Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2017 Walter Del Pozzo
3  *
4  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7  * (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with with program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
16  * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
17  * MA 02110-1301 USA
18  */
19 #include <gsl/gsl_spline.h>
20 #include <stdlib.h>
21 #include <math.h>
22 #include <lal/Date.h>
23 #include <lal/FrequencySeries.h>
24 #include <lal/LALConstants.h>
25 #include <lal/LALDatatypes.h>
26 #include <lal/LALSimInspiral.h>
27 #include <lal/LALSimInspiralTestingGRCorrections.h>
28 #include <lal/Sequence.h>
30 #include <lal/LALSimIMR.h>
32 /*
33  * Peak (angular) frequency of 2,2 mode of GW predicted by fitting NR results. Taken from
34  * Eq. A8 of Bohe et al (2017) ( Used in building SEOBNRv4.
35  */
36 static inline REAL8 Get22PeakAngFreq(REAL8 UNUSED eta,
37  REAL8 a) /** Combined spin chi defined in Eq. (2.8) of Bohe et al. (2017) */
38 {
39  REAL8 chi = a;
40  REAL8 res;
41  res = 0.5626787200433265 + (-0.08706198756945482 +
42  0.0017434519312586804 * chi) *
43  log (10.26207326082448 -
44  chi * (7.629921628648589 -
45  72.75949266353584 * (-0.25 + eta)) -
46  62.353217004599784 * (-0.25 + eta));
47  return res;
48 }
50 int XLALSimInspiralTestingGRCorrections(COMPLEX16FrequencySeries *htilde, /**< input htilde, will be modified in place */
51  const UINT4 l, /**< degree l of the GW mode */
52  const UINT4 m, /**< order m of the GW mode */
53  const REAL8 m1_SI, /**< mass of companion 1 (kg) */
54  const REAL8 m2_SI, /**< mass of companion 2 (kg) */
55  const REAL8 chi1z, /**< z-component of the dimensionless spin of object 1 */
56  const REAL8 chi2z, /**< z-component of the dimensionless spin of object 2 */
57  const REAL8 f_low, /**< lower GW frequency bound (Hz) */
58  const REAL8 f_ref, /**< reference GW frequency (Hz) */
59  const REAL8 f_window_div_f_Peak, /**< Frequency at which to attach non-GR and GR waveforms, inputted as a fraction of f_Peak (should be between 0 and 1) */
60  const REAL8 NCyclesStep, /**< Number of GW cycles over which to taper the non-GR phase correction */
61  LALDict *LALpars /**< dictionary of additional parameters */
62  )
63 {
64  /* check if we have a NULL pnCorrections pointer. If yes, just return */
65  if (LALpars==NULL) return 0;
66  /* external: SI; internal: solar masses */
67  const REAL8 f0 = htilde->f0;
68  const REAL8 deltaF = htilde->deltaF;
69  const REAL8 m1 = m1_SI / LAL_MSUN_SI;
70  const REAL8 m2 = m2_SI / LAL_MSUN_SI;
71  const REAL8 mt = m1 + m2;
72  const REAL8 m_sec = mt * LAL_MTSUN_SI; /* total mass in seconds */
73  const REAL8 eta = m1 * m2 / (mt * mt);
74 /* Check that fRef is sane */
75  if( f_ref < f_low )
76  {
77  XLALPrintError("XLAL Error - %s: fRef is smaller than the starting frequency of the waveform, f_low. Please pass in the starting GW frequency instead.\n", __func__);
79  }
84  REAL8 f22Peak;
86  /* Compute the frequency where the amplitude of 2,2 mode peaks differently for BBH, BNS, and NSBH:
87  For BBH, use fit to NR used in construction of SEOBNRv4 (arxiv:1611.03703)
88  For BNS, use fit to NR used in construction of NRTidal models (documented in LALSimNRTunedTides.c, arXiv:1706.02969)
89  For NSBH, use same fit as BBH
90  */
92  if(lambda1 == 0.0 && lambda2 == 0.0){
93  f22Peak = Get22PeakAngFreq(eta, 0.5*(chi1z + chi2z) + 0.5*(chi1z - chi2z)*(m1 - m2)/(m1 + m2)/(1. - 2.*eta)) / (2.*LAL_PI * m_sec);
94  //Spin combination defined in Eq. (2.8) of Bohe et al. (2017) (SEOBNRv4 paper)
95  }
96  else if(lambda1 != 0.0 && lambda2 != 0.0)
97  {
98  const REAL8 q = fmax(m1 / m2, m2 / m1);
