
Command line options

Usage: gstlal_ll_inspiral_plot_sensitivity [options] database.sqlite

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Path (including filename) of output png
  --base64              Save image as sensitivity_base64.txt in directory
                        program is run from, for use by gstlalcbcsummary in
                        online analysis
                        Path of cumulative segments file
                        Path of marginalized likelihood file
  --verbose             Be verbose
                        Minimum injection distance in Mpc
                        Maximum injection distance in Mpc
                        The end of the last interval of time which a simdb
                        query was downloaded for
                        Length in seconds of time to plot (warning: not
                        tested) [default 86400]
  --width=inches        width of output image in inches. [Default: 7.5]
  --height=inches       height of output image in inches. [Default: 4.5]