Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2007 Jolien Creighton, Reinhard Prix, Stephen Fairhurst, Teviet Creighton
3  *
4  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7  * (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with with program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
16  * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
17  * MA 02110-1301 USA
18  */
20 /** \cond DONT_DOXYGEN */
22 /* Use more efficient trig routines for solaris, if available and
23  requested. */
24 #include <config.h>
25 #ifdef HAVE_SUNMATH_H
26 #include <sunmath.h>
27 #if defined HAVE_LIBSUNMATH && defined ONLINE
28 #define USE_SINCOSP 1
29 #endif
30 #endif
32 #include <math.h>
33 #include <lal/LALStdio.h>
34 #include <lal/LALStdlib.h>
35 #include <lal/LALError.h>
36 #include <lal/DetectorSite.h>
37 #include <lal/DetResponse.h>
38 #include <lal/AVFactories.h>
39 #include <lal/Date.h>
40 #include <lal/Units.h>
41 #include <lal/TimeDelay.h>
42 #include <lal/VectorOps.h>
43 #include <lal/SimulateCoherentGW.h>
44 #include <lal/SkyCoordinates.h>
46 /* \name Error Codes */
47 #define SIMULATECOHERENTGWH_ENUL 1 /*< Unexpected null pointer in arguments */
48 #define SIMULATECOHERENTGWH_EBAD 2 /*< A sampling interval is (effectively) zero */
49 #define SIMULATECOHERENTGWH_ESIG 3 /*< Input signal must specify amplitude and phase functions */
50 #define SIMULATECOHERENTGWH_EDIM 4 /*< Amplitude must be a 2-dimensional vector */
51 #define SIMULATECOHERENTGWH_EMEM 5 /*< Memory allocation error */
52 #define SIMULATECOHERENTGWH_EUNIT 6 /*< Bad input units */
54 #define SIMULATECOHERENTGWH_MSGENUL "Unexpected null pointer in arguments"
55 #define SIMULATECOHERENTGWH_MSGEBAD "A sampling interval is (effectively) zero"
56 #define SIMULATECOHERENTGWH_MSGESIG "Input signal must specify amplitude and phase functions"
57 #define SIMULATECOHERENTGWH_MSGEDIM "Amplitude must be a 2-dimensional vector"
58 #define SIMULATECOHERENTGWH_MSGEMEM "Memory allocation error"
59 #define SIMULATECOHERENTGWH_MSGEUNIT "Bad input units"
64 /* A macro that takes a detector time (in units of output->deltaT from
65  output->epoch) and adds the propagation time interpolated from the
66  delays tabulated in delayData. The following parameters are
67  required to be defined outside the macro, and are set by it:
69  REAL4 realIndex; the interpolation point in delayData
70  INT4 intIndex; the index immediately preceding realIndex
71  REAL4 indexFrac; the value realIndex - intIndex */
72 #define TCENTRE( time ) \
73  ( \
74  realIndex = delayOff + (time)*delayDt, \
75  intIndex = (INT4)floor( realIndex ), \
76  indexFrac = realIndex - intIndex, \
77  time + indexFrac*delayData[intIndex+1] \
78  + (1.0-indexFrac)*delayData[intIndex] \
79  )
82 /**
83  * \author Creighton, T. D.
84  *
85  * \brief Computes the response of a detector to a coherent gravitational wave.
86  *
87  * This function takes a quasiperiodic gravitational waveform given in
88  * <tt>*signal</tt>, and estimates the corresponding response of the
89  * detector whose position, orientation, and transfer function are
90  * specified in <tt>*detector</tt>. The result is stored in
91  * <tt>*output</tt>.
92  *
93  * The fields <tt>output->epoch</tt>, <tt>output->deltaT</tt>, and
94  * <tt>output->data</tt> must already be set, in order to specify the time
95  * period and sampling rate for which the response is required. If
96  * <tt>output->f0</tt> is nonzero, idealized heterodyning is performed (an
97  * amount \f$2\pi f_0(t-t_0)\f$ is subtracted from the phase before computing
98  * the sinusoid, where \f$t_0\f$ is the heterodyning epoch defined in
99  * \c detector). For the input signal, <tt>signal->h</tt> is ignored,
100  * and the signal is treated as zero at any time for which either
101  * <tt>signal->a</tt> or <tt>signal->phi</tt> is not defined.
102  *
103  * This routine will convert <tt>signal->position</tt> to equatorial
104  * coordinates, if necessary.
105  *
106  * ### Algorithm ###
107  *
108  * The routine first accounts for the time delay between the detector and
109  * the solar system barycentre, based on the detector position
110  * information stored in <tt>*detector</tt> and the propagation direction
111  * specified in <tt>*signal</tt>. Values of the propagation delay are
112  * precomuted at fixed intervals and stored in a table, with the
113  * intervals \f$\Delta T_\mathrm{delay}\f$ chosen such that the value
114  * interpolated from adjacent table entries will never differ from the
115  * true value by more than some timing error \f$\sigma_T\f$. This implies
116  * that:
117  * \f[
118  * \Delta T_\mathrm{delay} \leq \sqrt{
119  * \frac{8\sigma_T}{\max\{a/c\}} } \; ,
120  * \f]
121  * where \f$\max\{a/c\}=1.32\times10^{-10}\mathrm{s}^{-1}\f$ is the maximum
122  * acceleration of an Earth-based detector in the barycentric frame. The
123  * total propagation delay also includes Einstein and Shapiro delay, but
124  * these are more slowly varying and thus do not constrain the table
125  * spacing. At present, a 400s table spacing is hardwired into the code,
126  * implying \f$\sigma_T\approx3\mu\f$s, comparable to the stated accuracy of
127  * <tt>LALBarycenter()</tt>.
128  *
129  * Next, the polarization response functions of the detector
130  * \f$F_{+,\times}(\alpha,\delta)\f$ are computed for every 10 minutes of the
131  * signal's duration, using the position of the source in <tt>*signal</tt>,
132  * the detector information in <tt>*detector</tt>, and the function
133  * <tt>LALComputeDetAMResponseSeries()</tt>. Subsequently, the
134  * polarization functions are estimated for each output sample by
135  * interpolating these precomputed values. This guarantees that the
136  * interpolated value is accurate to \f$\sim0.1\%\f$.
