Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 2007 Reinhard Prix, Teviet Creighton
3 * Copyright (C) 2012 Teviet Creighton, Evan Goetz
4 *
5 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 * (at your option) any later version.
9 *
10 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 * GNU General Public License for more details.
14 *
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16 * along with with program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
17 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
18 * MA 02110-1301 USA
19 */
21 #include <lal/LALStdio.h>
22 #include <lal/LALStdlib.h>
23 #include <lal/LALConstants.h>
24 #include <lal/Units.h>
25 #include <lal/AVFactories.h>
26 #include <lal/SeqFactories.h>
27 #include <lal/PulsarSimulateCoherentGW.h>
28 #include <lal/GenerateSpinOrbitCW.h>
29 #include <gsl/gsl_roots.h>
32 static REAL8 gsl_E_solver( REAL8 e, void *p );
35  REAL8 a, b, x;
36 };
38 static REAL8 gsl_E_solver( REAL8 e, void *p )
39 {
40  struct E_solver_params *params = ( struct E_solver_params * )p;
41  return e + params->a * sin( e ) + params->b * ( cos( e ) - 1.0 ) - params->x;
42 }
44 /**
45  * \author Creighton, T. D.
46  *
47  * \brief Computes a continuous waveform with frequency drift and Doppler
48  * modulation from an elliptical orbital trajectory.
49  *
50  * This function computes a quaiperiodic waveform using the spindown and
51  * orbital parameters in <tt>*params</tt>, storing the result in
52  * <tt>*output</tt>.
53  *
54  * In the <tt>*params</tt> structure, the routine uses all the "input"
55  * fields specified in \ref GenerateSpinOrbitCW_h, and sets all of the
56  * "output" fields. If <tt>params->f</tt>=\c NULL, no spindown
57  * modulation is performed. If <tt>params->oneMinusEcc</tt> \f$ \notin(0,1] \f$
58  * (an open orbit), or if
59  * <tt>params->rPeriNorm</tt> \f$ \times \f$ <tt>params->angularSpeed</tt> \f$ \geq1 \f$
60  * (faster-than-light speed at periapsis), an error is returned.
61  *
62  * In the <tt>*output</tt> structure, the field <tt>output->h</tt> is
63  * ignored, but all other pointer fields must be set to \c NULL. The
64  * function will create and allocate space for <tt>output->a</tt>,
65  * <tt>output->f</tt>, and <tt>output->phi</tt> as necessary. The
66  * <tt>output->shift</tt> field will remain set to \c NULL.
67  *
68  * ### Algorithm ###
69  *
70  * For elliptical orbits, we combine \eqref{eq_spinorbit-tr},
71  * \eqref{eq_spinorbit-t}, and \eqref{eq_spinorbit-upsilon} to get \f$ t_r \f$
72  * directly as a function of the eccentric anomaly \f$ E \f$ :
73  * \f{eqnarray}{
74  * \label{eq_tr-e1}
75  * t_r = t_p & + & \left(\frac{r_p \sin i}{c}\right)\sin\omega\\
76  * & + & \left(\frac{P}{2\pi}\right) \left( E +
77  * \left[v_p(1-e)\cos\omega - e\right]\sin E
78  * + \left[v_p\sqrt{\frac{1-e}{1+e}}\sin\omega\right]
79  * [\cos E - 1]\right) \;,
80  * \f}
81  * where \f$ v_p=r_p\dot{\upsilon}_p\sin i/c \f$ is a normalized velocity at
82  * periapsis and \f$ P=2\pi\sqrt{(1+e)/(1-e)^3}/\dot{\upsilon}_p \f$ is the
83  * period of the orbit. For simplicity we write this as:
84  * \f{equation}{
85  * \label{eq_tr-e2}
86  * t_r = T_p + \frac{1}{n}\left( E + A\sin E + B[\cos E - 1] \right) \;,
87  * \f}
88  *
89  * \anchor inject_eanomaly
90  * \image html inject_eanomaly.png "Function to be inverted to find eccentric anomaly"
91  *
92  * where \f$ T_p \f$ is the \e observed time of periapsis passage and
93  * \f$ n=2\pi/P \f$ is the mean angular speed around the orbit. Thus the key
94  * numerical procedure in this routine is to invert the expression
95  * \f$ x=E+A\sin E+B(\cos E - 1) \f$ to get \f$ E(x) \f$ . We note that
96  * \f$ E(x+2n\pi)=E(x)+2n\pi \f$ , so we only need to solve this expression in
97  * the interval \f$ [0,2\pi) \f$ , sketched to the right.
