Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* Implementation of Nested Sampling for LALInference.
2  * (C) John Veitch, 2010
3  */
5 #include <config.h>
7 #include <stdio.h>
8 #include <stdlib.h>
9 #include <float.h>
10 #include <signal.h>
11 #include <time.h>
12 #include <sys/times.h>
13 #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
14 #include <unistd.h>
15 #endif
17 #include <lal/TimeDelay.h>
18 #include <lal/LALInferenceConfig.h>
19 #include <lal/LALStdlib.h>
20 #include <lal/LALInferenceNestedSampler.h>
21 #include <lal/LALInferencePrior.h>
22 #include <lal/LALInferenceLikelihood.h>
23 #include <lal/LALInferenceProposal.h>
24 #include <lal/LALInferenceReadData.h>
25 #include <lal/LALInferenceHDF5.h>
26 #include <lal/LALInferencePriorVolumes.h>
28 #include "logaddexp.h"
30 #define PROGRAM_NAME "LALInferenceNestedSampler.c"
31 #define CVS_ID_STRING "$Id$"
32 #define CVS_REVISION "$Revision$"
33 #define CVS_SOURCE "$Source$"
34 #define CVS_DATE "$Date$"
35 #define CVS_NAME_STRING "$Name$"
37 #define MAX_MCMC 5000 /* Maximum chain length, set to be higher than expected from a reasonable run */
38 #define ACF_TOLERANCE 0.01 /* Desired maximum correlation of MCMC samples */
40 #ifdef __GNUC__
41 #define UNUSED __attribute__ ((unused))
42 #else
43 #define UNUSED
44 #endif
46 static int __chainfile_iter;
48 /**
49  * structure holding internal state of the NS integrator
50  */
51 typedef struct tagNSintegralState
52 {
62 static struct itimerval checkpoint_timer;
64 /** Utility functions for the resume functionality */
65 /** Write the current state to a checkpoint file the given filename */
66 /** Read the given filename to populate a given LALInferenceRunState and NSintegralState */
69 {
70  XLALH5FileAddScalarAttribute(group, "iteration", &(s->iteration), LAL_U4_TYPE_CODE );
71  XLALH5FileWriteREAL8Vector(group, "logZarray", s->logZarray);
72  XLALH5FileWriteREAL8Vector(group, "oldZarray", s->oldZarray);
73  XLALH5FileWriteREAL8Vector(group, "Harray", s->Harray);
74  XLALH5FileWriteREAL8Vector(group, "logwarray", s->logwarray);
75  XLALH5FileWriteREAL8Vector(group, "logtarray", s->logtarray);
76  XLALH5FileWriteREAL8Vector(group, "logt2array", s->logt2array);
77  return(0);
78 }
82 {
83  XLALH5FileQueryScalarAttributeValue(&(s->iteration), group, "iteration");
84  s->logZarray = XLALH5FileReadREAL8Vector(group, "logZarray");
85  s->oldZarray = XLALH5FileReadREAL8Vector(group, "oldZarray");
86  s->Harray = XLALH5FileReadREAL8Vector(group, "Harray");
87  s->logwarray = XLALH5FileReadREAL8Vector(group, "logwarray");
88  s->logtarray = XLALH5FileReadREAL8Vector(group, "logtarray");
89  s->logt2array = XLALH5FileReadREAL8Vector(group, "logt2array");
90  s->size = s->logZarray->length;
91  return(0);
92 }
95 static int ReadNSCheckPointH5(char *filename, LALInferenceRunState *runState, NSintegralState *s);
96 static int WriteNSCheckPointH5(char *filename, LALInferenceRunState *runState, NSintegralState *s);
99 {
100  LALH5File *h5file = XLALH5FileOpen(filename,"w");
101  int retcode;
102  if(!h5file)
103  {
104  fprintf(stderr,"Unable to save resume file %s!\n",filename);
105  return(1);
106  }
107  UINT4 Nlive=*(UINT4 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"Nlive");
108  LALH5File *group;
109  XLAL_TRY(group = XLALH5GroupOpen(h5file,"lalinference"),retcode);
110  if(retcode!=XLAL_SUCCESS) return(retcode);
111  XLAL_TRY(group = XLALH5GroupOpen(group,"lalinferencenest_checkpoint"),retcode);
112  if(retcode!=XLAL_SUCCESS) return(retcode);
113  retcode = _saveNSintegralStateH5(group,s);
114  if(retcode) XLAL_ERROR(XLAL_EFAILED,"Unable to save integral state\n");
115  LALInferenceH5VariablesArrayToDataset(group, runState->livePoints, Nlive, "live_points");
116  INT4 N_output_array=0;
117  if(LALInferenceCheckVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"N_outputarray")) N_output_array=LALInferenceGetINT4Variable(runState->algorithmParams,"N_outputarray");
118  if(N_output_array>0)
119  {
120  LALInferenceVariables **output_array=NULL;
121  output_array=*(LALInferenceVariables ***)LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"outputarray");
122  LALInferenceH5VariablesArrayToDataset(group, output_array, N_output_array, "past_chain");
123  XLALH5FileAddScalarAttribute(group, "N_outputarray", &N_output_array, LAL_I4_TYPE_CODE);
124  }
125  struct tms tms_buffer;
126  if(times(&tms_buffer))
127  {
128  REAL8 execution_time = (REAL8)tms_buffer.tms_utime / (REAL8) sysconf (_SC_CLK_TCK);
129  REAL8 *prevtime=NULL;
130  if( (prevtime=LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"cpu_time"))) execution_time+=*prevtime;
131  XLALH5FileAddScalarAttribute(group, "cpu_time", &execution_time, LAL_D_TYPE_CODE);
132  }
134  XLALH5FileClose(h5file);
136  return(retcode);
137 }
139 static int CheckOutputFileContents(char *filename);
140 /* Check what's in the output file (filename). Returns
141  * 0 : File does not exist or is not valid HDF5
142  * 1 : File contains a resume state
143  * 2 : File is valid HDF5 but not a resume file, probably complete
144  */
146 {
147  int retcode = 0;
148  int result = 0;
149  LALH5File *h5file = NULL;
150  if (access(filename, F_OK)==-1) return(0);
151  if (!LALInferenceCheckNonEmptyFile(filename)) return(0);
152  XLAL_TRY(h5file = XLALH5FileOpen(filename,"r"),retcode);
153  if(retcode != XLAL_SUCCESS) return(0);
154  LALH5File *group;
155  XLAL_TRY(group = XLALH5GroupOpen(h5file,"lalinference"),retcode);
156  if(retcode == XLAL_SUCCESS) result=2;
157  /* Look for checkpoint */
158  XLAL_TRY(XLALH5GroupOpen(group,"lalinferencenest_checkpoint"),retcode);
159  if(retcode == XLAL_SUCCESS) result=1;
160  XLALH5FileClose(h5file);
161  return(result);
162 }
165 {
166  int retcode;
167  LALH5File *h5file;
168  UINT4 Nlive;
169  if( access( filename, F_OK ) == -1 ) return(1);
171  XLAL_TRY(h5file = XLALH5FileOpen(filename,"r"),retcode);
172  if(retcode!=XLAL_SUCCESS) return(retcode);
173  LALH5File *group;
174  XLAL_TRY(group = XLALH5GroupOpen(h5file,"lalinference"),retcode);
175  if(retcode!=XLAL_SUCCESS) return(retcode);
176  XLAL_TRY(group = XLALH5GroupOpen(group,"lalinferencenest_checkpoint"),retcode);
177  if(retcode!=XLAL_SUCCESS) return(retcode);
178  UINT4 N_outputarray;
179  LALInferenceVariables **outputarray;
180  XLALH5FileQueryScalarAttributeValue(&N_outputarray, group, "N_outputarray");
181  if(!h5file)
182  {
183  fprintf(stderr,"Unable to load resume file %s!\n",filename);
184  return(1);
185  }
186  printf("restoring nested sampling integral state\n");
187  retcode=_loadNSintegralStateH5(group,s);
188  if(retcode){
189  fprintf(stderr,"Unable to read nested sampling state - unable to resume!\n");
190  XLALH5FileClose(h5file);
191  return 1;
192  }
193  LALH5Dataset *liveGroup = XLALH5DatasetRead(group,"live_points");
194  retcode = LALInferenceH5DatasetToVariablesArray(liveGroup , &(runState->livePoints), &Nlive );
195  printf("restored %i live points\n",Nlive);
196  XLALH5DatasetFree(liveGroup);
197  if(N_outputarray>0)
198  {
199  printf("restoring %i past iterations\n",N_outputarray);
200  LALH5Dataset *outputGroup = XLALH5DatasetRead(group, "past_chain");
201  retcode |= LALInferenceH5DatasetToVariablesArray(outputGroup, &outputarray, &N_outputarray);
204  XLALH5DatasetFree(outputGroup);
205  }
206  double execution_time = 0.0;
207  if ( ( execution_time = XLALH5FileQueryScalarAttributeValue(&execution_time, group, "cpu_time") ) )
208  {
210  }
213  XLALH5FileClose(h5file);
214  printf("done restoring\n");
215  return(retcode);
217 }
219 /** Sync the live points to the differential evolution buffer */
222 /* This is checked by the main loop to determine when to checkpoint */
223 static volatile sig_atomic_t __ns_saveStateFlag = 0;
224 /* This indicates the main loop should terminate */
225 static volatile sig_atomic_t __ns_exitFlag = 0;
227 /* Signal handler for SIGINT, which is produced by condor
228  * when evicting a job, or when the user presses Ctrl-C */
229 static void catch_interrupt(UNUSED int sig, UNUSED siginfo_t *siginfo,UNUSED void *context);
230 static void catch_interrupt(UNUSED int sig, UNUSED siginfo_t *siginfo,UNUSED void *context)
231 {
234  __ns_exitFlag=1;
235 }
237 /* Signal handler for SIGALRM, for periodic checkpointing */
238 static void catch_alarm(UNUSED int sig, UNUSED siginfo_t *siginfo,UNUSED void *context);
239 static void catch_alarm(UNUSED int sig, UNUSED siginfo_t *siginfo,UNUSED void *context)
240 {
242 }
244 /**
245  * Install the signal handlers for checkpointing.
246  * If checkpoint_exit!=0, then install the catch_alarm_condor_exit_code
247  * handler to exit after checkpointing
248  */
249 static void install_resume_handler(int checkpoint_exit);
250 static void install_resume_handler(int checkpoint_exit)
251 {
252  /* Install a periodic alarm that will trigger a checkpoint */
253  int sigretcode=0;
254  struct sigaction sa;
255  int checkpoint_time = 3600; /* Default 1 hour */
256  if (checkpoint_exit)
257  {
258  sa.sa_sigaction=catch_interrupt;
259  /* Increase time between checkpoints because there is overhead in restarting */
260  checkpoint_time = 3*3600; /* 3 hours */
261  }
262  else
263  {
264  sa.sa_sigaction=catch_alarm;
265  }
266  sa.sa_flags=SA_SIGINFO;
267  sigretcode=sigaction(SIGVTALRM,&sa,NULL);
268  if(sigretcode!=0) fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: Cannot establish checkpoint timer!\n");
269  /* Condor sends SIGUSR2 to checkpoint and continue */
270  sigretcode=sigaction(SIGUSR2,&sa,NULL);
271  if(sigretcode!=0) fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: Cannot establish checkpoint on SIGUSR2.\n");
272  checkpoint_timer.it_interval.tv_sec=checkpoint_time;
273  checkpoint_timer.it_interval.tv_usec=0;
274  checkpoint_timer.it_value=checkpoint_timer.it_interval;
275  setitimer(ITIMER_VIRTUAL,&checkpoint_timer,NULL);
276  /* Install the handler for the condor interrupt signal */
277  sa.sa_sigaction=catch_interrupt;
278  sigretcode=sigaction(SIGINT,&sa,NULL);
279  if(sigretcode!=0) fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: Cannot establish checkpoint on SIGINT.\n");
280  /* Condor sends SIGTERM to vanilla universe jobs to evict them */
281  sigretcode=sigaction(SIGTERM,&sa,NULL);
282  if(sigretcode!=0) fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: Cannot establish checkpoint on SIGTERM.\n");
283  /* Condor sends SIGTSTP to standard universe jobs to evict them.
