class, maximum_frequency=inf, roll_off=0.2, notch_list=None)[source]

Bases: object

Strain data for an interferometer

__init__(minimum_frequency=0, maximum_frequency=inf, roll_off=0.2, notch_list=None)[source]

Initiate an InterferometerStrainData object

The initialised object contains no data, this should be added using one of the set_from.. methods.

minimum_frequency: float

Minimum frequency to analyse for detector. Default is 0.

maximum_frequency: float

Maximum frequency to analyse for detector. Default is infinity.

roll_off: float

The roll-off (in seconds) used in the Tukey window, default=0.2s. This corresponds to alpha * duration / 2 for scipy tukey window.


A list of notches

__call__(*args, **kwargs)

Call self as a function.


__init__([minimum_frequency, ...])

Initiate an InterferometerStrainData object

create_power_spectral_density(fft_length[, ...])

Use the time domain strain to generate a power spectral density


Low pass filter the data

set_from_channel_name(channel, duration, ...)

Set the frequency_domain_strain by fetching from given channel using gwpy.TimesSeries.get(), which dynamically accesses either frames on disk, or a remote NDS2 server to find and return data.


Set the strain data from a csv file

set_from_frame_file(frame_file, ...[, ...])

Set the frequency_domain_strain from a frame fiile

set_from_frequency_domain_strain(...[, ...])

Set the frequency_domain_strain from a numpy array


Set the strain data from a gwpy TimeSeries

set_from_open_data(name, start_time[, ...])

Set the strain data from open LOSC data

set_from_power_spectral_density(...[, ...])

Set the frequency_domain_strain by generating a noise realisation


Set the strain data from a time domain strain array

set_from_zero_noise(sampling_frequency, duration)

Set the frequency_domain_strain to zero noise

time_domain_window([roll_off, alpha])

Window function to apply to time domain data before FFTing.


Check if time is within the data span


Output the frequency series strain data as a gwpy.frequencyseries.FrequencySeries.


Output the time series strain data as a gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries.


Output the frequency series strain data as a LAL FrequencySeries object.


Output the time series strain data as a LAL TimeSeries object.


Output the frequency series strain data as a pycbc.types.frequencyseries.FrequencySeries.


Output the time series strain data as a pycbc.types.timeseries.TimeSeries.





Returns the frequency domain strain


Masking array for limiting the frequency band.


Force the maximum frequency be less than the Nyquist frequency




The time domain strain, in units of strain

create_power_spectral_density(fft_length, overlap=0, name='unknown', outdir=None, analysis_segment_start_time=None)[source]

Use the time domain strain to generate a power spectral density

This create a Tukey-windowed power spectral density and writes it to a PSD file.

fft_length: float

Duration of the analysis segment.

overlap: float

Number of seconds of overlap between FFTs.

name: str

The name of the detector, used in storing the PSD. Defaults to “unknown”.

outdir: str

The output directory to write the PSD file too. If not given, the PSD will not be written to file.

analysis_segment_start_time: float

The start time of the analysis segment, if given, this data will be removed before creating the PSD.

frequency_array, psdarray_like

The frequencies and power spectral density array

property frequency_domain_strain

Returns the frequency domain strain

This is the frequency domain strain normalised to units of strain / Hz, obtained by a one-sided Fourier transform of the time domain data, divided by the sampling frequency.

property frequency_mask

Masking array for limiting the frequency band.

mask: np.ndarray

An array of boolean values


Low pass filter the data

property maximum_frequency

Force the maximum frequency be less than the Nyquist frequency

set_from_channel_name(channel, duration, start_time, sampling_frequency)[source]

Set the frequency_domain_strain by fetching from given channel using gwpy.TimesSeries.get(), which dynamically accesses either frames on disk, or a remote NDS2 server to find and return data. This function also verifies that the specified channel is given in the correct format.

channel: str

Channel to look for using gwpy in the format IFO:Channel

duration: float

The data duration (in s)

start_time: float

The GPS start-time of the data

sampling_frequency: float

The sampling frequency (in Hz)