98  *
99  * We further note that \f$ A^2+B^2<1 \f$ , although it approaches 1 when
100  * \f$ e\rightarrow1 \f$ , or when \f$ v_p\rightarrow1 \f$ and either \f$ e=0 \f$ or
101  * \f$ \omega=\pi \f$ . Except in this limit, Newton-Raphson methods will
102  * converge rapidly for any initial guess. In this limit, though, the
103  * slope \f$ dx/dE \f$ approaches zero at the point of inflection, and an
104  * initial guess or iteration landing near this point will send the next
105  * iteration off to unacceptably large or small values. However, by
106  * restricting all initial guesses and iterations to the domain
107  * \f$ E\in[0,2\pi) \f$ , one will always end up on a trajectory branch that
108  * will converge uniformly. This should converge faster than the more
109  * generically robust technique of bisection. (Note: the danger with Newton's method
110  * has been found to be unstable for certain binary orbital parameters. So if
111  * Newton's method fails to converge, a bisection algorithm is employed.)
112  *
113  * In this algorithm, we start the computation with an arbitrary initial
114  * guess of \f$ E=0 \f$ , and refine it until the we get agreement to within
115  * 0.01 parts in part in \f$ N_\mathrm{cyc} \f$ (where \f$ N_\mathrm{cyc} \f$ is the
116  * larger of the number of wave cycles in an orbital period, or the
117  * number of wave cycles in the entire waveform being generated), or one
118  * part in \f$ 10^{15} \f$ (an order of magnitude off the best precision
119  * possible with \c REAL8 numbers). The latter case indicates that
120  * \c REAL8 precision may fail to give accurate phasing, and one
121  * should consider modeling the orbit as a set of Taylor frequency
122  * coefficients \'{a} la <tt>LALGenerateTaylorCW()</tt>. On subsequent
123  * timesteps, we use the previous timestep as an initial guess, which is
124  * good so long as the timesteps are much smaller than an orbital period.
125  * This sequence of guesses will have to readjust itself once every orbit
126  * (as \f$ E \f$ jumps from \f$ 2\pi \f$ down to 0), but this is relatively
127  * infrequent; we don't bother trying to smooth this out because the
128  * additional tests would probably slow down the algorithm overall.
129  *
130  * Once a value of \f$ E \f$ is found for a given timestep in the output
131  * series, we compute the system time \f$ t \f$ via \eqref{eq_spinorbit-t},
132  * and use it to determine the wave phase and (non-Doppler-shifted)
133  * frequency via \eqref{eq_taylorcw-freq}
134  * and \eqref{eq_taylorcw-phi}. The Doppler shift on the frequency is
135  * then computed using \eqref{eq_spinorbit-upsilon}
136  * and \eqref{eq_orbit-rdot}. We use \f$ \upsilon \f$ as an intermediate in
137  * the Doppler shift calculations, since expressing \f$ \dot{R} \f$ directly in
138  * terms of \f$ E \f$ results in expression of the form \f$ (1-e)/(1-e\cos E) \f$ ,
139  * which are difficult to simplify and face precision losses when
140  * \f$ E\sim0 \f$ and \f$ e\rightarrow1 \f$ . By contrast, solving for \f$ \upsilon \f$ is
141  * numerically stable provided that the system <tt>atan2()</tt> function is
142  * well-designed.
