  } /* if outputPosteriors */
427  /* ----- if requested, output transient-cand statistics */
428  if ( fpTransientStats && write_transientCandidate_to_fp( fpTransientStats, &cand, 'd' ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
429  XLALPrintError( "%s: write_transientCandidate_to_fp() failed.\n", __func__ );
431  }
433  /* ----- free Memory */
434  XLALDestroyTransientFstatMap( cand.FstatMap );
435  XLALDestroyMultiFstatAtomVector( multiAtoms );
436  XLALDestroyPDF1D( pdf_t0 );
437  XLALDestroyPDF1D( pdf_tau );
439  } /* for i < numDraws */
441  /* ----- close files ----- */
442  XLALFileClose( fpTransientStats );
443  if ( fpInjParams ) {
444  fclose( fpInjParams );
445  }
447  /* ----- free memory ---------- */
448  XLALDestroyMultiDetectorStateSeries( cfg.multiDetStates );
449  XLALDestroyMultiAMCoeffs( multiAMBuffer.multiAM );
451  /* ----- free amplitude prior pdfs ----- */
452  XLALDestroyPDF1D( cfg.AmpPrior.pdf_h0Nat );
453  XLALDestroyPDF1D( cfg.AmpPrior.pdf_cosi );
454  XLALDestroyPDF1D( cfg.AmpPrior.pdf_psi );
455  XLALDestroyPDF1D( cfg.AmpPrior.pdf_phi0 );
457  if ( cfg.logString ) {
458  XLALFree( cfg.logString );
459  }
460  gsl_rng_free( cfg.rng );
464  /* did we forget anything ? (doesn't cover gsl-memory!) */
467  return 0;
469 } /* main() */
471 /**
472  * Register all our "user-variables" that can be specified from cmd-line and/or config-file.
473  * Here we set defaults for some user-variables and register them with the UserInput module.
474  */
475 int
477 {
478  /* set a few defaults */
479  uvar->outputStats = NULL;
481  uvar->Alpha = -1; /* Alpha < 0 indicates "allsky" */
482  uvar->Delta = 0;
484  uvar->phi0 = 0;
485  uvar->psi = 0;
487  uvar->dataStartGPS = 814838413; /* 1 Nov 2005, ~ start of S5 */
488  uvar->dataDuration = ( INT4 ) round( LAL_YRSID_SI ); /* 1 year of data */
490  uvar->ephemEarth = XLALStringDuplicate( "earth00-40-DE405.dat.gz" );
491  uvar->ephemSun = XLALStringDuplicate( "sun00-40-DE405.dat.gz" );
493  uvar->numDraws = 1;
494  uvar->TAtom = 1800;
496  uvar->computeFtotal = 0;
497  uvar->useFReg = 0;
499  uvar->fixedh0Nat = -1;
500  uvar->fixedSNR = -1;
501  uvar->fixedh0NatMax = -1;
502  uvar->fixedRhohMax = -1;
504 #define DEFAULT_IFO "H1"
505  uvar->IFO = XLALMalloc( strlen( DEFAULT_IFO ) + 1 );
506  strcpy( uvar->IFO, DEFAULT_IFO );
507  if ( ( uvar->IFOs = XLALCreateStringVector( "H1", NULL ) ) == NULL ) {
508  LogPrintf( LOG_CRITICAL, "Call to XLALCreateStringVector() failed with xlalErrno = %d\n", xlalErrno );
510  }
512  /* ---------- transient window defaults ---------- */
513 #define DEFAULT_TRANSIENT "rect"
514  uvar->injectWindow_type = XLALMalloc( strlen( DEFAULT_TRANSIENT ) + 1 );
515  strcpy( uvar->injectWindow_type, DEFAULT_TRANSIENT );
516  uvar->searchWindow_type = XLALMalloc( strlen( DEFAULT_TRANSIENT ) + 1 );
517  strcpy( uvar->searchWindow_type, DEFAULT_TRANSIENT );
519  uvar->injectWindow_tauDays = 1.0;
520  uvar->injectWindow_tauDaysBand = 13.0;
522  REAL8 tauMaxDays = ( uvar->injectWindow_tauDays + uvar->injectWindow_tauDaysBand );
523  /* default window-ranges are t0 in [dataStartTime, dataStartTime - 3 * tauMax] */
524  uvar->injectWindow_t0Days = 0; // offset in days from uvar->dataStartGPS
525  uvar->injectWindow_t0DaysBand = fmax( 0.0, 1.0 * uvar->dataDuration / DAY24 - TRANSIENT_EXP_EFOLDING * tauMaxDays ); /* make sure it's >= 0 */
527  /* search-windows by default identical to inject-windows */
528  uvar->searchWindow_t0Days = uvar->injectWindow_t0Days;
529  uvar->searchWindow_t0DaysBand = uvar->injectWindow_t0DaysBand;
530  uvar->searchWindow_tauDays = uvar->injectWindow_tauDays;
531  uvar->searchWindow_tauDaysBand = uvar->injectWindow_tauDaysBand;
533  uvar->searchWindow_dt0 = uvar->TAtom;
534  uvar->searchWindow_dtau = uvar->TAtom;
536  /* register all our user-variables */
537  /* signal Doppler parameters */
538  XLALRegisterUvarMember( Alpha, REAL8, 'a', OPTIONAL, "Sky position alpha (equatorial coordinates) in radians [Default:allsky]" );
539  XLALRegisterUvarMember( Delta, REAL8, 'd', OPTIONAL, "Sky position delta (equatorial coordinates) in radians [Default:allsky]" );
541  /* signal amplitude parameters */
542  XLALRegisterUvarMember( fixedh0Nat, REAL8, 0, OPTIONAL, "Alternative 1: if >=0 fix the GW amplitude: h0/sqrt(Sn)" );
543  XLALRegisterUvarMember( fixedSNR, REAL8, 0, OPTIONAL, "Alternative 2: if >=0 fix the optimal SNR of the injected signals" );
