
Detailed Description

Routines to compute noise power spectral densities for gravitational-wave detectors.

Routines to Generate Component Noise PSDs

double XLALSimNoisePSDSeismic (double f, double L, double f_pend, double f_stack, double n_stack)
 Provides a rather ad-hoc estimate of the seismic noise power spectral density at a given frequency. More...
double XLALSimNoisePSDSuspTherm (double f, double L, double M, double T, double f0, double Q)
 Provides a rather ad-hoc estimate of the suspension thermal noise power spectral density at a given frequency. More...
double XLALSimNoisePSDMirrorTherm (double f, double L, double M, double T, double f0, double Q)
 Provides a rather ad-hoc estimate of the mirror thermal noise power spectral density at a given frequency. More...
double XLALSimNoisePSDShot (double f, double P_BS, double lambda, double L, double finesse, double eta)
 Computes the shot noise in strain-equivalent units using a conventional model appropriate to initial interferometric detectors. More...
double XLALSimNoisePSDQuantum (double f, double I0, double lambda, double L, double M, double A, double A_BS, double T_ITM, double T_PRM, double T_SRM, double ds, double zeta, double eta)
 Computes the quantum noise (shot noise and radiation pressure noise) according to Buonanno and Chen, Phys. More...

Noise PSD Routines for First-Generation Detectors

double XLALSimNoisePSDiLIGOSRD (double f)
 Provides the noise power spectrum based on a phenomenological fit to the SRD curve for iLIGO. More...
double XLALSimNoisePSDiLIGOSeismic (double f)
 Provides the seismic noise power spectrum for iLIGO. More...
double XLALSimNoisePSDiLIGOThermal (double f)
 Provides the thermal noise (suspension + coating) power spectrum for iLIGO. More...
double XLALSimNoisePSDiLIGOShot (double f)
 Provides the shot noise power spectrum for iLIGO. More...
double XLALSimNoisePSDeLIGOShot (double f)
 Provides the shot noise power spectrum for eLIGO. More...
double XLALSimNoisePSDiLIGOModel (double f)
 Provides the noise power spectrum for a model of the iLIGO detector. More...
double XLALSimNoisePSDeLIGOModel (double f)
 Provides the noise power spectrum for a model of the eLIGO detector. More...
double XLALSimNoisePSDVirgo (double f)
 Provides the design noise power spectrum for Virgo based on a phenomenological fit (from the Virgo webiste) that can be approximated by the following: More...
double XLALSimNoisePSDGEO (double f)
 Provides a GEO noise power spectrum based on that from Table IV of [7] . More...
double XLALSimNoisePSDGEOHF (double f)
 Provides a GEO-HF noise power spectrum based on a fit to Figure 6 from [9] . More...
double XLALSimNoisePSDTAMA (double f)
 Provides a TAMA300 noise power spectrum based on that from Table IV of [7] . More...

