Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #include <stdlib.h>
2 #include <gsl/gsl_vector.h>
3 #include <gsl/gsl_deriv.h>
7 /*#include <lal/LALDatatypes.h>
8 #include <lal/LALSimInspiral.h>
9 #include <lal/TimeSeries.h>
10 #include <lal/LALStdlib.h>
11 #include <lal/LALConstants.h>
12 #include <lal/TimeSeries.h>
13 #include <lal/Units.h>
15 #include <lal/LALSimIMR.h>
16 #include <lal/Date.h>
18 #include <lal/SeqFactories.h>*/
20 #include "LALSimIMREOBNRv2.h"
21 #include "LALSimIMRSpinEOB.h"
22 #include "LALSimFindAttachTime.h"
30  REAL8Array *dynamicsHi,
31  unsigned int numdynvars,
32  unsigned int retLenHi,
33  SpinEOBParams seobParams,
34  SpinEOBHCoeffs seobCoeffs,
35  REAL8 m1,
36  REAL8 m2,
37  REAL8Vector *radiusVec,
38  int *found,
39  REAL8* tMaxOmega,
40  INT4 use_optimized
41  )
42 {
43  /* check that retLenHi is at least 2 */
44  XLAL_CHECK_ABORT( retLenHi > 2 && "retLenHi must be greater than 2" );
46  *tMaxOmega = 0; //Zach E: Fixes Heisenbug with ICC 16 and 17 compilers (5181); removing this line will result in segfaults with both compilers.
47  /*
48  * Locate merger point (max omega),
49  * WaveStep 1.1: locate merger point */
50  int debugPK = 0;
51  int debugRD = 0;
52  FILE *out = NULL;
53  gsl_spline *spline = NULL;
54  gsl_interp_accel *acc = NULL;
56  if (debugPK) {debugRD = 0;}
58  unsigned int peakIdx, i, j;
59  REAL8Vector *values = NULL;
60  REAL8Vector *dvalues = NULL;
61  REAL8Vector *omegaHi = NULL;
64  if ( !(values = XLALCreateREAL8Vector( numdynvars )) )
65  {
67  }
68  if ( !(dvalues = XLALCreateREAL8Vector( numdynvars )) )
69  {
71  }
72  if ( !(omegaHi = XLALCreateREAL8Vector( retLenHi )) )
73  {
75  }
76  REAL8 rdotvec[3] = {0,0,0};
77  REAL8 rvec[3] = {0,0,0};
78  REAL8 rcrossrdot[3] = {0,0,0};
79  REAL8Vector timeHi;
81  timeHi.length = retLenHi;
82 = dynamicsHi->data;
84  double dt =[1] -[0];
85  double XLAL_INIT_DECL(ddradiusVec, [timeHi.length - 1]);
86  unsigned int k;
87  for (k = 1; k < timeHi.length-1; k++) {
88  ddradiusVec[k] = (radiusVec->data[k+1] - 2.*radiusVec->data[k] + radiusVec->data[k-1])/dt/dt;
89  // XLAL_PRINT_INFO("%3.10f %3.10f\n", timeHi->data[k], ddradiusVec[k]);
90  }
91  // for (k = timeHi->length-3; k>=1; k--) {
92  // XLAL_PRINT_INFO("%3.10f %3.10f\n", timeHi->data[k], ddradiusVec[k]);
93  // if (ddradiusVec[k] < 0) {
94  // break;
95  // }
96  // }
97  ddradiusVec[0] = ddradiusVec[1];
98  for (k = 0; k < timeHi.length-2; k++) {
99  // XLAL_PRINT_INFO("%3.10f %3.10f\n", timeHi->data[k], ddradiusVec[k]);
100  if (dt*k > dt*( timeHi.length-2)-20 && ddradiusVec[k] > 0) {
101  break;
102  }
103  }
104  double minoff = dt*( timeHi.length-2 - k) > 0.2 ? dt*( timeHi.length-2 - k) : 0.2;
105  if (debugPK) {
106  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Change of sign in ddr %3.10f M before the end\n", minoff );
107  }
108  // First we search for the maximum (extremum) of amplitude
109  double maxoff = 20.0;
110  unsigned int Nps = timeHi.length;
111  // this definesthe search interval for maximum (we might use min0ff= 0.051 instead)
112  double tMin =[Nps-1] - maxoff;
113  // FIXME
114  // minoff = 0.0;
115  double tMax =[Nps-1] - minoff;
116  *tMaxOmega = tMax;
117  tMin = tMax - 20.;
118  if ( debugPK ) {
119  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("tMin, tMax = %3.10f %3.10f\n", tMin, tMax);
120  }
122  double omega = 0.0;
124  double magR;
125  double time1, time2, omegaDeriv, omegaDerivMid, tPeakOmega;
127  if(debugPK) {
128  out = fopen( "omegaHi.dat", "w" );
129  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("length of values = %d, retLenHi = %d\n", values->length, retLenHi);
130  fflush(NULL);
131  }
132  if(debugRD) {
133  out = fopen( "omegaHi.dat", "w" );
134  }
136  for ( i = 0; i < retLenHi; i++ )
137  {
138  for ( j = 0; j < values->length; j++ )
139  { values->data[j] = *(dynamicsHi->data+(j+1)*retLenHi+i); }
141  /* Calculate dr/dt */
142  memset( dvalues->data, 0, numdynvars*sizeof(dvalues->data[0]));
143  if(use_optimized){
144  if( XLALSpinPrecHcapRvecDerivative_exact( 0, values->data, dvalues->data,
145  &seobParams) != XLAL_SUCCESS )
146  {
148  " Calculation of dr/dt failed while computing omegaHi time series\n");
150  }
151  } else {
152  if( XLALSpinPrecHcapRvecDerivative( 0, values->data, dvalues->data,
153  &seobParams) != XLAL_SUCCESS )
154  {
156  " Calculation of dr/dt failed while computing omegaHi time series\n");
158  }
159  }
161  /* Calculare r x dr/dt */
162  for (j=0; j<3; j++){
163  rvec[j] = values->data[j];
164  rdotvec[j] = dvalues->data[j];
165  }
167  //memcpy(rdotvec, dvalues->data, 3*sizeof(REAL8));
168  //rvec[0] =[i]; rvec[1] =[i];
169  //rvec[2] =[i];
170  cross_product( rvec, rdotvec, rcrossrdot );
172  /* Calculate omega = |r x dr/dt| / r*r */
173  magR = sqrt(inner_product(rvec, rvec));
174  omegaHi->data[i] = sqrt(inner_product(rcrossrdot, rcrossrdot)) / (magR*magR);
175  if(debugPK || debugRD){
176  fprintf( out, "%.16e\t%.16e\n",[i], omegaHi->data[i]);
177  }
178  }
181  // Searching for crude omega_max (extremum)
182  peakIdx = 0;
183  *found = 0;
184  for ( i = 1, peakIdx = 0; i < retLenHi-1; i++ ){
185  omega = omegaHi->data[i];
187  if (omega >= omegaHi->data[i-1] && omega > omegaHi->data[i+1] && tMax>[i] &&[i]>=tMin){
188  peakIdx = i;
189  *found = 1;
190  if (debugPK){
191  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("PK: Crude peak of Omega is at idx = %d. t = %f, OmegaPeak = %.16e\n",
192  peakIdx,[peakIdx], omega);
193  fflush(NULL);
195  }
196  }
197  }
199  if(debugPK) {
200  fclose(out);
201  if (peakIdx ==0){