99  const double kappa2T = XLALSimNRTunedTidesComputeKappa2T(m1_SI, m2_SI, lambda1, lambda2);
100  f22Peak = XLALSimNRTunedTidesMergerFrequency(mt, kappa2T, q) + l*0;
101  }
102  else{
103  f22Peak = Get22PeakAngFreq(eta, 0.5*(chi1z + chi2z) + 0.5*(chi1z - chi2z)*(m1 - m2)/(m1 + m2)/(1. - 2.*eta)) / (2.*LAL_PI * m_sec);
104  }
106  INT4 i;
107  INT4 n = (INT4) htilde->data->length;
109  /* Indices of f0, f_low, frequency at which non-GR modifications end, and fPeak */
110  INT4 iStart, iStartFinal, iRef, iPeak;
111  iStart = (UINT4) ceil((f_low/2.-f0) / deltaF);
112  iStartFinal = (UINT4) ceil((f_low-f0) / deltaF);
113  iRef = (UINT4) ceil((f_ref*m/2.-f0) / deltaF);
114  iPeak = (UINT4) fmin(ceil((f22Peak - f0) / deltaF),n-1);
116  /* Sequence of frequencies where corrections to the model need to be evaluated
117  * Fill with non-zero vals from f0 to fEnd
118  */
119  REAL8Sequence *freqs =NULL;
120  freqs = XLALCreateREAL8Sequence(n);
122  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
123  {
124  freqs->data[i] = f0 + i * deltaF;
125  }
127  PNPhasingSeries pfa;
128  const REAL8 qm_def1 = 1.;
129  const REAL8 qm_def2 = 1.;
131  XLALSimInspiralPNCorrections(&pfa, m1, m2, chi1z, chi2z, chi1z*chi1z, chi2z*chi2z, chi1z*chi2z, qm_def1, qm_def2, LALpars);
132  XLALSimInspiralPhaseCorrectionsPhasing(htilde,freqs,m,iStart,iRef,iPeak,pfa,m_sec,eta,f_window_div_f_Peak,iStartFinal,NCyclesStep);
134  return 0;
135 }
137 /* Computes the PN coefficients for the non-GR phase correction and stores in pfa.
138  * The TestGRParam values represent fractional deviation from the corresponing PN
139  * coefficients in TaylorF2 expression for the phase, except where the
140  * coefficeint vanishes in GR, in which case the TestGRParam values indicates the
141  * total value of that PN coefficient. The code closely follows XLALSimInspiralPNPhasing_F2()
142  * in LALSimInspiralPNCoefficients.c, but returns only the PN coefficients for the
143  * correction instead of the TaylorF2 value + correction.
144  */
146 void XLALSimInspiralPNCorrections(PNPhasingSeries *pfa, /**< PN phasing coefficients, to be modified in place */
147  const REAL8 m1, /**< Mass of body 1, in Msol */
148  const REAL8 m2, /**< Mass of body 2, in Msol */
149  const REAL8 chi1L, /**< Component of dimensionless spin 1 along Lhat */
150  const REAL8 chi2L, /**< Component of dimensionless spin 2 along Lhat */
151  const REAL8 chi1sq,/**< Magnitude of dimensionless spin 1 */
152  const REAL8 chi2sq, /**< Magnitude of dimensionless spin 2 */
153  const REAL8 chi1dotchi2, /**< Dot product of dimensionles spin 1 and spin 2 */
154  const REAL8 qm_def1, /**< Quadrupole deformation parameter of body 1 (dimensionless) */
155  const REAL8 qm_def2, /**< Quadrupole deformation parameter of body 2 (dimensionless) */
156  LALDict *LALpars /**< dictionary of additional parameters */
157  )
158 {
159  const REAL8 mtot = m1 + m2;
160  const REAL8 eta = m1*m2/mtot/mtot;
161  const REAL8 pfaN = 3.L/(128.L * eta);
162  const REAL8 d = (m1 - m2) / (m1 + m2);
163  const REAL8 m1M = m1/mtot;
164  const REAL8 m2M = m2/mtot;
165  const REAL8 SL = m1M*m1M*chi1L + m2M*m2M*chi2L;
166  const REAL8 dSigmaL = d*(m2M*chi2L - m1M*chi1L);
167  REAL8 pn_sigma = eta * (721.L/48.L*chi1L*chi2L - 247.L/48.L*chi1dotchi2);
168  pn_sigma += (720.L*qm_def1 - 1.L)/96.0L * m1M * m1M * chi1L * chi1L;
169  pn_sigma += (720.L*qm_def2 - 1.L)/96.0L * m2M * m2M * chi2L * chi2L;
170  pn_sigma -= (240.L*qm_def1 - 7.L)/96.0L * m1M * m1M * chi1sq;
171  pn_sigma -= (240.L*qm_def2 - 7.L)/96.0L * m2M * m2M * chi2sq;
172  REAL8 pn_ss3 = (326.75L/1.12L + 557.5L/1.8L*eta)*eta*chi1L*chi2L;