Noise PSD Routines for Second Generation Detectors

double XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOThermal (double f)
 Provides the thermal noise (suspension + coating) power spectrum for aLIGO. More...
double XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOQuantumNoSRMLowPower (double f)
 Provides the quantum noise power spectrum for aLIGO under the low-power no-signal-recycling-mirror configuration. More...
double XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOQuantumNoSRMHighPower (double f)
 Provides the quantum noise power spectrum for aLIGO under the high-power no-signal-recycling-mirror configuration. More...
double XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOQuantumZeroDetLowPower (double f)
 Provides the quantum noise power spectrum for aLIGO under the low-power broad-band signal recycling (no detuning of the signal recycling cavity). More...
double XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOQuantumZeroDetHighPower (double f)
 Provides the quantum noise power spectrum for aLIGO under the high-power broad-band signal recycling (no detuning of the signal recycling cavity). More...
double XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOQuantumNSNSOpt (double f)
 Provides the quantum noise power spectrum for aLIGO under the configuration tuned to optimize sensitivity to NS-NS inspirals. More...
double XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOQuantumBHBH20Deg (double f)
 Provides the quantum noise power spectrum for aLIGO under the configuration tuned to optimize sensitivity to 30+30 solar mass binary black holes with fixed signal recycling cavity detuning of 20 degrees. More...
double XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOQuantumHighFrequency (double f)
 Provides the quantum noise power spectrum for aLIGO under the configuration tuned to narrow-band high-frequency sensitivity around 1 kHz. More...
double XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGONoSRMLowPower (double f)
 Provides the noise power spectrum for aLIGO under the low-power no-signal-recycling-mirror configuration. More...
double XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGONoSRMHighPower (double f)
 Provides the noise power spectrum for aLIGO under the high-power no-signal-recycling-mirror configuration. More...
double XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOZeroDetLowPower (double f)
 Provides the noise power spectrum for aLIGO under the low-power broad-band signal recycling (no detuning of the signal recycling cavity). More...
double XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOZeroDetHighPower (double f)
 Provides the noise power spectrum for aLIGO under the high-power broad-band signal recycling (no detuning of the signal recycling cavity). More...
double XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGONSNSOpt (double f)
 Provides the noise power spectrum for aLIGO under the configuration tuned to optimize sensitivity to NS-NS inspirals. More...
double XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOBHBH20Deg (double f)
 Provides the noise power spectrum for aLIGO under the configuration tuned to optimize sensitivity to 30+30 solar mass binary black holes with fixed signal recycling cavity detuning of 20 degrees. More...
double XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOHighFrequency (double f)
 Provides the noise power spectrum for aLIGO under the configuration tuned to narrow-band high-frequency sensitivity around 1 kHz. More...
double XLALSimNoisePSDKAGRA (double f)
 Provides the noise power spectrum for KAGRA based on that from Eqn 5 of [15] . More...
double XLALSimNoisePSDAdvVirgo (double f)
 Provides the noise power spectrum for AdvVirgo based on that from Eqn 6 of [15] . More...

Noise PSD Utility Routines

int XLALSimNoisePSD (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow, double(*psdfunc)(double))
 Evaluates a power spectral density function, psdfunc, at the frequencies required to populate the frequency series psd, with a low frequency cutoff flow. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDFromFile (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow, const char *fname)
 Reads file fname containing two-column amplitude spectral density data file and interpolates at the frequencies required to populate the frequency series psd, with a low frequency cutoff flow. More...

Noise PSDs from LIGO-T0900288

int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGONoSRMLowPowerGWINC (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the "NO_SRM.txt" data file in LIGO-T0900288. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOZeroDetLowPowerGWINC (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the "ZERO_DET_low_P.txt" data file in LIGO-T0900288. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOZeroDetHighPowerGWINC (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the "ZERO_DET_high_P.txt" data file in LIGO-T0900288. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGONSNSOptGWINC (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the "NSNS_Opt.txt" data file in LIGO-T0900288. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOBHBH20DegGWINC (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the "BBH_20deg.txt" data file in LIGO-T0900288. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOHighFrequencyGWINC (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the "High_Freq.txt" data file in LIGO-T0900288. More...

Noise PSDs from LIGO-P1200087

int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOEarlyLowSensitivityP1200087 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the aLIGO 2015 low-sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOEarlyHighSensitivityP1200087 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the aLIGO 2015 high-sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOMidLowSensitivityP1200087 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the aLIGO 2016-2017 low-sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOMidHighSensitivityP1200087 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the aLIGO 2016-2017 high-sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOLateLowSensitivityP1200087 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the aLIGO 2017-2018 low-sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOLateHighSensitivityP1200087 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the aLIGO 2017-2018 high-sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGODesignSensitivityP1200087 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the aLIGO 2019 design sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOBNSOptimizedSensitivityP1200087 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the aLIGO BNS-optimized sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDAdVEarlyLowSensitivityP1200087 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the AdV 2016-2017 low-sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDAdVEarlyHighSensitivityP1200087 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the AdV 2016-2017 high-sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDAdVMidLowSensitivityP1200087 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the AdV 2017-2018 low-sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDAdVMidHighSensitivityP1200087 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the AdV 2017-2018 high-sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDAdVLateLowSensitivityP1200087 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the AdV 2018-2020 low-sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDAdVLateHighSensitivityP1200087 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the AdV 2018-2020 high-sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDAdVDesignSensitivityP1200087 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the AdV 2021 design sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDAdVBNSOptimizedSensitivityP1200087 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the AdV BNS-optimized sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087. More...