284  *I think condor handles this, so didn't add a handler CHECK */
285 }
287 static UINT4 UpdateNMCMC(LALInferenceRunState *runState);
288 /* Prototypes for private "helper" functions. */
290 static REAL8 LALInferenceNSSample_logt(int Nlive,gsl_rng *RNG);
292 //static void SamplePriorDiscardAcceptance(LALInferenceRunState *runState);
293 static REAL8 mean(REAL8 *array,int N);
296 /** Calculate covariance matrix from a collection of live points */
297 static void LALInferenceNScalcCVM(gsl_matrix **cvm, LALInferenceVariables **Live, UINT4 Nlive);
299 /* log( exp(a) - exp(b) ) */
300 static double logsubexp(double a, double b);
301 static double logsubexp(double a, double b)
302 {
303  if(b>a)
304  {
305  fprintf(stderr,"Cannot take log of negative number %lf - %lf = %lf !\n",exp(a),exp(b),exp(a)-exp(b));
306  return -INFINITY;
307  }
308  else
309  {
310  return a + log1p(-exp(b-a));
311  }
312 }
314 static void SetupEigenProposals(LALInferenceRunState *runState);
316 /**
317  * Update the internal state of the integrator after receiving the lowest logL
318  * value logL
319  */
320 static REAL8 incrementEvidenceSamples(gsl_rng *GSLrandom, UINT4 Nlive, REAL8 logL, NSintegralState *s);
321 static REAL8 incrementEvidenceSamples(gsl_rng *GSLrandom, UINT4 Nlive, REAL8 logL, NSintegralState *s)
322 {
323  REAL8 Wtarray[s->size];
324  /* Update evidence array */
325  for(UINT4 j=0;j<s->size;j++){
326  s->oldZarray->data[j]=s->logZarray->data[j];
327  Wtarray[j]=s->logwarray->data[j]+logL+logsubexp(0,s->logt2array->data[j] + s->logtarray->data[j])-log(2.0);
328  s->logZarray->data[j]=logaddexp(s->logZarray->data[j],Wtarray[j]);
329  if(isfinite(s->oldZarray->data[j]) && isfinite(s->logZarray->data[j]))
330  s->Harray->data[j]= exp(Wtarray[j]-s->logZarray->data[j])*logL
331  + exp(s->oldZarray->data[j]-s->logZarray->data[j])*(s->Harray->data[j]+s->oldZarray->data[j])-s->logZarray->data[j];
332  REAL8 tmp=s->logtarray->data[j];
333  s->logtarray->data[j]=s->logt2array->data[j];
334  s->logt2array->data[j]=tmp;
335  s->logtarray->data[j]=LALInferenceNSSample_logt(Nlive,GSLrandom);
336  s->logwarray->data[j]+=s->logtarray->data[j];
337  }
338  s->iteration++;
339  return(mean(s->logZarray->data,s->logZarray->length));
340 }
342 static void printAdaptiveJumpSizes(FILE *file, LALInferenceThreadState *threadState);
343 static void printAdaptiveJumpSizes(FILE *file, LALInferenceThreadState *threadState)
344 {
345  LALInferenceVariableItem *this=threadState->currentParams->head;
346  REAL8 *val=NULL;
347  char tmpname[1000]="";
348  int first=1;
349  while(this)
350  {
351  sprintf(tmpname,"%s_%s",this->name,ADAPTSUFFIX);
352  if(LALInferenceCheckVariable(threadState->proposalArgs,tmpname))
353  {
354  if(first) {fprintf(file,"Adaptive proposal step sizes:\n"); first=0;}
355  val=(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(threadState->proposalArgs,tmpname);
356  fprintf(file,"%s: %lf\n",this->name,*val);
357  }
358  this=this->next;
359  }
360 }
363 /* Create Internal arrays for sampling the integral */
364 static NSintegralState *initNSintegralState(UINT4 Nruns, UINT4 Nlive);
366 {
368  s->iteration=0;
369  s->size=Nruns;
370  s->logZarray = XLALCreateREAL8Vector(Nruns);
371  s->oldZarray = XLALCreateREAL8Vector(Nruns);
372  s->Harray = XLALCreateREAL8Vector(Nruns);
373  s->logwarray = XLALCreateREAL8Vector(Nruns);
374  s->logtarray=XLALCreateREAL8Vector(Nruns);
375  s->logt2array=XLALCreateREAL8Vector(Nruns);
376  REAL8 logw=0;
378  if(s->logZarray==NULL || s->Harray==NULL || s->oldZarray==NULL || s->logwarray==NULL)
379  {fprintf(stderr,"Unable to allocate RAM\n"); exit(-1);}
380  for(UINT4 i=0;i<Nruns;i++) {s->logwarray->data[i]=logw; s->logZarray->data[i]=-INFINITY;
381  s->oldZarray->data[i]=-INFINITY; s->Harray->data[i]=0.0;s->logtarray->data[i]=-1.0/Nlive;
382  s->logt2array->data[i]=-1.0/Nlive;
383  }
384  return s;
385 }
387 static REAL8 mean(REAL8 *array,int N){
388  REAL8 sum=0.0;
389  int i;
390  for(i=0;i<N;i++) sum+=array[i];
391  return sum/((REAL8) N);
392 }
395 static REAL8 LALInferenceNSSample_logt(int Nlive,gsl_rng *RNG){
396  REAL8 t=0.0;
397  REAL8 a=0.0;
398  while((Nlive--)>1) {a=gsl_rng_uniform(RNG); t = t>a ? t : a;}
399  return(log(t));
400 }
403  INT4 max = 0;
404  INT4 maxMCMC = MAX_MCMC;
405  /* Measure Autocorrelations if the Nmcmc is not over-ridden */
406  if(!LALInferenceGetProcParamVal(runState->commandLine,"--Nmcmc") && !LALInferenceGetProcParamVal(runState->commandLine,"--nmcmc")){
407  if(LALInferenceCheckVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"maxmcmc"))
408  maxMCMC = *(INT4 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"maxmcmc");
409  if(LALInferenceCheckVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"Nmcmc")){ /* if already estimated the length */
410  if ( LALInferenceGetINT4Variable(runState->algorithmParams,"Nmcmc") != 0 ){
411  max=4 * *(INT4 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"Nmcmc"); /* We will use this to go out 4x last ACL */
412  }
413  else { max=4*maxMCMC; } /* otherwise use the MAX_MCMC */
414  }
415  else max=4*maxMCMC; /* otherwise use the MAX_MCMC */
416  if(max>4*maxMCMC) max=4*maxMCMC;
417  UINT4 Nlive = *(INT4 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"Nlive");
418  UINT4 rnd=gsl_rng_uniform_int(runState->GSLrandom,Nlive);
419  /* Single threaded here */
420  LALInferenceCopyVariables(runState->livePoints[rnd],runState->threads[0].currentParams);
422  max=10;
423  for(LALInferenceVariableItem *this=acls->head;this;this=this->next) {
424  if(LALInferenceCheckVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"verbose"))
425  fprintf(stdout,"Autocorrelation length of %s: %i\n",this->name,(INT4) *(REAL8 *)this->value);
426  if(*(REAL8 *)this->value>max) {
427  max=(INT4) *(REAL8 *)this->value;
428  }
429  }
431  XLALFree(acls);
432  if(max>maxMCMC){
433  fprintf(stderr,"Warning: Estimated chain length %i exceeds maximum %i!\n",max,maxMCMC);
434  max=maxMCMC;
435  }
436  LALInferenceSetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"Nmcmc",&max);
437  }
438  /* Single threaded here */
439  if (LALInferenceGetProcParamVal(runState->commandLine,"--proposal-kde"))
441  return(max);
442 }
444 /* estimateCovarianceMatrix reads the list of live points,
445  and works out the covariance matrix of the varying parameters
446  - CIRCULAR parameters are wrapped around before the calculation and must be
447  scaled to the range 0 -> 2pi. Only works with REAL8 variables */
448 static void LALInferenceNScalcCVM(gsl_matrix **cvm, LALInferenceVariables **Live, UINT4 Nlive)
449 {
450  UINT4 i,j,k;
451  UINT4 ND=0;
452  LALInferenceVariableItem *item,*k_item,*j_item;
453  REAL8 *means, *ms, *mc,jval=0.,kval=0.;
455  /* Find the number of dimensions which vary in the covariance matrix */
456  for(item=Live[0]->head;item!=NULL;item=item->next)
459  /* Set up matrix if necessary */
460  if(*cvm==NULL)
461  {if(NULL==(*cvm=gsl_matrix_alloc(ND,ND))) {fprintf(stderr,"Unable to allocate matrix memory\n"); exit(1);}}
462  else {
463  if((*cvm)->size1!=(*cvm)->size2 || (*cvm)->size1!=ND)
464  { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Matrix wrong size. Something has gone wrong in LALInferenceNScalcCVM\n");
465  exit(1);
466  }
467  }
468  /* clear the matrix */
469  for(i=0;i<(*cvm)->size1;i++) for(j=0;j<(*cvm)->size2;j++) gsl_matrix_set(*cvm,i,j,0.0);
471  /* Find the means */
472  if(NULL==(means = XLALMalloc((size_t)ND*sizeof(REAL8)))){fprintf(stderr,"Can't allocate RAM"); exit(-1);}
473  if(NULL==(ms = XLALMalloc((size_t)ND*sizeof(REAL8)))){fprintf(stderr,"Can't allocate RAM"); exit(-1);}
474  if(NULL==(mc = XLALMalloc((size_t)ND*sizeof(REAL8)))){fprintf(stderr,"Can't allocate RAM"); exit(-1);}
475  for(i=0;i<ND;i++){
476  means[i]=0.0;
477  ms[i] = 0.;
478  mc[i] = 0.;
479  }
480  for(item=Live[0]->head,j=0;item;item=item->next){
482  for(i=0;i<Nlive;i++){
483  void *ptr = LALInferenceGetVariable(Live[i],item->name);
484  switch(item->vary)
485  {
487  {
488  means[j]+=*(REAL8 *)ptr;
489  break;
490  }
492  {
493  ms[j] += sin(*(REAL8 *)ptr);
494  mc[j] += cos(*(REAL8 *)ptr);
495  break;
496  }
497  default:
498  {
499  break;
500  }
501  }
502  }
503  j++;
504  }
506  for(item=Live[0]->head,j=0;item;item=item->next){
508  means[j]/=(REAL8)Nlive;
509  j++;
510  }
512  ms[j]/=(REAL8)Nlive;
513  mc[j]/=(REAL8)Nlive;
515  means[j] = atan2(ms[j], mc[j]);
516  means[j] = means[j]<0? 2.0*LAL_PI + means[j] : means[j];
518  j++;
519  }
520  }
522  XLALFree(ms);
523  XLALFree(mc);
525  /* Iterate over the matrix elements one at a time */
526  j_item=k_item=Live[0]->head;
527  for(j=0,j_item=Live[0]->head;j_item;j_item=j_item->next)
528  {
529  /* Skip non-varying parameters */
530  if((j_item->vary!=LALINFERENCE_PARAM_LINEAR && j_item->vary!=LALINFERENCE_PARAM_CIRCULAR )||j_item->type!=LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t ) {continue;}
532  for(k_item=Live[0]->head,k=0;k_item &&k<=j;k_item=k_item->next)
533  {
534  /* Skip non-varying parameters */
535  if((k_item->vary!=LALINFERENCE_PARAM_LINEAR && k_item->vary!=LALINFERENCE_PARAM_CIRCULAR)||k_item->type!=LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t) {continue;}
537  /* Loop over live points updating covariance elements */
538  for(i=0;i<Nlive;i++)
539  {
540  void *jptr=LALInferenceGetVariable(Live[i],j_item->name);
541  void *kptr=LALInferenceGetVariable(Live[i],k_item->name);
543  /* Check for linear or circular */
544  if( j_item->vary==LALINFERENCE_PARAM_CIRCULAR )
545  jval = LALInferenceAngularDistance(*(REAL8 *)jptr, means[j]);
546  else if( j_item->vary==LALINFERENCE_PARAM_LINEAR )
547  jval = *(REAL8 *)jptr - means[j];
549  if( k_item->vary==LALINFERENCE_PARAM_CIRCULAR )
550  kval = LALInferenceAngularDistance(*(REAL8 *)kptr, means[k]);
551  else if( k_item->vary==LALINFERENCE_PARAM_LINEAR )
552  kval = *(REAL8 *)kptr - means[k];
554  gsl_matrix_set(*cvm,j,k, gsl_matrix_get(*cvm,j,k) + kval*jval);
556  }
558  k++;
559  } /* end loop over k */
560  j++;
561  }/* end loop over j */
563  /* Normalise */
564  for(i=0;i<ND;i++) for(j=0;j<ND;j++) gsl_matrix_set(*cvm,i,j,gsl_matrix_get(*cvm,i,j)/((REAL8) Nlive));
565  XLALFree(means);
567  /* the other half */
568  for(i=0;i<ND;i++)
569  for(j=0;j<i;j++)
570  gsl_matrix_set(*cvm,j,i,gsl_matrix_get(*cvm,i,j));