173  pn_ss3 += ((4703.5L/8.4L+2935.L/6.L*m1M-120.L*m1M*m1M)*qm_def1 + (-4108.25L/6.72L-108.5L/1.2L*m1M+125.5L/3.6L*m1M*m1M)) *m1M*m1M * chi1sq;
174  pn_ss3 += ((4703.5L/8.4L+2935.L/6.L*m2M-120.L*m2M*m2M)*qm_def2 + (-4108.25L/6.72L-108.5L/1.2L*m2M+125.5L/3.6L*m2M*m2M)) *m2M*m2M * chi2sq;
175  const REAL8 pn_gamma = (554345.L/1134.L + 110.L*eta/9.L)*SL + (13915.L/84.L - 10.L*eta/3.L)*dSigmaL;
176  /* Introducing here the SIQM test PN cofficients..*/
177  /* See eq. (0.5a) of */
178  const REAL8 chiS = 0.5L * (chi1L + chi2L);
179  const REAL8 chiA = 0.5L * (chi1L - chi2L);
180  const REAL8 siqm_2pn_kappaS = 50.L * (2.L*eta - 1.L) * (chiS*chiS + chiA*chiA) -100.L * d * chiA * chiS;
181  const REAL8 siqm_2pn_kappaA = -50.L * d * (chiS*chiS + chiA*chiA) + 100.L * (2.L*eta - 1.L) * chiA * chiS;
182  const REAL8 siqm_3pn_kappaS = (chiS*chiS + chiA*chiA) * (26015.L/28.L - 44255.L/21.L * eta - 240.L * eta*eta) + chiA * chiS * d * (26015.L/14.L - 1495.L/3. * eta);
183  const REAL8 siqm_3pn_kappaA = (26015.L/28.L - 1495.L/6.L * eta) * d * (chiS*chiS + chiA*chiA) + (26015.L/14.L - 88510.L/21.L *eta - 480.L *eta*eta) * chiS * chiA;
185  /* initialise the PN correction coefficients to 0 identically */
186  memset(pfa, 0, sizeof(PNPhasingSeries));
188  /* Non-spinning corrections to phasing terms - see arXiv:0907.0700, Eq. 3.18 */
189  if (XLALDictContains(LALpars,"dchiMinus2")) pfa->vneg[2] = XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChiMinus2(LALpars);
190  if (XLALDictContains(LALpars,"dchiMinus1")) pfa->vneg[1] = XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChiMinus1(LALpars);
192  if (XLALDictContains(LALpars,"dchi0")) pfa->v[0] = XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi0(LALpars);
193  if (XLALDictContains(LALpars,"dchi1")) pfa->v[1] = XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi1(LALpars);
195  if (XLALDictContains(LALpars,"dchi2"))
196  {
197  pfa->v[2] = 5.L*(743.L/84.L + 11.L * eta)/9.L;
199  }
201  if (XLALDictContains(LALpars,"dchi3") || XLALDictContains(LALpars,"dchi3NS") || XLALDictContains(LALpars,"dchi3S"))
202  {
203  pfa->v[3] = -16.L*LAL_PI;
204  pfa->v[3] += 188.L*SL/3.L + 25.L*dSigmaL;
207  /* Splitting the deviation parameter into spin and no-spin parts and then adding them here */
208  pfa->v[3] += -16.L*LAL_PI * XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi3NS(LALpars);
209  pfa->v[3] += (188.L*SL/3.L + 25.L*dSigmaL) * XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi3S(LALpars);
210  }
212  if (XLALDictContains(LALpars,"dchi4") || XLALDictContains(LALpars,"dchi4NS") || XLALDictContains(LALpars,"dchi4S") || XLALDictContains(LALpars,"dchikappaS") || XLALDictContains(LALpars,"dchikappaA"))
213  {
214  pfa->v[4] = 5.L*(3058.673L/7.056L + 5429.L/7.L * eta + 617.L * eta*eta)/72.L;
215  pfa->v[4] += -10.L * pn_sigma;
218  /* Splitting the deviation parameter into spin and no-spin parts and then adding them here */
219  pfa->v[4] += (5.L*(3058.673L/7.056L + 5429.L/7.L * eta + 617.L * eta*eta)/72.L) * XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi4NS(LALpars);
220  pfa->v[4] += -10.L*pn_sigma * XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi4S(LALpars);
222  /* Adding 2PN SIQM test here..*/
223  pfa->v[4] += siqm_2pn_kappaS * XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChikappaS(LALpars);
224  pfa->v[4] += siqm_2pn_kappaA * XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChikappaA(LALpars);
225  }
227  if (XLALDictContains(LALpars,"dchi5") || XLALDictContains(LALpars,"dchi5NS") || XLALDictContains(LALpars,"dchi5S"))
228  {
229  pfa->v[5] = 5.L/9.L * (7729.L/84.L - 13.L * eta) * LAL_PI;
230  pfa->v[5] += -1.L * pn_gamma;