143  *
144  * The routine does not account for variations in special relativistic or
145  * gravitational time dilation due to the elliptical orbit, nor does it
146  * deal with other gravitational effects such as Shapiro delay. To a
147  * very rough approximation, the amount of phase error induced by
148  * gravitational redshift goes something like \f$ \Delta\phi\sim
149  * fT(v/c)^2\Delta(r_p/r) \f$ , where \f$ f \f$ is the typical wave frequency, \f$ T \f$
150  * is either the length of data or the orbital period (whichever is
151  * \e smaller), \f$ v \f$ is the \e true (unprojected) speed at
152  * periapsis, and \f$ \Delta(r_p/r) \f$ is the total range swept out by the
153  * quantity \f$ r_p/r \f$ over the course of the observation. Other
154  * relativistic effects such as special relativistic time dilation are
155  * comparable in magnitude. We make a crude estimate of when this is
156  * significant by noting that \f$ v/c\gtrsim v_p \f$ but
157  * \f$ \Delta(r_p/r)\lesssim 2e/(1+e) \f$ ; we take these approximations as
158  * equalities and require that \f$ \Delta\phi\lesssim\pi \f$ , giving:
159  * \f{equation}{
160  * \label{eq_relativistic-orbit}
161  * f_0Tv_p^2\frac{4e}{1+e}\lesssim1 \;.
162  * \f}
163  * When this critereon is violated, a warning is generated. Furthermore,
164  * as noted earlier, when \f$ v_p\geq1 \f$ the routine will return an error, as
165  * faster-than-light speeds can cause the emission and reception times to
166  * be non-monotonic functions of one another.
167  */
168 void
172 {
173  UINT4 n, i; /* number of and index over samples */
174  UINT4 nSpin = 0, j; /* number of and index over spindown terms */
175  REAL8 t, dt, tPow; /* time, interval, and t raised to a power */
176  REAL8 phi0, f0, twopif0; /* initial phase, frequency, and 2*pi*f0 */
177  REAL8 f, fPrev; /* current and previous values of frequency */
178  REAL4 df = 0.0; /* maximum difference between f and fPrev */
179  REAL8 phi; /* current value of phase */
180  REAL8 p, vDotAvg; /* orbital period, and 2*pi/(period) */
181  REAL8 vp; /* projected speed at periapsis */
182  REAL8 upsilon, argument; /* true anomaly, and argument of periapsis */
183  REAL8 eCosOmega; /* eccentricity * cosine of argument */
184  REAL8 tPeriObs; /* time of observed periapsis */
185  REAL8 spinOff; /* spin epoch - orbit epoch */
186  REAL8 x; /* observed mean anomaly */
187  REAL8 dx, dxMax; /* current and target errors in x */
188  REAL8 a, b; /* constants in equation for x */
189  REAL8 ecc; /* orbital eccentricity */
190  REAL8 oneMinusEcc, onePlusEcc; /* 1 - ecc and 1 + ecc */
191  REAL8 e = 0.0; /* eccentric anomaly */
192  REAL8 de = 0.0; /* eccentric anomaly step */
193  REAL8 sine = 0.0, cose = 0.0; /* sine of e, and cosine of e minus 1 */
194  REAL8 *fSpin = NULL; /* pointer to Taylor coefficients */
195  REAL4 *fData; /* pointer to frequency data */
196  REAL8 *phiData; /* pointer to phase data */
198  INITSTATUS( stat );
201  /* Make sure parameter and output structures exist. */
207  /* Make sure output fields don't exist. */
217  /* If Taylor coeficients are specified, make sure they exist. */
218  if ( params->f ) {
221  nSpin = params->f->length;
222  fSpin = params->f->data;
223  }
225  /* Set up some constants (to avoid repeated calculation or
226  dereferencing), and make sure they have acceptable values. */
