Header LALInspiralBank.h

Detailed Description

Header file for the template placement codes.

Churches, D.K. and Sathyaprakash, B.S., Cokelaer, T.


#include <lal/LALInspiralBank.h>

This header file covers routines that are used in template placement.


 Module LALInspiralBankUtils.c
 Module LALInspiralBCVBank.c
 BCV template bank.
 Module LALInspiralCreateCoarseBank.c
 Functions to create a coarse grid of templates.
 Module LALInspiralHybridHexagonalBank.c
 Hybrid hexagonal template bank.
 Module LALInspiralMoments.c
 Functions to calculate the moment of the noise power spectral density.


void LALInspiralSpinBank (LALStatus *status, SnglInspiralTable **tiles, INT4 *ntiles, InspiralCoarseBankIn *coarseIn)
 This function creates a bank of BCVSpin templates to search for precessing binaries. More...
void LALInsidePolygon (LALStatus *status, REAL4 *inputx, REAL4 *inputy, INT4 n, REAL4 x, REAL4 y, INT4 *valid)
 Module to check whether a point with coordinates (x,y) is inside a polygon defined by the vectors (vx, vy), which size (n) must be provided. More...
void LALInspiralCreateCoarseBank (LALStatus *status, InspiralTemplateList **list, INT4 *nlist, InspiralCoarseBankIn bankIn)
void LALInspiralCreatePNCoarseBank (LALStatus *status, InspiralTemplateList **list, INT4 *nlist, InspiralCoarseBankIn coarseIn)
void LALInspiralCreateBCVBank (LALStatus *status, InspiralTemplateList **list, INT4 *nlist, InspiralCoarseBankIn coarseIn)
 Lay a flat grid of BCV templates in the user specified range of the parameters \((\psi_0, \psi_3)\) in coarseIn structure. More...
void LALInspiralCreateFlatBankS3S4 (LALStatus *status, REAL4VectorSequence *list, InspiralBankParams *bankParams, InspiralCoarseBankIn coarseIn)
void LALExcludeTemplate (LALStatus *status, INT4 *valid, InspiralBankParams *bankParams, REAL4 x, REAL4 y)
void LALInspiralBCVBankFcutS3S4 (LALStatus *status, InspiralTemplateList **list, INT4 *NList, InspiralCoarseBankIn coarseIn)
void LALInspiralBCVFcutBank (LALStatus *status, InspiralTemplateList **list, INT4 *NList, InspiralCoarseBankIn coarseIn)
 Given a grid of templates with distinct values of \((\psi_0, \psi_3)\) this routine returns a new grid in which every template has numFcutTemplates partners differing from one another in the ending frequency fendBCV. More...
void LALEmpiricalPSItoMassesConversion (LALStatus *status, InspiralTemplate *params, UINT4 *valid, REAL4 lightring)
void LALPSItoMasses (LALStatus *status, InspiralTemplate *params, UINT4 *valid, REAL4 thisfreq)
void LALInspiralBCVRegularFcutBank (LALStatus *status, InspiralTemplateList **list, INT4 *NList, InspiralCoarseBankIn coarseIn)
void LALNudgeTemplatesToConstantTotalMassLine (LALStatus *status, InspiralTemplateList **list, INT4 nlist, InspiralCoarseBankIn coarseIn)
 Anand: 26 October 2006 This function nudges the templates in the list to the (max-total-mass = constant) line. More...
REAL4 XLALInspiralTau3FromTau0AndEqualMassLine (REAL4 tau0, REAL4 fL)
REAL4 XLALInspiralTau3FromNonEqualMass (REAL4 m1, REAL4 m2, REAL4 fL)
REAL4 XLALInspiralTau0FromMEta (REAL4 M, REAL4 eta, REAL4 fL)
REAL8 XLALInspiralBissectionLine (REAL8 x, REAL8 fL, REAL8 mMin, REAL8 mMax)
REAL8 XLALInspiralMFromTau0AndNonEqualMass (REAL8 tau0, REAL8 extremMass, REAL8 fL)
void LALInspiralBankGeneration (LALStatus *status, InspiralCoarseBankIn *in, SnglInspiralTable **out, INT4 *count)
void LALInspiralCreateFlatBank (LALStatus *status, REAL4VectorSequence *list, InspiralBankParams *bankParams)
 The code expects list->vectorLength=2 and allocates just the requisite amount of memory to list and returns the number of grid points in list->length. More...
void LALInspiralCreateFineBank (LALStatus *status, InspiralTemplateList **outlist, INT4 *nlist, InspiralFineBankIn fineIn)
 Function to create a fine grid of templates. More...
void LALInspiralComputeMetric (LALStatus *status, InspiralMetric *metric, InspiralTemplate *params, InspiralMomentsEtc *moments)
int XLALInspiralComputeMetric (InspiralMetric *metric, InspiralMomentsEtc *moments, REAL8 fLower, LALPNOrder order, REAL8 t0, REAL8 t3)
 Function to compute the components of the metric which is used to describe distances on the signal manifold. More...
void LALInspiralComputeMetricBCV (LALStatus *status, InspiralMetric *metric, REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, InspiralTemplate *params)
void LALInspiralLongestTemplateInBank (LALStatus *status, UINT4 *templateLength, InspiralCoarseBankIn *coarseIn)
 Function to find the longest template in a template bank. More...
void LALGetInspiralMoments (LALStatus *status, InspiralMomentsEtc *moments, REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, InspiralTemplate *params)
int XLALGetInspiralMoments (InspiralMomentsEtc *moments, REAL8 fLower, REAL8 fCutoff, REAL8FrequencySeries *psd)
void LALGetInspiralMomentsBCV (LALStatus *status, InspiralMomentsEtcBCV *moments, REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, InspiralTemplate *params)
void LALInspiralMoments (LALStatus *status, REAL8 *moment, InspiralMomentsIn pars)
REAL8 XLALInspiralMoments (REAL8 xmin, REAL8 xmax, REAL8 ndx, REAL8 norm, REAL8FrequencySeries *shf)
void LALInspiralSetSearchLimits (LALStatus *status, InspiralBankParams *bankParams, InspiralCoarseBankIn coarseIn)
 Function which calculates the minimum and maximum values of \(\tau_{0}\) and \(\tau_{3}\). More...
void LALInspiralNextTemplate (LALStatus *status, InspiralBankParams *bankPars, InspiralMetric metric)
 Routine to compute the parameters of the template next to the current template, but in the positive \(\tau_{2(3)}\) axis. More...
void LALInspiralComputeParams (LALStatus *status, InspiralTemplate *pars, InspiralBankParams bankParams, InspiralCoarseBankIn coarseIn)
 This function takes as input \(\tau_{0}\), \(\tau_{3}\) and \(f_a\) (the lower frequency of the detectors sensitivity), it then calculates \(m\) (the total mass of the binary), \(\eta\) (the symmetric mass ratio) and the individual mass of the compact objects. More...
void LALInspiralValidParams (LALStatus *status, INT4 *valid, InspiralBankParams bankParams, InspiralCoarseBankIn coarseIn)
 Function which checks whether or not a pair of parameter values are consistent with the search space. More...
void LALInspiralValidTemplate (LALStatus *status, INT4 *valid, InspiralBankParams bankParams, InspiralCoarseBankIn coarseIn)
 Function which checks whether or not a given template should be kept in the template list. More...
void LALInspiralUpdateParams (LALStatus *status, InspiralBankParams *bankParams, InspiralMetric metric, REAL8 minimalmatch)
 Function to update the parameters used in creating a coarse bank based on a square lattice. More...
void LALInspiralSetParams (LALStatus *status, InspiralTemplate *tempPars, InspiralCoarseBankIn coarseIn)
 A routine that fills an InspiralTemplate structure based on the values in the InspiralCoarseBankIn structure. More...
void LALRectangleVertices (LALStatus *status, RectangleOut *out, RectangleIn *in)
 Function to find the vertices of a rectangle given its centre, half side-lengths and orientation angle. More...
void LALHexagonVertices (LALStatus *status, HexagonOut *out, RectangleIn *in)
void LALInspiralCreatePNCoarseBankHexa (LALStatus *status, InspiralTemplateList **list, INT4 *nlist, InspiralCoarseBankIn coarseIn)
void LALInspiralCreatePNCoarseBankHybridHexa (LALStatus *status, InspiralTemplateList **list, INT4 *nlist, InspiralCoarseBankIn coarseIn)
void LALInitHexagonalBank (LALStatus *status, InspiralCell **cell, INT4 id, InspiralMomentsEtc *moments, InspiralTemplate *paramsIn, HexaGridParam *gridParam, CellEvolution *cellEvolution, CellList **cellList)
void LALPopulateCell (LALStatus *status, InspiralMomentsEtc *moments, InspiralCell **cell, INT4 l, InspiralTemplate *paramsIn, HexaGridParam *gridParam, CellEvolution *cellEvolution, CellList **cellList)
void LALFindPosition (LALStatus *status, REAL4 dx0, REAL4 dx1, Position *position, InspiralTemplate *paramsIn, HexaGridParam *gridParam)
void LALSPAValidPosition (LALStatus *status, InspiralCell **cell, INT4 id1, InspiralMomentsEtc *moments, CellEvolution *cellEvolution, CellList **list)
void GetPositionRectangle (LALStatus *status, InspiralCell **cell, INT4 id, InspiralTemplate *params, HexaGridParam *gridParam, CellEvolution *cellEvolution, CellList **cellList, INT4 *valid)
void LALListAppend (CellList **headRef, INT4 id)
void LALListDelete (CellList **headRef, INT4 id)
UINT4 LALListLength (CellList *head)
void LALSPAF (LALStatus *status, REAL4 *result, REAL4 x, void *t3)
INT4 XLALInspiralComputePTFIntrinsicMetric (InspiralMetric *metric, REAL8Vector *fullmetric, REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, InspiralTemplate *params)
INT4 XLALInspiralComputePTFWaveform (REAL8Vector *ptfwave, InspiralTemplate *params)
INT4 XLALInspiralComputePTFWDeriv (COMPLEX16Vector *Wderiv, REAL8FrequencySeries *psd, InspiralTemplate *params, INT4 paramid, REAL8 initdelta, REAL8 tolerance)

