LALSimIMRPrecessingNRSur.c File Reference


Routines for NR surrogate models "NRSur7dq2" and "NRSur7dq4"

C code for NRSur7dq2 and NRSur7dq4 NR surrogate waveform models.

Jonathan Blackman, Vijay Varma

NRSur7dq2: This is a fully precessing time domain model including all subdominant modes up to ell=4. See Blackman et al [2] for details. Any studies that use this waveform model should include a reference to that paper. Using this model requires the file lalsuite-extra/data/lalsimulation/NRSur7dq2.h5 Make sure your $LAL_DATA_PATH points to lalsuite-extra/data/lalsimulation/. The lalsuite-extra commit hash at the time of review was 77613e7f5f01d5ea11829ded5677783cafc0d298

The range of validity of the model is:
  • Mass ratios 1 <= q <= 2
  • Spin magnitudes |chi_i| <= 0.8
  • Total time before merger <= 4500M, which in practice leads to a parameter-dependent lower bound for fmin.
Additional notes:
  • Passing in a non-trivial ModeArray controls which co-orbital frame modes are evaluated.
  • A python version of this model can be installed with "pip install NRSur7dq2".
  • This lalsimulation implementation has been verified to agree with version 1.0.3 up to very small differences due to slightly differing time interpolation methods.
  • Note that for conventions to agree with ChooseTDWaveform (and XLALSimInspiralNRSur7dq2Polarizations), you must pass use_lalsimulation_conventions=True when calling the pip version of NRSur7dq2.
Review status:
NRSur7dq2 model and routines reviewed by Sebastian Khan, Harald Pfeiffer, Geraint Pratten, and Michael PĆ¼rrer. Reviewees were Jonathan Blackman, Scott Field, and Vijay Varma. The review page can be found at

NRSur7dq4: This is a q=4 extension of NRSur7dq2. See Varma et al. (arxiv:1905.09300) for details. Any studies that use this waveform model should include a reference to that paper. Using this model requires the file lalsuite-extra/data/lalsimulation/NRSur7dq4.h5 Make sure your $LAL_DATA_PATH points to lalsuite-extra/data/lalsimulation/.