227  oneMinusEcc = params->oneMinusEcc;
228  ecc = 1.0 - oneMinusEcc;
229  onePlusEcc = 1.0 + ecc;
230  if ( ecc < 0.0 || oneMinusEcc <= 0.0 ) {
233  }
234  vp = params->rPeriNorm * params->angularSpeed;
235  n = params->length;
236  dt = params->deltaT;
237  f0 = fPrev = params->f0;
238  vDotAvg = params->angularSpeed
239  * sqrt( oneMinusEcc * oneMinusEcc * oneMinusEcc / onePlusEcc );
240  if ( vp >= 1.0 ) {
243  }
244  if ( vp <= 0.0 || dt <= 0.0 || f0 <= 0.0 || vDotAvg <= 0.0 ||
245  n == 0 ) {
248  }
250  /* Set up some other constants. */
251  twopif0 = f0 * LAL_TWOPI;
252  phi0 = params->phi0;
253  argument = params->omega;
254  p = LAL_TWOPI / vDotAvg;
255  a = vp * oneMinusEcc * cos( argument ) + oneMinusEcc - 1.0;
256  b = vp * sqrt( oneMinusEcc / ( onePlusEcc ) ) * sin( argument );
257  eCosOmega = ecc * cos( argument );
258  if ( n * dt > p ) {
259  dxMax = 0.01 / ( f0 * n * dt );
260  } else {
261  dxMax = 0.01 / ( f0 * p );
262  }
263  if ( dxMax < 1.0e-15 ) {
264  dxMax = 1.0e-15;
265  LALWarning( stat, "REAL8 arithmetic may not have sufficient"
266  " precision for this orbit" );
267  }
268  if ( lalDebugLevel & LALWARNING ) {
269  REAL8 tau = n * dt;
270  if ( tau > p ) {
271  tau = p;
272  }
273  if ( f0 * tau * vp * vp * ecc / onePlusEcc > 0.25 )
274  LALWarning( stat, "Orbit may have significant relativistic"
275  " effects that are not included" );
276  }
278  /* Compute offset between time series epoch and observed periapsis,
279  and betweem true periapsis and spindown reference epoch. */
280  tPeriObs = ( REAL8 )( params->orbitEpoch.gpsSeconds -
282  tPeriObs += 1.0e-9 * ( REAL8 )( params->orbitEpoch.gpsNanoSeconds -
284  tPeriObs += params->rPeriNorm * sin( params->omega );
285  spinOff = ( REAL8 )( params->orbitEpoch.gpsSeconds -
286  params->spinEpoch.gpsSeconds );
287  spinOff += 1.0e-9 * ( REAL8 )( params->orbitEpoch.gpsNanoSeconds -
288  params->spinEpoch.gpsNanoSeconds );
290  /* Allocate output structures. */
291  if ( ( output->a = ( REAL4TimeVectorSeries * )
292  LALMalloc( sizeof( REAL4TimeVectorSeries ) ) ) == NULL ) {
295  }
296  memset( output->a, 0, sizeof( REAL4TimeVectorSeries ) );
297  if ( ( output->f = ( REAL4TimeSeries * )
298  LALMalloc( sizeof( REAL4TimeSeries ) ) ) == NULL ) {
299  LALFree( output->a );
300  output->a = NULL;
303  }
304  memset( output->f, 0, sizeof( REAL4TimeSeries ) );
305  if ( ( output->phi = ( REAL8TimeSeries * )
306  LALMalloc( sizeof( REAL8TimeSeries ) ) ) == NULL ) {
307  LALFree( output->a );
308  output->a = NULL;
309  LALFree( output->f );
310  output->f = NULL;
313  }
314  memset( output->phi, 0, sizeof( REAL8TimeSeries ) );
316  /* Set output structure metadata fields. */
317  output->position = params->position;
318  output->psi = params->psi;
319  output->a->epoch = output->f->epoch = output->phi->epoch
320  = params->epoch;
321  output->a->deltaT = n * params->deltaT;
322  output->f->deltaT = output->phi->deltaT = params->deltaT;
323  output->a->sampleUnits = lalStrainUnit;
324  output->f->sampleUnits = lalHertzUnit;
325  output->phi->sampleUnits = lalDimensionlessUnit;
326  snprintf( output->a->name, LALNameLength, "CW amplitudes" );
327  snprintf( output->f->name, LALNameLength, "CW frequency" );
328  snprintf( output->phi->name, LALNameLength, "CW phase" );
330  /* Allocate phase and frequency arrays. */
331  LALSCreateVector( stat->statusPtr, &( output->f->data ), n );
