Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2007 Bruce Allen, Duncan Brown, Jolien Creighton, Kipp
3  * Cannon, Teviet Creighton
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
7  * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
8  * option) any later version.
9  *
10  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
11  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
16  * with with program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
17  * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
18  * 02110-1301 USA
19  */
21 #ifndef _WINDOW_H
22 #define _WINDOW_H
24 #include <lal/LALDatatypes.h>
26 #ifdef __cplusplus
27 extern "C" {
28 #endif
30 /**
31  * \defgroup Window_h Header Window.h
32  * \ingroup lal_window
33  * \brief This header file provides routines and structures to create and store window functions (also called a taper,
34  * lag window, or apodization function).
35  *
36  * ### Synopsis ###
37  *
38  * \code
39  * #include <lal/Window.h>
40  * \endcode
41  *
42  * The \ref Window_h package defines two data types, the \c REAL4Window and
43  * \c REAL8Window types. These are suitable for storing window function
44  * data, providing storage for a sequence of samples as well as metadata
45  * about the window such as the sum-of-squarse of the samples. The package
46  * also provides a collection of functions to construct a variety of
47  * pre-defined window functions.
48  *
49  * The use of window functions in signal analysis is well documented in
50  * many places.
51  *
52  * Definitions of most of the window functions can be found in Numerical
53  * Recipes \cite ptvf1992 equations 13.4.13-13.4.15. Definitions of the
54  * remaining windows can be found in <em>Spectral analysis for physical
55  * applications</em> \cite pw93 Section 6.11. Definition of the Kaiser
56  * window can be found in <em>Discrete-time Signal Processing</em> by
57  * Oppenheim and Schafer, p.474.
58  * *
59  * ### Description ###
60  *
61  * These functions create or destroy a time-domain window function in a vector
62  * of specified length. If you wish to construct a custom window, call
63  * <tt>XLALCreateRectangularREAL8Window()</tt> (or the \c REAL4
64  * version), then replace the samples inside it with your own, and update the
65  * \c sumofsquares and \c sum elements. If the window function
66  * proves useful, consider adding it here so that others can benefit.
67  *
68  * It is convenient to describe the windows as functions on the normalized
69  * domain \f$y \in [-1, 1]\f$. The window is zero outside this domain. The
70  * window functions defined in this package are as follows.
71  *
72  * ### Rectangle ###
73  *
74  * \f{equation}{
75  * w(y)
76  * = 1.
77  * \f}</dd>
78  *
79  * ### Hann ###
80  *
81  * \f{equation}{
82  * w(y)
83  * = \cos^2 \frac{\pi}{2} y.
84  * \f}</dd>
85  *
86  * ### Welch ###
87  *
88  * \f{equation}{
89  * w(y)
90  * = 1 - y^2.
91  * \f}</dd>
92  *
93  * ### Bartlett ###
94  *
95  * \f{equation}{
96  * w(y)
97  * = 1 - |y|.
98  * \f}</dd>
99  *
100  * ### Parzen ###
101  *
102  * \f{equation}{
103  * w(y)
104  * = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
105  * 1 - 6 y^2 (1 - |y|) & |y| \leq 1 / 2, \\
106  * 2 (1 - |y|)^3 & |y| > 1 / 2.
107  * \end{array}\right.
108  * \f}</dd>
109  *
110  * ### Papoulis ###
111  *
112  * \f{equation}{
113  * w(y)
114  * = \frac{1}{\pi} \sin \pi |y| + (1 - |y|) \cos \pi |y|.
115  * \f}</dd>
116  *
117  * ### Hamming ###
118  *
119  * \f{equation}{
120  * w(y)
121  * = 0.08 + 0.92 \cos^{2} \frac{\pi}{2} y.
122  * \f}
123  * This is the same as the Hann window, but with an additional DC bias, or
124  * &quot;foot,&quot; of 0.08.</dd>
125  *
126  * ### Kaiser ###
127  *
128  * \f{equation}{
129  * w(y)
130  * = I_0 \left( \beta \sqrt{1-y^2} \right) / I_0(\beta),
131  * \f}
132  * where \f$I_0(x)\f$ is the \f$0\f$th order, modified Bessel function of the first
133  * kind. The shape parameter \f$\beta \in [0, \infty]\f$ sets the sharpness of
134  * the central peak. \f$\beta = 0\f$ yields the rectangle window, \f$\beta
135  * \rightarrow \infty\f$ yields a \f$\delta\f$ function with a single non-zero
136  * sample in the middle. This window is difficult to compute for large
137  * \f$\beta\f$, and an asymptotic approximation is used for \f$\beta \ge 705\f$. A
138  * linearly-interpolated transition occurs between \f$\beta = 695\f$ and \f$\beta =
139  * 705\f$. Finite-difference derivatives of the window with respect to \f$\beta\f$
140  * are unlikely to work well in this regime.</dd>
141  *
142  * ### Creighton ###
143  *
144  * \f{equation}{
145  * w(y)
146  * = \exp \left( -\beta \frac{y^2}{1 - y^2} \right).