Data Structures

struct  InspiralMetric
 Structure to store metric at various points the signal manifold. More...
struct  InspiralTemplateList
 A grid of inspiral templates (ie a template list). More...
struct  HexaGridParam
 This is a structure needed in the inner workings of the LALInspiralHexagonalBank code. More...
struct  CellEvolution
 This is a structure needed in the inner workings of the LALInspiralHexagonalBank code. More...
struct  CellList
 This is a structure needed in the inner workings of the LALInspiralHexagonalBank code. More...
struct  InspiralCell
 This is a structure needed in the inner workings of the LALInspiralHexagonalBank code. More...
struct  InspiralBankParams
 This is a structure needed in the inner workings of the LALInspiralCreateCoarseBank code. More...
struct  InspiralCoarseBankIn
 Input for choosing a template bank. More...
struct  InspiralMomentsIn
 Inputs to the function that computes the moments of the PSD. More...
struct  InspiralFineBankIn
 Structure needed by the function LALInspiralCreateFineBank. More...
struct  InspiralMomentsEtc
 Parameter structure that holds the moments of the PSD and other useful constants required in the computation of the metric. More...
struct  InspiralMomentsEtcBCV
struct  RectangleIn
 Input structure to function LALRectangleVertices() More...
struct  RectangleOut
 Output structure to function LALRectangleVertices(). More...
struct  HexagonOut
struct  PRIN


enum  ComputeMoments { disable , enable }
enum  CoordinateSpace {
  Tau0Tau2 , Tau0Tau3 , Psi0Psi3 , PTFIntrinsic ,
 Choose templates either in the \((\tau_0,\tau_2)\) or \((\tau_0,\tau_3)\) space. More...
enum  GridSpacing {
  SquareNotOriented , Square , HexagonalNotOriented , Hexagonal ,
  HybridHexagonal , S2BCV
 This enum is set by the user to specify the type of placement requested. More...
enum  Position {
  In , Above , Below , Out ,
 This enum can take the following values In, Out, Below, Edge, Above and is used only by the Hexagonal placement. More...
enum  InsidePolygonEnum { False , True }
 This enum is set to true or false, it is just a boolean variable for the purpose of BCV placement but can be used in an other context. More...
enum  Generation { Sterile , Fertile }
 This enum is either fertile,sterile, and is a boolean expression used only by the Hexagonal placement. More...
enum  InspiralBankMassRange { MinComponentMassMaxTotalMass , MinMaxComponentMass , MinMaxComponentTotalMass }
 An enum that appears in the InspiralCoarseBankIn structure which fixes the way templates are chosen: The choice MinComponentMassMaxTotalMass means the minimum of the component masses will be given by mMin and maximum total mass is given by MMax of the InspiralBankCoarseIn structure. More...
enum  FreqCut {
  FreqCut_SchwarzISCO , FreqCut_BKLISCO , FreqCut_LightRing , FreqCut_ERD ,
  FreqCut_FRD , FreqCut_LRD
 An enum that lists all the formulas that can be used to specify an upper frequency cutoff. More...


file  LALInspiralComputePTFMetric.c
 Module to compute the components of the metric which is used to describe distances on Physical Template Family signal manifold.
file  CoarseTest.c
 Test code for the inspiral modules.
file  CoarseTest2.c
 Test code for the bank modules.
file  GetOrientationEllipse.c
 Test code for the bank modules.
file  InspiralSpinBankTest.c
 Tests InpsiralSpinBank().

Error Codes

 Null pointer. More...
 Memory allocation failure. More...
 Invalid choice for an input parameter. More...
 Division by zero. More...
 Invalid input range. More...
 Limits outside range of frequency series. More...
 Inappropriate PN order. More...
 Inappropriate grid spacing parameter [SquareNotOriented or Hexagonal]. More...
 Empty bank. More...
 Inappropriate cutoff frequency [SchwarzISCO, BKLISCO, LightRing, ERD, FRD or LRD]. More...
 Final frequency is less than the low frequency cutoff. More...
 Number of fcut must be greater or equal to 1. More...

Function Documentation

◆ LALInspiralSpinBank()

void LALInspiralSpinBank ( LALStatus status,
SnglInspiralTable **  tiles,
INT4 ntiles,
InspiralCoarseBankIn coarseIn 

This function creates a bank of BCVSpin templates to search for precessing binaries.

Hanna, C. R. and Owen, B. J.


The code checks coarseIn->mMin to determine whether the limits on the target region are in terms of masses or phenomenological parameters. A positive value indicates that mass limits are being used.

If mass limits are used, the target region of parameter space is a distorted box in the coordinates \((x=\psi_0, y=\psi_3, z=\beta)\). The metric at high values of \(\beta\) is constant. It is convenient to rotate to coordinates \((x',y',z')\) which lie along eigenvectors of the metric.

The algorithm first draws a rectilinear box in the primed coordinates which includes the target region, then steps through along the directions of the primed coordinates. At each point it tests if the point lies within the target region. If the point is inside the target region, the algorithm adds a template to the linked list. If not, it continues through the box containing the target region.

The tiling is done with a body-centered cubic lattice. People usually solve the non-overlapping bcc problem rather than the overlapping one here, so it's worth mentioning how we do it. I don't have time to stick in the 3D figures you need to show it properly, but you can figure out the spacing by finding the smallest sphere that contains the Wigner-Seitz cell. When you do that you find that the lattice constant (spacing between templates in the plane, in proper distance) is \((4/3)\sqrt{2\mu}\). So the coordinate spacing is that divided by the square root of the corresponding eigenvalue of the metric. (The vertical spacing in the bcc lattice is multiplied by a further 1/2.)

If \((\psi_0, \psi_3, \beta)\) limits are used, the tiling is done in the given box with a bcc lattice.


Currently we use a static function for the metric based on an approximation that is good only for large \(\beta\). We should update it and put it out in the LAL namespace.

The metric relies on approximations that make it valid only for a binary system with a total mass \(<15M\odot\) where the larger body's minimum mass is at least twice the smaller body's maximum mass. If the parameter range is specified with physical parameters rather than the phenomenological parameters \((\psi_0, \psi_3, \beta)\) then using mass values that violate these conditions will result in an error message.

Definition at line 273 of file InspiralSpinBank.c.

◆ LALInsidePolygon()

void LALInsidePolygon ( LALStatus status,
REAL4 inputx,
REAL4 inputy,
INT4  n,
REAL4  x,
REAL4  y,
INT4 valid 

Module to check whether a point with coordinates (x,y) is inside a polygon defined by the vectors (vx, vy), which size (n) must be provided.

The functions returns 1 if the point is inside or 0 otherwise.

Cokelaer. T


Tested in matlab codes and some BCV tests within lal/lalapps.

statusLAL status pointer
[in]inputxtwo arrays of floats defining the polygon
[in]inputytwo arrays of floats defining the polygon
[in]nthe size of the vectors
[in]xthe coordinate of the point
[in]ythe coordinate of the point
[out]valid0 if outside and 1 if inside

Definition at line 35 of file LALInsidePolygon.c.

◆ LALInspiralCreateCoarseBank()

void LALInspiralCreateCoarseBank ( LALStatus status,
InspiralTemplateList **  list,
INT4 nlist,
InspiralCoarseBankIn  coarseIn 
See also
See Module LALInspiralCreateCoarseBank.c for documentation
statusLAL-status pointer
[out]listan array containing the template bank parameters
[out]nlistthe number of templates found by the function
[in]coarseInspecifies the search space, range of masses, etc

Definition at line 180 of file LALInspiralCreateCoarseBank.c.

◆ LALInspiralCreatePNCoarseBank()

void LALInspiralCreatePNCoarseBank ( LALStatus status,
InspiralTemplateList **  list,
INT4 nlist,
InspiralCoarseBankIn  coarseIn 
See also
See Module LALInspiralCreateCoarseBank.c for documentation

Definition at line 407 of file LALInspiralCreateCoarseBank.c.

◆ LALInspiralCreateBCVBank()

void LALInspiralCreateBCVBank ( LALStatus status,
InspiralTemplateList **  list,
INT4 nlist,
InspiralCoarseBankIn  coarseIn 

Lay a flat grid of BCV templates in the user specified range of the parameters \((\psi_0, \psi_3)\) in coarseIn structure.