233  /* Splitting the deviation parameter into spin and no-spin parts and then adding them here */
234  pfa->v[5] += (5.L/9.L * (7729.L/84.L - 13.L * eta) * LAL_PI) * XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi5NS(LALpars);
235  pfa->v[5] += -1.L*pn_gamma * XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi5S(LALpars);
236  }
238  if (XLALDictContains(LALpars,"dchi5l") || XLALDictContains(LALpars,"dchi5lNS") || XLALDictContains(LALpars,"dchi5lS"))
239  {
240  pfa->vlogv[5] = 5.L/3.L * (7729.L/84.L - 13.L * eta) * LAL_PI;
241  pfa->vlogv[5] += -3.L * pn_gamma;
244  /* Splitting the deviation parameter into spin and no-spin parts and then adding them here */
245  pfa->vlogv[5] += (5.L/3.L * (7729.L/84.L - 13.L * eta) * LAL_PI) * XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi5LNS(LALpars);
246  pfa->vlogv[5] += -3.L*pn_gamma * XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi5LS(LALpars);
247  }
249  if (XLALDictContains(LALpars,"dchi6") || XLALDictContains(LALpars,"dchi6NS") || XLALDictContains(LALpars,"dchi6S") || XLALDictContains(LALpars,"dchikappaS") || XLALDictContains(LALpars,"dchikappaA"))
250  {
251  pfa->v[6] = (11583.231236531L/4.694215680L - 640.L/3.L * LAL_PI * LAL_PI - 6848.L/21.L*LAL_GAMMA) + eta * (-15737.765635L/3.048192L + 2255./12. * LAL_PI * LAL_PI) + eta*eta * 76055.L/1728.L - eta*eta*eta * 127825.L/1296.L;
252  pfa->v[6] += (-6848.L/21.L)*log(4.);
253  pfa->v[6] += LAL_PI * (3760.L*SL + 1490.L*dSigmaL)/3.L + pn_ss3;
256  /* Splitting the deviation parameter into spin and no-spin parts and then adding them here */
257  pfa->v[6] += ((11583.231236531L/4.694215680L - 640.L/3.L * LAL_PI * LAL_PI - 6848.L/21.L*LAL_GAMMA) + eta * (-15737.765635L/3.048192L + 2255./12. * LAL_PI * LAL_PI) + eta*eta * 76055.L/1728.L - eta*eta*eta * 127825.L/1296.L + (-6848.L/21.L)*log(4.)) * XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi6NS(LALpars);
258  pfa->v[6] += (LAL_PI * (3760.L*SL + 1490.L*dSigmaL)/3.L + pn_ss3) * XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi6S(LALpars);
260  /* Adding 3PN SIQM test here..*/
261  pfa->v[6] += siqm_3pn_kappaS * XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChikappaS(LALpars);
262  pfa->v[6] += siqm_3pn_kappaA * XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChikappaA(LALpars);
263  }
265  if (XLALDictContains(LALpars,"dchi6l"))
266  {
267  pfa->vlogv[6] = -6848.L/21.L;
269  }
271  if (XLALDictContains(LALpars,"dchi7")|| XLALDictContains(LALpars,"dchi7NS") || XLALDictContains(LALpars,"dchi7S"))
272  {
273  pfa->v[7] = LAL_PI * ( 77096675.L/254016.L + 378515.L/1512.L * eta - 74045.L/756.L * eta*eta);
274  pfa->v[7] += (-8980424995.L/762048.L + 6586595.L*eta/756.L - 305.L*eta*eta/36.L)*SL - (170978035.L/48384.L - 2876425.L*eta/672.L - 4735.L*eta*eta/144.L) * dSigmaL;
277  /* Splitting the deviation parameter into spin and no-spin parts and then adding them here */
278  pfa->v[7] += (LAL_PI * ( 77096675.L/254016.L + 378515.L/1512.L * eta - 74045.L/756.L * eta*eta)) * XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi7NS(LALpars);
279  pfa->v[7] += ((-8980424995.L/762048.L + 6586595.L*eta/756.L - 305.L*eta*eta/36.L)*SL - (170978035.L/48384.L - 2876425.L*eta/672.L - 4735.L*eta*eta/144.L) * dSigmaL) * XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi7S(LALpars);
280  }
282  /* At the very end, multiply everything in the series by the newtonian term */
283  for(int ii = 0; ii <= PN_PHASING_SERIES_MAX_ORDER; ii++)
284  {
285  pfa->v[ii] *= pfaN;
286  pfa->vlogv[ii] *= pfaN;
287  pfa->vlogvsq[ii] *= pfaN;
288  pfa->vneg[ii] *= pfaN;
289  }
290 }
292 /* Compute phase correction that tapers to zero at freqs->data[iEnd] and add to
293  * the phase of of the waveform htilde.