137  *
138  * Next, the frequency response of the detector is estimated in the
139  * quasiperiodic limit as follows:
140  * <ul>
141  * <li> At each sample point in <tt>*output</tt>, the propagation delay is
142  * computed and added to the sample time, and the instantaneous
143  * amplitudes \f$A_1\f$, \f$A_2\f$, frequency \f$f\f$, phase \f$\phi\f$, and polarization
144  * shift \f$\Phi\f$ are found by interpolating the nearest values in
145  * <tt>signal->a</tt>, <tt>signal->f</tt>, <tt>signal->phi</tt>, and
146  * <tt>signal->shift</tt>, respectively. If <tt>signal->f</tt> is not
147  * defined at that point in time, then \f$f\f$ is estimated by differencing
148  * the two nearest values of \f$\phi\f$, as \f$f\approx\Delta\phi/2\pi\Delta
149  * t\f$. If <tt>signal->shift</tt> is not defined, then \f$\Phi\f$ is treated as
150  * zero.</li>
151  * <li> The complex transfer function of the detector the frequency \f$f\f$
152  * is found by interpolating <tt>detector->transfer</tt>. The amplitude of
153  * the transfer function is multiplied with \f$A_1\f$ and \f$A_2\f$, and the
154  * phase of the transfer function is added to \f$\phi\f$,</li>
155  * <li> The plus and cross contributions \f$o_+\f$, \f$o_\times\f$ to the
156  * detector output are computed as in \eqref{eq_quasiperiodic_hpluscross}
157  * of \ref SimulateCoherentGW_h, but
158  * using the response-adjusted amplitudes and phase.</li>
159  * <li> The final detector response \f$o\f$ is computed as
160  * \f$o=(o_+F_+)+(o_\times F_\times)\f$.</li>
161  * </ul>
162  *
163  * ### A note on interpolation: ###
164  *
165  * Much of the computational work in this routine involves interpolating
166  * various time series to find their values at specific output times.
167  * The algorithm is summarized below.
168  *
169  * Let \f$A_j = A( t_A + j\Delta t_A )\f$ be a sampled time series, which we
170  * want to resample at new (output) time intervals \f$t_k = t_0 + k\Delta
171  * t\f$. We first precompute the following quantities:
172  * \f{eqnarray}{
173  * t_\mathrm{off} & = & \frac{t_0-t_A}{\Delta t_A} \; , \\
174  * dt & = & \frac{\Delta t}{\Delta t_A} \; .
175  * \f}
176  * Then, for each output sample time \f$t_k\f$, we compute:
177  * \f{eqnarray}{
178  * t & = & t_\mathrm{off} + k \times dt \; , \\
179  * j & = & \lfloor t \rfloor \; , \\
180  * f & = & t - j \; ,
181  * \f}
182  * where \f$\lfloor x\rfloor\f$ is the "floor" function; i.e.\ the largest
183  * integer \f$\leq x\f$. The time series sampled at the new time is then:
184  * \f[
185  * A(t_k) = f \times A_{j+1} + (1-f) \times A_j \; .
186  * \f]
187  *
188  * ### Notes ###
189  *
190  * The major computational hit in this routine comes from computing the
191  * sine and cosine of the phase angle in
192  * \eqref{eq_quasiperiodic_hpluscross} of
193  * \ref SimulateCoherentGW_h. For better online performance, these can
194  * be replaced by other (approximate) trig functions. Presently the code
195  * uses the native \c libm functions by default, or the function
196  * <tt>sincosp()</tt> in \c libsunmath \e if this function is
197  * available \e and the constant \c ONLINE is defined.
198  * Differences at the level of 0.01 begin to appear only for phase
199  * arguments greater than \f$10^{14}\f$ or so (corresponding to over 500
200  * years between phase epoch and observation time for frequencies of
201  * around 1kHz).
202  *
203  * To activate this feature, be sure that \ref sunmath.h and
204  * \c libsunmath are on your system, and add <tt>-DONLINE</tt> to the
205  * <tt>--with-extra-cppflags</tt> configuration argument. In future this
206  * flag may be used to turn on other efficient trig algorithms on other
207  * (non-Solaris) platforms.
208  *
209  */
210 void
213  CoherentGW *CWsignal,
214  DetectorResponse *detector )
215 {
216  INT4 i, n; /* index over output->data, and its final value */
217  INT4 nMax; /* used to store limits on index ranges */
218  INT4 fInit, fFinal; /* index range for which CWsignal->f is defined */
219  INT4 shiftInit, shiftFinal; /* ditto for CWsignal->shift */
220  UINT4 dtDelayBy2; /* delay table half-interval (s) */
221  UINT4 dtPolBy2; /* polarization table half-interval (s) */
222  REAL4 *outData; /* pointer to output data */
223  REAL8 delayMin, delayMax; /* min and max values of time delay */
224  SkyPosition source; /* source sky position */
225  BOOLEAN transfer; /* 1 if transfer function is specified */
226  BOOLEAN fFlag = 0; /* 1 if frequency left detector->transfer range */
227  BOOLEAN pFlag = 0; /* 1 if frequency was estimated from phase */
229  /* get delay table and polaristion tables half intervals if defined (>0) in
230  the CoherentGW structure otherwise default to 400s for dtDelatBy2 and 300s
231  for dtPolBy2 */
232  dtDelayBy2 = CWsignal->dtDelayBy2 > 0 ? CWsignal->dtDelayBy2 : 400;
233  dtPolBy2 = CWsignal->dtPolBy2 > 0 ? CWsignal->dtPolBy2 : 300;
235  /* The amplitude, frequency, phase, polarization shift, polarization
236  response, and propagation delay are stored in arrays that must be
237  interpolated. For a quantity x, we define a pointer xData to the
238  data array. At some time t measured in units of output->deltaT,
239  the interpolation point in xData is given by ( xOff + t*xDt ),
240  where xOff is an offset and xDt is a relative sampling rate. */
241  LALDetAMResponseSeries polResponse;
242  REAL8Vector *delay = NULL;