544  XLALRegisterUvarMember( fixedh0NatMax, REAL8, 0, OPTIONAL, "Alternative 3: if >=0 draw GW amplitude h0 in [0, h0NatMax ] (FReg prior)" );
545  XLALRegisterUvarMember( fixedRhohMax, REAL8, 0, OPTIONAL, "Alternative 4: if >=0 draw rhoh=h0*(detM)^(1/8) in [0, rhohMax] (canonical F-stat prior)" );
547  XLALRegisterUvarMember( cosi, REAL8, 'i', OPTIONAL, "cos(inclination angle). If not set: randomize within [-1,1]." );
548  XLALRegisterUvarMember( psi, REAL8, 0, OPTIONAL, "polarization angle psi. If not set: randomize within [-pi/4,pi/4]." );
549  XLALRegisterUvarMember( phi0, REAL8, 0, OPTIONAL, "initial GW phase phi_0. If not set: randomize within [0, 2pi]" );
551  XLALRegisterUvarMember( AmpPriorType, INT4, 0, OPTIONAL, "Enumeration of types of amplitude-priors: 0=physical, 1=canonical" );
553  XLALRegisterUvarMember( IFO, STRING, 0, DEPRECATED, "Detector: 'G1','L1','H1,'H2', 'V1', ... (use --IFOs instead)" );
554  XLALRegisterUvarMember( IFOs, STRINGVector, 'I', OPTIONAL, "Comma-separated list of detectors, e.g. \"H1,H2,L1,G1, ...\" " );
555  XLALRegisterUvarMember( dataStartGPS, INT4, 0, OPTIONAL, "data start-time in GPS seconds" );
556  XLALRegisterUvarMember( dataDuration, INT4, 0, OPTIONAL, "data-span to generate (in seconds)" );
557  XLALRegisterUvarMember( timestampsFiles, STRINGVector, 0, OPTIONAL, "ALTERNATIVE: file(s) to read timestamps from (file-format: lines with <seconds> [<nanoseconds>]; nanoseconds currently ignored; only 1 detector/file currently supported)" );
559  /* transient window ranges: for injection ... */
560  XLALRegisterUvarMember( injectWindow_type, STRING, 0, OPTIONAL, "Type of transient window to inject ('none', 'rect', 'exp')" );
561  XLALRegisterUvarMember( injectWindow_tauDays, REAL8, 0, OPTIONAL, "Shortest transient-window timescale to inject, in days" );
562  XLALRegisterUvarMember( injectWindow_tauDaysBand, REAL8, 0, OPTIONAL, "Range of transient-window timescale to inject, in days" );
563  XLALRegisterUvarMember( injectWindow_t0Days, REAL8, 0, OPTIONAL, "Earliest start-time of transient window to inject, as offset in days from dataStartGPS" );
564  XLALRegisterUvarMember( injectWindow_t0DaysBand, REAL8, 0, OPTIONAL, "Range of GPS start-time of transient window to inject, in days [Default:dataDuration-3*tauMax]" );
565  /* ... and for search */
566  XLALRegisterUvarMember( searchWindow_type, STRING, 0, OPTIONAL, "Type of transient window to search with ('none', 'rect', 'exp') [Default:injectWindow]" );
567  XLALRegisterUvarMember( searchWindow_tauDays, REAL8, 0, OPTIONAL, "Shortest transient-window timescale to search, in days [Default:injectWindow]" );
568  XLALRegisterUvarMember( searchWindow_tauDaysBand, REAL8, 0, OPTIONAL, "Range of transient-window timescale to search, in days [Default:injectWindow]" );
569  XLALRegisterUvarMember( searchWindow_t0Days, REAL8, 0, OPTIONAL, "Earliest start-time of transient window to search, as offset in days from dataStartGPS [Default:injectWindow]" );
570  XLALRegisterUvarMember( searchWindow_t0DaysBand, REAL8, 0, OPTIONAL, "Range of GPS start-time of transient window to search, in days [Default:injectWindow]" );
572  XLALRegisterUvarMember( searchWindow_dtau, INT4, 0, OPTIONAL, "Step-size for search/marginalization over transient-window timescale, in seconds [Default:TAtom]" );
573  XLALRegisterUvarMember( searchWindow_dt0, INT4, 0, OPTIONAL, "Step-size for search/marginalization over transient-window start-time, in seconds [Default:TAtom]" );
575  /* misc params */
576  XLALRegisterUvarMember( computeFtotal, BOOLEAN, 0, OPTIONAL, "Also compute 'total' F-statistic over the full data-span" );
578  XLALRegisterUvarMember( numDraws, INT4, 'N', OPTIONAL, "Number of random 'draws' to simulate" );
579  XLALRegisterUvarMember( randSeed, INT4, 0, OPTIONAL, "GSL random-number generator seed value to use" );
581  XLALRegisterUvarMember( outputStats, STRING, 'o', OPTIONAL, "Output file containing 'numDraws' random draws of stats" );
582  XLALRegisterUvarMember( outputAtoms, STRING, 0, OPTIONAL, "Output F-statistic atoms into a file with this basename" );
583  XLALRegisterUvarMember( outputFstatMap, STRING, 0, OPTIONAL, "Output F-statistic over 2D parameter space {t0, tau} into file with this basename" );
585  XLALRegisterUvarMember( outputInjParams, STRING, 0, OPTIONAL, "Output injection parameters into this file" );