147  * \f}
148  * This window function is based on a fairly standard \f$C_{\infty}\f$ test
149  * function used in distribution theory, e.g.\ <em>Green's Functions and
150  * Boundary Value Problems</em> \cite stakgold79 , by Stakgold. The shape parameter
151  * \f$\beta \in [0, \infty]\f$ sets the sharpness of the central peak. \f$\beta =
152  * 0\f$ yields the rectangle window, \f$\beta \rightarrow \infty\f$ yields a
153  * \f$\delta\f$ function with a single non-zero sample in the middle.</dd>
154  *
155  * ### Tukey ###
156  *
157  * \f{equation}{
158  * w(y)
159  * = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
160  * \sin^2 \left[ \frac{\pi}{2} (|y| - 1) / \beta \right] & |y| \geq 1 -
161  * \beta, \\
162  * 1 & |y| < 1 - \beta.
163  * \end{array} \right.
164  * \f}
165  * The shape parameter \f$\beta \in [0, 1]\f$ sets what fraction of the window is
166  * spanned by the tapers. \f$\beta = 0\f$ yields the rectangle window, \f$\beta =
167  * 1\f$ yields the Hann window.</dd>
168  *
169  * ### Gauss ###
170  *
171  * \f{equation}{
172  * w(y)
173  * = \exp \left( -\frac{1}{2} \beta^{2} y^{2} \right).
174  * \f}
175  * The shape parameter \f$\beta \in [0, \infty]\f$ sets the sharpness of the
176  * central peak. \f$\beta = 0\f$ yields the rectangle window, \f$\beta \rightarrow \infty\f$ yields a \f$\delta\f$ function with a single non-zero sample in the
177  * middle.
178  *
179  * ### Lanczos ###
180  *
181  * \f{equation}{
182  * w(y)
183  * = \frac{\sin \pi y}{\pi y}.
184  * \f}
185  * The Lanczos window is the central lobe of the sinc function. This is
186  * used, for example, in finite impulse response resampling to modulate a
187  * truncated sinc interpolating kernel.
188  *
189  * These window functions are shown in \ref window_t "this figure", showing various windows as functions of the normalized
190  * independend variable \f$y\f$, choosing \f$\beta = 6\f$ for the Kaiser window, \f$\beta = 2\f$ for the Creighton window,
191  * \f$\beta = 0.5\f$ for the Tukey window, and \f$\beta = 3\f$ for the Gauss window.
192  *
193  * \anchor window_t
194  * \image html window_t.png "Various windows as functions of the normalized independend variable y"
195  *
196  * For a vector of length \f$L\f$ (an integer), the mapping from integer array
197  * index \f$i\f$ to normalized co-ordinate \f$y\f$ is
198  * \f{equation}{
199  * y(i)
200  * = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
201  * 0 & L \le 1, \\
202  * 2 i / (L - 1) - 1 & L > 1,
203  * \end{array} \right.
204  * \f}
205  * where \f$0 \le i < L\f$, and floating-point division is used. This agrees with
206  * J. G. Proakis and D. G. Manolakis, <em>Digital Signal Processing</em>
207  * \cite pm95 , and \c MatLab. The first sample is \f$y = -1\f$, the last
208  * sample is \f$y = +1\f$. For odd-lengthed vectors, the middle sample is \f$y =
209  * 0\f$, while for even-lengthed vectors \f$y = 0\f$ occurs half-way between the two
210  * middle samples. Substituting \f$y(i)\f$ into the definitions of the window
211  * functions above yields \f$w(i)\f$, the value of the window function at the
212  * integer sample \f$i\f$.
213  *
214  * The Fourier transforms of the windows are shown as functions of \f$1 / y\f$ in
215  * \ref window_f "this figure", showing frequency behaviour of various windows as functions
216  * of the inverse of the normalized independend variable \f$y\f$, choosing \f$\beta = 6\f$
217  * for the Kaiser window, \f$\beta = 2\f$ for the Creighton window, \f$\beta = 0.5\f$ for
218  * the Tukey window, and \f$\beta = 3\f$ for the Gauss window.
