

$ gstlal_svd_bank_calc_psd –write-psd ./reproduce_svd_bank_psd.xml.gz \ –svd-bank-files H1-GSTLAL_SVD_BANK.xml.gz \ –svd-bank-files L1-GSTLAL_SVD_BANK.xml.gz \ –svd-bank-files V1-GSTLAL_SVD_BANK.xml.gz \ –verbose

Command line options

Usage: gstlal_svd_bank_calc_psd [options]

Reproduce the psd frequnecy arraies used for whitening a template bank from
the given svd bank files and dump it to a xml file.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --write-psd=filename  Write measured noise spectrum to this LIGO light-
                        weight XML file (required).
                        Set svd bank files from which to make psd xml file.
                        One can set this multiple times, e.g. --svd-bank-files
                        H1-SVD-BANK...xml.gz --svd-bank-files L1-SVD-
                        BANK...xml.gz --svd-bank-files V1-SVD-BANK...xml.gz.
  -v, --verbose         Be verbose (optional).