
A program to reset likelihood data after a burn in Command line options ——————–

Usage: gstlal_inspiral_reset_likelihood [options]

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Be verbose.
                        Write likelihood files to disk and include the names
                        in this cachefile file.
                        Write zerolag likelihood files to disk and include the
                        names in this cachefile file.
                        Add zerolag events to background before populating
                        coincident parameter PDF histograms
                        Skip adjusting the segments and ranking data. This
                        would make the entire use of this program a no op
                        unless --add-zerolag-to-background is used.  So you
                        have to do that.
                        Append to a list of segments and horizon distances for
                        a given instrument.  Argument specified as
                        IFO:start:end:horizon, e.g.,