Set the strain data from a csv file

filename: str

The path to the file to read in

set_from_frame_file(frame_file, sampling_frequency, duration, start_time=0, channel=None, buffer_time=1)[source]

Set the frequency_domain_strain from a frame fiile

frame_file: str

File from which to load data.

channel: str

Channel to read from frame.

sampling_frequency: float

The sampling frequency (in Hz)

duration: float

The data duration (in s)

start_time: float

The GPS start-time of the data

buffer_time: float

Read in data with start_time-buffer_time and start_time+duration+buffer_time

set_from_frequency_domain_strain(frequency_domain_strain, sampling_frequency=None, duration=None, start_time=0, frequency_array=None)[source]

Set the frequency_domain_strain from a numpy array

frequency_domain_strain: array_like

The data to set.

sampling_frequency: float

The sampling frequency (in Hz).

duration: float

The data duration (in s).

start_time: float

The GPS start-time of the data.

frequency_array: array_like

The array of frequencies, if sampling_frequency and duration not given.


Set the strain data from a gwpy TimeSeries

This sets the time_domain_strain attribute, the frequency_domain_strain is automatically calculated after a low-pass filter and Tukey window is applied.

time_series: gwpy.timeseries.timeseries.TimeSeries

The data to use

set_from_open_data(name, start_time, duration=4, outdir='outdir', cache=True, **kwargs)[source]

Set the strain data from open LOSC data

This sets the time_domain_strain attribute, the frequency_domain_strain is automatically calculated after a low-pass filter and Tukey window is applied.

name: str

Detector name, e.g., ‘H1’.

start_time: float

Start GPS time of segment.

duration: float, optional

The total time (in seconds) to analyse. Defaults to 4s.

outdir: str

Directory where the psd files are saved

cache: bool, optional

Whether or not to store/use the acquired data.


All keyword arguments are passed to gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries.fetch_open_data().

set_from_power_spectral_density(power_spectral_density, sampling_frequency, duration, start_time=0)[source]

Set the frequency_domain_strain by generating a noise realisation


A PowerSpectralDensity object used to generate the data

sampling_frequency: float

The sampling frequency (in Hz)

duration: float

The data duration (in s)

start_time: float

The GPS start-time of the data

set_from_time_domain_strain(time_domain_strain, sampling_frequency=None, duration=None, start_time=0, time_array=None)[source]

Set the strain data from a time domain strain array

This sets the time_domain_strain attribute, the frequency_domain_strain is automatically calculated after a low-pass filter and Tukey window is applied.

time_domain_strain: array_like

An array of the time domain strain.

sampling_frequency: float

The sampling frequency (in Hz).

duration: float

The data duration (in s).

start_time: float

The GPS start-time of the data.

time_array: array_like

The array of times, if sampling_frequency and duration not given.

set_from_zero_noise(sampling_frequency, duration, start_time=0)[source]

Set the frequency_domain_strain to zero noise

sampling_frequency: float

The sampling frequency (in Hz)

duration: float

The data duration (in s)

start_time: float

The GPS start-time of the data

property time_domain_strain

The time domain strain, in units of strain

time_domain_window(roll_off=None, alpha=None)[source]

Window function to apply to time domain data before FFTing.

This defines self.window_factor as the power loss due to the windowing. See

roll_off: float

Rise time of window in seconds

alpha: float

Parameter to pass to tukey window, how much of segment falls into windowed part

window: array

Window function over time array


Check if time is within the data span

time: float

The time to check


A boolean stating whether the time is inside or outside the span


Output the frequency series strain data as a gwpy.frequencyseries.FrequencySeries.


Output the time series strain data as a gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries.


Output the frequency series strain data as a LAL FrequencySeries object.


Output the time series strain data as a LAL TimeSeries object.


Output the frequency series strain data as a pycbc.types.frequencyseries.FrequencySeries.


Output the time series strain data as a pycbc.types.timeseries.TimeSeries.