243  REAL4 *aData, *fData, *shiftData, *plusData, *crossData;
244  REAL8 *phiData, *delayData;
245  REAL8 aOff, fOff, phiOff, shiftOff, polOff, delayOff;
246  REAL8 aDt, fDt, phiDt, shiftDt, polDt, delayDt;
248  /* Frequencies in the detector transfer function are interpolated
249  similarly, except everything is normalized with respect to
250  detector->transfer->deltaF. */
251  REAL4Vector *aTransfer = NULL;
252  REAL4Vector *phiTransfer = NULL;
253  REAL4Vector *phiTemp = NULL;
254  REAL4 *aTransData = NULL, *phiTransData = NULL;
255  REAL8 f0 = 1.0;
256  REAL8 phiFac = 1.0, fFac = 1.0;
258  /* Heterodyning phase factor LAL_TWOPI*output->f0*output->deltaT,
259  and phase offset at the start of the series
260  LAL_TWOPI*output->f0*(time offset). */
261  REAL8 heteroFac, phi0;
263  /* Variables required by the TCENTRE() macro, above. */
264  REAL8 realIndex;
265  INT4 intIndex;
266  REAL8 indexFrac;
268  INITSTATUS(stat);
271  /* Make sure parameter structures and their fields exist. */
274  if ( !( CWsignal->a ) ) {
277  }
278  ASSERT( CWsignal->a->data, stat,
280  ASSERT( CWsignal->a->data->data, stat,
282  if ( !( CWsignal->phi ) ) {
285  }
286  ASSERT( CWsignal->phi->data, stat,
288  ASSERT( CWsignal->phi->data->data, stat,
290  if ( CWsignal->f ) {
291  ASSERT( CWsignal->f->data, stat,
293  ASSERT( CWsignal->f->data->data, stat,
295  }
296  if ( CWsignal->shift ) {
297  ASSERT( CWsignal->shift->data, stat,
299  ASSERT( CWsignal->shift->data->data, stat,
301  }
302  ASSERT( detector, stat,
304  if ( ( transfer = ( detector->transfer != NULL ) ) ) {
305  ASSERT( detector->transfer->data, stat,
307  ASSERT( detector->transfer->data->data, stat,
309  }
310  ASSERT( output, stat,
312  ASSERT( output->data, stat,
314  ASSERT( output->data->data, stat,
317  /* Check dimensions of amplitude array. */
318  ASSERT( CWsignal->a->data->vectorLength == 2, stat,
321  /* Make sure we never divide by zero. */
322  ASSERT( CWsignal->a->deltaT != 0.0, stat,
324  ASSERT( CWsignal->phi->deltaT != 0.0, stat,
326  aDt = output->deltaT / CWsignal->a->deltaT;
327  phiDt = output->deltaT / CWsignal->phi->deltaT;
328  ASSERT( aDt != 0.0, stat,
330  ASSERT( phiDt != 0.0, stat,
332  if ( CWsignal->f ) {
333  ASSERT( CWsignal->f->deltaT != 0.0, stat,
335  fDt = output->deltaT / CWsignal->f->deltaT;
336  ASSERT( fDt != 0.0, stat,
338  } else
339  fDt = 0.0;
340  if ( CWsignal->shift ) {
341  ASSERT( CWsignal->shift->deltaT != 0.0, stat,
343  shiftDt = output->deltaT / CWsignal->shift->deltaT;
344  ASSERT( shiftDt != 0.0, stat,
346  } else
347  shiftDt = 0.0;
348  if ( transfer ) {
349  ASSERT( detector->transfer->deltaF != 0.0, stat,
351  fFac = 1.0 / detector->transfer->deltaF;
352  phiFac = fFac / ( LAL_TWOPI*CWsignal->phi->deltaT );
353  f0 = detector->transfer->f0/detector->transfer->deltaF;
354  }
355  heteroFac = LAL_TWOPI*output->f0*output->deltaT;
356  phi0 = (REAL8)( output->epoch.gpsSeconds -
357  detector->heterodyneEpoch.gpsSeconds );
358  phi0 += 0.000000001*(REAL8)( output->epoch.gpsNanoSeconds -
359  detector->heterodyneEpoch.gpsNanoSeconds );
360  phi0 *= LAL_TWOPI*output->f0;
361  if ( phi0 > 1.0/LAL_REAL8_EPS ) {
362  LALWarning( stat, "REAL8 arithmetic is not sufficient to maintain"
363  " heterodyne phase to within a radian." );
364  }
366  /* Check units on input, and set units on output. */
367  {
368  ASSERT( XLALUnitCompare( &(CWsignal->f->sampleUnits), &lalHertzUnit ) == 0, stat, SIMULATECOHERENTGWH_EUNIT, SIMULATECOHERENTGWH_MSGEUNIT );
369  ASSERT( XLALUnitCompare( &(CWsignal->phi->sampleUnits), &lalDimensionlessUnit ) == 0, stat, SIMULATECOHERENTGWH_EUNIT, SIMULATECOHERENTGWH_MSGEUNIT );
370  if( CWsignal->shift ) {
371  ASSERT( XLALUnitCompare( &(CWsignal->shift->sampleUnits), &lalDimensionlessUnit ) == 0, stat, SIMULATECOHERENTGWH_EUNIT, SIMULATECOHERENTGWH_MSGEUNIT );
372  }
373  if ( transfer ) {
374  if ( XLALUnitMultiply( &(output->sampleUnits), &(CWsignal->a->sampleUnits), &(detector->transfer->sampleUnits) ) == NULL ) {
376  }
377  } else {
378  output->sampleUnits = CWsignal->a->sampleUnits;
379  }
380  if( snprintf( output->name, LALNameLength, "response to %s", CWsignal->a->name ) >= LALNameLength )
382  }
384  /* Define temporary variables to access the data of CWsignal->a,
385  CWsignal->f, and CWsignal->phi. */
386  aData = CWsignal->a->data->data;
387  phiData = CWsignal->phi->data->data;
388  outData = output->data->data;
389  if ( CWsignal->f )
390  fData = CWsignal->f->data->data;
391  else
392  fData = NULL;
393  if ( CWsignal->shift )
394  shiftData = CWsignal->shift->data->data;
395  else
396  shiftData = NULL;
398  /* Convert source position to equatorial coordinates, if
399  required. */
400  if ( detector->site ) {
401  source = CWsignal->position;
402  if ( source.system != COORDINATESYSTEM_EQUATORIAL ) {
403  ConvertSkyParams params; /* parameters for conversion */
404  EarthPosition location; /* location of detector */
405  params.gpsTime = &( output->epoch );
407  if ( source.system == COORDINATESYSTEM_HORIZON ) {
408  params.zenith = &( location.geodetic );
409  location.x = detector->site->location[0];
410  location.y = detector->site->location[1];
411  location.z = detector->site->location[2];
412  TRY( LALGeocentricToGeodetic( stat->statusPtr, &location ),
413  stat );
414  }
415  TRY( LALConvertSkyCoordinates( stat->statusPtr, &source,
416  &source, &params ), stat );
417  }
418  }
420  /* Generate the table of propagation delays.