572  return;
573 }
576 {
577  char help[]="\
578  ----------------------------------------------\n\
579  --- Nested Sampling Algorithm Parameters -----\n\
580  ----------------------------------------------\n\
581  --Nlive N Number of live points to use\n\
582  (--Nmcmc M) Over-ride auto chain length determination and use <M> MCMC samples\n\
583  (--maxmcmc M) Use at most M MCMC points when autodetermining the chain (5000)\n\
584  (--Nmcmcinitial M) Use M MCMC points when initially resampling from the prior\n\
585  (otherwise default is to use maxmcmc)\n\
586  (--sloppyratio S) Number of sub-samples of the prior for every sample from the\n\
587  limited prior\n\
588  (--Nruns R) Number of parallel samples from logt to use(1)\n\
589  (--tolerance dZ) Tolerance of nested sampling algorithm (0.1)\n\
590  (--randomseed seed) Random seed of sampling distribution\n\
591  (--prior ) Set the prior to use (InspiralNormalised,SkyLoc,malmquist)\n\
592  (default: InspiralNormalised)\n\
593  (--sampleprior N) For Testing: Draw N samples from the prior, will not perform the\n\
594  nested sampling integral\n\
595  (--progress) Output some progress information at each iteration\n\
596  (--verbose) Output more info. N=1: errors, N=2 (default): warnings, N=3: info\n\
597  (--resume) Allow non-condor checkpointing every 4 hours. If given will check \n\
598  or OUTFILE_resume and continue if possible\n\
599  (--checkpoint-exit-code N) Exit with code N when checkpoint is complete.\n\
600  For use with condor's +SuccessCheckpointExitCode option\n\
601  \n";
603  ProcessParamsTable *ppt=NULL;
604  /* Print command line arguments if help requested */
605  if(runState == NULL || LALInferenceGetProcParamVal(runState->commandLine,"--help"))
606  {
607  fprintf(stdout,"%s",help);
608  return;
609  }
610  ProcessParamsTable *commandLine=runState->commandLine;
612  INT4 verbose=0;
613  INT4 x=0;
614  ppt=LALInferenceGetProcParamVal(commandLine,"--verbose");
615  if(ppt) {
616  if(ppt->value[0]){
617  x=atoi(ppt->value);
618  switch(x){
619  case 0:
620  verbose=LALNDEBUG; /* Nothing */
621  break;
622  case 1:
623  verbose=LALMSGLVL1; /* Only errors */
624  break;
625  case 2:
626  verbose=LALMSGLVL2; /* Errors and warnings */
627  break;
628  case 3:
629  verbose=LALMSGLVL3; /* Errors, warnings and info */
630  break;
631  default:
633  break;
634  }
635  }
636  else verbose=LALMSGLVL2; /* Errors and warnings */
639  }
640  INT4 tmpi=0;
641  REAL8 tmp=0;
643  /* Single thread only */
644  LALInferenceThreadState *threadState = &runState->threads[0];
646  /* Set up the appropriate functions for the nested sampling algorithm */
650  /* use the ptmcmc proposal to sample prior */
651  threadState->proposal=&LALInferenceCyclicProposal;
652  REAL8 temp=1.0;
657  /* Number of live points */
658  ppt=LALInferenceGetProcParamVal(commandLine,"--Nlive");
659  if (!ppt) ppt=LALInferenceGetProcParamVal(commandLine,"--nlive");
660  if(ppt)
661  tmpi=atoi(ppt->value);
662  else {
663  fprintf(stderr,"Error, must specify number of live points\n");
664  exit(1);
665  }
668  /* Number of points in MCMC chain */
669  ppt=LALInferenceGetProcParamVal(commandLine,"--Nmcmc");
670  if(!ppt) ppt=LALInferenceGetProcParamVal(commandLine,"--nmcmc");
671  if(ppt){
672  tmpi=atoi(ppt->value);
673  LALInferenceAddVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"Nmcmc",&tmpi,
675  printf("set number of MCMC points, over-riding auto-determination!\n");
676  }
678  /* Maximum number of points in MCMC chain */
679  ppt=LALInferenceGetProcParamVal(commandLine,"--maxmcmc");
680  if(ppt){
681  tmpi=atoi(ppt->value);
682  LALInferenceAddVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"maxmcmc",&tmpi,
684  }
686  /* Set fraction for sloppy sampling */
687  if((ppt=LALInferenceGetProcParamVal(commandLine,"--sloppyfraction")))
688  tmp=atof(ppt->value);
689  else tmp=0.0;
690  LALInferenceAddVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"sloppyfraction",&tmp,
693  /* Optionally specify number of parallel runs */
694  ppt=LALInferenceGetProcParamVal(commandLine,"--Nruns");
695  if(ppt) {
696  tmpi=atoi(ppt->value);
698  }
700  printf("set tolerance.\n");
701  /* Tolerance of the Nested sampling integrator */
702  ppt=LALInferenceGetProcParamVal(commandLine,"--tolerance");
703  if(ppt){
704  tmp=strtod(ppt->value,(char **)NULL);
707  }
708  double zero=0.0;
711  return;
713 }
716 /* NestedSamplingAlgorithm implements the nested sampling algorithm,
717  see e.g. Sivia & Skilling "Data Analysis: A Bayesian Tutorial, 2nd edition.
719  Calling routine must have set up runState->livePoints already to
720  contain samples from the prior distribution.
721  runState->algorithmParams must contain a variable "logLikelihoods"
722  which contains a REAL8 array of likelihood values for the live
723  points.
724  */
727 {
728  UINT4 iter=0,i,j,minpos;
729  /* Single thread here */
730  LALInferenceThreadState *threadState = &runState->threads[0];
732  UINT4 Nlive=*(UINT4 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"Nlive");
733  UINT4 Nruns=100;
734  REAL8 *logZarray,*Harray,*logwarray,*logtarray;
736  REAL8 logZ,logZnew,logLmin,logLmax=-INFINITY,logLtmp,logw,H,logZnoise,dZ=0;
738  FILE *fpout=NULL;
739  REAL8 neginfty=-INFINITY;
740  REAL8 zero=0.0;
741  REAL8 *logLikelihoods=NULL;
742  UINT4 verbose=0;
743  REAL8 sloppyfrac;
744  UINT4 displayprogress=0;
746  UINT4 samplePrior=0; //If this flag is set to a positive integer, code will just draw this many samples from the prior
747  ProcessParamsTable *ppt=NULL;
748  int CondorExitCode=0;
750  if(!runState->logsample) runState->logsample=LALInferenceLogSampleToArray;
752  if((ppt=LALInferenceGetProcParamVal(runState->commandLine,"--checkpoint-exit-code")))
753  CondorExitCode=atoi(ppt->value);
755  if ( !LALInferenceCheckVariable(runState->algorithmParams, "logZnoise" ) ){
756  logZnoise=LALInferenceNullLogLikelihood(runState->data);
759  }
760  else{
761  logZnoise =
762  *(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"logZnoise");
763  }
765  logLikelihoods=(REAL8 *)(*(REAL8Vector **)LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"logLikelihoods"))->data;
767  if((ppt=LALInferenceGetProcParamVal(runState->commandLine,"--sampleprior")))
768  {
769  samplePrior=atoi(ppt->value);
770  fprintf(stdout,"Generating %i samples from the prior\n",samplePrior);
771  }
774  displayprogress=verbose;
776  /* Operate on parallel runs if requested */
777  if(LALInferenceCheckVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"Nruns"))
778  Nruns = *(UINT4 *) LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"Nruns");
780  /* Create workspace for arrays */
781  NSintegralState *s=NULL;
783  if(LALInferenceCheckVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"tolerance"))
784  TOLERANCE = *(REAL8 *) LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"tolerance");
786  /* Check that necessary parameters are created */
787  if(!LALInferenceCheckVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"logLmin"))
790  if(!LALInferenceCheckVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"accept_rate"))
792  if(!LALInferenceCheckVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"sub_accept_rate"))
794  if(!LALInferenceCheckVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"sloppyfraction"))
797  /* Open output file */
798  ppt = NULL;
799  ppt=LALInferenceGetProcParamVal(runState->commandLine,"--outfile");
800  if(!ppt){
801  fprintf(stderr,"Must specify --outfile <filename.hdf5>\n");
802  exit(1);
803  }
804  char *outfile=ppt->value;
805  /* Check if the output file has hdf5 extension */
806  if(strstr(outfile,".h5") || strstr(outfile,".hdf")) HDFOUTPUT=1;
807  else HDFOUTPUT=0;
809  double logvolume=0.0;
810  if ( LALInferenceCheckVariable( runState->livePoints[0], "chirpmass" ) ){
811  /* If a cbc run, calculate the mass-distance volume and store it to file*/
812  /* Do it before algorithm starts so that we can kill the run and still get this */
813  int errnum=0;
814  XLAL_TRY(logvolume=log(LALInferenceMassDistancePriorVolume(runState)), errnum);
815  if(XLAL_IS_REAL8_FAIL_NAN(logvolume))
816  {
817  XLALPrintWarning("Could not compute log volume: %s\n",XLALErrorString(errnum));
818  logvolume=0.0;
819  }
820  }
822  if(LALInferenceGetProcParamVal(runState->commandLine,"--progress"))
823  displayprogress=1;
825  minpos=0;
827  logw=log(1.0-exp(-1.0/Nlive));
828  i=0;
829  /* sort points for consistent order before creating the matrix */
830  for(i=0;i<Nlive;i++)
833  /* Set up eigenvector proposals */
834  SetupEigenProposals(runState);
836  /* Use the live points as differential evolution points */
837  /* Single thread here */
838  syncLivePointsDifferentialPoints(runState,threadState);
839  threadState->differentialPointsSkip=1;
841  if(!LALInferenceCheckVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"Nmcmc")){
842  INT4 tmp=MAX_MCMC;
843  if(LALInferenceGetProcParamVal(runState->commandLine,"--Nmcmcinitial")){
844  tmp=atoi(LALInferenceGetProcParamVal(runState->commandLine,"--Nmcmcinitial")->value);
845  }
847  }
848  s=initNSintegralState(Nruns,Nlive);
850  /* Check if output/resume file exists as a valid HDF5 file */
851  int filetest = CheckOutputFileContents(outfile);
852  int retcode=1;
853  if (filetest==2) /* Run is complete, do not overwrite */
854  {
855  printf("Output file %s contains complete run, not over-writing\n",outfile);
856  exit(1);
857  }
858  else if(filetest==1) /* Run contains a resume file */
859  {
860  /* Check for an interrupted run */
861  if(LALInferenceGetProcParamVal(runState->commandLine,"--resume")){
862  fprintf(stderr,"Resuming from %s\n",outfile);
863  retcode=ReadNSCheckPointH5(outfile,runState,s);
864  if(retcode==0){
865  for(i=0;i<Nlive;i++) logLikelihoods[i]=*(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->livePoints[i],"logL");
866  iter=s->iteration;
867  }
868  }
869  }
870  /* If we did not resume, start a new run */
871  if(retcode!=0)
872  {
874  if(LALInferenceGetProcParamVal(runState->commandLine,"--resume"))
875  fprintf(stdout,"Starting a new run.\n");
876  /* Sprinkle points */
877  LALInferenceSetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"logLmin",&neginfty);
878  int sprinklewarning=0;
879  for(i=0;i<Nlive;i++) {
880  threadState->currentParams=runState->livePoints[i];