202  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Stas: peak of orbital frequency was not found. peakIdx = %d, retLenHi = %d, i at exit = %d\n", peakIdx, retLenHi, i);
203  fflush(NULL);
204  }
205  }
206  if(debugRD) {
207  fclose(out);
208  }
210  // refining the omega_max search (if it is found)
211  tPeakOmega = 0.0;
212  if(peakIdx != 0){
213  spline = gsl_spline_alloc( gsl_interp_cspline, retLenHi );
214  acc = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
215  time1 =[peakIdx-2];
216  gsl_spline_init( spline,, omegaHi->data, retLenHi );
217  omegaDeriv = gsl_spline_eval_deriv( spline, time1, acc );
219  if ( omegaDeriv > 0. ) { time2 =[peakIdx+2]; }
220  else{
221  time2 = time1;
222  peakIdx = peakIdx-2;
223  time1 =[peakIdx-2];
224  omegaDeriv = gsl_spline_eval_deriv( spline, time1, acc );
225  }
227  do
228  {
229  tPeakOmega = ( time1 + time2 ) / 2.;
230  omegaDerivMid = gsl_spline_eval_deriv( spline, tPeakOmega, acc );
232  if ( omegaDerivMid * omegaDeriv < 0.0 ) { time2 = tPeakOmega; }
233  else
234  {
235  omegaDeriv = omegaDerivMid;
236  time1 = tPeakOmega;
237  }
238  if (debugPK){
239  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Stas: searching for orbital max: %f, %f, %f, %f \n", time1, time2, omegaDeriv, omegaDerivMid);
240  }
241  } while ( time2 - time1 > 1.0e-5 );
242  if(debugPK) {
243  XLAL_PRINT_INFO( "Estimation of the orbital peak is now at time %.16e \n", tPeakOmega);
244  fflush(NULL);
245  }
246  }
248  if(*found == 0 || debugRD || debugPK){
249  if(debugPK){
250  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Stas: We couldn't find the maximum of orbital frequency, search for maximum of A(r)/r^2 \n");
251  }
252  REAL8 rad, rad2, m1PlusetaKK, bulk, logTerms, deltaU, u, u2, u3, u4, u5;
253  REAL8 listAOverr2[retLenHi];
254  REAL8 Aoverr2;
255  REAL8Vector *sigmaStar = NULL;
256  REAL8Vector *sigmaKerr = NULL;
257  if ( !(sigmaStar = XLALCreateREAL8Vector( 3 )) )
258  {
259  XLALDestroyREAL8Vector( sigmaStar );
261  }
262  if ( !(sigmaKerr = XLALCreateREAL8Vector( 3 )) )
263  {
264  XLALDestroyREAL8Vector( sigmaStar );
266  }
267  REAL8Vector s1Vec, s2Vec;
268  s1Vec.length = s2Vec.length = 3;
269  REAL8 s1Data[3], s2Data[3];
270  REAL8 mTotal = m1 + m2;
271  REAL8 a;
272  REAL8 eta = m1*m2/(mTotal*mTotal);
274  if(debugPK || debugRD){
275  out = fopen( "OutAofR.dat", "w" );
276  }
277  for ( i = 0; i < retLenHi; i++ )
278  {
279  for ( j = 0; j < values->length; j++ )
280  {
281  values->data[j] = *(dynamicsHi->data+(j+1)*retLenHi+i);
282  }
283  for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
284  {
285  //s1DataNorm[k] = values->data[k+6];
286  //s2DataNorm[k] = values->data[k+9];
287  s1Data[j] = values->data[j+6] * mTotal * mTotal;
288  s2Data[j] = values->data[j+9] * mTotal * mTotal;
289  }
290 = s1Data;
291 = s2Data;
292  XLALSimIMRSpinEOBCalculateSigmaStar( sigmaStar, m1, m2, &s1Vec, &s2Vec );
293  XLALSimIMRSpinEOBCalculateSigmaKerr( sigmaKerr, m1, m2, &s1Vec, &s2Vec );
295  seobParams.a = a = sqrt(inner_product(sigmaKerr->data, sigmaKerr->data));
296  m1PlusetaKK = -1. + eta * seobCoeffs.KK;
297  rad2 = values->data[0]*values->data[0] + values->data[1]*values->data[1] + values->data[2]*values->data[2];
298  rad = sqrt(rad2);
299  u = 1./rad;
300  u2 = u*u;
301  u3 = u2*u;
302  u4 = u2*u2;
303  u5 = u4*u;
304  bulk = 1./(m1PlusetaKK*m1PlusetaKK) + (2.*u)/m1PlusetaKK + a*a*u2;
305  logTerms = 1. + eta*seobCoeffs.k0 + eta*log(1. + seobCoeffs.k1*u + seobCoeffs.k2*u2 + seobCoeffs.k3*u3 + seobCoeffs.k4*u4 + seobCoeffs.k5*u5 + seobCoeffs.k5l*u5*log(u));
306  deltaU = bulk*logTerms;
307  listAOverr2[i] = deltaU / rad2;
308  if(debugPK || debugRD){
309  fprintf(out, "%3.10f %3.10f\n",[i], listAOverr2[i]);
310  }
312  }
313  if(debugPK || debugRD ) fclose(out);
314  if (*found == 0){
315  // searching formaximum of A(r)/r^2
316  peakIdx = 0;
317  //*found = 0;
318  for ( i = 1, peakIdx = 0; i < retLenHi-1; i++ ){
319  Aoverr2 = listAOverr2[i];
320  if (Aoverr2 >= listAOverr2[i-1] && Aoverr2 > listAOverr2[i+1]){
321  if ([i] > tMin){
322  peakIdx = i;
323  tPeakOmega =[i];
324  *found = 1;
325  if (debugPK){
326  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("PK: Peak of A(r)/r^2 is at idx = %d. t = %f, Peak ampl. = %.16e\n",
327  peakIdx,[peakIdx], Aoverr2);
328  fflush(NULL);
329  }
330  break;
331  }
332  }
333  }
334  }
336  if(debugPK) {
337  if (peakIdx ==0){
338  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Stas: peak of A(r)/r^2 was not found. \
339  peakIdx = %d, retLenHi = %d, i at exit = %d\n", peakIdx, retLenHi, i);
340  fflush(NULL);
341  }
342  }
343  XLALDestroyREAL8Vector(sigmaStar);
344  XLALDestroyREAL8Vector(sigmaKerr);
345  }
346  if (spline != NULL)
347  gsl_spline_free(spline);
348  if (acc != NULL)
349  gsl_interp_accel_free(acc);
350  XLALDestroyREAL8Vector( values );
351  XLALDestroyREAL8Vector( dvalues );
352  XLALDestroyREAL8Vector( omegaHi );
353  if (*found == 0){
354  return([retLenHi-1]);
355  }
356  else{
357  return(tPeakOmega);
358  }
359 }
362  REAL8Vector *timeHi,
363  COMPLEX16Vector *hP22,
364  int *found)
365 {
366  int debug = 0;
367  FILE *out = NULL;
368  unsigned int i, peakIdx;
369  unsigned int NpsSmall = 0;
370  double tAmpMax = 0.;
371  double AmpMax = 0.;
372  double Ampl = 0.;
373  double AmplN = 0.0;
374  double AmplO = 0.0;
375  *found = 0;
377  if(debug) {
378  out = fopen( "AmpPHi.dat", "w" );
379  }
380  int iMin = 0;
381  int iMax = timeHi->length-1;
382  NpsSmall = iMax - iMin + 1;
383  AmplO = sqrt(creal(hP22->data[iMin + 0])*creal(hP22->data[iMin + 0]) + cimag(hP22->data[iMin + 0])*cimag(hP22->data[iMin + 0]));