Noise PSDs from LIGO-P1600143

int XLALSimNoisePSDCosmicExplorerP1600143 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to Cosmic Explorer in LIGO-P1600143. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDCosmicExplorerPessimisticP1600143 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to Cosmic Explorer (pessimistic) in LIGO-P1600143. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDCosmicExplorerWidebandP1600143 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to Cosmic Explorer (wideband) in LIGO-P1600143. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDEinsteinTelescopeP1600143 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to Einstein Telescope in LIGO-P1600143. More...

Noise PSDs from LIGO-

int XLALSimNoisePSDKAGRAOpeningSensitivityT1600593 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the KAGRA 2018 opening (earliest) scenario in LIGO-T1600593. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDKAGRAEarlySensitivityT1600593 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the KAGRA 2019 early scenario in LIGO-T1600593. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDKAGRAMidSensitivityT1600593 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the KAGRA start-of-2020 mid scenario in LIGO-T1600593. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDKAGRALateSensitivityT1600593 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the KAGRA end-of-2020 late scenario in LIGO-T1600593. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDKAGRADesignSensitivityT1600593 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the KAGRA design scenario in LIGO-T1600593. More...

Noise PSDs from LIGO-T1800042

int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOAPlusDesignSensitivityT1800042 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the A+ configuration design sensitivity scenario in LIGO-T1800042. More...

Noise PSDs from LIGO-T1800044

int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGODesignSensitivityT1800044 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to an updated aLIGO configuration design sensitivity scenario in LIGO-T1800044. More...

Noise PSDs from LIGO-T1800545

Use XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGODesignSensitivityT1800044.
int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOO3LowT1800545 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to aLIGO O3 low 120 Mpc range in LIGO-T1800545. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGO140MpcT1800545 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to aLIGO 140 Mpc range in LIGO-T1800545. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGO175MpcT1800545 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to aLIGO 175 Mpc range (design) in LIGO-T1800545. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDAdVO4IntermediateT1800545 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to advanced Virgo 100 Mpc range (O4 intermediate) in LIGO-T1800545. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDAdVO4T1800545 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to advanced Virgo 120 Mpc range (O4 design) in LIGO-T1800545. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDAdVO3LowT1800545 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to advanced Virgo 65 Mpc range (O3 low) in LIGO-T1800545. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDKAGRA128MpcT1800545 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to advanced KAGRA 128 Mpc range in LIGO-T1800545. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDKAGRA25MpcT1800545 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to advanced KAGRA 25 Mpc range in LIGO-T1800545. More...
int XLALSimNoisePSDKAGRA80MpcT1800545 (REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, double flow)
 Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to advanced KAGRA 80 Mpc range in LIGO-T1800545. More...

Function Documentation

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDSeismic()

double XLALSimNoisePSDSeismic ( double  f,
double  L,
double  f_pend,
double  f_stack,
double  n_stack 

Provides a rather ad-hoc estimate of the seismic noise power spectral density at a given frequency.

This is a crude estimate based on characteristic frequencies for the pendulum and the stack. What is computed is

\[ S_h(f) = L^{-2} S_g(f) (f_{\mathrm{pend}}/f)^4 (f_{\mathrm{stack}}/f)^{4n_{\mathrm{stack}}} \]


\[ S_g(f) = 10^{-18}\,\mathrm{m}^2\,\mathrm{Hz}^{-1}\times(10\,\mathrm{Hz}/f)^4 \]

is the displacement power spectrum of ground motion.

The transfer function is only correct at frequencies above the specified characteristic pendulum and stack frequencies.
ffrequency (Hz)
Larm length (m)
f_pendcharacteristic frequency of pendulum suspension (Hz)
f_stackcharacteristic frequency of isolation stack (Hz)
n_stacknumber of layers of stack

Definition at line 127 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDSuspTherm()

double XLALSimNoisePSDSuspTherm ( double  f,
double  L,
double  M,
double  T,
double  f0,
double  Q 

Provides a rather ad-hoc estimate of the suspension thermal noise power spectral density at a given frequency.

This is a crude estimate based on the characteristic frequency of the pendulum suspension and its quality factor (= 1 / loss angle). What is computed is

\[ S_h(f) = L^{-2} \frac{2 k T}{\pi^3 f_0^3 M Q} \left( \frac{f_0}{f} \right)^5. \]

This only describes the broadband noise at frequencies above the pendulum frequency; it does not have the correct noise near the resonances.
ffrequency (Hz)
Larm length (m)
Mmirror mass (kg)
Ttemperature (K)
f0pendulum frequency
Qpendulum quality

Definition at line 160 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDMirrorTherm()

double XLALSimNoisePSDMirrorTherm ( double  f,
double  L,
double  M,
double  T,
double  f0,
double  Q 

Provides a rather ad-hoc estimate of the mirror thermal noise power spectral density at a given frequency.