421  dtDelayBy2 = (UINT4)( 38924.9/sqrt( output->f0 +
422  1.0/output->deltaT ) ); */
423  delayDt = output->deltaT/( 2.0*dtDelayBy2 );
424  nMax = (UINT4)( output->data->length*delayDt ) + 3;
425  TRY( LALDCreateVector( stat->statusPtr, &delay, nMax ), stat );
426  delayData = delay->data;
428  /* Compute delay from Earth centre. */
429  if ( detector->site ) {
430  LIGOTimeGPS gpsTime; /* detector time when we compute delay */
432  /* Arrange nested pointers, and set initial values. */
433  gpsTime = output->epoch;
434  gpsTime.gpsSeconds -= dtDelayBy2;
435  delayMin = delayMax = LAL_REARTH_SI / ( LAL_C_SI*output->deltaT );
436  delayMin *= -1;
438  /* Compute table. */
439  for ( i = 0; i < nMax; i++ ) {
440  REAL8 tDelay; /* propagation time */
441  tDelay = XLALTimeDelayFromEarthCenter( detector->site->location, source.longitude, source.latitude, &gpsTime );
442  BEGINFAIL( stat )
443  TRY( LALDDestroyVector( stat->statusPtr, &delay ), stat );
444  ENDFAIL( stat );
445  /* TimeDelayFromEarthCenter() measures propagation delay from
446  geocentre to detector, which is the opposite of what we want.
447  We also want it normalized. */
448  tDelay /= -output->deltaT;
449  delayData[i] = tDelay;
450  if ( tDelay < delayMin )
451  delayMin = tDelay;
452  if ( tDelay > delayMax )
453  delayMax = tDelay;
454  gpsTime.gpsSeconds += 2*dtDelayBy2;
455  }
456  }
458  /* No information from which to compute delays. */
459  else {
460  LALInfo( stat, "Detector site absent; simulating hplus with no"
461  " propagation delays" );
462  memset( delayData, 0, nMax*sizeof(REAL8) );
463  delayMin = delayMax = 0.0;
464  }
466  /* Generate the table of polarization response functions. */
467  polDt = output->deltaT/( 2.0*dtPolBy2 );
468  nMax = (UINT4)( output->data->length*polDt ) + 3;
469  memset( &polResponse, 0, sizeof( LALDetAMResponseSeries ) );
470  polResponse.pPlus = (REAL4TimeSeries *)
471  LALMalloc( sizeof(REAL4TimeSeries) );
472  polResponse.pCross = (REAL4TimeSeries *)
473  LALMalloc( sizeof(REAL4TimeSeries) );
474  polResponse.pScalar = (REAL4TimeSeries *)
475  LALMalloc( sizeof(REAL4TimeSeries) );
476  if ( !polResponse.pPlus || !polResponse.pCross ||
477  !polResponse.pScalar ) {
478  if ( polResponse.pPlus )
479  LALFree( polResponse.pPlus );
480  if ( polResponse.pCross )
481  LALFree( polResponse.pCross );
482  if ( polResponse.pScalar )
483  LALFree( polResponse.pScalar );
484  TRY( LALDDestroyVector( stat->statusPtr, &delay ), stat );
487  }
488  memset( polResponse.pPlus, 0, sizeof(REAL4TimeSeries) );
489  memset( polResponse.pCross, 0, sizeof(REAL4TimeSeries) );
490  memset( polResponse.pScalar, 0, sizeof(REAL4TimeSeries) );
491  LALSCreateVector( stat->statusPtr, &( polResponse.pPlus->data ),
492  nMax );
493  BEGINFAIL( stat ) {
494  LALFree( polResponse.pPlus );
495  LALFree( polResponse.pCross );
496  LALFree( polResponse.pScalar );
497  TRY( LALDDestroyVector( stat->statusPtr, &delay ), stat );
498  } ENDFAIL( stat );
499  LALSCreateVector( stat->statusPtr, &( polResponse.pCross->data ),
500  nMax );
501  BEGINFAIL( stat ) {
503  &( polResponse.pPlus->data ) ), stat );
504  LALFree( polResponse.pPlus );
505  LALFree( polResponse.pCross );
506  LALFree( polResponse.pScalar );
507  TRY( LALDDestroyVector( stat->statusPtr, &delay ), stat );
508  } ENDFAIL( stat );
509  LALSCreateVector( stat->statusPtr, &( polResponse.pScalar->data ),
510  nMax );
511  BEGINFAIL( stat ) {
513  &( polResponse.pPlus->data ) ), stat );
515  &( polResponse.pCross->data ) ), stat );
516  LALFree( polResponse.pPlus );
517  LALFree( polResponse.pCross );
518  LALFree( polResponse.pScalar );
519  TRY( LALDDestroyVector( stat->statusPtr, &delay ), stat );
520  } ENDFAIL( stat );
521  plusData = polResponse.pPlus->data->data;
522  crossData = polResponse.pCross->data->data;
523  if ( detector->site ) {
524  LALSource polSource; /* position and polarization angle */
525  LALDetAndSource input; /* response input structure */
526  LALTimeIntervalAndNSample params; /* response parameter structure */
528  /* Arrange nested pointers, and set initial values. */
529  polSource.equatorialCoords = source;
530  polSource.orientation = (REAL8)( CWsignal->psi );
531  input.pSource = &polSource;
532  input.pDetector = detector->site;
533  params.epoch = output->epoch;
534  params.epoch.gpsSeconds -= dtPolBy2;
535  params.deltaT = 2.0*dtPolBy2;
536  params.nSample = nMax;
538  /* Compute table of responses. */
539  LALComputeDetAMResponseSeries( stat->statusPtr, &polResponse,
540  &input, &params );
541  BEGINFAIL( stat ) {
543  &( polResponse.pPlus->data ) ), stat );
545  &( polResponse.pCross->data ) ), stat );
547  &( polResponse.pScalar->data ) ), stat );
548  LALFree( polResponse.pPlus );
549  LALFree( polResponse.pCross );
550  LALFree( polResponse.pScalar );
551  TRY( LALDDestroyVector( stat->statusPtr, &delay ), stat );
552  } ENDFAIL( stat );
553  } else {