384  Ampl = AmplO;
385  tAmpMax = timeHi->data[iMin];
387  peakIdx = iMin;
388  for (i=0; i<NpsSmall-1; i++){
389  //tSeries[i] = timeHi->data[iMin + i];
390  AmplN = sqrt(creal(hP22->data[iMin + i+1])*creal(hP22->data[iMin + i+1]) + cimag(hP22->data[iMin + i+1])*cimag(hP22->data[iMin + i+1]));
391  //Ampl = sqrt(hreP22->data[i]*hreP22->data[i] + himP22->data[i]*himP22->data[i]);
392  if(debug){
393  fprintf(out, "%3.10f %3.10f\n", timeHi->data[iMin+i], Ampl);
394  }
395  if (Ampl >= AmplO && Ampl >AmplN){
396  if (*found !=1){
397  *found = 1;
398  tAmpMax = timeHi->data[iMin + i];
399  AmpMax = Ampl;
400  peakIdx = iMin + i;
401  }else{
402  if (debug){
403  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Stas dismissing time %3.10f outside limits %3.10f, %3.10f \n",
404  timeHi->data[iMin + i], timeHi->data[iMin], timeHi->data[iMax]);
405  }
406  }
407  }
408  AmplO = Ampl;
409  Ampl = AmplN;
410  }
411  if (debug)
412  {
413  fclose(out);
414  if (*found ==0){
415  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Peak of 2,2 mode in P-frame was not found. peakIdx = %d, retLenHi = %d, i at exit = %d\n", peakIdx, timeHi->length, i);
416  fflush(NULL);
417  }else{
418  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("We have found maximum of amplitude %3.10f at t = %3.10f \n", AmpMax, tAmpMax);
419  }
420  }
422  return (tAmpMax);
426 }
429  REAL8Vector *timeHi,
430  COMPLEX16Vector *hP22,
431  REAL8Vector *radiusVec,
432  int *found,
433  REAL8* tMaxAmp)
434 {
435  int debugPK = 0;
436  int debugRD = 0;
437  FILE *out = NULL;
438  gsl_spline *spline = NULL;
439  gsl_interp_accel *acc = NULL;
440  if (debugPK) {debugRD = 0;}
442  double dt = timeHi->data[1] - timeHi->data[0];
443  double XLAL_INIT_DECL(ddradiusVec, [timeHi->length - 1]);
444  unsigned int k;
446  /* check that timeHi->length is at least 2 */
447  XLAL_CHECK_ABORT( timeHi->length > 2 && "timeHi->length must be greater than 2" );
449  for (k = 1; k < timeHi->length-1; k++) {
450  ddradiusVec[k] = (radiusVec->data[k+1] - 2.*radiusVec->data[k] + radiusVec->data[k-1])/dt/dt;
451 // XLAL_PRINT_INFO("%3.10f %3.10f\n", timeHi->data[k], ddradiusVec[k]);
452  }
453 // for (k = timeHi->length-3; k>=1; k--) {
454 // XLAL_PRINT_INFO("%3.10f %3.10f\n", timeHi->data[k], ddradiusVec[k]);
455 // if (ddradiusVec[k] < 0) {
456 // break;
457 // }
458 // }
459  ddradiusVec[0]=ddradiusVec[1];
460  for (k = 0; k < timeHi->length-2; k++) {
461 // XLAL_PRINT_INFO("%3.10f %3.10f\n", timeHi->data[k], ddradiusVec[k]);
462  if (dt*k > dt*( timeHi->length-2)-20 && ddradiusVec[k] > 0) {
463  break;
464  }
465  }
466  double minoff = dt*( timeHi->length-2 - k) > 0.2 ? dt*( timeHi->length-2 - k) : 0.2;
467  if (debugPK) {
468  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Change of sign in ddr %3.10f M before the end\n", minoff );
469  }
470  // First we search for the maximum (extremum) of amplitude
471  unsigned int i, peakIdx;
472  double maxoff = 20.0;
473  unsigned int Nps = timeHi->length;
474  // this definesthe search interval for maximum (we might use min0ff= 0.051 instead)
476  //FIXME
477  //minoff = 0.0;
478  double tMin = timeHi->data[Nps-1] - maxoff;
479  double tMax = timeHi->data[Nps-1] - minoff;
480  *tMaxAmp = tMax;
481  tMin = tMax - maxoff;
482  if ( debugPK ) {
483  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("tMin, tMax = %3.10f %3.10f \n", tMin, tMax);
484  }
485  unsigned int iMin = ceil((tMin-timeHi->data[0])/dt);
486  unsigned int iMax = floor((tMax-timeHi->data[0])/dt);
487  unsigned int NpsSmall = iMax - iMin + 1;
489  double AmplN, AmplO;
490  double tAmpMax, tAmp;
491  double AmpMax = 0;
492  tAmpMax = 0.;
493  REAL8 tSeries[NpsSmall], Ampl[NpsSmall];
495  if(debugPK || debugRD) {
496  out = fopen( "AmpPHi.dat", "w" );
497  }
498  AmplO = sqrt(creal(hP22->data[iMin + 0])*creal(hP22->data[iMin + 0]) + cimag(hP22->data[iMin + 0])*cimag(hP22->data[iMin + 0]));
499  Ampl[0] = AmplO;
500  peakIdx = 0;
501  for (i=0; i<NpsSmall-1; i++){
502  tSeries[i] = timeHi->data[iMin + i];
503  AmplN = sqrt(creal(hP22->data[iMin + i+1])*creal(hP22->data[iMin + i+1]) + cimag(hP22->data[iMin + i+1])*cimag(hP22->data[iMin + i+1]));
504  //Ampl = sqrt(hreP22->data[i]*hreP22->data[i] + himP22->data[i]*himP22->data[i]);
505  if(debugPK || debugRD){
506  fprintf(out, "%3.10f %3.10f\n", tSeries[i], Ampl[i]);
507  }
508  if (Ampl[i] >= AmplO && Ampl[i] >AmplN){
509  if (*found !=1){
510  tAmp = timeHi->data[iMin + i];
511  if (tAmp >=tMin && tAmp <= tMax ){
512  *found = 1;
513  tAmpMax = tAmp;
514  AmpMax = Ampl[i];
515  peakIdx = iMin + i;
516  }else{
517  if (debugPK){
518  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Stas dismissing time %3.10f outside limits %3.10f, %3.10f \n",
519  tAmp, tMin, tMax);
520  }
521  }
522  }
523  }
524  AmplO = Ampl[i];
525  Ampl[i+1] = AmplN;
526  }
528  if (debugPK)
529  {
530  fclose(out);
531  if (*found ==0){
532  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Stas: peak of 2,2 mode in P-frame was not found. peakIdx = %d, retLenHi = %d, i at exit = %d\n", peakIdx, Nps, i);
533  fflush(NULL);
534  }else{
535  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Stas: we have found maximum of amplitude %3.10f at t = %3.10f \n", AmpMax, tAmpMax);
536  }
537  }
538  if (debugRD)
539  {
540  fclose(out);
541  }
543  if (*found ==0 || debugRD || debugPK){
544  // we haven't found the maximum of amplitude -> search for minimum of derivative (extremum)
545 // spline = gsl_spline_alloc( gsl_interp_cspline, NpsSmall );