294  */
296 int XLALSimInspiralPhaseCorrectionsPhasing(COMPLEX16FrequencySeries *htilde, /**< input htilde, will be modified in place */
297  const REAL8Sequence *freqs, /**< frequency series */
298  const UINT4 m, /**< order m of GW mode */
299  const UINT4 iStart, /**< index of starting frequency */
300  const UINT4 iRef, /**< index of reference frequency */
301  const UINT4 iPeak, /**< index of peak frequency */
302  PNPhasingSeries pfa, /**< PN phasing coefficients */
303  const REAL8 mtot, /**< total mass */
304  const REAL8 eta, /**< dimensionless symmetric mass ratio */
305  const REAL8 f_window_div_f_Peak, /**< Frequency at which to attach non-GR and GR waveforms, inputted as a fraction of f_Peak (should be between 0 and 1) */
306  const REAL8 iStartFinal, /**< index of starting frequency for TGR modification */
307  const REAL8 NCyclesStep /**< Choose number of GW cycles over which to taper the non-GR phase correction */
308  )
309 {
311  UINT4 i;
312  const REAL8 pfaN0 = 3.L/(128.L * eta);
313  const REAL8 piM = LAL_PI * mtot;
314  /*const REAL8 vWindow = cbrt(2*piM * freqs->data[iEnd]/m); //Center of the tapering function in v-space*/
315  const REAL8 vWindow = cbrt(2*piM * f_window_div_f_Peak * freqs->data[iPeak]/2); //Center of the tapering function in v-space
316  const REAL8 width = (NCyclesStep * LAL_PI * vWindow * vWindow * vWindow * vWindow * vWindow * vWindow)/(50. * pfaN0); //Width of tapering step function
319  /* Compute the second derivative of the phase correction and taper with step function
320  * Phase correction only generated from f_low to f_max
321  */
322  REAL8Sequence *d2phasenonGRdf2Tapered = NULL;
323  d2phasenonGRdf2Tapered = XLALCreateREAL8Sequence( (UINT4) freqs->length );
324  REAL8 f;
325  for ( i = iStart; i < freqs->length; i++)
326  {
327  f = freqs->data[i];
328  if (f>0) d2phasenonGRdf2Tapered->data[i] = PNPhaseSecondDerivative(f, m, pfa, mtot)/ (1. + exp( (cbrt(2*piM * freqs->data[i]/m) - vWindow) / width ) );
329  }
331  /* Interpolate and integrate (twice) the tapered second derivative of the phase correction to compute the phase correction
332  * Set the value of the correction and its first derivative to zero at f_ref
333  */
334  REAL8Sequence *dphasenonGRdfTapered = NULL, *phasenonGRTapered = NULL;
335  dphasenonGRdfTapered = XLALCreateREAL8Sequence( (UINT4) freqs->length );
336  phasenonGRTapered = XLALCreateREAL8Sequence( (UINT4) freqs->length );
338  gsl_spline *splineTemp = NULL;
339  gsl_interp_accel *acc = NULL;
340  splineTemp = gsl_spline_alloc (gsl_interp_linear, freqs->length);
341  gsl_spline_init(splineTemp, freqs->data, d2phasenonGRdf2Tapered->data, freqs->length);
343  dphasenonGRdfTapered->data[iRef] = 0.0;
344  for ( i = iRef; i-- > iStart; )
345  dphasenonGRdfTapered->data[i] = dphasenonGRdfTapered->data[i+1] - gsl_spline_eval_integ(splineTemp, freqs->data[i], freqs->data[i+1], acc);
346  for ( i = iRef+1; i < freqs->length; i++ )
347  dphasenonGRdfTapered->data[i] = dphasenonGRdfTapered->data[i-1] + gsl_spline_eval_integ(splineTemp, freqs->data[i-1], freqs->data[i], acc);
349  gsl_spline_init(splineTemp, freqs->data, dphasenonGRdfTapered->data, freqs->length);
350  phasenonGRTapered->data[iRef] = 0.0;
351  for ( i = iRef; i-- > iStart; )
352  phasenonGRTapered->data[i] = phasenonGRTapered->data[i+1] - gsl_spline_eval_integ(splineTemp, freqs->data[i], freqs->data[i+1], acc);
353  for ( i = iRef+1; i < freqs->length; i++ )
354  phasenonGRTapered->data[i] = phasenonGRTapered->data[i-1] + gsl_spline_eval_integ(splineTemp, freqs->data[i-1], freqs->data[i], acc);
357  /* Compute the first derivative of the phase correction at fPeak and subtract from
358  * the phase correction to ensure the derivative vanishes at fPeak to accomplish alignment
359  * of time-domain waveform.