586  XLALRegisterUvarMember( outputPosteriors, STRING, 0, OPTIONAL, "output posterior pdfs on t0 and tau (in octave format) into this file " );
588  XLALRegisterUvarMember( SignalOnly, BOOLEAN, 'S', OPTIONAL, "Signal only: generate pure signal without noise" );
589  XLALRegisterUvarMember( useFReg, BOOLEAN, 0, OPTIONAL, "use 'regularized' Fstat (1/D)*e^F (if TRUE) for marginalization, or 'standard' e^F (if FALSE)" );
591  XLALRegisterUvarMember( ephemEarth, STRING, 0, OPTIONAL, "Earth ephemeris file to use" );
592  XLALRegisterUvarMember( ephemSun, STRING, 0, OPTIONAL, "Sun ephemeris file to use" );
594  /* 'hidden' stuff */
595  XLALRegisterUvarMember( TAtom, INT4, 0, DEVELOPER, "Time baseline for Fstat-atoms (typically Tsft) in seconds." );
598  if ( xlalErrno ) {
599  XLALPrintError( "%s: something failed in initializing user variabels .. errno = %d.\n", __func__, xlalErrno );
601  }
603  return XLAL_SUCCESS;
605 } /* XLALInitUserVars() */
608 /** Initialize Fstat-code: handle user-input and set everything up. */
609 int
611 {
612  /* generate log-string for file-output, containing cmdline-options + code VCS version info */
613  char *vcs;
614  if ( ( vcs = XLALVCSInfoString( lalPulsarVCSInfoList, 0, "%% " ) ) == NULL ) { /* short VCS version string */
615  XLALPrintError( "%s: XLALVCSInfoString failed with errno=%d.\n", __func__, xlalErrno );
617  }
618  char *cmdline;
619  if ( ( cmdline = XLALUserVarGetLog( UVAR_LOGFMT_CMDLINE ) ) == NULL ) {
620  XLALPrintError( "%s: XLALUserVarGetLog ( UVAR_LOGFMT_CMDLINE ) failed with errno=%d.\n", __func__, xlalErrno );
622  }
623  const char fmt[] = "%%%% cmdline: %s\n%%%%\n%s%%%%\n";
624  UINT4 len = strlen( vcs ) + strlen( cmdline ) + strlen( fmt ) + 1;
625  if ( ( cfg->logString = XLALMalloc( len ) ) == NULL ) {
626  XLALPrintError( "%s: XLALMalloc ( %d ) failed.\n", __func__, len );
628  }
629  sprintf( cfg->logString, fmt, cmdline, vcs );
630  XLALFree( cmdline );
631  XLALFree( vcs );
633  /* trivial settings from user-input */
634  cfg->SignalOnly = uvar->SignalOnly;
636  /* ----- parse user-input on signal amplitude-paramters + ranges ----- */
637  /* skypos */
638  cfg->skypos.longitude = uvar->Alpha; /* Alpha < 0 indicates 'allsky' */
639  cfg->skypos.latitude = uvar->Delta;
642  /* ----- amplitude-params: create prior pdfs reflecting the user-input */
643  if ( XLALInitAmplitudePrior( &cfg->AmpPrior, uvar ) != XLAL_SUCCESS ) {
645  }
647  /* ----- initialize random-number generator ----- */
648  /* read out environment variables GSL_RNG_xxx
649  * GSL_RNG_SEED: use to set random seed: default = 0, override by using --randSeed on cmdline
650  * GSL_RNG_TYPE: type of random-number generator to use: default = 'mt19937'
651  */
652  gsl_rng_env_setup();
653  /* allow overriding the random-seed per command-line */
654  if ( XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->randSeed ) ) {
655  gsl_rng_default_seed = uvar->randSeed;
656  }
657  cfg->rng = gsl_rng_alloc( gsl_rng_default );
659  LogPrintf( LOG_DEBUG, "random-number generator type: %s\n", gsl_rng_name( cfg->rng ) );
660  LogPrintf( LOG_DEBUG, "seed = %lu\n", gsl_rng_default_seed );
662  /* init ephemeris-data */
663  EphemerisData *edat = XLALInitBarycenter( uvar->ephemEarth, uvar->ephemSun );
664  if ( !edat ) {
665  LogPrintf( LOG_CRITICAL, "%s: XLALInitBarycenter failed: could not load Earth ephemeris '%s' and Sun ephemeris '%s'\n", __func__, uvar->ephemEarth, uvar->ephemSun );
667  }
669  /* init detector info */
670  if ( XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->IFO ) && XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->IFOs ) ) {
671  XLALPrintError( "%s: Please do not use both the deprecated --IFO and the newer --IFOs option.\n", __func__ );
673  } else if ( XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->IFO ) ) {
674  strcpy( uvar->IFOs->data[0], uvar->IFO );
675  }
676  UINT4 numDetectors = uvar->IFOs->length;
677  MultiLALDetector multiDet;
678  XLAL_CHECK( XLALParseMultiLALDetector( &multiDet, uvar->IFOs ) == XLAL_SUCCESS, XLAL_EFUNC );
680  /* TIMESTAMPS: either from --startTime+duration OR --timestampsFiles */
681  BOOLEAN have_startTime = XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->dataStartGPS );
682  BOOLEAN have_duration = XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->dataDuration );