Cokelaer, T


Given the range of the parameters \((\psi_0, \psi_3),\) the number of templates in the fCut direction, minimalMatch, noise spectral density, upper and lower frequency cutoffs (all in the input structure coarseIn) this routine outputs the list of templates in the BCV bank for the parameters \((\psi_0, \psi_3, f_{\mathrm{cut}}).\)


A flat signal manifold is assumed and templates are laid uniform in the three dimensions. See below for an explanation of how templates are chosen in the fcut direction.

statusLAL status pointer
[out]listan array containing the template bank parameters.
[out]nlistthe number of templates in bank

Definition at line 61 of file LALInspiralBCVBank.c.

◆ LALInspiralCreateFlatBankS3S4()

void LALInspiralCreateFlatBankS3S4 ( LALStatus status,
REAL4VectorSequence list,
InspiralBankParams bankParams,
InspiralCoarseBankIn  coarseIn 


Definition at line 743 of file LALInspiralBCVBank.c.

◆ LALExcludeTemplate()

void LALExcludeTemplate ( LALStatus status,
INT4 valid,
InspiralBankParams bankParams,
REAL4  x,
REAL4  y 

◆ LALInspiralBCVBankFcutS3S4()

void LALInspiralBCVBankFcutS3S4 ( LALStatus status,
InspiralTemplateList **  list,
INT4 NList,
InspiralCoarseBankIn  coarseIn 


Definition at line 541 of file LALInspiralBCVBank.c.

◆ LALInspiralBCVFcutBank()

void LALInspiralBCVFcutBank ( LALStatus status,
InspiralTemplateList **  list,
INT4 NList,
InspiralCoarseBankIn  coarseIn 

Given a grid of templates with distinct values of \((\psi_0, \psi_3)\) this routine returns a new grid in which every template has numFcutTemplates partners differing from one another in the ending frequency fendBCV.

A call to this function should be preceeded by a call to LALInspiralCreateFlatBank() or a similar function, that gives a grid in \((\psi_0, \psi_3)\) space.


A lattice of templates for BCV models should include, in addition to the values of \((\psi_0, \psi_3)\) a range of \(f_{\mathrm{cut}}\) – the cutoff frequency. The right approach would be to compute the metric in the three-dimensional space of \((\psi_0, \psi_3, f_{\mathrm{cut}})\) and to choose templates as dictated by the metric. However, analytic computation of the metric has not been easy. Therefore, it has become necessary (at least for the time being) to make alternate choice of the cutoff frequencies.

In this routine we implement a simple choice based on physical grounds: The post-Newtonian models predict an ending frequency that is larger than, but close to, the Schwarzschild last-stable orbit frequency \(f_{\mathrm{lso}} = (6^{3/2} \pi M )^{-1}\) where \(M\) is the total mass, while the effective one-body model has an ending frequency close to the light-ring, whose Schwarzschild value is \(f_{\mathrm{lr}} = (3^{3/2} \pi M )^{-1}\). It is necessary to know the total mass of the system in both cases. However, not all pairs of \((\psi_0, \psi_3)\) can be inverted to get a positive \(M\) but only when \(\psi_0 > 0\) and \(\psi_3 < 0\). Even then it is not guaranteed that the symmetric mass ratio will be less than \(1/4,\) a necessary condition so that the component masses are found to be real. However, we do not demand that the symmetric mass ratio is less than a quarter. If the total mass is non-negative then we compute the \((f_{\mathrm{lso}}, f_{\mathrm{lr}})\) and choose a user specified numFcutTemplates number of templates with their cutoff frequency list->fFinal defined uniformly spaced in the range \([f_{\mathrm{lso}},\ f_{\mathrm{lr}}]\).

Furthermore, this routine discards all templates for which either the mass is not defined or, when defined, list->fFinal is smaller than the user defined lower frequency cutoff or larger than the Nyquist frequency of templates. Thus, the number of templates returned by this routine could be larger or fewer than the input number of templates.


Given \((\psi_0, \psi_3)\) one can solve for \((M, \eta)\) using:

\begin{equation} M = \frac{-\psi_3}{16 \pi^2 \psi_0},\ \ \eta = \frac{3}{128 \psi_0 (\pi M)^{5/3}}. \end{equation}

Given the total mass compute the last stable orbit and light-ring frequencies using

\begin{equation} f_{\mathrm{lso}} = (6^{3/2} \pi M)^{-1},\ \ f_{\mathrm{lr}} = (3^{3/2} \pi M)^{-1}. \end{equation}

Divide the range \((f_{\mathrm{lso}}, f_{\mathrm{lr}})\) so as to have \(n_{\mathrm{cut}}= \mathtt{numFcutTemplates}\) templates over this range:

\begin{equation} df = f_{\mathrm{lr}} \frac {\left( 1 - 2^{-3/2} \right) }{ (n_{\mathrm{cut}} -1) }. \end{equation}

Next, choose templates at \(f_k = f_\mathrm{lr} - k \times df,\) where \(k=0, \ldots, n_\mathrm{cut}-1\). Note that by definition \(f_0 = f_\mathrm{lr}\) and \(f_{n_\mathrm{cut}-1} = f_\mathrm{lso}\); there are exatly \(n_\mathrm{cut}\) templates in the range \((f_\mathrm{lso}, f_\mathrm{lr})\). We discard a template if either \(M\) is not defined or if \(f_\mathrm{cut}\) is smaller than the lower frequency cutoff specified in list[j]->fLower.

statusLAL status pointer
[in,out]listan array initially containing the template bank with the values of list[j]->psi0, list[j]->psi3, list[j]->fLower, specified, is replaced on return with a re-sized array specifying also list->fFinal.
[in,out]NListthe number of templates in the Input bank is replaced by the number of templates in the output bank.

Definition at line 389 of file LALInspiralBCVBank.c.

◆ LALEmpiricalPSItoMassesConversion()

void LALEmpiricalPSItoMassesConversion ( LALStatus status,
InspiralTemplate params,
UINT4 valid,
REAL4  lightring 


Definition at line 706 of file LALInspiralBCVBank.c.

◆ LALPSItoMasses()

void LALPSItoMasses ( LALStatus status,
InspiralTemplate params,
UINT4 valid,
REAL4  thisfreq 


Definition at line 489 of file LALInspiralBCVBank.c.

◆ LALInspiralBCVRegularFcutBank()

void LALInspiralBCVRegularFcutBank ( LALStatus status,
InspiralTemplateList **  list,
INT4 NList,
InspiralCoarseBankIn  coarseIn 


Definition at line 648 of file LALInspiralBCVBank.c.

◆ LALNudgeTemplatesToConstantTotalMassLine()

void LALNudgeTemplatesToConstantTotalMassLine ( LALStatus status,
InspiralTemplateList **  list,
INT4  nlist,
InspiralCoarseBankIn  coarseIn 

Anand: 26 October 2006 This function nudges the templates in the list to the (max-total-mass = constant) line.

This is done only for those templates whose total mass exceeds the desired max-total-mass value. The templates are nudged along the metric eigen direction until they lie on the said line.

Definition at line 298 of file LALInspiralCreateCoarseBank.c.

◆ XLALInspiralTau3FromTau0AndEqualMassLine()

REAL4 XLALInspiralTau3FromTau0AndEqualMassLine ( REAL4  tau0,
REAL4  fL 
See also
See Module LALInspiralBankUtils.c for documentation

Definition at line 94 of file LALInspiralBankUtils.c.

◆ XLALInspiralTau3FromNonEqualMass()

REAL4 XLALInspiralTau3FromNonEqualMass ( REAL4  M,
REAL4  eta,
REAL4  fL 
See also
See Module LALInspiralBankUtils.c for documentation

Definition at line 113 of file LALInspiralBankUtils.c.

◆ XLALInspiralTau0FromMEta()

REAL4 XLALInspiralTau0FromMEta ( REAL4  M,
REAL4  eta,
REAL4  fL 
See also
See Module LALInspiralBankUtils.c for documentation

Definition at line 130 of file LALInspiralBankUtils.c.

◆ XLALInspiralBissectionLine()

REAL8 XLALInspiralBissectionLine ( REAL8  tau0,
REAL8  fL,
REAL8  mMin,
REAL8  mMax 
See also
See Module LALInspiralHybridHexagonalBank.c for documentation

Definition at line 507 of file LALInspiralHybridHexagonalBank.c.

◆ XLALInspiralMFromTau0AndNonEqualMass()

REAL8 XLALInspiralMFromTau0AndNonEqualMass ( REAL8  tau0,
REAL8  extremMass,
REAL8  fL 
See also
See Module LALInspiralBankUtils.c for documentation

Definition at line 150 of file LALInspiralBankUtils.c.

◆ LALInspiralBankGeneration()

void LALInspiralBankGeneration ( LALStatus status,
InspiralCoarseBankIn in,
SnglInspiralTable **  out,
INT4 count 

Definition at line 29 of file InspiralBankGeneration.c.

◆ LALInspiralCreateFlatBank()

void LALInspiralCreateFlatBank ( LALStatus status,
REAL4VectorSequence list,
InspiralBankParams bankParams 

The code expects list->vectorLength=2 and allocates just the requisite amount of memory to list and returns the number of grid points in list->length.

The data points list->data[2j], j=1,2, ... list->length, contain the \(x_0\)-coordinates of the grid and data points list->data[2j+1], contain the \(x_1\)-coordinates of the grid.