546 // acc = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
547 // gsl_spline_init( spline, tSeries, Ampl, NpsSmall );
550  REAL8 AmpDot[NpsSmall];
551  REAL8 AmpDDot[NpsSmall];
553  for (i=1; i<NpsSmall-2; i++){
554 // AmpDot[i] = gsl_spline_eval_deriv(spline, tSeries[i] , acc);
555  AmpDot[i] = (Ampl[i+1] - Ampl[i-1])/2./dt;
556  AmpDDot[i] = (Ampl[i+1] - 2.0*Ampl[i] + Ampl[i-1])/(dt*dt);
557  }
558  AmpDot[0] = AmpDot[1];
559  AmpDot[NpsSmall -2] = AmpDot[NpsSmall-3];
560  AmpDot[NpsSmall -1] = AmpDot[NpsSmall-2];
561  AmpDDot[0] = AmpDDot[1];
562  AmpDDot[NpsSmall -2] = AmpDDot[NpsSmall-3];
563  AmpDDot[NpsSmall -1] = AmpDDot[NpsSmall-2];
564  //XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Stas, check AmDot %f, %f, %f \n", AmpDot[NpsSmall -3], AmpDot[NpsSmall -2], AmpDot[NpsSmall -1]);
565  //XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Stas, check AmDDot %f, %f, %f \n", AmpDDot[NpsSmall -3], AmpDDot[NpsSmall -2], AmpDDot[NpsSmall -1]);
569  REAL8 AmpDotSmooth[NpsSmall];
570  // Compute moving average over 7 points
571  unsigned int win = 3;
572  // unsigned int win = 5;
573  //int j;
574  double norm = 1.0/(2.0*win+1.0);
576  AmpDotSmooth[win] = 0;
577  for (i=0; i<(2*win +1); i++){
578  AmpDotSmooth[win] += AmpDot[i];
579  }
580  AmpDotSmooth[win] *= norm;
581  for (i=0; i<win; i++){
582  AmpDotSmooth[i] = AmpDotSmooth[win];
583  }
585  for (i=win+1; i<NpsSmall-1 -win; i++){
586  AmpDotSmooth[i] = AmpDotSmooth[i-1] + norm*(AmpDot[i+win] - AmpDot[i-win-1]);
587  }
588  for (i=0; i<win; i++){
589  AmpDotSmooth[NpsSmall-win-1+i] = AmpDotSmooth[NpsSmall-win-2];
590  }
592  // second deriv (in case)
593  REAL8 AmpDDotSmooth[NpsSmall];
594  unsigned int win2 = 100;
595  // unsigned int win = 5;
596  //int j;
597  norm = 1.0/(2.0*win2+1.0);
599  AmpDDotSmooth[win2] = 0;
600  for (i=0; i<(2*win2 +1); i++){
601  AmpDDotSmooth[win2] += AmpDDot[i];
602  }
603  AmpDDotSmooth[win2] *= norm;
604  for (i=0; i<win2; i++){
605  AmpDDotSmooth[i] = AmpDDotSmooth[win2];
606  }
608  for (i=win2+1; i<NpsSmall-1 -win2; i++){
609  AmpDDotSmooth[i] = AmpDDotSmooth[i-1] + norm*(AmpDDot[i+win2] - AmpDDot[i-win2-1]);
610  }
611  for (i=0; i<win2; i++){
612  AmpDDotSmooth[NpsSmall-win2-1+i] = AmpDDotSmooth[NpsSmall-win2-2];
613  }
616  if(debugPK || debugRD) {
617  out = fopen( "DotAmpPHi.dat", "w" );
618  for (i=0; i<NpsSmall - 1; i++){
619  fprintf(out, "%3.10f %3.10f %3.10f %3.10f %3.10f\n", tSeries[i], AmpDot[i], AmpDotSmooth[i], AmpDDot[i], AmpDDotSmooth[i]);
620  }
621  fclose(out);
622  }
623  if (*found ==0){
624  if (debugPK || debugRD){
625  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Max of Amplitude is not found, looking for min of dot{Ampl} %d \n", iMin);
626  }
627  for (i=1; i<NpsSmall-1-win; i++){
628  if (AmpDotSmooth[i] < AmpDotSmooth[i-1] && AmpDotSmooth[i] < AmpDotSmooth[i+1]){
629  tAmp = tSeries[i];
630  //tAmp = tSeries[i-iMin];
631  //XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Stas check i = %d, tSeries = %3.10f, tAmp = %3.10f \n", i, tSeries[i], tAmp);
632  if (tAmp >=tMin && tAmp <= tMax && *found==0){
633  *found = 1;
634  tAmpMax = tAmp;
635  AmpMax = AmpDotSmooth[i];
636  //AmpMax = AmpDotSmooth[i-iMin];
637  peakIdx = i;
638  if (debugPK || debugRD){
639  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("we have found min of Adot at t= %f\n", tAmpMax);
640  }
641  //break;
642  }else{
643  if (debugPK){
644  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Stas, AmplDot - dismissing time %3.10f outside limits %3.10f, %3.10f \n",
645  tAmp, tMin, tMax);
646  }
647  }
649  }
650  }
651  }
652  if (*found ==0){
653  if (debugPK || debugRD)
654  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Min of Adot is not found, looking for min of ddot{Ampl} \n");
655  for (i=win2*2; i<NpsSmall-1-win2; i++){
656  if (AmpDDotSmooth[i] < AmpDDotSmooth[i-1] && AmpDDotSmooth[i] < AmpDDotSmooth[i+1]){
657  tAmp = tSeries[i];
658  //XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Stas check i = %d, tSeries = %3.10f, tAmp = %3.10f, %3.10f, %3.10f, %3.10f \n", i, tSeries[i], tAmp, AmpDDotSmooth[i-1], AmpDDotSmooth[i], AmpDDotSmooth[i+1]);
659  //if (tAmp >=tMin && tAmp <= tMax && *found==0)
660  if (tAmp >=tMin && tAmp <= tMax){
661  *found = 1;
662  tAmpMax = tAmp;
663  AmpMax = AmpDDotSmooth[i];
664  peakIdx = i;
665  //break;
666  }else{
667  if (debugPK){
668  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Stas, AmplDDot - dismissing time %3.10f outside limits %3.10f, %3.10f \n",
669  tAmp, tMin, tMax);
670  }
671  }
672  }
673  }
674  }
676 // if(*found==0){
677 // REAL8 hRe[NpsSmall], hIm[NpsSmall];
678 // REAL8 dhRe[NpsSmall], dhIm[NpsSmall];
679 // for (i=0; i<NpsSmall - 1; i++) {
680 // hRe[i] = creal(hP22->data[iMin + i]);
681 // hIm[i] = cimag(hP22->data[iMin + i]);
682 // }
683 // for (i=1; i<NpsSmall - 2; i++) {
684 // dhRe[i] = (hRe[i+1] - hRe[i-1])/2./dt;
685 // dhIm[i] = (hIm[i+1] - hIm[i-1])/2./dt;
686 // }
687 // dhRe[0]=dhRe[1];
688 // dhIm[0]=dhIm[1];
689 // dhRe[NpsSmall-1]=dhRe[NpsSmall-2];
690 // dhIm[NpsSmall-1]=dhIm[NpsSmall-2];
691 //
692 // REAL8 OmegaWave[NpsSmall], dOmegaWave[NpsSmall];
693 // double hNorm2;
694 // for (i=0; i<NpsSmall - 1; i++) {
695 // hNorm2 = hRe[i]*hRe[i] + hIm[i]*hIm[i];
696 // OmegaWave[i] = (-hRe[i]*dhIm[i] + hIm[i]*dhRe[i])/hNorm2;
697 // }
698 // for (i=1; i<NpsSmall - 2; i++) {
699 // hNorm2 = hRe[i]*hRe[i] + hIm[i]*hIm[i];
700 // dOmegaWave[i] = (OmegaWave[i+1] - OmegaWave[i-1])/2./dt;
701 // }
702 // dOmegaWave[0]=dOmegaWave[1];
703 // dOmegaWave[NpsSmall-1]=dOmegaWave[NpsSmall-2];
704 //
705 // if(debugPK || debugRD) {
