
This program will make create a HTCondor DAG to automate the running of low-latency, online gstlal_inspiral jobs; see gstlal_ll_trigger_pipe Command line options ——————–

Usage: gstlal_kafka_dag [options]

 This program makes a dag for persistent kafka/zookeeper services

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --analysis-tag=name   Set the name of the analysis, used to distinguish
                        between different DAGs running simultaneously and to
                        avoid filename clashes.
                        Set the zookeeper port. default 2181
                        Set the hostname in which kafka/zookeeper will be
                        running at.
  --kafka-port=number   Set the kafka port. default: 9092
                        set the condor universe to run jobs in DAG, options
                        are local/vanilla, default = local
                        set condor commands of the form command=value can be
                        given multiple times