554  /* No detector site, so just simulate response to hplus. */
555  for ( i = 0; i < nMax; i++ ) {
556  plusData[i] = 1.0;
557  crossData[i] = 0.0;
558  }
559  }
560  /* Free memory for the unused scalar mode. */
562  &( polResponse.pScalar->data ) ), stat );
563  LALFree( polResponse.pScalar );
565  /* Decompose the transfer function into an amplitude and phase
566  response. */
567  if ( transfer ) {
568  nMax = detector->transfer->data->length;
569  LALSCreateVector( stat->statusPtr, &phiTemp, nMax );
570  BEGINFAIL( stat ) {
571  TRY( LALDDestroyVector( stat->statusPtr, &delay ), stat );
573  &( polResponse.pPlus->data ) ), stat );
575  &( polResponse.pCross->data ) ), stat );
576  LALFree( polResponse.pPlus );
577  LALFree( polResponse.pCross );
578  } ENDFAIL( stat );
579  LALCVectorAngle( stat->statusPtr, phiTemp,
580  detector->transfer->data );
581  BEGINFAIL( stat ) {
582  TRY( LALDDestroyVector( stat->statusPtr, &delay ), stat );
583  TRY( LALSDestroyVector( stat->statusPtr, &phiTemp ), stat );
585  &( polResponse.pPlus->data ) ), stat );
587  &( polResponse.pCross->data ) ), stat );
588  LALFree( polResponse.pPlus );
589  LALFree( polResponse.pCross );
590  } ENDFAIL( stat );
591  LALSCreateVector( stat->statusPtr, &phiTransfer, nMax );
592  BEGINFAIL( stat ) {
593  TRY( LALDDestroyVector( stat->statusPtr, &delay ), stat );
594  TRY( LALSDestroyVector( stat->statusPtr, &phiTemp ), stat );
596  &( polResponse.pPlus->data ) ), stat );
598  &( polResponse.pCross->data ) ), stat );
599  LALFree( polResponse.pPlus );
600  LALFree( polResponse.pCross );
601  } ENDFAIL( stat );
602  LALUnwrapREAL4Angle( stat->statusPtr, phiTransfer, phiTemp );
603  BEGINFAIL( stat ) {
604  TRY( LALDDestroyVector( stat->statusPtr, &delay ), stat );
605  TRY( LALSDestroyVector( stat->statusPtr, &phiTemp ), stat );
606  TRY( LALSDestroyVector( stat->statusPtr, &phiTransfer ), stat );
608  &( polResponse.pPlus->data ) ), stat );
610  &( polResponse.pCross->data ) ), stat );
611  LALFree( polResponse.pPlus );
612  LALFree( polResponse.pCross );
613  } ENDFAIL( stat );
614  TRY( LALSDestroyVector( stat->statusPtr, &phiTemp ), stat );
615  LALSCreateVector( stat->statusPtr, &aTransfer, nMax );
616  BEGINFAIL( stat ) {
617  TRY( LALDDestroyVector( stat->statusPtr, &delay ), stat );
618  TRY( LALSDestroyVector( stat->statusPtr, &phiTransfer ), stat );
620  &( polResponse.pPlus->data ) ), stat );
622  &( polResponse.pCross->data ) ), stat );
623  LALFree( polResponse.pPlus );
624  LALFree( polResponse.pCross );
625  } ENDFAIL( stat );
626  LALCVectorAbs( stat->statusPtr, aTransfer,
627  detector->transfer->data );
628  BEGINFAIL( stat ) {
629  TRY( LALDDestroyVector( stat->statusPtr, &delay ), stat );
630  TRY( LALSDestroyVector( stat->statusPtr, &phiTransfer ), stat );
631  TRY( LALSDestroyVector( stat->statusPtr, &aTransfer ), stat );
633  &( polResponse.pPlus->data ) ), stat );
635  &( polResponse.pCross->data ) ), stat );
636  LALFree( polResponse.pPlus );
637  LALFree( polResponse.pCross );
638  } ENDFAIL( stat );
639  phiTransData = phiTransfer->data;
640  aTransData = aTransfer->data;
641  }
643  /* Compute offsets for interpolating the signal, delay, and
644  response functions. */
645  aOff = ( output->epoch.gpsSeconds -
646  CWsignal->a->epoch.gpsSeconds ) /
647  CWsignal->a->deltaT;
648  aOff += ( output->epoch.gpsNanoSeconds -
649  CWsignal->a->epoch.gpsNanoSeconds ) * 1.0e-9 /
650  CWsignal->a->deltaT;
651  phiOff = ( output->epoch.gpsSeconds -
652  CWsignal->phi->epoch.gpsSeconds ) /
653  CWsignal->phi->deltaT;
654  phiOff += ( output->epoch.gpsNanoSeconds -
655  CWsignal->phi->epoch.gpsNanoSeconds ) * 1.0e-9 /
656  CWsignal->phi->deltaT;
657  if ( CWsignal->f ) {
658  fOff = ( output->epoch.gpsSeconds -
659  CWsignal->f->epoch.gpsSeconds ) /
660  CWsignal->f->deltaT;
661  fOff += ( output->epoch.gpsNanoSeconds -
662  CWsignal->f->epoch.gpsNanoSeconds ) * 1.0e-9 /
663  CWsignal->f->deltaT;
664  } else
665  fOff = 0.0;
666  if ( CWsignal->shift ) {
667  shiftOff = ( output->epoch.gpsSeconds -
668  CWsignal->shift->epoch.gpsSeconds ) /
669  CWsignal->shift->deltaT;
670  shiftOff += ( output->epoch.gpsNanoSeconds -
671  CWsignal->shift->epoch.gpsNanoSeconds ) * 1.0e-9 /
672  CWsignal->shift->deltaT;
673  } else
674  shiftOff = 0.0;
675  polOff = 0.5;
676  delayOff = 0.5;
678  /* Compute initial value of i, ensuring that we will never index
679  CWsignal->a or CWsignal->phi below their range. */
680  i = 0;
681  if ( aOff + ( i + delayMin )*aDt < 0.0 ) {
682  INT4 j = (INT4)floor( -aOff/aDt - delayMax );
683  if ( i < j )
684  i = j;
685  while ( ( i < (INT4)( output->data->length ) ) &&
686  ( aOff + TCENTRE( i )*aDt < 0.0 ) )
687  i++;
688  }
689  if ( phiOff + ( i + delayMin )*phiDt < 0.0 ) {
690  INT4 j = (INT4)( -phiOff/phiDt - delayMax );
691  if ( i < j )
692  i = j;
693  while ( ( i < (INT4)( output->data->length ) ) &&
694  ( phiOff + TCENTRE( i )*phiDt < 0.0 ) )
695  i++;
696  }
