

Command line options

Usage: gstlal_inspiral_lnlrcdf_signal [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --f-low=Hertz         Low frequency cutoff.  Default is 15 Hz
                        Set the number of trials to run per injection.
                        Default is 1000.
  --xaxis-points=count  Specify the number of false-alarm rates for which to
                        compute the search volume.  Default is 500.
                        XML file containing injection template match
  -l URL, --likelihood-url=URL
                        Set the name of the likelihood ratio data file to use.
                        Can be given more than once.  Filenames and URLs are
                        accepted. (required).
  --output-file=URL     Text file of factored lnlrcdf_signal
  -v, --verbose         Be verbose (optional).