static void NRSur7dq2_Init_LALDATA (void)
 This needs to be called once, before __lalsim_NRSur7dq2_data is used. More...
static void NRSur7dq4_Init_LALDATA (void)
 This needs to be called once, before __lalsim_NRSur7dq4_data is used. More...
static int PrecessingNRSur_Init (PrecessingNRSurData *data, LALH5File *file, UINT4 PrecessingNRSurVersion)
 Initialize a PrecessingNRSurData structure from an open hdf5 file. More...
static void PrecessingNRSur_LoadFitData (FitData **fit_data, LALH5File *sub, const char *name)
 Loads a single fit for NRSur7dq2 or NRSur7dq4. More...
static void NRSur7dq4_LoadVectorFitData (VectorFitData **vector_fit_data, LALH5File *sub, const char *name, const size_t size)
 Loads a vector fit for NRSur7dq4. More...
static void PrecessingNRSur_LoadDynamicsNode (DynamicsNodeFitData **ds_node_data, LALH5File *sub, int i, UINT4 PrecessingNRSurVersion)
 Loads the data for a single dynamics node into a DynamicsNodeFitData struct. More...
static void PrecessingNRSur_LoadCoorbitalEllModes (WaveformFixedEllModeData **coorbital_mode_data, LALH5File *file, int i)
 Load the WaveformFixedEllModeData from file for a single value of ell. More...
static void PrecessingNRSur_LoadWaveformDataPiece (LALH5File *sub, WaveformDataPiece **data, bool invert_sign)
 Loads a single NRSur coorbital waveform data piece from file into a WaveformDataPiece. More...
static bool NRSur7dq2_IsSetup (void)
 Helper function which returns whether or not the global NRSur7dq2 surrogate data has been initialized. More...
static bool NRSur7dq4_IsSetup (void)
 Helper function which returns whether or not the global NRSur7dq4 surrogate data has been initialized. More...
REAL8 ipow (REAL8 base, int exponent)
 Helper function for integer powers. More...
REAL8 NRSur7dq2_eval_fit (FitData *data, REAL8 *x)
static void NRSur7dq2_eval_vector_fit (REAL8 *res, VectorFitData *data, REAL8 *x)
static int NRSur7dq4_effective_spins (REAL8 *chiHat, REAL8 *chi_a, const REAL8 q, const REAL8 chi1z, const REAL8 chi2z)
REAL8 NRSur7dq4_eval_fit (FitData *data, REAL8 *x)
static void NRSur7dq4_eval_vector_fit (REAL8 *res, VectorFitData *data, REAL8 *x)
REAL8 PrecessingNRSur_eval_fit (FitData *data, REAL8 *x, PrecessingNRSurData *__sur_data)
static void PrecessingNRSur_eval_vector_fit (REAL8 *res, VectorFitData *data, REAL8 *x, PrecessingNRSurData *__sur_data)
static void PrecessingNRSur_normalize_y (REAL8 chiANorm, REAL8 chiBNorm, REAL8 *y)
static void PrecessingNRSur_normalize_results (REAL8 normA, REAL8 normB, gsl_vector **quat, gsl_vector **chiA, gsl_vector **chiB)
static void PrecessingNRSur_rotate_spins (gsl_vector **chiA, gsl_vector **chiB, gsl_vector *phi_vec)
 Transforms chiA and chiB from the coprecessing frame to the coorbital frame using the orbital phase. More...
static void PrecessingNRSur_ds_fit_x (REAL8 *x, REAL8 q, REAL8 *y)
static void PrecessingNRSur_assemble_dydt (REAL8 *dydt, REAL8 *y, REAL8 *Omega_coorb_xy, REAL8 omega, REAL8 *chiA_dot, REAL8 *chiB_dot)
static REAL8 cubic_interp (REAL8 xout, REAL8 *x, REAL8 *y)
 Cubic interpolation of 4 data points This gives a much closer result to scipy.interpolate.InterpolatedUnivariateSpline than using gsl_interp_cspline (see comment in spline_array_interp) More...
static gsl_vector * spline_array_interp (gsl_vector *xout, gsl_vector *x, gsl_vector *y)
 Do cubic spline interpolation using a gsl_interp_cspline. More...
static REAL8 PrecessingNRSur_get_omega (size_t node_index, REAL8 q, REAL8 *y0, PrecessingNRSurData *__sur_data)
 Computes the orbital angular frequency at a dynamics node. More...
static REAL8 PrecessingNRSur_get_t_ref (REAL8 omega_ref, REAL8 q, REAL8 *chiA0, REAL8 *chiB0, REAL8 *init_quat, REAL8 init_orbphase, PrecessingNRSurData *__sur_data)
 Computes a reference time from a reference orbital angular frequency. More...
static void PrecessingNRSur_get_time_deriv_from_index (REAL8 *dydt, int i0, REAL8 q, REAL8 *y, PrecessingNRSurData *__sur_data)
 Compute dydt at a given dynamics node, where y is the numerical solution to the dynamics ODE. More...
static void PrecessingNRSur_get_time_deriv (REAL8 *dydt, REAL8 t, REAL8 q, REAL8 *y, PrecessingNRSurData *__sur_data)
 Compute dydt at any time by evaluating dydt at 4 nearby dynamics nodes and using cubic spline interpolation to evaluate at the desired time. More...
static int PrecessingNRSur_initialize_at_dynamics_node (REAL8 *dynamics_data, REAL8 t_ref, REAL8 q, REAL8 *chiA0, REAL8 *chiB0, REAL8 init_orbphase, REAL8 *init_quat, REAL8 normA, REAL8 normB, PrecessingNRSurData *__sur_data)
 Initialize the dynamics ODE at a dynamics node. More...
