
Command line options

Usage: gstlal_lvc_rates_injections [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Start time of the injection data to be created.
                        End time of the injection data to be created.
  --use-segments        Not currently implemented. Cut on segments.
  --output-tag=tag      Set the string to write the injection xml.
                        Set the seed of the random number generator to get
                        reproducible results, default = 7.
                        Set the maximum redshift at which injections will be
                        Power of (1+z) to multiply the constant-comoving-rate
                        distribution by.
                        Set the time step interval between injections.
                        Set the size of the interval used to randomly place
                        injections around the --time-step. For example, 10
                        will result in +-10s interval on either side of time-
                        Add a small random jitter to the gps-start-time. In
                        the case of many injection sets, this results in
                        jittering the time-intervals a bit.
                        Set the desired component mass distribution. Select
                        one of the following: 1. IMF_PAIR - First component
                        from Salpeter IMF distribution and second drawn
                        uniformly between min_mass and mass of first
                        component. 2. UNIFORM_PAIR - Both components drawn
                        from uniform distribution so that min_mass <= m1,m2 <
                        max_mass. 3. UNIFORMLNM_PAIR - Both components drawn
                        from uniform-in-log distribution. 4. NORMAL_PAIR -
                        Both components drawn from normal distribution of mean
                        mean_mass and standard deviation sigma_mass.5.
                        UNIFORM_DISTINCT - Components will be drawn from two
                        distinct uniform mass distributions. Must specify
                        min_mass1, max_mass1, min_mass2, max_mass2.6.
                        UNIFORMLNM_DISTINCT - Components will be drawn from
                        two distinct uniform-in-log mass distributions. Must
                        specify min_mass1, max_mass1, min_mass2, max_mass2.7.
                        UNIFORM_UNIFORMLNM_DISTINCT - Component 1 will be
                        drawn from a uniform mass distribution and component 2
                        will be drawn from a uniform-in-log mass distribution.
                        Must specify min_mass1, max_mass1, min_mass2,
                        max_mass2.8. NORMAL_IMF_DISTINCT - Component 1 will be
                        drawn from a normal mass distribution and component 2
                        will be drawn from a Salpeter IMF distribution.9.
                        UNIFORM_IMF_DISTINCT - Primary drawn from a uniform
                        mass distribution, secondary drawn from a Salpeter IMF
                        distribution. 10. POWER_PAIR - Primary from power law,
                        secondary from another power law conditional on m2 <
                        m1. Default power laws m1**2.35, m2**2 reproduce the
                        IMF_M2SQ distribution.
  --min-mass=MIN_MASS   Set the minimum component mass of the two compact
  --max-mass=MAX_MASS   Set the maximum component mass of the two compact
                        Set a cutoff on the allowed total mass. Currently only
                        implemented for IMF_PAIR, UNIFORMLNM_PAIR,
                        Mean of normal mass distribution. Required if using
                        Stdev of normal mass distribution. Required if using
                        Set the minimum component mass of the lighter of two
                        compact objects.
                        Set the maximum component mass of the lighter of two
                        compact objects.
                        Set the minimum component mass of the heavier of two
                        compact objects.
                        Set the maximum component mass of the heavier of two
                        compact objects.
                        Power law index for primary mass. Default 2.35
                        Power law index for secondary mass. Default 2
                        Set the desired component spin distribution. Select
                        one of the following: 1. ALIGNED - Spinz uniformly
                        random in (-max_spin, +max_spin) for each component.
                        2. ISOTROPIC - (s_x, s_y, s_z) isotropically
                        distributed with uniform magnitude distribution for
                        each component.3. ALIGNED_ALIGNED - Components
                        uniformly random in (-max_spin1, +max_spin1) and
                        (-max_spin2, +max_spin2)4. ISOTROPIC_ALIGNED -
                        Component 2 spinz uniformly random in (-max_spin1,
                        +max_spin1), component 1 isotropically distributed.5.
                        ISOTROPIC_ISOTROPIC - Both components isotropically
                        distributed with uniform magnitude distribution.6.
                        ALIGNED_EQUAL - Spinz uniform in (-max_spin,
                        +max_spin) for component 1, spin2z = spin1z.7.
                        SALPETER_PRIMARY_SPIN - Both components (1/2 chi_max)
                        ln(chi_max/s1z), needs --max-chi
  --max-spin=MAX_SPIN   Set the maximum component spin magnitude. Required if
                        using ALIGNED, ALIGNED_EQUAL or ISOTROPIC.
  --max-chi=MAX_CHI     Maximum chi spin magnitude. Takes 0.99. Required if
                        using SALPETER_PRIMARY_SPIN.
                        Set the maximum component spin magnitude of mass_1.
                        Required if using ALIGNED_ISOTROPIC.
                        Set the maximum component spin magnitude of mass_2.
                        Required if using ALIGNED_ISOTROPIC.
  --waveform=WAVEFORM   Set the waveform family to populate the sim_inspiral
                        Set the desired method for computing the approximate
                        injection snr. Select one of the following: 1.
                        OPTIMALLY_ORIENTED_1MPC - Assumes inclination = 0,
                        distance = 1Mpc. Computes only hp.2. INJ_PARAMS -
                        Computes hp and hc using injections' parameters.3.
                        GENERIC - Computes hp and hc using injections'
                        parameters and can take FD and TD waveforms.
                        Set the network snr threshold to determine whether an
                        injection is expected to be found or not, default =
                        Lower frequency cutoff for SNR calculation, default =
                        15 Hz.
                        Upper frequency cutoff for SNR calculation, default =
                        1500 Hz.
                        Step in frequency for SNR calculation, default = 1 Hz.
                        Set the approximant waveform to use in the
                        SNRcalculation, default = SEOBNRv2_ROM_DoubleSpin
                        Full path to the H1 PSD as txt
                        Full path to the L1 PSD as txt
                        Full path to the V1 PSD as txt
  -v, --verbose         Be verbose.