Data Generation

Module to generate/prepare data, likelihood, and priors for parallel runs.

This will create a directory structure for your parallel runs to store the output files, logs and plots. It will also generate a data_dump that stores information on the run settings and data to be analysed.

Note that several of these arguments are inherited from bilby_pipe.

Command line interface for data generation

usage: parallel_bilby_generation [--version] [-n NLIVE] [--dlogz DLOGZ]
                                 [--n-effective N_EFFECTIVE]
                                 [--dynesty-sample DYNESTY_SAMPLE]
                                 [--dynesty-bound DYNESTY_BOUND]
                                 [--walks WALKS] [--proposals PROPOSALS]
                                 [--maxmcmc MAXMCMC] [--nact NACT]
                                 [--naccept NACCEPT] [--min-eff MIN_EFF]
                                 [--facc FACC] [--enlarge ENLARGE]
                                 [--n-check-point N_CHECK_POINT]
                                 [--max-its MAX_ITS]
                                 [--max-run-time MAX_RUN_TIME]
                                 [--fast-mpi FAST_MPI]
                                 [--mpi-timing MPI_TIMING]
                                 [--mpi-timing-interval MPI_TIMING_INTERVAL]
                                 [--rejection-sample-posterior REJECTION_SAMPLE_POSTERIOR]
                                 [--sampling-seed SAMPLING_SEED] [-c]
                                 [--no-plot] [--do-not-save-bounds-in-resume]
                                 [--check-point-deltaT CHECK_POINT_DELTAT]
                                 [--rotate-checkpoints] [-h] [-v]
                                 [--calibration-model {CubicSpline,Precomputed,None}]
                                 [--spline-calibration-envelope-dict SPLINE_CALIBRATION_ENVELOPE_DICT]
                                 [--spline-calibration-nodes SPLINE_CALIBRATION_NODES]
                                 [--spline-calibration-amplitude-uncertainty-dict SPLINE_CALIBRATION_AMPLITUDE_UNCERTAINTY_DICT]
                                 [--spline-calibration-phase-uncertainty-dict SPLINE_CALIBRATION_PHASE_UNCERTAINTY_DICT]
                                 [--calibration-prior-boundary CALIBRATION_PRIOR_BOUNDARY]
                                 [--ignore-gwpy-data-quality-check IGNORE_GWPY_DATA_QUALITY_CHECK]
                                 [--gps-tuple GPS_TUPLE] [--gps-file GPS_FILE]
                                 [--timeslide-file TIMESLIDE_FILE]
                                 [--timeslide-dict TIMESLIDE_DICT]
                                 [--trigger-time TRIGGER_TIME]
                                 [--n-simulation N_SIMULATION]
                                 [--data-dict DATA_DICT]
                                 [--data-format DATA_FORMAT]
                                 [--allow-tape ALLOW_TAPE]
                                 [--channel-dict CHANNEL_DICT]
                                 [--gaussian-noise | --zero-noise]
                                 [--coherence-test] [--detectors DETECTORS]
                                 [--duration DURATION]
                                 [--generation-seed GENERATION_SEED]
                                 [--psd-dict PSD_DICT]
                                 [--psd-fractional-overlap PSD_FRACTIONAL_OVERLAP]
                                 [--post-trigger-duration POST_TRIGGER_DURATION]
                                 [--sampling-frequency SAMPLING_FREQUENCY]
                                 [--psd-length PSD_LENGTH]
                                 [--psd-maximum-duration PSD_MAXIMUM_DURATION]
                                 [--psd-method PSD_METHOD]
                                 [--psd-start-time PSD_START_TIME]
                                 [--maximum-frequency MAXIMUM_FREQUENCY]
                                 [--minimum-frequency MINIMUM_FREQUENCY]
                                 [--tukey-roll-off TUKEY_ROLL_OFF]
                                 [--resampling-method {lal,gwpy}]
                                 [--injection-dict INJECTION_DICT | --injection-file INJECTION_FILE]
                                 [--injection-numbers INJECTION_NUMBERS]
                                 [--injection-waveform-approximant INJECTION_WAVEFORM_APPROXIMANT]
                                 [--injection-waveform-arguments INJECTION_WAVEFORM_ARGUMENTS]
                                 [--accounting-user ACCOUNTING_USER]
                                 [--label LABEL] [--outdir OUTDIR]
                                 [--periodic-restart-time PERIODIC_RESTART_TIME]
                                 [--request-disk REQUEST_DISK]