Given the metric and the minimalMatch this routine calls bank/LALInspiralUpdateParams to get the spacings in user coordinates (which are not necessarily the eigen-directions) and lays a uniform grid of templates in the range specified in (bankParams->x0Min, bankParams->x0Max) and (bankParams->x1Min, bankParams->x1Max).


The algorithm to lay templates is as follows: Given the increments \(Dx_0\) and \(Dx_1\) found from calling bank/LALInspiralUpdateParams lay a rectangular grid in the space of \((x_0, x_1).\)

  • \(x_1 = x_1^{\mathrm{min}}\)
  • do while ( \(x_1 \le x_1^{\mathrm{max}}\))
    • \(x_0 = x_0^{\mathrm{min}}\)
    • do while ( \(x_0 \le x_0^{\mathrm{max}}\))
      • Add ( \(x_0, x_1\)) to list
      • numTemplates++
      • Increment \(x_0: \; x_0 = x_0 + Dx_0\)
    • Increment \(x_1: \; x_1 = x_1 + Dx_1\)

statusLAL status pointer
[out]listan array containing the template bank parameters
[in]bankParamsIt is necessary and sufficient to input the eigenvalues of the metric and the angle between the \(x_0\) axis and the semi-major axis of the ambiguity ellipse, that is, bankParams.metric.g00, bankParams.metric.g11, bankParams.metric.theta, the minimal match, bankParams.minimalMatch and the range of the two coordinates over which templates must be chosen: (bankParams->x0Min, bankParams->x0Max) and (bankParams->x1Min, bankParams->x1Max)

Definition at line 266 of file LALInspiralBCVBank.c.

◆ LALInspiralCreateFineBank()

void LALInspiralCreateFineBank ( LALStatus status,
InspiralTemplateList **  outlist,
INT4 nlist,
InspiralFineBankIn  fineIn 

Function to create a fine grid of templates.

Sathyaprakash, B.S. and Churches, D. K.

The fine grid algorithm is a very simple algorithm that computes a uniform grid of templates around a given coordinate point – which can in particular be a coarse grid point – from a knowledge of the metric at the coordinate point and the coarse and fine grid minimal matches, \(D\tau_{0,3}\) and \(d\tau_{0,3},\) respectively. Since \(D\tau\) is not necessarily an integral multiple of \(d\tau\) the rectangular fine grid about the point in question will be larger than required. The algorithm chooses templates symmetrically about the given coarse grid point. It does so by laying a rectangular lattice of templates with spacings \(d\tau_0\) and \(d\tau_3,\) in the rectangular region defined by \((\tau_0 - \Delta \tau_0, \tau_3 - \Delta \tau_3),\) \((\tau_0 + \Delta \tau_0, \tau_3 - \Delta \tau_3),\) \((\tau_0 + \Delta \tau_0, \tau_3 + \Delta \tau_3)\) and \((\tau_0 - \Delta \tau_0, \tau_3 + \Delta \tau_3),\) where

\[\Delta\tau_0 = d\tau_0 \left [ \frac{D\tau_0}{2d\tau_0} \right ], \]

and for any \(x\), \([x]\) denotes the smallest integer greater than or equal to \(x\).

Algorithm sketching the construction of a rectangular fine grid around a given coordinate point

The algorithm takes as input a structure of type InspiralFineBankIn and returns a pointer-to-a-pointer of type InspiralTemplateList as well as the number of fine grid templates int around the lattice point in question.

The spacing between fine grid templates is chosen to be a constant determined by the metric at the coarse grid point; for example,

\[d\tau_0 = \sqrt{\frac{2 (1 - MM_\textrm{Fine})}{g_{00}} }.\]

Only those grid points that are within the parameter space boundary, or have the vertices of the ambiguity rectangle inside the parameter space, are kept and others are discarded.


The Fine grid algorithm works as follows:

  • From input structure extract coordinates of the grid point \((\tau_0^G, \tau_3^G).\)
  • Compute coarse and fine grid spacings \((D\tau_0, D\tau_3)\) and \((d\tau_0, d\tau_3)\)
  • Compute half-sides of the smallest symmetric rectangle about \((\tau_0, \tau_3)\):
    • \(\Delta\tau_0 = d\tau_0 \,\mathrm{ceil}[D\tau_0/(2d\tau_0)],\) \(\Delta\tau_3 = d\tau_3 \,\mathrm{ceil}[D\tau_3/(2d\tau_3)],\)
  • Begin at \(\tau_3 = \tau_3^G - \Delta \tau_3,\)
  • do while ( \(\tau_3 <= \tau_3^G+\Delta \tau_3\))
    • Begin at \(\tau_0 = \tau_0^G - \Delta \tau_0,\)
    • do while ( \(\tau_0 <= \tau_0^G+\Delta \tau_0\))
      • if ( \((\tau_0, \tau_3)\) is inside the parameter space)
      • Increment \(\tau_0:\) \(\tau_0 = \tau_0 + d\tau_0\)
    • Increment \(\tau_3:\) \(\tau_3 = \tau_3 + d\tau_3\)

statusLAL status pointer
[out]outlistcontaining an array of template bank parameters
[out]nlistthe number of fine bank templates around a given coarse-mesh point
[in]fineInthe parameters required to find the fine bank

Definition at line 98 of file LALInspiralCreateFineBank.c.

◆ LALInspiralComputeMetric()

void LALInspiralComputeMetric ( LALStatus status,
InspiralMetric metric,
InspiralTemplate params,
InspiralMomentsEtc moments 
Use XLALInspiralComputeMetric() instead.
statusLAL status pointer
[out]metricthe metric at the lattice point defined by params
[in]paramsthe parameters where metric must be computed
[in]momentsmoments \(J(1), \ldots, J(17),\) of the PSD and other constants needed in the computation of the metric

Definition at line 63 of file LALInspiralComputeMetric.c.

◆ XLALInspiralComputeMetric()

int XLALInspiralComputeMetric ( InspiralMetric metric,
InspiralMomentsEtc moments,
REAL8  fLower,
LALPNOrder  order,
REAL8  t0,
REAL8  t3 

Function to compute the components of the metric which is used to describe distances on the signal manifold.

Churches, D. K., Cokelaer, T., Sathyaprakash, B. S.

We calculate the components of the metric using the procedure outlined in Owen [20] . This uses the moments of the noise curve,

\begin{equation} I(q) \equiv S_{h}(f_{0}) \int^{f_{c}/f_{0}}_{f_{s}/f_{0}} \frac{x^{-q/3}}{S_{h}(x)} \, dx \end{equation}


\begin{equation} J(q) \equiv \frac{I(q)}{I(7)} \,. \end{equation}

(Please note that the function LALInspiralMoments doesn't compute \(I(q)\) defined here; the index \(q\) is definted differently there and the normalisation is supplied by the user. For ease of writing, here we shall follow the standard notation.) Then the moment functional \(\mathcal{J}\) is defined such that, for a function \(a\),

\begin{equation} \mathcal{J} [a] \equiv \frac{1}{I(7)} \int^{f_{c}/f_{0}}_{f_{s}/f_{0}} \frac{x^{-7/3}}{S_{h}(x)} a(x) \, dx \end{equation}

which gives us

\begin{equation} \mathcal{J} = \left[ \sum_{n} a_{n} x^{n} \right] = \sum_{n} a_{n} J(7-3n). \end{equation}

The above equation is used to calculate the components of the metric using the following formula:

\begin{equation} \gamma_{\alpha \beta} = \frac{1}{2} \left( \mathcal{J} [ \psi_{\alpha} \psi_{\beta} ] - \mathcal{J} [ \psi_{\alpha} ] \mathcal{J} [ \psi_{\beta} ] \right) \end{equation}

where \(\psi_\alpha\) is the derivative of the Fourier phase of the inspiral waveform with respect to the parameter \(\lambda^\alpha,\) that is \(\psi_\alpha \equiv \Psi_{,\alpha}.\) Writing the derivative index as \(\alpha=0,j,\) with \(j=1,\ldots,n\) we have

\begin{equation} \psi_{0} \equiv 2 \pi f, \ \ \ \psi_{j} \equiv \frac{\partial \Delta \Psi}{\partial \Delta \lambda^{j}}. \end{equation}

The phase \(\Psi\) is that which appears in the usual stationary-phase formula for the Fourier transform:

\begin{equation} \tilde{h}(f) \propto f^{-7/6} e^{i[-\pi/4 - \Phi_{0} + 2 \pi f t_{0} + \Psi(f;\vec{\lambda}]}. \end{equation}

If we take the usual chirp times and multiply each by \((\pi f_{0})\) then we get dimensionless chirp times \(\tau_{k}\), and then the phase \(\Psi\) may be written in the form

\begin{equation} \Psi = 2 \pi f t_{c} + \sum_{k} \Psi_{k}(f) \tau_{k} \end{equation}

where, defining \(v_0 = (\pi m f_0)^{1/3}\) ( \(m\) being total mass and \(f_0\) a fiducial starting frequency), the chirptimes \(\tau_{k},\) up to 2nd PN order, are given by

\[ \tau_{0} = \frac{5}{256 \eta v_{0}^{5}},\ \ \tau_{2} = \frac{5}{192 \eta v_{0}^{3}} \left( \frac{743}{336} + \frac{11}{4} \eta \right), \]

\begin{equation} \tau_{3} = \frac{\pi}{8 \eta v_{0}^{2}},\ \ \tau_{4} = \frac{5}{128 \eta v_{0}} \left( \frac{3\,058\,673}{1\,016\,064} + \frac{5429}{1008} \eta + \frac{617}{144} \eta^{2} \right). \end{equation}

Up to second post-Newtonian approximation the \(\Psi_{k}\) are given by

\begin{equation} \Psi_{0} = \frac{6}{5 \nu^{5/3}},\ \ \Psi_{2} = \frac{2}{\nu},\ \ \Psi_{3} = - \frac{3}{\nu^{2/3}},\ \ \Psi_{4} = \frac{6}{\nu^{1/3}}. \end{equation}

where \(\nu = f/f_{0}\).