683  BOOLEAN have_timestampsFiles = XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->timestampsFiles );
684  XLAL_CHECK( ( have_duration && have_startTime ) || !( have_duration || have_startTime ), XLAL_EINVAL, "Need BOTH {--dataStartGPS,--dataDuration} or NONE\n" );
685  // at least one of {startTime,timestamps} required
686  XLAL_CHECK( have_timestampsFiles || have_startTime, XLAL_EINVAL, "Need either --dataStartGPS and --dataDuration, OR --timestampsFiles}\n" );
687  // don't allow timestamps + {startTime+duration}
688  XLAL_CHECK( !have_timestampsFiles || !have_startTime, XLAL_EINVAL, "--timestampsFiles incompatible with --dataStartGPS and --dataDuration}\n" );
690  UINT4 numSteps = 0;
691  INT4 dataStartGPS = LAL_INT4_MAX;
692  INT4 dataEndGPS = 0;
693  INT4 dataDuration = 0;
694  /* now handle the two mutually-exclusive cases */
695  if ( have_timestampsFiles ) {
696  /* NOTE: nanoseconds will be truncated! */
697  XLAL_CHECK( ( multiTS = XLALReadMultiTimestampsFiles( uvar->timestampsFiles ) ) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC );
698  XLAL_CHECK( ( multiTS->length > 0 ) && ( multiTS->data != NULL ), XLAL_EINVAL, "Got empty timestamps-list from XLALReadMultiTimestampsFiles()" );
699  XLAL_CHECK( ( multiTS->length == numDetectors ), XLAL_EINVAL, "Number of timestamps files does not match number of IFOs! (%d!=%d)", multiTS->length, numDetectors );
700  for ( UINT4 X = 0; X < numDetectors; X++ ) {
701  XLAL_CHECK( ( multiTS->data[X]->length > 0 ) && ( multiTS->data[X]->data != NULL ), XLAL_EINVAL, "Got empty timestamps-list for detector %s", uvar->IFOs->data[X] );
702  numSteps = multiTS->data[X]->length;
703  multiTS->data[X]->deltaT = uvar->TAtom; // Tsft information not given by timestamps-file
704  dataStartGPS = min( dataStartGPS, multiTS->data[X]->data[0].gpsSeconds );
705  dataEndGPS = max( dataEndGPS, multiTS->data[X]->data[numSteps - 1].gpsSeconds );
706  }
707  dataDuration = uvar->TAtom + dataEndGPS - dataStartGPS; // difference of last and first timestamp, plus one extra atom length
708  } // endif have_timestampsFiles
709  else {
710  /* init timestamps vector covering observation time */
711  XLAL_CHECK( ( multiTS = XLALCreateMultiLIGOTimeGPSVector( numDetectors ) ) != NULL, XLAL_EINVAL, "XLALCreateMultiLIGOTimeGPSVector(%d) failed.", numDetectors );
712  dataStartGPS = uvar->dataStartGPS;
713  dataDuration = uvar->dataDuration;
714  numSteps = ( UINT4 ) ceil( dataDuration / uvar->TAtom );
715  XLAL_CHECK( numSteps >= 2, XLAL_EINVAL, "Need timestamps covering at least 2 atoms!" );
716  for ( UINT4 X = 0; X < numDetectors; X++ ) {
717  XLAL_CHECK( ( multiTS->data[X] = XLALCreateTimestampVector( numSteps ) ) != NULL, XLAL_EFUNC, "XLALCreateTimestampVector(%d) failed.", numSteps );
718  multiTS->data[X]->deltaT = uvar->TAtom;
719  for ( UINT4 i = 0; i < numSteps; i ++ ) {
720  UINT4 ti = dataStartGPS + i * uvar->TAtom;
721  multiTS->data[X]->data[i].gpsSeconds = ti;
722  multiTS->data[X]->data[i].gpsNanoSeconds = 0;
723  }
724  }
725  } // endif !have_noiseSFTs
727  /* get detector states */
728  if ( ( cfg->multiDetStates = XLALGetMultiDetectorStates( multiTS, &multiDet, edat, 0.5 * uvar->TAtom ) ) == NULL ) {
729  XLALPrintError( "%s: XLALGetMultiDetectorStates() failed.\n", __func__ );
731  }
733  /* get rid of all temporary memory allocated for this step */
736  multiTS = NULL;
739  /* ---------- initialize transient window ranges, for injection ... ---------- */
740  transientWindowRange_t XLAL_INIT_DECL( InjectRange );
741  int twtype;
742  XLAL_CHECK( ( twtype = XLALParseTransientWindowName( uvar->injectWindow_type ) ) >= 0, XLAL_EFUNC );
743  InjectRange.type = twtype;
745  /* make sure user doesn't set window=none but sets window-parameters => indicates she didn't mean 'none' */
746  if ( InjectRange.type == TRANSIENT_NONE ) {
747  if ( XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->injectWindow_t0Days ) || XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->injectWindow_t0DaysBand ) ||
748  XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->injectWindow_tauDays ) || XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->injectWindow_tauDaysBand ) ) {
749  XLALPrintError( "%s: ERROR: injectWindow_type == NONE, but window-parameters were set! Use a different window-type!\n", __func__ );
751  }
752  }