                                 [--conda-env CONDA_ENV]
                                 [--scheduler-analysis-time SCHEDULER_ANALYSIS_TIME]
                                 [--condor-job-priority CONDOR_JOB_PRIORITY]
                                 [--additional-transfer-paths ADDITIONAL_TRANSFER_PATHS]
                                 [--disable-hdf5-locking DISABLE_HDF5_LOCKING]
                                 [--log-directory LOG_DIRECTORY]
                                 [--desired-sites DESIRED_SITES]
                                 [--analysis-executable ANALYSIS_EXECUTABLE]
                                 [--analysis-executable-parser ANALYSIS_EXECUTABLE_PARSER]
                                 [--distance-marginalization-lookup-table DISTANCE_MARGINALIZATION_LOOKUP_TABLE]
                                 [--jitter-time JITTER_TIME]
                                 [--reference-frame REFERENCE_FRAME]
                                 [--time-reference TIME_REFERENCE]
                                 [--likelihood-type LIKELIHOOD_TYPE]
                                 [--calibration-lookup-table CALIBRATION_LOOKUP_TABLE]
                                 [--number-of-response-curves NUMBER_OF_RESPONSE_CURVES]
                                 [--roq-folder ROQ_FOLDER]
                                 [--roq-linear-matrix ROQ_LINEAR_MATRIX]
                                 [--roq-quadratic-matrix ROQ_QUADRATIC_MATRIX]
                                 [--roq-weights ROQ_WEIGHTS]
                                 [--roq-weight-format ROQ_WEIGHT_FORMAT]
                                 [--roq-scale-factor ROQ_SCALE_FACTOR]
                                 [--fiducial-parameters FIDUCIAL_PARAMETERS]
                                 [--update-fiducial-parameters UPDATE_FIDUCIAL_PARAMETERS]
                                 [--epsilon EPSILON]
                                 [--extra-likelihood-kwargs EXTRA_LIKELIHOOD_KWARGS]
                                 [--plot-trace] [--plot-data]
                                 [--plot-injection] [--plot-spectrogram]
                                 [--notification NOTIFICATION] [--queue QUEUE]
                                 [--existing-dir EXISTING_DIR]
                                 [--webdir WEBDIR]
                                 [--summarypages-arguments SUMMARYPAGES_ARGUMENTS]
                                 [--result-format {json,hdf5,pickle}]
                                 [--final-result FINAL_RESULT]
                                 [--final-result-nsamples FINAL_RESULT_NSAMPLES]
                                 [--default-prior DEFAULT_PRIOR]
                                 [--deltaT DELTAT]
                                 [--prior-file PRIOR_FILE | --prior-dict PRIOR_DICT]
                                 [--enforce-signal-duration ENFORCE_SIGNAL_DURATION]
                                 [--single-postprocessing-executable SINGLE_POSTPROCESSING_EXECUTABLE]
                                 [--single-postprocessing-arguments SINGLE_POSTPROCESSING_ARGUMENTS]
                                 [--n-parallel N_PARALLEL]
                                 [--reweighting-configuration REWEIGHTING_CONFIGURATION]
                                 [--reweight-nested-samples REWEIGHT_NESTED_SAMPLES]
                                 [--waveform-generator WAVEFORM_GENERATOR]
                                 [--reference-frequency REFERENCE_FREQUENCY]
                                 [--waveform-approximant WAVEFORM_APPROXIMANT]
                                 [--catch-waveform-errors CATCH_WAVEFORM_ERRORS]
                                 [--pn-spin-order PN_SPIN_ORDER]
                                 [--pn-tidal-order PN_TIDAL_ORDER]
                                 [--pn-phase-order PN_PHASE_ORDER]
                                 [--pn-amplitude-order PN_AMPLITUDE_ORDER]
                                 [--numerical-relativity-file NUMERICAL_RELATIVITY_FILE]
                                 [--waveform-arguments-dict WAVEFORM_ARGUMENTS_DICT]
                                 [--mode-array MODE_ARRAY]
                                 [--frequency-domain-source-model FREQUENCY_DOMAIN_SOURCE_MODEL]
                                 [--conversion-function CONVERSION_FUNCTION]
                                 [--generation-function GENERATION_FUNCTION]
                                 [--sampler {dynesty}] [--nodes NODES]
                                 [--ntasks-per-node NTASKS_PER_NODE]
                                 [--time TIME] [--mem-per-cpu MEM_PER_CPU]
                                 [--extra-lines EXTRA_LINES]
                                 [--slurm-extra-lines SLURM_EXTRA_LINES]