697  if ( i >= (INT4)( output->data->length ) ) {
698  LALWarning( stat, "Signal starts after the end of the output"
699  " time series." );
700  i = (INT4)( output->data->length );
701  }
703  /* Compute final value of i, ensuring that we will never index
704  CWsignal->a or CWsignal->phi above their range. */
705  n = output->data->length - 1;
706  nMax = CWsignal->a->data->length - 1;
707  if ( aOff + ( n + delayMax )*aDt > nMax ) {
708  INT4 j = (INT4)( ( nMax - aOff )/aDt - delayMin + 1.0 );
709  if ( n > j )
710  n = j;
711  while ( ( n >= 0 ) &&
712  ( (INT4)floor(aOff + TCENTRE( n )*aDt) > nMax ) )
713  n--;
714  }
715  nMax = CWsignal->phi->data->length - 1;
716  if ( phiOff + ( n + delayMax )*phiDt > nMax ) {
717  INT4 j = (INT4)( ( nMax - phiOff )/phiDt - delayMin + 1.0 );
718  if ( n > j )
719  n = j;
720  while ( ( n >= 0 ) &&
721  ( (INT4)floor(phiOff + TCENTRE( n )*phiDt) > nMax ) )
722  n--;
723  }
724  if ( n < 0 ) {
725  LALWarning( stat, "CWsignal ends before the start of the output"
726  " time series." );
727  n = -1;
728  }
730  /* Compute the values of i for which CWsignal->f is given. */
731  if ( CWsignal->f ) {
732  fInit = i;
733  if ( fOff + ( fInit + delayMin )*fDt < 0.0 ) {
734  INT4 j = (INT4)floor( -fOff/fDt - delayMax );
735  if ( fInit < j )
736  fInit = j;
737  while ( ( fInit <= n ) &&
738  ( fOff + TCENTRE( fInit )*fDt < 0.0 ) )
739  fInit++;
740  }
741  fFinal = n;
742  nMax = CWsignal->f->data->length - 1;
743  if ( fOff + ( fFinal + delayMax )*fDt > nMax ) {
744  INT4 j = (INT4)( ( nMax - fOff )/fDt - delayMin + 1.0 );
745  if ( fFinal > j )
746  fFinal = j;
747  while ( ( fFinal >= i ) &&
748  ( (INT4)floor(fOff + TCENTRE( fFinal )*fDt) > nMax ) )
749  fFinal--;
750  }
751  } else {
752  fInit = n + 1;
753  fFinal = i - 1;
754  }
756  /* Compute the values of i for which CWsignal->shift is given. */
757  if ( CWsignal->shift ) {
758  shiftInit = i;
759  if ( shiftOff + ( shiftInit + delayMin )*shiftDt < 0.0 ) {
760  INT4 j = (INT4)floor( -shiftOff/shiftDt - delayMax );
761  if ( shiftInit < j )
762  shiftInit = j;
763  while ( ( shiftInit <= n ) &&
764  ( shiftOff + TCENTRE( shiftInit )*shiftDt < 0.0 ) )
765  shiftInit++;
766  }
767  shiftFinal = n;
768  nMax = CWsignal->shift->data->length - 1;
769  if ( shiftOff + ( shiftFinal + delayMax )*shiftDt > nMax ) {
770  INT4 j = (INT4)( ( nMax - shiftOff )/shiftDt - delayMin + 1.0 );
771  if ( shiftFinal > j )
772  shiftFinal = j;
773  while ( ( shiftFinal >= i ) &&
774  ( (INT4)floor(shiftOff + TCENTRE( shiftFinal )*shiftDt) > nMax ) )
775  shiftFinal--;
776  }
777  } else {
778  shiftInit = n + 1;
779  shiftFinal = i - 1;
780  }
782  /* Set output to zero where the CWsignal is not defined. */
783  if ( i > 0 )
784  memset( output->data->data, 0, i*sizeof(REAL4) );
785  if ( ( nMax = output->data->length - n - 1 ) > 0 )
786  memset( output->data->data + n + 1, 0, nMax*sizeof(REAL4) );
788  /* Keep track of the frequency range of the transfer function, so
789  that we don't try to interpolate it out of its range. */
790  if ( transfer )
791  nMax = detector->transfer->data->length - 1;
793  /* Start computing responses. */
794  for ( ; i <= n; i++ ) {
795  REAL8 iCentre = TCENTRE( i ); /* value of i + propagation delays */
796  REAL8 x; /* interpolation point in arrays */
797  INT4 j; /* array index preceding x */
798  REAL8 frac; /* value of x - j */
799  REAL4 a1, a2; /* current signal amplitudes */
800  REAL8 phi = 0.0; /* current signal phase */
801  REAL4 f = 0.0; /* current signal frequency */
802  REAL4 shift = 0.0; /* current signal polarization shift */
803  REAL4 aTrans, phiTrans; /* current values of the transfer function */
804  REAL4 oPlus, oCross; /* current output amplitudes */
806  REAL8 sp, cp, ss, cs; /* sine and cosine of shift and phase */
807 #endif
809  /* Interpolate the signal amplitude. */
810  x = aOff + iCentre*aDt;
811  j = (INT4)floor( x );
812  frac = (REAL8)( x - j );
813  j *= 2;
815  /* Handle special case where output lands on final sample - no interpolation */
816  if(i==n){
817  a1=aData[j];
818  a2=aData[j+1];
819  }
820  else
821  {
822  a1 = frac*aData[j+2] + ( 1.0 - frac )*aData[j];
823  a2 = frac*aData[j+3] + ( 1.0 - frac )*aData[j+1];
824  }
826  /* Interpolate the polarization shift. */
827  if ( ( i < shiftInit ) || ( i > shiftFinal ) )
828  shift = 0.0;
829  else {
830  x = shiftOff + iCentre*shiftDt;
831  j = (INT4)floor( x );
832  frac = (REAL8)( x - j );
833  if(i==n) shift=shiftData[j];
834  else shift = frac*shiftData[j+1] + ( 1.0 - frac )*shiftData[j];
835  }
837  /* Interpolate the signal phase, and apply any heterodyning. */
838  x = phiOff + iCentre*phiDt;
839  j = (INT4)floor( x );
840  frac = (REAL8)( x - j );
841  phi = frac*phiData[j+1] + ( 1.0 - frac )*phiData[j];
842  phi -= heteroFac*i + phi0;
844  /* Compute the frequency and apply the transfer function. */
845  if ( transfer ) {
846  if ( ( i < fInit ) || ( i > fFinal ) ) {