881  j=0;
882  do
883  {
884  runState->evolve(runState);
885  logLikelihoods[i]=runState->likelihood(runState->livePoints[i],runState->data,threadState->model);
886  if(!sprinklewarning && j++==100) { fprintf(stderr,"Warning: having difficulty sampling prior, check your prior bounds\n"); sprinklewarning=1;}
887  }while(isnan(logLikelihoods[i]) || isinf(logLikelihoods[i]));
888  if(XLALPrintProgressBar((double)i/(double)Nlive)) fprintf(stderr,"\n");
889  }
890  }
892  logZarray=s->logZarray->data;
893  logtarray=s->logtarray->data;
894  logwarray=s->logwarray->data;
895  Harray=s->Harray->data;
897  /* Find maximum likelihood and sanity check */
898  for(i=0;i<Nlive;i++)
899  {
901  logLtmp=logLikelihoods[i];
902  logLmax=logLtmp>logLmax? logLtmp : logLmax;
903  if(isnan(logLikelihoods[i]) || isinf(logLikelihoods[i])) {
904  fprintf(stderr,"Detected logL[%i]=%lf! Sanity checking...\n",i,logLikelihoods[i]);
905  if(LALInferenceSanityCheck(runState))
906  exit(1);
907  }
908  }
909  /* sort points for consistent order after attaching delta parameters */
910  for(i=0;i<Nlive;i++)
913  /* Update the covariance matrix for proposal distribution */
914  SetupEigenProposals(runState);
916  /* Reset proposal stats before starting */
917  LALInferenceZeroProposalStats(threadState->cycle);
919  /* Set the number of MCMC points */
920  UpdateNMCMC(runState);
921  /* Output some information */
922  if(verbose){
923  LALInferencePrintProposalStatsHeader(stdout,threadState->cycle);
924  LALInferencePrintProposalStats(stdout,threadState->cycle);
925  LALInferenceZeroProposalStats(threadState->cycle);
926  printAdaptiveJumpSizes(stdout, threadState);
927  }
928  /* Write out names of parameters */
929  if(!HDFOUTPUT)
930  {
931  FILE *lout=NULL;
932  char param_list[FILENAME_MAX+16];
933  snprintf(param_list,sizeof(param_list),"%s_params.txt",outfile);
934  lout=fopen(param_list,"w");
936  fclose(lout);
937  }
938  minpos=0;
939  threadState->currentParams=currentVars;
940  fprintf(stdout,"Starting nested sampling loop!\n");
941  /* Install interrupt handler for resuming */
942  if(LALInferenceGetProcParamVal(runState->commandLine,"--resume"))
943  {
944  install_resume_handler(CondorExitCode);
945  }
946  /* Iterate until termination condition is met */
947  do {
948  /* Find minimum likelihood sample to replace */
949  minpos=0;
950  for(i=1;i<Nlive;i++){
951  if(logLikelihoods[i]<logLikelihoods[minpos])
952  minpos=i;
953  }
954  logLmin=logLikelihoods[minpos];
955  if(samplePrior) logLmin=-INFINITY;
957  logZnew=incrementEvidenceSamples(runState->GSLrandom, Nlive, logLikelihoods[minpos], s);
958  //deltaZ=logZnew-logZ; - set but not used
959  H=mean(Harray,Nruns);
960  logZ=logZnew;
961  if(runState->logsample) runState->logsample(runState->algorithmParams,runState->livePoints[minpos]);
962  UINT4 itercounter=0;
964  /* Generate a new live point */
965  do{ /* This loop is here in case it is necessary to find a different sample */
966  /* Clone an old live point and evolve it */
967  while((j=gsl_rng_uniform_int(runState->GSLrandom,Nlive))==minpos){};
968  LALInferenceCopyVariables(runState->livePoints[j],threadState->currentParams);
969  threadState->currentLikelihood = logLikelihoods[j];
970  LALInferenceSetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"logLmin",(void *)&logLmin);
971  runState->evolve(runState);
972  itercounter++;
973  }while( threadState->currentLikelihood<=logLmin || *(REAL8*)LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"accept_rate")==0.0);
975  LALInferenceCopyVariables(threadState->currentParams,runState->livePoints[minpos]);
976  logLikelihoods[minpos]=threadState->currentLikelihood;
978  if (threadState->currentLikelihood>logLmax)
979  logLmax=threadState->currentLikelihood;
981  logw=mean(logwarray,Nruns);
983  dZ=logaddexp(logZ,logLmax-((double) iter)/((double)Nlive))-logZ;
984  sloppyfrac=*(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"sloppyfraction");
985  if(displayprogress) fprintf(stderr,"%i: accpt: %1.3f Nmcmc: %i sub_accpt: %1.3f slpy: %2.1f%% H: %3.2lf nats logL:%.3lf ->%.3lf logZ: %.3lf deltalogLmax: %.2lf dZ: %.3lf Zratio: %.3lf \n",\
986  iter,\
987  *(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"accept_rate")/(REAL8)itercounter,\
988  *(INT4 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"Nmcmc"),\
989  *(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"sub_accept_rate"),\
990  100.0*sloppyfrac,\
991  H,\
992  logLmin,\
993  threadState->currentLikelihood,\
994  logZ,\
995  (logLmax - LALInferenceGetREAL8Variable(runState->algorithmParams,"logZnoise")), \
996  dZ,\
997  ( logZ - LALInferenceGetREAL8Variable(runState->algorithmParams,"logZnoise"))\
998  );
999  iter++;
1001  /* Save progress */
1002  if(__ns_saveStateFlag!=0)
1003  {
1004  if(__ns_exitFlag) fprintf(stdout,"Saving state to %s.\n",outfile);
1005  WriteNSCheckPointH5(outfile,runState,s);
1006  fflush(fpout);
1008  }
1009  /* Have we been told to quit? */
1010  if(__ns_exitFlag) {
1011  exit(CondorExitCode);
1012  }
1014  /* Update the proposal */
1015  if(!(iter%(Nlive/10))) {
1016  /* Update the covariance matrix */
1017  if ( LALInferenceCheckVariable( threadState->proposalArgs,"covarianceMatrix" ) ){
1018  SetupEigenProposals(runState);
1019  }
1021  /* Update NMCMC from ACF */
1022  UpdateNMCMC(runState);
1024  /* Sync the live points to differential points */
1025  syncLivePointsDifferentialPoints(runState,threadState);
1027  /* Output some information */
1028  if(verbose){
1029  LALInferencePrintProposalStatsHeader(stdout,threadState->cycle);
1030  LALInferencePrintProposalStats(stdout,threadState->cycle);
1031  LALInferenceZeroProposalStats(threadState->cycle);
1032  printAdaptiveJumpSizes(stdout, threadState);
1033  }
1034  }
1036  }
1037  while(samplePrior?((Nlive+iter)<samplePrior):( iter <= Nlive || dZ> TOLERANCE)); /* End of NS loop! */
1039  /* Sort the remaining points (not essential, just nice)*/
1040  for(i=0;i<Nlive-1;i++){
1041  minpos=i;
1042  logLmin=logLikelihoods[i];
1043  for(j=i+1;j<Nlive;j++){
1044  if(logLikelihoods[j]<logLmin)
1045  {
1046  minpos=j;
1047  logLmin=logLikelihoods[j];
1048  }
1049  }
1050  temp=runState->livePoints[minpos]; /* Put the minimum remaining point in the current position */
1051  runState->livePoints[minpos]=runState->livePoints[i];
1052  runState->livePoints[i]=temp;
1053  logLikelihoods[minpos]=logLikelihoods[i];
1054  logLikelihoods[i]=logLmin;
1055  }
1056  /* final corrections */
1057  for(i=0;i<Nlive;i++){
1058  logZ=incrementEvidenceSamples(runState->GSLrandom, Nlive-i, logLikelihoods[i], s);
1059  if(runState->logsample) runState->logsample(runState->algorithmParams,runState->livePoints[i]);
1060  }
1062  LALInferenceVariables **output_array=NULL;
1063  UINT4 N_output_array=0;
1064  if(LALInferenceCheckVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"outputarray")
1065  &&LALInferenceCheckVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"N_outputarray") )
1066  {
1067  output_array=*(LALInferenceVariables ***)LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"outputarray");
1068  N_output_array=*(UINT4 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"N_outputarray");
1069  }
1070  double logB=logZ-logZnoise;
1071  /* Pass output back through algorithmparams */
1076  /* Write out the evidence */
1077  if(!HDFOUTPUT)
1078  {
1079  fpout = fopen(outfile,"w");
1080  for(i=0;i<N_output_array;i++)
1081  {
1082  LALInferencePrintSample(fpout,output_array[i]);
1083  fprintf(fpout,"\n");
1084  }
1085  fclose(fpout);
1087  char bayesfile[FILENAME_MAX+10];
1088  sprintf(bayesfile,"%s_B.txt",outfile);
1089  fpout=fopen(bayesfile,"w");
1090  fprintf(fpout,"%lf %lf %lf %lf\n",logZ-logZnoise,logZ,logZnoise,logLmax);
1091  fclose(fpout);
1095  }
1096  /* Write HDF5 file */
1097  if(HDFOUTPUT)
1098  {
1100  LALH5File *h5file=XLALH5FileOpen(outfile, "w");
1101  // Create group heirarchy
1102  char runID[2048];
1103  if((ppt=LALInferenceGetProcParamVal(runState->commandLine,"--runid")))
1104  snprintf(runID,sizeof(runID),"%s_%s","lalinference_nest",ppt->value);
1105  else
1106  snprintf(runID,sizeof(runID),"lalinference_nest");
1108  LALH5File *groupPtr = LALInferenceH5CreateGroupStructure(h5file, "lalinference", runID);
1109  /* Create run identifier group */
1111  /* TODO: Write metadata */
1112  XLALH5FileAddScalarAttribute(groupPtr, "log_evidence", &logZ, LAL_D_TYPE_CODE);
1113  XLALH5FileAddScalarAttribute(groupPtr, "log_bayes_factor", &logB, LAL_D_TYPE_CODE);
1114  XLALH5FileAddScalarAttribute(groupPtr, "information_nats", &H, LAL_D_TYPE_CODE);
1115  XLALH5FileAddScalarAttribute(groupPtr, "log_noise_evidence", &logZnoise, LAL_D_TYPE_CODE );
1116  XLALH5FileAddScalarAttribute(groupPtr, "log_max_likelihood", &logLmax , LAL_D_TYPE_CODE);
1117  XLALH5FileAddScalarAttribute(groupPtr, "number_live_points", &Nlive, LAL_U4_TYPE_CODE);
1118  XLALH5FileAddScalarAttribute(groupPtr, "log_prior_volume", &logvolume, LAL_D_TYPE_CODE);
1119  /*Add the whole command line to the output headers */
1120  char *cl=NULL;
1122  XLALH5FileAddStringAttribute(groupPtr,"CommandLine",cl);
1124  /* Get the cpu usage */
1125  struct tms tms_buffer;
1126  if(times(&tms_buffer))
1127  {
1128  REAL8 execution_time = (REAL8)tms_buffer.tms_utime / (REAL8) sysconf (_SC_CLK_TCK) + LALInferenceGetREAL8Variable(runState->algorithmParams,"cpu_time");
1129  XLALH5FileAddScalarAttribute(groupPtr, "cpu_time", &execution_time, LAL_D_TYPE_CODE);
1130  }
1132  LALInferenceVariables *injParams = NULL;
1133  if ( (injParams=LALInferencePrintInjectionSample(runState)) )
1134  {
1135  LALInferenceH5VariablesArrayToDataset(groupPtr, &injParams, 1, "injection_params");
1136  LALInferenceClearVariables(injParams);
1137  XLALFree(injParams);
1138  }
1139  XLALH5FileClose(h5file);
1141  }
1143  if(output_array) {
1144  for(i=0;i<N_output_array;i++){
1145  LALInferenceClearVariables(output_array[i]);
1146  XLALFree(output_array[i]);
1147  }
1148  XLALFree(output_array);
1149  }
1151  /* Free memory */
1152  XLALFree(logtarray); XLALFree(logwarray); XLALFree(logZarray);
1153 }
1155 /* Calculate the autocorrelation function of the sampler (runState->evolve) for each parameter
1156  * Evolves the sample starting with the value passed in temp, with a maximum of max_iterations steps.