706 // out = fopen( "OmegaW.dat", "w" );
707 // for (i=0; i<NpsSmall - 1; i++){
708 // fprintf(out, "%3.10f %3.10f %3.10f\n", tSeries[i], OmegaWave[i], dOmegaWave[i]);
709 // }
710 // }
711 // fclose(out);
712 //
713 // }
715  /*
716  for (i=1; i<Nps-3; i++){
717  AmplDerivN2 = gsl_spline_eval_deriv(spline, timeHi->data[i+2], acc);
718  if(debugPK || debugRD){
719  fprintf(out, "%3.10f %3.10f\n", timeHi->data[i], AmplDeriv);
720  }
722  if (*found == 0){
723  if ((AmplDeriv <= AmplDerivO1 && AmplDeriv < AmplDerivN1) && (AmplDerivO2 > AmplDerivO1 && AmplDerivN2>=AmplDerivN1) ){
724  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("check %.16e, %.16e, %.16e, %.16e, %.16e \n", AmplDerivO2, AmplDerivO1, AmplDeriv, AmplDerivN1, AmplDerivN2);
725  tAmp = timeHi->data[i];
726  if (tAmp >=tMin && tAmp <= tMax && *found==0){
727  *found = 1;
728  tAmpMax = tAmp;
729  AmpMax = AmplDeriv;
730  peakIdx = i;
731  //break;
732  }else{
733  if (debugPK){
734  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Stas dismissing time %3.10f outside limits %3.10f, %3.10f \n",
735  tAmp, tMin, tMax);
736  }
737  }
738  }
739  }
740  AmplDerivO2 = AmplDerivO1;
741  AmplDerivO1 = AmplDeriv;
742  AmplDeriv = AmplDerivN1;
743  AmplDerivN1 = AmplDerivN2;
744  }
746  if (debugPK)
747  {
748  fclose(out);
749  if (*found ==0){
750  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Stas: peak of 2,2 mode in P-frame was not found. peakIdx = %d, retLenHi = %d, i at exit = %d\n", peakIdx, Nps, i);
751  fflush(NULL);
752  }else{
753  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Stas: we have found maximum of amplitude %3.10f at t = %3.10f \n", AmpMax, tAmpMax);
754  }
755  }
756  if (debugRD)
757  {
758  fclose(out);
759  }
760  */
762  }
766  if (spline != NULL)
767  gsl_spline_free(spline);
768  if (acc != NULL)
769  gsl_interp_accel_free(acc);
770  if (*found == 0){
771  return(timeHi->data[Nps-1]);
772  }
773  else{
774  return(tAmpMax);
775  }
777 }
781  REAL8Vector * signal1, /**<< Real of inspiral waveform to which we attach ringdown */
782  REAL8Vector * signal2, /**<< Imag of inspiral waveform to which we attach ringdown */
783  REAL8* ratio, /**<< output ratio */
784  const REAL8 tAtt, /**<< time of RD attachment */
785  const INT4 l, /**<< Current mode l */
786  const INT4 m, /**<< Current mode m */
787  const REAL8 dt, /**<< Sample time step (in seconds) */
788  const REAL8 mass1, /**<< First component mass (in Solar masses) */
789  const REAL8 mass2, /**<< Second component mass (in Solar masses) */
790  const REAL8 spin1x, /**<<The spin of the first object; only needed for spin waveforms */
791  const REAL8 spin1y, /**<<The spin of the first object; only needed for spin waveforms */
792  const REAL8 spin1z, /**<<The spin of the first object; only needed for spin waveforms */
793  const REAL8 spin2x, /**<<The spin of the second object; only needed for spin waveforms */
794  const REAL8 spin2y, /**<<The spin of the second object; only needed for spin waveforms */
795  const REAL8 spin2z, /**<<The spin of the second object; only needed for spin waveforms */
796  REAL8Vector * timeVec, /**<< Vector containing the time values */
797  REAL8Vector * matchrange, /**<< Time values chosen as points for performing comb matching */
798  Approximant approximant, /**<<The waveform approximant being used */
799  const REAL8 JLN, /**<< cosine of the angle between J and LN at the light ring */
800  REAL8 * timediff /**<< Time diff b/w peaks */
801  )
802 {
803  int debugPK = 0;
804  unsigned int i;
805  unsigned int i_att = 0;
806  REAL8 Amp[signal1->length];
807  // sanity check
808  int ind_att = (int) matchrange->data[1]*(((mass1 + mass2) * LAL_MTSUN_SI / dt)) + 1;
809  if (debugPK){
810  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("attach_ind = %d, t =%f, %f \n", ind_att, matchrange->data[1], timeVec->data[ind_att]); fflush(NULL);
811  }
812  if (signal1->data[ind_att] == 0.0 && signal2->data[ind_att] == 0.0){
813  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Opyat' signal = 0 \n");fflush(NULL);
814  //FILE *out1 = fopen( "Andrea1.dat","w");
815  //for (i = 0; i < timeVec->length; i++) {
816  // fprintf(out1, "%.16e %.16e %.16e\n", timeVec->data[i], signal1->data[i], signal2->data[i]);
817  //XLAL_PRINT_INFO("%.16e %.16e\n", timeVec->data[j], y[j]);
818  //}
819  //fclose(out1);
820  //exit(0);
824  }
827  if ( XLALSimIMREOBHybridAttachRingdownPrec( signal1, signal2, l, m,
828  dt, mass1, mass2, spin1x, spin1y, spin1z, spin2x, spin2y, spin2z,
829  timeVec, matchrange, approximant, JLN )
830  == XLAL_FAILURE )
831  {
833  }
834  Amp[0] = sqrt(signal1->data[0]*signal1->data[0] + signal2->data[0]*signal2->data[0]);
835  for (i=1; i<signal1->length; i++){
836  Amp[i] = sqrt(signal1->data[i]*signal1->data[i] + signal2->data[i]*signal2->data[i]);
837  if ( i < timeVec->length){
838  if (timeVec->data[i-1] <= tAtt && timeVec->data[i] > tAtt){
839  i_att = i;
840  //if (debugPK){
841  // XLAL_PRINT_INFO(" the attachment index = %d, time = %f, %f \n", i_att, timeVec->data[i_att], tAtt);
842  //}
843  }
844  }
845  }
846  REAL8 timemaxR = timeVec->data[0], timemaxL = 0.;
848  REAL8 maxL = Amp[0];
849  UINT4 maxLidx = i_att - 1;
850  for (i=0; i<i_att; i++){
851  if (Amp[i] >= maxL){
852  maxL = Amp[i];
853  timemaxL = timeVec->data[i];
854  maxLidx = i;
855  if (debugPK){
856  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("i, timemaxL, maxL = %d %f %f\n",i,timemaxL,maxL);fflush(NULL);
857  }
858  }
859  }
861  timemaxR = timeVec->data[i_att];
862  REAL8 timemaxRtmp = timemaxR;