This is a crude estimate based on the characteristic frequency of the mirror/coating internal modes and their quality factor (= 1 / loss angle). What is computed is

\[ S_h(f) = L^{-2} \frac{2 k T}{\pi^3 f_0^3 M Q} \frac{f_0}{f} \]

This only describes the broadband noise at frequencies below the resonance frequency; it does not have the correct noise near the resonances.
ffrequency (Hz)
Larm length (m)
Mmirror mass (kg)
Taverage per mirror power loss
f0average per mirror power loss
Qaverage per mirror power loss

Definition at line 188 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDShot()

double XLALSimNoisePSDShot ( double  f,
double  P_BS,
double  lambda,
double  L,
double  finesse,
double  eta 

Computes the shot noise in strain-equivalent units using a conventional model appropriate to initial interferometric detectors.

Uses the formula for shot noise from

ffrequency (Hz)
P_BSlaser power on beamsplitter (W)
lambdalaser wavelength (m)
Larm length (m)
finessearm cavity finesse
etaeffective quantum efficiency of photodiode

Definition at line 209 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDQuantum()

double XLALSimNoisePSDQuantum ( double  f,
double  I0,
double  lambda,
double  L,
double  M,
double  A,
double  A_BS,
double  T_ITM,
double  T_PRM,
double  T_SRM,
double  ds,
double  zeta,
double  eta 

Computes the quantum noise (shot noise and radiation pressure noise) according to Buonanno and Chen, Phys.

Rev. D 64 0402006 (2001).

This code is adapted from the GWINC matlab function shotrad.m which includes updated losses by Kirk McKenzie.

For simplicity, only losses from the mirrors are included. Losses from coupling and from the SRC are ignored. (These could be included as effective losses in A_BS if needed.) A fixed photdiode quantum efficiency of eta = 0.9 is used.

This code is adapted from GWINC.
ffrequency (Hz)
I0laser power (W)
lambdalaser wavelength (m)
Larm length (m)
Mmirror mass (kg)
Aaverage per mirror power loss
A_BSpower loss at beam splitter
T_ITMtransmittance of ITM
T_PRMtransmittance of PRM
T_SRMtransmittance of SRM
dsdetuning phase (rad)
zetademod/detection/homodyne phase
etaquantum efficiency of photodiode

Definition at line 240 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.


double XLALSimNoisePSDiLIGOSRD ( double  f)

Provides the noise power spectrum based on a phenomenological fit to the SRD curve for iLIGO.

This is a fit to the data provided for the Science Requirements Document (SRD) curve for initial LIGO given, which can be found at

The Science Requirements Document is located at

ffrequency (Hz)

Definition at line 334 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDiLIGOSeismic()

double XLALSimNoisePSDiLIGOSeismic ( double  f)

Provides the seismic noise power spectrum for iLIGO.

This is mostly a phenomenological fit. Only valid for f > 10 Hz.
ffrequency (Hz)

Definition at line 356 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDiLIGOThermal()

double XLALSimNoisePSDiLIGOThermal ( double  f)

Provides the thermal noise (suspension + coating) power spectrum for iLIGO.

This is a phenomenological fit to the broadband component.
ffrequency (Hz)

Definition at line 374 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDiLIGOShot()

double XLALSimNoisePSDiLIGOShot ( double  f)

Provides the shot noise power spectrum for iLIGO.

The effective quantum efficiency is one-third the actual quantum efficiency owing to the RF readout scheme. A fiducial value of 250 W of power on the beamsplitter is used.
ffrequency (Hz)

Definition at line 401 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDeLIGOShot()

double XLALSimNoisePSDeLIGOShot ( double  f)

Provides the shot noise power spectrum for eLIGO.

A fiducial value of 250 W of power on the beamsplitter is used.
ffrequency (Hz)

Definition at line 420 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDiLIGOModel()

double XLALSimNoisePSDiLIGOModel ( double  f)

Provides the noise power spectrum for a model of the iLIGO detector.

