Data Analysis

Module to run parallel bilby using MPI.

Command line interface for data analysis

usage: parallel_bilby_analysis [-h] [--version] [-n NLIVE] [--dlogz DLOGZ]
                               [--n-effective N_EFFECTIVE]
                               [--dynesty-sample DYNESTY_SAMPLE]
                               [--dynesty-bound DYNESTY_BOUND] [--walks WALKS]
                               [--proposals PROPOSALS] [--maxmcmc MAXMCMC]
                               [--nact NACT] [--naccept NACCEPT]
                               [--min-eff MIN_EFF] [--facc FACC]
                               [--enlarge ENLARGE]
                               [--n-check-point N_CHECK_POINT]
                               [--max-its MAX_ITS]
                               [--max-run-time MAX_RUN_TIME]
                               [--fast-mpi FAST_MPI] [--mpi-timing MPI_TIMING]
                               [--mpi-timing-interval MPI_TIMING_INTERVAL]
                               [--rejection-sample-posterior REJECTION_SAMPLE_POSTERIOR]
                               [--sampling-seed SAMPLING_SEED] [-c]
                               [--no-plot] [--do-not-save-bounds-in-resume]
                               [--check-point-deltaT CHECK_POINT_DELTAT]
                               [--rotate-checkpoints] [--outdir OUTDIR]
                               [--label LABEL] [--result-format RESULT_FORMAT]

Positional Arguments


The pickled data dump generated by parallel_bilby_analysis

Named Arguments


show program’s version number and exit


Outdir to overwrite input label


Label to overwrite input label


Format to save the result

Default: “hdf5”

Dynesty Settings

-n, --nlive

Number of live points

Default: 1000


Stopping criteria: remaining evidence, (default=0.1)

Default: 0.1


Stopping criteria: effective number of samples, (default=inf)

Default: inf


Dynesty sampling method (default=acceptance-walk). Note, the dynesty rwalk method is overwritten by parallel bilby for an optimised version

Default: “acceptance-walk”


Dynesty bounding method (default=multi)

Default: “live”


Minimum number of walks, defaults to 100

Default: 100


The jump proposals to use, the options are ‘diff’ and ‘volumetric’


Maximum number of walks, defaults to 5000

Default: 5000


Number of autocorrelation times to take, defaults to 2

Default: 2


The average number of accepted steps per MCMC chain, defaults to 60

Default: 60


The minimum efficiency at which to switch from uniform sampling.

Default: 10


See dynesty.NestedSampler

Default: 0.5


See dynesty.NestedSampler

Default: 1.5


Steps to take before attempting checkpoint

Default: 1000


Maximum number of iterations to sample for (default=1.e10)

Default: 10000000000


Maximum time to run for (default=1.e10 s)

Default: 10000000000.0


Fast MPI communication pattern (default=False)

Default: False


Print MPI timing when finished (default=False)

Default: False


Interval to write timing snapshot to disk (default=0 – disabled)

Default: 0


Save a ‘nestcheck’ pickle in the outdir (default=False). This pickle stores a nestcheck.data_processing.process_dynesty_run object, which can be used during post processing to compute the implementation and bootstrap errors explained by Higson et al (2018) in “Sampling Errors In Nested Sampling Parameter Estimation”.

Default: False


Whether to generate the posterior samples by rejection sampling the nested samples or resampling with replacement

Default: True

Misc. Settings


Default: False


Random seed for sampling, parallel runs will be incremented

-c, --clean

Run clean: ignore any resume files

Default: False


If true, don’t generate check-point plots

Default: False


If true, do not store bounds in the resume file. This can make resume files large (~GB)

Default: True


Write a checkpoint resume file and diagnostic plots every deltaT [s]. Default: 1 hour.

Default: 3600


If true, backup checkpoint before overwriting (ending in ‘.bk’).

Default: False