863  REAL8 maxR = Amp[i_att];
864  for (i=i_att; i<signal1->length; i++){
865  timemaxRtmp = timemaxRtmp + dt;
866  if (Amp[i] >= maxR){
867  maxR = Amp[i];
868  timemaxR = timemaxRtmp;
869  if (debugPK){
870  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("i, timemaxR, maxR = %d %f %f\n",i, timemaxR,maxR);fflush(NULL);
871  }
872  }
873  }
874  if ( maxLidx == i_att - 1 ) {
875  *timediff = timemaxR - timemaxL;
876  }
877  else {
878  *timediff = 0.;
879  }
880  if (debugPK){
881  XLAL_PRINT_INFO(" the ratio of amplitudes = %f , ampls = %f, %f \n", maxR/maxL, maxR, maxL);fflush(NULL);
882  XLAL_PRINT_INFO(" timemaxR, timemaxL = %f %f \n", timemaxR,timemaxL);fflush(NULL);
883  }
885  *ratio = maxR/maxL;
886  if (maxR/maxL != maxR/maxL){
887  //this is nan
888  *ratio = 1000.0;
889  }
892  return XLAL_SUCCESS;
894 }
898  REAL8Vector * signal1, /**<< Output Real of inspiral waveform to which we attach ringdown */
899  REAL8Vector * signal2, /**<< Output Imag of inspiral waveform to which we attach ringdown */
900  COMPLEX16TimeSeries* h22, /**<< input time series (inspiral) */
901  COMPLEX16TimeSeries* h2m2, /**<< input time series (inspiral) */
902  REAL8* ratio22, /**<< output ratio for 2,2 mode */
903  REAL8* ratio2m2, /**<< output ratio for 2,-2 mode*/
904  REAL8* tAttach, /**<< output/input time of RD attachment */
905  const REAL8 thr, /**<< threshold on the ratio */
906  const REAL8 dt, /**<< Sample time step (in seconds) */
907  const REAL8 m1, /**<< First component mass (in Solar masses) */
908  const REAL8 m2, /**<< Second component mass (in Solar masses) */
909  const REAL8 spin1x, /**<<The spin of the first object; only needed for spin waveforms */
910  const REAL8 spin1y, /**<<The spin of the first object; only needed for spin waveforms */
911  const REAL8 spin1z, /**<<The spin of the first object; only needed for spin waveforms */
912  const REAL8 spin2x, /**<<The spin of the second object; only needed for spin waveforms */
913  const REAL8 spin2y, /**<<The spin of the second object; only needed for spin waveforms */
914  const REAL8 spin2z, /**<<The spin of the second object; only needed for spin waveforms */
915  REAL8Vector * timeVec, /**<< Vector containing the time values */
916  REAL8Vector * matchrange, /**<< Time values chosen as points for performing comb matching */
917  Approximant approximant, /**<<The waveform approximant being used */
918  const REAL8 JLN, /**<< cosine of the angle between J and LN at the light ring */
919  const REAL8 combSize, /**<< combsize for RD attachment */
920  const REAL8 tMaxOmega, /**<< Time up to which we can trust dynamics */
921  const REAL8 tMaxAmp /**<< Time up to which we can trust waveform */
922  )
923 {
924  int debugPK = 0;
925  REAL8 timediff = 0.;
926  REAL8 timediffStore = 0.;
927  unsigned int retLenHi = h22->data->length;
928  unsigned int i;
929  int pass = 0;
930  REAL8 tAtt;
931  tAtt = *tAttach; // replace with the loop
932  REAL8 maxDeltaT = 10.0;
933  REAL8 thrStore22L = 0., thrStore2m2L = 0., thrStore22R = 0., thrStore2m2R = 0., tLBest = *tAttach, tRBest = *tAttach;
935  REAL8 mTScaled = (retLenHi-1)*dt/matchrange->data[2];
936  REAL8 tMax = timeVec->data[retLenHi - 2] - 0.5 ;
937  double hNorm2, dsignal1, dsignal2; double omegaVec[retLenHi - 1];
939 // XLAL_PRINT_INFO("tMaxOmega, tMaxAmp %f %f %f\n", tMaxOmega, tMaxAmp, tMax);
941  if ( tMaxAmp < tMax) {
942  tMax = tMaxAmp;
943  }
944  if ( tMaxOmega < tMax) {
945  tMax = tMaxOmega;
946  }
947  tMax = tMax - 3.;
948  if(tMax > tAtt + 5.0){
949  tMax = tAtt + 5.0;
950  }
951  REAL8 eta = m1*m2/(m1+m2)/(m1+m2);
952  REAL8 chiS = 0.5*(spin1z + spin2z);
953  REAL8 chiA = 0.5*(spin1z - spin2z);
954  REAL8 chi = chiS + chiA*sqrt(fabs(1. - 4.*eta))/(1. - 2.*eta);
955  if ( chi >= 0.8 ) {
956  if (tMaxAmp < tMaxOmega) {
957  tMax = tMaxAmp;
958  }
959  else {
960  tMax = tMaxOmega;
961  }
962  }
963  if (debugPK){
964  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("tmax = %f, tAtt = %f, tmaxAmp = %f, tmaxOm = %f\n", tMax, tAtt, tMaxAmp, tMaxOmega);
965  }
966 // XLAL_PRINT_INFO("tAtt, tMax = %f %f\n", tAtt, tMax);
967  while(pass == 0 && (tAtt >= *tAttach - maxDeltaT)){
968  tAtt = tAtt - 0.5;
969  memset( signal1->data, 0, signal1->length * sizeof( signal1->data[0] ));
970  memset( signal2->data, 0, signal2->length * sizeof( signal2->data[0] ));
971  for ( i = 0; i < retLenHi; i++ )
972  {
973  signal1->data[i] = creal(h22->data->data[i]);
974  signal2->data[i] = cimag(h22->data->data[i]);
975  }
977  matchrange->data[0] = combSize < tAtt ? tAtt - combSize : 0;
978  matchrange->data[1] = tAtt;
979  matchrange->data[0] -= fmod( matchrange->data[0], dt/mTScaled );
980  matchrange->data[1] -= fmod( matchrange->data[1], dt/mTScaled );
981  if (debugPK) XLAL_PRINT_INFO("left 2,2 mode tAtt = %f ", tAtt);
982  if( XLALSimCheckRDattachment(signal1, signal2, ratio22, tAtt, 2, 2,
983  dt, m1, m2, spin1x, spin1y, spin1z, spin2x, spin2y, spin2z,
984  timeVec, matchrange, approximant, JLN, &timediff ) == XLAL_FAILURE )
985  {
987  }
989  memset( signal1->data, 0, signal1->length * sizeof( signal1->data[0] ));
990  memset( signal2->data, 0, signal2->length * sizeof( signal2->data[0] ));
991  for ( i = 0; i < retLenHi; i++ )
992  {
993  signal1->data[i] = creal(h2m2->data->data[i]);
994  signal2->data[i] = cimag(h2m2->data->data[i]);
995  }
997  if (debugPK) XLAL_PRINT_INFO("left 2,-2 mode tAtt = %f ", tAtt);
998  if( XLALSimCheckRDattachment(signal1, signal2, ratio2m2, tAtt, 2, -2,
999  dt, m1, m2, spin1x, spin1y, spin1z, spin2x, spin2y, spin2z,
1000  timeVec, matchrange, approximant, JLN, &timediff ) == XLAL_FAILURE )