847  f = ( phiData[j+1] - phiData[j] )*phiFac;
848  pFlag = 1;
849  } else {
850  x = fOff + iCentre*fDt;
851  j = (INT4)floor( x );
852  frac = (REAL8)( x - j );
853  if(i==n) f=fData[j];
854  else f = frac*fData[j+1] + ( 1.0 - frac )*fData[j];
855  f *= fFac;
856  }
857  x = f - f0;
858  if ( ( x < 0.0 ) || ( x > nMax ) ) {
859  aTrans = 0.0;
860  phiTrans = 0.0;
861  fFlag = 1;
862  } else {
863  j = (INT4)floor( x );
864  frac = (REAL8)( x - j );
865  if(i==n)
866  {
867  aTrans=aTransData[j];
868  phiTrans=phiTransData[j];
869  } else
870  {
871  aTrans = frac*aTransData[j+1] + ( 1.0 - frac )*aTransData[j];
872  phiTrans = frac*phiTransData[j+1] + ( 1.0 - frac )*phiTransData[j];
873  }
874  }
875  a1 *= aTrans;
876  a2 *= aTrans;
877  phi += phiTrans;
878  }
880  /* Compute components of output. */
882  sincosp( shift, &ss, &cs );
883  sincosp( phi, &sp, &cp );
884  oPlus = a1*cs*cp - a2*ss*sp;
885  oCross = a1*ss*cp + a2*cs*sp;
886 #else
887  oPlus = a1*cos( shift )*cos( phi ) - a2*sin( shift )*sin( phi );
888  oCross = a1*sin( shift )*cos( phi ) + a2*cos( shift )*sin( phi );
889 #endif
891  /* Interpolate the polarization response, and compute output. */
892  x = polOff + i*polDt;
893  j = (INT4)floor( x );
894  frac = (REAL8)( x - j );
895  if(i==n)
896  {
897  oPlus*=plusData[j];
898  oCross*=crossData[j];
899  } else {
900  oPlus *= frac*plusData[j+1] + ( 1.0 - frac )*plusData[j];
901  oCross *= frac*crossData[j+1] + ( 1.0 - frac )*crossData[j];
902  }
904  outData[i] = oPlus + oCross;
905  }
907  /* Warn if we ever stepped outside of the frequency domain of the
908  transfer function, or if we had to estimate f from phi. */
909  if ( fFlag )
910  LALWarning( stat, "Signal passed outside of the frequency domain"
911  " of the transfer function (transfer function is"
912  " treated as zero outside its specified domain)" );
913  if ( pFlag )
914  LALInfo( stat, "Signal frequency was estimated by differencing"
915  " the signal phase" );
917  /* Cleanup and exit. */
918  TRY( LALDDestroyVector( stat->statusPtr, &delay ), stat );
919  if ( transfer ) {
920  TRY( LALSDestroyVector( stat->statusPtr, &phiTransfer ), stat );
921  TRY( LALSDestroyVector( stat->statusPtr, &aTransfer ), stat );
922  }
924  &( polResponse.pPlus->data ) ), stat );
926  &( polResponse.pCross->data ) ), stat );
927  LALFree( polResponse.pPlus );
928  LALFree( polResponse.pCross );
930  RETURN( stat );
932 } /* LALSimulateCoherentGW() */
934 /** \endcond */
#define LALInfo(statusptr, info)
Definition: LALError.h:110
#define LALWarning(statusptr, warning)
Definition: LALError.h:103
#define LALMalloc(n)
Definition: LALMalloc.h:93
#define LALFree(p)
Definition: LALMalloc.h:96
#define ABORT(statusptr, code, mesg)
#define ENDFAIL(statusptr)
#define TRY(func, statusptr)
#define ATTATCHSTATUSPTR(statusptr)
#define ASSERT(assertion, statusptr, code, mesg)
#define DETATCHSTATUSPTR(statusptr)
#define INITSTATUS(statusptr)
#define RETURN(statusptr)
#define BEGINFAIL(statusptr)
void LALSimulateCoherentGW(LALStatus *status, REAL4TimeSeries *output, CoherentGW *input, DetectorResponse *detector)
static double f(double theta, double y, double xi)
Definition: XLALMarcumQ.c:258
void LALComputeDetAMResponseSeries(LALStatus *status, LALDetAMResponseSeries *pResponseSeries, const LALDetAndSource *pDetAndSource, const LALTimeIntervalAndNSample *pTimeInfo)
Computes REAL4TimeSeries containing time series of response amplitudes.
Definition: DetResponse.c:526
#define LAL_C_SI
Speed of light in vacuum, m s^-1.
Definition: LALConstants.h:198
Earth equatorial radius, m.
Definition: LALConstants.h:416
#define LAL_REAL8_EPS
Difference between 1 and the next resolvable REAL8 2^-52.
Definition: LALConstants.h:61
#define LAL_TWOPI
2*pi is circumference of a circle divided by its radius
Definition: LALConstants.h:180
unsigned char BOOLEAN
Boolean logical type, see Headers LAL(Atomic)Datatypes.h for more details.
double REAL8
Double precision real floating-point number (8 bytes).
uint32_t UINT4
Four-byte unsigned integer.
int32_t INT4
Four-byte signed integer.
float REAL4
Single precision real floating-point number (4 bytes).
@ LALNameLength
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:508
void LALConvertSkyCoordinates(LALStatus *stat, SkyPosition *output, SkyPosition *input, ConvertSkyParams *params)
A horizon coordinate system.
The sky-fixed equatorial coordinate system.
void LALGeocentricToGeodetic(LALStatus *, EarthPosition *location)
double XLALTimeDelayFromEarthCenter(const double detector_earthfixed_xyz_metres[3], double source_right_ascension_radians, double source_declination_radians, const LIGOTimeGPS *gpstime)
Compute difference in arrival time of the same signal at detector and at center of Earth-fixed frame.
Definition: TimeDelay.c:83
int XLALUnitCompare(const LALUnit *unit1, const LALUnit *unit2)
Returns 0 if the the normal form of the two unit structures are the same or > 0 if they are different...