332  BEGINFAIL( stat ) {
333  LALFree( output->a );
334  output->a = NULL;
335  LALFree( output->f );
336  output->f = NULL;
337  LALFree( output->phi );
338  output->phi = NULL;
339  }
340  ENDFAIL( stat );
341  LALDCreateVector( stat->statusPtr, &( output->phi->data ), n );
342  BEGINFAIL( stat ) {
343  TRY( LALSDestroyVector( stat->statusPtr, &( output->f->data ) ),
344  stat );
345  LALFree( output->a );
346  output->a = NULL;
347  LALFree( output->f );
348  output->f = NULL;
349  LALFree( output->phi );
350  output->phi = NULL;
351  }
352  ENDFAIL( stat );
354  /* Allocate and fill amplitude array. */
355  {
356  CreateVectorSequenceIn in; /* input to create output->a */
357  in.length = 2;
358  in.vectorLength = 2;
359  LALSCreateVectorSequence( stat->statusPtr, &( output->a->data ), &in );
360  BEGINFAIL( stat ) {
361  TRY( LALSDestroyVector( stat->statusPtr, &( output->f->data ) ),
362  stat );
363  TRY( LALDDestroyVector( stat->statusPtr, &( output->phi->data ) ),
364  stat );
365  LALFree( output->a );
366  output->a = NULL;
367  LALFree( output->f );
368  output->f = NULL;
369  LALFree( output->phi );
370  output->phi = NULL;
371  }
372  ENDFAIL( stat );
373  output->a->data->data[0] = output->a->data->data[2] = params->aPlus;
374  output->a->data->data[1] = output->a->data->data[3] = params->aCross;
375  }
377  /* Fill frequency and phase arrays. */
378  fData = output->f->data->data;
379  phiData = output->phi->data->data;
380  for ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
381  INT4 nOrb; /* number of orbits since the specified orbit epoch */
383  /* First, find x in the range [0,2*pi]. */
384  x = vDotAvg * ( i * dt - tPeriObs );
385  nOrb = ( INT4 )( x / LAL_TWOPI );
386  if ( x < 0.0 ) {
387  nOrb -= 1;
388  }
389  x -= LAL_TWOPI * nOrb;
391  /* Newton-Raphson iteration to find E(x). Maximum of 100 iterations. */
392  INT4 maxiter = 100, iter = 0;
393  while ( iter < maxiter && fabs( dx = e + a * sine + b * cose - x ) > dxMax ) {
394  iter++;
395  //Make a check on the step-size so we don't step too far
396  de = dx / ( 1.0 + a * cose + a - b * sine );
397  if ( de > LAL_PI ) {
398  de = LAL_PI;
399  } else if ( de < -LAL_PI ) {
400  de = -LAL_PI;
401  }
402  e -= de;
404  if ( e < 0.0 ) {
405  e = 0.0;
406  } else if ( e > LAL_TWOPI ) {
407  e = LAL_TWOPI;
408  }
409  sine = sin( e );
410  cose = cos( e ) - 1.0;
411  }
412  /* Bisection algorithm from GSL if Newton's method (above) fails to converge. */
413  if ( iter == maxiter && fabs( dx = e + a * sine + b * cose - x ) > dxMax ) {
414  //Initialize solver
415  const gsl_root_fsolver_type *T = gsl_root_fsolver_bisection;
416  gsl_root_fsolver *s = gsl_root_fsolver_alloc( T );
417  REAL8 e_lo = 0.0, e_hi = LAL_TWOPI;
418  gsl_function F;
419  struct E_solver_params pars = {a, b, x};
420  F.function = &gsl_E_solver;
421  F.params = &pars;
423  if ( gsl_root_fsolver_set( s, &F, e_lo, e_hi ) != 0 ) {
424  LALFree( output->a );
425  output->a = NULL;
426  LALFree( output->f );
427  output->f = NULL;
428  LALFree( output->phi );
429  output->phi = NULL;
430  ABORT( stat, -1, "GSL failed to set initial points" );
431  }
433  INT4 keepgoing = 1;
434  INT4 success = 0;
435  INT4 root_status = keepgoing;
436  e = 0.0;
437  iter = 0;
438  while ( root_status == keepgoing && iter < maxiter ) {
439  iter++;
440  root_status = gsl_root_fsolver_iterate( s );