Positional Arguments


Configuration ini file

Named Arguments


show program’s version number and exit

-v, --verbose

Verbose output

Default: False


If true, use simulated Gaussian noise

Default: False


Use a zero noise realisation

Default: False


A single injection dictionary given in the ini file


Injection file to use. See bilby_pipe_create_injection_file –help for supported formats


The prior file


A dictionary of priors (alternative to prior-file). Multiline dictionaries are supported, but each line must contain a singleparameter specification and finish with a comma.


Possible choices: dynesty

The parallelised sampler to use, defaults to dynesty

Default: “dynesty”

Dynesty Settings

-n, --nlive

Number of live points

Default: 1000


Stopping criteria: remaining evidence, (default=0.1)

Default: 0.1


Stopping criteria: effective number of samples, (default=inf)

Default: inf


Dynesty sampling method (default=acceptance-walk). Note, the dynesty rwalk method is overwritten by parallel bilby for an optimised version

Default: “acceptance-walk”


Dynesty bounding method (default=multi)

Default: “live”


Minimum number of walks, defaults to 100

Default: 100


The jump proposals to use, the options are ‘diff’ and ‘volumetric’


Maximum number of walks, defaults to 5000

Default: 5000


Number of autocorrelation times to take, defaults to 2

Default: 2


The average number of accepted steps per MCMC chain, defaults to 60

Default: 60


The minimum efficiency at which to switch from uniform sampling.

Default: 10


See dynesty.NestedSampler

Default: 0.5


See dynesty.NestedSampler

Default: 1.5


Steps to take before attempting checkpoint

Default: 1000


Maximum number of iterations to sample for (default=1.e10)

Default: 10000000000


Maximum time to run for (default=1.e10 s)

Default: 10000000000.0


Fast MPI communication pattern (default=False)

Default: False


Print MPI timing when finished (default=False)

Default: False


Interval to write timing snapshot to disk (default=0 – disabled)

Default: 0


Save a ‘nestcheck’ pickle in the outdir (default=False). This pickle stores a nestcheck.data_processing.process_dynesty_run object, which can be used during post processing to compute the implementation and bootstrap errors explained by Higson et al (2018) in “Sampling Errors In Nested Sampling Parameter Estimation”.

Default: False


Whether to generate the posterior samples by rejection sampling the nested samples or resampling with replacement

Default: True

Misc. Settings


Default: False


Random seed for sampling, parallel runs will be incremented

-c, --clean

Run clean: ignore any resume files

Default: False


If true, don’t generate check-point plots

Default: False


If true, do not store bounds in the resume file. This can make resume files large (~GB)

Default: True


Write a checkpoint resume file and diagnostic plots every deltaT [s]. Default: 1 hour.

Default: 3600


If true, backup checkpoint before overwriting (ending in ‘.bk’).

Default: False

Calibration arguments

Which calibration model and settings to use.


Possible choices: CubicSpline, Precomputed, None

Choice of calibration model, if None, no calibration is used


Dictionary pointing to the spline calibration envelope files


Number of calibration nodes

Default: 10


Dictionary of the amplitude uncertainties for the constant uncertainty model


Dictionary of the phase uncertainties for the constant uncertainty model


Boundary methods for the calibration prior boundary

Default: reflective

Data generation arguments

How to generate the data, e.g., from a list of gps times or simulated Gaussian noise.