219  *
220  * \anchor window_f
221  * \image html window_f.png "Frequency behaviour of various windows as functions of the inverse of the normalized independend variable y"
222  *
223  * Since the Fourier transform of windowed data is the Fourier transform of
224  * the data convolved with the Fourier transform of the window,
225  * \ref window_f "this figure" is the major guideline for selecting a window. One
226  * can see that windows with a narrow central lobe tend to have higher
227  * sidelobes, and windows which suppress their low-order sidelobes tend to
228  * have more power in the high-order sidelobes. The choice of window thus
229  * depends on whether one is trying to resolve nearby spectral features of
230  * comparable magnitude (suggesting a rectangular or a Welch window), to
231  * reduce spectral bias and low-order sidelobes (a Hamming or Kaiser window),
232  * or to measure a broad spectrum with a large dynamical range (a Creighton or
233  * a Papoulis window).
234  *
235  */
236 /** @{ */
239 /**
240  * Structure for storing REAL4 window function data, providing storage for a sequence of samples
241  * as well as metadata about the window such as the sum-of-squarse of the samples
242  */
243 typedef struct tagREAL4Window {
244  REAL4Sequence *data; /**< The window function samples */
245  REAL8 sumofsquares; /**< The sum of the squares of the window function samples */
246  REAL8 sum; /**< The sum of the window function samples */
247 } REAL4Window;
250 /**
251  * Structure for storing REAL8 window function data, providing storage for a sequence of samples
252  * as well as metadata about the window such as the sum-of-squarse of the samples
253  */
254 typedef struct tagREAL8Window {
255  REAL8Sequence *data; /**< The window function samples */
256  REAL8 sumofsquares; /**< The sum of the squares of the window function samples */
257  REAL8 sum; /**< The sum of the window function samples */
258 } REAL8Window;
261 #ifdef SWIG /* SWIG interface directives */
262 SWIGLAL(OWNS_THIS_ARG(REAL4Sequence*, sequence));
263 SWIGLAL(OWNS_THIS_ARG(REAL8Sequence*, sequence));
264 #endif
267 #ifdef SWIG /* SWIG interface directives */
268 SWIGLAL_CLEAR(OWNS_THIS_ARG(REAL4Sequence*, sequence));
269 SWIGLAL_CLEAR(OWNS_THIS_ARG(REAL8Sequence*, sequence));
270 #endif
298 void XLALDestroyREAL4Window(REAL4Window *window);
299 void XLALDestroyREAL8Window(REAL8Window *window);
306 int XLALCheckNamedWindow ( const char *windowName, const BOOLEAN haveBeta );
308 REAL8Window *XLALCreateNamedREAL8Window ( const char *windowName, REAL8 beta, UINT4 length );
309 REAL4Window *XLALCreateNamedREAL4Window ( const char *windowName, REAL8 beta, UINT4 length );
311 /** @} */
313 #ifdef __cplusplus
314 }
315 #endif
317 #endif /* _WINDOW_H */
unsigned char BOOLEAN
Boolean logical type, see Headers LAL(Atomic)Datatypes.h for more details.
double REAL8
Double precision real floating-point number (8 bytes).
uint32_t UINT4
Four-byte unsigned integer.
float REAL4
Single precision real floating-point number (4 bytes).
REAL8Window * XLALCreateWelchREAL8Window(UINT4 length)
Definition: Window.c:384
REAL4Window * XLALCreateTukeyREAL4Window(UINT4 length, REAL4 beta)
Definition: Window.c:739
REAL4Window * XLALCreateGaussREAL4Window(UINT4 length, REAL4 beta)
Definition: Window.c:745
REAL4Window * XLALCreateBartlettREAL4Window(UINT4 length)
Definition: Window.c:703
REAL4Window * XLALCreateRectangularREAL4Window(UINT4 length)
Definition: Window.c:685
REAL4Window * XLALCreateLanczosREAL4Window(UINT4 length)
Definition: Window.c:751
COMPLEX16Sequence * XLALUnitaryWindowCOMPLEX16Sequence(COMPLEX16Sequence *sequence, const REAL8Window *window)
Double-precision complex version of XLALUnitaryWindowREAL8Sequence().
Definition: Window.c:284
REAL4Window * XLALCreateKaiserREAL4Window(UINT4 length, REAL4 beta)
Definition: Window.c:727
REAL4Window * XLALCreateNamedREAL4Window(const char *windowName, REAL8 beta, UINT4 length)
Definition: Window.c:936
REAL8Window * XLALCreateNamedREAL8Window(const char *windowName, REAL8 beta, UINT4 length)
Generic window-function wrapper, allowing to select a window by its name.