If we now make the substitution \(f = v^{3}/\pi m\) we then the find that the phase may be expressed in a simpler form

\begin{equation} \Psi(v) = 2 \pi f t_{c} + \sum_{k} \theta_{k} v^{k-5} \end{equation}

where the chirp parameters \(\theta_{k}\) are given by

\[ \theta_{0} = \frac{3}{128 \eta}, \ \ \theta_{2} = \frac{5}{96 \eta} \left( \frac{743}{336} + \frac{11}{4} \eta \right), \]

\begin{equation} \theta_{3} = - \frac{3 \pi}{8 \eta},\ \ \theta_{4} = \frac{15}{64 \eta} \left( \frac{3\,058\,673}{1\,016\,064} + \frac{5429}{1008} \eta + \frac{617}{144} \eta^{2} \right). \end{equation}

If we want to express \(\Psi\) in terms of \(f\) rather than \(v\) we simply substitute \(v = (\pi m f)^{1/3}\) to obtain

\begin{equation} \label{phaselabel} \Psi(f) = 2 \pi f t_{c} + \sum_{k} \theta^{\prime}_{k} f^{(k-5)/3} \end{equation}


\begin{equation} \theta^{\prime}_{k} = (\pi m)^{(k-5)/3} \theta_{k}. \end{equation}

We are now in a position to start calculating components of \(\gamma_{\alpha \beta}\). We had

\begin{equation} \psi_{j} \equiv \frac{\partial \Delta \Psi}{\partial \Delta \lambda^{j}} \end{equation}

where \(\Psi\) is given by Eq. \eqref{phaselabel}. Therefore we may write

\begin{equation} \Delta \Psi = \Delta \theta^{\prime}_{0} f^{-5/3} + \Delta \theta^{\prime}_{2} f^{-1} + \Delta \theta^{\prime}_{3} f^{-2/3} + \Delta \theta^{\prime}_{4} f^{-1/3} \end{equation}

All we need to do now is specify the coordinates \(\lambda^{j}\) with respect to which the derivatives will be taken. In general, the template placement algorithm works in \((\tau_{0},\tau_{3})\) coordinates. It is simplest for us to calculate the components of \(\gamma_{\alpha \beta}\) in the \((m,\eta)\) coordinate system and then perform a coordinate transformation to get the components in the \((\tau_{0},\tau_{3})\) system. So, we first of all calculate the components of \(\gamma_{\alpha \beta}\) in the \((m,\eta)\) system.

This involves calculating the following:

\begin{equation} \frac{\partial \Delta \Psi}{\partial \Delta m} = \frac{\Delta \theta^{\prime}_{0}}{\Delta m} f^{-5/3} + \frac{\Delta \theta^{\prime}_{2}}{\Delta m} f^{-1} - \frac{\Delta \theta^{\prime}_{3}}{\Delta m} f^{-2/3} + \frac{\delta \theta^{\prime}_{4}}{\Delta m} f^{-1/3} \end{equation}


\begin{equation} \frac{\partial \Delta \Psi}{\partial \Delta \eta} = \frac{\Delta \theta^{\prime}_{0}}{\Delta \eta} f^{-5/3} + \frac{\Delta \theta^{\prime}_{2}}{\Delta \eta} f^{-1} - \frac{\Delta \theta^{\prime}_{3}}{\Delta \eta} f^{-2/3} + \frac{\delta \theta^{\prime}_{4}}{\Delta \eta} f^{-1/3} \end{equation}

where all of the derivatives are easily calculable. This gives us the terms \(\psi_{j}\) as a power series in \(f\). These are then used in the formula

\begin{equation} \gamma_{\alpha \beta} = \frac{1}{2} \left( \mathcal{J} [ \psi_{\alpha} \psi_{\beta} ] - \mathcal{J} [ \psi_{\alpha}] \mathcal{J} [\psi_{\beta}] \right) \end{equation}

to calculate the components of \(\gamma_{\alpha \beta}\). The fact that each of the \(\psi_{j}\) is in the form of a power series in \(f\) allows us to calculate \(\gamma_{\alpha \beta}\) using

\begin{equation} \mathcal{J} \left[ \sum_{n} a_{n} x^{n} \right] = \sum_{n} J(7-3n). \end{equation}

i.e. we can express all the \(\mathcal{J}[]\) in terms of the integral \(J(q)\) which we calculate numerically at the outset for the required values of \(q\).

Once we have obtained \(\gamma_{\alpha \beta}\) in this way, we take the inverse of this matrix to give us \(\gamma^{\alpha \beta}\) in the \((m,\eta)\) system. Then we perform the following coordinate transformation to give us the components of \(\gamma^{\alpha^{\prime} \beta^{\prime}}\) in our chosen system,

\begin{equation} \gamma^{\alpha^{\prime} \beta^{\prime}} = \Lambda^{\alpha^{\prime}}_{\,\,\sigma} \Lambda^{\beta^{\prime}}_{\,\,\delta} \gamma^{\sigma \delta} \end{equation}

where the transformation matrix \(\Lambda^{\alpha^{\prime}}_{\,\,\beta}\) is defined by

\begin{equation} \Lambda^{\alpha^{\prime}}_{\,\,\beta} = \frac{\partial x^{\alpha^{\prime}}}{\partial x^{\beta}} \end{equation}

Finally, we take the inverse of this matrix to obtain \(\gamma_{\alpha^{\prime} \beta^{\prime}}\) in the chosen system. Since the unprimed system corresponds to \((t_{c},m,\eta)\) coordinates and the primed system to \((t_{c},\tau_{0},\tau_{3})\) coordinates, the matrix \(\Lambda^{\alpha^{\prime}}_{\,\,\beta^{\prime}}\) has element

\begin{equation} \Lambda^{\alpha^{\prime}}_{\,\,\beta} = \left( \begin{array}{ccc} 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & \frac{\partial \tau_{0}}{\partial m} & \frac{\partial \tau_{0}}{\partial \eta} \\ 0 & \frac{\partial \tau_{3}}{\partial m} & \frac{\partial \tau_{3}}{\partial \eta} \end{array} \right) = \left( \begin{array}{ccc} 1 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & -\frac{5 \tau_{0}}{3m} & -\frac{\tau_{0}}{\eta} \\ 0 & -\frac{2 \tau_{3}}{3m} & -\frac{\tau_{3}}{\eta} \end{array} \right) \end{equation}

Finally, what is needed in laying a lattice in the space of dynamical parameters (also referred to as intrinsic parameters) is the metric with the kinematical parameter (also called extrinsic parameter) projected out: In other words one defines the 2-dimensional metric \(g_{mn}\) by

\begin{equation} g_{mn} = \gamma_{mn} - \frac{\gamma_{0m} \gamma_{0n}}{\gamma_{00}}. \end{equation}

Metric computation in the \f$\tau_0-\tau_3\f$ space

The metric cannot be directly computed in the \((\tau_0,\tau_2)\) space. Therefore, in the previous Section we first computed the metric in the \((m,\eta)\) space and then transformed to \((\tau_0,\tau_2)\) space. The same method can also be used to find the metric in the \((\tau_0,\tau_3)\) space. However, in \((\tau_0,\tau_3)\) space one can directly compute the metric without recourse to \((m,\eta)\) coordinates. It is of interest to see whether this yields the same results as the previous method.