360  *
361  * Then add phase correction to input waveform phase.
362  */
363  REAL8 PNPhaseRefDerivative = dphasenonGRdfTapered->data[iPeak];
364  /*printf("phase at fref=%f\n", phasenonGRTapered->data[iRef]);*/
366  for ( i = iStartFinal; i < freqs->length; i++ ) {
367  REAL8 phasing = phasenonGRTapered->data[i] - PNPhaseRefDerivative * (freqs->data[i]-freqs->data[iRef]) ;
368  htilde->data->data[i] *= cexp(phasing * 1.j);
369  }
371  gsl_spline_free(splineTemp);
372  gsl_interp_accel_free(acc);
373  XLALDestroyREAL8Sequence(d2phasenonGRdf2Tapered);
374  XLALDestroyREAL8Sequence(dphasenonGRdfTapered);
375  XLALDestroyREAL8Sequence(phasenonGRTapered);
376  return 0;
377 }
379 REAL8 PNPhase(REAL8 f, /* frequency in Hz */
380  UINT4 m,
381  PNPhasingSeries pfa,
382  const REAL8 mtot) /* total mass in seconds */
383 {
385  const REAL8 piM = LAL_PI * mtot;
386  const REAL8 pfa7 = pfa.v[7];
387  const REAL8 pfa6 = pfa.v[6];
388  const REAL8 pfl6 = pfa.vlogv[6];
389  const REAL8 pfa5 = pfa.v[5];
390  const REAL8 pfl5 = pfa.vlogv[5];
391  const REAL8 pfa4 = pfa.v[4];
392  const REAL8 pfa3 = pfa.v[3];
393  const REAL8 pfa2 = pfa.v[2];
394  const REAL8 pfa1 = pfa.v[1];
395  const REAL8 pfaN = pfa.v[0];
396  const REAL8 pfaMinus1 = pfa.vneg[1];
397  const REAL8 pfaMinus2 = pfa.vneg[2];
399  const REAL8 v = cbrt(2*piM*f/m);
400  const REAL8 logv = log(v);
401  const REAL8 v2 = v * v;
402  const REAL8 v3 = v * v2;
403  const REAL8 v4 = v * v3;
404  const REAL8 v5 = v * v4;
405  const REAL8 v6 = v * v5;
406  const REAL8 v7 = v * v6;
407  REAL8 phasing = 0.0;
409  phasing += pfa7 * v7;
410  phasing += (pfa6 + pfl6 * logv) * v6;
411  phasing += (pfa5 + pfl5 * logv) * v5;
412  phasing += pfa4 * v4;
413  phasing += pfa3 * v3;
414  phasing += pfa2 * v2;
415  phasing += pfa1 * v;
416  phasing += pfaN;
417  phasing += pfaMinus1 / v;
418  phasing += pfaMinus2 /v2;
419  phasing /= v5;
420  phasing *=m/2.;
422  return -phasing;
423 }
425 /* Derivative of phase with respect to f:
426  * d[ v^(n - 5) ] = (pi * M) / 3 * (n - 5) v^(n - 8)
427  * d[ v^(n - 5) * log(v)] = (pi * M) / 3 * (1 + (n - 5) * log(v)) * v^(n - 8)
428  *
429  * where v = (pi * M * f)^(1 / 3)
430  */
432 REAL8 PNPhaseDerivative(REAL8 f, /* frequency in Hz */
433  UINT4 m,
434  PNPhasingSeries pfa,
435  const REAL8 mtot) /* total mass in seconds */
436 {
438  const REAL8 piM = LAL_PI * mtot;
439  const REAL8 pfa7 = pfa.v[7];
440  const REAL8 pfa6 = pfa.v[6];
441  const REAL8 pfl6 = pfa.vlogv[6];
442  //const REAL8 pfa5 = pfa.v[5];
443  const REAL8 pfl5 = pfa.vlogv[5];
444  const REAL8 pfa4 = pfa.v[4];
445  const REAL8 pfa3 = pfa.v[3];
446  const REAL8 pfa2 = pfa.v[2];
447  const REAL8 pfa1 = pfa.v[1];
448  const REAL8 pfaN = pfa.v[0];
