
Convert parameters we have into parameters we need.

This is defined by the parameters of bilby.source.lal_binary_black_hole()

Mass: mass_1, mass_2 Spin: a_1, a_2, tilt_1, tilt_2, phi_12, phi_jl Extrinsic: luminosity_distance, theta_jn, phase, ra, dec, geocent_time, psi Tidal: lambda_1, lamda_2, lambda_tilde, delta_lambda_tilde

This involves popping a lot of things from parameters. The keys in added_keys should be popped after evaluating the waveform. For details on tidal parameters see

parameters: dict

dictionary of parameter values to convert into the required parameters

converted_parameters: dict

dict of the required parameters

added_keys: list

keys which are added to parameters during function call