Definition: UnitCompare.c:90
const LALUnit lalHertzUnit
Hertz [Hz].
Definition: UnitDefs.c:171
const LALUnit lalDimensionlessUnit
dimensionless units
Definition: UnitDefs.c:156
LALUnit * XLALUnitMultiply(LALUnit *output, const LALUnit *unit1, const LALUnit *unit2)
This function multiplies together the LALUnit structures *(input->unitOne) and *(input->unitTwo),...
Definition: UnitMultiply.c:64
void LALDCreateVector(LALStatus *, REAL8Vector **, UINT4)
void LALDDestroyVector(LALStatus *, REAL8Vector **)
void LALSDestroyVector(LALStatus *, REAL4Vector **)
void LALSCreateVector(LALStatus *, REAL4Vector **, UINT4)
void LALCVectorAngle(LALStatus *, REAL4Vector *, const COMPLEX8Vector *)
Definition: VectorPolar.c:274
void LALCVectorAbs(LALStatus *, REAL4Vector *, const COMPLEX8Vector *)
Definition: VectorPolar.c:212
void LALUnwrapREAL4Angle(LALStatus *, REAL4Vector *, const REAL4Vector *)
Definition: VectorPolar.c:335
COMPLEX8Sequence * data
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:905
UINT4 length
Number of elements in array.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:167
COMPLEX8 * data
Pointer to the data array.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:168
REAL4TimeSeries * shift
SkyPosition position
REAL4TimeVectorSeries * a
REAL8TimeSeries * phi
REAL4TimeSeries * f
This structure stores parameters for the function LALConvertSkyPosition().
CoordinateSystem system
The coordinate system to which one is transforming.
SkyPosition * zenith
The position of the zenith of the horizon coordinate system; may be NULL if one is neither converting...
LIGOTimeGPS * gpsTime
The GPS time for conversions between Earth-fixed and sky-fixed coordinates; may be NULL if no such co...
LIGOTimeGPS heterodyneEpoch
COMPLEX8FrequencySeries * transfer
This structure stores the location of a point on (or near) the surface of the Earth in both geodetic ...
The Earth-fixed geocentric Cartesian coordinates of the point, in metres.
SkyPosition geodetic
The geographic coordinates of the upward vertical direction from the point; that is,...
This structure aggregates together three REAL4TimeSeries objects containing time series of detector A...
Definition: DetResponse.h:153
REAL4TimeSeries * pCross
timeseries of detector response to -polarized gravitational radiation
Definition: DetResponse.h:155
REAL4TimeSeries * pPlus
timeseries of detector response to -polarized gravitational radiation
Definition: DetResponse.h:154
REAL4TimeSeries * pScalar
timeseries of detector response to scalar gravitational radiation (NB: not yet implemented....
Definition: DetResponse.h:156
This structure aggregates a pointer to a LALDetector and a LALSource.
Definition: DetResponse.h:128
LALSource * pSource
Pointer to LALSource object containing information about the source.
Definition: DetResponse.h:130
const LALDetector * pDetector
Pointer to LALDetector object containing information about the detector.
Definition: DetResponse.h:129
REAL8 location[3]
The three components, in an Earth-fixed Cartesian coordinate system, of the position vector from the ...
Definition: LALDetectors.h:279
This structure contains gravitational wave source position (in Equatorial coördinates),...
Definition: DetResponse.h:105
SkyPosition equatorialCoords
equatorial coordinates of source, in decimal RADIANS
Definition: DetResponse.h:107
REAL8 orientation
Orientation angle ( ) of source: counter-clockwise angle -axis makes with a line perpendicular to mer...
Definition: DetResponse.h:108
LAL status structure, see The LALStatus structure for more details.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:947
struct tagLALStatus * statusPtr
Pointer to the next node in the list; NULL if this function is not reporting a subroutine error.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:954
This structure encapsulates time and sampling information for computing a LALDetAMResponseSeries.
Definition: DetResponse.h:168
LIGOTimeGPS epoch
The start time of the time series.
Definition: DetResponse.h:169
UINT4 nSample
The total number of samples to be computed.
Definition: DetResponse.h:171
REAL8 deltaT
The sampling interval , in seconds.
Definition: DetResponse.h:170
Epoch relative to GPS epoch, see LIGOTimeGPS type for more details.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:458
INT4 gpsSeconds
Seconds since 0h UTC 6 Jan 1980.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:459
INT4 gpsNanoSeconds
Residual nanoseconds.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:460
Time series of REAL4 data, see DATATYPE-TimeSeries types for more details.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:570
REAL4Sequence * data
The sequence of sampled data.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:576
LALUnit sampleUnits
The physical units of the quantity being sampled.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:575
REAL8 deltaT
The time step between samples of the time series in seconds.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:573
LIGOTimeGPS epoch
The start time of the time series.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:572
CHAR name[LALNameLength]
The name of the time series of vectors.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:674
REAL8 deltaT
The time step between samples of the time series of vectors in seconds.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:676
LALUnit sampleUnits
The physical units of the quantity being sampled.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:678
LIGOTimeGPS epoch
The start time of the time series of vectors.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:675
REAL4VectorSequence * data
The sequence of sampled data vectors.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:679
Vector of type REAL4, see DATATYPE-Vector types for more details.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:145
REAL4 * data
Pointer to the data array.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:150
UINT4 length
Number of elements in array.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:149
UINT4 vectorLength
The length n of each vector.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:336
REAL4 * data
Pointer to the data array.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:337
UINT4 length
The number l of vectors.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:335
REAL8Sequence * data
The sequence of sampled data.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:586
LALUnit sampleUnits
The physical units of the quantity being sampled.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:585
REAL8 deltaT
The time step between samples of the time series in seconds.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:583
LIGOTimeGPS epoch
The start time of the time series.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:582
Vector of type REAL8, see DATATYPE-Vector types for more details.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:154
REAL8 * data
Pointer to the data array.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:159
UINT4 length
Number of elements in array.
Definition: LALDatatypes.h:158
This structure stores the two spherical coordinates of a sky position; ie a generic latitude and long...
REAL8 longitude
The longitudinal coordinate (in radians), as defined above.
REAL8 latitude
The latitudinal coordinate (in radians), as defined above.
CoordinateSystem system
The coordinate system in which latitude/longitude are expressed.
void output(int gps_sec, int output_type)
Definition: tconvert.c:440