Not all noise sources are correctly accounted for (in particular, there is no actuation noise modelled) so this noise spectrum does not correspond to the S5 spectrum.
ffrequency (Hz)

Definition at line 441 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDeLIGOModel()

double XLALSimNoisePSDeLIGOModel ( double  f)

Provides the noise power spectrum for a model of the eLIGO detector.

Not all noise sources are correctly accounted for so this noise spectrum does not correspond to the S6 spectrum.
ffrequency (Hz)

Definition at line 461 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDVirgo()

double XLALSimNoisePSDVirgo ( double  f)

Provides the design noise power spectrum for Virgo based on a phenomenological fit (from the Virgo webiste) that can be approximated by the following:

\begin{equation} S_h(f) = s_0 \left ( \frac {7.87f}{f_0} \right )^{-4.8} + \frac{6}{17} \frac{f_0}{f} + \left [1 + \left (\frac {f}{f_0} \right)^2 \right ], \end{equation}

where \(s_0=10.2e-46\).

This comes from the deprecated function LALVIRGOPsd in the lal noisemodels package, which comes with no reference to the curve. An updated version of this model, with a reference would be welcomed.
ffrequency (Hz)

Definition at line 489 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.


double XLALSimNoisePSDGEO ( double  f)

Provides a GEO noise power spectrum based on that from Table IV of [7] .

The comes from the deprecated function LALGEOPsd in the lal noisemodels package.

ffrequency (Hz)

Definition at line 507 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.


double XLALSimNoisePSDGEOHF ( double  f)

Provides a GEO-HF noise power spectrum based on a fit to Figure 6 from [9] .

The fit is good between 50Hz to 8kHz and errors between the analytic fit given and the estimated curve are less than 1%.

ffrequency (Hz)

Definition at line 527 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.


double XLALSimNoisePSDTAMA ( double  f)

Provides a TAMA300 noise power spectrum based on that from Table IV of [7] .

The comes from the deprecated function LALTAMAPsd in the lal noisemodels package.

ffrequency (Hz)

Definition at line 542 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOThermal()

double XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOThermal ( double  f)

Provides the thermal noise (suspension + coating) power spectrum for aLIGO.

This is a phenomenological fit to the broadband component.
ffrequency (Hz)

Definition at line 566 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOQuantumNoSRMLowPower()

double XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOQuantumNoSRMLowPower ( double  f)

Provides the quantum noise power spectrum for aLIGO under the low-power no-signal-recycling-mirror configuration.

See: LIGO-T0900288-v3 and LIGO-T070247-01. This configuration is labelled No SRM.

ffrequency (Hz)

Definition at line 593 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOQuantumNoSRMHighPower()

double XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOQuantumNoSRMHighPower ( double  f)

Provides the quantum noise power spectrum for aLIGO under the high-power no-signal-recycling-mirror configuration.

See: LIGO-T0900288-v3 and LIGO-T070247-01. This configuration is the same a No SRM but with 125 W laser power.

ffrequency (Hz)

Definition at line 623 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOQuantumZeroDetLowPower()

double XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOQuantumZeroDetLowPower ( double  f)

Provides the quantum noise power spectrum for aLIGO under the low-power broad-band signal recycling (no detuning of the signal recycling cavity).

See: LIGO-T0900288-v3 and LIGO-T070247-01. This configuration is labelled Zero Detune, Low Power.

ffrequency (Hz)

Definition at line 653 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOQuantumZeroDetHighPower()

double XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOQuantumZeroDetHighPower ( double  f)

Provides the quantum noise power spectrum for aLIGO under the high-power broad-band signal recycling (no detuning of the signal recycling cavity).

See: LIGO-T0900288-v3 and LIGO-T070247-01. This configuration is labelled Zero Detune, High Power.

ffrequency (Hz)

Definition at line 683 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOQuantumNSNSOpt()

double XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOQuantumNSNSOpt ( double  f)

Provides the quantum noise power spectrum for aLIGO under the configuration tuned to optimize sensitivity to NS-NS inspirals.

See: LIGO-T0900288-v3 and LIGO-T070247-01. This configuration is labelled NS-NS Opt.

ffrequency (Hz)

Definition at line 713 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOQuantumBHBH20Deg()

double XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOQuantumBHBH20Deg ( double  f)

Provides the quantum noise power spectrum for aLIGO under the configuration tuned to optimize sensitivity to 30+30 solar mass binary black holes with fixed signal recycling cavity detuning of 20 degrees.