1001  {
1003  }
1004  if (debugPK) XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Quality %f\n", (*ratio22 - thr)*(*ratio22 - thr) + (*ratio2m2 - thr)*(*ratio2m2 - thr));
1005  if (debugPK) XLAL_PRINT_INFO("timediff %f\n", timediff);
1007  if ( thrStore22L != 0. && thrStore2m2L != 0. ) {
1008  if ( (*ratio22 - thr)*(*ratio22 - thr) + (*ratio2m2 - thr)*(*ratio2m2 - thr) + timediff < (thrStore22L - thr)*(thrStore22L - thr) + (thrStore2m2L - thr)*(thrStore2m2L - thr) + timediffStore ) {
1009  thrStore22L = *ratio22;
1010  thrStore2m2L = *ratio2m2;
1011  timediffStore = timediff;
1012  tLBest = tAtt;
1013  if(debugPK)XLAL_PRINT_INFO("tLBest is now %f %f %f %f\n", tLBest, *ratio22 ,*ratio2m2, (*ratio22 - thr)*(*ratio22 - thr) + (*ratio2m2 - thr)*(*ratio2m2 - thr));
1014  }
1015  }
1016  else {
1017  thrStore22L = *ratio22;
1018  thrStore2m2L = *ratio2m2;
1019  timediffStore = timediff;
1020  tLBest = tAtt;
1021  }
1023 // if (*ratio22 <= thr && *ratio2m2 <= thr){
1024 // pass = 1;
1025 // }
1028  }
1029  memset( signal1->data, 0, signal1->length * sizeof( signal1->data[0] ));
1030  memset( signal2->data, 0, signal2->length * sizeof( signal2->data[0] ));
1031  if(debugPK){
1032  if (pass == 1){
1033  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Going left, we have found better attachment point: new tAtt = %f, old = %f, ratios = %f, %f \n", tAtt, *tAttach, *ratio22, *ratio2m2);
1034  }else{
1035  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Going left did nto find the best attachment point\n");
1036  }
1038  }
1039  //REAL8 left_r22 = *ratio22;
1040  //REAL8 left_r2m2 = *ratio2m2;
1041  //REAL8 left_tAtt = tLBest;
1042  int pass_left = pass;
1043  int iBad = retLenHi - 1;
1045  pass = 0;
1046  tAtt = *tAttach;
1047  timediffStore = 0.;
1048  while(pass == 0 && (tAtt < tMax-0.5)){
1049 // XLAL_PRINT_INFO("tAtt tMax %f %f\n", tAtt, tMax);
1050  tAtt = tAtt + 0.5;
1051  memset( signal1->data, 0, signal1->length * sizeof( signal1->data[0] ));
1052  memset( signal2->data, 0, signal2->length * sizeof( signal2->data[0] ));
1053  matchrange->data[0] = combSize < tAtt ? tAtt - combSize : 0;
1054  matchrange->data[1] = tAtt;
1055  matchrange->data[0] -= fmod( matchrange->data[0], dt/mTScaled );
1056  matchrange->data[1] -= fmod( matchrange->data[1], dt/mTScaled );
1057  for ( i = 0; i < retLenHi; i++ )
1058  {
1059  signal1->data[i] = creal(h22->data->data[i]);
1060  signal2->data[i] = cimag(h22->data->data[i]);
1061  }
1062  for ( i = 0; i < retLenHi-1; i++ )
1063  {
1064  dsignal1 = (signal1->data[i+1] - signal1->data[i]);
1065  dsignal2 = (signal2->data[i+1] - signal2->data[i]);
1066  hNorm2 = signal1->data[i]*signal1->data[i] + signal2->data[i]*signal2->data[i];
1067  omegaVec[i] = (-dsignal1*signal2->data[i] + dsignal2*signal1->data[i])/hNorm2;
1068  }
1069  for ( i = 0; i < retLenHi-2; i++ )
1070  {
1071  if (omegaVec[i]*omegaVec[i+1] < 0) {
1072  iBad = i;
1073  break;
1074  }
1075  }
1076  //for ( i = iBad; i < retLenHi; i++ )
1077  //{
1078  // signal1->data[i] = 0.;
1079  // signal2->data[i] = 0.;
1080  //}
1083  if (debugPK) XLAL_PRINT_INFO("right 2,2 mode tAtt = %f ", tAtt);
1084  if (matchrange->data[1] < iBad){
1085  if( XLALSimCheckRDattachment(signal1, signal2, ratio22, tAtt, 2, 2,
1086  dt, m1, m2, spin1x, spin1y, spin1z, spin2x, spin2y, spin2z,
1087  timeVec, matchrange, approximant, JLN, &timediff ) == XLAL_FAILURE )
1088  {
1090  }
1093  memset( signal1->data, 0, signal1->length * sizeof( signal1->data[0] ));
1094  memset( signal2->data, 0, signal2->length * sizeof( signal2->data[0] ));
1095  for ( i = 0; i < retLenHi; i++ )
1096  {
1097  signal1->data[i] = creal(h2m2->data->data[i]);
1098  signal2->data[i] = cimag(h2m2->data->data[i]);
1099  }
1101  if (debugPK) XLAL_PRINT_INFO("right 2,-2 mode tAtt = %f ", tAtt);
1102  if( XLALSimCheckRDattachment(signal1, signal2, ratio2m2, tAtt, 2, -2,
1103  dt, m1, m2, spin1x, spin1y, spin1z, spin2x, spin2y, spin2z,
1104  timeVec, matchrange, approximant, JLN, &timediff ) == XLAL_FAILURE )
1105  {
1107  }
1108  if (debugPK) XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Quality %f\n", (*ratio22 - thr)*(*ratio22 - thr) + (*ratio2m2 - thr)*(*ratio2m2 - thr));
1109  if (debugPK) XLAL_PRINT_INFO("timediff %f\n", timediff);
1112  if ( thrStore22R != 0. && thrStore2m2R != 0. ) {
1113  if ( tRBest < timeVec->data[iBad] && (*ratio22 - thr)*(*ratio22 - thr) + (*ratio2m2 - thr)*(*ratio2m2 - thr) + timediff < (thrStore22R - thr)*(thrStore22R - thr) + (thrStore2m2R - thr)*(thrStore2m2R - thr) + timediffStore ) {
1114  thrStore22R = *ratio22;
1115  thrStore2m2R = *ratio2m2;
1116  timediffStore = timediff;
1117  tRBest = tAtt;
1118  if(debugPK)XLAL_PRINT_INFO("tRBest is now %f %f %f %f\n", tRBest, *ratio22 , *ratio2m2, (*ratio22 - thr)*(*ratio22 - thr) + (*ratio2m2 - thr)*(*ratio2m2 - thr));
1119  }
1120  }
1121  else {
1122  thrStore22R = *ratio22;
1123  thrStore2m2R = *ratio2m2;
1124  timediffStore = timediff;
1125  tRBest = tAtt;
1126  }
1127  }
1130 // if (*ratio22 <= thr && *ratio2m2 <= thr){
1131 // pass = 1;
1132 // }
1134  }
1135  if(debugPK){
1136  if (pass == 1){
1137  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Going right, we have found better attachment point: new tAtt = %f, old = %f, ratios = %f, %f \n", tAtt, *tAttach, *ratio22, *ratio2m2);
1138  }else{
1139  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Going right did nto find the best attachment point\n");
1140  }
1142  }
1143  int pass_right = pass;
1145  if (1==1 || (pass_right == 0 && pass_left == 0) ) {
1146  if ( debugPK ) {