449  const REAL8 pfaMinus1 = pfa.vneg[1];
450  const REAL8 pfaMinus2 = pfa.vneg[2];
452  const REAL8 v = cbrt(2*piM*f/m);
453  const REAL8 logv = log(v);
454  const REAL8 v2 = v * v;
455  const REAL8 v3 = v * v2;
456  const REAL8 v4 = v * v3;
457  const REAL8 v5 = v * v4;
458 // const REAL8 v6 = v * v5;
459 // const REAL8 v7 = v * v6;
460  REAL8 phasing = 0.0;
462  phasing += 2. * pfa7 * v4;
463  phasing += (1. * pfa6 + 1. * pfl6 + 1. * pfl6 * logv) * v3;
464  phasing += 1. * pfl5 * v2;
465  phasing += -1. * pfa4 * v;
466  phasing += -2. * pfa3;
467  phasing += -3. * pfa2 / v; /* there was a mistake here in the factor. it should be -3 instead of -1.*/
468  phasing += -4. * pfa1 / v2;
469  phasing += -5. * pfaN / v3;
470  phasing += -6. * pfaMinus1 / v4;
471  phasing += -7. * pfaMinus2 /v5;
472  phasing /= v5;
473  phasing *= piM/3.;
475  return -phasing;
476 }
478 /* Derivative of phase with respect to f
479  * d2[v^(n - 5)] = (pi * M)^2 / 9 * (n - 5) * (n - 8) * v^(n - 11)
480  * d2[v^(n - 5) * log(v)] = (pi * M)^2 / 9 * ( (2 * n - 13) + (n - 5) * (n - 8) * log(v) ) * v^(n - 11)
481  *
482  * where v = (pi * M * f)^(1 / 3)
483  */
485 REAL8 PNPhaseSecondDerivative(REAL8 f, /* frequency in Hz */
486  UINT4 m,
487  PNPhasingSeries pfa,
488  const REAL8 mtot) /* total mass in seconds */
489 {
491  const REAL8 piM = LAL_PI * mtot;
493  const REAL8 pfa7 = pfa.v[7];
494  const REAL8 pfa6 = pfa.v[6];
495  const REAL8 pfl6 = pfa.vlogv[6];
496  //const REAL8 pfa5 = pfa.v[5];
497  const REAL8 pfl5 = pfa.vlogv[5];
498  const REAL8 pfa4 = pfa.v[4];
499  const REAL8 pfa3 = pfa.v[3];
500  const REAL8 pfa2 = pfa.v[2];
501  const REAL8 pfa1 = pfa.v[1];
502  const REAL8 pfaN = pfa.v[0];
503  const REAL8 pfaMinus1 = pfa.vneg[1];
504  const REAL8 pfaMinus2 = pfa.vneg[2];
506  const REAL8 v = cbrt(2*piM*f/m);
507  const REAL8 logv = log(v);
508  const REAL8 v2 = v * v;
509  const REAL8 v3 = v * v2;
510  const REAL8 v4 = v * v3;
511  const REAL8 v5 = v * v4;
512  const REAL8 v6 = v * v5;
513  const REAL8 v7 = v * v6;
514  const REAL8 v8 = v * v7;
515  REAL8 phasing = 0.0;
517  phasing += -2. * pfa7 * v;
518  phasing += (-2. * pfa6 - 1. * pfl6 - 2. * pfl6 * logv);
519  phasing += -3. * pfl5 / v;
520  phasing += 4. * pfa4 / v2 ;
521  phasing += 10. * pfa3 / v3;
522  phasing += 18. * pfa2 / v4;
523  phasing += 28. * pfa1 / v5;
524  phasing += 40. * pfaN / v6;
525  phasing += 54. * pfaMinus1 / v7;
526  phasing += 70. * pfaMinus2 /v8;
527  phasing /= v5;
528  phasing *= piM*piM/9.;
529  phasing *=2./m;
530  return -phasing;
531 }
int XLALDictContains(const LALDict *dict, const char *key)
double XLALSimNRTunedTidesMergerFrequency(const REAL8 mtot_MSUN, const REAL8 kappa2T, const REAL8 q)
compute the merger frequency of a BNS system.