754  if ( uvar->injectWindow_t0DaysBand < 0 || uvar->injectWindow_tauDaysBand < 0 ) {
755  XLALPrintError( "%s: only positive t0/tau window injection bands allowed (%f, %f)\n", __func__, uvar->injectWindow_t0DaysBand, uvar->injectWindow_tauDaysBand );
757  }
759  /* apply correct defaults if unset: t0=dataStart, t0Band=dataDuration-3*tauMax */
760  InjectRange.t0 = dataStartGPS + uvar->injectWindow_t0Days * DAY24;
762  REAL8 tauMax = ( uvar->injectWindow_tauDays + uvar->injectWindow_tauDaysBand ) * DAY24;
763  if ( XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->injectWindow_t0DaysBand ) ) {
764  InjectRange.t0Band = uvar->injectWindow_t0DaysBand * DAY24;
765  } else {
766  InjectRange.t0Band = fmax( 0.0, dataDuration - TRANSIENT_EXP_EFOLDING * tauMax - InjectRange.t0 ); /* make sure it's >= 0 */
767  }
769  InjectRange.tau = ( UINT4 )( uvar->injectWindow_tauDays * DAY24 );
770  InjectRange.tauBand = ( UINT4 )( uvar->injectWindow_tauDaysBand * DAY24 );
772  cfg->transientInjectRange = InjectRange;
774  /* ---------- ... and for search -------------------- */
775  transientWindowRange_t XLAL_INIT_DECL( SearchRange );
776  XLAL_CHECK( ( twtype = XLALParseTransientWindowName( uvar->searchWindow_type ) ) >= 0, XLAL_EFUNC );
777  SearchRange.type = twtype;
779  /* apply correct defaults if unset: use inect window */
780  if ( !XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->searchWindow_type ) ) {
781  SearchRange.type = InjectRange.type;
782  }
783  if ( !XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->searchWindow_t0Days ) ) {
784  SearchRange.t0 = InjectRange.t0;
785  } else {
786  SearchRange.t0 = dataStartGPS + uvar->searchWindow_t0Days * DAY24;
787  }
788  if ( !XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->searchWindow_t0DaysBand ) ) {
789  SearchRange.t0Band = InjectRange.t0Band;
790  } else {
791  SearchRange.t0Band = ( UINT4 )( uvar->searchWindow_t0DaysBand * DAY24 );
792  }
793  if ( !XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->searchWindow_tauDays ) ) {
794  SearchRange.tau = InjectRange.tau;
795  } else {
796  SearchRange.tau = ( UINT4 )( uvar->searchWindow_tauDays * DAY24 );
797  }
798  if ( !XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->searchWindow_tauDaysBand ) ) {
799  SearchRange.tauBand = InjectRange.tauBand;
800  } else {
801  SearchRange.tauBand = ( UINT4 )( uvar->searchWindow_tauDaysBand * DAY24 );
802  }
804  if ( XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->searchWindow_dt0 ) ) {
805  SearchRange.dt0 = uvar->searchWindow_dt0;
806  } else {
807  SearchRange.dt0 = uvar->TAtom;
808  }
810  if ( XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->searchWindow_dtau ) ) {
811  SearchRange.dtau = uvar->searchWindow_dtau;
812  } else {
813  SearchRange.dtau = uvar->TAtom;
814  }
816  /* make sure user doesn't set window=none but sets window-parameters => indicates she didn't mean 'none' */
817  if ( SearchRange.type == TRANSIENT_NONE )
818  if ( XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->searchWindow_t0Days ) || XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->searchWindow_t0DaysBand ) ||
819  XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->searchWindow_tauDays ) || XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->searchWindow_tauDaysBand ) ) {
820  XLALPrintError( "%s: ERROR: searchWindow_type == NONE, but window-parameters were set! Use a different window-type!\n", __func__ );
822  }
824  if ( uvar->searchWindow_t0DaysBand < 0 || uvar->searchWindow_tauDaysBand < 0 ) {
825  XLALPrintError( "%s: only positive t0/tau window injection bands allowed (%f, %f)\n", __func__, uvar->searchWindow_t0DaysBand, uvar->searchWindow_tauDaysBand );
827  }
829  cfg->transientSearchRange = SearchRange;
831  return XLAL_SUCCESS;
833 } /* XLALInitCode() */
836 /** Initialize amplitude-prior pdfs from the user-input
837  */
838 int
840 {
841  const UINT4 AmpPriorBins = 100; // defines the binnning accuracy of our prior-pdfs
843  /* consistency check */
844  if ( !AmpPrior || !uvar ) {
845  XLALPrintError( "%s: invalid NULL input 'AmpPrior' or 'uvar'\n", __func__ );
847  }
848  if ( AmpPrior->pdf_h0Nat || AmpPrior->pdf_cosi || AmpPrior->pdf_psi || AmpPrior->pdf_phi0 ) {
849  XLALPrintError( "%s: AmplitudePriors must be set to NULL before calling this function!\n", __func__ );
851  }