See: LIGO-T0900288-v3 and LIGO-T070247-01. This configuration is labelled BHBH 20-degree Detune.

ffrequency (Hz)

Definition at line 744 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOQuantumHighFrequency()

double XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOQuantumHighFrequency ( double  f)

Provides the quantum noise power spectrum for aLIGO under the configuration tuned to narrow-band high-frequency sensitivity around 1 kHz.

See: LIGO-T0900288-v3 and LIGO-T070247-01. This configuration is labelled High Freq.

ffrequency (Hz)

Definition at line 775 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.


double XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGONoSRMLowPower ( double  f)

Provides the noise power spectrum for aLIGO under the low-power no-signal-recycling-mirror configuration.

See: LIGO-T0900288-v3 and LIGO-T070247-01. This configuration is labelled No SRM.

This includes only thermal and quantum noise. It is only valid above around 9 Hz.
ffrequency (Hz)

Definition at line 808 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGONoSRMHighPower()

double XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGONoSRMHighPower ( double  f)

Provides the noise power spectrum for aLIGO under the high-power no-signal-recycling-mirror configuration.

See: LIGO-T0900288-v3 and LIGO-T070247-01. This configuration is the same a No SRM but with 125 W laser power.

This includes only thermal and quantum noise. It is only valid above around 9 Hz.
ffrequency (Hz)

Definition at line 830 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOZeroDetLowPower()

double XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOZeroDetLowPower ( double  f)

Provides the noise power spectrum for aLIGO under the low-power broad-band signal recycling (no detuning of the signal recycling cavity).

See: LIGO-T0900288-v3 and LIGO-T070247-01. This configuration is labelled Zero Detune, Low Power.

This includes only thermal and quantum noise. It is only valid above around 9 Hz.
ffrequency (Hz)

Definition at line 852 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOZeroDetHighPower()

double XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOZeroDetHighPower ( double  f)

Provides the noise power spectrum for aLIGO under the high-power broad-band signal recycling (no detuning of the signal recycling cavity).

See: LIGO-T0900288-v3 and LIGO-T070247-01. This configuration is labelled Zero Detune, High Power.

This includes only thermal and quantum noise. It is only valid above around 9 Hz.
ffrequency (Hz)

Definition at line 874 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.


double XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGONSNSOpt ( double  f)

Provides the noise power spectrum for aLIGO under the configuration tuned to optimize sensitivity to NS-NS inspirals.

See: LIGO-T0900288-v3 and LIGO-T070247-01. This configuration is labelled NS-NS Opt.

This includes only thermal and quantum noise. It is only valid above around 9 Hz.
ffrequency (Hz)

Definition at line 896 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.


double XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOBHBH20Deg ( double  f)

Provides the noise power spectrum for aLIGO under the configuration tuned to optimize sensitivity to 30+30 solar mass binary black holes with fixed signal recycling cavity detuning of 20 degrees.

See: LIGO-T0900288-v3 and LIGO-T070247-01. This configuration is labelled BHBH 20-degree Detune.

This includes only thermal and quantum noise. It is only valid above around 9 Hz.
ffrequency (Hz)

Definition at line 919 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOHighFrequency()

double XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOHighFrequency ( double  f)

Provides the noise power spectrum for aLIGO under the configuration tuned to narrow-band high-frequency sensitivity around 1 kHz.

See: LIGO-T0900288-v3 and LIGO-T070247-01. This configuration is labelled High Freq.

This includes only thermal and quantum noise. It is only valid above around 9 Hz.
ffrequency (Hz)

Definition at line 942 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.


double XLALSimNoisePSDKAGRA ( double  f)

Provides the noise power spectrum for KAGRA based on that from Eqn 5 of [15] .

This is a phenomenological fit to the KAGRA spectrum from

ffrequency (Hz)

Definition at line 959 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDAdvVirgo()

double XLALSimNoisePSDAdvVirgo ( double  f)

Provides the noise power spectrum for AdvVirgo based on that from Eqn 6 of [15] .