static void PrecessingNRSur_initialize_RK4_with_half_nodes (REAL8 *dynamics_data, REAL8 *time_steps, REAL8 *dydt0, REAL8 *dydt1, REAL8 *dydt2, REAL8 *dydt3, REAL8 normA, REAL8 normB, REAL8 q, PrecessingNRSurData *__sur_data)
 Initializes the AB4 ODE system from the surrogate start time by taking 3 RK4 steps, making use of the three additional half-time-step nodes for the RK4 substeps. More...
static int PrecessingNRSur_initialize_RK4 (REAL8 *dynamics_data, REAL8 *time_steps, REAL8 *dydt0, REAL8 *dydt1, REAL8 *dydt2, REAL8 *dydt3, REAL8 normA, REAL8 normB, REAL8 q, int i0, PrecessingNRSurData *__sur_data)
 Initializes the AB4 ODE system from a single arbitrary dynamics node by taking 3 RK4 steps. More...
static void PrecessingNRSur_integrate_AB4 (REAL8 *dynamics_data, REAL8 *time_steps, REAL8 *dydt0, REAL8 *dydt1, REAL8 *dydt2, REAL8 *dydt3, REAL8 normA, REAL8 normB, REAL8 q, int i_start, PrecessingNRSurData *__sur_data)
 Integrates the AB4 ODE system in time forwards, and backwards if needed. More...
static void PrecessingNRSur_eval_data_piece (gsl_vector *result, REAL8 q, gsl_vector **chiA, gsl_vector **chiB, WaveformDataPiece *data, PrecessingNRSurData *__sur_data)
 Evaluates a single NRSur coorbital waveoform data piece. More...
static int PrecessingNRSur_IntegrateDynamics (REAL8 *dynamics_data, REAL8 q, REAL8 *chiA0, REAL8 *chiB0, REAL8 omega_ref, REAL8 init_orbphase, REAL8 *init_quat, LALDict *LALparams, UINT4 PrecessingNRSurVersion)
 This is the main NRSur dynamics surrogate integration routine. More...
static PrecessingNRSurDataPrecessingNRSur_LoadData (Approximant approximant)
 Wrapper for Loading NRSur7dq2 and NRSur7dq4 data. More...
static PrecessingNRSurDataPrecessingNRSur_core (MultiModalWaveform **h, REAL8 q, REAL8 *chiA0, REAL8 *chiB0, REAL8 omega_ref, REAL8 init_orbphase, REAL8 *init_quat, LALValue *ModeArray, LALDict *LALparams, Approximant approximant)
REAL8 PrecessingNRSur_StartFrequency (REAL8 m1, REAL8 m2, REAL8 s1x, REAL8 s1y, REAL8 s1z, REAL8 s2x, REAL8 s2y, REAL8 s2z, PrecessingNRSurData *__sur_data)
 Computes the starting frequency of the NRSur7dq2 or NRSur7dq4 waveform approximant when evaluated using fRef=0 (which uses the entire surrogate waveform starting 4500M for NRSur7dq2 and 4300M for NRSur7dq4, before the peak amplitude). More...
static bool PrecessingNRSur_switch_labels_if_needed (REAL8 *m1, REAL8 *m2, REAL8 *s1x, REAL8 *s1y, REAL8 *s1z, REAL8 *s2x, REAL8 *s2y, REAL8 *s2z)
 If m1<m2, swaps the labels for the two BHs such that Bh1 is always heavier. More...
int XLALSimInspiralPrecessingNRSurPolarizations (REAL8TimeSeries **hplus, REAL8TimeSeries **hcross, REAL8 phiRef, REAL8 inclination, REAL8 deltaT, REAL8 m1, REAL8 m2, REAL8 distance, REAL8 fMin, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 s1x, REAL8 s1y, REAL8 s1z, REAL8 s2x, REAL8 s2y, REAL8 s2z, LALDict *LALparams, Approximant approximant)
 This function evaluates the NRSur7dq2 or NRSur7dq4 surrogate model and sums over all ell <= 4 modes to obtain the + and x polarizations. More...
SphHarmTimeSeriesXLALSimInspiralPrecessingNRSurModes (REAL8 deltaT, REAL8 m1, REAL8 m2, REAL8 S1x, REAL8 S1y, REAL8 S1z, REAL8 S2x, REAL8 S2y, REAL8 S2z, REAL8 fMin, REAL8 fRef, REAL8 distance, LALDict *LALparams, Approximant approximant)
 This function evaluates the NRSur7dq2 or NRSur7dq4 surrogate model and returns the inertial frame modes in the form of a SphHarmTimeSeries. More...
int XLALPrecessingNRSurDynamics (gsl_vector **t_dynamics, gsl_vector **quat0, gsl_vector **quat1, gsl_vector **quat2, gsl_vector **quat3, gsl_vector **orbphase, gsl_vector **chiAx, gsl_vector **chiAy, gsl_vector **chiAz, gsl_vector **chiBx, gsl_vector **chiBy, gsl_vector **chiBz, REAL8 q, REAL8 chiA0x, REAL8 chiA0y, REAL8 chiA0z, REAL8 chiB0x, REAL8 chiB0y, REAL8 chiB0z, REAL8 omegaRef_dimless, REAL8 init_quat0, REAL8 init_quat1, REAL8 init_quat2, REAL8 init_quat3, REAL8 init_orbphase, LALDict *LALparams, Approximant approximant)
 This function evaluates the NRSur7dq2 or NRSur7dq4 surrogate model and returns the precessing frame dynamics. More...

Go to the source code of this file.


static PrecessingNRSurData __lalsim_NRSur7dq2_data
 Global surrogate data. More...
static PrecessingNRSurData __lalsim_NRSur7dq4_data

Variable Documentation

◆ __lalsim_NRSur7dq2_data

PrecessingNRSurData __lalsim_NRSur7dq2_data

Global surrogate data.

This data will be loaded at most once. Any executable which calls NRSur7dq2_Init_LALDATA or NRSur7dq4_Init_LALDATA directly or by calling any XLAL function will have a memory leak according to valgrind, because we never free this memory.

Definition at line 86 of file LALSimIMRPrecessingNRSur.c.

◆ __lalsim_NRSur7dq4_data

PrecessingNRSurData __lalsim_NRSur7dq4_data

Definition at line 87 of file LALSimIMRPrecessingNRSur.c.