1157  Return the ACL for each parameter as a LALInferenceVariables */
1159 {
1160  /* Single threaded here */
1161  LALInferenceThreadState *threadState = &runState->threads[0];
1162  ProcessParamsTable *ppt=NULL;
1163  char chainfilename[2048]="";
1164  char acf_file_name[2048]="";
1165  FILE *chainfile=NULL;
1166  FILE *acffile=NULL;
1167  UINT4 i,j;
1168  UINT4 nPar=0; // = LALInferenceGetVariableDimensionNonFixed(runState->currentParams);
1169  REAL8 **data_array=NULL;
1170  REAL8 **acf_array=NULL;
1172  INT4 thinning=1;
1173  max_iterations/=thinning;
1174  /* Find the number and names of variables */
1175  for(this=threadState->currentParams->head;this;this=this->next) if(this->vary!=LALINFERENCE_PARAM_FIXED && this->vary!=LALINFERENCE_PARAM_OUTPUT && this->type==LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t) nPar++;
1176  char **param_names=XLALCalloc(nPar,sizeof(char *));
1177  for(i=0,this=threadState->currentParams->head;this;this=this->next) if(this->vary!=LALINFERENCE_PARAM_FIXED && this->vary!=LALINFERENCE_PARAM_OUTPUT && this->type==LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t) param_names[i++]=this->name;
1179  REAL8 ACF,ACL,max=0;
1182  /* Back up the algorithm state and replace with a clean version for logSampletoarray */
1183  LALInferenceVariables myAlgParams,*oldAlgParams=runState->algorithmParams;
1184  LALInferenceVariables myCurrentParams,*oldCurrentParams=threadState->currentParams;
1185  memset(&myAlgParams,0,sizeof(LALInferenceVariables));
1186  memset(&myCurrentParams,0,sizeof(LALInferenceVariables));
1187  LALInferenceCopyVariables(oldAlgParams,&myAlgParams);
1188  if(LALInferenceCheckVariable(&myAlgParams,"outputarray")) LALInferenceRemoveVariable(&myAlgParams,"outputarray");
1189  if(LALInferenceCheckVariable(&myAlgParams,"N_outputarray")) LALInferenceRemoveVariable(&myAlgParams,"N_outputarray");
1190  if(LALInferenceCheckVariable(&myAlgParams,"outfile")) LALInferenceRemoveVariable(&myAlgParams,"outfile");
1191  LALInferenceRemoveVariable(&myAlgParams,"Nmcmc");
1194  LALInferenceSortVariablesByName(&myCurrentParams);
1195  runState->algorithmParams=&myAlgParams;
1196  threadState->currentParams=&myCurrentParams;
1197  LALInferenceVariables **livePoints=runState->livePoints;
1198  UINT4 Nlive = *(INT4 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"Nlive");
1199  UINT4 BAILOUT=100; /* this should be the same as the bailout in the sampler */
1200  REAL8 accept=0.0;
1201  /* We can record write the MCMC chain to a file too */
1202  ppt=LALInferenceGetProcParamVal(runState->commandLine,"--acf-chainfile");
1203  if(ppt){
1204  sprintf(chainfilename,"%s.%i",ppt->value,__chainfile_iter);
1205  chainfile=fopen(chainfilename,"w");
1206  LALInferenceCopyVariables(livePoints[0],&myCurrentParams);
1207  LALInferenceSortVariablesByName(&myCurrentParams);
1208  for(this=myCurrentParams.head;this;this=this->next) fprintf(chainfile,"%s ",this->name);
1209  fprintf(chainfile,"\n");
1211  }
1212  ppt=LALInferenceGetProcParamVal(runState->commandLine,"--acf-file");
1213  if(ppt){
1214  sprintf(acf_file_name,"%s.%i",ppt->value,__chainfile_iter);
1215  acffile=fopen(acf_file_name,"w");
1216  }
1217  __chainfile_iter++;
1218  do{ /* Pick a random sample that isn't trapped in some corner*/
1219  UINT4 idx=gsl_rng_uniform_int(runState->GSLrandom,Nlive);
1220  /* Copy the variable to avoid over-writing one of the live points */
1221  LALInferenceCopyVariables(livePoints[idx],&myCurrentParams);
1222  threadState->currentParams=&myCurrentParams;
1223  i=0;
1224  do {
1225  evolve(runState);
1226  i++;
1227  accept=*(REAL8*)LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"accept_rate");
1228  }
1229  while(accept==0.0 && i<BAILOUT);
1230  }
1231  while(0.==accept);
1232  /* log the first sample*/
1234  /* Evolve the initial sample (i starts at 1)*/
1235  for(i=1;i<max_iterations;i++)
1236  {
1237  evolve(runState);
1239  }
1241  /* Get the location of the sample array */
1242  LALInferenceVariables **variables_array=*(LALInferenceVariables ***)LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"outputarray");
1244  /* Convert to a 2D array for ACF calculation */
1245  data_array=XLALCalloc(nPar,sizeof(REAL8 *));
1246  acf_array=XLALCalloc(nPar,sizeof(REAL8 *));
1247  for (i=0;i<(UINT4)nPar;i++){
1248  data_array[i]=XLALCalloc(max_iterations,sizeof(REAL8));
1249  acf_array[i]=XLALCalloc(max_iterations/2,sizeof(REAL8));
1250  }
1251  /* Measure autocorrelation in each dimension */
1252  /* Not ideal, should be measuring something like the det(autocorrelation-crosscorrelation matrix) */
1253  for (i=0;i<max_iterations;i++){
1254  for(j=0;j<nPar;j++) data_array[j][i]=*(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(variables_array[i],param_names[j]);
1255  }
1256  this=myCurrentParams.head;
1257  for(i=0;i<(UINT4)nPar;i++){
1258  /* Subtract the mean */
1259  REAL8 this_mean = gsl_stats_mean(&data_array[i][0], 1, max_iterations);
1260  for(j=0;j<max_iterations;j++) data_array[i][j]-=this_mean;
1261  ACL=1;
1262  int startflag=1;
1263  ACF=1.;
1264  /* Use GSL to compute the ACF */
1265  for(UINT4 lag=0;ACF>=ACF_TOLERANCE&&lag<max_iterations/2;lag++){
1266  ACF=(REAL8) gsl_stats_correlation(&data_array[i][0], 1, &data_array[i][lag], 1, max_iterations-lag);
1267  if(isnan(ACF)) ACF=1.;
1268  acf_array[i][lag]=ACF;
1269  ACL+=2.0*ACF;
1270  if((ACF<ACF_TOLERANCE && startflag) || lag==max_iterations/2-1){
1271  startflag=0;
1272  ACL*=(REAL8)thinning;
1273  if(ACL>max) max=ACL;
1275  break;
1276  }
1277  }
1278  if(LALInferenceCheckVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"verbose")) fprintf(stdout,"%s: mean= %lf, ACL=%lf\n",param_names[i],this_mean,ACL);
1279  do{this=this->next;}while(this && (this->vary==LALINFERENCE_PARAM_FIXED || this->vary==LALINFERENCE_PARAM_OUTPUT || this->type!=LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t));
1280  }
1281  if(acffile){
1282  /* Write out the ACF */
1283  for(j=0;j<(UINT4)nPar;j++) fprintf(acffile,"%s ",param_names[j]);
1284  fprintf(acffile,"\n");
1285  for(i=0;i<max_iterations/2;i++){
1286  for(j=0;j<(UINT4)nPar;j++) fprintf(acffile,"%f ",acf_array[j][i]);
1287  fprintf(acffile,"\n");
1288  }
1289  }
1291  /* Cache the samples */
1292  if(LALInferenceCheckVariable(oldAlgParams,"proposalcache"))
1293  {
1294  INT4 *Ncache=(INT4 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(oldAlgParams,"proposalcachesize");
1295  LALInferenceVariables **cache_ptr=(LALInferenceVariables **)LALInferenceGetVariable(oldAlgParams,"proposalcache");
1296  LALInferenceVariables *cache=*cache_ptr;
1297  UINT4 Nnew=max_iterations/(UINT4)(max/thinning);
1298  INT4 stride=max/thinning;
1299  if(LALInferenceCheckVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"verbose")) fprintf(stderr,"Caching %i samples\n",Nnew);
1301  /* Copy independent samples */
1302  REAL8 oldLogL=-INFINITY;
1303  for(i=stride,j=*Ncache;j<Nnew+*Ncache&&i<max_iterations;i+=stride,j++)
1304  {
1305  REAL8 newlogL=*(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(variables_array[i],"logL");
1306  if(newlogL==oldLogL) {j--; continue;}
1308  if(!cache) fprintf(stderr,"ERROR!!! Could not resize cache to %i!\n",j+1);
1309  memset(&(cache[j]),0,sizeof(LALInferenceVariables));
1310  LALInferenceCopyVariables(variables_array[i],&(cache[j]));
1311  oldLogL=newlogL;
1312  }
1314  /* Update the state variables */
1315  *Ncache=j;
1316  *cache_ptr=cache;
1317  }
1319  /* Clean up */
1320  for(i=0;i<(UINT4)nPar;i++) {XLALFree(data_array[i]); XLALFree(acf_array[i]);}
1321  for (i=0;i<max_iterations;i++){
1322  LALInferenceClearVariables(variables_array[i]);
1323  XLALFree(variables_array[i]);
1324  }
1325  XLALFree(variables_array);
1326  XLALFree(data_array); XLALFree(acf_array);
1327  LALInferenceClearVariables(&myAlgParams);
1328  LALInferenceClearVariables(&myCurrentParams);
1329  threadState->currentParams=oldCurrentParams;
1330  runState->algorithmParams=oldAlgParams;
1331  if(chainfile) fclose(chainfile);
1332  if(acffile) fclose(acffile);
1333  XLALFree(param_names);
1334  return(acls);
1335 }
1337 /* Perform one MCMC iteration on runState->currentParams. Return 1 if accepted or 0 if not */
1339 {
1340  /* Single threaded here */
1341  LALInferenceThreadState * threadState=&runState->threads[0];
1342  UINT4 outOfBounds=0;
1343  UINT4 adaptProp=0;
1344  //LALInferenceVariables tempParams;
1345  REAL8 logProposalRatio=0.0;
1346  //LALInferenceVariables *oldParams=&tempParams;
1347  LALInferenceVariables proposedParams;
1348  memset(&proposedParams,0,sizeof(proposedParams));
1349  REAL8 logLmin=*(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"logLmin");
1350  REAL8 thislogL=-INFINITY;
1351  UINT4 accepted=0;
1353  REAL8 logPriorOld=*(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(threadState->currentParams,"logPrior");
1354  if(adaptProp)
1355  {
1356  thislogL=runState->likelihood(threadState->currentParams,runState->data,threadState->model);
1357  if (logLmin<thislogL) outOfBounds=0;
1358  }
1359  LALInferenceCopyVariables(threadState->currentParams,&proposedParams);
1361  logProposalRatio = threadState->proposal(threadState,threadState->currentParams,&proposedParams);
1362  REAL8 logPriorNew=runState->prior(runState, &proposedParams, threadState->model);
1363  if(isinf(logPriorNew) || isnan(logPriorNew) || log(gsl_rng_uniform(runState->GSLrandom)) > (logPriorNew-logPriorOld) + logProposalRatio)
1364  {
1365  /* Reject - don't need to copy new params back to currentParams */
1366  /*LALInferenceCopyVariables(oldParams,runState->currentParams); */
1367  }
1368  else {
1369  accepted=1;
