, start_time, end_time, resample=None, channel=None, buffer_time=0, **kwargs)[source]

A function which accesses the open strain data

This uses gwpy to download the open data and then saves a cached copy for later use

file_name: str

The name of the frame to read

start_time, end_time: float

The GPS time of the start and end of the data

buffer_time: float

Read in data with t1-buffer_time and end_time+buffer_time

channel: str

The name of the channel being searched for, some standard channel names are attempted if channel is not specified or if specified channel is not found.

resample: float

The sampling frequency to use for the TimeSeries in Hz


Passed to gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries.fetch_open_data

strain: gwpy.timeseries.TimeSeries