Ignores the check to see if data queried from GWpy (ie not gaussian noise) is obtained from time when the IFOs are in science mode.

Default: True


Tuple of the (start, step, number) of GPS start times. For example, (10, 1, 3) produces the gps start times [10, 11, 12]. If given, gps-file is ignored.


File containing segment GPS start times. This can be a multi-column file if (a) it is comma-separated and (b) the zeroth column contains the gps-times to use


File containing detector timeslides. Requires a GPS time file to also be provided. One column for each detector. Order of detectors specified by –detectors argument. Number of timeslides must correspond to the number of GPS times provided.


Dictionary containing detector timeslides: applies a fixed offset per detector. E.g. to apply +1s in H1, {H1: 1}


Either a GPS trigger time, or the event name (e.g. GW150914). For event names, the gwosc package is used to identify the trigger time


Number of simulated segments to use with gaussian-noise Note, this must match the number of injections specified

Default: 0


Dictionary of paths to gwf, or hdf5 data files


If given, the data format to pass to `, see


If true (default), allow reading data from tape. See `gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries.get() for more information.

Default: True


Channel dictionary: keys relate to the detector with values the channel name, e.g. ‘GDS-CALIB_STRAIN’. For GWOSC open data, set the channel-dict keys to ‘GWOSC’. Note, the dictionary should follow basic python dict syntax.

Detector arguments

How to set up the interferometers and power spectral density.


Run the analysis for all detectors together and for each detector separately

Default: False


The names of detectors to use. If given in the ini file, detectors are specified by detectors=[H1, L1]. If given at the command line, as –detectors H1 –detectors L1


The duration of data around the event to use

Default: 4


Random seed used during data generation. If no generation seed provided, a random seed between 1 and 1e6 is selected. If a seed is provided, it is used as the base seed and all generation jobs will have their seeds set as {generation_seed = base_seed + job_idx}.


Dictionary of PSD files to use


Fractional overlap of segments used in estimating the PSD

Default: 0.5


Time (in s) after the trigger_time to the end of the segment

Default: 2.0


Default: 4096


Sets the psd duration (up to the psd-duration-maximum). PSD duration calculated by psd-length x duration [s]. Default is 32.

Default: 32


The maximum allowed PSD duration in seconds, default is 1024s.

Default: 1024


PSD method see gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries.psd for options

Default: “median”


Start time of data (relative to the segment start) used to generate the PSD. Defaults to psd-duration before the segment start time


The maximum frequency, given either as a float for all detectors or as a dictionary (see minimum-frequency)


The minimum frequency, given either as a float for all detectors or as a dictionary where all keys relate the detector with values of the minimum frequency, e.g. {H1: 10, L1: 20}. If the waveform generation should start the minimum frequency for any of the detectors, add another entry to the dictionary, e.g., {H1: 40, L1: 60, waveform: 20}.

Default: “20”


Roll off duration of tukey window in seconds, default is 0.4s

Default: 0.4


Possible choices: lal, gwpy

Resampling method to use: lal matches the resampling used by lalinference/BayesWave

Default: “lal”

Injection arguments

Whether to include software injections and how to generate them.


Create data from an injection file

Default: False


Specific injections rows to use from the injection_file, e.g. `injection_numbers=[0,3] selects the zeroth and third row. Can be a list of slice-syntax values, e.g, [0, 2:4] will produce [0, 2, 3]. Repeated entries will be ignored.


The name of the waveform approximant to use to create injections. If none is specified, then the waveform-approximant will be usedas the injection-waveform-approximant.


A dictionary of arbitrary additional waveform-arguments to pass to the bilby waveform generator’s waveform arguments for the injection only

Job submission arguments

How the jobs should be formatted, e.g., which job scheduler to use.


Accounting group user to use (see,


Output label

Default: “label”


The output directory. If outdir already exists, an auto-incrementing naming scheme is used

Default: “outdir”


If given, overwrite the outdir (if it exists)

Default: False


Time after which the job will self-evict when scheduler=condor. After this, condor will restart the job. Default is 28800. This is used to decrease the chance of HTCondor hard evictions

Default: 28800


Disk allocation request in GB. Default is 5GB.