1370  //printf("Accepted line %i\n",__LINE__);
1371  LALInferenceCopyVariables(&proposedParams,threadState->currentParams);
1372  LALInferenceSetVariable(threadState->currentParams,"logPrior",&logPriorNew);
1373  }
1374  LALInferenceClearVariables(&proposedParams);
1376  if((!outOfBounds) && adaptProp)
1377  {
1378  thislogL=runState->likelihood(threadState->currentParams,runState->data,threadState->model);
1379  if(logLmin<thislogL) threadState->accepted = accepted;
1380  else threadState->accepted=accepted=0;
1381  LALInferenceUpdateAdaptiveJumps(threadState, 0.35);
1382  }
1383  //printf("logLnew = %lf, logPriorNew = %lf, logProposalRatio = %lf\n",thislogL,logPriorNew,logProposalRatio);
1384  threadState->accepted=accepted;
1386  //printf("Accepted = %i\n",accepted);
1387  return(accepted);
1388 }
1390 /* Sample the prior N times, returns number of acceptances */
1392 {
1393  UINT4 i=0;
1394  UINT4 Naccepted=0;
1395  for(i=0;i<N;i++) Naccepted+=LALInferenceMCMCSamplePrior(runState);
1396  return(Naccepted);
1397 }
1400 {
1401  LALInferenceVariableItem *proposeIterator = params->head;
1402  UINT4 j=0,i=0;
1403  UINT4 N=eigenvectors->size1;
1405  if(!*projection) *projection=XLALCreateREAL8Vector(N);
1406  if((*projection)->length==0) *projection=XLALCreateREAL8Vector(N);
1409  if (proposeIterator == NULL) {
1410  fprintf(stderr, "Bad proposed params in %s, line %d\n",
1411  __FILE__, __LINE__);
1412  exit(1);
1413  }
1414  for(i=0;i<N;i++){
1415  j=0;
1416  proposeIterator = params->head;
1417  (*projection)->data[i]=0.0;
1418  do {
1419  if (proposeIterator->vary != LALINFERENCE_PARAM_FIXED && proposeIterator->vary != LALINFERENCE_PARAM_OUTPUT) {
1420  (*projection)->data[i]+= *((REAL8 *)proposeIterator->value) * gsl_matrix_get(eigenvectors, j, i);
1421  j++;
1422  }
1423  }while ((proposeIterator = proposeIterator->next) != NULL && j < N);
1424  }
1426 }
1428 /* Cache wrapper around another sampler */
1430 {
1431  INT4 Naccept=0;
1432  /* Single thread here */
1433  LALInferenceThreadState *threadState = &runState->threads[0];
1434  if(!LALInferenceCheckVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"proposalcache") || !LALInferenceCheckVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"proposalcachesize"))
1435  {
1436  fprintf(stderr,"Adding cache variables in the sampler\n");
1437  /* Add space for the proposal cache */
1439  INT4 newNcache=0;
1442  }
1444  INT4 *Ncache=(INT4 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"proposalcachesize");
1445  LALInferenceVariables **cache_ptr=(LALInferenceVariables **)LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"proposalcache");
1446  LALInferenceVariables *cache=*cache_ptr;
1448  if(*Ncache==0 || LALInferenceGetProcParamVal(runState->commandLine,"--no-cache")){
1449  Naccept = LALInferenceNestedSamplingSloppySample(runState);
1450  return Naccept;
1451  }
1452  REAL8 logL=-INFINITY;
1453  REAL8 logLmin=*(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"logLmin");
1455  /* Draw the last sample from the cache and reduce the size of the cache by one
1456  until we find one that has a high enough likelihood */
1457  do {
1458  LALInferenceVariables *new=&(cache[*Ncache-1]);
1459  logL=*(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(new,"logL");
1460  if(logL>logLmin){
1461  threadState->currentLikelihood=logL;
1462  LALInferenceCopyVariables(new,threadState->currentParams);
1463  }
1465  new=NULL;
1466  cache=XLALRealloc(cache,sizeof(LALInferenceVariables) * (*Ncache-1));
1467  (*Ncache)--;
1468  } while (logL<=logLmin&&*Ncache>0);
1470  *cache_ptr=cache;
1471  /* If we didn't get any acceptable samples, call the main sampler */
1472  if(*Ncache==0 && logL<=logLmin)
1473  {
1474  Naccept = LALInferenceNestedSamplingSloppySample(runState);
1475  }
1477  return Naccept;
1478 }
1480 /* Sample the limited prior distribution using the MCMC method as usual, but
1481  only check the likelihood bound x fraction of the time. Always returns a fulled checked sample.
1482  x=LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"sloppyfraction")
1483  */
1486 {
1487  LALInferenceVariables oldParams;
1488  /* Single thread here */
1489  LALInferenceThreadState *threadState = &runState->threads[0];
1490  LALInferenceIFOData *data=runState->data;
1491  REAL8 tmp;
1492  REAL8 Target=0.3;
1493  char tmpName[320];
1494  REAL8 logLold=*(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(threadState->currentParams,"logL");
1495  memset(&oldParams,0,sizeof(oldParams));
1496  LALInferenceCopyVariables(threadState->currentParams,&oldParams);
1497  REAL8 logLmin=*(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"logLmin");
1498  UINT4 Nmcmc=*(UINT4 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"Nmcmc");
1499  REAL8 maxsloppyfraction=((REAL8)Nmcmc-1)/(REAL8)Nmcmc ;
1500  REAL8 sloppyfraction=maxsloppyfraction/2.0;
1501  REAL8 minsloppyfraction=0.;
1502  if(Nmcmc==1) maxsloppyfraction=minsloppyfraction=0.0;
1503  if (LALInferenceCheckVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"sloppyfraction"))
1504  sloppyfraction=*(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"sloppyfraction");
1505  UINT4 mcmc_iter=0,Naccepted=0,sub_accepted=0;
1506  UINT4 sloppynumber=(UINT4) (sloppyfraction*(REAL8)Nmcmc);
1507  UINT4 testnumber=Nmcmc-sloppynumber;
1508  /* +1 for the last iteration which we do check */
1509  UINT4 subchain_length=(sloppynumber/testnumber) +1;
1510  REAL8 logLnew=0.0;
1511  UINT4 sub_iter=0;
1512  UINT4 ifo=0;
1513  REAL8 counter=1.;
1514  UINT4 BAILOUT=100*testnumber; /* If no acceptance after 100 tries, will exit and the sampler will try a different starting point */
1515  const char *extra_names[]={"logL","optimal_snr","matched_filter_snr","deltalogL"}; /* Names for parameters to be stripped when sampling prior */
1516  UINT4 Nnames = 4;
1517  if ( Nmcmc ){
1518  do{
1519  counter=counter-1.;
1520  subchain_length=0;
1521  for(UINT4 i=0;i<Nnames;i++)
1522  {
1523  if(LALInferenceCheckVariable(threadState->currentParams,extra_names[i]))
1524  LALInferenceRemoveVariable(threadState->currentParams,extra_names[i]);
1525  }
1526  /* Draw an independent sample from the prior */
1527  do{
1529  sub_accepted+=LALInferenceMCMCSamplePrior(runState);
1530  subchain_length++;
1531  counter+=(1.-sloppyfraction);
1532  }while(counter<1);
1533  /* Check that there was at least one accepted point */
1534  if(sub_accepted==0) {
1535  sub_iter+=subchain_length;
1536  mcmc_iter++;
1537  LALInferenceCopyVariables(&oldParams,threadState->currentParams);
1538  threadState->currentLikelihood=logLold;
1539  continue;
1540  }
1541  mcmc_iter++;
1542  sub_iter+=subchain_length;
1543  if(isfinite(logLmin)) logLnew=runState->likelihood(threadState->currentParams,runState->data,threadState->model);
1544  if(logLnew>logLmin || isinf(logLmin)) /* Accept */
1545  {
1546  Naccepted++;
1547  /* Update information to pass back out */
1549  if(LALInferenceCheckVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"logZnoise")){
1550  tmp=logLnew-*(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"logZnoise");
1552  }
1553  ifo=0;
1554  data=runState->data;
1555  while(data)
1556  {
1557  if(!threadState->model->ifo_loglikelihoods) break;
1558  tmp=threadState->model->ifo_loglikelihoods[ifo] - data->nullloglikelihood;
1559  sprintf(tmpName,"deltalogl%s",data->name);
1561  ifo++;
1562  data=data->next;
1563  }
1564  LALInferenceCopyVariables(threadState->currentParams,&oldParams);
1565  logLold=logLnew;
1566  threadState->currentLikelihood=logLnew;
1567  }
1568  else /* reject */
1569  {
1570  LALInferenceCopyVariables(&oldParams,threadState->currentParams);
1571  threadState->currentLikelihood=logLold;
1572  }
1573  }while((mcmc_iter<testnumber||threadState->currentLikelihood<=logLmin||Naccepted==0)&&(mcmc_iter<BAILOUT));
1574  }
1575  /* Make sure likelihood is filled in if it wasn't done during sampling */
1576  if(logLnew==0.0){
1577  logLnew=runState->likelihood(threadState->currentParams,runState->data,threadState->model);
1578  threadState->currentLikelihood=logLnew;
1580  if(LALInferenceCheckVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"logZnoise")){
1581  tmp=logLnew-*(REAL8 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"logZnoise");
1583  }
1584  ifo=0;
1585  data=runState->data;
1586  while(data && threadState->model->ifo_loglikelihoods)
1587  {
1588  tmp=threadState->model->ifo_loglikelihoods[ifo] - data->nullloglikelihood;
1589  sprintf(tmpName,"deltalogl%s",data->name);
1591  ifo++;
1592  data=data->next;
1593  }
1594  }
1596  /* Compute some statistics for information */
1597  REAL8 sub_accept_rate=(REAL8)sub_accepted/(REAL8)sub_iter;
1598  REAL8 accept_rate=(REAL8)Naccepted/(REAL8)testnumber;
1599  LALInferenceSetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"accept_rate",&accept_rate);
1600  LALInferenceSetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"sub_accept_rate",&sub_accept_rate);
1601  /* Adapt the sloppy fraction toward target acceptance of outer chain */
1602  if(isfinite(logLmin)){
1603  if((REAL8)accept_rate>Target) { sloppyfraction+=5.0/(REAL8)Nmcmc;}
1604  else { sloppyfraction-=5.0/(REAL8)Nmcmc;}
1605  if(sloppyfraction>maxsloppyfraction) sloppyfraction=maxsloppyfraction;
1606  if(sloppyfraction<minsloppyfraction) sloppyfraction=minsloppyfraction;
1608  LALInferenceSetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"sloppyfraction",&sloppyfraction);
1609  }
1610  /* Cleanup */
1611  LALInferenceClearVariables(&oldParams);
1613  return Naccepted;
1614 }
1617 /* Evolve nested sampling algorithm by one step, i.e.
