
A program to produce a variety of plots from a gstlal inspiral analysis, e.g. IFAR plots, missed found, etc. Command line options ——————–

Usage: gstlal_inspiral_plotsummary [options]

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Also get the list of databases to process from this
                        LAL cache.
  --user-tag=user-tag   Set the prefix for output filenames (default = "ALL").
                        Provide an output directory
  -f {"png","pdf","svg","eps",...}, --format={"png","pdf","svg","eps",...}
                        Set the output image format.  Can be given multiple
                        times (default = "png").
                        Shrink data segments by this much (on each side). e.g.
                        specifying 2 will shrink each datasegment by 4 seconds
                        Pad segments by this number of seconds (on both sides)
  --segments-name=name  Set the name of the segments that were analyzed
                        (default = "statevectorsegments").
  --vetoes-name=name    Set the name of the veto segments (default =
  --plot-group=number   Generate the given plot group.  Can be given multiple
                        times (default = make all plot groups)  0. Summary
                        Table (top 10 loudest events globally across all zero
                        lag triggers read in)  1. Missed Found (Scatter plots
                        of missed and found injections on several axes)  2.
                        Injection Parameter Accuracy Plots  3. Background Vs
                        Injection Plots (sngl detector triggers from coincs of
                        snr, chisq, bank chisq, ...)  4. Background Vs
                        Injection Plots pairwise (SNR instrument 1 vs.
                        instrument2, ...),  5. Rate Vs Threshold (SNR
                        histograms, IFAR histograms, ...)  6. Injection
                        Parameter Distribution Plots (The input parameters
                        that went into inspinj, like mass1 vs mass2, ...)
  --far-threshold=Hz    Set the FAR threshold for found injections (default =
                        1 / 30 days).
                        Path to the marginalized likelihood file.
  --remove-precession   Ignore precessing injections when generating
                        missed/found plots
  --isolate-precession  Only make missed/found plots for precessing injections
  -t path, --tmp-space=path
                        Path to a directory suitable for use as a work area
                        while manipulating the database file.  The database
                        file will be worked on in this directory, and then
                        moved to the final location when complete.  This
                        option is intended to improve performance when running
                        in a networked environment, where there might be a
                        local disk with higher bandwidth than is available to
                        the filesystem on which the final output will reside.
  -v, --verbose         Be verbose.