double XLALSimNRTunedTidesComputeKappa2T(REAL8 m1_SI, REAL8 m2_SI, REAL8 lambda1, REAL8 lambda2)
convenient function to compute tidal coupling constant.
static vector d(const double L_norm, const double J_norm, const vector roots)
Internal function that returns the coefficients "d_0", "d_2" and "d_4" from 1703.03967 corresponding ...
static REAL8 Get22PeakAngFreq(REAL8 UNUSED eta, REAL8 a)
Combined spin chi defined in Eq.
int XLALSimInspiralPhaseCorrectionsPhasing(COMPLEX16FrequencySeries *htilde, const REAL8Sequence *freqs, const UINT4 m, const UINT4 iStart, const UINT4 iRef, const UINT4 iPeak, PNPhasingSeries pfa, const REAL8 mtot, const REAL8 eta, const REAL8 f_window_div_f_Peak, const REAL8 iStartFinal, const REAL8 NCyclesStep)
REAL8 PNPhase(REAL8 f, UINT4 m, PNPhasingSeries pfa, const REAL8 mtot)
REAL8 PNPhaseDerivative(REAL8 f, UINT4 m, PNPhasingSeries pfa, const REAL8 mtot)
REAL8 PNPhaseSecondDerivative(REAL8 f, UINT4 m, PNPhasingSeries pfa, const REAL8 mtot)
int XLALSimInspiralTestingGRCorrections(COMPLEX16FrequencySeries *htilde, const UINT4 l, const UINT4 m, const REAL8 m1_SI, const REAL8 m2_SI, const REAL8 chi1z, const REAL8 chi2z, const REAL8 f_low, const REAL8 f_ref, const REAL8 f_window_div_f_Peak, const REAL8 NCyclesStep, LALDict *LALpars)
void XLALSimInspiralPNCorrections(PNPhasingSeries *pfa, const REAL8 m1, const REAL8 m2, const REAL8 chi1L, const REAL8 chi2L, const REAL8 chi1sq, const REAL8 chi2sq, const REAL8 chi1dotchi2, const REAL8 qm_def1, const REAL8 qm_def2, LALDict *LALpars)
REAL8 XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi4S(LALDict *params)
REAL8 XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi5(LALDict *params)
REAL8 XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChiMinus2(LALDict *params)
REAL8 XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi6(LALDict *params)
REAL8 XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi3NS(LALDict *params)
REAL8 XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi6NS(LALDict *params)
REAL8 XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi5S(LALDict *params)
REAL8 XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi6L(LALDict *params)
REAL8 XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi3S(LALDict *params)
REAL8 XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi0(LALDict *params)
REAL8 XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupTidalLambda2(LALDict *params)
REAL8 XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChiMinus1(LALDict *params)
REAL8 XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi5NS(LALDict *params)
REAL8 XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi5LNS(LALDict *params)
REAL8 XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi6S(LALDict *params)
REAL8 XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi1(LALDict *params)
REAL8 XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupTidalLambda1(LALDict *params)
REAL8 XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi4(LALDict *params)
REAL8 XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi3(LALDict *params)
REAL8 XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi7S(LALDict *params)
REAL8 XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi7(LALDict *params)
REAL8 XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi5L(LALDict *params)
REAL8 XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChikappaA(LALDict *params)
REAL8 XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi5LS(LALDict *params)
REAL8 XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi7NS(LALDict *params)
REAL8 XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChikappaS(LALDict *params)
REAL8 XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi2(LALDict *params)
REAL8 XLALSimInspiralWaveformParamsLookupNonGRDChi4NS(LALDict *params)
int l
Definition: bh_qnmode.c:135
double i
Definition: bh_ringdown.c:118
#define LAL_MSUN_SI
#define LAL_PI
#define LAL_MTSUN_SI
#define LAL_GAMMA
double REAL8
uint32_t UINT4
int32_t INT4
Structure for passing around PN phasing coefficients.
static const INT4 m
static const INT4 q
static const INT4 a
void XLALDestroyREAL8Sequence(REAL8Sequence *sequence)
REAL8Sequence * XLALCreateREAL8Sequence(size_t length)
#define XLAL_ERROR(...)
int XLALPrintError(const char *fmt,...) _LAL_GCC_PRINTF_FORMAT_(1
COMPLEX16Sequence * data
COMPLEX16 * data
REAL8 * data