Default: 5


Either a conda environment name of a absolute path to the conda env folder.


Default: 7-00:00:00


Attempt to submit the job after the build

Default: False


Job priorities allow a user to sort their HTCondor jobs to determine which are tried to be run first. A job priority can be any integer: larger values denote better priority. By default HTCondor job priority=0.

Default: 0


Additional files that should be transferred to the analysis jobs. The default is not transferring any additional files. Additional files can be specified as a list in the configuration file [a, b] or on the command line as –additional-transfer-paths a –additonal-transfer-paths b


If true (default), disable HDF5 locking. This can improve stability on some clusters, but may cause issues if multiple processes are reading/writing to the same file.

Default: True


If given, an alternative path for the log output


A comma-separated list of desired sites, wrapped in quoates. e.g., desired-sites=’site1,site2’. This can be used on the OSG to specify specific run nodes.


Path to an executable to replace bilby_pipe_analysis, be aware that this executable will pass the complete ini file (in the outdir.)


Python path to the analysis executable parser, used in conjunction with analysis-executable. Note, if this is not provided any new arguments to analysis-executable will raise a warning, but they will be passed to the executable directly.

Likelihood arguments

Options for setting up the likelihood.


Boolean. If true, use a likelihood that is numerically marginalized over the calibration uncertainty as described in arXiv:2009.10193.

Default: False


Boolean. If true, use a distance-marginalized likelihood

Default: False


Path to the distance-marginalization lookup table


Boolean. If true, use a phase-marginalized likelihood

Default: False


Boolean. If true, use a time-marginalized likelihood

Default: False


Boolean. If true, and using a time-marginalized likelihood ‘time jittering’ will be performed

Default: True


Reference frame for the sky parameterisation, either ‘sky’ (default) or, e.g., ‘H1L1’

Default: “sky”


Time parameter to sample in, either ‘geocent’ (default) or, e.g., ‘H1’

Default: “geocent”


The likelihood. Can be one of [GravitationalWaveTransient, ROQGravitationalWaveTransient, zero] or python path to a bilby likelihood class available in the users installation. The –roq-folder or both –linear-matrix and –quadratic-matrix are required if the ROQ likelihood used. If both the options are specified, ROQ data are taken from roq-folder, and linear-matrix and quadratic-matrix are ignored.If zero is given, a testing ZeroLikelihood is used which alwaysreturn zero.

Default: “GravitationalWaveTransient”


Dictionary of calibration lookup files for use with calibration marginalization/the precomputed model. If these files don’t exist, they will be generated from the passed uncertainties.


The number of response curves to use for calibration marginalization

Default: 1000


The data for ROQ


Path to ROQ basis for linear inner products. This option is ignored if roq-folder is not None.


Path to ROQ basis for quadratic inner products. This option is ignored if roq-folder is not None.


If given, the ROQ weights to use (rather than building them). This must be given along with the roq-folder for checking


File format of roq weights. This should be npz, hdf5, or json. If not specified, it is set to npz if basis file is specified through roq-folder, and hdf5 if through roq-linear-matrix and roq-quadratic-matrix


Rescaling factor for the ROQ, default is 1 (no rescaling)

Default: 1


The reference parameters for the relative binning likelihod. If this is not specified, the value will be drawn from the prior.


Whether to update the fiducial parameters using an optimization algorithm. This is automatically set to True if –fiducial-parameters is None.

Default: False


Epsilon value for the relative binning likelihood

Default: 0.025


Additional keyword arguments to pass to the likelihood. Any arguments which are named bilby_pipe arguments, e.g., distance_marginalization should NOT be included. This is only used if you are not using the GravitationalWaveTransient or ROQGravitationalWaveTransient likelihoods

Output arguments

What kind of output/summary to generate.