Definition: Window.c:877
REAL8Window * XLALCreateRectangularREAL8Window(UINT4 length)
Definition: Window.c:350
REAL4Window * XLALCreateParzenREAL4Window(UINT4 length)
Definition: Window.c:709
REAL4Window * XLALCreateHannREAL4Window(UINT4 length)
Definition: Window.c:691
REAL4Window * XLALCreatePapoulisREAL4Window(UINT4 length)
Definition: Window.c:715
REAL4Window * XLALCreateHammingREAL4Window(UINT4 length)
Definition: Window.c:721
REAL4Window * XLALCreateCreightonREAL4Window(UINT4 length, REAL4 beta)
Definition: Window.c:733
REAL8Window * XLALCreateLanczosREAL8Window(UINT4 length)
Definition: Window.c:650
void XLALDestroyREAL8Window(REAL8Window *window)
Definition: Window.c:668
REAL8Window * XLALCreatePapoulisREAL8Window(UINT4 length)
Definition: Window.c:442
REAL8Window * XLALCreateHannREAL8Window(UINT4 length)
Definition: Window.c:367
COMPLEX8Sequence * XLALUnitaryWindowCOMPLEX8Sequence(COMPLEX8Sequence *sequence, const REAL4Window *window)
Single-precision complex version of XLALUnitaryWindowREAL8Sequence().
Definition: Window.c:324
REAL8Window * XLALCreateCreightonREAL8Window(UINT4 length, REAL8 beta)
Definition: Window.c:563
REAL4Sequence * XLALUnitaryWindowREAL4Sequence(REAL4Sequence *sequence, const REAL4Window *window)
Single-precision version of XLALUnitaryWindowREAL8Sequence().
Definition: Window.c:304
REAL8Sequence * XLALUnitaryWindowREAL8Sequence(REAL8Sequence *sequence, const REAL8Window *window)
Multiply a REAL8Sequence in-place by a REAL8Window with a normalization that preserves the variance o...
Definition: Window.c:264
int XLALCheckNamedWindow(const char *windowName, const BOOLEAN haveBeta)
Check whether a named window-function exists and whether it requires a parameter.
Definition: Window.c:854
REAL8Window * XLALCreateGaussREAL8Window(UINT4 length, REAL8 beta)
Definition: Window.c:623
void XLALDestroyREAL4Window(REAL4Window *window)
Definition: Window.c:757
REAL4Window * XLALCreateWelchREAL4Window(UINT4 length)
Definition: Window.c:697
REAL8Window * XLALCreateKaiserREAL8Window(UINT4 length, REAL8 beta)
Definition: Window.c:478
REAL8Window * XLALCreateBartlettREAL8Window(UINT4 length)
Definition: Window.c:402
REAL8Window * XLALCreateHammingREAL8Window(UINT4 length)
Definition: Window.c:461
REAL8Window * XLALCreateTukeyREAL8Window(UINT4 length, REAL8 beta)
Definition: Window.c:597
REAL4Window * XLALCreateREAL4WindowFromSequence(REAL4Sequence *sequence)
Single-precision version of XLALCreateREAL8WindowFromSequence().
Definition: Window.c:225
REAL8Window * XLALCreateREAL8WindowFromSequence(REAL8Sequence *sequence)
Constructs a new REAL8Window from a REAL8Sequence.
Definition: Window.c:204
REAL8Window * XLALCreateParzenREAL8Window(UINT4 length)
Definition: Window.c:421
Vector of type COMPLEX16, see DATATYPE-Vector types for more details.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:172
Vector of type COMPLEX8, see DATATYPE-Vector types for more details.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:163
Vector of type REAL4, see DATATYPE-Vector types for more details.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:145
Structure for storing REAL4 window function data, providing storage for a sequence of samples as well...
Definition: Window.h:243
REAL4Sequence * data
The window function samples.
Definition: Window.h:244
REAL8 sum
The sum of the window function samples.
Definition: Window.h:246
REAL8 sumofsquares
The sum of the squares of the window function samples.
Definition: Window.h:245
Vector of type REAL8, see DATATYPE-Vector types for more details.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:154
Structure for storing REAL8 window function data, providing storage for a sequence of samples as well...
Definition: Window.h:254
REAL8Sequence * data
The window function samples.
Definition: Window.h:255
REAL8 sumofsquares
The sum of the squares of the window function samples.
Definition: Window.h:256
REAL8 sum
The sum of the window function samples.
Definition: Window.h:257