
Command line options

Usage: gstlal_ligolw_add_without_reassign [options] [url ...]

Combines one or more LIGO Light Weight XML files into a single output file.
The output is written to stdout or to the filename specified by --output.  In
addition to regular files, many common URL types can be read such as http://
and ftp://.  Input documents that are gzip-compressed are automatically
detected and decompressed.  If the output file's name ends in ".gz", the
output document will be gzip-compressed.  Table elements contained in the
document will be merged so that there is not more than one table of any given
name in the output.  To accomplish this, any tables in the input documents
that share the same name must have compatible columns, meaning the same column
names with matching types (but not necessarily in the same order).

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -i filename, --input-cache=filename
                        Get input files from the LAL cache named filename.
  --non-lsc-tables-ok   OK to merge documents containing non-LSC tables.
  -o filename, --output=filename
                        Write output to filename (default = stdout).
  -v, --verbose         Be verbose.
  --remove-input        Remove input files after writing output (an attempt is
                        made to not delete the output file in the event that
                        it overwrote one of the input files).
                        When deleting input files, do not delete this file.