1147  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("Cannot go below required threshold on RD/insp amplitude\n");
1148  }
1149  if ( (thrStore22L - thr)*(thrStore22L - thr) + (thrStore2m2L - thr)*(thrStore2m2L - thr) < (thrStore22R - thr)*(thrStore22R - thr) + (thrStore2m2R - thr)*(thrStore2m2R - thr)) {
1150  *tAttach = tLBest;
1151  if ( debugPK ) {
1152  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("tLBest %f\n", tLBest);
1153  }
1154  }
1155  else {
1156  *tAttach = tRBest;
1157  if ( debugPK ) {
1158  XLAL_PRINT_INFO("tRBest %f\n", tRBest);
1159  }
1161  }
1162  return(2);
1163  }
1165  /*if( pass_right == 1 && pass_left == 0){
1166  *tAttach = tAtt;
1167  return(1);
1168  }
1169  if( pass_left == 1 && pass_right == 0){
1170  *tAttach =left_tAtt;
1171  *ratio22 = left_r22;
1172  *ratio2m2 = left_r2m2;
1173  return(1);
1174  }
1175  if (pass_left == 1 && pass_right == 1){
1177  // hard choice
1178  if (left_r22 <= 1.0 || left_r2m2 <= 1.0){
1179  if (*ratio22 <= 1.0 || *ratio2m2 <= 1.0){
1180  *tAttach =left_tAtt;
1181  *ratio22 = left_r22;
1182  *ratio2m2 = left_r2m2;
1183  return(1); // choose left
1184  }else{
1185  *tAttach = tAtt;
1186  return(1); // choose right
1187  }
1188  }else{
1189  if (*ratio22 <= 1.0 || *ratio2m2 <= 1.0){
1190  *tAttach =left_tAtt;
1191  *ratio22 = left_r22;
1192  *ratio2m2 = left_r2m2;
1193  return(1); // choose left
1194  }else{ // booth looks ok so far
1195  if (left_r22*left_r2m2 < (*ratio22)*(*ratio2m2)){
1196  *tAttach =left_tAtt;
1197  *ratio22 = left_r22;
1198  *ratio2m2 = left_r2m2;
1199  return(1); // choose left
1200  }else{
1201  *tAttach = tAtt;
1202  return(1); // choose right
1203  }
1205  }
1206  }
1207  }*/
1208  return(0);
1210 }
double XLALSimLocateAmplTime(REAL8Vector *timeHi, COMPLEX16Vector *hP22, REAL8Vector *radiusVec, int *found, REAL8 *tMaxAmp)
int XLALSimAdjustRDattachmentTime(REAL8Vector *signal1, REAL8Vector *signal2, COMPLEX16TimeSeries *h22, COMPLEX16TimeSeries *h2m2, REAL8 *ratio22, REAL8 *ratio2m2, REAL8 *tAttach, const REAL8 thr, const REAL8 dt, const REAL8 m1, const REAL8 m2, const REAL8 spin1x, const REAL8 spin1y, const REAL8 spin1z, const REAL8 spin2x, const REAL8 spin2y, const REAL8 spin2z, REAL8Vector *timeVec, REAL8Vector *matchrange, Approximant approximant, const REAL8 JLN, const REAL8 combSize, const REAL8 tMaxOmega, const REAL8 tMaxAmp)
double XLALSimLocateMaxAmplTime(REAL8Vector *timeHi, COMPLEX16Vector *hP22, int *found)
double XLALSimLocateOmegaTime(REAL8Array *dynamicsHi, unsigned int numdynvars, unsigned int retLenHi, SpinEOBParams seobParams, SpinEOBHCoeffs seobCoeffs, REAL8 m1, REAL8 m2, REAL8Vector *radiusVec, int *found, REAL8 *tMaxOmega, INT4 use_optimized)
INT4 XLALSimCheckRDattachment(REAL8Vector *signal1, REAL8Vector *signal2, REAL8 *ratio, const REAL8 tAtt, const INT4 l, const INT4 m, const REAL8 dt, const REAL8 mass1, const REAL8 mass2, const REAL8 spin1x, const REAL8 spin1y, const REAL8 spin1z, const REAL8 spin2x, const REAL8 spin2y, const REAL8 spin2z, REAL8Vector *timeVec, REAL8Vector *matchrange, Approximant approximant, const REAL8 JLN, REAL8 *timediff)
static UNUSED INT4 XLALSimIMREOBHybridAttachRingdownPrec(REAL8Vector *signal1, REAL8Vector *signal2, const INT4 l, const INT4 m, const REAL8 dt, const REAL8 mass1, const REAL8 mass2, const REAL8 spin1x, const REAL8 spin1y, const REAL8 spin1z, const REAL8 spin2x, const REAL8 spin2y, const REAL8 spin2z, REAL8Vector *timeVec, REAL8Vector *matchrange, Approximant approximant, const REAL8 JLN)
The main workhorse function for performing the ringdown attachment for EOB models EOBNRv2 and SEOBNRv...
static int XLALSimIMRSpinEOBCalculateSigmaKerr(REAL8Vector *sigmaKerr, REAL8 mass1, REAL8 mass2, REAL8Vector *s1, REAL8Vector *s2)
Function to calculate normalized spin of the deformed-Kerr background in SEOBNRv1.
static int XLALSimIMRSpinEOBCalculateSigmaStar(REAL8Vector *sigmaStar, REAL8 mass1, REAL8 mass2, REAL8Vector *s1, REAL8Vector *s2)
Function to calculate normalized spin of the test particle in SEOBNRv1.
static REAL8 * cross_product(const REAL8 values1[], const REAL8 values2[], REAL8 result[])
static int XLALSpinPrecHcapRvecDerivative(double UNUSED t, const REAL8 values[], REAL8 dvalues[], void *funcParams)
Function to calculate numerical derivatives of the spin EOB Hamiltonian, to get , as decribed in Eqs.
static REAL8 inner_product(const REAL8 values1[], const REAL8 values2[])
Functions to compute the inner product and cross products between vectors.
static int XLALSpinPrecHcapRvecDerivative_exact(double UNUSED t, const REAL8 values[], REAL8 dvalues[], void *funcParams)
Function to calculate exact derivatives of the spin EOB Hamiltonian, to get , as decribed in Eqs.
#define fprintf
int l
Definition: bh_qnmode.c:135
double dt
Definition: bh_ringdown.c:113
double i
Definition: bh_ringdown.c:118
const double deltaU
const double u
const double u3
const double bulk
const double u5
sigmaKerr data[0]
const double m1PlusetaKK
const double u2
const double u4
const double logTerms
#define LAL_MTSUN_SI
double REAL8
#define XLAL_INIT_DECL(var,...)
uint32_t UINT4
int32_t INT4
Enum that specifies the PN approximant to be used in computing the waveform.
static const INT4 m
static const INT4 a
REAL8Vector * XLALCreateREAL8Vector(UINT4 length)
void XLALDestroyREAL8Vector(REAL8Vector *vector)
#define XLAL_PRINT_INFO(...)
#define XLAL_ERROR(...)
#define XLAL_CHECK_ABORT(assertion)
COMPLEX16Sequence * data
COMPLEX16 * data
REAL8 * data
REAL8 * data
Parameters for the spinning EOB model, used in calculating the Hamiltonian.
Parameters for the spinning EOB model.