853  /* first check that user only provided *one* method of determining the amplitude-prior range */
854  UINT4 numSets = 0;
855  if ( uvar->fixedh0Nat >= 0 ) {
856  numSets ++;
857  }
858  if ( uvar->fixedSNR >= 0 ) {
859  numSets ++;
860  }
861  if ( uvar->fixedh0NatMax >= 0 ) {
862  numSets ++ ;
863  }
864  if ( uvar->fixedRhohMax >= 0 ) {
865  numSets ++;
866  }
867  if ( numSets != 1 ) {
868  XLALPrintError( "%s: Specify (>=0) exactly *ONE* amplitude-prior range of {fixedh0Nat, fixedSNR, fixedh0NatMax, fixedRhohMax}\n", __func__ );
870  }
872  /* ===== first pass: deal with all user-supplied fixed values ==> singular priors! ===== */
874  /* ----- h0 ----- */
875  if ( uvar->fixedh0Nat >= 0 ) /* fix h0Nat */
876  if ( ( AmpPrior->pdf_h0Nat = XLALCreateSingularPDF1D( uvar->fixedh0Nat ) ) == NULL ) {
878  }
880  if ( uvar->fixedSNR >= 0 ) /* dummy-pdf, as signal will be computed with h0Nat=1 then rescaled to fixedSNR */
881  if ( ( AmpPrior->pdf_h0Nat = XLALCreateSingularPDF1D( 1.0 ) ) == NULL ) {
883  }
885  AmpPrior->fixedSNR = uvar->fixedSNR;
886  AmpPrior->fixRhohMax = ( uvar->fixedRhohMax >= 0 );
888  /* ----- cosi ----- */
889  if ( XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->cosi ) )
890  if ( ( AmpPrior->pdf_cosi = XLALCreateSingularPDF1D( uvar->cosi ) ) == NULL ) {
892  }
893  /* ----- psi ----- */
894  if ( XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->psi ) )
895  if ( ( AmpPrior->pdf_psi = XLALCreateSingularPDF1D( uvar->psi ) ) == NULL ) {
897  }
898  /* ----- phi0 ----- */
899  if ( XLALUserVarWasSet( &uvar->phi0 ) )
900  if ( ( AmpPrior->pdf_phi0 = XLALCreateSingularPDF1D( uvar->phi0 ) ) == NULL ) {
902  }
905  /* ===== second pass: deal with non-singular prior ranges, taking into account the type of priors to use */
906  REAL8 h0NatMax = 0;
907  if ( uvar->fixedh0NatMax >= 0 ) { /* draw h0Nat from [0, h0NatMax] */
908  h0NatMax = uvar->fixedh0NatMax;
909  }
910  if ( uvar->fixedRhohMax >= 0 ) { /* draw h0 from [0, rhohMax/(detM)^(1/8)] */
911  h0NatMax = uvar->fixedRhohMax; /* at first, will be rescaled by (detM)^(1/8) after the fact */
912  }
914  switch ( uvar->AmpPriorType ) {
917  /* ----- h0 ----- */ // uniform in [0, h0NatMax] : not that 'physical', but simple
918  if ( AmpPrior->pdf_h0Nat == NULL )
919  if ( ( AmpPrior->pdf_h0Nat = XLALCreateUniformPDF1D( 0, h0NatMax ) ) == NULL ) {
921  }
922  /* ----- cosi ----- */
923  if ( AmpPrior->pdf_cosi == NULL )
924  if ( ( AmpPrior->pdf_cosi = XLALCreateUniformPDF1D( -1.0, 1.0 ) ) == NULL ) {
926  }
927  /* ----- psi ----- */
928  if ( AmpPrior->pdf_psi == NULL )
929  if ( ( AmpPrior->pdf_psi = XLALCreateUniformPDF1D( -LAL_PI_4, LAL_PI_4 ) ) == NULL ) {
931  }
932  /* ----- phi0 ----- */
933  if ( AmpPrior->pdf_phi0 == NULL )
934  if ( ( AmpPrior->pdf_phi0 = XLALCreateUniformPDF1D( 0, LAL_TWOPI ) ) == NULL ) {
936  }
938  break;
941  /* ----- pdf(h0) ~ h0^3 ----- */
942  if ( AmpPrior->pdf_h0Nat == NULL ) {
943  UINT4 i;
944  pdf1D_t *pdf;
945  if ( ( pdf = XLALCreateDiscretePDF1D( 0, h0NatMax, AmpPriorBins ) ) == NULL ) {
947  }
949  for ( i = 0; i < pdf->probDens->length; i ++ ) {
950  REAL8 xMid = 0.5 * ( pdf->xTics->data[i] + pdf->xTics->data[i + 1] );
951  pdf->probDens->data[i] = CUBE( xMid ); // pdf(h0) ~ h0^3
952  }
953  AmpPrior->pdf_h0Nat = pdf;
954  }
955  /* ----- pdf(cosi) ~ ( 1 - cosi^2)^3 ----- */
956  if ( AmpPrior->pdf_cosi == NULL ) {
957  UINT4 i;
958  pdf1D_t *pdf;
959  if ( ( pdf = XLALCreateDiscretePDF1D( -1.0, 1.0, AmpPriorBins ) ) == NULL ) {
961  }
963  for ( i = 0; i < pdf->probDens->length; i ++ ) {
964  REAL8 xMid = 0.5 * ( pdf->xTics->data[i] + pdf->xTics->data[i + 1] );
965  REAL8 y = 1.0 - SQ( xMid );
966  pdf->probDens->data[i] = CUBE( y );
967  }
968  AmpPrior->pdf_cosi = pdf;
969  }
970  /* ----- psi ----- */
971  if ( AmpPrior->pdf_psi == NULL )
972  if ( ( AmpPrior->pdf_psi = XLALCreateUniformPDF1D( -LAL_PI_4, LAL_PI_4 ) ) == NULL ) {
974  }
975  /* ----- phi0 ----- */
976  if ( AmpPrior->pdf_phi0 == NULL )
977  if ( ( AmpPrior->pdf_phi0 = XLALCreateUniformPDF1D( 0, LAL_TWOPI ) ) == NULL ) {
979  }
981  break;
983  default:
984  XLALPrintError( "%s: something went wrong ... unknown priorType = %d\n", __func__, uvar->AmpPriorType );
986  break;
988  } // switch( uvar->AmpPriorType )
990  return XLAL_SUCCESS;
992 } /* XLALInitAmplitudePrior() */
#define STRING(a)
#define __func__
log an I/O error, i.e.