This is a phenomenological fit to the AdvVirgo spectrum from

ffrequency (Hz)

Definition at line 981 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSD()

int XLALSimNoisePSD ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow,
double(*)(double)  psdfunc 

Evaluates a power spectral density function, psdfunc, at the frequencies required to populate the frequency series psd, with a low frequency cutoff flow.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)
psdfuncfunction that provides the PSD at a specified frequency

Definition at line 1008 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDFromFile()

int XLALSimNoisePSDFromFile ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow,
const char fname 

Reads file fname containing two-column amplitude spectral density data file and interpolates at the frequencies required to populate the frequency series psd, with a low frequency cutoff flow.

If flow is zero or negative, the low frequency cutoff is the first frequency with non-zero amplitude spectral density in the file.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)
fnamefile containing amplitude spectral density data

Definition at line 1047 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.


int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGONoSRMLowPowerGWINC ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the "NO_SRM.txt" data file in LIGO-T0900288.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1129 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOZeroDetLowPowerGWINC()

int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOZeroDetLowPowerGWINC ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the "ZERO_DET_low_P.txt" data file in LIGO-T0900288.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1141 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOZeroDetHighPowerGWINC()

int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOZeroDetHighPowerGWINC ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the "ZERO_DET_high_P.txt" data file in LIGO-T0900288.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1153 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.


int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGONSNSOptGWINC ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the "NSNS_Opt.txt" data file in LIGO-T0900288.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1165 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.


int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOBHBH20DegGWINC ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the "BBH_20deg.txt" data file in LIGO-T0900288.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1177 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOHighFrequencyGWINC()

int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOHighFrequencyGWINC ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the "High_Freq.txt" data file in LIGO-T0900288.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1189 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOEarlyLowSensitivityP1200087()

int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOEarlyLowSensitivityP1200087 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the aLIGO 2015 low-sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1208 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOEarlyHighSensitivityP1200087()

int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOEarlyHighSensitivityP1200087 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the aLIGO 2015 high-sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1221 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOMidLowSensitivityP1200087()

int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOMidLowSensitivityP1200087 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the aLIGO 2016-2017 low-sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1234 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOMidHighSensitivityP1200087()

int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOMidHighSensitivityP1200087 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the aLIGO 2016-2017 high-sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1247 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOLateLowSensitivityP1200087()

int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOLateLowSensitivityP1200087 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the aLIGO 2017-2018 low-sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1260 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOLateHighSensitivityP1200087()

int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOLateHighSensitivityP1200087 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the aLIGO 2017-2018 high-sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1273 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGODesignSensitivityP1200087()

int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGODesignSensitivityP1200087 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the aLIGO 2019 design sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1286 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOBNSOptimizedSensitivityP1200087()

int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOBNSOptimizedSensitivityP1200087 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the aLIGO BNS-optimized sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1299 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDAdVEarlyLowSensitivityP1200087()

int XLALSimNoisePSDAdVEarlyLowSensitivityP1200087 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the AdV 2016-2017 low-sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1312 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDAdVEarlyHighSensitivityP1200087()

int XLALSimNoisePSDAdVEarlyHighSensitivityP1200087 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the AdV 2016-2017 high-sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1325 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDAdVMidLowSensitivityP1200087()

int XLALSimNoisePSDAdVMidLowSensitivityP1200087 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the AdV 2017-2018 low-sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1338 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDAdVMidHighSensitivityP1200087()

int XLALSimNoisePSDAdVMidHighSensitivityP1200087 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the AdV 2017-2018 high-sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1351 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDAdVLateLowSensitivityP1200087()

int XLALSimNoisePSDAdVLateLowSensitivityP1200087 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the AdV 2018-2020 low-sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1364 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDAdVLateHighSensitivityP1200087()

int XLALSimNoisePSDAdVLateHighSensitivityP1200087 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the AdV 2018-2020 high-sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1377 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDAdVDesignSensitivityP1200087()

int XLALSimNoisePSDAdVDesignSensitivityP1200087 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the AdV 2021 design sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1390 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDAdVBNSOptimizedSensitivityP1200087()

int XLALSimNoisePSDAdVBNSOptimizedSensitivityP1200087 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the AdV BNS-optimized sensitivity scenario in LIGO-P1200087.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1403 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDCosmicExplorerP1600143()

int XLALSimNoisePSDCosmicExplorerP1600143 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to Cosmic Explorer in LIGO-P1600143.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1423 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDCosmicExplorerPessimisticP1600143()

int XLALSimNoisePSDCosmicExplorerPessimisticP1600143 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to Cosmic Explorer (pessimistic) in LIGO-P1600143.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1436 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDCosmicExplorerWidebandP1600143()

int XLALSimNoisePSDCosmicExplorerWidebandP1600143 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to Cosmic Explorer (wideband) in LIGO-P1600143.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1449 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDEinsteinTelescopeP1600143()

int XLALSimNoisePSDEinsteinTelescopeP1600143 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to Einstein Telescope in LIGO-P1600143.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1462 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDKAGRAOpeningSensitivityT1600593()

int XLALSimNoisePSDKAGRAOpeningSensitivityT1600593 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the KAGRA 2018 opening (earliest) scenario in LIGO-T1600593.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1482 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDKAGRAEarlySensitivityT1600593()

int XLALSimNoisePSDKAGRAEarlySensitivityT1600593 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the KAGRA 2019 early scenario in LIGO-T1600593.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1495 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDKAGRAMidSensitivityT1600593()

int XLALSimNoisePSDKAGRAMidSensitivityT1600593 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the KAGRA start-of-2020 mid scenario in LIGO-T1600593.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1508 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDKAGRALateSensitivityT1600593()

int XLALSimNoisePSDKAGRALateSensitivityT1600593 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the KAGRA end-of-2020 late scenario in LIGO-T1600593.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1521 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDKAGRADesignSensitivityT1600593()

int XLALSimNoisePSDKAGRADesignSensitivityT1600593 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the KAGRA design scenario in LIGO-T1600593.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1534 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOAPlusDesignSensitivityT1800042()

int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOAPlusDesignSensitivityT1800042 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to the A+ configuration design sensitivity scenario in LIGO-T1800042.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1554 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGODesignSensitivityT1800044()

int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGODesignSensitivityT1800044 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to an updated aLIGO configuration design sensitivity scenario in LIGO-T1800044.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1575 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOO3LowT1800545()

int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOO3LowT1800545 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to aLIGO O3 low 120 Mpc range in LIGO-T1800545.

psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1601 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGO140MpcT1800545()

int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGO140MpcT1800545 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to aLIGO 140 Mpc range in LIGO-T1800545.

Use XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGOO3LowT1800545.
psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1620 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGO175MpcT1800545()

int XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGO175MpcT1800545 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to aLIGO 175 Mpc range (design) in LIGO-T1800545.

Use XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGO140MpcT1800545.
psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1639 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDAdVO4IntermediateT1800545()

int XLALSimNoisePSDAdVO4IntermediateT1800545 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to advanced Virgo 100 Mpc range (O4 intermediate) in LIGO-T1800545.

Use XLALSimNoisePSDaLIGO175MpcT1800545.
psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1658 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDAdVO4T1800545()

int XLALSimNoisePSDAdVO4T1800545 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to advanced Virgo 120 Mpc range (O4 design) in LIGO-T1800545.

Use XLALSimNoisePSDAdVO4IntermediateT1800545.
psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1677 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDAdVO3LowT1800545()

int XLALSimNoisePSDAdVO3LowT1800545 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to advanced Virgo 65 Mpc range (O3 low) in LIGO-T1800545.

Use XLALSimNoisePSDAdVO4T1800545.
psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1696 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDKAGRA128MpcT1800545()

int XLALSimNoisePSDKAGRA128MpcT1800545 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to advanced KAGRA 128 Mpc range in LIGO-T1800545.

Use XLALSimNoisePSDAdVO3LowT1800545.
psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1715 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDKAGRA25MpcT1800545()

int XLALSimNoisePSDKAGRA25MpcT1800545 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to advanced KAGRA 25 Mpc range in LIGO-T1800545.

Use XLALSimNoisePSDKAGRA128MpcT1800545.
psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1734 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.

◆ XLALSimNoisePSDKAGRA80MpcT1800545()

int XLALSimNoisePSDKAGRA80MpcT1800545 ( REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
double  flow 

Returns a frequency series psd with low frequency cutoff flow corresponding to advanced KAGRA 80 Mpc range in LIGO-T1800545.

Use XLALSimNoisePSDKAGRA25MpcT1800545.
psdfrequency series to be computed
flowlow frequency cutoff (Hz)

Definition at line 1753 of file LALSimNoisePSD.c.