Create traceplots during the run

Default: False


Create plot of the frequency domain data

Default: False


Create time-domain plot of the injection

Default: False


Create spectrogram plot

Default: False


Create a PESummary page

Default: False


Notification setting for HTCondor jobs. One of ‘Always’,’Complete’,’Error’,’Never’. If defined by ‘Always’, the owner will be notified whenever the job produces a checkpoint, as well as when the job completes. If defined by ‘Complete’, the owner will be notified when the job terminates. If defined by ‘Error’, the owner will only be notified if the job terminates abnormally, or if the job is placed on hold because of a failure, and not by user request. If defined by ‘Never’ (the default), the owner will not receive e-mail, regardless to what happens to the job. Note, an email arg is also required for notifications to be emailed.

Default: Never


Condor job queue. Use Online_PE for online parameter estimation runs.


If given, add results to an directory with an an existing summary.html file


Directory to store summary pages. If not given, defaults to outdir/results_page


Arguments (in the form of a dictionary) to pass to the summarypages executable


Possible choices: json, hdf5, pickle

Format to save the result file in.

Default: “hdf5”


If true (default), generate a set of lightweight downsamples final results.

Default: True


Maximum number of samples to keep in the final results

Default: 20000

Prior arguments

Specify the prior settings.


The name of the prior set to base the prior on. Can be one of[PriorDict, BBHPriorDict, BNSPriorDict, CalibrationPriorDict]or a python path to a bilby prior class available in the user’s installation.

Default: “BBHPriorDict”


The symmetric width (in s) around the trigger time to search over the coalescence time

Default: 0.2


Whether to require that all signals fit within the segment duration. The signal duration is calculated using a post-Newtonian approximation.

Default: True

Post processing arguments

What post-processing to perform.


An executable name for postprocessing. A single postprocessing job is run as a child for each analysis jobs: note the difference with respect postprocessing-executable


Arguments to pass to the single postprocessing executable. The str ‘$RESULT’ will be replaced by the path to the individual result file

Sampler arguments


Number of identical parallel jobs to run per event

Default: 1


Configuration for reweighting the result. This can be specified as either a dictionary in the configuration file, or a json file.


Whether to reweight nested samples directly. Currently this only works with dynesty.

Default: True

Waveform arguments

Setting for the waveform generator


The waveform generator class, should be a python path. This will not be able to use any arguments not passed to the default.

Default: “”


The reference frequency

Default: 20


The name of the waveform approximant to use for PE.

Default: “IMRPhenomPv2”


Turns on waveform error catching

Default: True


Post-newtonian order to use for the spin

Default: -1


Post-Newtonian order to use for tides

Default: -1


post-Newtonian order to use for the phase

Default: -1


Post-Newtonian order to use for the amplitude. Also used to determine the waveform starting frequency.

Default: 0


Path to a h5 numerical relativity file to inject, see for examples


A dictionary of arbitrary additional waveform-arguments to pass to the bilby waveform generator’s waveform_arguments


Array of modes to use for the waveform. Should be a list of lists, eg. [[2,2], [2,-2]]


Name of the frequency domain source model. Can be one of[lal_binary_black_hole, lal_binary_neutron_star,lal_eccentric_binary_black_hole_no_spins, sinegaussian, supernova, supernova_pca_model] or any python path to a bilby source function the users installation, e.g. examp.source.bbh

Default: “lal_binary_black_hole”


Optional python path to a user-specified conversion function If unspecified, this is determined by the frequency_domain_source_model.If the source-model contains binary_black_hole, the conversion function is If the source-model contains binary_neutron_star, the generation function is If you specify your own function, you may wish to use the I/O of those functions as templates.If given as ‘noconvert’ (case insensitive), no conversion is used’


Optional python path to a user-specified generation function If unspecified, this is determined by the frequency_domain_source_model.If the source-model contains binary_black_hole, the generation function is If the source-model contains binary_neutron_star, the generation function is If you specify your own function, you may wish to use the I/O of those functions as templatesIf given as ‘noconvert’ (case insensitive), no generation is used’

Slurm Settings


Number of nodes to use (default 1)

Default: 1


Number of tasks per node (default 2)

Default: 2


Maximum wall time (defaults to 24:00:00)

Default: “24:00:00”


Memory per CPU (defaults to 2GB)

Default: “2G”


Additional lines, separated by ‘;’, use for setting up conda env or module imports


additional slurm args (args that need #SBATCH in front) of the form arg=val separated by sapce