1618  evolve runState->currentParams to a new point with higher
1619  likelihood than currentLikelihood. Uses the MCMC method with sloppy sampling.
1620  */
1622 {
1623  INT4 Naccept = LALInferenceNestedSamplingCachedSampler(runState);
1624  return Naccept;
1625 }
1628  /* Set up initial basket of live points, drawn from prior,
1629  by copying runState->currentParams to all entries in the array*/
1631  /* Single thread here */
1632  LALInferenceThreadState *threadState = &runState->threads[0];
1634  UINT4 Nlive=(UINT4)*(INT4 *)LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"Nlive");
1635  UINT4 i;
1636  REAL8Vector *logLs;
1637  REAL8 logPrior=0.0;
1639  /* Allocate the array */
1640  /* runState->livePoints=XLALCalloc(Nlive,sizeof(LALVariables *)); */
1641  runState->livePoints=XLALCalloc(Nlive,sizeof(LALInferenceVariables *));
1642  if(runState->livePoints==NULL)
1643  {
1644  fprintf(stderr,"Unable to allocate memory for %i live points\n",Nlive);
1645  exit(1);
1646  }
1647  threadState->differentialPoints=runState->livePoints;
1648  threadState->differentialPointsLength=(size_t) Nlive;
1649  logLs=XLALCreateREAL8Vector(Nlive);
1652  fprintf(stdout,"Sprinkling %i live points, may take some time\n",Nlive);
1653  LALInferenceVariables *curParsBackup=threadState->currentParams;
1654  for(i=0;i<Nlive;i++)
1655  {
1656  /* Clone the currentParams into LivePoints[i] */
1657  runState->livePoints[i]=XLALCalloc(1,sizeof(LALInferenceVariables));
1658  /* Copy the param structure */
1659  LALInferenceCopyVariables(threadState->currentParams,runState->livePoints[i]);
1661  /* Sprinkle the varying points among prior */
1662  do{
1663  LALInferenceDrawFromPrior( runState->livePoints[i], runState->priorArgs, runState->GSLrandom );
1664  logPrior=runState->prior(runState,runState->livePoints[i],threadState->model);
1665  }while(isinf(logPrior) || isnan(logPrior));
1666  /* Populate log likelihood */
1667  logLs->data[i]=runState->likelihood(runState->livePoints[i],runState->data,threadState->model);
1669  LALInferenceAddVariable(runState->livePoints[i],"logPrior",(void*)&logPrior,LALINFERENCE_REAL8_t,LALINFERENCE_PARAM_OUTPUT);
1670  }
1671  threadState->currentParams=curParsBackup;
1672  if(!threadState->currentParams) threadState->currentParams=XLALCalloc(1,sizeof(LALInferenceVariables));
1673 }
1677 {
1678  /* Single thread here */
1679  LALInferenceThreadState *threadState = &runState->threads[0];
1680  gsl_matrix *eVectors=NULL;
1681  gsl_vector *eValues =NULL;
1682  REAL8Vector *eigenValues=NULL;
1683  /* Check for existing covariance matrix */
1684  gsl_matrix **cvm=NULL;
1685  if(LALInferenceCheckVariable(threadState->proposalArgs,"covarianceMatrix"))
1686  LALInferenceRemoveVariable(threadState->proposalArgs,"covarianceMatrix");
1687 // cvm=(gsl_matrix **)LALInferenceGetVariable(threadState->proposalArgs,"covarianceMatrix");
1688  cvm=XLALCalloc(1,sizeof(gsl_matrix *));
1690  /* Add the covariance matrix for proposal distribution */
1691  UINT4 *Nlive=LALInferenceGetVariable(runState->algorithmParams,"Nlive");
1692  /* Sort the variables to ensure consistent order */
1693  for(UINT4 i=0;i<*Nlive;i++) LALInferenceSortVariablesByName(runState->livePoints[i]);
1694  LALInferenceNScalcCVM(cvm,runState->livePoints,*Nlive);
1695  UINT4 N=(*cvm)->size1;
1698  /* Check for the eigenvectors and values */
1699  if(LALInferenceCheckVariable(threadState->proposalArgs,"covarianceEigenvectors"))
1700  eVectors=*(gsl_matrix **)LALInferenceGetVariable(threadState->proposalArgs,"covarianceEigenvectors");
1701  else
1702  eVectors=gsl_matrix_alloc(N,N);
1704  if(LALInferenceCheckVariable(threadState->proposalArgs,"covarianceEigenvalues"))
1705  eigenValues=*(REAL8Vector **)LALInferenceGetVariable(threadState->proposalArgs,"covarianceEigenvalues");
1706  else
1707  eigenValues=XLALCreateREAL8Vector(N);
1709  /* Set up eigenvectors and eigenvalues. */
1710  gsl_matrix *covCopy = gsl_matrix_alloc(N,N);
1711  eValues = gsl_vector_alloc(N);
1712  gsl_eigen_symmv_workspace *ws = gsl_eigen_symmv_alloc(N);
1713  int gsl_status;
1714  gsl_matrix_memcpy(covCopy, *cvm);
1716  if ((gsl_status = gsl_eigen_symmv(covCopy, eValues, eVectors, ws)) != GSL_SUCCESS) {
1717  XLALPrintError("Error in gsl_eigen_symmv (in %s, line %d): %d: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, gsl_status, gsl_strerror(gsl_status));
1719  }
1721  for (UINT4 i = 0; i < N; i++) {
1722  eigenValues->data[i] = gsl_vector_get(eValues,i);
1723  }
1725  if(!LALInferenceCheckVariable(threadState->proposalArgs,"covarianceEigenvectors"))
1726  LALInferenceAddVariable(threadState->proposalArgs, "covarianceEigenvectors", &eVectors, LALINFERENCE_gslMatrix_t, LALINFERENCE_PARAM_FIXED);
1727  if(!LALInferenceCheckVariable(threadState->proposalArgs,"covarianceEigenvalues"))
1728  LALInferenceAddVariable(threadState->proposalArgs, "covarianceEigenvalues", &eigenValues, LALINFERENCE_REAL8Vector_t, LALINFERENCE_PARAM_FIXED);
1731  gsl_matrix_free(covCopy);
1732  gsl_vector_free(eValues);
1733  gsl_eigen_symmv_free(ws);
1734  XLALFree(cvm);
1735 }
1739 {
1743  for(INT4 i=0;i<N;i++)
1744  {
1745  if(!thread->differentialPoints[i]) thread->differentialPoints[i]=XLALCalloc(1,sizeof(LALInferenceVariables));
1747  }
1748  thread->differentialPointsLength=N;
1749  return(XLAL_SUCCESS);
1750 }
struct tagLALH5File LALH5File
struct tagLALH5Dataset LALH5Dataset
LALH5File * LALInferenceH5CreateGroupStructure(LALH5File *h5file, const char *codename, const char *runID)
Create a HDF5 heirarchy in the given LALH5File reference /codename/runID/ Returns a LALH5File pointer...
int LALInferenceCheckNonEmptyFile(char *filename)
Returns 1 if a non-empty file exists, 0 otherwise.
int LALInferencePrintCheckpointFileInfo(char *filename)
Prints the size of the file.
int LALInferenceH5DatasetToVariablesArray(LALH5Dataset *dataset, LALInferenceVariables ***varsArray, UINT4 *N)
int LALInferenceH5VariablesArrayToDataset(LALH5File *h5file, LALInferenceVariables *const *const varsArray, UINT4 N, const char *TableName)
const char LALInferenceHDF5NestedSamplesDatasetName[]
static int WriteNSCheckPointH5(char *filename, LALInferenceRunState *runState, NSintegralState *s)
static int ReadNSCheckPointH5(char *filename, LALInferenceRunState *runState, NSintegralState *s)
static void catch_interrupt(UNUSED int sig, UNUSED siginfo_t *siginfo, UNUSED void *context)
static NSintegralState * initNSintegralState(UINT4 Nruns, UINT4 Nlive)
static int __chainfile_iter
static REAL8 mean(REAL8 *array, int N)
static void catch_alarm(UNUSED int sig, UNUSED siginfo_t *siginfo, UNUSED void *context)
static REAL8 incrementEvidenceSamples(gsl_rng *GSLrandom, UINT4 Nlive, REAL8 logL, NSintegralState *s)
Update the internal state of the integrator after receiving the lowest logL value logL.
static void printAdaptiveJumpSizes(FILE *file, LALInferenceThreadState *threadState)
static UINT4 UpdateNMCMC(LALInferenceRunState *runState)
static double logsubexp(double a, double b)
static int syncLivePointsDifferentialPoints(LALInferenceRunState *state, LALInferenceThreadState *thread)
Sync the live points to the differential evolution buffer.
static int _loadNSintegralStateH5(LALH5File *group, NSintegralState *s)
static volatile sig_atomic_t __ns_saveStateFlag
static void install_resume_handler(int checkpoint_exit)
Install the signal handlers for checkpointing.
static volatile sig_atomic_t __ns_exitFlag
#define MAX_MCMC
static struct itimerval checkpoint_timer
static REAL8 LALInferenceNSSample_logt(int Nlive, gsl_rng *RNG)
static void LALInferenceNScalcCVM(gsl_matrix **cvm, LALInferenceVariables **Live, UINT4 Nlive)
Calculate covariance matrix from a collection of live points.
static void SetupEigenProposals(LALInferenceRunState *runState)
static int _saveNSintegralStateH5(LALH5File *group, NSintegralState *s)
Utility functions for the resume functionality.
static int CheckOutputFileContents(char *filename)
double LALInferenceMassDistancePriorVolume(LALInferenceRunState *state)
#define max(a, b)
ProcessParamsTable * ppt
int j
ProcessParamsTable * ptr
int k
#define fprintf
const char *const name
int s
const double H
sigmaKerr data[0]
REAL8Vector * XLALH5FileReadREAL8Vector(LALH5File *file, const char *name)
int XLALH5FileWriteREAL8Vector(LALH5File *file, const char *name, REAL8Vector *vector)
void XLALH5FileClose(LALH5File UNUSED *file)
void XLALH5DatasetFree(LALH5Dataset UNUSED *dset)
LALH5File * XLALH5GroupOpen(LALH5File UNUSED *file, const char UNUSED *name)
int XLALH5FileQueryScalarAttributeValue(void UNUSED *value, LALH5File UNUSED *file, const char UNUSED *key)
int XLALH5FileAddScalarAttribute(LALH5File UNUSED *file, const char UNUSED *key, const void UNUSED *value, LALTYPECODE UNUSED dtype)
LALH5File * XLALH5FileOpen(const char UNUSED *path, const char UNUSED *mode)
int XLALH5FileAddStringAttribute(LALH5File UNUSED *file, const char UNUSED *key, const char UNUSED *value)
LALH5Dataset * XLALH5DatasetRead(LALH5File UNUSED *file, const char UNUSED *name)
#define LAL_PI
double REAL8
uint32_t UINT4
int32_t INT4
REAL8 LALInferenceAngularDistance(REAL8 a1, REAL8 a2)
Calculate shortest angular distance between a1 and a2 (modulo 2PI)
void LALInferencePrintSample(FILE *fp, LALInferenceVariables *sample)
Output the sample to file *fp, in ASCII format.
