Usage and Examples
Usage notes
The steps to analyse data with Parallel Bilby
Ini Creation:
Create an
with paths to the prior, PSD and data files, along with other kwargs (see Data Generation for a list of all the required kwargs).Parallel Bilby Generation:
Setup your
Parallel Bilby
jobs with$ parallel_bilby_generation <ini file>
This generates
Plots of the PSD (review before submitting your job)
submission scriptsa
data dump
pickle (object packed with the PSD, data, etc)
Parallel Bilby Analysis:
To submit the
jobs on a cluster, run$ bash outdir/submit/bash_<label>.sh
Alternatively, to run locally without submitting a job, check the
file for the required command. It should look something like:$ mpirun parallel_bilby_analysis outdir/data/<label>_data_dump.pickle --label <label> --outdir outdir/result --sampling-seed 1234`
Example ini files
Refer to the Parallel Bilby Examples Folder for example ini
files along with Jupyter Notebooks
explaining how to set up Parallel Bilby
The folder has three examples:
To analyse GW150914 with Parallel Bilby you may use the following ini
An explanation of the ini
file’s contents are presented in the GW150914 tutorial.ipynb.
In this example we automate the analysis data download process.
We also include the priors for the analysis inside the ini
To analyse GW170817 with Parallel Bilby you may use the following ini
## Data generation arguments
trigger_time = 1187008882.43
## Detector arguments
detectors = [H1, L1, V1]
psd_dict = {H1=psd_data/h1_psd.txt, L1=psd_data/l1_psd.txt, V1=psd_data/v1_psd.txt}
# Download the data from and place in raw_data/
data-dict = {H1:raw_data/H-H1_LOSC_CLN_4_V1-1187007040-2048.gwf, L1:raw_data/L-L1_LOSC_CLN_4_V1-1187007040-2048.gwf, V1:raw_data/V-V1_LOSC_CLN_4_V1-1187007040-2048.gwf}
duration = 128
# Temporary fix for the the prior duration issue
enforce_signal_duration = False
## Job submission arguments
label = GW170817
outdir = outdir
## Likelihood arguments
## Prior arguments
prior-file = GW170817.prior
## Waveform arguments
waveform_approximant = IMRPhenomPv2_NRTidal
frequency-domain-source-model = lal_binary_neutron_star
## Sampler settings
sampler = dynesty
nlive = 1000
nact = 5
## Slurm Settings
nodes = 10
ntasks-per-node = 16
time = 24:00:00
n-check-point = 10000
In this example we require the user to manually download the data for analysis.
The priors are contained in a separate prior
file for this analysis:
chirp_mass = Uniform(name='chirp_mass', minimum=1.18, maximum=1.21)
mass_ratio = Uniform(name='mass_ratio', minimum=0.125, maximum=1)
mass_1 = Constraint(name='mass_1', minimum=1.001398, maximum=4.313897948277728)
mass_2 = Constraint(name='mass_2', minimum=1.001398, maximum=4.313897948277728)
a_1 = Uniform(name='a_1', minimum=0, maximum=0.05)
a_2 = Uniform(name='a_2', minimum=0, maximum=0.05)
tilt_1 = Sine(name='tilt_1')
tilt_2 = Sine(name='tilt_2')
phi_12 = Uniform(name='phi_12', minimum=0, maximum=2 * np.pi, boundary='periodic')
phi_jl = Uniform(name='phi_jl', minimum=0, maximum=2 * np.pi, boundary='periodic')
luminosity_distance ='luminosity_distance', minimum=1, maximum=75)
dec = -0.408084
ra = 3.44616
cos_theta_jn = Uniform(name='cos_theta_jn', minimum=-1, maximum=1)
psi = Uniform(name='psi', minimum=0, maximum=np.pi, boundary='periodic')
phase = Uniform(name='phase', minimum=0, maximum=2 * np.pi, boundary='periodic')
lambda_1 = Uniform(name='lambda_1', minimum=0, maximum=5000)
lambda_2 = Uniform(name='lambda_2', minimum=0, maximum=5000)
Again, an explanation of the ini
file’s contents are presented in the GW170817 tutorial.ipynb,
along with commands needed to download the analysis data.
Multiple Injections
You may need to analyse multiple injections with Parallel Bilby. The Multiple Injections folder contains some code to help create submission files for each injection.