
Command line options

Usage: gstlal_vetoes_from_burst_triggers [options] [filename ...]

 Generate a LIGO Light-Weight XML veto segment file from burst triggers.  The
input files can be LIGO Light-Weight XML files containing sngl_burst tables.
If a file is encountered that cannot be parsed in one of these formats, or is
identified as a LIGO Light-Weight XML file but does not contain a sim_burst
table, the program fails.  If no input filenames are provided input is read
from stdin.

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Set the default burst event duration in seconds for
                        injections without explicit durations (default = 1).
                        Set the instruments to veto (default = "H1,H2,L1,V1").
  --output=filename     Set the output filename (default = write to stdout).
                        If the filename ends in ".gz" it will be gzip-
  --padding=seconds     Set the additional padding in seconds to veto before
                        and after each injection (default = 0.05).
  --vetoes-name=name    Set the name of the vetoes segment lists in the output
                        document (default = "vetoes").
  -v, --verbose         Be verbose.