Definition: LALInference.c:923
int LALInferenceFprintParameterHeaders(FILE *out, LALInferenceVariables *params)
Print the parameter names to a file as a tab-separated ASCII line.
void LALInferenceAddVariable(LALInferenceVariables *vars, const char *name, const void *value, LALInferenceVariableType type, LALInferenceParamVaryType vary)
Add a variable named name to vars with initial value referenced by value.
Definition: LALInference.c:395
REAL8 LALInferenceGetREAL8Variable(LALInferenceVariables *vars, const char *name)
void LALInferenceRemoveVariable(LALInferenceVariables *vars, const char *name)
Remove name from vars Frees the memory for the name structure and its contents.
Definition: LALInference.c:450
void LALInferenceCopyVariables(LALInferenceVariables *origin, LALInferenceVariables *target)
Deep copy the variables from one to another LALInferenceVariables structure.
Definition: LALInference.c:558
INT4 LALInferenceGetINT4Variable(LALInferenceVariables *vars, const char *name)
int LALInferencePrintProposalStatsHeader(FILE *fp, LALInferenceProposalCycle *cycle)
Output proposal statistics header to file *fp.
void LALInferencePrintProposalStats(FILE *fp, LALInferenceProposalCycle *cycle)
Output proposal statistics to file *fp.
void LALInferenceClearVariables(LALInferenceVariables *vars)
Delete the variables in this structure.
Definition: LALInference.c:532
void LALInferenceSortVariablesByName(LALInferenceVariables *vars)
Sorts the variable structure by name.
ProcessParamsTable * LALInferenceGetProcParamVal(ProcessParamsTable *procparams, const char *name)
Returns the element of the process params table with "name".
void * LALInferenceGetVariable(const LALInferenceVariables *vars, const char *name)
Return a pointer to the memory the variable vars is stored in specified by name User must cast this p...
Definition: LALInference.c:238
INT4 LALInferenceSanityCheck(LALInferenceRunState *state)
Sanity check the structures in the given state.
INT4(* LALInferenceEvolveOneStepFunction)(struct tagLALInferenceRunState *runState)
Perform one step of an algorithm, replaces runState ->currentParams.
Definition: LALInference.h:491
void LALInferenceLogSampleToArray(LALInferenceVariables *algorithmParams, LALInferenceVariables *vars)
Append the sample to an array which can be later processed by the user.
int LALInferenceCheckVariable(LALInferenceVariables *vars, const char *name)
Checks for name being present in vars returns 1(==true) or 0.
Definition: LALInference.c:525
char * LALInferencePrintCommandLine(ProcessParamsTable *procparams)
Output the command line based on the ProcessParamsTable procparams.
void LALInferenceSetVariable(LALInferenceVariables *vars, const char *name, const void *value)
Set a variable named name in vars with a value.
Definition: LALInference.c:352
A parameter that never changes, functions should respect this.
Definition: LALInference.h:131
A parameter that is cyclic, such as an angle between 0 and 2pi.
Definition: LALInference.h:130
A parameter that simply has a maximum and a minimum.
Definition: LALInference.h:129
Definition: LALInference.h:128
Definition: LALInference.h:109
Definition: LALInference.h:105
Definition: LALInference.h:113
@ LALINFERENCE_void_ptr_t
Definition: LALInference.h:119
@ LALINFERENCE_gslMatrix_t
Definition: LALInference.h:112
REAL8 LALInferenceNullLogLikelihood(LALInferenceIFOData *data)
Identical to LALInferenceFreqDomainNullLogLikelihood, but returns the likelihood of a null template.
void LALInferenceNestedSamplingAlgorithm(LALInferenceRunState *runState)
NestedSamplingAlgorithm implements the nested sampling algorithm, see e.g.
LALInferenceVariables * LALInferenceComputeAutoCorrelation(LALInferenceRunState *runState, UINT4 max_iterations, LALInferenceEvolveOneStepFunction evolve)
Compute the autocorrelation length from the sampler at the current global iteration.
INT4 LALInferenceNestedSamplingOneStep(LALInferenceRunState *runState)
A single iteration of the NS algorithm.
void LALInferenceSetupLivePointsArray(LALInferenceRunState *runState)
Setup the live points by calling runState->initVariables on each of them if it is specified.
INT4 LALInferenceNestedSamplingSloppySample(LALInferenceRunState *runState)
Sample the limited prior distribution using the MCMC method as usual, but run a sub-chain of x iterat...
INT4 LALInferenceNestedSamplingCachedSampler(LALInferenceRunState *runState)
void LALInferenceNestedSamplingAlgorithmInit(LALInferenceRunState *runState)
Initialise the nested sampling algorithm by reading from the commandLine and setting up algorithmPara...
UINT4 LALInferenceMCMCSamplePriorNTimes(LALInferenceRunState *runState, UINT4 N)
Sample the prior N times, returns number of acceptances.
void LALInferenceProjectSampleOntoEigenvectors(LALInferenceVariables *params, gsl_matrix *eigenvectors, REAL8Vector **projection)
Project the sample in params onto the eigenvectors given in eigenvectors.
UINT4 LALInferenceMCMCSamplePrior(LALInferenceRunState *runState)
Perform one MCMC iteration on runState->currentParams.
void LALInferenceDrawFromPrior(LALInferenceVariables *output, LALInferenceVariables *priorArgs, gsl_rng *rdm)
Draw variables from the prior ranges.
void LALInferenceUpdateAdaptiveJumps(LALInferenceThreadState *thread, REAL8 targetAcceptance)
Update the adaptive proposal.
void LALInferenceTrackProposalAcceptance(LALInferenceThreadState *thread)
Update proposal statistics if tracking.
void LALInferenceSetupClusteredKDEProposalFromDEBuffer(LALInferenceThreadState *thread)
Setup a clustered-KDE proposal from the differential evolution buffer.
void LALInferenceZeroProposalStats(LALInferenceProposalCycle *cycle)
REAL8 LALInferenceCyclicProposal(LALInferenceThreadState *thread, LALInferenceVariables *currentParams, LALInferenceVariables *proposedParams)
Proposes a jump from the next proposal in the proposal cycle.
LALInferenceVariables * LALInferencePrintInjectionSample(LALInferenceRunState *runState)
Function to output a sample with logL values etc for the injection, if one is made.
void * XLALCalloc(size_t m, size_t n)
void * XLALMalloc(size_t n)
void * XLALRealloc(void *p, size_t n)
void XLALFree(void *p)
static const INT4 a
REAL8Vector * XLALCreateREAL8Vector(UINT4 length)
#define XLAL_ERROR_VOID(...)
const char * XLALErrorString(int errnum)
#define XLAL_ERROR(...)
#define XLAL_TRY(statement, errnum)
int XLALPrintError(const char *fmt,...) _LAL_GCC_PRINTF_FORMAT_(1
int int XLALPrintWarning(const char *fmt,...) _LAL_GCC_PRINTF_FORMAT_(1
int XLALPrintProgressBar(double)
#define XLAL_IS_REAL8_FAIL_NAN(val)
static double logaddexp(double x, double y)
Definition: logaddexp.h:37
LALCache * cache
Structure to contain IFO data.
Definition: LALInference.h:625
REAL8 * ifo_loglikelihoods
Network SNR at params
Definition: LALInference.h:445
Structure containing inference run state This includes pointers to the function types required to run...
Definition: LALInference.h:592
ProcessParamsTable * commandLine
Definition: LALInference.h:593
LALInferenceVariables * proposalArgs
The data from the interferometers.
Definition: LALInference.h:602
LALInferenceVariables * algorithmParams
Any special arguments for the prior function.
Definition: LALInference.h:604
struct tagLALInferenceIFOData * data
Log sample, i.e.
Definition: LALInference.h:601
LALInferenceVariables * priorArgs
Common arguments needed by proposals, to be copied to thread->cycle.
Definition: LALInference.h:603
LALInferenceThreadState * threads
Definition: LALInference.h:612
LALInferenceAlgorithm algorithm
A function that returns a new set of variables for the model.
Definition: LALInference.h:595
LALInferenceEvolveOneStepFunction evolve
The algorithm function.
Definition: LALInference.h:596
LALInferencePriorFunction prior
The algorithm's single iteration function.
Definition: LALInference.h:597
LALInferenceLogFunction logsample
The likelihood function.
Definition: LALInference.h:600
LALInferenceVariables ** livePoints
Parameters which control the running of the algorithm.
Definition: LALInference.h:605
LALInferenceLikelihoodFunction likelihood
MultiNest prior for the parameters.
Definition: LALInference.h:599
Structure containing chain-specific variables.
Definition: LALInference.h:541
LALInferenceVariables * currentParams
Prior boundaries, etc.
Definition: LALInference.h:556
LALInferenceModel * model
Cycle of proposals to call.
Definition: LALInference.h:548
INT4 accepted
This should be removed, can be given as an algorithmParams entry.
Definition: LALInference.h:574
size_t differentialPointsLength
Array of points for differential evolution.
Definition: LALInference.h:560
LALInferenceProposalFunction proposal
Step counter for this thread.
Definition: LALInference.h:546
LALInferenceProposalCycle * cycle
The proposal cycle.
Definition: LALInference.h:547
LALInferenceVariables * proposalArgs
Definition: LALInference.h:551
size_t differentialPointsSkip
Size of the differentialPoints memory block (must be >= length of differential points).
Definition: LALInference.h:566
LALInferenceVariables ** differentialPoints
Parameters proposed.
Definition: LALInference.h:559
The LALInferenceVariableItem list node structure This should only be accessed using the accessor func...
Definition: LALInference.h:154
char name[VARNAME_MAX]
Definition: LALInference.h:155
LALInferenceVariableType type
Definition: LALInference.h:157
struct tagVariableItem * next
Definition: LALInference.h:159
LALInferenceParamVaryType vary
Definition: LALInference.h:158
The LALInferenceVariables structure to contain a set of parameters Implemented as a linked list of LA...
Definition: LALInference.h:170
LALInferenceVariableItem * head
Definition: LALInference.h:171
structure holding internal state of the NS integrator
REAL8 * data
char * outfile