The starting point of our derivation is Eq. (3.7) of Owen and Sathyaprakash (Phys. Rev. D 60, 022002, 1999) for the Fourier domain phase which we shall write as:

\begin{eqnarray} \Psi(f; \theta_1, \theta_2) & = & a_{01}\theta_1 v^{-5} + \left [a_{21} \frac {\theta_1}{\theta_2} + a_{22} \left ( \theta_1 \theta_2^2 \right )^{1/3} \right ] v^{-3} + a_{31} \theta_2 v^{-2} \\ & + & \left [a_{41} \frac {\theta_1}{\theta_2^2} + a_{42} \left ( \frac {\theta_1}{\theta_2} \right )^{1/3} + a_{43} \left ( \frac{\theta_2^4}{\theta_1} \right )^{1/3} \right ] v^{-1}, \end{eqnarray}

to 2nd post-Newtonain order. Here \(v=(f/f_0)^{1/3},\) \(\theta_1\) and \(\theta_2\) are identical to the \(\theta^1\) and \(\theta^2\) parameters of Owen and Sathyaprakash defined in Eq. (3.3) there and the \(a\) coefficients are given by:

\begin{eqnarray} a_{01} = \frac{3}{5}, \ \ a_{21} = \frac{11\pi}{12}, \ \ a_{22} = \frac{743}{2016} \left ( \frac {25}{2\pi^2} \right )^{1/3}, \ \ a_{31} = -\frac{3}{2}, \\ a_{41} = \frac {617}{384} \pi^2, \ \ a_{42} = \frac{5429}{5376} \left ( \frac{25 \pi}{2} \right )^{1/3},\ \ a_{43} = \frac {15293365}{10838016} \left ( \frac{5}{4\pi^4} \right )^{1/3}. \end{eqnarray}

Differentials of the phase with respect to the coordinates \(\theta_1\) and \(\theta_2\) appear in the metric which we write as:

\begin{equation} \psi_m \equiv \frac{\partial \Psi}{\partial \theta_m} = \sum_0^N \Psi_{mk} v^{k-5}. \end{equation}

where \(N\) is the post-Newtonian order up to which the phase is known, or the post-Newtonian order at which the metric is desired. Expansion coefficients \(\Psi_{mn}\) can be considered be \((2\times N)\) matrix which to second post-Newtonian order is given by:

\begin{equation} \Psi = \left [ \begin{matrix} a_{01} & 0 & {a_{21}}/{\theta_2} + ({a_{22}}/{3}) \left ( {\theta_2}/{\theta_1} \right )^{2/3} & 0 & {a_{41}}/{\theta_2^2} + {a_{42}}/\left ({3 \left ( \theta_1^2\theta_2 \right )^{1/3} } \right ) - ({a_{43}}/{3}) \left ( {\theta_2}/{\theta_1} \right )^{4/3} \cr 0 & 0 & - {a_{21}\theta_1}/{\theta_2^2} + (2 {a_{22}}/{3}) \left ( {\theta_1}/{\theta_2} \right )^{1/3} & a_{31} & - {2a_{41} \theta_1}/{\theta_2^3} - ({a_{42}}/{3}) \left ( {\theta_1}/{\theta_2^4} \right )^{1/3} + ({4a_{43}}/{3}) \left ( {\theta_2}/{\theta_1} \right )^{1/3} \end{matrix} \right ]. \end{equation}

Using the definition of the metric introduced earlier and projecting out the \(t_c\) coordinate, one finds that

\begin{eqnarray} g_{mn} & = & \frac{1}{2}\sum_{k,l=0}^N \Psi_{mk} \Psi_{nl} \biggl [ J(17-k-l) - J(12-k) J(12-l) \biggr . \\ & - & \biggl . \frac { \left ( J(9-k) - J(4)J(12-k) \right ) \left ( J(9-l) - J(4)J(12-l) \right )} {\left (J(1) - J(4)^2 \right)} \biggr ] \end{eqnarray}

where \(J\)'s are the moments introduced earlier.

Definition at line 349 of file LALInspiralComputeMetric.c.

◆ LALInspiralComputeMetricBCV()

void LALInspiralComputeMetricBCV ( LALStatus status,
InspiralMetric metric,
REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
InspiralTemplate params 


See also
See LALInspiralComputeMetric() for documentation

Definition at line 529 of file LALInspiralComputeMetric.c.

◆ LALInspiralLongestTemplateInBank()

void LALInspiralLongestTemplateInBank ( LALStatus status,
UINT4 templateLength,
InspiralCoarseBankIn coarseIn 

Function to find the longest template in a template bank.

Sathyaprakash, B.S.

Given the parameters of a template bank find the longest template in the bank. This is done by looking at the duration for which a signal corresponding to smallest masses lasts. One simply calls the LALInspiralWaveLength code for a system consisting of two stars each of mass mMin.

Definition at line 34 of file LALInspiralLongestTemplateInBank.c.

◆ LALGetInspiralMoments()

void LALGetInspiralMoments ( LALStatus status,
InspiralMomentsEtc moments,
REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
InspiralTemplate params 
See also
See Module LALInspiralMoments.c for documentation

Definition at line 66 of file LALInspiralMoments.c.

◆ XLALGetInspiralMoments()

int XLALGetInspiralMoments ( InspiralMomentsEtc moments,
REAL8  fLower,
REAL8  fCutoff,
REAL8FrequencySeries psd 

Definition at line 86 of file LALInspiralMoments.c.

◆ LALGetInspiralMomentsBCV()

void LALGetInspiralMomentsBCV ( LALStatus status,
InspiralMomentsEtcBCV moments,
REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
InspiralTemplate params 
See also
See Module LALInspiralMoments.c for documentation

Definition at line 155 of file LALInspiralMoments.c.

◆ LALInspiralMoments()

void LALInspiralMoments ( LALStatus status,
REAL8 moment,
InspiralMomentsIn  pars 
See also
See Module LALInspiralMoments.c for documentation
statusLAL status pointer
[out]momentthe value of the moment
[in]parsinput parameters

Definition at line 276 of file LALInspiralMoments.c.

◆ XLALInspiralMoments()

REAL8 XLALInspiralMoments ( REAL8  xmin,
REAL8  xmax,
REAL8  ndx,
REAL8  norm,
REAL8FrequencySeries shf 

Definition at line 294 of file LALInspiralMoments.c.

◆ LALInspiralSetSearchLimits()

void LALInspiralSetSearchLimits ( LALStatus status,
InspiralBankParams bankParams,
InspiralCoarseBankIn  coarseIn 

Function which calculates the minimum and maximum values of \(\tau_{0}\) and \(\tau_{3}\).

Churches, D. K.

This Function calculates the minimum and maximum values of \(\tau_{0}\) and \(\tau_{3}\) as determined by the total mass of the binary \(m\) and the symmetric mass ratio \(\eta\). The function also calulates the coordinates of the first template in the bank. These coordinates are \(\tau_{0}=\tau_{0min}\), \(\tau_{3}=\tau_{3min}\).


We start with the definition of the chirp times \(\tau_{0}\) and \(\tau_{3}\),

\begin{equation} \tau_{0} = \frac{5}{256 (\pi f_{a} )^{8/3} m^{5/3} \eta} \end{equation}


\begin{equation} \tau_{3} = \frac{1}{8 (\pi^{2} f_{a}^{5} )^{1/3} m^{2/3} \eta} \end{equation}

\(\tau_{0}\) is minimised when \(\eta=1/4\) and \(\mathtt{m=MMax}\). \(\tau_{0}\) is maximised when \(\eta=1/4\) and \(\mathtt{m=2mMin}\). \(\tau_{3}\) is minimised when \(\eta=1/4\) and \(\mathtt{m=MMax}\). \(\tau_{3}\) is maximised when \(\eta=\mathtt{ mMin(MMax-mMin)/MMax^{2} }\).

statusLAL status pointer
[out]bankParamscontaining the boundary of search, current lattice point, etc.
[in]coarseInspecifies the parameters of the search space

Definition at line 54 of file LALInspiralSetSearchLimits.c.

◆ LALInspiralNextTemplate()

void LALInspiralNextTemplate ( LALStatus status,
InspiralBankParams bankPars,
InspiralMetric  metric 

Routine to compute the parameters of the template next to the current template, but in the positive \(\tau_{2(3)}\) axis.

Sathyaprakash, B. S.

The coarse grid algorithm works by starting at one corner of the parameter space, incrementing along positive \(\tau_0\) direction, with increments determined by the local value of the metric, till the boundary of the parameter space is reached. It then gets back to the starting point and increments along positive \(\tau_{2(3)}\) direction, with an increment defined by the metric defined locally; it starts at the first point inside the parameter space but consistent with a square lattice. This routine is called each time a translation along the \(\tau_{2(3)}\) direction is required.

statusLAL status pointer
[out]bankParsthe parameters of the bank at the next grid point; the point may, indeed, lay outside
[in]metricthe value of the metric which would allow computation of the next lattice point (in the \(\tau_{2(3)}\) direction)

Definition at line 38 of file LALInspiralNextTemplate.c.

◆ LALInspiralComputeParams()

void LALInspiralComputeParams ( LALStatus status,
InspiralTemplate pars,
InspiralBankParams  bankParams,
InspiralCoarseBankIn  coarseIn 

This function takes as input \(\tau_{0}\), \(\tau_{3}\) and \(f_a\) (the lower frequency of the detectors sensitivity), it then calculates \(m\) (the total mass of the binary), \(\eta\) (the symmetric mass ratio) and the individual mass of the compact objects.

Churches, D. K.