#define LAL_INT4_MAX
#define IFO
void LALCheckMemoryLeaks(void)
const LALVCSInfoList lalPulsarVCSInfoList
NULL-terminated list of VCS and build information for LALPulsar and its dependencies
pdf1D_t * XLALCreateUniformPDF1D(REAL8 xMin, REAL8 xMax)
Creator function for a uniform 1D pdf over [xMin, xMax].
int XLALOutputPDF1D_to_fp(FILE *fp, const pdf1D_t *pdf, const char *name)
Function to write a pdf1D to given filepointer fp.
pdf1D_t * XLALCreateDiscretePDF1D(REAL8 xMin, REAL8 xMax, UINT4 numBins)
Creator function for a generic discrete 1D pdf over [xMin, xMax], discretized into numBins bins.
REAL8 XLALFindModeOfPDF1D(const pdf1D_t *pdf)
Find the 'mode' of the probabilty distribution, ie.
pdf1D_t * XLALCreateSingularPDF1D(REAL8 x0)
Creator function for a 'singular' 1D pdf, containing a single value with certainty,...
void XLALDestroyPDF1D(pdf1D_t *pdf)
Destructor function for 1-D pdf.
#define fprintf
void XLALDestroyMultiFstatAtomVector(MultiFstatAtomVector *multiAtoms)
Free all memory associated with a MultiFstatAtomVector structure.
Definition: ComputeFstat.c:338
int XLALParseMultiLALDetector(MultiLALDetector *detInfo, const LALStringVector *detNames)
Parse string-vectors (typically input by user) of N detector-names for detectors ,...
void XLALDestroyMultiDetectorStateSeries(MultiDetectorStateSeries *mdetStates)
Helper function to get rid of a multi-IFO DetectorStateSeries Note, this is "NULL-robust" in the sens...
MultiDetectorStateSeries * XLALGetMultiDetectorStates(const MultiLIGOTimeGPSVector *multiTS, const MultiLALDetector *multiIFO, const EphemerisData *edat, REAL8 tOffset)
Get the detector-time series for the given MultiLIGOTimeGPSVector.
int XLALFileClose(LALFILE *file)
int XLALFilePrintf(LALFILE *file, const char *fmt,...)
LALFILE * XLALFileOpen(const char *path, const char *mode)
void XLALDestroyEphemerisData(EphemerisData *edat)
Destructor for EphemerisData struct, NULL robust.
EphemerisData * XLALInitBarycenter(const CHAR *earthEphemerisFile, const CHAR *sunEphemerisFile)
XLAL interface to reading ephemeris files 'earth' and 'sun', and return ephemeris-data in old backwar...
void XLALDestroyMultiAMCoeffs(MultiAMCoeffs *multiAMcoef)
Destroy a MultiAMCoeffs structure.
Definition: LALComputeAM.c:469
#define LAL_YRSID_SI
#define LAL_TWOPI
#define LAL_PI_4
unsigned char BOOLEAN
double REAL8
#define XLAL_INIT_DECL(var,...)
char CHAR
uint32_t UINT4
int32_t INT4
void * XLALCalloc(size_t m, size_t n)
void * XLALMalloc(size_t n)
void XLALFree(void *p)
char char * XLALStringDuplicate(const char *s)
char * XLALVCSInfoString(const LALVCSInfoList vcs_list, const int verbose, const char *prefix)
void void int XLALfprintfGSLmatrix(FILE *fp, const char *fmt, const gsl_matrix *gij) _LAL_GCC_VPRINTF_FORMAT_(2)
void LogPrintf(LogLevel_t, const char *format,...) _LAL_GCC_PRINTF_FORMAT_(2
Note: in this case the window-parameters will be ignored, and treated as rect={data},...
LIGOTimeGPSVector * XLALCreateTimestampVector(UINT4 len)
Allocate a LIGOTimeGPSVector.
Definition: SFTtimestamps.c:47
void XLALDestroyMultiTimestamps(MultiLIGOTimeGPSVector *multiTS)
Destroy a MultiLIGOTimeGPSVector timestamps vector.
MultiLIGOTimeGPSVector * XLALCreateMultiLIGOTimeGPSVector(UINT4 numDetectors)
Simple creator function for MultiLIGOTimeGPSVector with numDetectors entries.
MultiLIGOTimeGPSVector * XLALReadMultiTimestampsFiles(const LALStringVector *fnames)
backwards compatible wrapper to XLALReadMultiTimestampsFilesConstrained() without GPS-time constraint...
LALStringVector * XLALCreateStringVector(const CHAR *str1,...)
int write_InjParams_to_fp(FILE *fp, const InjParams_t *par, const UINT4 dataStartGPS, const BOOLEAN outputMmunuX, const UINT4 numDetectors)
Write an injection-parameters structure to the given file-pointer, adding one line with the injection...
MultiFstatAtomVector * XLALSynthesizeTransientAtoms(InjParams_t *injParamsOut, SkyPosition skypos, AmplitudePrior_t AmpPrior, transientWindowRange_t transientInjectRange, const MultiDetectorStateSeries *multiDetStates, BOOLEAN SignalOnly, multiAMBuffer_t *multiAMBuffer, gsl_rng *rng, INT4 lineX, const MultiNoiseWeights *multiNoiseWeights)
Generates a multi-Fstat atoms vector for given parameters, drawing random parameters wherever require...