441  if ( root_status != keepgoing && root_status != success ) {
442  LALFree( output->a );
443  output->a = NULL;
444  LALFree( output->f );
445  output->f = NULL;
446  LALFree( output->phi );
447  output->phi = NULL;
448  ABORT( stat, -1, "gsl_root_fsolver_iterate() failed" );
449  }
450  e = gsl_root_fsolver_root( s );
451  sine = sin( e );
452  cose = cos( e ) - 1.0;
453  if ( fabs( dx = e + a * sine + b * cose - x ) > dxMax ) {
454  root_status = keepgoing;
455  } else {
456  root_status = success;
457  }
458  }
460  if ( root_status != success ) {
461  LALFree( output->a );
462  output->a = NULL;
463  LALFree( output->f );
464  output->f = NULL;
465  LALFree( output->phi );
466  output->phi = NULL;
467  gsl_root_fsolver_free( s );
468  ABORT( stat, -1, "Could not converge using bisection algorithm" );
469  }
471  gsl_root_fsolver_free( s );
472  }
474  /* Compute source emission time, phase, and frequency. */
475  phi = t = tPow =
476  ( e + LAL_TWOPI * nOrb - ecc * sine ) / vDotAvg + spinOff;
477  f = 1.0;
478  for ( j = 0; j < nSpin; j++ ) {
479  f += fSpin[j] * tPow;
480  phi += fSpin[j] * ( tPow *= t ) / ( j + 2.0 );
481  }
483  /* Appy frequency Doppler shift. */
484  upsilon = 2.0 * atan2( sqrt( onePlusEcc / oneMinusEcc ) * sin( 0.5 * e ), cos( 0.5 * e ) );
485  f *= f0 / ( 1.0 + vp * ( cos( argument + upsilon ) + eCosOmega ) / onePlusEcc );
486  phi *= twopif0;
487  if ( ( i > 0 ) && ( fabs( f - fPrev ) > df ) ) {
488  df = fabs( f - fPrev );
489  }
490  *( fData++ ) = fPrev = f;
491  *( phiData++ ) = phi + phi0;
493  } /* for i < n */
495  /* Set output field and return. */
496  params->dfdt = df * dt;
498  RETURN( stat );
499 }
static REAL8 gsl_E_solver(REAL8 e, void *p)
int j
#define LALMalloc(n)
#define LALFree(p)
#define ABORT(statusptr, code, mesg)
#define ENDFAIL(statusptr)
#define TRY(func, statusptr)
#define ATTATCHSTATUSPTR(statusptr)
#define ASSERT(assertion, statusptr, code, mesg)
#define DETATCHSTATUSPTR(statusptr)
#define INITSTATUS(statusptr)
#define RETURN(statusptr)
#define BEGINFAIL(statusptr)
int s
double e
void LALSCreateVectorSequence(LALStatus *status, REAL4VectorSequence **vectorSequence, CreateVectorSequenceIn *vSeqParams)
Eccentricity out of range.
Sign error: positive parameter expected.
void LALGenerateEllipticSpinOrbitCW(LALStatus *stat, PulsarCoherentGW *output, SpinOrbitCWParamStruc *params)
Computes a continuous waveform with frequency drift and Doppler modulation from an elliptical orbital...
Out of memory.
Unexpected null pointer in arguments.
Output field a, f, phi, or shift already exists.
Periapsis motion is faster than light.
#define LAL_PI
#define LAL_TWOPI
double REAL8
uint32_t UINT4
int32_t INT4
float REAL4
#define lalDebugLevel
int LALWarning(LALStatus *status, const char *warning)
static const INT4 a
const LALUnit lalStrainUnit
const LALUnit lalHertzUnit
const LALUnit lalDimensionlessUnit
void LALDCreateVector(LALStatus *, REAL8Vector **, UINT4)
void LALDDestroyVector(LALStatus *, REAL8Vector **)
void LALSDestroyVector(LALStatus *, REAL4Vector **)
void LALSCreateVector(LALStatus *, REAL4Vector **, UINT4)
INT4 gpsNanoSeconds
This structure stores a representation of a plane gravitational wave propagating from a particular po...
This structure stores the parameters for constructing a gravitational waveform with both a Taylor-pol...
LIGOTimeGPS epoch
double psi
double df