We start with the definition of the chirp times \(\tau_{0}\) and \(\tau_{3}\),

\begin{equation} \tau_{0} = \frac{5}{256 (\pi f_{a} )^{8/3} m^{5/3} \eta} \end{equation}


\begin{equation} \tau_{3} = \frac{1}{8 (\pi^{2} f_{a}^{5} )^{1/3} m^{2/3} \eta} \end{equation}

These equations may be inverted to yield

\begin{equation} m = \frac{5}{32 \pi^{2} f_{a}} \frac{\tau_{3}}{\tau_{0}} \end{equation}


\begin{equation} \eta = \left( \frac{2 \pi^{2}}{25 f_{a}^{3}} \frac{\tau_{0}^{2}}{\tau_{3}^{5}} \right)^{1/3}\end{equation}

The individual masses may be calculated as follows. We have

\begin{equation} \label{mass1} m = m_{1} + m_{2} \end{equation}


\begin{equation} \label{eta1} \eta = \frac{m_{1} m_{2}}{(m_{1} + m_{2})^{2}} \end{equation}

From Eq. \eqref{mass1} we may eliminate either \(m_{1}\) or \(m_{2}\),

\begin{equation} m_{1} = m - m_{2} \end{equation}

This may be substituted into Eq. \eqref{eta1} to give

\begin{equation} \eta = \frac{(m - m_{2}) m_{2}}{\left[ (m - m{2}) + m_{2} \right]^{2}} \end{equation}

which may be re–arranged to give

\begin{equation} m_{2}^{2} - m m_{2} + \eta m^{2} = 0 \end{equation}

i.e. \

\begin{equation} m_{2} = \frac{ m \pm \sqrt{m^{2}(1 - 4 \eta) }}{2} \end{equation}

Therefore, since we know that \(\eta \leq 1/4\), real roots are guaranteed. If we had eliminated \(m_{2}\) rather than \(m_{1}\) then we would have arrived at an identical expression for \(m_{1}\), and so of one object has mass

\begin{equation} m_{1} = \frac{m + \sqrt{m^{2}(1-4 \eta)}}{2} \end{equation}

then the other object must have mass

\begin{equation} m_{2} = \frac{m - \sqrt{m^{2}(1-4 \eta)}}{2} \end{equation}

statusLAL status pointer
[out]parsinspiral wave parameter structure
[in]bankParamsthe parameters of the template bank
[in]coarseIninput parameters specifying the coarse bank

Definition at line 84 of file LALInspiralComputeParams.c.

◆ LALInspiralValidParams()

void LALInspiralValidParams ( LALStatus status,
INT4 valid,
InspiralBankParams  bankParams,
InspiralCoarseBankIn  coarseIn 

Function which checks whether or not a pair of parameter values are consistent with the search space.

Churches, D. K. and Sathyaprakash, B.S.

Module which checks whether or not a pair of parameter values \(\tau_{0}\) and \(\tau_{2(3)}\) correspond to a user specified range of component masses (mMin,mMax) OR to a minimum value of the component masses mMin and maximum total mass MMax. In the first case chirptimes satisfying the constraint mMin \(\le m_1, m_2 \le\)mMax are accepted as valid systems. In the second cases chirptimes satisfying the constraint mMin \(\le m_1, m_2,\) and MMax \(\le m=m_1+m_2\) are treated as valid.


We start with the definition of the chirp times \(\tau_{0}\) and \(\tau_{3}\),

\begin{equation} \tau_{0} = \frac{5}{256 (\pi f_{a} )^{8/3} m^{5/3} \eta} \end{equation}


\begin{equation} \tau_{3} = \frac{1}{8 (\pi^{2} f_{a}^{5} )^{1/3} m^{2/3} \eta} \end{equation}

These equations may be inverted to yield

\begin{equation} m = \frac{5}{32 \pi^{2} f_{a}} \frac{\tau_{3}}{\tau_{0}} \end{equation}


\begin{equation} \eta = \left( \frac{2 \pi^{2}}{25 f_{a}^{3}} \frac{\tau_{0}^{2}}{\tau_{3}^{1/3}} \right)^{5}\end{equation}

The individual masses may be calculated as follows. We have

\begin{equation} \label{eq_mass} m = m_{1} + m_{2} \end{equation}


\begin{equation} \label{eq_eta} \eta = \frac{m_{1} m_{2}}{(m_{1} + m_{2})^{2}} \end{equation}

From Eq. \eqref{eq_mass} we may eliminate either \(m_{1}\) or \(m_{2}\),

\begin{equation} m_{1} = m - m_{2} \end{equation}

This may be substituted into Eq. \eqref{eq_eta} to give

\begin{equation} \eta = \frac{(m - m_{2}) m_{2}}{\left[ (m - m_{2}) + m_{2} \right]^{2}} = \frac{(m - m_{2}) m_{2}}{m^{2}} \end{equation}

which may be re–arranged to give

\begin{equation} m_{2}^{2} - m m_{2} + \eta m^{2} = 0, \end{equation}


\begin{equation} m_{2} = \frac{ m \pm \sqrt{m^{2}(1 - 4 \eta) }}{2} \end{equation}

Therefore, since we know that \(\eta \leq 1/4\), real roots are guaranteed. If we had eliminated \(m_{2}\) rather than \(m_{1}\) then we would have arrived at an identical expression for \(m_{1}\), and so of one object has mass

\begin{equation} m_{1} = \frac{m + \sqrt{m^{2}(1-4 \eta)}}{2} \end{equation}

then the other object must have mass

\begin{equation} m_{2} = \frac{m - \sqrt{m^{2}(1-4 \eta)}}{2} \end{equation}

This function is also given mMin and MMax as inputs, which it may use to calculate the minimum value of \(\eta\) which is possible with those inputs,

\begin{equation} \eta_{min} = \mathtt{ \frac{mMin(MMax - mMin)}{MMax^{2}} } \end{equation}

To recap, the function calculates \(m\), \(\eta\), \(\eta_{min}\) and \(m_{1,2}\). It then checks that

\begin{equation} \eta_{min} \leq \eta \leq 1/4 \end{equation}

and that

\begin{equation} m_{1} \geq \mathtt{mMin} \end{equation}


\begin{equation} m_{2} \geq \mathtt{mMin} \end{equation}

statusLAL status pointer
[out]valid0 means invalid template, 1 means valid

Definition at line 116 of file LALInspiralValidParams.c.

◆ LALInspiralValidTemplate()

void LALInspiralValidTemplate ( LALStatus status,
INT4 valid,
InspiralBankParams  bankParams,
InspiralCoarseBankIn  coarseIn 

Function which checks whether or not a given template should be kept in the template list.

Churches, D. K. and Sathyaprakash, B.S.


Given the parameter values \(\tau_{0}\) and \(\tau_{2(3)}\) this code checks to see if they correspond to physical values of the masses of a binary and their symmetric mass ratio \(\eta.\) The parameter values will be accepted as valid parameters {even though} they may not lie within the search space but their span does, as described below. At the moment the code allows extra templates only in the positive- \(\tau_{2(3)}\) direction only. We have found that placing templates in other directions is redundant.


Consider the point \((\tau_0,\tau_{2(3)})\) describing the template, and also a point at \((\tau_0,\tau_{2(3)}\mbox{bankParams.dx1/2})\) , i.e.\ displaced in the negative \(\tau_{2(3)}\) direction. bankParams.dx1 is calculated from the metric and corresponds to the vertical spacing between the horizontal rows of templates being considered. Accept the template if at least one of those points is within the search space.

statusLAL status pointer
[out]valid0 means invalid template, 1 means valid

Definition at line 50 of file LALInspiralValidTemplate.c.

◆ LALInspiralUpdateParams()

void LALInspiralUpdateParams ( LALStatus status,
InspiralBankParams bankParams,
InspiralMetric  metric,
REAL8  minimalmatch 

Function to update the parameters used in creating a coarse bank based on a square lattice.

Sathyaprakash, B. S., T. Cokelaer

While scanning the \(\tau_0\)-direction after reaching the boundary of the parameter space, we have to return to the starting point of the same line and use the metric there to increment one step upwards in the direction of \(\tau_{2(3)}.\) to a template list.

The \(dx_i\) returned by this function gives the spacing for a square lattice (e.g., \(dx_i\) as given in [20] .


Copy the parameters in the temporary parameter structure to the current parameter structure.

statusLAL status pointer
[out]bankParamsrefreshed to get the next location
[in]metricmetric at the current location
[in]minimalmatchthe minimal match

Definition at line 41 of file LALInspiralUpdateParams.c.

◆ LALInspiralSetParams()

void LALInspiralSetParams ( LALStatus status,
InspiralTemplate tempPars,
InspiralCoarseBankIn  coarseIn 

A routine that fills an InspiralTemplate structure based on the values in the InspiralCoarseBankIn structure.

Churches, D. K and Sathyaprakash, B.S.

This function takes as an input a structure of type InspiralCoarseBankIn and it fills up the elements of a structure of type InspiralTemplate. The function sets the fields massChoice, ieta, signalAmplitude, tSampling, fLower, fCutoff, order, approximant, nStartPad, nEndPad.

statusLAL status pointer

Definition at line 37 of file LALInspiralSetParams.c.

◆ LALRectangleVertices()

void LALRectangleVertices ( LALStatus status,
RectangleOut out,
RectangleIn in 

Function to find the vertices of a rectangle given its centre, half side-lengths and orientation angle.

Sathyaprakash, B. S.

This code computes the vertices of a rectangle for plotting a grid of templates with xmgr, useful when looking at the minimal-match-rectangles around mesh points in a template bank.


Given the centre \((x_0,y_0)\) and half-sides \((dx,dy),\) the vertices of a rectangle in a diagonal coordinate system are given by

\begin{eqnarray} x_1 & = & x_0 - dx, \quad y_1 = y_0 - dy, \\ x_2 & = & x_0 + dx, \quad y_2 = y_0 - dy, \\ x_3 & = & x_0 + dx, \quad y_3 = y_0 + dy, \\ x_4 & = & x_0 - dx, \quad y_4 = y_0 + dy. \end{eqnarray}

The coordinates of a rectangle oriented at an angle \(\theta\) is found by using the formulas

\begin{eqnarray} x' = x \cos(\theta) - y \sin(\theta), \\ y' = y \cos(\theta) + x \sin(\theta). \end{eqnarray}

The function returns five coordinate points (1,2,3,4,1), and not just the four verticies, to help a plotting programme to complete the rectangle.

statusLAL status pointer

Definition at line 53 of file LALRectangleVertices.c.