'canonical' priors: uniform in A^mu up to h_max
'physical' priors: isotropic pdf{cosi,psi,phi0} AND flat pdf(h0)
transientFstatMap_t * XLALComputeTransientFstatMap(const MultiFstatAtomVector *multiFstatAtoms, transientWindowRange_t windowRange, BOOLEAN useFReg)
Function to compute transient-window "F-statistic map" over start-time and timescale {t0,...
void XLALDestroyTransientFstatMap(transientFstatMap_t *FstatMap)
Standard destructor for transientFstatMap_t Fully NULL-robust as usual.
int XLALParseTransientWindowName(const char *windowName)
Parse a transient window name string into the corresponding transientWindowType.
int write_transientCandidate_to_fp(LALFILE *fp, const transientCandidate_t *thisCand, const char timeUnit)
Write one line for given transient CW candidate into output file.
#define DAY24
standard 24h day = 86400 seconds ==> this is what's used in the definition of 'tauDays'
void XLALDestroyExpLUT(void)
Destructor function for expLUT_t lookup table.
int write_MultiFstatAtoms_to_fp(LALFILE *fp, const MultiFstatAtomVector *multiAtoms)
Write multi-IFO F-stat atoms 'multiAtoms' into output stream 'fstat'.
e-folding parameter for exponential window, after which we truncate the window for efficiency.
pdf1D_t * XLALComputeTransientPosterior_t0(transientWindowRange_t windowRange, const transientFstatMap_t *FstatMap)
Compute transient-CW posterior (normalized) on start-time t0, using given type and parameters of tran...
pdf1D_t * XLALComputeTransientPosterior_tau(transientWindowRange_t windowRange, const transientFstatMap_t *FstatMap)
Compute transient-CW posterior (normalized) on timescale tau, using given type and parameters of tran...
REAL8 XLALComputeTransientBstat(transientWindowRange_t windowRange, const transientFstatMap_t *FstatMap)
Compute transient-CW Bayes-factor B_SG = P(x|HypS)/P(x|HypG) (where HypG = Gaussian noise hypothesis)...
void CHAR * XLALUserVarGetLog(UserVarLogFormat format)
int XLALUserVarReadAllInput(BOOLEAN *should_exit, int argc, char *argv[], const LALVCSInfoList vcs_list)
void XLALDestroyUserVars(void)
#define XLALRegisterUvarMember(name, type, option, category,...)
int XLALUserVarWasSet(const void *cvar)
#define xlalErrno
#define XLAL_ERROR(...)
#define XLAL_CHECK(assertion,...)
int XLALPrintError(const char *fmt,...) _LAL_GCC_PRINTF_FORMAT_(1
list y
size_t numDetectors
Signal (amplitude) parameter ranges.
pdf1D_t * pdf_h0Nat
pdf for h0/sqrt{Sn}
REAL8 fixedSNR
alternative 1: adjust h0 to fix the optimal SNR of the signal
BOOLEAN fixRhohMax
alternative 2: draw h0 with fixed rhohMax = h0Max * (detM)^(1/8) <==> canonical Fstat prior
pdf1D_t * pdf_phi0
pdf1D_t * pdf_cosi
pdf1D_t * pdf_psi
Configuration settings required for and defining a coherent pulsar search.
gsl_rng * rng
gsl random-number generator
AmplitudePrior_t AmpPrior
amplitude-parameter priors to draw signals from
SkyPosition skypos
CHAR * logString
logstring for file-output, containing cmdline-options + code VCS version info
BOOLEAN SignalOnly
dont generate noise-draws: will result in non-random 'signal only' values of F and B
MultiDetectorStateSeries * multiDetStates
multi-detector state series covering observation time
transientWindowRange_t transientSearchRange
transient-window range for the search (flat priors)
transientWindowRange_t transientInjectRange
transient-window range for injections (flat priors)
This structure contains all information about the center-of-mass positions of the Earth and Sun,...
Hold all (generally) randomly drawn injection parameters: skypos, amplitude-params,...
Multi-IFO time-series of DetectorStates.
A multi-detector vector of FstatAtomVector.
Definition: ComputeFstat.h:186
array of detectors definitions 'LALDetector'
A collection of (multi-IFO) LIGOTimeGPSVector time-stamps vectors.
Definition: SFTfileIO.h:198
REAL8 longitude
REAL8 latitude
CoordinateSystem system
struct for buffering of AM-coeffs, if signal for same sky-position is injected
Struct holding a transient CW candidate.
Struct holding a transient-window "F-statistic map" over start-time and timescale {t0,...
REAL8 maxF
maximal F-value obtained over transientWindowRange
Struct defining a range of transient windows.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
MAIN function Generates samples of B-stat and F-stat according to their pdfs for given signal-params.
int XLALInitCode(ConfigVariables *cfg, const UserInput_t *uvar)
Initialize Fstat-code: handle user-input and set everything up.
int XLALInitAmplitudePrior(AmplitudePrior_t *AmpPrior, const UserInput_t *uvar)
Initialize amplitude-prior pdfs from the user-input.
int vrbflg
defined in lal/lib/std/LALError.c
#define CUBE(x)
#define SQ(x)
#define min(a, b)
int XLALInitUserVars(UserInput_t *uvar)
Register all our "user-variables" that can be specified from cmd-line and/or config-file.
#define max(a, b)