◆ LALHexagonVertices()

void LALHexagonVertices ( LALStatus status,
HexagonOut out,
RectangleIn in 

Definition at line 74 of file LALHexagonVertices.c.

◆ LALInspiralCreatePNCoarseBankHexa()

void LALInspiralCreatePNCoarseBankHexa ( LALStatus status,
InspiralTemplateList **  list,
INT4 nlist,
InspiralCoarseBankIn  coarseIn 

Definition at line 58 of file LALInspiralHexagonalBank.c.

◆ LALInspiralCreatePNCoarseBankHybridHexa()

void LALInspiralCreatePNCoarseBankHybridHexa ( LALStatus status,
InspiralTemplateList **  list,
INT4 nlist,
InspiralCoarseBankIn  coarseIn 
See also
See Module LALInspiralHybridHexagonalBank.c for documentation

Definition at line 110 of file LALInspiralHybridHexagonalBank.c.

◆ LALInitHexagonalBank()

void LALInitHexagonalBank ( LALStatus status,
InspiralCell **  cell,
INT4  id,
InspiralMomentsEtc moments,
InspiralTemplate paramsIn,
HexaGridParam gridParam,
CellEvolution cellEvolution,
CellList **  cellList 

Definition at line 569 of file LALInspiralHexagonalBank.c.

◆ LALPopulateCell()

void LALPopulateCell ( LALStatus status,
InspiralMomentsEtc moments,
InspiralCell **  cell,
INT4  l,
InspiralTemplate paramsIn,
HexaGridParam gridParam,
CellEvolution cellEvolution,
CellList **  cellList 

Definition at line 381 of file LALInspiralHexagonalBank.c.

◆ LALFindPosition()

void LALFindPosition ( LALStatus status,
REAL4  dx0,
REAL4  dx1,
Position position,
InspiralTemplate paramsIn,
HexaGridParam gridParam 

Definition at line 935 of file LALInspiralHexagonalBank.c.

◆ LALSPAValidPosition()

void LALSPAValidPosition ( LALStatus status,
InspiralCell **  cell,
INT4  id1,
InspiralMomentsEtc moments,
CellEvolution cellEvolution,
CellList **  list 

◆ GetPositionRectangle()

void GetPositionRectangle ( LALStatus status,
InspiralCell **  cell,
INT4  id,
InspiralTemplate params,
HexaGridParam gridParam,
CellEvolution cellEvolution,
CellList **  cellList,
INT4 valid 

◆ LALListAppend()

void LALListAppend ( CellList **  headRef,
INT4  id 

Definition at line 59 of file LALInspiralBankList.c.

◆ LALListDelete()

void LALListDelete ( CellList **  headRef,
INT4  id 

Definition at line 94 of file LALInspiralBankList.c.

◆ LALListLength()

UINT4 LALListLength ( CellList head)

Definition at line 47 of file LALInspiralBankList.c.


void LALSPAF ( LALStatus status,
REAL4 result,
REAL4  x,
void *  t3 

Definition at line 1084 of file LALInspiralHexagonalBank.c.

◆ XLALInspiralComputePTFIntrinsicMetric()

INT4 XLALInspiralComputePTFIntrinsicMetric ( InspiralMetric metric,
REAL8Vector fullmetric,
REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
InspiralTemplate params 

Definition at line 103 of file LALInspiralComputePTFMetric.c.

◆ XLALInspiralComputePTFWaveform()

INT4 XLALInspiralComputePTFWaveform ( REAL8Vector ptfwave,
InspiralTemplate params 

Definition at line 512 of file LALInspiralComputePTFMetric.c.

◆ XLALInspiralComputePTFWDeriv()

INT4 XLALInspiralComputePTFWDeriv ( COMPLEX16Vector Wderiv,
REAL8FrequencySeries psd,
InspiralTemplate params,
INT4  paramid,
REAL8  initdelta,
REAL8  tolerance 

Definition at line 658 of file LALInspiralComputePTFMetric.c.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ComputeMoments



Definition at line 87 of file LALInspiralBank.h.

◆ CoordinateSpace

Choose templates either in the \((\tau_0,\tau_2)\) or \((\tau_0,\tau_3)\) space.

This is one of the members of the InspiralCoarseBankIn structure.

This enum allows users to choose template bank either in the \((\tau_0, \tau_2)\) space of chirptimes (the choice made by Tau0Tau2) or in the \((\tau_0, \tau_3)\) space of chirptimes (the choice made by Tau0Tau3). This was implemented in releases before May 25, 2002. On May 25 we migrated to a new, slightly faster, computation of the metric in which, at present, only the choice Tau0Tau3 can be made. Since October 2003 a new choice Psi0Psi3 was added to handle BCV templates. In November 2007 two new choices were addded: PTFIntrinctic is a PTF metric in only the intrinsic parameters (a \(4 \times 4\) matrix), and PTFFull is the PTF metric in the full parameter space (intrinsic and extrinsic parameters).


\((\tau_0, \tau_2)\) space of chirptimes


\((\tau_0, \tau_3)\) space of chirptimes


for BCV templates


a PTF metric in only the intrinsic parameters (a \(4\times 4\) matrix)


PTF metric in the full parameter space (intrinsic and extrinsic parameters).

Definition at line 111 of file LALInspiralBank.h.

◆ GridSpacing

This enum is set by the user to specify the type of placement requested.

It can be Square, Hexagonal, SquareNotOriented, HexagonalNotOriented, S2BCV. The two first align the ellipse along the eigen-vectors whereas the two next do not. The last is a square placement which was being used during S2 and is therefore obsolete and should not be used (feel free to remove it). Historically, we used the SquareNotOriented placement until S4. Then, in S5, we switched to the Hexagonal placement, which should be used for future searches.













Definition at line 131 of file LALInspiralBank.h.

◆ Position

enum Position

This enum can take the following values In, Out, Below, Edge, Above and is used only by the Hexagonal placement.

It simply specifies the place of a point with respect to the parameter space. Edge, means that the ellipse covers two boundaries(upper and lower).











Definition at line 149 of file LALInspiralBank.h.

◆ InsidePolygonEnum

This enum is set to true or false, it is just a boolean variable for the purpose of BCV placement but can be used in an other context.


Definition at line 164 of file LALInspiralBank.h.

◆ Generation

enum Generation

This enum is either fertile,sterile, and is a boolean expression used only by the Hexagonal placement.


Definition at line 176 of file LALInspiralBank.h.

◆ InspiralBankMassRange

An enum that appears in the InspiralCoarseBankIn structure which fixes the way templates are chosen: The choice MinComponentMassMaxTotalMass means the minimum of the component masses will be given by mMin and maximum total mass is given by MMax of the InspiralBankCoarseIn structure.

The choice MinMaxComponentMass means the minimum of the components masses will be again fixed by mMin and the maximum of the component masses is fixed by mMax of the InspiralCoarseIn structure below.


Definition at line 195 of file LALInspiralBank.h.

◆ FreqCut

enum FreqCut

An enum that lists all the formulas that can be used to specify an upper frequency cutoff.


the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) for a test particle orbiting a Schwarzschild black hole


a mass ratio dependent ISCO derived from estimates of the final spin of a merged black found in a paper by Buonanno, Kidder, and Lehner (arXiv:0709.3839)


the unstable circular orbit for photons orbiting a Schwarzschild black hole


an effective ringdown frequency studied in Pan et al (arXiv:0704.1964) that was found to give good fit between stationary-phase templates and numerical relativity waveforms


the "Fundamental RingDown" frequency which is calculated from the Berti, Cardoso and Will (arXiv:gr-qc/0512160) value for the \(\omega_{220}\) QNM frequency using mass ratio dependent fits to the final BH mass and spin from Buonanno et al (arXiv:0706.3732)


the "Lorentzian RingDown" frequency = 1.2*FRD which captures part of the Lorentzian tail from the decay of the QNMs

Definition at line 209 of file LALInspiralBank.h.

Macro Definition Documentation



Null pointer.

Definition at line 57 of file LALInspiralBank.h.



Memory allocation failure.

Definition at line 58 of file LALInspiralBank.h.



Invalid choice for an input parameter.

Definition at line 59 of file LALInspiralBank.h.



Division by zero.

Definition at line 60 of file LALInspiralBank.h.



Invalid input range.

Definition at line 61 of file LALInspiralBank.h.



Limits outside range of frequency series.

Definition at line 62 of file LALInspiralBank.h.



Inappropriate PN order.

Definition at line 63 of file LALInspiralBank.h.



Inappropriate grid spacing parameter [SquareNotOriented or Hexagonal].

Definition at line 64 of file LALInspiralBank.h.



Empty bank.

abnormal behaviour in HexaBank generation.

Definition at line 65 of file LALInspiralBank.h.



Inappropriate cutoff frequency [SchwarzISCO, BKLISCO, LightRing, ERD, FRD or LRD].

Definition at line 66 of file LALInspiralBank.h.



Final frequency is less than the low frequency cutoff.

Definition at line 67 of file LALInspiralBank.h.



Number of fcut must be greater or equal to 1.

Definition at line 68 of file LALInspiralBank.h.